ACGSI - Allen County Deed Index
Parties to the Deed | Year | Deed Book Citation | Image Link |
Fobing, Harry | from | Franke, Catherine | 1900 | 160:186 |  | Fobing, J. M. | from | State of Indiana | 1846 | 71:372 |  | Foble, Orrin | from | Rhoades, Anavilla | 1895 | 139:132 |  | Foche, Jno. A. (Et al.) | to | Nessel, Michael | 1881 | 85:241 |  | Fodge, Mary | to | Grary, Henry | 1867 | 40:541 |  | Fodge, Mary | to | Grave, Henry | 1867 | 40:541 |  | Fodge, Mary | from | Ritter, William | 1862 | 30:162 |  | Foebush, Joel | to | Sosses, Sylvia | 1872 | 56:157 |  | Foehl, Jno. A. | from | Schramm, John | 1877 | 70:355 |  | Foehlinger, F. M. | to | Fletther & Powers | 1871 | 55:204 |  | Foeling, Jacob | to | Hermsdorfer, Adam | 1860 | 26:266 |  | Foelinger, Jacob | from | Brackenridge, Robert J. | 1853 | N:421 |  | Foelinger, Jacob | to | Heckslettor, William | 1858 | 26:25 |  | Foelinger, Jacob | to | Kras, Christian | 1858 | X:203 |  | Foelinger, Jacob | to | Kretner, Joseph | 1857 | U:313 |  | Foelinger, Jacob | from | McMahon, E. A. | 1856 | S:411 |  | Foelinger, Jacob | from | McMahon, Eliza A. | 1855 | S:317 |  | Foelinger, Jacob | to | Putt, J. W. | 1864 | 34:260 |  | Foelinger, Jacob | to | Rehm, Peter | 1857 | Y:222 |  | Foelinger, Jacob | to | Rothsuberger, Jacob | 1857 | U:301 |  | Foelinger, Jacob | from | Smith, Benjamin | 1849 | I:650 |  | Foelinger, Jacob | to | Speigel, August | 1858 | 28:524 |  | Foellinger, Adolph | from | Allen Superior Court | 1901 | 160:378 |  | Foellinger, Adolph | from | Foellinger, Jacob | 1898 | 150230 |  | Foellinger, Adolph | from | Foellinger, Martin C. | 1898 | 149:232 |  | Foellinger, Adolph | to | Freese, August | 1898 | 155:133 |  | Foellinger, Adolph | from | Zimmerman, Kath. | 1898 | 150:460 |  | Foellinger, Adolph (Et al.) | from | Foellinger, Jacob | 1897 | 144:500 |  | Foellinger, Adolph (Et al.) | to | Foellinger, Jacob | 1898 | 150:229 |  | Foellinger, Adolph (Et al.) | from | Foellinger, Louis | 1898 | 149:229 |  | Foellinger, Adolph (Et al.) | to | Foellinger, Louis | 1898 | 149:255 |  | Foellinger, Adolph (Et al.) | to | Wheelock, K. K. (Et al.) | 1897 | 148:345 |  | Foellinger, Adolph Jr. | to | Foellinger, Martin C. | 1898 | 149:230 |  | Foellinger, Adolph Jr. | to | Foellinger, Martin C. | 1898 | 149:231 |  | Foellinger, C. H. | from | Foellinger, Dorothea (Guard) | 1881 | 84:106 |  | Foellinger, C. H. | from | Foellinger, Sophia (Et al.) | 1881 | 84:105 |  | Foellinger, Chris H. | to | Smick, Sophia M. | 1892 | 123:437 |  | Foellinger, Dorothea (Guard) | to | Foellinger, C. H. | 1881 | 84:106 |  | Foellinger, E. C. | from | Foellinger, Sophia (Et al.) | 1881 | 84:103 |  | Foellinger, E. C. (Et al.) | to | Romy, R. L. | 1887 | 105:89 |  | Foellinger, G. A. | from | Knowlton, Wm. W. | 1887 | 114:41 |  | Foellinger, Gustav A. | to | Cameron, James | 1890 | 116:10 |  | Foellinger, Ida | to | Gerke, Herman F. A. (Et ux.) | 1898 | 154:341 |  | Foellinger, Ida (Et al.) | from | Downing, Jeremiah B. | 1899 | 154:72 |  | Foellinger, Ida (Et al.) | from | Downing, Jeremiah B. (Et al.) | 1899 | 154:73 |  | Foellinger, Ida (Et al.) | from | Haller, Gottlieb | 1902 | 165:538 |  | Foellinger, Ida A. | to | Haller, Mollie | 1902 | 165:537 |  | Foellinger, Ida A. | to | Huguenard, Victor A. | 1902 | 169:65 |  | Foellinger, J. M. | to | Foellinger, Jacob | 1875 | 66:131 |  | Foellinger, J. M. | from | McDonald, E. H. | 1875 | 66:120 |  | Foellinger, Jacob | from | Agster, Annie M. | 1874 | 64:96 |  | Foellinger, Jacob | to | Bruick, Frederick (Junior) | 1866 | 41:214 |  | Foellinger, Jacob | to | Foellinger, Adolph | 1898 | 150230 |  | Foellinger, Jacob | to | Foellinger, Adolph (Et al.) | 1897 | 144:500 |  | Foellinger, Jacob | from | Foellinger, Adolph (Et al.) | 1898 | 150:229 |  | Foellinger, Jacob | from | Foellinger, J. M. | 1875 | 66:131 |  | foellinger, Jacob | to | Freeman, Sarah B. | 1866 | 39:336 |  | Foellinger, Jacob | to | Haberkom, E. T. & Anna | 1879 | 75:559 |  | Foellinger, Jacob | from | Hanna, Samuel | 1859 | V:632 |  | Foellinger, Jacob | to | McClaren, H. & E. | 