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ACGSI - Allen County Deed Index

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Parties to the Deed                                                YearDeed Book
Giann, CorneliusfromBrown, Wm. H.186947:318Link to document image
Gianr, PeterfromGiant, Joseph1889116:639Link to document image
Giant, Frank (Et al.)toGiant, Jacob1902167:200Link to document image
Giant, JacobfromBuck, Chas. W.1892125:165Link to document image
Giant, JacobtoFt. W. Van Wert & Lima Tract. Co.1902170:25Link to document image
Giant, JacobtoFt. W. VanWert & Lima Tr. Co.1902170:108Link to document image
Giant, JacobtoFt. W. VanWert & Lima Tr. Co.1902170:116Link to document image
Giant, JacobfromGerardot, Lewis187565:8Link to document image
Giant, JacobfromGiant, Frank (Et al.)1902167:200Link to document image
Giant, JacobfromGiant, Joseph1902168:296Link to document image
Giant, JacobfromMonnier, Eli (Et al.)1902167:201Link to document image
Giant, JacobfromWatson, Sarah A.187772:52Link to document image
Giant, Jacob (Et al.)toGiant, Joseph1902167:199Link to document image
Giant, Jacob (Et al.)toLorane, Catharine1902167:224Link to document image
Giant, Jacob (Et al.)toMonnier, Eli A.1902167:225Link to document image
Giant, JosephfromAnspach, Jno. P. (Et.)1891122:354Link to document image
Giant, JosephtoBohner, Louis1892128:107Link to document image
Giant, JosephfromCayot, Louie J. (Et al.)1901163:477Link to document image
Giant, JosephtoGianr, Peter1889116:639Link to document image
Giant, JosephtoGiant, Jacob1902168:296Link to document image
Giant, JosephfromGiant, Jacob (Et al.)1902167:199Link to document image
Giant, JosephtoGiant, Joseph Jr.1891121:577Link to document image
Giant, JosephfromGilbert, Carl J. (Et ux.)1891124:462Link to document image
Giant, JosephfromHigh, Elizabeth1895136:180Link to document image
Giant, JosephtoLongardner, George1897147:342Link to document image
Giant, JosephtoMiller, Jno.P.186948:345Link to document image
Giant, JosephfromRoose, Chas. (Et al.)1891122:354Link to document image
Giant, Joseph Jr.fromGiant, Joseph1891121:577Link to document image
Giant, Joseph Jr.fromMonnier, Eli. (Et al.)1902167:198Link to document image
Giant, JosephinefromGiant, Peter1889117:1Link to document image
Giant, JosephinetoMonnier, Eli A.1891120:140Link to document image
Giant, NicholasfromGarardo, Emma1902171:26Link to document image
Giant, PetertoGiant, Josephine1889117:1Link to document image
Gibbon, JohnfromAuditor186642:386Link to document image
Gibbon, JohnfromAuditor186742:386Link to document image
Gibbs, M. D.toMowrer, Isaac188183:591Link to document image
Gibert, Christian L.fromFrance, France1890115:38Link to document image
Gibert, FrankfromFreistroffer, Simon1894133:409Link to document image
Gibert, FranktoWickliffe, J. E.188599:416Link to document image
Gibert, FranktoWickliffe, J. E.188599:416Link to document image
Gibert, FranktoWickliffe, Jennie1886100:52Link to document image
Gibert, FranktoWickliffe, Jennie1886100:52Link to document image
Gibert, FrankfromWickliffe, M. S.188599:415Link to document image
Gibert, FredtoDevaux, David1884100:23Link to document image
Gibert, FredtoDevaux, David1884100:23Link to document image
Gibert, FredfromDevaux, David188495:218Link to document image
Gibert, FrederickfromChausee, Aneedee186331:25Link to document image
Gibert, FrederickfromLemay, Elijah186640:310Link to document image
Gibert, Jno. F.fromHazlett, Thomas187051:208Link to document image
Gibert, Jno. F.fromMeyer, John188079:262Link to document image
Gibford, Abe.fromHouse, Thos.186229:116Link to document image
Gibford, AbrahamtoBloomhuff, Sidney C.186229:15Link to document image
Gibford, AbrahamfromChardon, Stephen1855S:636Link to document image
Gibford, AbrahamtoMonger, Marvin C.186229:142Link to document image
Gibford, AbrahamtoParent, Hiram I.186537:237Link to document image
Gibford, Cath.fromBloomhuff, S. C.186537:453Link to document image
Gibford, CatharinefromPhillips, Lewis186641:180Link to document image
Gibford, CatherinefromBloomhuff, C.186231:476Link to document image
Gibford, SimpsonfromBowman, Benjamin1855S:373Link to document image
Gibson & StrongfromNinde, G. M. (Admr.)187152:467Link to document image
Gibson, AbrahamtoBloomhuff, Sidney C.186432:388Link to document image
Gibson, Andrew EdwardfromGibson, David N.1902167:457Link to document image
Gibson, Chas. A.fromOBrien, Patrick187978:357Link to document image
Gibson, Clark (Et al.)toDewitt, D. W.188193:552Link to document image
Gibson, DanielfromCourdway, Louis J.1899155:417Link to document image
Gibson, DavidtoBower, M. & P.188496:98Link to document image
Gibson, DavidtoGibson, Francis (Sr.)186434:253Link to document image
Gibson, DavidtoHarber, Martin188289:583Link to document image
Gibson, DavidfromKumfer, Martin187566:280Link to document image
Gibson, DavidfromMcMillan, John188080:92Link to document image
Gibson, DavidfromMiller, W. H. H. (Comr.)186742:568Link to document image
Gibson, DavidfromNolan, Ann188392:125Link to document image
Gibson, DavidtoSchutt, L. C.188289:51Link to document image
Gibson, DavidfromShammerle, Fredk.187463:620Link to document image
Gibson, DavidtoShammule, Fredk.187463:621Link to document image
Gibson, DavidfromSheriff187874:381Link to document image
Gibson, David (Ex.)toSeymour, C. A.188081:71Link to document image
Gibson, David (ex.)toZuber, B.187667:215Link to document image
Gibson, David (Sr.)fromGibson, Francis (Sr.)186434:335Link to document image
Gibson, David N.toGibson, Andrew Edward1902167:457Link to document image
Gibson, David N.fromGroman, Geo. A.1895138:331Link to document image
Gibson, ElizabethfromSonead, Albert187256:484Link to document image
Gibson, F. (Sr.)toSorg, Peter187256:417Link to document image
Gibson, F. J.fromGibson, George1894132:433Link to document image
Gibson, F. J.fromGibson, Mary M.1894132:433Link to document image
Gibson, F. J.toGibson, Mary M.1894135:220Link to document image
Gibson, F. X.from186543:118Link to document image
Gibson, F. X.fromHanna, Saml.186330:136Link to document image
Gibson, F. X.fromTaylor, John186543:120Link to document image
Gibson, F. X.fromTaylor, John186643:119Link to document image
Gibson, F. X.toTaylor, John186846:474Link to document image
Gibson, Fannie M.fromAmes, Geo. W.1892124:527Link to document image
Gibson, FrancesfromConnet, John W.1857U:451Link to document image
Gibson, FrancisfromHarris, Elisha1857U:452Link to document image
Gibson, FrancistoKelly, Thomas186434:358Link to document image
Gibson, FrancisfromSheriff186228:394Link to document image
