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ACGSI - Allen County Deed Index

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Parties to the Deed                                                YearDeed Book
Geage, WilliamfromBond, C. D.1857U:466Link to document image
Geake, Maria J.fromMcCurdy, Lillian S.1901167:316Link to document image
Geake, WilliamfromFort Wayne Land & I. Co.1897148:377Link to document image
Geake, WilliamfromHanna, E. C.1895137:367Link to document image
Geake, WilliamfromLand & Security Co.1898150:401Link to document image
Geake, WilliamfromPorter, John N.1886102:332Link to document image
Geake, WilliamfromReiling, Dorothea1895136:201Link to document image
Geake, WilliamfromReiling, Dorothea (Admr.)1895138:20Link to document image
Geake, WilliamtoSchaaf, Frieda1901163:253Link to document image
Geake, WilliamfromSchell, Mary Ann1896142:86Link to document image
Geake, WilliamfromStier, Catharine1899154:487Link to document image
Geake, WilliamfromTaber, George C. (Et al.)1902165:563Link to document image
Geake, WilliamtoWisemantle, Mary M.1893128:214Link to document image
Geake, Wm.fromReade, Thad. C.1893128:370Link to document image
Geake, Wm.fromSmith, R. R.188291:162Link to document image
Geandron, DorithatoGilbert, Chas. W.1888112:478Link to document image
Geandrow, DosithefromLitournean, Oliver1888108:259Link to document image
Geangue, A. M.toRau, Casper1886102:474Link to document image
Gear, AllentoAlbert, H. F.187055:182Link to document image
Gear, AllenfromWikel, A. J.187048:392Link to document image
Geardin, Jno. H.fromMamer, Victor187256:233Link to document image
Gearey, MarthafromGraham, Belle1902166:70Link to document image
Gearey, WilliamfromBeck, Adelia186740:539Link to document image
Gearge, DelliefromReed, Ann Eliza (Etu.)1890113:235Link to document image
Gearge, DelliefromThompson, B. S. (Et al.)1890113:235Link to document image
Gearhart, Edward L.fromWehrs, Anna M.1901161:474Link to document image
Gearhart, M. A. & Wm. S.fromTons, Henry187771:374Link to document image
Gearhart, MaryfromBeck, F. J.187256:440Link to document image
Gearheart, M. A.fromFleming, Wm.1889111:611Link to document image
Gearin, CarmeliustoTracy, Wm.181254:381Link to document image
Gearin, CorneliusfromGearin, Dennis1893128:190Link to document image
Gearin, CorneliustoGearin, Dennis1893129:173Link to document image
Gearin, Cornelius & L. A.fromSmith, Jno. M.188495:264Link to document image
Gearin, DennistoGearin, Cornelius1893128:190Link to document image
Gearin, DennisfromGearin, Cornelius1893129:173Link to document image
Gearin, DennistoGearin, Lucy A.1894133:139Link to document image
Gearin, Ellen (et al.)toColerick, W. G.187267:282Link to document image
Gearin, Ellen (Et al.)toColerick, Walpole G.1871119:302Link to document image
Gearin, Lucy A.fromGearin, Dennis1894133:139Link to document image
Geary, John K. (Trustee)fromMerriman, Lula J.1902167:409Link to document image
Geary, MarytoEdsall, Wm. S.187462:50Link to document image
Geary, MarytoEdsall, Wm. S.187565:489Link to document image
Geary, MaryfromEdsall, Wm. S.187566:128Link to document image
Geary, MaryfromGeary, Wm. Jr.187462:48Link to document image
Geary, MaryfromHedekin, M. C.188498:539Link to document image
Geary, MarytoHedekin, M. C.188598:540Link to document image
Geary, MarytoHedekin, Thos. B.188495:503Link to document image
Geary, Mary & Wm. Sr.toEdsall, Wm. S.187463:473Link to document image
Geary, WilliamfromDreier, Wm. H.1892124:231Link to document image
Geary, WilliamfromWilliams, Jas. B. (E.)1892124:231Link to document image
Geary, William (Et ux.)fromDreier, Wm. H. (Et al.)1895136:122Link to document image
Geary, Wm.toHedekin, Thos. B.188495:496Link to document image
Geary, Wm. Jr.toGeary, Mary187462:48Link to document image
Geary, Wm. Jr.fromSinclair, Samuel E.187462:47Link to document image
Geaugue, A. M.toMiller, Catherine188496:33Link to document image
Geauque, A. m.fromRau, Christian188496:32Link to document image
Gebele, CharlestoBierbaum, Friedrich1899154:384Link to document image
Gebele, CharlesfromGebele, Mathias186950:369Link to document image
Gebele, CharlesfromGebele, Mathias187565:340Link to document image
Gebele, Chas.toGelebe, Mathias187565:9Link to document image
Gebele, KarlfromSchmid, Lorenz184669:Link to document image
Gebele, KarltoSchmid, Lorenz1882104:316Link to document image
Gebele, MathiasfromBase, Frederick1860Y:61Link to document image
Gebele, MathiastoGebele, Charles186950:369Link to document image
Gebele, MathiastoGebele, Charles187565:340Link to document image
Gebele, MathiasfromTrustees W. & E. Canal184869:348Link to document image
Gebert, AlfredfromGebert, Christian L.1900158:176Link to document image
Gebert, AlfredtoKreidt, Lucile (Et al.)1900159:168Link to document image
Gebert, AlfredfromWhite, James B.1894134:19Link to document image
Gebert, AlfredfromWhite, Jas. B.1894133:143Link to document image
Gebert, AlfredtoWickliff, Jennie E.1900158:532Link to document image
Gebert, AugusttoGebert, John Fred1900159:100Link to document image
Gebert, AugusttoWickliffe, Jennie E.1900159:132Link to document image
Gebert, C. L.fromHazelet, Wm.1886103:350Link to document image
Gebert, ChristiantoFt. Wayne & Detroit R. R. Co.1901163:98Link to document image
Gebert, Christian L.fromBurgess, Henry1896141:496Link to document image
Gebert, Christian L.toGebert, Alfred1900158:176Link to document image
Gebert, Christian L.fromHenry, Francis1896141:413Link to document image
Gebert, Christian L.fromKryder, Martha J.1902167:136Link to document image
Gebert, Christian L.fromPearse, Frances M. (Et al.)1902167:131Link to document image
Gebert, Chritian L.toHockemeyer, William1902167:113Link to document image
Gebert, FrankfromBaltes, Michael (Et al.)1890118:385Link to document image
Gebert, FrankfromFronefield, Reuben1898152:19Link to document image
Gebert, FrankfromGebert, John Fred1900158:464Link to document image
Gebert, FrankfromLangley, Thomas1900158:430Link to document image
Gebert, FrankfromMyers, Wm. H.1894133:46Link to document image
Gebert, FrankfromOsterman, Henry1900158:133Link to document image
Gebert, FranktoOsterman, Henry1900158:134Link to document image
Gebert, FrankfromRomy, Robert L.1898150:247Link to document image
Gebert, FranktoTri State B. & L. Assn.1902170:198Link to document image
Gebert, FranktoWickliff, Jennie E.1900159:102Link to document image
Gebert, FranktoWickliffe, Jennie E.1890114:555Link to document image
Gebert, FrankfromWickliffe, M. S.1886100:51Link to document image
Gebert, FrankfromWickliffe, Michael S.1890114:554Link to document image
Gebert, Frank (Et ux.)fromKinder, Paul P.1902170:533Link to document image
Gebert, J. F.fromFark, Frederick188290:240Link to document image
Gebert, J. F.fromMeyers, Jno.188390:388Link to document image
Gebert, JohnfromWickliffe, Jennie S.1886114:529Link to document image
Gebert, JohntoWickliffe, M. S.1886114:530Link to document image
Gebert, John F.fromSmith, August (Et al.)1900158:462Link to document image
Gebert, John FredfromGebert, August1900159:100Link to document image
Gebert, John FredtoGebert, Frank1900158:464Link to document image
Gebert, John FredtoWickliff, Jennie E.1900160:224Link to document image
Gebert, John Fred.fromGebert, Nellie (Et al.)1900161:123Link to document image
Gebert, John L.toWickliffe, Jennie E.1900158:429Link to document image
Gebert, Julius E.toWickliffe, Jennie E.1900158:142Link to document image
Gebert, Martha M. (Et al.)toWickliff, Jennie E.1900158:465Link to document image
Gebert, NelliefromFt. Wayne Relief Union1901163:545Link to document image
Gebert, NelliefromWickliffe, Michael S.1899155:208Link to document image
Gebert, Nellie (Et al.)toGebert, John Fred.1900161:123Link to document image
Gebert, Susan (Et al.)toSpitler, Elias188186:228Link to document image
Gebfert, Louis H.fromKocher, John1897148:400Link to document image
Gebhard, A. M.fromGebhard, Geo.188390:421Link to document image
Gebhard, A. M.fromHarding, Frederick187976:252Link to document image
Gebhard, A. M.fromParker, Danford1887106:397Link to document image
Gebhard, AngelinefromMiller, Wm. H. H.1887105:357Link to document image
Gebhard, Anna M.toHarsch, Julia1889114:378Link to document image
Gebhard, Caspar (Et al.)fromOechtering, John H.1896144:193Link to document image
Gebhard, Chas. W.fromMiller, Wm. H. H.1897144:310Link to document image
Gebhard, Geo.toGebhard, A. M.188390:421Link to document image
Gebhard, Geo.fromWhite, Jas. B.187357:467Link to document image
Gebhard, Wm.fromHarding, Frederick187976:253Link to document image
Gebhard, Wm.toHardung, Frederick187976:494Link to document image
Gebhard, Wm.toMeyer, F. C.187874:178Link to document image
Gebhard, Wm.fromMeyers, F. Chas.187567:1Link to document image
Gebhard, Wm.toSchieferstein, H.186950:343Link to document image
Gebhart, AngefromWells, Geo.188598:620Link to document image
Gebhart, C.fromMiller, Isael187566:426Link to document image
Gebhart, C. & C.fromWessel, Elizabeth188185:550Link to document image
Gebhart, CasperfromLynch, Catherine1889112:142Link to document image
Gebhart, CaspertoPageler, John A.1898149:480Link to document image
Gebhart, CeceliafromBaier, C. & M.188183:319Link to document image