1884 | 94:251 |  | Foellinger, Jacob | from | Miller, Louis | 1866 | 41:247 |  | Foellinger, Jacob | from | Paul, Henry | 1864 | 35:237 |  | Foellinger, Jacob | to | Reiter, John | 1873 | 59:230 |  | Foellinger, Jacob | to | Smith, Frederick | 1857 | U:456 |  | Foellinger, Jacob (Will of) | to | | 1895 | 148:189 |  | Foellinger, John M. | to | McDonald, Ernst H. | 1875 | 65:552 |  | Foellinger, Louis | to | Downing, Jer B. (Et ux.) | 1899 | 154:71 |  | Foellinger, Louis | to | Foellinger, Adolph (Et al.) | 1898 | 149:229 |  | Foellinger, Louis | from | Foellinger, Adolph (Et al.) | 1898 | 149:255 |  | Foellinger, Louis | to | Jenne, Fred. C. | 1898 | 149:256 |  | Foellinger, Louis (Et ux.) | from | Jenne, Fred C. | 1898 | 149:257 |  | Foellinger, Louis F. | from | Cushing, Timothy | 1902 | 169:277 |  | Foellinger, M. D. | from | Foellinger, Sophia (Et al.) | 1881 | 84:103 |  | Foellinger, M. M. | from | Foellinger, Sophia (Et al.) | 1881 | 84:103 |  | Foellinger, Marg. | to | Stellhorn, Frederick | 1869 | 48:271 |  | Foellinger, Martin C. | to | Foellinger, Adolph | 1898 | 149:232 |  | Foellinger, Martin C. | from | Foellinger, Adolph Jr. | 1898 | 149:230 |  | Foellinger, Martin C. | from | Foellinger, Adolph Jr. | 1898 | 149:231 |  | Foellinger, Martin C. (Et ux.) | from | Dinnen, William | 1902 | 169:353 |  | Foellinger, Martin S. | to | Dinnen, William F. | 1902 | 169:352 |  | Foellinger, P. M. | from | Foellinger, Sophia (Et al.) | 1881 | 84:104 |  | Foellinger, Philip | to | Trustees St. Jnos. Ch. | 1872 | 57:264 |  | Foellinger, S. (Et al.) | from | Pollitz, Dory (Guard) | 1887 | 106:143 |  | Foellinger, Sophia (Et al.) | to | Foellinger, C. H. | 1881 | 84:105 |  | Foellinger, Sophia (Et al.) | to | Foellinger, E. C. | 1881 | 84:103 |  | Foellinger, Sophia (Et al.) | to | Foellinger, M. D. | 1881 | 84:103 |  | Foellinger, Sophia (Et al.) | to | Foellinger, M. M. | 1881 | 84:103 |  | Foellinger, Sophia (Et al.) | to | Foellinger, P. M. | 1881 | 84:104 |  | Foellinger, Sophia (Et al.) | to | Foellinger, Sophia M. | 1881 | 84:103 |  | Foellinger, Sophia M. | from | Foellinger, Sophia (Et al.) | 1881 | 84:103 |  | Foerster, Conrad | from | White, John W. | 1889 | 112:104 |  | Foerster, Henry | from | White, John W. | 1889 | 112:105 |  | Foerster, John | from | Elett, Herman (Et.) | 1891 | 122:71 |  | Foerter, John | to | Elett, Lydia | 1891 | 122:72 |  | Foet Wayne & Leo Gravel Rd.Co. | from | Figel, Chas. | 1884 | 95:526 |  | Fogarty, Edward | from | Hoagland, Phiny | 1871 | 54:216 |  | Fogel, Arthur | to | Fogel, John J. | 1902 | 168:179 |  | Fogel, Arthur | to | Fogel, Orrin | 1901 | 164:451 |  | Fogel, Cora A. | to | Fogel, John J. | 1898 | 156:148 |  | Fogel, Cora A. | to | Fogel, Orrin | 1899 | 157:420 |  | Fogel, Delana | from | Cannc, Wm. H. | 1872 | 57:349 |  | Fogel, Delana | from | Forrand, Richard | 1875 | 67:346 |  | Fogel, Delano | to | Bacon, F. B. (adm.) | 1875 | 68:103 |  | Fogel, Delaus | from | Cheney, A. H. | 1869 | 50:358 |  | Fogel, Delna C. | to | Fogel, Orrin | 1895 | 142:204 |  | Fogel, Delno C. | from | Fogel, Frank | 1894 | 138:272 |  | Fogel, Delno C. | to | Fogel, John J. | 1895 | 140:533 |  | Fogel, Delno C. | from | Fogel, Myrta A. | 1894 | 138:72 |  | Fogel, Florence O. | to | Fogel, John J. | 1894 | 135:221 |  | Fogel, Frank | to | Fogel, Delno C. | 1894 | 138:272 |  | Fogel, Frank | to | Fogel, John J. | 1894 | 135:221 |  | Fogel, Frank | to | Krider, John | 1895 | 137:351 |  | Fogel, Frank | to | Krider, Martha J. | 1895 | 137:351 |  | Fogel, Frank | to | Miller, Amos | 1895 | 139:426 |  | Fogel, Frank | from | Miller, Emma | 1895 | 139:426 |  | Fogel, John J. | from | Fogel, Arthur | 1902 | 168:179 |  | Fogel, John J. | from | Fogel, Cora A. | 1898 | 156:148 |  | Fogel, John J. | from | Fogel, Delno C. | 1895 | 140:533 |  | Fogel, John J. | from | Fogel, Florence O. | 1894 | 135:221 |  | Fogel, John J. | from | Fogel, Frank | 1894 | 135:221 |  | Fogel, John J. | from | Fogel, Myrta A. | 1894 | 135:221 |  | Fogel, John J. | to | Fogel, Orin | 1894 | 135:478 |  | Fogel, John J. | to | Fogel, Orin | 1895 | 139:131 |  | Fogel, John J. | from | Fogel, Orrin | 1894 | 135:221 |  | Fogel, John J. | from | Fogel, Winton | 1894 | 132:1 |  | Fogel, John J. | from | Fogel, Winton | 1895 | 140:533 |  | Fogel, John J. | from | Rhoads, Anvilla | 1896 | 140:532 |  | Fogel, John J. | from | Rhoads, John | 1896 | 140:532 |  | Fogel, Myrta | to | Miller, Amos | 1895 | 139:426 |  | Fogel, Myrta A. | to | Fogel, Delno C. | 1894 | 138:72 |  | Fogel, Myrta A. | to | Fogel, John J. | 1894 | 135:221 |  | Fogel, Orin | from | Fogel, John J. | 1894 | 135:478 |  | Fogel, Orin | from | Fogel, John J. | 1895 | 139:131 |  | Fogel, Orin | from | Glave, Frank A. | 1895 | 138:71 |  | Fogel, Orin | from | Glave, Nancy E. | 1895 | 138:71 |  | Fogel, Orrin | to | Deck, Nancy E. | 1895 | 137:482 |  | Fogel, Orrin | from | Fogel, Arthur | 1901 | 164:451 |  | Fogel, Orrin | from | Fogel, Cora A. | 1899 | 157:420 |  | Fogel, Orrin | from | Fogel, Delna C. | 1895 | 142:204 |  | Fogel, Orrin | to | Fogel, John J. | 1894 | 135:221 |  | Fogel, Orrin | from | Gans, Mary J. | 1895 | 139:132 |  | Fogel, Orrin | from | Gans, Phillip M. | 1895 | 139:132 |  | Fogel, Orrin | from | Sheldon, Cyrus A. | 1895 | 138:70 |  | Fogel, Orrin (Et al.) | to | Miller, Saml. A. | 1891 | 122:287 |  | Fogel, Philip | from | Miller, Andrew | 1861 | 28:177 |  | Fogel, Philip | from | Saylor, Mathias | 1859 | Y:34 |  | Fogel, Philip | from | Sheriff | 1880 | 82:265 |  | Fogel, Philip | to | Young, Elizabeth | 1878 | 76:405 |  | Fogel, Phillip | from | Swartz, Henry | 1873 | 61:605 |  | Fogel, Phillip | to | West Fisher & Cohnubian | 1861 | 34:392 |  | Fogel, Wenton | from | Jones, C. B. | 1888 | 109:96 |  | Fogel, Winton | to | Fogel, John J. | 1894 | 132:1 |  | Fogel, Winton | to | Fogel, John J. | 1895 | 140:533 |  | Fogell, John J. | from | Gans, Mary J. | 1895 | 140:534 |  | Fogell, John J. | from | Glawe, Nancy E. | 1895 | 140:531 |  | Fogerty, E. (Guard) | to | Chase, Stephen | 1884 | 94:304 |  | Fogerty, Edward | to | Hogan, Timothy | 1885 | 98:75 |  | Fogle, Frank | from | Miller, Amos | 1887 | 106:146 |  | Fogle, Orrin | from | Fisher, Henry (Et ux.) | 1891 | 113:166 |  | Fogle, Orrin | from | Rhoades, John | 1895 | 139:132 |  | Fogle, Orrin | from | Smith, Jerusha | 1886 | 102:581 |  | Fogle, Orrin | from | Zolman, Chas. P. | 1890 | 116:201 |  | Fogle, Orrin (Et ux.) | to | Fisher, Henry | 1891 | 120:322 |  | Fogle, Philip | from | Williams, John | 1878 | 76:23 |  | Fogleson, David | from | Baker, A. A. | 1867 | 46:93 |  | Fogleson, David | from | Baker, A. A. | 1870 | 51:344 |  | Fogleson, David | from | Baker, Alonzo | 1868 | 46:209 |  | Fogleson, David | to | Baker, Mahala | 1868 | 46:487 |  | Fogleson, David | to | Baker, Mahala | 1871 | 54:167 |  | Fogleson, David | to | Baker, Perry L. | 1868 | 47:238 |  | Fogleson, David | to | Foglison, S. M. (Et al.) | 1890 | 116:181 |  | Fogleson, Sarah M. | to | Taylor, William W. | 1901 | 161:537 |  | Foglesong, Sarah M. (Et al.) | from | Colerick, Edward F. | 1901 | 160:386 |  | Foglison, S. M. (Et al.) | from | Fogleson, David | 1890 | 116:181 |  | Fogswell, David | from | Fogswell, Rob. | 1870 | 49:42 |  | Fogswell, Rob. | to | Fogswell, David | 1870 | 49:42 |  | Fogswell, Saml. | from | Coombs, Wm. H. (Adm.) | 1864 | 38:457 |  | Fogswell, William | from | Nichodemus, John | 1867 | 42:474 |  | Fogswell, Wm. | from | Nichodemus, Jno. | 1867 | 42:424 |  | Fogswell, Wm. | from | Nichodemus, M. | 1867 | 42:490 |  | Fogwell, David | to | Allen County | 1874 | 61:197 |  | Fogwell, David | to | Buskirk, Daniel | 1872 | 56:297 |  | Fogwell, David | from | Fogwell, Saml. (Hrs.) | 1872 | 56:146 |  | Fogwell, David | from | Fogwell, Samuel | 1872 | 59:225 |  | Fogwell, David | to | Fogwell, Wm. | 1872 | 56:130 |  | Fogwell, Geo. F. | from | Bowser, John A. | 1893 | 139:87 |  | Fogwell, Geo. F. | to | Bowser, John A. | 1894 | 134:61 |  | Fogwell, Geo. F. | from | Bowser, John A. | 1895 | 139:69 |  | Fogwell, Geo. F. | to | Bowser, John A. | 1895 | 139:71 |  | Fogwell, Geo. F. | to | Lopshire, Oliver J. | 1894 | 134:62 |  | Fogwell, Geo. F. | to | Lopshire,Oliver J. | 1895 | 139:70 |  | Fogwell, Geo. F. | from | McNair, S. R. | 1888 | 108:355 |  | Fogwell, Geo. F. | from | Witzgall, Lewis | 1894 | 133:401 |  | Fogwell, George | to | Bowser, John A. | 1893 | 129:484 |  | Fogwell, George F. | from | Comrs. in Part. | 1896 | 157:235 |  | Fogwell, George F. | from | Orff, John R. (Et al.) | 1901 | 164:493 |  | Fogwell, Minnie R. | to | Lopshire, Oliver J. | 1895 | 139:70 |  | Fogwell, Saml. | from | Schnurle, J. F. | 1859 | X:122 |  | Fogwell, Saml'. | to | Dennis, David | 1870 | 49:289 |  | Fogwell, Saml. (Hrs.) | to | Fogwell, David | 1872 | 56:146 |  | Fogwell, Samuel | from | Branstrator, John | 1856 | T:33 |  | Fogwell, Samuel | to | Fogwell, David | 1872 | 59:225 |  | Fogwell, Samuel | from | Hough, John (Jr.) | 1855 | S:65 |  | Fogwell, William | from | Kimbrough, J. S. (Gdn. (Et al.) | 1897 | 148:551 |  | Fogwell, William | from | Kress, John N. (Et al.) | 1897 | 148:514 |  | Fogwell, William | from | Kress, Margaret A. | 1898 | 151:319 |  | Fogwell, William | from | Nichodemus, Manssah | 1867 | 42:490 |  | Fogwell, William | from | Wright, Essie G. (Et al.) | 1898 | 150:342 |  | Fogwell, Willim (Adms.) | to | Lopohive, George | 1880 | 81:529 |  | Fogwell, Wm. | from | Brigler, Daniel | 1892 | 127:217 |  | Fogwell, Wm. | from | Brigler, Emiline | 1892 | 127:217 |  | Fogwell, Wm. | from | Fogwell, David | 1872 | 56:130 |  | Fogwell, Wm. | from | Hays, Matilda | 1882 | 89:325 |  | Fogwell, Wm. | to | Helle, Charles F. | 1874 | 67:467 |  | Fogwell, Wm. | from | Kuhn, P. M. | 1892 | 127:217 |  | Fogwell, Wm. | from | Kuhn, Sarah A. | 1892 | 127:217 |  | Fogwell, Wm. | from | Kyser, Adaline | 1892 | 127:217 |  | Fogwell, Wm. | from | Kyser, Anna L. | 1892 | 127:217 |  | Fogwell, Wm. | from | Kyser, Jacob F. | 1892 | 127:217 |  | Fogwell, Wm. | from | Kyser, Peter F. | 1892 | 127:217 |  | Fogwell, Wm. | from | Kyser, Peter F. (Guard) | 1892 | 128:12 |  | Fogwell, Wm. | from | Nichodemus, J. W. | 1870 | 51:234 |  | Fogwell, Wm. | from | Nicodemus, Margaret | 1873 | 61:618 |  | Fogwell, Wm. | from | Nicodemus, Peter | 1871 | 56:131 |  | Fogwell, Wm. | from | Shatzer, Wm. | 1870 | 51:434 |  | Fohlinger, Peter | from | Allen, John | 1864 | 34:499 |  | Fohlsing, Fred C. | from | Fohlsing, Fred W. | 1892 | 141:493 |  | Fohlsing, Fred W. | to | Fohlsing, Fred C. | 1892 | 141:493 |  | Foland, George H. | to | Morton, Richard | 1861 | 28:36 |  | Foland, Sarah | to | Morton, Richard | 1861 | 28:36 |  | Foley, Bridget | from | Mohr, Louis | 1890 | 116:482 |  | Foley, Bridget | from | Quinn, Mary A. | 1885 | 99:28 |  | Foley, Bridget (Et.) | to | Vanhorn, William | 1892 | 122:578 |  | Foley, John W. | to | Foley, Laura M. | 1898 | 155:408 |  | Foley, John W. (Et ux.) | from | Remeke, Fredk. J. (Et al.) | 1890 | 117:428 |  | Foley, Laura M. | from | Foley, John W. | 1898 | 155:408 |  | Foley, Laura M. | to | Foley, Pauline | 1898 | 155:409 |  | Foley, Pauline | to | Allguer, Henry (Et ux.) | 1892 | 128:16 |  | Foley, Pauline | to | Cleary, Julia L. | 1888 | 107:401 |  | Foley, Pauline | from | Coolman, Jno. H. | 1888 | 108:31 |  | Foley, Pauline | from | Cordevey, Pierre | 1877 | 72:53 |  | Foley, Pauline | to | Courdaway, F. S. | 1893 | 132:3 |  | Foley, Pauline | from | Courdaway, F. S. | 1895 | 138:133 |  | Foley, Pauline | from | Courdevay, Leonard | 1890 | 117:40 |  | Foley, Pauline | to | Courdeway, Francis S. | 1900 | 160:156 |  | Foley, Pauline | from | Foley, Laura M. | 1898 | 155:409 |  | Foley, Pauline | to | Girard, Jules | 1888 | 107:373 |  | Foley, Pauline | to | Hartstein, Paul F. | 1897 | 147:552 |  | Foley, Pauline | from | Jenkinson, E. (Et al.) | 1888 | 107:274 |  | Foley, Pauline | to | Macbeth, Harriet S. | 1900 | 159:286 |  | Foley, Pauline | to | McKeeman, D. C. | 1896 | 142:192 |  | Foley, Pauline | from | NEY, Henry H. | 1893 | 127:488 |  | Foley, Pauline | from | Randall, P. A. | 1886 | 102:353 |  | Foley, Pauline | from | Weller, Louise | 1899 | 155:410 |  | Foley, Zoe May | to | Aubrey, Joseph J. (Et Ux.) | 1901 | 164:8 |  | Foley, Zoe May | from | Tegtmeyer, Martha | 1899 | 154:372 |  | Folgeet, Catharine | from | Borden, David | 1185 | W:389 |  | Folgert, Fred | from | Clark, Burnhaun | 1852 | 35:312 |  | Folk, Frederick | from | Brandon, William G. | 1853 | N:377 |  | Folk, Howard | to | Koons, Edgar L. (Et ux.) | 1899 | 153:549 |  | Folk, Howard (Et ux.) | from | Trick, George M. | 1897 | 147:210 |  | Follett, D. M. | to | Comielle, Jno. B. | 1872 | 55:367 |  | Follinger, Dorathea | from | Dennis, Julia A. | 1883 | 93:352 |  | Follinger, Philllip | from | Carey, Elizabeth | 1873 | 59:20 |  | Folly, Samuel | to | Shanghnessy, Wm. | 1868 | 46:389 |  | Folly, William | to | Keller, Harriet | 1962 | 29:76 |  | Folmer, Frderick | from | Gerke, John Fredk. | 1901 | 161:161 |  | Folmer, Frederick | from | Allyn, Lyman | 1856 | S:639 |  | Folmer, Frederick | to | Elett, Christian | 1901 | 161:169 |  | Folsom, Benjamin | to | Ash, Henry J. | 1863 | 30:56 |  | Folsom, Benjamin | to | Fairfield, Charles | 1863 | 30:56 |  | Folsom, Benjamin | to | French, R. Morgan | 1863 | 30:56 |  | Folsom, Benjamin W. | from | Rockhill, William | 1859 | V:500 |  | Folsom, Dennis J. | to | Agnew, Edward | 1863 | 30:57 |  | Folsom, Dennis J. | to | Ash, Henry J. | 1863 | 30:57 |  | Folsom, Dennis J. | to | Fairfield, Charles | 1863 | 30:57 |  | Folsom, Dennis J. | to | French, R. Morgan | 1863 | 30:57 |  | Folsom, Margaret | from | Rockhill, William | 1857 | U:590 |  | Folsom, Margaret A. | to | Waddington, Wm. | 1863 | 33:534 |  | Folson, Benjamin | to | Agnew, Edweard | 1863 | 30:56 |  | Folson, Benjamin | to | Gales, Mary L. | 1861 | 27:224 |  | Folson, Benjamin W. | to | Folson, Dennis J. | 1861 | 27:333 |  | Folson, Dennis J. | from | Folson, Benjamin W. | 1861 | 27:333 |  | Folts, E. W. | to | Willson, E. | 1858 | 29:245 |  | Folts, Thomas | from | Spraque, George | 1853 | P:78 |  | Foltz, A. E. | to | Fink, Jacob | 1882 | 98:473 |  | Foltz, Anton | from | Monning, Henry (Et al.) | 1888 | 107:560 |  | Foltz, Azane P. | from | Bowling, Lem R. | 1866 | 44:43 |  | Foltz, Christian | from | State of Indiana | 1846 | N:114 |  | Foltz, Eugene (Et ux.) | from | Buschman, Wilhelmina | 1902 | 167:421 |  | Foltz, Hannah | from | Collier, Phoebe A. | 1891 | 121:595 |  | Foltz, Henry | to | Eme, Ferdinand | 1871 | 53:551 |  | Foltz, Henry | to | Foltz, Mary | 1868 | 45:511 |  | Foltz, Henry | from | Stoddard, Charles | 1848 | Q:262 |  | Foltz, John | from | State of Indiana | 1846 | N:114 |  | Foltz, John A. | from | Chapman, Preston | 1899 | 155:360 |  | Foltz, M. (Et al.) | to | Girding, Lewis | 1882 | 88:37 |  | Foltz, Margaret | from | Anderson, Wm. G. | 1900 | 157:126 |  | Foltz, Margaret | from | Folyz, Samuel (Et al.) | 1900 | 158:221 |  | Foltz, Martha | to | Anderson, H. C. | 1885 | 97:512 |  | Foltz, Martha | from | Commissioner in Partition | 1885 | 98:194 |  | Foltz, Martha | to | Eme, Ferdinand | 1871 | 53:552 |  | Foltz, Mary | from | Foltz, Henry | 1868 | 45:511 |  | Foltz, Samuel | from | Besancon, Jos. | 1866 | 41:436 |  | Foltz, Samuel | from | Claton, Daniel | 1854 | S:294 |  | Folyz, A. E. | from | Barney, Geo. & Sol. | 1880 | 98:571 |  | Folyz, Christian | from | State of Indiana | 1846 | N:114 |  | Folyz, Samuel | to | Henderson, Samuel | 1860 | Y:515 |  | Folyz, Samuel (Et al.) | to | Foltz, Margaret | 1900 | 158:221 |  | Fomer, John B. | from | Reuss, John B. (Et al.) | 1891 | 113:187 |  | Fomey, Jos. | to | Perkins, Sarah A. | 1880 | 88:533 |  | Fommer, Wm. | from | Ewing, G. W. | 1862 | 29:9 |  | Fon Cannon, Oliver | from | White, Jas. B. | 1886 | 104:484 |  | FonCannon, O. | to | Cahpman, J. S. | 1891 | 122:320 |  | Foncannon, Oliver | to | Chapman, Jason S. (Et ux.) | 1896 | 164:362 |  | Foncannon, Oliver | from | White, James B. | 1888 | 119:183 |  | Foncannon, Oliver | to | White, James B. | 1890 | 119:184 |  | Foncannon, Oliver (Et.) | from | White, James B. (Et ux.) | 1891 | 121:139 |  | Foneka, Chas. S. | to | Edwards, Daniel | 1878 | 73:319 |  | Foneka, Chas. S. | to | Parker, Elli | 1878 | 73:352 |  | Foneka, Chas. S. | to | Shadle, Arimita | 1878 | 73:353 |  | Fonlks, James M. | from | Edwards, Daniel | 1897 | 147:453 |  | Fonner, D. M. & W. H. | from | Lipes, D. D. | 1886 | 101:36 |  | Fonner, D. M. & W. H. | from | Rock, M. J. | 1884 | 94:576 |  | Fonner, D. M. & W. H. | from | Rock, M. J. | 1884 | 96:202 |  | Fonner, David M. | from | Fonner, W. H. | 1892 | 124:120 |  | Fonner, David M. | from | Fonner, Willard N. | 1892 | 128:313 |  | Fonner, David M. | to | Gallmeier, C. W. C. | 1893 | 128:371 |  | Fonner, Delila | from | Coms. in Partition | 1890 | 113:49 |  | Fonner, Delila | from | Smith, Marion (Et ux.) | 1890 | 120:85 |  | Fonner, Delila (Et.) | to | Simerman, G. H. | 1891 | 122:361 |  | Fonner, John B. | from | Centlivre, Louis A. (Et al.) | 1891 | 113:187 |  | Fonner, John B. | to | Centlivre, Louis A. (Et al.) | 1891 | 113:188 |  | Fonner, John B. | to | Reuss, John B. (Et al.) | 1891 | 113:188 |  | Fonner, John B. (Et al.) | to | Woodworth, Edw. J. | 1897 | 145:583 |  | Fonner, John W. (Et al.) | from | Allen Circuit Court | 1902 | 171:126 |  | Fonner, John W. (Et ux.) | to | Smith, Mary Kansas | 1891 | 119:363 |  | Fonner, W. H. | to | Fonner, David M. | 1892 | 124:120 |  | Fonner, Willard N. | to | Fonner, David M. | 1892 | 128:313 |  | Fonner, William | from | Bell, Wm. W. | 1861 | 28:30 |  | Fonner, William | to | Lipers, David D. | 1862 | 28:474 |  | Fonner, William | to | Lipes, Andrew | 1858 | W:258 |  | Fonner, Wm. | from | Dillman, Jacob | 1875 | 67:311 |  | Fonner, Wm. | from | Fisher, Hamilton | 1875 | 67:310 |  | Fonner, Wm. | from | Lipes, David D. | 1875 | 66:448 |  | Fonner, Wm. | from | Sommers, Andrew | 1858 | W:211 |  | Fonst, Jacob | to | Schlatter, Benedick | 1871 | 54:192 |  | Fonst, Jno. W. | from | Griffin, L. E. | 1883 | 93:464 |  | Fontain, Peter | to | Justice, Lewis | 1864 | 35:256 |  | Fontaine, Eugene | from | Waring, Anson | 1864 | 56:378 |  | Fontz, Charles C. | to | Simmers, Frank | 1899 | 155:406 |  | Fonzer, Mary E. | to | Sykes, Wm. C. | 1889 | 124:3 |  | Foohey, Timothy | from | Colerick, W. E. (Comr.) | 1895 | 138:559 |  | Foohey, Timothy | from | Leichner, Christiana (et al.) | 1895 | 138:560 |  | Foohey, Timothy | from | Stier, Henry A. | 1895 | 140:5 |  | Foot, H. B. | from | Milburn, B. F. | 1878 | 74:455 |  | Foot, Jos. G. | from | Killian, S. A. | 1881 | 85:64 |  | Foote and Eckert | to | Nickell, X. A. (Et ux.) | 1886 | 100:348 |  | Foote, Abraham | to | Grover, John J. | 1874 | 65:412 |  | Foote, Abraham | from | Jackson, Abraham | 1865 | 38:318 |  | Foote, Catharine | to | Foote, Jos. G. | 1895 | 137:493 |  | Foote, Harvey B. | from | Spitler, Morton G. | 1893 | 131:143 |  | Foote, J. G. | to | Foote, Wm. & Owen | 1880 | 81:142 |  | Foote, J. G. | to | Pearson, J. L. | 1881 | 87:491 |  | Foote, J. G. | from | Rupert, M. | 1882 | 86:481 |  | Foote, Jno. B. | to | Smith, Fredk. | 1893 | 131:515 |  | Foote, John B. | from | Foote, Oliver M. | 1889 | 115:413 |  | Foote, John B. | to | Foote, Oliver M. P. | 1889 | 114:550 |  | Foote, John B. | from | Robison, Lydia S. | 1892 | 124:285 |  | Foote, Jos. G. | from | Baldwin, D. P. | 1878 | 75:84 |  | Foote, Jos. G. | from | Foote, Catharine | 1895 | 137:493 |  | Foote, Joseph G. | to | Foote, Oliver M. | 1899 | 158:10 |  | Foote, Joseph G. | to | Foote, Wm. & O. M. | 1880 | 81:215 |  | Foote, Joseph G. | to | Monroe, Mary A. | 1895 | 138:285 |  | Foote, M. & J. | from | Murphy, A. P. | 1882 | 90:108 |  | Foote, M. & J. B. | from | Murphy, A. P. | 1882 | 90:332 |  | Foote, Oliver M. | from | Baldwin, Maria E. | 1890 | 118:525 |  | Foote, Oliver M. | to | Foote, John B. | 1889 | 115:413 |  | Foote, Oliver M. | from | Foote, Joseph G. | 1899 | 158:10 |  | Foote, Oliver M. | from | Grice, Jesse | 1892 | 126:56 |  | Foote, Oliver M. | from | Hood, Thomas | 1896 | 150:75 |  | Foote, Oliver M. | to | Reichelderfer, A. M. | 1898 | 149:525 |  | Foote, Oliver M. | to | Zimmer, F. N. | 1893 | 129:512 |  | Foote, Oliver M. P. | from | Foote, John B. | 1889 | 114:550 |  | Foote, W. A. (Et al.) | from | Edgerton, C. & A. P. | 1885 | 96:626 |  | Foote, W. a. (Et