Gibson, Francis (Sr.)fromGibson, David186434:253Link to document image
Gibson, Francis (Sr.)toGibson, David (Sr.)186434:335Link to document image
Gibson, Francis (Will of)to187367:215Link to document image
Gibson, Francis H.toQuidore, Martha J.186641:481Link to document image
Gibson, FranktoCramer, S. & T.187256:170Link to document image
Gibson, Frank X.fromGouty, Thomas A.186640:544Link to document image
Gibson, Frank X.toGraffe, Frederick186743:121Link to document image
Gibson, Frank X.toGraffe, George W.186743:121Link to document image
Gibson, Frank X.toWork, Robert186740:556Link to document image
Gibson, Geo.fromEmerick, Jacob188598:498Link to document image
Gibson, Geo.toKinder, Nicholas188598:468Link to document image
Gibson, Geo. M.toCline, Jno.188599:405Link to document image
Gibson, Geo. M.toCline, Jno.188599:405Link to document image
Gibson, GeorgetoGibson, F. J.1894132:433Link to document image
Gibson, GeorgefromHeckbur, Jacob187359:54Link to document image
Gibson, H. I.fromFleming, F. G.188286:490Link to document image
Gibson, H. I. (Et al.)toAber, D. J. & S.188289:215Link to document image
Gibson, HenryfromGibson, Jno. (Ex.)1886101:336Link to document image
Gibson, HenryfromTillman, Lucinda A.1900158:60Link to document image
Gibson, Henry D.fromDrew, Elizabeth1902167:332Link to document image
Gibson, I.toSmith, J. L.188288:313Link to document image
Gibson, J. C.fromBroom, Jane & E.186537:327Link to document image
Gibson, J. M.toGibson, Sarah A.188289:410Link to document image
Gibson, J. W. (Et al.)fromMiddaugh, Emma1900159:394Link to document image
Gibson, J. W. (Et al.)fromMorton, George A.1900159:393Link to document image
Gibson, James H.toGibson, Nancy A (heirs)187462:479Link to document image
Gibson, Jno.fromOhneck, Jno. J.1886100:429Link to document image
Gibson, Jno. (Ex.)toGibson, Henry1886101:336Link to document image
Gibson, Jno. C.fromBristol, A. E.186126:549Link to document image
Gibson, Jno. C.fromBristol, Orla H.186126:549Link to document image
Gibson, Jno. F.toHenry, F. J.188290:43Link to document image
Gibson, Jno. M.fromGault, G. S.188289:179Link to document image
Gibson, Jno. M.fromGibson, S. A. (Et al.)188289:179Link to document image
Gibson, Jno. M.fromGibson, Wm.188393:14Link to document image
Gibson, Jno. W. (Et al.)fromVachon, Thomas1890117:616Link to document image
Gibson, Jno. W. (Et al.)fromVachon, Zachariah1890118:44Link to document image
Gibson, JohnfromBoyles, John186743:123Link to document image
Gibson, JohntoChristian, John187254:420Link to document image
Gibson, JohnfromEvers, Henry1895140:245Link to document image
Gibson, JohntoEvers, Serah1895140:246Link to document image
Gibson, JohnfromFisher, R. J.1890117:485Link to document image
Gibson, JohntoGibson, John D. (Et al.)1896142:39Link to document image
Gibson, JohnfromHiser, Fred1887104:371Link to document image
Gibson, JohnfromKlingenburger, Jos.187256:275Link to document image
Gibson, JohntoOhneck, Margaret1886103:401Link to document image
Gibson, JohnfromShaughnessy, Thos.186435:265Link to document image
Gibson, JohntoStenbacker, M.187254:421Link to document image
Gibson, JohnfromZem, Sophile187359:493Link to document image
Gibson, John (Et al.)fromBaldwin, Timothy1897148:53Link to document image
Gibson, John C.toFisher, Jacob (Trustee)186141:145Link to document image
Gibson, John C.toLechner, Sarah J. (Et al.)1897144:284Link to document image
Gibson, John C. (Et ux.)toKenark, William1891120:40Link to document image
Gibson, John D. (Et al.)fromGibson, John1896142:39Link to document image
Gibson, John M.toEmenhiser, Jos. A.1889118:350Link to document image
Gibson, John M.fromEmenhiser, Jos. A.1890118:415Link to document image
Gibson, John M.fromGibson, Samuel a.187574:45Link to document image
Gibson, John M.fromSommers, Druzilla1892127:399Link to document image
Gibson, John M. (Et ux.)fromMcMahon, Thomas1890121:99Link to document image
Gibson, Jos. H. (Et al.)fromGibson, William1896140:134Link to document image
Gibson, JosephfromMaloy, Patrick1860Y:353Link to document image
Gibson, LewistoPierce, Everett187153:304Link to document image
Gibson, Lewis (Et al.)toPierce, Everett1887105:227Link to document image
Gibson, M. J.fromWolke, F. H. (Trustee)188288:327Link to document image
Gibson, MaryfromDegits, Mary188494:571Link to document image
Gibson, MarytoKay, Amanda1891122:95Link to document image
Gibson, MaryfromKoehler, Emma M.1894132:76Link to document image
Gibson, MaryfromTaylor, John186846:475Link to document image
Gibson, Mary (Et al.)toSomers, Nancy188495:153Link to document image
Gibson, Mary J.toBaer, August1890115:353Link to document image
Gibson, Mary J.toMiller, John H.1891120:405Link to document image
Gibson, Mary JanefromLocke, Josiah188393:135Link to document image
Gibson, Mary JanefromPrezinger, Jacob R.188393:136Link to document image
Gibson, Mary M.toGibson, F. J.1894132:433Link to document image
Gibson, Mary M.fromGibson, F. J.1894135:220Link to document image
Gibson, Nancy A (heirs)fromGibson, James H.187462:479Link to document image
Gibson, S. A. (Et al.)toGibson, Jno. M.188289:179Link to document image
Gibson, S. A. (Et al.)toGibson, S. R.188289:409Link to document image
Gibson, S. A. Jr.fromRobinson, Saml.186699:527Link to document image
Gibson, S. R.fromGault, G. S.188289:409Link to document image
Gibson, S. R.toGault, Geo. S.1887103:272Link to document image
Gibson, S. R.fromGibson, S. A. (Et al.)188289:409Link to document image
Gibson, SamueltoRobinson, Samuel186645:8Link to document image
Gibson, Samuel a.toGibson, John M.187574:45Link to document image
Gibson, Samuel C.toBowman, Minnie V.1902167:548Link to document image
Gibson, Samuel C.fromClemens, Minnie G.1902167:546Link to document image
Gibson, Samuel C.fromHanna, Samuel Fred (Et al.)1902167:547Link to document image
Gibson, Sarah A.toFilling, Lizetta1885102:511Link to document image
Gibson, Sarah A.fromGault, G. S.188289:410Link to document image
Gibson, Sarah A.fromGibson, J. M.188289:410Link to document image
Gibson, Sarah A.fromHawkins, Sedelia R.1895144:454Link to document image
Gibson, Sarah A.toPeckham, Sarah A.1897148:439Link to document image
Gibson, Sarah A.fromTaylor, Oliver A.1898151:538Link to document image
Gibson, Sarah A. (Et al.)toGault, G. S. & J. D.188289:411Link to document image
Gibson, WilliamtoGibson, Jos. H. (Et al.)1896140:134Link to document image
Gibson, WilliamfromMay, Ezra1860Y:626Link to document image
Gibson, William H.fromMiller, John J.185626:306Link to document image
Gibson, Wm.toGibson, Jno. M.188393:14Link to document image
Gibson, Wm.toMcConnel, Jno.188393:355Link to document image