Gebhart, CeceliafromBaier, N. ( Guard)188183:320Link to document image
Gebhart, CeciliatoKline, Bernard188184:471Link to document image
Gebhart, CecliatoGebhart, Chas. Jr.1894132:481Link to document image
Gebhart, CharlesfromConnett, Isaac186949:24Link to document image
Gebhart, CharlestoGebhart, Chas. Jr.1894132:481Link to document image
Gebhart, CharlestoStotz, Ulrich1888112:452Link to document image
Gebhart, Charles (Et ux.)fromFoster, Wm. W.1894132:414Link to document image
Gebhart, Chas. (Et ux.)fromStotz, Ulrich1889112:454Link to document image
Gebhart, Chas. Jr.fromGebhart, Ceclia1894132:481Link to document image
Gebhart, Chas. Jr.fromGebhart, Charles1894132:481Link to document image
Gebhart, Jno. C. (Et ux.)fromRead, Abbi W.1889114:497Link to document image
Gebhart, John C.fromJames, Millie1894135:97Link to document image
Gebhart, John C.fromJames, William1894135:97Link to document image
Gebhart, MaggiefromPorter, John (Etu.)1891121:92Link to document image
Gebhart, ValentinefromBaker, Ambrose C.188596:617Link to document image
Gebhart, ValentinetoPorter, John1891121:94Link to document image
Gebhart, Wm.toBastian, Jacob188185:295Link to document image
Gebhart, Wm.fromHanna, Saml.186333:373Link to document image
Gebherd, Wm.toMeyers, F. Charles187567:8Link to document image
Gebirt, S. (Et al.(fromCommissioner in Partition188188:375Link to document image
Gebring, JacobfromKronmiller, Geo.187359:41Link to document image
Gebson, Jno. C.fromSnyder, Wm N.186128:149Link to document image
Gedley, Wm.toJones, Thomas186947:548Link to document image
Gee, AlvafromBrown, Jeremiah1841L:584Link to document image
Geels, Geo. (Adm.)toLauer, Justine188185:303Link to document image
Geels, GeorgetoArlink, Herman187374:294Link to document image
Geels, GeorgefromArlink, Rosanna187374:293Link to document image
Geels, GeorgefromArlink, Rosanna187874:293Link to document image
Geerdes, Herman H.toNussman, Jno.187668:380Link to document image
Geerken, CharlestoEicks, John1899155:146Link to document image
Geerken, CharlesfromGeerken, Louise1894135:305Link to document image
Geerken, Fredk.fromBruns, Anne E.1896142:181Link to document image
Geerken, Fredk.fromBruns, Annie E.1892126:4Link to document image
Geerken, Geo.fromHanna, Chas.187771:403Link to document image
Geerken, Geo.fromHayden, E. H.1887106:361Link to document image
Geerken, Geo.fromWigmann, Henry188494:85Link to document image
Geerken, GeorgefromGeerken, Louise1894135:306Link to document image
Geerken, GeorgetoMinneker, Henry (Et ux.)1892126:278Link to document image
Geerken, George Jr.toSchoppmann, E. L.1895138:225Link to document image
Geerken, George S.toGeerken, Henry (Et al.)187977:2&3Link to document image
Geerken, HenrytoRose, Henry A.188183:555Link to document image
Geerken, Henry (Et al.)fromGeerken, George S.187977:2&3Link to document image
Geerken, LouisetoGeerken, Charles1894135:305Link to document image
Geerken, LouisetoGeerken, George1894135:306Link to document image
Geerken, SophietoSchoppmann, E. L.1895138:225Link to document image
Geeseking, D.toNickey, A. B.188286:570Link to document image
Geeseking, D. W.toGeeseking, F. W.188183:482Link to document image
Geeseking, F. W.toFortmeier, Henry1892127:179Link to document image
Geeseking, F. W.fromGeeseking, D. W.188183:482Link to document image
Geeskin, HenryfromBrandt, Frederick1851L:11Link to document image
Gefell, Gustave (Et.)fromTenzer, Herman B. (Et.)1891120:567Link to document image
Gege, H.fromHafner, John186643:54Link to document image
Gege, HeinrichfromMeyer, C. f. G.186643:54Link to document image
Gege, HeinrichfromPiepenbrink, C.186643:54Link to document image
Gehant, AppolinetoLangard, Jno.188495:365Link to document image
Gehant, Francis (Will of)to1884152:359Link to document image
Gehard, A. M.fromHarsch, John1889114:94Link to document image
Gehle, FerdinandfromHock, Christian1892125:444Link to document image
Gehrig, J. W. (Et ux.)fromHirschy, Jacob1900159:473Link to document image
Gehrig, John W.fromSprunger, Christian J.1895140:294Link to document image
Gehrig, JuliustoEgly, Albert1902168:531Link to document image
Gehrig, JuliusfromGrabill, Joseph1902167:35Link to document image
Gehrig, Julius (Et al.)fromGrabill, Joseph A.1902168:461Link to document image
Gehrig, Julius J.toGehrig, Otto F. (Et al.)1900161:44Link to document image
Gehrig, Otto F. (Et al.)fromGehrig, Julius J.1900161:44Link to document image
Gehrig, Otto F. (Et al.)fromSchluneker, Caroline1897148:405Link to document image
Gehring, JacobfromThomas, Calvin187981:247Link to document image
Gehring, MariafromRobinson, Jas. L.186846:472Link to document image
Gehring, PaulfromSuter, Edward1895139:474Link to document image
Geib, MinnietoCurdes, Louis F.1897144:247Link to document image
Geib, MinniefromGrunst, Herman W.1897144:249Link to document image
Geib, MinnietoWilson, Mary S.1897145:558Link to document image
Geice, Jesse (Et ux.)toHood, Thomas1892124:538Link to document image
Geiger, A. (Et al.)toMayer, Theo.188081:218Link to document image
Geiger, A. (Et al.)toStraus, F. (Et al.)188081:523Link to document image
Geiger, AllanfromRandall, Winifred J.1901162:429Link to document image
Geiger, Aloysius J. (Et.)toCarnahan, C. L.1891122:91Link to document image
Geiger, AugustafromDiffendarfer, Jno. (Et al.)187874:511Link to document image
Geiger, AugustafromGray, Susan (Et al.)187874:511Link to document image
Geiger, AugustafromSnyder, Geo. (Et al.)187874:511Link to document image
Geiger, Augusta (Et al.)toDiffendarfer, John187875:293Link to document image
Geiger, Augusta (Et al.)toGray, Susan187874:301Link to document image
Geiger, Augusta (Et al.)toMiller, Wm.187978:411Link to document image
Geiger, Augusta (Et al.)toSmith, Barbara187875:290Link to document image
Geiger, Augusta (Et al.)toSmith, Mary A.187875:292Link to document image
Geiger, Augusta (Et al.)toSnyder, Eliza187875:289Link to document image
Geiger, CarolinetoWhybourn, Wm. F.1895137:198Link to document image
Geiger, CatherinetoMonning, Henry1887106:217Link to document image
Geiger, CharlestoWhybourn, Wm. F.1895137:198Link to document image
Geiger, Chas. H. (Et al.)toCarnahan, C. L.1890122:93Link to document image
Geiger, Chas. H. (Et al.)toCarnahan, Clara L.1892124:65Link to document image
Geiger, Chas. H. (Et al.)fromMcCulloch, Chas. (Et al.)1890118:149Link to document image
Geiger, Chas. H. (Gdn.)toCarnahan, Clara L.1896147:255Link to document image
Geiger, Chas. J. (Guard)toCarnahan, Clara L.1892124:66Link to document image
Geiger, Frank J. (Et al.)toHorstman, John B. (Et al.)1899156:162Link to document image
Geiger, H. & Mayes, M.fromMiller, Joseph188080:455Link to document image
Geiger, HenrytoFledderman, J. G. & M. E.187977:566Link to document image
Geiger, HettiefromHayes, Melissa A.188081:426Link to document image
Geiger, HettietoHayes, Melissa A.188081:427Link to document image
Geiger, J. H.fromSchwieters, Mary E.1902166:284Link to document image
Geiger, Jacob M. (Et ux.)fromRandall, Winifred J.1901165:106Link to document image
Geiger, Jos. J.toRemmert, Mary C.1894134:387Link to document image
Geiger, Joseph J.toCarnahan, C. L.1892123:521Link to document image
Geiger, Louis F.toCarnahan, C. L.1891122:94Link to document image
Geiger, LouisatoCarnahan, Clara L.1896147:254Link to document image
Geiger, WilhelmfromGriebel, Chas. G.1890116:401Link to document image
Geiger, WilhwlmtoKaiser, John1891121:86Link to document image
Geiger, Wm. A.toMarcy, Julia187772:526Link to document image
Geiger, Wm. A.fromRichey, Lemuel187770:178Link to document image
Geiger, Wm. A.fromRichey, Lemuel187772:4Link to document image
Geiler, Fredk.toBuck, William187257:39Link to document image
Geillemin, M. T.fromStegmeyer, J.187153:97Link to document image
Geis, JacobfromHough, John186443;395Link to document image
Geis, PetertoGeis, Phillip187565:494Link to document image
Geis, PhillipfromDierstein, Conrad186951:120Link to document image
Geis, PhillipfromGeis, Peter187565:494Link to document image
Geis, PhilliptoUngerer, George187359:381Link to document image
Geisderfer, Ferd.toFigel, William186844:384Link to document image
Geisderfer, Marg.fromFigel, William186844:418Link to document image
Geisdorfer, F. & M.fromFigel, Wm.1886101:57Link to document image
Geisdorfer, M.toFigel, Wm.1886101:56Link to document image
Geisdorfer, M.toFigel, Wm.1886101:56Link to document image
Geise, Henry D.fromRobinson, Wm. L.1900158:183Link to document image
Geise, JacobfromBuhr, Nicholas186536:260Link to document image
Geiseking, DeidrehfromRobertson, R. S. (Coms.)187052:308Link to document image
Geiseking, DeitrichfromColerick, Wm. G. (Com.)186848:71Link to document image
Geiseking, Diedrick W.toValentine, John W.187773:93Link to document image
Geiseman, H. (Guard)toMiller, Jno.D.186845:384Link to document image
Geiser, HettietoDubois, Franklin1893130:260Link to document image
Geiser, HettietoDubois, Franklin1893131:26Link to document image
Geisking, D.fromEmery, Joseph186640:346Link to document image
Geisking, JohnfromLarimore, John1890132:398Link to document image
Geislen, Wm.fromBayless, Sol. D.186330:406Link to document image
Geisman, A. & E. L.fromJeffries, Adam188290:40Link to document image
Geisman, Chas. (Et al.)toSimon, Julius1897147:311Link to document image