al.) | to | Mohr, Jno. Jr. | 1886 | 102:117 |  | Foote, Wm. | to | Baldwin, M. E. | 1889 | 110:494 |  | Foote, Wm. & O. M. | from | Foote, Joseph G. | 1880 | 81:215 |  | Foote, Wm. & Owen | from | Foote, J. G. | 1880 | 81:142 |  | Foote, Wm. (Et al.) | from | Greenlees, A. L. (Et al.) | 1880 | 82:154 |  | Foote, Wm. A. | to | Eckert, Rachael A. | 1896 | 142:177 |  | Foote, Wm. A. | from | Fray, Ellen Sulley (Ex.) | 1881 | 83:148 |  | Foote, Wm. A. (Et al.) | from | Eichelsdoerfer, L. | 1882 | 88:106 |  | Foote, Wm. A. (Et al.) | from | Nickell, J. F. | 1886 | 100:245 |  | Foote, Wm. A. (Et al.) | to | Petgen, Anna S. | 1888 | 108:516 |  | Foote, Wm. M. (Et al.) | to | Schulz, Henry (Et ux.) | 1890 | 117:439 |  | Foote, Wm. W. (Et al.) | from | Fray, E. S. (Et al.) | 1880 | 82:154 |  | Footer, Mary E. | from | ORourke, Wm. S. | 1879 | 78:169 |  | Fope, George W. | from | Kelsey, Elizabeth A. | 1890 | 120:319 |  | Forbaugh, B. | from | Ryan, Jas. W. | 1870 | 50:421 |  | Forbes, Charles F. H. | from | McCulloch, Hugh | 1853 | O:269 |  | Forbes, J. H. | to | Barker, W. & E. B. | 1881 | 84:53 |  | Forbidh, F. | from | Bollman, Frederick | 1860 | Y:209 |  | Forbing, Anna M. | from | Young, Henry J. | 1867 | 43:389 |  | Forbing, Delia | to | Hener, Christian | 1895 | 137:554 |  | Forbing, Gertrude | to | Bernhardt, F. F. | 1888 | 109:379 |  | Forbing, Gertrude | from | Evans, Regina | 1886 | 105:211 |  | Forbing, Gertrude | from | Forbing, John (et al.) | 1877 | 72:47 |  | Forbing, Gertrude | from | Franke, Catharine (et al.) | 1877 | 72:47 |  | Forbing, Gertrude | to | Franke, Mrs. J. H. | 1890 | 128:346 |  | Forbing, Gertrude | to | Kehn, William | 1888 | 108:364 |  | Forbing, Gertrude | to | Ogden, B. F. | 1884 | 94:373 |  | Forbing, Gertrude (et al.) | to | Forbing, John & J. Sd. | 1877 | 72:35 |  | Forbing, Gertrude (Et al.) | to | Forbing, Joseph | 1877 | 75:26 |  | Forbing, Gertrude (et al.) | to | Forbing, Peter & Jacob | 1877 | 72:37 |  | Forbing, Gertrude (et al.) | to | Franke, Catharine | 1877 | 72:49 |  | Forbing, Harry | from | Barnes, Joseph | 1897 | 147:148 |  | Forbing, Harry | from | Forbing, Martha | 1895 | 142:238 |  | Forbing, Harry | to | Hobbs, Frank H. | 1900 | 159:118 |  | Forbing, Harry | from | Land & Security Co. | 1898 | 151:464 |  | Forbing, Hiram | to | Forbing, John | 1866 | 42:305 |  | Forbing, J. & J. H. | from | App, H. J. | 1883 | 90:258 |  | Forbing, J. & J. H. | from | Bass, Jno. H. | 1879 | 77:218 |  | Forbing, J. H. | to | Arens, J. H. | 1886 | 102:37 |  | Forbing, J. H. | from | Heckman, A. H. | 1886 | 102:29 |  | Forbing, J. H. | to | Otting, William | 1888 | 109:93 |  | Forbing, J. H. (Et ux.) | to | Hilker, Margaret | 1887 | 103:367 |  | Forbing, Jacob | to | App, Mathias | 1867 | 43:330 |  | Forbing, Jacob | to | App, Mathias | 1867 | 43:330 |  | Forbing, Jacob | from | Brackenridge, R. (Heirs) | 1866 | 40:317 |  | Forbing, Jacob | to | Esmond, George | 1869 | 50:393 |  | Forbing, Jacob | from | Ewing, Geo. W. | 1865 | 39:94 |  | Forbing, Jacob | to | Forbing, Peter | 1877 | 72:332 |  | Forbing, Jacob | to | Forbing, Peter | 1878 | 72:459 |  | Forbing, Jacob | from | Hough, John | 1866 | 41:248 |  | Forbing, Jacob | to | Miller, Catharie | 1884 | 95:211 |  | Forbing, Jacob | to | Morss, Susan A. | 1866 | 48:340 |  | Forbing, Jacob | to | Walton, C. E. & E. W. | 1882 | 89:189 |  | Forbing, Jacob | to | Yergens, Aug. H. | 1867 | 43:384 |  | Forbing, Jacob | to | Yergens, August H. | 1867 | 43:384 |  | Forbing, Jacob | to | Young, Henry | 1867 | 43:388 |  | Forbing, Jacob | to | Young, Henry | 1867 | 43:388 |  | Forbing, Jennie H. | from | Hanna, J. E. | 1884 | 96:162 |  | Forbing, Jennie H. | from | Hayden, F. J. (Guard) | 1887 | 106:299 |  | Forbing, Jennie H. | to | Weise, Gottlieb | 1886 | 102:575 |  | Forbing, Jennie H. | to | Wetzel, Henry | 1886 | 102:397 |  | Forbing, Jennie H. | to | Wetzel, William | 1886 | 102:398 |  | Forbing, Jennie N. | to | Dickmeyer, H. F. | 1887 | 106:402 |  | Forbing, Jno. | to | App, H. J. | 1883 | 90:257 |  | Forbing, Jno. | to | Arens, Jno. H. | 1881 | 