Gibson, Wm.fromMcConnel, Jno.188390:391Link to document image
Gibson, Wm.toSprague, Adaline1886101:21Link to document image
Gibson, Wm.toSprague, Adaline1886101:21Link to document image
Gibson, Wm.fromStephenson, T. L.1883101:20Link to document image
Gibson, Wm. H.fromBurns, Jno. D.185426:450Link to document image
Gibson, Wm. H.fromBurns, Jno. D.186026:452Link to document image
Gibson,JohntoBritzius, John187255:247Link to document image
Gick, GeorgetoDicke, Henry187976:479Link to document image
Gick, GeorgefromMeyers, Diedrick187463:585Link to document image
Gick, HenryfromZollinger, Henry C.1900157:20Link to document image
Gick, JohnfromFoster, Jno. G.187254:505Link to document image
Gick, LouisfromForce, Wm. M.1889114:121Link to document image
Giddings, F. S. & Co.fromBach, Nelson187978:44Link to document image
Giddings, F. S. & Co.fromMason, Josephus S.187875:224Link to document image
Giddings, F. S. (Et al.)toAuer, Jacob188394:93Link to document image
Giddings, F. S. (Et al.)toSunderman, Henry188394:90Link to document image
Giddings, F. s. (Et al.)fromTrier, Conrad188286:578Link to document image
Giddings, F. S. (Trus.)fromEwert, David J.1891120:243Link to document image
Giddings, Fred S.toEwert, Robert1891122:241Link to document image
Gideon, DickersontoDickerson, Gideon (Jr.)186435:42Link to document image
Gideon, Frank E.fromBrady, Peter P.1902166:194Link to document image
Gideon, Frank E.toJones, Thomas A.1902171:14Link to document image
Gidfrey, Jas. P.fromParks, Volney1892124:346Link to document image
Gidley, John A.fromGidley, Rich. (Et al.)1891121:485Link to document image
Gidley, John A.fromPietz, Mary A. (Et al.)1891121:485Link to document image
Gidley, John A.fromSchmoe, Rosa M. (Et al.)1891121:485Link to document image
Gidley, John A.fromSchmoe, Rosa M. (Et al.)1891121:486Link to document image
Gidley, RebeccafromBond, S. B.186536:488Link to document image
Gidley, RebeccatoGidley, Richard A. (Et al.)1890116:634Link to document image
Gidley, RebeccafromPietz, Mary A. (Et al.)1890116:635Link to document image
Gidley, Rich O. (Et al.)toPietz, Mary A.1891121:486Link to document image
Gidley, Rich. (Et al.)toGidley, John A.1891121:485Link to document image
Gidley, Richard A. (Et al.)fromGidley, Rebecca1890116:634Link to document image
Gidley, WilliamtoQuinn, Catherine186640:392Link to document image
Gidley, Wm.fromEvans, Jno. K.186640:403Link to document image
Gidnt, Emmy M.fromReynolds, William E.1898151:311Link to document image
Gieble, J. W.fromBegue, John186846:399Link to document image
Giedl, Jno. W.toDwenger, Joseph187257:352Link to document image
Gier, Jane W.fromKennon, Alex187363:390Link to document image
Giescking, William F.fromKnickerbocker Trust Co. (EX. Tr.)1901160:494Link to document image
Gieseking, CarolinefromLand & Security Co.1898150:365Link to document image
Gieseking, CarolinefromLipes, Anna D. (Et ux.)1891113:624Link to document image
Gieseking, CarolinefromPaine, Lemuel C.1898150:364Link to document image
Gieseking, CarolinefromVoorhees, Edward T.1902168:73Link to document image
Gieseking, D. (Et al.)fromFelt, F. A. (Et al.)1887103:212Link to document image
Gieseking, D. W.toDeck, Jno.188081:87Link to document image
Gieseking, D. W.toThomas, C. (Et al.)187982:558Link to document image
Gieseking, Deid.toThomas, Naomi M.186948:141Link to document image
Gieseking, DiedericktoGieseking, William187873:283Link to document image
Gieseking, DiedrichtoQuicksell, Peter1899153:96Link to document image
Gieseking, Dieterich W.toGieseking, John187374:118Link to document image
Gieseking, F. W.fromAltekruse, E. A.188496:375Link to document image
Gieseking, F. W.fromCoolman (Heirs)1887106:228Link to document image
Gieseking, Fred W.fromRandall, Julia F.1894135:32Link to document image
Gieseking, Fred W.fromRandall, P. A.1894135:32Link to document image
Gieseking, Fred. W.fromCoolman, Geo. D.1892125:304Link to document image
Gieseking, Frederick W.toErick, Mary Viola1902170:318Link to document image
Gieseking, Frederick W.fromGieseking, John (Et al.)1901163:224Link to document image
Gieseking, Frederick W.fromKuhne, Paul F.1902170:318Link to document image
Gieseking, Frederick W.toKuhne, Paul F.1902170:317Link to document image
Gieseking, Frederick W. (Et ux.)fromClark, Charles1902170:201Link to document image
Gieseking, Frederick W. (Et ux.)fromClark, Thomas1902169:418Link to document image
Gieseking, Fredk. W.fromCoolman, Wm. H.1889114:421Link to document image
Gieseking, JohnfromGieseking, Dieterich W.187374:118Link to document image
Gieseking, JohntoValentine, Jno. W.1894134:349Link to document image
Gieseking, John (Et al.)toGieseking, Frederick W.1901163:224Link to document image
Gieseking, WilliamfromFelts, Harman W.1898154:439Link to document image
Gieseking, WilliamfromGieseking, Diederick187873:283Link to document image
Gieseking, William F.fromBurger, Ira G.1901160:493Link to document image
Giesking, DederichfromHubbard, Thomas H.1848I:517Link to document image
Gieslking, JohntoValentine, Mary E.1894134:349Link to document image
Giesskins, F. W.toFortmeyer, F. H.1888108:596Link to document image
Gieyer, NelliefromKnoblauch, Otto1896142:436Link to document image
Giffard, CatharinetoWalton, George186846:312Link to document image
Gifford, Mary A.toCarmen, Franklin & Wm.187462:366Link to document image
Gifford, Wm. E.toCassleman, John1890130:397Link to document image
Gifford, Wm. E.fromHall, Minnie1889110:409Link to document image
Gifler, LouisfromHanna, Samuel186331:486Link to document image
Gift, Robt. P.toMeads, Thomas186847:504Link to document image
Gift, Sarah E.fromBacon, Samuel186947:370Link to document image
Gift, Sarah E.toBacon, Samuel186947:426Link to document image
Gift, Sarah E.toHolsaple, Wm.187050:533Link to document image
Gift, Sarah E.toImmel, Daniel187050:534Link to document image
Gift, Sarah E.toMeads, Thos.187048:544Link to document image
Giggy, Charles W.fromGray, Susan187874:302Link to document image
Giggy, Chas. W.toKromer, F. H.1886102:520Link to document image
Giggy, Chas. W.toSmith, J. M.188186:548Link to document image
Giggy, Chas. W.toSmith, Jarvis M.1889123:35Link to document image
Giggy, Chas. W.toSmith, Mary A.188184:500Link to document image
Gilbert, toWeigand, Frank1888108:526Link to document image
Gilbert, Bert (Et al.)fromWorley, Sarpta1896144:294Link to document image
Gilbert, Bert. (Et al.)toPevert, Louis J.1897144:330Link to document image
Gilbert, C. J.fromSmith, Thomas1891121:216Link to document image
Gilbert, Carl J.fromBell, Herbert1895139:226Link to document image
Gilbert, Carl J.fromBond, Martha P.1891121:426Link to document image