Geisman, Geo.fromCommissioner in Partition188184:259Link to document image
Geisman, Jno.fromCommissioner in Partition188184:259Link to document image
Geisman, R.fromCommissioner in Partition188184:259Link to document image
Geisman, Wm.fromCommissioner in Partition188184:259Link to document image
Geismar, AdolphtoSchilling, M. B.188392:85Link to document image
Geismar, AdolphtoTrentman, H. J. & Bro.187564:418Link to document image
Geismar, AdolphtoWeimann, Annie C.187464:195Link to document image
Geismar, AdolphfromWiemann, Wm. 187564:296Link to document image
Geismar, E. L.toKaag, M. F.188081:275Link to document image
Geismar, E. L.toMossman, W. E. & L. D.188185:381Link to document image
Geismar, E. S.toSonnenburg, D.188184:228Link to document image
Geismar, Emma L.fromJones, L. M.187872:496Link to document image
Geismar, Emma L.toShoaff, John Robert1900160:280Link to document image
Geismar, Emma L.fromTrentman, H. J. & A. C.187669:116Link to document image
Geismar, John AdolphfromVanVoorhis, F.187461:437Link to document image
Geismas, E. L.fromCarson, W. W.188392:352Link to document image
Geismger, PhillipfromHendler, Peter186950:337Link to document image
Geismur, A. & E. L.fromPaine, James D.188080:167Link to document image
Geiss, JacobtoWalds, William187257:319Link to document image
Geistdoerfer, CarolinefromGeistdoerfer, Fredk.1899153:150Link to document image
Geistdoerfer, CarolinefromPettit, Bertha L.189320:334Link to document image
Geistdoerfer, CarolinefromPettit, Bertha L.1894134:261Link to document image
Geistdoerfer, Fredk.toGeistdoerfer, Caroline1899153:150Link to document image
Geistdoerfer, Wm.fromFrancis, Sarah A.1890116:533Link to document image
Gele, FredericktoBaada, Christian187153:331Link to document image
Gele, FrederickfromHull, Wm. R.186639:327Link to document image
Gelebe, MathiasfromGebele, Chas.187565:9Link to document image
Gell, E. A. C. (Ex.)toWanamaker, Jno.188290:2Link to document image
Geller, C. C.fromBash, Chas. S.188286:203Link to document image
Geller, C. C.toKlenke, F. & W.1886100:101Link to document image
Geller, C. C.toKlenke, F. W.1886100:101Link to document image
Geller, Charles C.toGeske, Friederich T.1901163:406Link to document image
Geller, Chas. C.fromKriete, Chas. F.188494:291Link to document image
Geller, Chas. C.fromSeabold, Jno. G.188597:187Link to document image
Geller, Christian E.toGeller, John O. (Tr.)1900162:415Link to document image
Geller, G. W.fromLindenberg, F.1886102:147Link to document image
Geller, Geo. C.fromBaker, Henry186026:275Link to document image
Geller, Gottlieb (Admr.)toLindenberg, Louise1898152:206Link to document image
Geller, John O. (Tr.)fromGeller, Christian E.1900162:415Link to document image
Geller, John O. (Tr.)toGeller, Louis J.1900162:416Link to document image
Geller, KarolinatoLindenberg, F.1886102:146Link to document image
Geller, LouistoSchoppman, Wm.1887105:532Link to document image
Geller, Louis J.fromGeller, John O. (Tr.)1900162:416Link to document image
Geller, LudwickfromZuber, Panteleon187565:549Link to document image
Geller, Minnie (Et al.)toEhrman, C. F.1888109:95Link to document image
Geller, TheodorefromBowen, Marvin L.187360:512Link to document image
Geller, TheodoretoGeller, Theodore H.1901161:516Link to document image
Geller, TheodorefromHull, Jno. H.186948:42Link to document image
Geller, TheodorefromMiller, Jno. M.186744:164Link to document image
Geller, TheodorefromNewhouse, Frank187049:160Link to document image
Geller, TheodoretoSchlaudrauf, L.187771:467Link to document image
Geller, Theodore H.fromGeller, Theodore1901161:516Link to document image
Geller, W. G.toKaiser, Chas.1886100:310Link to document image
Geller, W. G.toKaiser, Chas.1886100:310Link to document image
Geller, W. G.fromWelling, Jno.188184:361Link to document image
Geller, WilliamfromOBrien, Nancy (Et al.)1899154:190Link to document image
Geller, Wm. F.fromBissell, Geo. P.1886102:329Link to document image
Geller, Wm. F.toSpiegel, Fredk. C.1892127:136Link to document image
Gellert, Ernst M.toSwann, Henrietta1896143:21Link to document image
Gellert, MaxfromWilliams, E. P. (Et al.)1892126:376Link to document image
Gellner, H. (Dec.)fromLindenwood Cemetery188082:105Link to document image
Gemam, Roswell M.fromEvans, Rufus A.1890116:319Link to document image
Gemhardt, Wm. (Et ux.)fromEdgerton, Clement W. (Adm.)1894132:337Link to document image
Gen. Public for HighwayfromCertia, Sarah J.1868170:429Link to document image
General Electic Co.toFort Wayne Electric Works1899154:148Link to document image
General Electric Co.fromFort Wayne Electric Co.1899154:64Link to document image
General Electric Co.fromMorris, Saml. L. (Et al. Rec.)1899154;62Link to document image
General Public HighwayfromHathaway, Thomas W.1902170:480Link to document image
Geneting, A. F.toSchram, Mary E.187875:104Link to document image
Gensle, Emile (Et al.)toSteger, Rudolph1896141:155Link to document image
Genth, BarbarafromJehl, Josephine1900157:19Link to document image
Genth, BarbaratoKrantz, Valentine1902168:444Link to document image
Genth, Christina K. (Et al.)toGenth, John A.187975:405Link to document image
Genth, ElifromBowersock, Andrew187566:493Link to document image
Genth, ElitoGenth, Jnno. A.188597:15Link to document image
Genth, ElifromGenth, Wm. A. (Et al.)1897148:89Link to document image
Genth, ElifromSeibold, Jacob188597:27Link to document image
Genth, Geo.fromPocock, Elihu188599:260Link to document image
Genth, GeorgetoKuhne, H. Richard1901162:131Link to document image
Genth, GeorgefromPocock, Elihn1885127:322Link to document image
Genth, George (Et ux.)fromKuhne, H. Richard1901162:132Link to document image
Genth, Jnno. A.fromGenth, Eli188597:15Link to document image
Genth, Jno. A.fromSiebold, Jacob1858W:60Link to document image
Genth, Jno. A.fromSwift, Bayless186743:255Link to document image
Genth, Jno. P.fromBensinger, C. D. M.187152:291Link to document image
Genth, John A.fromGenth, Christina K. (Et al.)187975:405Link to document image
Genth, John A.fromTrainer, David H.1898152:222Link to document image
Genth, John A.fromTrainer, Harriet1898152:223Link to document image
Genth, John A.fromTrainer, Harriet (Adm.)1898152:226Link to document image
Genth, John T.fromPratt, Wm. T.187359:30Link to document image
Genth, MichaelfromBruns, William (Et ux.)1891120:78Link to document image
Genth, MichaelfromCurdes, Louis F.1902171:73Link to document image
Genth, MichaeltoJehl, Josephine1900157:18Link to document image
Genth, William H.fromWiyzgall, Lewis1900159:253Link to document image
Genth, Wm. A.fromWever, Sarah187463:508Link to document image
Genth, Wm. A.fromWitzgall, Louis1896140:469Link to document image
Genth, Wm. A. (Et al.)toGenth, Eli1897148:89Link to document image
Gentine, JosephtoBerning, Charlotte186950:43Link to document image
Gentine, JosephfromRassat, Peter186947:420Link to document image
Geoffrey, EllentoGeoffrey, Peter186550:513Link to document image
Geoffrey, PeterfromGeoffrey, Ellen186550:513Link to document image
Geoffrey, PetertoJeanpierre, Celestin187565:56Link to document image
Geoffroy, PetertoKrick, Henry188597:165Link to document image
Geoffry, ClaudfromMarquardt, P.187050:512Link to document image
Geofroy, Claude J.toGeofroy, Peter187875:164Link to document image
Geofroy, PeterfromGeofroy, Claude J.187875:164Link to document image
Geoglein, Geo.fromShorden, Daniel187256:402Link to document image
Geoglein, Geo.fromShordon, Daniel188287:304Link to document image
Geoglein, Kleinmiller & TrierfromFry, Jacob187360:547Link to document image
Geoglein, Wm. G.fromGoeglein, Amelia1895139:444Link to document image
Geohard, Wm.fromMeyer, F. C.187874:179Link to document image
Geojhon, JuliusfromBass, Jno. H.186539:77Link to document image
Georden, Geo. P.toRing, John186845:602Link to document image
George, DelliefromBrickenfeld, M. L. (Et al.)1890113:235Link to document image
George, ElizabethfromMarie, Jno. P.187051:124Link to document image
George, Ellwood H.fromBloemker, Lisette (Et al.)1897148:179Link to document image
George, Ellwood H.toKuhne, Paul F.1902169:485Link to document image
George, Ellwood H.fromSaverwein, Frank (Gdn.)1897148:178Link to document image
George, Ellwood H. (Et ux.)fromKuhne, Paul F.1902169:486Link to document image
George, Elwood H.toShaffer, John1892127:467Link to document image
George, JosephtoWass, John187153:167Link to document image
George, L. D.fromHenderson, J. A.1885100:317Link to document image
George, L. D.fromHood, Henry G.186432:455Link to document image
George, L. D.fromMaxfield, M.1886100:315Link to document image
George, L. D.toMcVory, Owen186846:559Link to document image
George, L. D.toReichelderfer, Chas.1887107:420Link to document image
George, L. D.toSwift, E. R.188599:297Link to document image
George, L. D.toSwift, E. R.188599:297Link to document image
George, L. D.toVanCamp, Jno.186052:218Link to document image
George, LilliefromComs. in Partition1890115:169Link to document image
George, LillietoHood, Florence M.1891125:408Link to document image
George, LillietoHood, James W.1891125:409Link to document image
George, LillietoShaffer, John1892127:467Link to document image
George, LillietoSwift, Clarence F.1892129:110Link to document image