Gilbert, Carl J.toCaps, Marie1895138:162Link to document image
Gilbert, Carl J.toGerardot, Henry E.1901160:532Link to document image
Gilbert, Carl J.toGerardot, Lester1901160:531Link to document image
Gilbert, Carl J.fromGilbert, Chas. W.1890123:158Link to document image
Gilbert, Carl J.toHermann, Henry F.1901161:61Link to document image
Gilbert, Carl J.fromNichols, Harrison (Adm.)1891121:425Link to document image
Gilbert, Carl J.fromRogers, Lamort M. (Et al.)1898157:447Link to document image
Gilbert, Carl J.toStaldir, Jule1892124:364Link to document image
Gilbert, Carl J. (Et ux.)toGiant, Joseph1891124:462Link to document image
Gilbert, Carrie E.fromAllen Co. L. & S. Assn.1902168:1Link to document image
Gilbert, Cassie S.toCaps, Marie1895138:162Link to document image
Gilbert, CharlesfromBobilya, Louis J.1898152:213Link to document image
Gilbert, Charles W.toBobilya, Louis L.1898152:213Link to document image
Gilbert, Charles W.toGilbert, Dexter D.1901161:280Link to document image
Gilbert, Charles W.toKuns, Peter1901161:279Link to document image
Gilbert, Charles W.toMoldeney, Louis1900160:112Link to document image
Gilbert, Charles W.fromRumsey, Helen E. (Etu.)1891113:572Link to document image
Gilbert, Charles W. (Admr.)toRoe, Mabel1898152:177Link to document image
Gilbert, Charles W. (Et ux.)toFederspiel, Jr. Baltzar1891120:54Link to document image
Gilbert, Chas. W.fromCushman, Jno. H. H. (Et al.)1890117:168Link to document image
Gilbert, Chas. W.fromGeandron, Doritha1888112:478Link to document image
Gilbert, Chas. W.toGilbert, Carl J.1890123:158Link to document image
Gilbert, Chas. W.toGilbert, Elmer1891134:217Link to document image
Gilbert, Chas. W.fromKramer, Eli1889112:479Link to document image
Gilbert, DavidfromDawson, E. R.188082:4Link to document image
Gilbert, DavidtoFahlsing, Aug. K.1887105:132Link to document image
Gilbert, Dexter D.fromGilbert, Charles W.1901161:280Link to document image
Gilbert, ElmerfromGilbert, Chas. W.1891134:217Link to document image
Gilbert, H. W.toBolander, E. K.1886101:68Link to document image
Gilbert, H. W.toBolander, E. K.1886101:68Link to document image
Gilbert, H. W.fromHuestis, Wm. H.188496:25Link to document image
Gilbert, J. B.toNewcomer, C.187977:565Link to document image
Gilbert, J. V.toBullard, Sherman L.187771:515Link to document image
Gilbert, J. V.toGilbert, Jennie H.188292:520Link to document image
Gilbert, James B.fromBanta, Herman186744:371Link to document image
Gilbert, James B.fromNieman, Buella187976:155Link to document image
Gilbert, Jas. B.fromFairfield, Cyrus187051:213Link to document image
Gilbert, Jas. B.fromFairfield, Cyrus K.187667:305Link to document image
Gilbert, Jas. B.toMay, Lewis1888109:314Link to document image
Gilbert, Jas. B.fromSmith, Jacob186844:471Link to document image
Gilbert, Jennie H.toDaler, Lewis P.1890115:132Link to document image
Gilbert, Jennie H.fromGilbert, J. V.188292:520Link to document image
Gilbert, Jno.toHoward, W. B.188186:12*Link to document image
Gilbert, Jno. & H. P.fromEquitable Trust Co. (Et al.)188288:23Link to document image
Gilbert, Jno. & H. P.fromRoosevelt, J. A. (Et al.)188288:23Link to document image
Gilbert, JohntoMorris, Saml. L.1893128:406Link to document image
Gilbert, JohntoRabus, Gust A.1891122:269Link to document image
Gilbert, JohnfromRahis, Gust A.1891122:267Link to document image
Gilbert, JohnfromRockhill, Howell C.187976:205Link to document image
Gilbert, JohntoShambaugh, Wm. H.1898152:143Link to document image
Gilbert, JohnfromStratton, Sarah E.1886102:224Link to document image
Gilbert, JohnfromWinch, Willard E.1893131:251Link to document image
Gilbert, John (Et al.)fromSwinney, Thos. W.187254:611Link to document image
Gilbert, John (Et ux.)fromTielker, Karl1897147:54Link to document image
Gilbert, John V.fromAlexander, John187771:473Link to document image
Gilbert, John V.fromBeeson, Raban187155:99Link to document image
Gilbert, Mary M.fromBreen, Wm. P. (Adm.)1887106:191Link to document image
Gilbert, Mary M.fromRandall, P. A.1896142:546Link to document image
Gilbert, Mary M. (Et ux.)toBreimeier, Louis C.1891121:127Link to document image
Gilbert, N. W.fromWoodworth, James J.1902169:425Link to document image
Gilbert, Newton W.fromAckerman, Karl1902167:356Link to document image
Gilbert, Newton W.toAckerman, Karl (Et ux.)1902167:357Link to document image
Gilbert, Newton W.fromOfferle, Joseph1902168:286Link to document image
Gilbert, Newton W.toOfferle, Joseph (Et al.)1902168:287Link to document image
Gilbert, Newton W.toRopa, William1902168:388Link to document image
Gilbert, Newton W.fromRopa, William1902168:388Link to document image
Gilbert, Newton W.toWoodworth, Mary1902169:426Link to document image
Gilby, JohntoGreenfelder, Aaron1900156:497Link to document image
Gilby, JohnfromRomy, Robt. L.1890125:504Link to document image
Gilby, JohntoRomy, Robt. L.1890117:421Link to document image
Gilchrist, C. P.toWohlfort, Martha E.187669:17Link to document image
Gilchrist, Chas. P.fromWohlfort, R. W.187669:16Link to document image
Gilchrist, JohnfromBowser, Jefferson C.1871163:537Link to document image
Gilchrist, JohntoFinan, Edward187771:334Link to document image
Gilchrist, JohntoKurtz & Gissereger187256:58Link to document image
Gilchrist, JohntoLewis, Jesse187262:266Link to document image
Gilchrist, JohnfromRoy, James186947:264Link to document image
Gilden, JohntoBeck, Frances J.186340:287Link to document image
Gilderslave, L. I.toFleming, Wm.186538:14Link to document image
Giles, Caroline E.fromMergel, Rhinehard1893129:387Link to document image
Gilette, A. E.toAdams, S. E.188599:347Link to document image
Gilford, CatherinetoHathaway, John186539:36Link to document image
Gilford, DavidtoBloomhuff, Catharine186330:351Link to document image
Gilheron, Louis (Will)to1887124:33Link to document image
Gill, Geo. W. (Et al.)fromCommissioner in Partition188184:65Link to document image
Gill, Geo. W. (Et al.)toDryer, Chas.188288:542Link to document image
Gill, Geo. w. (Et al.)toKehnert, August188287:576Link to document image
Gill, J. S.fromBines, Elizabeth187463:61Link to document image
Gill, J. W. (Et al.)toSalomon, Chas.188291:561Link to document image
Gill, Jno. W. (Et al.)toFair, Andrew188394:455Link to document image
Gill, Joel F.fromEdgerton, Jos. K.186436:84Link to document image
Gill, Jos.fromCommissioner in Partition188184:65Link to document image
Gill, JosephfromCook, Philip C.196330:173Link to document image
Gill, JosephtoG. R. & I. R. R. Co.186948:513Link to document image
Gill, JosephfromHopple, E. G.187669:518Link to document image
Gill, JosephfromHopple, Emma187669:519Link to document image
Gill, JosephfromHopple, Hueslis187875:87Link to document image
Gill, JosephfromShield, Anna187669:518Link to document image
Gill, JosephfromSowers, Saml.1858V:526Link to document image
Gill, Joshua S.fromAuditor187465:92Link to document image
Gill, Joshua S.toBaker, S. F.187462:290Link to document image
Gill, Joshua S.toTryon, John M.187565:89Link to document image
Gill, Joshua S.fromWhite, James B.187565:121Link to document image
Gill, Joshus S.fromSheriff187255:159Link to document image
Gill, JospephfromPrentice, E. S.187669:519Link to document image
Gill, MalindafromCole, Caroline187152:381Link to document image
Gill, Malinda J.fromMcCullock, M.187152:380Link to document image
Gill, S. E. (Et al.)fromCommissioner in Partition188184:65Link to document image
Gill, S. E. (Et al.)toCook, Jno. H.188185:227Link to document image
Gillagan, Jas.toHogan, Timothy197359:141Link to document image
Gillan, John H.fromGinther, Grant1901166:357Link to document image
Gillan, John H.fromNoffsinger, Sarah E.1902166:355Link to document image
Gillan, John H.fromSteinman, Adam1901166:356Link to document image
Gillapn, JohntoSnuly, George186331:103Link to document image
Gilleet, WilkestoBlack, Joseph186330:500Link to document image
Gillen, JamestoUnderhill, P. S.186639:375Link to document image
Gillerion, LouistoLitchfield, David B.186540:99Link to document image
Gillerns, L (Et al.)fromArcher, Allen186950:198Link to document image
Gillerson, LewisfromBlum, Martin186536:513Link to document image
Gillespie, Elenora F.toPayne, Reuben B.1896141:23Link to document image
Gillespie, Jno. J.fromYerks, Wm.186229:156Link to document image
Gillespie, JohnfromAllen, John1859X:131Link to document image
Gillespie, JohnfromBellamy, Henry1858W:404Link to document image
Gillespie, JohnfromBond, Chas. B.186331:302Link to document image
Gillespie, JohnfromBond, S. B.186331:302Link to document image
Gillespie, JohnfromBoston, George W.1857W:402Link to document image
Gillespie, JohnfromCanady, John F.186330:266Link to document image
Gillespie, JohnfromColeman, Jacob1858V:387Link to document image
Gillespie, JohntoDawson, John W.186331:273Link to document image
Gillespie, JohnfromFleming, William186331:302Link to document image
Gillespie, JohnfromJones, William K.186331:302Link to document image
Gillespie, JohntoPratt, Allen186233:310Link to document image
Gillespie, JohnfromYerks, William1859X:195Link to document image
Gillespie, susantoLerch, Lydia187566:245Link to document image
Gillespie, W. m.fromKelsey, Joseph1896142:448Link to document image
Gillespie, Wm. R.toPayne, Reuben B.1896141:23Link to document image
Gillet, Charles M.fromGillet, Wilkes187564:548Link to document image
Gillet, HollistoBark, Elizabeth187874:199Link to document image
Gillet, HollisfromColeman, Jacob187566:236Link to document image
Gillet, HollistoGoeglein, Geo (Trustee)188081:185Link to document image
Gillet, Hollis F.fromGarret, John187475:250Link to document image
Gillet, WilkestoGillet, Charles M.187564:548Link to document image
Gillet, WilkesfromHough, John (Jr.)1857T:661Link to document image
Gillett, Alice C.fromGillett, Roxanna1887109:103Link to document image
Gillett, AntoinetttoZollars, Allen1898149:71Link to document image
Gillett, C. M.toAuman, Elias188286:306Link to document image
Gillett, C. M.fromSnyder, Jno. A.188289:472Link to document image
Gillett, C. M. & H.fromClayton, M. A.188186:301Link to document image
Gillett, C. M. & H.fromMiracle, E. (Et al.)188081:122Link to document image
Gillett, Charles M.toStauffer, Solomon1901163:456Link to document image
Gillett, Chas.fromFleming, Wm.188289:473Link to document image
Gillett, Chas. M.toMcCormick, Martha1893129:69Link to document image
Gillett, Chas. M.fromRobinson, John C.1893130:334Link to document image
Gillett, D. D.fromAuditor188289:465Link to document image
Gillett, D. D.fromBarton, C. M.187983:19Link to document image
Gillett, D. D.toBell, Jos. W.1888112:323Link to document image
Gillett, D. D.toBlase, Wilhelmina1889111:480Link to document image
Gillett, D. D.fromBostick, Louisa188290:71Link to document image
Gillett, D. D.toBowser, Deliah1889112:197Link to document image
Gillett, D. D.fromCartwright, E. M.188290:72Link to document image
Gillett, D. D.toCartwright, E. M.188297:618Link to document image
Gillett, D. D.fromFledderman, M. E.188288:494Link to document image
Gillett, D. D.toGillett, Ed. A.1889114:163Link to document image
Gillett, D. D.toGillett, Roxana1887107:227Link to document image
Gillett, D. D.fromHayes, Fred (Assignee)187978:528Link to document image
Gillett, D. D.fromHenderson, Charlotte188392:312Link to document image
Gillett, D. D.toHiatt, A. L.187978:369Link to document image
Gillett, D. D.toHill, C. A.188183:43Link to document image
Gillett, D. D.fromLink, Anna M.1888109:365Link to document image
Gillett, D. D.fromMeyer, Anna M.1889112:67Link to document image
Gillett, D. D.toRhinesmith, Jno. (Et al.)1888109:361Link to document image
Gillett, D. D.toSlater, Jno. 188393:94Link to document image
Gillett, D. D.toStorm, J. A. M. (Et al.)188597:156Link to document image
Gillett, D. D.toTolan, H. T.188392:292Link to document image
Gillett, D. D.fromTolan, H. T.188392:293Link to document image
Gillett, D. D.toTolan, T. J. & B. L.188289:217Link to document image
Gillett, D. D.toTolan, T. J. H. T.188289:218Link to document image
Gillett, D. M.fromJackson, P. W.1887106:259Link to document image
Gillett, DeliahtoGugerli, Adalema1894135:61Link to document image
Gillett, DelilahfromBarney, Solomon1892125:272Link to document image
Gillett, Dwight D.toBarton, Charles M.187976:255Link to document image
Gillett, Dwight D.toEhle, Edward T.187872:545Link to document image
Gillett, Dwight D.fromRobinson, Lydia S.1891121:351Link to document image
Gillett, Dwight D.fromRockhill, Howell C.187771:235Link to document image
Gillett, Dwight D.fromRockhill, Hugh M.187771:235Link to document image
Gillett, Dwight D.fromRockhill, J. D. B.187771:235Link to document image
Gillett, Dwight D.fromSheriff187878:197Link to document image
Gillett, Dwight D. (Et.)toSchilling, Carl.1891121:365Link to document image
Gillett, Ed. A.fromGillett, D. D.1889114:163Link to document image
Gillett, Ed. A.toSchmidt, L. W.1889111:595Link to document image
Gillett, Edward A.toBaldwin, Franklin1890117:566Link to document image
Gillett, H. F.toKrominaker, Wm.188183:350Link to document image
Gillett, Harriet E.toHarding, John H.1900162:456Link to document image
Gillett, Harriet E.toLangard, Louis C.1902169:255Link to document image
Gillett, Harriet E.fromLongard, Louis C.1902169:257Link to document image