George, Lillie (Et al.)toRoberts, Melville C.1890119:309Link to document image
George, Lorensa L.toMaysville, C. Ca. 1891122:565Link to document image
George, Lorenus D.toSmith, Melvill1891128:415Link to document image
George, Lorenzo D.toHood, Amy187060:275Link to document image
George, Lorenzo D.toKerns, Clara E.1889114:572Link to document image
George, MilotoWilson, Mrs. S. A.1886102:406Link to document image
Geotje, SophiatoGoetje, John (by will)187283:260Link to document image
Gephart, CatharinefromHanod, Moise1902168:95Link to document image
Gephart, GeorgefromEwing, Geo. W.186537:532Link to document image
Gephart, SophiefromKoehler, Mary1898151:152Link to document image
Gephart, William E.fromHyser, John1902171:240Link to document image
Ger. B. L. & Assn. No. 4fromAllen Circuit Court1900159:231Link to document image
Ger. B. L. & S. A.fromSheriff187463:268Link to document image
Ger. B. L. & S. A. No. 4fromPollock, Jas. H.1894131:543Link to document image
Ger. B. L. & S. Aisa No. 4fromAllen Circuit Court1900159:231Link to document image
Ger. Cleve. B. l. & S. A.fromHitzemann, Fred. J.1894132:182Link to document image
Ger. Insurance Co. of Freeport Ills.fromSheriff187975:434Link to document image
Ger. Ref. Salem Ch.fromRomy, Robt. L.1983132:357Link to document image
Gerald, GabriallefromGerard, Louis187772:259Link to document image
Gerard, A.fromBennett, W. H.186229:256Link to document image
Gerard, A. & C.fromLehman, Conrad188288:544Link to document image
Gerard, AlmiratoBeck, S. C.186950:394Link to document image
Gerard, AnnfromHarter, Geo.186436:218Link to document image
Gerard, AnntoHouser, Saml. L.187461:514Link to document image
Gerard, AnthonytoGerard, Antonie (Et ux.)1901165:136Link to document image
Gerard, AnthonytoShreve, Louis F. (Et ux.)1901161:337Link to document image
Gerard, Anthony (Et ux.)fromGerard, Antoine1889118:326Link to document image
Gerard, Anthony (Et ux.)fromNieman, Benhamin1898149:54Link to document image
Gerard, AntoinetoGerard, Anthony (Et ux.)1889118:326Link to document image
Gerard, AntoinetoGerard, Bernway (Et ux.)1898150:358Link to document image
Gerard, AntoinetoRastenburg, Frank F.1901165:150Link to document image
Gerard, AntoinetoStrodel, George J.1898150:359Link to document image
Gerard, Antoine (Et al.)fromEberwine, Christian1890115:567Link to document image
Gerard, Antonie (Et ux.)fromGerard, Anthony1901165:136Link to document image
Gerard, AugustetoJaclson Township188288:545Link to document image
Gerard, Bernway (Et ux.)fromGerard, Antoine1898150:358Link to document image
Gerard, FeliciafromReiniche, F.187874:43Link to document image
Gerard, JulesfromWhite, John W.1893128:311Link to document image
Gerard, LouistoGerald, Gabrialle187772:259Link to document image
Gerardat, A. (Et al.)toGerardat, Edward1886101:194Link to document image
Gerardat, A. (Et al.)toGerardat, Joseph1885101:513Link to document image
Gerardat, Alex.fromGerardat, Louis1891119:313Link to document image
Gerardat, AnnfromUrbine, Casimir188288:435Link to document image
Gerardat, AnthonyfromConverset, August188184:573Link to document image
Gerardat, EdwardfromGerardat, A. (Et al.)1886101:194Link to document image
Gerardat, JosephfromGerardat, A. (Et al.)1885101:513Link to document image
Gerardat, LouistoGerardat, Alex.1891119:313Link to document image
Gerardat, LouisfromSansotte, Geo. E.1888109:592Link to document image
Gerardens, H.fromCampbell, John186332:150Link to document image
Gerardin & AlterfromBurgess, Henry187360:392Link to document image
Gerardin & AlterfromBurgess, Henry187360:393Link to document image
Gerardin H.fromSchulz, Peter186640:393Link to document image
Gerardin, AnthonyfromDepez, Peter186844:322Link to document image
Gerardin, AnthonyfromHamilton, A. (by Ex.)186435:361Link to document image
Gerardin, AntonictoFreiburger, I.(Et al.)186847:570Link to document image
Gerardin, AntonictoFreiburger, I.(Et al.)186847:572Link to document image
Gerardin, Hto1890Link to document image
Gerardin, H.toBerry, Wesley188392:128Link to document image
Gerardin, H.toButtler, Jno.187153:74Link to document image
Gerardin, H.fromFleming, Wm.188288:311Link to document image
Gerardin, H.toHake, Frank187156:310Link to document image
Gerardin, H.toMariotte, Louisa188392:218Link to document image
Gerardin, H.toSleigerwalk, J. A.186551:55Link to document image
Gerardin, H. (Et al.)toFleming, Wm.188288:417Link to document image
Gerardin, HeypolitefromButler, John187153:35Link to document image
Gerardin, HippolytetoBower, John F.1890116:576Link to document image
Gerardin, HippolytetoWickliffe, Michael S.1890116:582Link to document image
Gerardin, HpolitefromSchulz, Peter187462:170Link to document image
Gerardin, HupfromSander, Chas. W.187254:487Link to document image
Gerardin, HypolitefromKoenig, Edward187051:380Link to document image
Gerardo, AdalinefromComs. in Part.1895137:512Link to document image
Gerardo, AlexisfromComs. in Part.1895137:512Link to document image
Gerardo, AlfredfromComs. in Part.1895137:512Link to document image
Gerardo, CharlesfromComs. in Part.1895137:512Link to document image
Gerardo, HenryfromComs. in Part.1895137:512Link to document image
Gerardo, LestorfromComs. in Part.1895137:512Link to document image
Gerardo, LouisfromComs. in Part.1895137:512Link to document image
Gerardo, PeterfromBurt, D. W.186334:147Link to document image
Gerardot, (Heirs)fromRausis, Anna J.1888110:140Link to document image
Gerardot, A. (Et al.)toGerardot, Edward1886101:194Link to document image
Gerardot, AdelinetoGerardot, James1900158:416Link to document image
Gerardot, AdelinefromUrbine, Peter (Et al.)1898150:439Link to document image
Gerardot, AlexisfromChristy, Samuel186434:134Link to document image
Gerardot, AlexisfromCunes, Francis186434:526Link to document image
Gerardot, AlexistoFarret, Venos187362:462Link to document image
Gerardot, AlexisfromFavoret, Venos187771:102Link to document image
Gerardot, AlexistoGerardot, Joseph187361:440Link to document image
Gerardot, AlexistoGerardot, Louis1895138:18Link to document image
Gerardot, Alexis & LewistoCunie, Genva187360:481Link to document image
Gerardot, Alexis (Gdn.)toUrbine, Louis C. (Et al.)1898150:437Link to document image
Gerardot, AlfredfromPape, Martha1902167:69Link to document image
Gerardot, AlxistoRoy, Louis1896143:229Link to document image
Gerardot, AnthonytoMartin, John J.1899153:26Link to document image
Gerardot, AnthonyfromReuille, Jules H. (Et al.)1890119:300Link to document image
Gerardot, Anthony (Et ux.)toFt. Wayne & E. R. R. Co.1894134:157Link to document image
Gerardot, CharlestoGerardot, Louis H.1898151:461Link to document image
Gerardot, CharlesfromHuss, Abraham (Et al.)1898151:451Link to document image
Gerardot, Chas.toChausse, Ameda186947:194Link to document image
Gerardot, Chas.fromConverset, August187874:484Link to document image
Gerardot, Chas.toConverset, August187874:525Link to document image
Gerardot, Chas.fromGirardot, Jules188494:374Link to document image
Gerardot, Chas. & wifetoFt. Wayne & E. R. R. Co.1894134:203Link to document image
Gerardot, EdwardfromBacon, Samuel187155:56Link to document image
Gerardot, EdwardtoBeuchot, August1895140:559Link to document image
Gerardot, EdwardtoConverset, August187361:606Link to document image
Gerardot, EdwardfromGerardot, A. (Et al.)1886101:194Link to document image
Gerardot, EdwardfromGrardot, Alexis187771:101Link to document image
Gerardot, EdwardfromMathias, D. W. (Et ux.)1891120:502Link to document image
Gerardot, EdwardfromMathias, Dl. W.1890116:52Link to document image
Gerardot, EdwardfromOlds, Hester A.187361:439Link to document image
Gerardot, ElexisfromAuditor Allen County186435:78Link to document image
Gerardot, GustavefromBeugnot, John186644:255Link to document image
Gerardot, HenrytoGerardot, Louis H.1898151:194Link to document image
Gerardot, HenrytoPepe, Martha1901164:83Link to document image
Gerardot, Henry E.fromGilbert, Carl J.1901160:532Link to document image
Gerardot, Henry E.toPape, Martha A.1901160:532Link to document image
Gerardot, JamesfromGerardot, Adeline1900158:416Link to document image
Gerardot, JosephfromBacon, Samuel187155:57Link to document image
Gerardot, JosephtoDunifon, Samantha A.187465:179Link to document image
Gerardot, JosephfromGerardot, Alexis187361:440Link to document image
Gerardot, JosephfromGrardot, Alexis187771:101Link to document image
Gerardot, JulestoIvelan, Lewis P.1891120:317Link to document image
Gerardot, JuliusfromFelts, Geo. F. (Comr.)1900157:486Link to document image
Gerardot, JustinetoGrimes, Carl187152:585Link to document image
Gerardot, LestertoGerardot, Louis H.1898151:194Link to document image
Gerardot, LesterfromGilbert, Carl J.1901160:531Link to document image
Gerardot, LewistoGiant, Jacob187565:8Link to document image
Gerardot, LewisfromMiller, John R.187566:395Link to document image
Gerardot, LewistoMiller, John R.187566:413Link to document image
Gerardot, LouisfromGerardot, Alexis1895138:18Link to document image
Gerardot, LouisfromGerardot, Mary1895138:18Link to document image
Gerardot, LouisfromRoy, John B.1892125:363Link to document image
Gerardot, LouisfromWilson, Mary1894134:435Link to document image
Gerardot, Louis (Et ux.)toFt. Wayne & E. R. R. Co.1894134:156Link to document image