Gillett, Harriet E.fromPfeiffer, C. F. (Comr.)1895138:364Link to document image
Gillett, Harriet E.toSpindler, Samuel P. (Et ux.)1901161:339Link to document image
Gillett, Harriett E.fromKerchifer, Herman A.1902168:263Link to document image
Gillett, Harriett E.fromSauer, Charles1901162:12Link to document image
Gillett, HolistoSteward, J. N.1880108:43Link to document image
Gillett, John C.fromDoehrman, John C.1902167:244Link to document image
Gillett, RoxanafromGillett, D. D.1887107:227Link to document image
Gillett, RoxannatoGillett, Alice C.1887109:103Link to document image
Gillett, TylertoFt. Wayne & Detroit R. R. Co.1901163:100Link to document image
Gillett, WilhestoMonger, William R.186128:378Link to document image
Gillett, WilkestoAntrup, Frederick W.186641:131Link to document image
Gillett, WilkestoKrumer, Chas.188183:209Link to document image
Gillett, WilkesfromParker, Christian186641:130Link to document image
Gillett, WilkestoVinnig, James W.186641:131Link to document image
Gillett, WilkesfromWhite, Jas. B.188183:391Link to document image
Gillette, A. E.toAdams, S. E.188599:347Link to document image
Gillette, D. D.fromEly, Caroline D. (Et Al.)188290:197Link to document image
Gillette, D. D.fromMorse, M. D. E. (Et al.)188290:197Link to document image
Gillette, E. A.fromSchultz, Wm. H.1888109:154Link to document image
Gillette, Edwin A.toEnglish, James1899156:67Link to document image
Gillette, Edwin A.toFouner, Jno. B. (Et ux.)1893129:413Link to document image
Gillette, Edwin A.fromNoble, Sarah1894134:508Link to document image
Gillette, Edwin A. (Et ux.)fromPotter, Philip L.1899156:58Link to document image
Gillette, Edwin A. (Et ux.)fromSpiegel, Aug. T.1890116:271Link to document image
Gillette, Sarah EttafromNoble, Sarah1894134:508Link to document image
Gillette, WilkesfromMorgan, Oliver P.1858V:99Link to document image
Gillette, WilkesfromParker, Christian186330:483Link to document image
Gillieran, LouistoDevans, Cecile M.1887124:33Link to document image
Gillieran, LouistoGillieron, Louis1887124:33Link to document image
Gillieran, LouistoGillieron, M. E.1887124:33Link to document image
Gillieran, LouistoGuillamne, E.1887124:33Link to document image
Gillieran, LouistoSchaffter, Pacif1887124:33Link to document image
Gillieron, JuliatoGuillanme, Alice1893131:385Link to document image
Gillieron, LouistoComad, John (Et al.)1902171:56Link to document image
Gillieron, LouisfromConrad, John1902171:55Link to document image
Gillieron, LouisfromDevaux, Ceclia1894131:568Link to document image
Gillieron, LouisfromGillieran, Louis1887124:33Link to document image
Gillieron, LouistoGuillanme, Alice1893131:385Link to document image
Gillieron, LouisfromGuillanme, Alice1893131:569Link to document image
Gillieron, LouisfromGuillanme, Louis1893131:569Link to document image
Gillieron, LouisfromHugnenard, Victor A.1898151:144Link to document image
Gillieron, LouisfromRandall, Perry A. (Et.)1891113:379Link to document image
Gillieron, M. E.fromGillieran, Louis1887124:33Link to document image
Gillieron, Marianne E. (Et al.)toHugnenard, Victor A.1898151:145Link to document image
Gillierou, LouisfromGokey, Joseph186129:399Link to document image
Gillierou, Mary AnnfromGokey, Joseph186129:399Link to document image
Gilligan, JamesfromBarnett, J. H.186128:153Link to document image
Gilliland, JamesfromHopkins, Robert1849K:97Link to document image
Gilliland, Jno. (Dec.)toBrown, F. G.184998:360Link to document image
Gilliland, John (Will of Dec.)to184998:360Link to document image
Gilliland, R, G.toOhio & I. R. R. Co.185231:6Link to document image
Gilliland, RobertfromBall, William1851L:134Link to document image
Gilliod, VictorfromAuer, Jacob186537:590Link to document image
Gillivd, VistorfromAuer, Jacob186537:590Link to document image
Gillman, JosephtoCourdevay, P.186745:70Link to document image
Gillspie, JohntoDawson, Amanda M.186331:273Link to document image
Gillspie, JohntoMcKinlay, Alexander186333:202Link to document image
Gilman, Eli (Heirs)toMoran, Peter186642:250Link to document image
Gilman, FreemanfromAlbeis, August L.186641:596Link to document image
Gilman, FreemanfromAlbers, August L.186641:596Link to document image
Gilman, FreemantoCary, Melancthon187153:393Link to document image
Gilmartin, Ed.toKelley, Bridget1896142:214Link to document image
Gilmartin, Ed.fromORourke, P. S.1888109:67Link to document image
Gilmartin, Ed.toORourke, P. S.1888109:70Link to document image
Gilmartin, Ed.fromWilliams, J. L.186743:472Link to document image
Gilmartin, EdwardfromBandt, Fredk. W.1892128:38Link to document image
Gilmartin, EdwardfromBenoit, Julian188288:238Link to document image
Gilmartin, EdwardfromKelley, John1896142:213Link to document image
Gilmartin, EdwardfromKlenke, Frederick1898150:72Link to document image
Gilmartin, EdwardfromMarkey, Richard F.1901160:524Link to document image
Gilmartin, EdwardfromMcIntyre, John1902168:311Link to document image
Gilmartin, EdwardfromMeyer, John H.1900160:521Link to document image
Gilmartin, EdwardfromMiller, Martha188186:73Link to document image
Gilmartin, EdwardfromRomy, Robt. L. (Et al.)1893128:162Link to document image
Gilmartin, EdwardfromWilliams, S. C. (Et al.)1890118:302Link to document image
Gilmartin, Edward (Ex.)toRobinson, Jr. M. S.1892124:269Link to document image
Gilmartin, M. J.fromBandt, Fredk. W.1892128:38Link to document image
Gilmartin, Michael J.toBates, Lycurgus (Et ux.)1900160:279Link to document image
Gilmartin, Michael J.fromMarkey, Eliza1899154:81Link to document image
Gilmartin, Michael J.toMcIntyre, John (Et ux.)1901162:62Link to document image
Gilmartin, Michael J.toMcIntyre, John (Et ux.)1902168:312Link to document image
Gilmora, Geo. H.fromColyar, John1887103:36Link to document image
Gilmore, Chas. H.toBrenneke, August1888108:602Link to document image
Gilmore, Geo.fromThompson, Jas186944:564Link to document image
Gilmore, Geo. H.toKillian, Frank1887104:387Link to document image
Gilmore, Geo. H.fromKillian, Frank1887104:387Link to document image
Gilmore, Geo. H.fromLogan, Thos. J.1887103:267Link to document image
Gilmore, GeorgetoTompson, Jas.187149:227Link to document image
Gilsett, Charles M.toWeikart, William H.188079:463Link to document image
Gimbel, MichaeltoLindeman, L. F.185278:333Link to document image
Gimer, ChristianfromDixey, Theodore186229:220Link to document image
Gimpee, HenryfromBaker, Henry186128:258Link to document image
Gimpel, AntontoKuhne, H. Richard1902169:534Link to document image
Gimpel, AntonefromLumbard, Adelia L.1901163:525Link to document image
Gimpel, AntonefromLumbard, Francis s. (Adm.)1901161:48Link to document image
Gimpel, HenrytoMcCarthy, Daniel187153;72Link to document image
Gimpel, HenrytoPohle, Gustina188184:25Link to document image
Gimpel, HenrytoPokle, Amalie (Et al.)1889112:99Link to document image
Gimpel, Marie MarthafromKuhne, H. Richard1902169:535Link to document image
Gimpel, PaulinetoPohle, Christina1886102:184Link to document image
Gimpel, Pauline (Et al.)fromBogasch, Anna188289:551Link to document image
Gimple, HenrytoGaller, George186639:422Link to document image
Gimple, HenryfromKinnan, Asahel S.186539:512Link to document image
Gims, G. D.toWagner, J. B. & S. M.187978:455Link to document image
Gingerich, DavidfromGrover, Margaret186640:223Link to document image
Gingerich, DavidfromSchwartz, Jno.186641:193Link to document image
Gingerick, DavidtoGerrig, Christian186747:259Link to document image
Gingerick, DavidtoGraber, Christian186847:321Link to document image
Gingerick, Dl.toAmstutz, Jos. & J.186947:246Link to document image
Gingerrich, DavidtoGingerrick, Daniel186539:415Link to document image
Gingerrick, DanielfromGingerrich, David186539:415Link to document image
Gingles, HannahtoKnight, Ellen M.186640:158Link to document image
Gingles, HannahfromKnight, J. K.186536:365Link to document image
Gingrich, JacobfromBobel, Emma1889112:613Link to document image
Gingrich, William A.fromStenger, George W.1900163:283Link to document image
Ginnes, MaryfromSiemon, A. F.186947:240Link to document image
Ginsinger, AmosfromLeininger, Theobald1892127:428Link to document image
Ginsinger, Emma A.toBoswell, John1891124:431Link to document image
Ginter, AlicetoSomers, Nancy188495:153Link to document image
Ginter, SarahtoLoveless, Samuel186229:490Link to document image
Ginter, SusannafromJames, Isaac186026:160Link to document image
Ginter, SusannatoSechler, Catharine186638:586Link to document image
Ginther Susannah A.fromComs. in Part.1896140:441Link to document image
Ginther, FedeliafromGinther, Maritta1888112:599Link to document image
Ginther, FideliafromAuditor A. Co.186538:273Link to document image
Ginther, FideliafromAuditor Allen County186538:273Link to document image
Ginther, FideliatoGinther, Samuel (Et ux.)1901165:386Link to document image
Ginther, FideliafromSheriff1897148:263Link to document image
Ginther, FidelliatoRaber, Charles O.1900159:301Link to document image
Ginther, FidelliafromWatson, Harriet M.1898151:159Link to document image
Ginther, G. E.fromRuth, Ephraim (Adm.)188082:502Link to document image
Ginther, Geo. E.fromAllen Sup. Court1894133:207Link to document image
Ginther, Geo. E.fromBell, H. D.188081:3Link to document image
Ginther, Geo. E.toBowers, D. L.188494:387Link to document image
Ginther, Geo. E.fromGinther, Wm. A.1888112:558Link to document image
Ginther, Geo. E.fromJones, John A.1894132:361Link to document image
Ginther, Geo. E.toMonesmith, M. G.188392:150Link to document image
Ginther, Geo. E.fromNesbit, M. F.188392:556Link to document image
Ginther, Geo. E.toVeit, Philip J.1894134:117Link to document image
Ginther, Geo. E.fromWagner, Jacob1894135:219Link to document image
Ginther, George E.fromFoster, Sarah J.1897147:116Link to document image
Ginther, George E.fromGeyer, Charles A.1902168:474Link to document image
Ginther, George E.toLouraine, Frank X.1893129:60Link to document image
Ginther, George E.toLowyer, Joseph1900157:256Link to document image
Ginther, George E.toMarquardt, Minnie M.1899152:333Link to document image
Ginther, George E.toSchlup, William (Et ux.)1902171:65Link to document image
Ginther, George E.fromSmith, James W.1897147:518Link to document image
Ginther, George E.fromTaylor, Isaac Z. (Et al.)1899156:179Link to document image
Ginther, George E.toWhittern, Lavinia N.1899156:123Link to document image
Ginther, George E.fromWhittern, Lavinia N.1900158:255Link to document image
Ginther, GrantfromBowers, David B.1902168:372Link to document image
Ginther, GrantfromComs. in Part.1896140:441Link to document image
Ginther, GranttoGillan, John H.1901166:357Link to document image
Ginther, H. D.toBicknell, I. J.188598:526Link to document image
Ginther, H. D.fromBowers, D. L.188494:388Link to document image
Ginther, H. D.fromGinther, Jos, H.188599:295Link to document image
Ginther, H. D.fromGinther, Jos, H.188599:295Link to document image
Ginther, H. D.fromLondenback, Jno.1887106:210Link to document image
Ginther, H. D.fromMiller, Benj. F.1887106:222Link to document image
Ginther, Hannah D.toVeit, Philip J.1894134:117Link to document image
Ginther, Hannah I.toGinther, Wm. R.1888112:504Link to document image
Ginther, Ida S. (Et al.)toNoyer, Elizabeth1891123:71Link to document image
Ginther, J. H.fromMiller, N. J.188391:46Link to document image
Ginther, Jos, H.toGinther, H. D.188599:295Link to document image
Ginther, Jos, H.toGinther, H. D.188599:295Link to document image
Ginther, MariettafromBain, Maggie A.1889112:260Link to document image
Ginther, MarittatoGinther, Fedelia1888112:599Link to document image
Ginther, Samuel (Et ux.)fromGinther, Fidelia1901165:386Link to document image
Ginther, Sarah E.fromComs. in Part.1896140:441Link to document image
Ginther, SidneyfromBower, J. T.187978:330Link to document image
Ginther, SidneyfromBower, Jno. T.187873:103Link to document image
Ginther, sidneytoBurgart, Peter187565:420Link to document image
Ginther, SidneyfromBurgart, Peter187976:277Link to document image
Ginther, SidneytoBurgart, Peter187976:293Link to document image
Ginther, SidneytoGrumot, Victor187976:278Link to document image
Ginther, SidneyfromLeonard, Harvey187565:418Link to document image
Ginther, SidneyfromMarquart, J. S.186846:591Link to document image
Ginther, SidneytoMartin, Julian187873:55Link to document image
Ginther, SidneytoMelmater, J. C.187359:410Link to document image
Ginther, SidneyfromMillimater, J. C.187359:40Link to document image
Ginther, SidneytoWilliamson, Alex187155:257Link to document image
Ginther, Sl.fromMiller, Daniel187155:111Link to document image
Ginther, Wm. A.toGinther, Geo. E.1888112:558Link to document image
Ginther, Wm. R.fromGinther, Hannah I.1888112:504Link to document image
Ginty, Bertie (wife)fromTilberry, Robt. 1893127:481Link to document image
Ginty, Michael O.toFreistroffer, Simon (Et ux.)1900160:381Link to document image
Ginty, Michael O.fromTilberry, Mary E.1893127:481Link to document image
Ginty, Michael O.toTri State B. & L. Assn.1902168:370Link to document image
Ginty, Michael O.fromVance, Susan S.1897147:349Link to document image
Ginty, Michael O.fromWalton, Jennie Z. (Et.)1892123:416Link to document image
Ginty, Michael O. (Et ux.)fromFreistroffer, Simon1900160:95Link to document image
Giont, PetertoGrout, Joseph1889119:536Link to document image