Gerardot, Louis H.fromGerardot, Charles1898151:461Link to document image
Gerardot, Louis H.fromGerardot, Henry1898151:194Link to document image
Gerardot, Louis H.fromGerardot, Lester1898151:194Link to document image
Gerardot, Louis H.fromPape, Martha1898151:279Link to document image
Gerardot, Louis L.fromRomy, Robert L.1900158:128Link to document image
Gerardot, LouisafromRausis, Anna J.1888110:72Link to document image
Gerardot, MaryfromBass, John H.1893127:541Link to document image
Gerardot, MarytoGerardot, Louis1895138:18Link to document image
Gerardot, MarytoPepe, Jane B.1888112:581Link to document image
Gerardot, MaryfromPepe, Jane B.1889112:580Link to document image
Gerardot, PeterfromDitsell, Jeny1902167:203Link to document image
Gerardot, PetertoDitsell, Jerry1902167:202Link to document image
Gerardot, PetertoMcIntosh, Ellis J. (Et al.)1902170:334Link to document image
Gerardot, PeterfromMyers, Isaac1902170:484Link to document image
Gerardot, SrephentoMowrey, Paul187360:505Link to document image
Gerardot, StephentoGirardot, Alexis Jr.187463:605Link to document image
Gerardot, StephentoNoel, Henry187361:512Link to document image
Gerardot, StephenfromSaviot, Francis186539:366Link to document image
Gerardot, Theo.toJuif, Victor187152:605Link to document image
Gerardot, Theo.toRoy, Florentine187152:606Link to document image
Gerardot, Theo.toTommer, Gabriel187152:607Link to document image
Gerardot, TheodalefromCochoit, Joseph186542:111Link to document image
Gerber, AnniefromEdgerton, C. W. (Adm.)1894132:340Link to document image
Gerber, AnniefromEdgerton, Hannah M.1894132:337Link to document image
Gerber, AnniefromGerig, Samuel1901164:504Link to document image
Gerber, AnniefromRupp, Jesse (Et al.)1901164:506Link to document image
Gerber, AnniefromYaggy, John R.1901164:505Link to document image
Gerber, ConradfromBegue, Mary (Et al.)1887106:383Link to document image
Gerber, ConradtoKuhne, Paul F.1896144:439Link to document image
Gerber, JosephinefromKuhne, Paul F.1897144:440Link to document image
Gerber, JosiefromGernhardt, Wm.1895140:194Link to document image
Gerberdig, AugusttoSeelig, Henry (Et al.)1899155:191Link to document image
Gerberding, Aug.toLechtsinn, Henry1887105:172Link to document image
Gerberding, Aug.fromMiller, Wm. H.1889112:368Link to document image
Gerberding, Aug.toPaul, Henry C.1892123:432Link to document image
Gerberding, Aug.fromPaul, Henry C.1892123:434Link to document image
Gerberding, Aug.fromPaul, Henry C. (Et.)1891122:40Link to document image
Gerberding, AugustfromBegue, Maria188185:328Link to document image
Gerberding, AugusttoBusching, William J.1902167:399Link to document image
Gerberding, AugusttoGerberding, Christine1901165:447Link to document image
Gerberding, AugustfromSchoenbein, A. (Et al.)188185:328Link to document image
Gerberding, AugustfromWhite, Jas. B.188392:264Link to document image
Gerberding, ChristinefromGerberding, August1901165:447Link to document image
Gerberding, SophiefromMoellering, William1902170:423Link to document image
Gercrken, Geo.fromHanna, Saml. 185598:551Link to document image
Gerdat, Louis C.fromEdwards, Amelia A.1897144:240Link to document image
Gerdes, Herman H.fromNussman, John187566:420Link to document image
Gerdhefner, E.toCramer, David188396:313Link to document image
Gerding & Aumann Bros.fromDidier, Augustus I.1899155:405Link to document image
Gerding & Aumann Bros.fromDuffy, James E.1899155:406Link to document image
Gerding, FredfromSheriff187976:86Link to document image
Gerding, FrederickfromAnderson, Henry C.187976:124Link to document image
Gerding, FrederickfromAnderson, S. F. L.1892125:56Link to document image
Gerding, FrederickfromAnderson, Silvia A.1893132:201Link to document image
Gerding, FrederickfromCommissioners by Partition188080:353Link to document image
Gerding, Jno. H.toP. Ft. W. & C. R. W. Co.1890115:230Link to document image
Gerding, Jno. P. (Et ux.)fromAnmann, Conrad1895140:340Link to document image
Gerding, John H.toBeckmann, Henry185670:80Link to document image
Gerding, John H.toBleke, Charles185670:80Link to document image
Gerding, John H.toKromer, F.185670:80Link to document image
Gerding, Justina S.fromEarp, Mary O.1898152:166Link to document image
Gerding, Louis W.toMcMakin, JOseph H.1900157:130Link to document image
Gerding, Wm. E. (Et al.)fromBass, John H.1894134:90Link to document image
Gerding, Wm. E. (Et al.)fromBass, Laura H.1894134:90Link to document image
Gerdom, E. H.fromBreen, Wm. C. Ex.1887103:529Link to document image
Gerdom, Ernest H.fromJaebker, Anna M.1889113:40Link to document image
Gerdom, HermonfromForbing, Jno. (Comr.)1889114:393Link to document image
Gerhard, WilliamfromCarier, Aug. H.1890115:266Link to document image
Gerhart, M. A. & W. S.fromBeck, Anna M.187772:261Link to document image
Gerig John J. (Et al.)toGerig, Daniel (Et al.)1899153:247Link to document image
Gerig, AndrewfromGerig, Andrew M. (Et al.)1901163:254Link to document image
Gerig, AndrewtoGerig, Benjamin P. (Et ux.)1901165:485Link to document image
Gerig, AndrewfromGerig, Hannah B.1901163:256Link to document image
Gerig, AndrewfromGerig, Joseph B. (Et al.)1901163:255Link to document image
Gerig, AndrewtoGerig, Peter187464:381Link to document image
Gerig, AndrewfromLindsey, Charles W.1901163:518Link to document image
Gerig, AndrewfromOverholt, John187464:382Link to document image
Gerig, andrewtoSchlatter, B. B.188185:393Link to document image
Gerig, AndrewtoSchlatter, B. B.188288:203Link to document image
Gerig, AndrewfromSchlatter, Benj.186331:257Link to document image
Gerig, AndrewfromWheelock, Rachel1901163:518Link to document image
Gerig, Andrew (Will)to1892125:439Link to document image
Gerig, Andrew M.fromKelley, Abraham1891122:602Link to document image
Gerig, Andrew M.fromStuckey, Moses1894134:460Link to document image
Gerig, Andrew M. (Et al.)toGerig, Andrew1901163:254Link to document image
Gerig, Andrew M. (Et al.)fromLantz, Jonathan1901162:541Link to document image
Gerig, Ben. S.fromGerig, Joseph1888126:524Link to document image
Gerig, Benj. P.fromDalman, John1894133:51Link to document image
Gerig, Benj. P.fromGernhardt, Wm.1895141:457Link to document image
Gerig, Benj. P.toLovall, Wm. G.1896141:172Link to document image
Gerig, Benj. P.fromRoth, Henry1896142:526Link to document image
Gerig, Benj. P. (Et ux.)fromFry, Alvin R.1896143:14Link to document image
Gerig, Benj. S.fromBown, M. L.1888124:215Link to document image
Gerig, Benj. S.fromSchlatter, Bedict1888108:374Link to document image
Gerig, Benjamin P.toGarver, James H.1899153:509Link to document image
Gerig, Benjamin P. (Et ux.)fromGerig, Andrew1901165:485Link to document image
Gerig, Christian (Et al.)fromDove, Henry187155:119Link to document image
Gerig, DanielfromFieliyz, Mary1902170:284Link to document image
Gerig, DanieltoFt. Wayne & Detroit R. R. Co.1901163:135Link to document image
Gerig, Daniel (Et al.)fromGerig John J. (Et al.)1899153:247Link to document image
Gerig, Daniel (Et al.)fromGerig, Mary1900160:171Link to document image
Gerig, David (Et al.)fromGerig, Enoch G. (Admr.)1898149:253Link to document image
Gerig, David (Et al.)toHaifley, John B.1900157:170Link to document image
Gerig, ElitoRietdorf, Ernst1898151:541Link to document image
Gerig, ElizabethfromEhle, William1895136:89Link to document image
Gerig, ElizabethfromGerig, Hannah B.1901162:542Link to document image
Gerig, ElizabethtoGerig, John1897144:303Link to document image
Gerig, ElizabethtoWitmer, John1895136:532Link to document image
Gerig, Enoch G.toMiller, Noah1902169:369Link to document image
Gerig, Enoch G.fromWillbur, Geo. W.1890115:121Link to document image
Gerig, Enoch G. (Admr.)toGerig, David (Et al.)1898149:253Link to document image
Gerig, Hannah B.toGerig, Andrew1901163:256Link to document image
Gerig, Hannah B.toGerig, Elizabeth1901162:542Link to document image
Gerig, Hannah B.fromGerig, Samuel1899154:508Link to document image
Gerig, J. O.toLochner, Jacob187772:210Link to document image
Gerig, JacobfromGerig, Jos.188391:188Link to document image
Gerig, Jno.fromYaggy, David188079:519Link to document image
Gerig, JohanntoFt. Wayne & Detroit R. R. Co.1901163:133Link to document image
Gerig, JohnfromGerig, Elizabeth1897144:303Link to document image
Gerig, JohntoGrabill, Joseph187462:61Link to document image
Gerig, JohntoGrabill, Joseph A.1901165:484Link to document image
Gerig, JohnfromSchlatter, Barbara & John187464:329Link to document image
Gerig, JohntoWitmer, Jos.188079:518Link to document image
Gerig, John J.fromEdgerton, C. W. (Adm.)1895137:34Link to document image
Gerig, John J. (Et al.)toGerig, Mary1899153:247Link to document image
Gerig, John J. (Et al.)toRoth, Levi1899153:248Link to document image
Gerig, John J. (Et al.)toSteiner, Eli. (Et al.)1899153:142Link to document image
Gerig, Jos.toGerig, Jacob188391:188Link to document image
Gerig, Jos. J.fromSullivan, Wm. H.186333:352Link to document image
Gerig, Jos. K.toGerig, Samuel1895140:358Link to document image
Gerig, JosephfromDever, Ellen & John187360:160Link to document image
Gerig, JosephtoGerig, Ben. S.1888126:524Link to document image
Gerig, JosephtoGerig, Josephine1892126:344Link to document image
Gerig, JosephfromGerig, Margaret188079:296Link to document image