Girar, G.toGirard, Louis188599:292Link to document image
Girard, AugustfromGirard, Jno. C.186950:260Link to document image
Girard, AugustfromTrustee Jackson Twp.1901163:378Link to document image
Girard, FeliciatoLomont, Justine P.1902169:266Link to document image
Girard, FrankfromGirard, Nicholas1895138:387Link to document image
Girard, FrankfromGirard, Nicholas1895138:403Link to document image
Girard, G.toGirard, Louis188599:292Link to document image
Girard, GabrellafromComparet, D. F.186333:92Link to document image
Girard, GabrellafromComparet, Jos. J.186333:92Link to document image
Girard, Gabriel (Will of)to1898155:500Link to document image
Girard, Jean ClaudefromMartin, N.1853N:570Link to document image
Girard, Jno. C.toGirard, August186950:260Link to document image
Girard, Jno. C.toGirard, Julus (Et al.)186950:259Link to document image
Girard, John C.fromComparet, David F.186333:92Link to document image
Girard, John C.fromComparet, Joseph J.186333:92Link to document image
Girard, John C.toGirard, Louis1901163:378Link to document image
Girard, John C.fromLasselle, Francis D.186333:289Link to document image
Girard, JulestoBercot, Pauline187566:227Link to document image
Girard, JulestoCouerderey, Hermine187566:228Link to document image
Girard, JulesfromFoley, Pauline1888107:373Link to document image
Girard, JulestoGirard, Louis197359:55Link to document image
Girard, JulesfromMcIuiston, Benjamin1902170:289Link to document image
Girard, JulestoOddou, Louis & Philomen187566:229Link to document image
Girard, Julus (Et al.)fromGirard, Jno. C.186950:259Link to document image
Girard, LouisfromGirar, G.188599:292Link to document image
Girard, LouisfromGirard, G.188599:292Link to document image
Girard, LouisfromGirard, John C.1901163:378Link to document image
Girard, LouisfromGirard, Jules197359:55Link to document image
Girard, N. & C.fromParks, Volney188391:122Link to document image
Girard, NicholastoGirard, Frank1895138:387Link to document image
Girard, NicholastoGirard, Frank1895138:403Link to document image
Girardat, AlexistoGerardot, Anthony186639:567Link to document image
Girardat, JosephtoGirardot, Chas.186646:221Link to document image
Girardot, A.fromSaviot, Fred.186537:477Link to document image
Girardot, AdalinetoPepe, Martha1896141:410Link to document image
Girardot, AlexistoCunis, Francois186537:289Link to document image
Girardot, AlexistoCunis, Jennie186537:288Link to document image
Girardot, AlexistoGirardot, Louis186646:486Link to document image
Girardot, AlexistoSaviot, Frederick186537:473Link to document image
Girardot, Alexis Jr.fromGerardot, Stephen187463:605Link to document image
Girardot, AlexustoDitzell, Wm.186653:12Link to document image
Girardot, Alphonse MariefromHuguenard, Victor A.1902166:229Link to document image
Girardot, Aug. c.fromGirardot, Charles1895140:105Link to document image
Girardot, CharlesfromDeLaGrange, Mary187668:162Link to document image
Girardot, CharlestoGirardot, Aug. c.1895140:105Link to document image
Girardot, CharlestoJacquay, Louis S.1899153:368Link to document image
Girardot, CharlesfromMaire, Pierre1893129:361Link to document image
Girardot, Chas.fromCoolman, Jno. H.1888108:111Link to document image
Girardot, Chas.fromGirardat, Joseph186646:221Link to document image
Girardot, Chas.fromGirardot, Jules186950:289Link to document image
Girardot, FrancistoMaxfield, Wm. H.1887105:52Link to document image
Girardot, FrancisfromTimbrook, John187566:116Link to document image
Girardot, JosephtoGerardot, Stephen186641:432Link to document image
Girardot, JosephtoGirardot, Jules186644:256Link to document image
Girardot, JosephfromGirardot, Stephen186434:493Link to document image
Girardot, JosephtoRoy, Alexander F.186641:463Link to document image
Girardot, JosephfromSchnelker, H.186744:99Link to document image
Girardot, JulesfromBoissenet, Chas.188494:86Link to document image
Girardot, JulesfromForce, Wm. M.187360:272Link to document image
Girardot, JulestoGerardot, Chas.188494:374Link to document image
Girardot, JulestoGirardot, Chas.186950:289Link to document image
Girardot, JulesfromGirardot, Joseph186644:256Link to document image
Girardot, JulestoLupken, Liborius188183:154Link to document image
Girardot, JulestoYoquelet, Louis L.1902171:207Link to document image
Girardot, LouisfromGirardot, Alexis186646:486Link to document image
Girardot, Louis Sr.fromDinger, Mary J.1899155:336Link to document image
Girardot, Louis Sr.toDinger, Mary J. (Et al.)1899155:336Link to document image
Girardot, Louis Sr.fromRichard, Elizabeth188079:428Link to document image
Girardot, MaryfromPepe, Jeane B.1897148:336Link to document image
Girardot, PhilemantoChevillot, Josephine186948:283Link to document image
Girardot, StephentoFrance, Catharine186330:513Link to document image
Girardot, StephentoFrance, Thieb186330:513Link to document image
Girardot, StephentoGirardot, Joseph186434:493Link to document image
Girardot, StephenfromLue, Joseph186330:413Link to document image
Girardot, StephenfromPio, Alex & Jos. W.187359:421Link to document image
Girardot, Theo.fromRondot, August186542:11Link to document image
Girardt, AnthonytoCunin, Genevieve187358:529Link to document image
Girardt, JulefromShatto, Nicholas187567:54Link to document image
Girding, FrederickfromAnderson, Henry C.187976:124Link to document image
Girding, Jno. H.toGirding, Lewis & J.188495:217Link to document image
Girding, John H.fromHarmeyer, John H.1853U:97Link to document image
Girding, John H.fromHarmeyer, John H.1853U:96Link to document image
Girding, LewisfromAnderson, Anna (Et al.)188288:37Link to document image
Girding, LewisfromFoltz, M. (Et al.)188288:37Link to document image
Girding, Lewis & J.fromGirding, Jno. H.188495:217Link to document image
Gire, Henry B.fromGerp, H. F. W.1889110:621Link to document image
Girs, PeterfromHarrison, Wm. A.187349:170Link to document image
Girsman, JacobfromWalter, Frank186846:569Link to document image
Giseking, Jno. D.fromDafforn, John1895140:362Link to document image
Giseking, Jno. D.toDafforn, John1895140:363Link to document image
Giser, Frank J.toBair, Frank (Ex.)1892124:314Link to document image
Gisettner, HermantoGomall, Matilda1888112:348Link to document image
Gish, SamuelfromDewald, Sophia A.186641:85Link to document image
Gish, Samuel (Will of)to186363:622Link to document image
Giste, SamuelfromHamilton, Allen186332:454Link to document image
Gitbert, Chas. W.fromFt. Wayne Land & Improvement Co.1894135:517Link to document image
Gitrost, Geo.fromHaskell, Eli B.186331:104Link to document image

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