Gerig, JosephfromGraber, Daniel1895138:423Link to document image
Gerig, Joseph fromGrabill, Joseph A.1902166:440Link to document image
Gerig, JosephfromSchlater, Benj.186333:224Link to document image
Gerig, Joseph B. (Et al.)toGerig, Andrew1901163:255Link to document image
Gerig, Joseph K.fromEdgerton, C. W. (Adm.)1895137:34Link to document image
Gerig, JosephinefromGerig, Joseph1892126:344Link to document image
Gerig, MagdallenetoWitmer, John1895138:60Link to document image
Gerig, MargarettoGerig, Joseph188079:296Link to document image
Gerig, MarytoFt. Wayne & Detroit R. R. Co.1901163:12Link to document image
Gerig, MarytoGerig, Daniel (Et al.)1900160:171Link to document image
Gerig, MaryfromGerig, John J. (Et al.)1899153:247Link to document image
Gerig, MarytoKlopfenstein, David N.1901165:159Link to document image
Gerig, MarytoRoth, Levi1900160:172Link to document image
Gerig, MaryfromRoth, Levi1900162:145Link to document image
Gerig, MarytoSteiner, Eli1900160:172Link to document image
Gerig, PeterfromGerig, Andrew187464:381Link to document image
Gerig, PeterfromLungafelt, Wm.188598:235Link to document image
Gerig, PeterfromSauder, Jacob1895138:116Link to document image
Gerig, PeterfromStuky, Jacob186432:391Link to document image
Gerig, PetertoWitmer, John1895138:60Link to document image
Gerig, SamuelfromEdgerton, Clement W. (Adm.)1894132:338Link to document image
Gerig, SamuelfromEdgerton, Hannah M.1894132:337Link to document image
Gerig, SamueltoFiclitz, Herman1902167:404Link to document image
Gerig, SamueltoGerber, Annie1901164:504Link to document image
Gerig, SamueltoGerig, Hannah B.1899154:508Link to document image
Gerig, SamuelfromGerig, Jos. K.1895140:358Link to document image
Gerig, SamuelfromRinggenberg, Peter1902168:160Link to document image
Gerig, SamueltoSchlatter, Henry a. (Et ux.)1901165:134Link to document image
Gerig, Samuel (Et ux.)fromYaggy, Menno1899155:422Link to document image
Gerig, Sarah J.fromBrown, George W. (Et al.)1890119:287Link to document image
Gerig, Sarah J.fromCarnahan, Lucy M. (Et al.)1890119:287Link to document image
Gerig, Sarah J.fromMeyer, Nancy C. (Et al.)1890118:287Link to document image
Gerig, Sarah J.fromSmith, Martha E.1890119:287Link to document image
Gerig, Sarah J. (Et al.)toRietdorf, Ernst1898150:321Link to document image
Gerig, Sarah J. (Et al.)toRietdorf, Ernst1898150:322Link to document image
Gerig, Sarah J. (Et al.)toSmith, Martha E.1890113:307Link to document image
Gerig,Benjamin P.fromBass, John H.1896153:385Link to document image
Gering, Jno. A.fromHollenbeck, G. F.1886102:99Link to document image
Gerio, AndrewtoSchlatter, Benj. B.1894133:323Link to document image
Gerke & OrfffromHumphrey, James186743:248Link to document image
Gerke & OrfffromSutemeister, Arnold186743:248Link to document image
Gerke & YoungfromMcClure, Wm.187461:244Link to document image
Gerke and OrfffromBecker, Christian186743:248Link to document image
Gerke, C. & H.fromMickow, Jno.188289:552Link to document image
Gerke, C. H. LouisefromGerke, John H. K.1901163:473Link to document image
Gerke, CatharinefromGerke, John D. (heirs)187461:562Link to document image
Gerke, Charles W. (Will of)to1897151:184Link to document image
Gerke, Chas. W.fromGriffith, Levi (Et ux.)1892124:75Link to document image
Gerke, ElizabethtoMeyer, Eugell187255:262Link to document image
Gerke, F. D. W.fromSaylor, Jacob1886102:233Link to document image
Gerke, F. D. W.fromSheriff1894135:337Link to document image
Gerke, F. D. Wm.fromSaylor, Jacob 1890117:19Link to document image
Gerke, F. W. William (Will of)to1896155:53Link to document image
Gerke, Fred.fromSchneider, Wm.186641:560Link to document image
Gerke, FrederickfromBaade, Christian186539:5Link to document image
Gerke, FrederickfromBartels, Frederick187977:253Link to document image
Gerke, FrederickfromBruick, Morris186567:364Link to document image
Gerke, FredericktoGerke, H. F. A.186950:197Link to document image
Gerke, FredericktoGerke, H. F. A. 186979:380Link to document image
Gerke, FredericktoMeyer, Wm. J. (Et al.)1887105:311Link to document image
Gerke, FrederickfromSander, Chas. W.186539:4Link to document image
Gerke, FrederickfromSchneider, Wm.187464:241Link to document image
Gerke, FredericktoTrustees G. E. L. St. Peters Ch.187772:215Link to document image
Gerke, Friederick W.fromSchoppmann, Wm. 1890116:257Link to document image
Gerke, G. H. fromGerke, J. H. L.188185:498Link to document image
Gerke, H. F.fromDenne, Minnie188391:27Link to document image
Gerke, H. F.toGerke, J. H. L.188288:66Link to document image
Gerke, H. F.toHanuel, Francis188392:324Link to document image
Gerke, H. F.fromMeyer, Ernst187153:127Link to document image
Gerke, H. F.toMoellering, W. L.188495:331Link to document image
Gerke, H. F.fromMoellering, Wm. L.188393:409Link to document image
Gerke, H. F. A.fromGerke, Frederick186950:197Link to document image
Gerke, H. F. A. fromGerke, Frederick186979:380Link to document image
Gerke, H. F. A.fromRummell, Albert187873:344Link to document image
Gerke, H. F. A.toRummell, Albert187873:346Link to document image
Gerke, Hanry F. A.fromStellhorn, Frederick187872:501Link to document image
Gerke, HenrytoLacy, Ammi R. (Et al.)1901165:405Link to document image
Gerke, Henry C.toBennett, Lucinda J.1901161:354Link to document image
Gerke, Henry C.fromFoster, David N.1895139:311Link to document image
Gerke, Henry C.fromFoster, Sara P.1895139:311Link to document image
Gerke, Henry F.fromBryant, Wm.186743:434Link to document image
Gerke, Henry F.toMyers, Ernst187461:343Link to document image
Gerke, Henry F. A.toStellhorn, Frederick187872:500Link to document image
Gerke, Herman F. A.fromAllen Superior Court1900157:259Link to document image
Gerke, Herman F. A.toTrustee Wayne Twp.1900157:208Link to document image
Gerke, Herman F. A. (Et ux.)fromFoellinger, Ida1898154:341Link to document image
Gerke, J. F. (Et al.)toMeyers, Jno.188393:556Link to document image
Gerke, J. F. L.fromWermuth, Carl1896142:312Link to document image
Gerke, J. H. L.fromBargus, Mathilde188080:279Link to document image
Gerke, J. H. L.fromBoerger, R.187463:300Link to document image
Gerke, J. H. L.toGerke, G. H. 188185:498Link to document image
Gerke, J. H. L.fromGerke, H. F.188288:66Link to document image
Gerke, J. H. L.fromHamilton, Allen186333:348Link to document image
Gerke, J. H. L.toLauer, Anna1886101:130Link to document image
Gerke, J. H. L.toLauer, Anna1886101:130Link to document image
Gerke, J. H. L.fromLeffler, C. H. W.188080:152Link to document image
Gerke, J. H. L.toSetdelmeyer, H. R.188185:490Link to document image
Gerke, J. H. L.fromSheriff187873:503Link to document image
Gerke, J. H. L.fromSturgis, C. M.188080:507Link to document image
Gerke, J. S. & L.fromSheriff188081:62Link to document image
Gerke, Jno. F.fromLogan, Lot A.186950:407Link to document image
Gerke, Jno. F.fromSheriff1886101:368Link to document image
Gerke, Jno. F. (Hrs.)toOrff, Mary187255:351Link to document image
Gerke, Jno. F. (Hrs.)toOrff, Mary187255:352Link to document image
Gerke, Jno. H.fromHieber, Michael187668:327Link to document image
Gerke, Jno. H. G. toOrff, Gottlieb187359:97Link to document image
Gerke, Jno. H. L.fromCochrane, John186432:186Link to document image
Gerke, Jno. H. L.toGerke, John F.186950:196Link to document image
Gerke, Jno. H. L.toGerke, Wm. F.1892125:384Link to document image
Gerke, Jno. H. L.fromJacoby, Josephina1892126:562Link to document image
Gerke, Jno. H. L.fromJacoby, Josephine1894134:267Link to document image
Gerke, Jno. H. L.fromLeonard, Elmer (Comr.)1896142:366Link to document image
Gerke, Jno. H. L.fromTiesman, Thos.186744:158Link to document image
Gerke, John D. (heirs)toGerke, Catharine187461:562Link to document image
Gerke, John D. (Heirs)toLange, J. Henry187361:415Link to document image
Gerke, John D. (heirs)toMeyer, Jno F. W.187461:558Link to document image
Gerke, John D. (heirs)toMeyer, John F. W.187461:561Link to document image
Gerke, John D. (heirs)toMeyer, Juliana187461:559Link to document image
Gerke, John D. (heirs)toMuchlenbruck, Martha187461:560Link to document image
Gerke, John D. (heirs)toSchwier, Anna187461:557Link to document image
Gerke, John F.toBartits, John (Et al.)1889111:158Link to document image
Gerke, John F.fromDavis, Rosabelle186951:40Link to document image
Gerke, John F.fromGerke, Jno. H. L.186950:196Link to document image
Gerke, John F.fromGerke, Margaretha E.1889118:508Link to document image
Gerke, John F.fromKoenig, Rev. Ed.1895136:250Link to document image
Gerke, John F.toSalzbrenner, Charles1902166:478Link to document image
Gerke, John F.fromYoung, Henry1889111:157Link to document image
Gerke, John FrederickfromAllen, Lyman1860Y:501Link to document image
Gerke, John Fredk.fromAllen Superior Court1901162:277Link to document image
Gerke, John Fredk.toFolmer, Frderick1901161:161Link to document image
Gerke, John H.fromLindlag, Phillip J.1894135:446Link to document image
Gerke, John H.fromSchroeder, H. C.1890115:454Link to document image
Gerke, John H. K.toGerke, C. H. Louise1901163:473Link to document image
Gerke, John H. L.toReffelt, Mary C.1890117:367Link to document image
Gerke, John H. L.fromTrentman, A. B. (Et.)1891113:422Link to document image
Gerke, John H. L. (Et ux.)toBursley, Gilbert E.1891119:379Link to document image
Gerke, John L.fromOrff, Gottlieb187359:205Link to document image
Gerke, John T.fromAllen Sup. Court1894133:48Link to document image
Gerke, LouisfromKomp, Clarissa1898150:82Link to document image
Gerke, LouistoMeyer, Anna M (Jr.)187048:464Link to document image
Gerke, LouisfromTaylor, Robert S.1902168;97Link to document image
Gerke, Margaretha E.toGerke, John F.1889118:508Link to document image
Gerke, William (Et ux.)fromAllen Co. L. & S. Assn.1902170:325Link to document image
Gerke, William F.fromKrock, Mary J.1902166:459Link to document image
Gerke, Wm. F.fromGerke, Jno. H. L.1892125:384Link to document image
Gerkel, Wm.fromMarhenke, Henry187360:235Link to document image
Gerken, CharlesfromHayden, Eliza H.1890116:409Link to document image
Gerken, Geo.fromHanna, Saml.186030:292Link to document image
Gerken, Geo.toRehling, Ernst187051:399Link to document image
Gerkin, GeorgefromBrundige, John1853O:454Link to document image
Gerlach, EmilfromBecker, Wilhelm F.1894135:254Link to document image
Gerlach, F. & J.toMaiser, J. & C.188287:554Link to document image
Gerlach, FrederickafromHelmke, Edward187771:489Link to document image
Gerlach, GustavfromStrasser, Ruppert1900158:492Link to document image
Gerlach, JacobtoHelmke, Edward187771:488Link to document image
Gerlach, JacobfromReed, Hugh B.187358:396Link to document image
Gerlein, PaulinafromHibler, John Sr.1897148:15Link to document image
Gerloch, EmilfromStrasser, Rupert189119:189Link to document image
Germain, E. d.toVeg1894VegalueLink to document image
Germain, R. M.fromBlase, Willielmann1886101:119Link to document image
Germain, R. M.fromFortreide, Louis188598:336Link to document image
Germain, R. M.fromHeathman, Phoebe1887106:116Link to document image
Germain, R. M.toWaterson, Wm. F. (Et ux.)1890117:336Link to document image
Germain, R. w.toVegalues, Henry (Et ux.)1894132:384Link to document image
Germain, Roswell M.toMeyers, Fred H.1893129:106Link to document image
Germain, Roswell M.toScott, William1900160:221Link to document image
Germain, Roswell M. (Et ux.)fromFischer, Louise1901160:521Link to document image
German Cleveland B. L. & S. Astn.toVolkening, Wilhelm1894134:135Link to document image
German Ins. Co. Freport Ills.fromSheriff187772:156Link to document image
German, A. s.fromWhite, Jas. B.187254:610Link to document image
German, B. L. & S. A. No. 4toFueller, Auselm (Et ux.)1896142:266Link to document image
German, B. L. & S. A. No. 4fromSheriff1898149:487Link to document image
German, B. L. & S. A. No. 4toTelgmann, Margaretha1900159:254Link to document image
German, E.toHeizre, Wm.1888112:589Link to document image
German, PeterfromBloomhuff, W. C.1851K:676Link to document image
German, RichardfromCook, Nathaniel186846:425Link to document image
German, RichardtoMiller, Dl. B.186846:450Link to document image
German, Ros. M. (Et ux.)fromVegalues, Henry1894132:388Link to document image
Germersheim, ElisefromMartin, Aloysia1885149:175Link to document image
Gernardt, WilliamtoKohli, Ernst1896141:75Link to document image
Gerndardt, Wm.toSchneidegger, David1895139:178Link to document image
Gerner, Jas. L. (Et al.)toBumtt, Diana1879Link to document image
Gernersheiner, Eliz.toNeuroth, Elisabeth1897149:176Link to document image
Gernhardt, MarytoLichte, Peter1895139:179Link to document image
Gernhardt, MarytoRupp, Jessi1895139:184Link to document image
Gernhardt, MarytoSchneidegger, David1895139:178Link to document image
Gernhardt, MarytoShirley, Robt. B.1895137:276Link to document image
Gernhardt, MarytoShirley, Robt. B.1895139:435Link to document image
Gernhardt, MarytoThomas, Clarence R.1895138:311Link to document image
Gernhardt, MarytoUmstutz, Peter S.1895139:142Link to document image
Gernhardt, WilliamfromAbele, Peter1900157:67Link to document image
Gernhardt, WilliamtoAbele, Peter1900157:69Link to document image
Gernhardt, WilliamtoBalseger, Albert1899154:5Link to document image
Gernhardt, WilliamtoBernhardt, Peter1900160:54Link to document image
Gernhardt, WilliamtoBetts, Mary A.1897153:71Link to document image
Gernhardt, WilliamtoBlaising, Fred P. (Et al.)1901163:191Link to document image
Gernhardt, WilliamtoBoswell, Mary C.1897149:64Link to document image
Gernhardt, WilliamtoClosson, Martha R.1902170:388Link to document image
Gernhardt, WilliamtoEhrman, Robert1902167:309Link to document image
Gernhardt, WilliamtoEhrmann, Robert1901161:136Link to document image
Gernhardt, WilliamtoHabbeger, Samuel A.1900159:183Link to document image
Gernhardt, WilliamtoHaifley, Elmer1900162:412Link to document image
Gernhardt, WilliamtoHill, Deliah B.1895148:351Link to document image
Gernhardt, WilliamtoHilty, William (Et al.)1899153:24Link to document image
Gernhardt, WilliamtoKerns, Martha1898153:4Link to document image
Gernhardt, WilliamtoKyburz, Joseph1901163:349Link to document image
Gernhardt, WilliamtoLeadwell, Aby1897148:393Link to document image
Gernhardt, WilliamtoLehman, Solomon A.1900159:184Link to document image
Gernhardt, WilliamfromLeonard, Elmer (Comr.)1902169:391Link to document image
Gernhardt, WilliamtoNagel, Konrad1900159:324Link to document image
Gernhardt, WilliamtoReichhardt, Henry (Et al.)1900159:153Link to document image
Gernhardt, WilliamtoSircle, Emmeneal1901169:38Link to document image
Gernhardt, WilliamtoSmall, John (Et al.)1901161:117Link to document image
Gernhardt, WilliamtoStapleton, George1898161:56Link to document image
Gernhardt, WilliamfromStapleton, George1901161:314Link to document image
Gernhardt, WilliamtoThomas, Clarence1900159:175Link to document image
Gernhardt, William fromWarren, Mary E.1900161:315Link to document image
Gernhardt, WilliamtoWoodburn Lymber Co.1898149:326Link to document image
Gernhardt, WilliamtoYaggy, Henry1898154:113Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toBarnhardt, Peter1897147:38Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toBecker, Cain1897149:541Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toCraig, J. P.1895138:381Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toFaulkner, Jos. A.1895140:443Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toGerber, Josie1895140:194Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toGerig, Benj. P.1895141:457Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toHarris, Bernard P.1896142:151Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.fromHill, Delila B.1895138:275Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toHuber, Charles1895138:346Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toJobs, Etta1896143:19Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toKerns, Wm. J.1896144:321Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toKistler, Michael J.1895139:112Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toKistler, Michael J.1895140:154Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toKlopfenstein, Levi1897149:68Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toKlopfenstine, Henry1896144:49Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toKunz, Emiel1897145:146Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toLehmann, J. F.1895137:521Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toLichte, Peter1895139:179Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toMeyer, Jacob1895138:274Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toMiller, L. m.1897144:371Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toMinick, Oliver1896157:340Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toRupp, Jessi1895139:184Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toSchool Trustee of Maumee Tp.1894136:192Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toShirley, Dora A.1895138:467Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toShirley, Robt. B.1895137:276Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toShirley, Robt. B.1895139:435Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toSpringer, Daniel1895137:521Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toSpringer, Isaac1895140:169Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.fromSprunger, Isaac1898153:250Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toStengel, christian1895138:381Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toStenger, George1895140:310Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toStenger, George1895140:311Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toStenger, George1896144:377Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toSypthers, Joseph W.1896142:150Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toThomas, Clarence R.1895138:311Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toTrustee Defenseless Mennonite Church1896143:173Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toTrustee M. E. Church1900157:274Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toUmstutz, Peter S.1895139:142Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toWallace, Lilley1897144:372Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toWallace, Lilly1895140:33Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toYaggy, Henry1896143:437Link to document image
Gernhardt, Wm.toYoung, Andrew1895158:15Link to document image
Gernhart, Wm.toHill, Delia B.1895137:405Link to document image
Gernhart, Wm. (Et al.)fromHilty, Henry (Et al.)1899153:141Link to document image
Gernmill, Mary E.fromGoers, William1902170:368Link to document image
Gero, PhiliptoBeverforden, S.187977:447Link to document image
Gero, PhiliptoHarrison, Wm. & Mary187770:270Link to document image
Gero, SophiatoAhern, Thos.187977:530Link to document image
Gero, SophiatoGodwin, Frances187977:434Link to document image
Gerome, AnnfromBrooks, W. H.186229:429Link to document image
Gerow, Catherine F.fromDreier, Mary A.1898152:84Link to document image
Gerp, H. F. W.toGire, Henry B.1889110:621Link to document image
Gerrardot, Jos.toBeugnot, Jno. B.188197:118Link to document image
Gerrell & FeefromLindenwood Cemetery187152:621Link to document image
Gerrig, AndrewfromAllen Sub. Court1893128:245Link to document image
Gerrig, ChristianfromGingerick, David186747:259Link to document image
Gerrig, Jos. W.fromSchaller, J. L.188289:498Link to document image
Gerrord, JulesfromReiniche, Francis187255:550Link to document image
Gers, PhilipfromBaker, Henry186330:519Link to document image
Gers, PhiliptoMollet, Peter187875:24Link to document image
Gers, PhilliptoBittinger, A. H.186947:222Link to document image
Gers, PhillipfromKennan, Jno. M.186847:188Link to document image
Gers, PhillipfromSwayne, R. N.187256:476Link to document image
Gers, PhillipsfromStophlet, F. C. (Adm.)186948:305Link to document image
Gers, PhillipsfromStopklet, Mary186949:17Link to document image
Gers, SophiatoDalman, Frederick188080:326Link to document image
Gers, SophiafromMollet, Pete187875:28Link to document image
Gerwig, Louis (Et ux.)fromSwayne, Saml. F. (Adm.)1887104:184Link to document image
Gerwig, Mary AnnafromBusching, William1902168:500Link to document image
Geseking, D.fromTyler, Allen G.186230:14Link to document image
Geseking, DeiedetfromRoss, William186950:400Link to document image
Gesinger, DavidtoAber, David Jas.186846:238Link to document image
Gesinger, DavidtoEngle, E. T.187256:197Link to document image
Gesinger, DavidfromKintz, F. G.187257:347Link to document image
Gesinger, DavidfromPool, Samuel186546:236Link to document image
Gesinger, DavidfromPugh, Samuel186847:244Link to document image
Gesinger, PhilliptoHendlez, Barbara186950:338Link to document image
Geske, Frederick T.toWinter, Emma1902171:77Link to document image
Geske, Friederich T.fromGeller, Charles C.1901163:406Link to document image
Gessinger, DavidtoHowald, H. J.197359:374Link to document image
Gessinger, DavidtoMorrison, M. S.187257:277Link to document image
Gessinger, DavidfromSwift, Alpheus187256:56Link to document image
Gessner, HenryfromMurray, Mary Jane1900159:459Link to document image
Getge, JohntoLahmeyer, John187254:530Link to document image
Getge, SophiafromLahmeier, John187254:531Link to document image
Gethart, A. M.fromBastian, Jacob188185:294Link to document image
Getrosht, W. H.fromGetrost, C. M. (Et al.)188291:585Link to document image
Getrost, C. M. (Et al.)toGetrosht, W. H.188291:585Link to document image
Getrost, Emanuel M.fromGetrost, Wm. H.1892124:389Link to document image
Getrost, GeorgefromScott, M. B.186435:499Link to document image
Getrost, W. H.fromBittinger, A. H. (Coms.)188391:586Link to document image
Getrost, Wm. H.toGetrost, Emanuel M.1892124:389Link to document image
Gets, SamuelfromShutt, Samuel185770:562Link to document image
Gettinger, MarytoAllgeier, David1892125:180Link to document image
Getts, AndrewfromSchappach, Andrew187566:484Link to document image
Getts, JohntoSmith, Thomas186950:223Link to document image
Getts, JohnfromSmith, Thomas186950:224Link to document image
Getty, ChristopherfromAlter, John A.1888107:131Link to document image
Getty, ChristopherfromGetty, George1889111:679Link to document image
Getty, ChristophertoGetty, George1894134:385Link to document image
Getty, ChristophertoLiebenguth, Chas.1888107:579Link to document image
Getty, F. (Et al.)toKelug, Gregor188391:435Link to document image
Getty, FranktoGetty, Geo.1886102:387Link to document image
Getty, FrankfromGetty, George1886102:386Link to document image
Getty, FrankfromLeonard, Wilmer (Et al. Comr.)1902167:235Link to document image
Getty, FrankfromMorris, John (Et al. Coms.)1902167:235Link to document image
Getty, G. & A.fromPequignot, C. F.188187:477Link to document image
Getty, Geo.fromGetty, Frank1886102:387Link to document image
Getty, GeorgetoGetty, Christopher1889111:679Link to document image
Getty, GeorgefromGetty, Christopher1894134:385Link to document image
Getty, GeorgetoGetty, Frank1886102:386Link to document image
Getty, MarytoMcKinney, John186650:79Link to document image
Getz, AndrewfromMarkel, Henry187049:98Link to document image
Getz, Charles W.toGetz, Henry A.1898149:384Link to document image
Getz, Charles W.toPerrigney, Felix1897145:184Link to document image
Getz, Charles W.fromPerriguey, Felix1897145:183Link to document image
Getz, Charles W.fromPerriquey, Felix1898150:86Link to document image
Getz, Charles W. (Et al.)toP. Ft. W. & Co. R. R. Co.1902170:512Link to document image
Getz, Chas. W.fromPerriguey, Felix1890129:107Link to document image
Getz, ElizatoPartner, Henry1892131:156Link to document image
Getz, ElizabethtoWatson, Amanda1893130:307Link to document image
Getz, HenryfromCrouse, Josephine T.1893129:540Link to document image
Getz, HenryfromCrouse, Josephine T. Extrix1893129:541Link to document image
Getz, HenryfromMcDonald, Emma1892124:185Link to document image
Getz, HenrytoPartner, Henry1892131:156Link to document image
Getz, HenrytoSpangler, Geo. W.1896143:189Link to document image
Getz, HenryfromSpangler, Geo. W.1896143:190Link to document image
Getz, HenrytoSpangler, George W.1898151:267Link to document image
Getz, HenryfromSpangler, George W.1898151:267Link to document image
Getz, HenrytoWatson, Amanda1893130:307Link to document image
Getz, Henry A.fromGetz, Charles W.1898149:384Link to document image
Getz, Henry A.toKanning, Henry C. (Et al.)1899152:378Link to document image
Getz, Henry A. (Et al.)fromWilliams, Ed. P. (Et al.)1897144:528Link to document image
Getz, Joseph F. (Et ux.)fromHartman, Anna (Et al.)1902168:455Link to document image
Getz, Joseph L. (Et ux.)fromHartman, Anna (Et al.)1900157:106Link to document image
Geubb, Charles M.fromBanks, Alonzo T.187566:576Link to document image
Gevers, HenryfromHanna, Eliza (Jr.)186847:530Link to document image
Gevers, HenryfromOlcott, Frederic P.1899153:479Link to document image
Gevers, HenryfromRothgeb, Wm.1889114:334Link to document image
Gevers, HenryfromTuchtenhagen, Henry (Will)1893129:122Link to document image
Gevers, SamueltoMannot, Eugene1890119:147Link to document image
Gevinner, FredfromGrier, Jos. H. (Et al.)188289:455Link to document image
Gevinner, FredfromRice, Benj. F. (Et al.)188289:455Link to document image
Geye, FranciscatoGeye, Hermann1889110:185Link to document image
Geye, Franciska (Et al.)toGallmeyer, W. G.1889111:469Link to document image
Geye, Franciska (Et al.)toGeye, Henry B.1889111:264Link to document image
Geye, Franciska (Et al.)toGeye, Henry F. W.1889111:275Link to document image
Geye, H. F. W.toAlbers, Enza E.1893128:152Link to document image
Geye, H. F. W.toAlbers, Phillip E.1893128:152Link to document image
Geye, H. F. W.fromGeye, Paulina (Et al.)1889111:45Link to document image
Geye, HenrytoMeierding, Catharine188080:116Link to document image
Geye, Henry B.toAllen County L. & S. A.1900160:290Link to document image
Geye, Henry B.fromGeye, Franciska (Et al.)1889111:264Link to document image
Geye, Henry B. (Et ux.)fromSchick, George1900159:409Link to document image
Geye, Henry F. W.fromGeye, Franciska (Et al.)1889111:275Link to document image
Geye, HermanfromSherdon, Daniel187874:8Link to document image
Geye, Herman F. W.fromAlderman, Frank1893129:547Link to document image
Geye, HermannfromGeye, Francisca1889110:185Link to document image
Geye, Mrs. W.toGeye, Paulina1889111:46Link to document image
Geye, PaulinafromGeye, Mrs. W.1889111:46Link to document image
Geye, Paulina (Et al.)toGeye, H. F. W.1889111:45Link to document image
Geye, Pauline (Et al.)toGallmeyer, Mrs. W.1889111:44Link to document image
Geyer, CharlestoBarrone, Polly1902169:363Link to document image
Geyer, CharlesfromGeyer, Fredinand1895140:4Link to document image
Geyer, CharlesfromTaylor, William1902171:64Link to document image
Geyer, Charles A.toGinther, George E.1902168:474Link to document image
Geyer, Charles A.fromMariotte, Horace1902169:171Link to document image
Geyer, Charles A.fromSchlup, William1902169:385Link to document image
Geyer, Chas.fromHubbs, Caroline188597:250Link to document image
Geyer, Chas.fromMcCulloch, C. (Trustee)188290:124Link to document image
Geyer, Chas. A.fromMartin, Alvan1889111:295Link to document image
Geyer, Chas. A.toTaylor, Henry C.1892123:476Link to document image
Geyer, Chas. A.toTaylor, I. L.1888108:391Link to document image
Geyer, FerdinandfromAuditor A. Co.1891119:538Link to document image
Geyer, FerdinandfromCrow, Joseph1888109:120Link to document image
Geyer, FerdinandfromMartin, Alvan1888109:121Link to document image
Geyer, FredinandtoGeyer, Charles1895140:4Link to document image
Geyer, HermantoNiebel, gottfried188185:264Link to document image

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