82:258 |  | Forbing, Jno. | to | Brammer, J. H. | 1884 | 96:172 |  | Forbing, Jno. | to | Braun, F. | 1885 | 99:264 |  | Forbing, Jno. | to | Dyk, Anton | 1884 | 96:120 |  | Forbing, Jno. | to | Horstmann, Chas. | 1886 | 101:241 |  | Forbing, Jno. | to | Michael, Herman | 1884 | 96:253 |  | Forbing, Jno. | to | Miller, Jno. | 1884 | 95:340 |  | Forbing, Jno. | to | Nowek, Edward | 1884 | 96:376 |  | Forbing, Jno. | to | Reehling, Conrad | 1885 | 97:528 |  | Forbing, Jno. | to | Schuricht, Herman | 1885 | 99:115 |  | Forbing, Jno. | to | Skinner, B. C. | 1884 | 96:214 |  | Forbing, Jno. | to | Stouder, Elmyra | 1879 | 75:584 |  | Forbing, Jno. | to | Wente, Christ | 1884 | 96:455 |  | Forbing, Jno. | from | Wiemeyer, Wm. T. | 1881 | 82:256 |  | Forbing, Jno. & J. H. | from | Dicke, Frederick | 1882 | 89:7 |  | Forbing, Jno. & J. H. | from | Hanna, S. F. | 1884 | 95:307 |  | Forbing, Jno. & J. H. | from | Phillips, Deborah | 1881 | 83:582 |  | Forbing, Jno. (Comr.) | to | Gerdom, Hermon | 1889 | 114:393 |  | Forbing, Jno. (Et al.) | from | Bond, H. Mc. | 1884 | 96:372 |  | Forbing, Jno. (Et ux.) | to | Brabandt, H. B. | 1885 | 98:147 |  | Forbing, Jno. (Et ux.) | to | Schubert, C. A. | 1885 | 98:146 |  | Forbing, Jno. (Plat on Sub. Div. by) | to | | 1884 | 96:199 |  | Forbing, John | from | Allen Sup. Court | 1888 | 110:204 |  | Forbing, John | to | Beiran, August | 1889 | 114:83 |  | Forbing, John | to | Bender, Louis | 1889 | 112:573 |  | Forbing, John | to | Benge, Otto F. | 1889 | 114:343 |  | Forbing, John | to | Blakesley, Jas. E. | 1892 | 125:534 |  | Forbing, John | from | Bond, Albert L. | 1898 | 149:213 |  | Forbing, John | from | Breen, William P. (Ex.) | 1887 | 104:322 |  | Forbing, John | to | Broom, Jane | 1873 | 60:330 |  | Forbing, John | from | Eq. Trust Co. | 1887 | 107:201 |  | Forbing, John | to | Erion, Jacob | 1887 | 104:64 |  | Forbing, John | to | Ferckel, Adam (Et ux.) | 1888 | 108:558 |  | Forbing, John | to | Ferckel, Susana | 1887 | 103:464 |  | Forbing, John | from | Forbing, Hiram | 1866 | 42:305 |  | Forbing, John | to | Franke, Jno. H. (Et ux.) | 1889 | 112:92 |  | Forbing, John | from | Franke, John | 1895 | 138:8 |  | Forbing, John | to | Franke, Julian | 1894 | 138:7 |  | Forbing, John | from | Frantz, Elizabeth J. | 1898 | 155:441 |  | Forbing, John | to | Frosen, Henry | 1888 | 109:150 |  | Forbing, John | to | Gnethner, H. | 1888 | 108:144 |  | Forbing, John | to | Greener, John | 1887 | 106:387 |  | Forbing, John | from | Grieb, John | 1901 | 163:77 |  | Forbing, John | from | Guettner, Herman | 1888 | 109:507 |  | Forbing, John | to | Guettner, Herman | 1889 | 112:447 |  | Forbing, John | from | Hanna, E. C. | 1888 | 108:431 |  | Forbing, John | from | Hanna, H. C. (Guard) | 1888 | 109:46 |  | Forbing, John | from | Hanna, Jas. T. | 1889 | 114:284 |  | Forbing, John | from | Hanna, Robt. B. | 1889 | 114:82 |  | Forbing, John | from | Hanna, Saml. D. | 1890 | 117:166 |  | Forbing, John | to | Harrod, Lucinda | 1903 | 171:257 |  | Forbing, John | to | Hener, Christian | 1895 | 137:554 |  | Forbing, John | to | Hengsteler, Martin | 1889 | 112:229 |  | Forbing, John | to | Hilker, Caroline | 1887 | 104:439 |  | Forbing, John | to | Hilker, William | 1890 | 116:592 |  | Forbing, John | to | Humbke, Aug. A. | 1889 | 112:356 |  | Forbing, John | to | Humcke, Richard | 1889 | 111:615 |  | Forbing, John | from | Jacoby, George | 1901 | 163:77 |  | Forbing, John | to | Kassano, Jacob | 1888 | 108:248 |  | Forbing, John | to | Klasmann, Fred. | 1887 | 104:314 |  | Forbing, John | from | Klasmann, Fred. | 1887 | 104:314 |  | Forbing, John | to | Kraütner, Gottlob | 1889 | 111:579 |  | Forbing, John | to | Lahmeyer, Martha | 1890 | 115:107 |  | Forbing, John | to | Miller, William G. | 1901 | 160:472 |  | Forbing, John | to | Nagel, Conrad | 1887 | 105:402 |  | Forbing, John | to | Nowek, Ed. (Et al.) | 1887 | 104:137 |  | Forbing, John | from | Ogden, Robert | 1890 | 115:245 |  | Forbing, John | to | P. Ft. W. & C. Ry. Co. | 1901 | 163:78 |  | Forbing, John | to | P. Ft. W. & C. Ry. Co. | 1901 | 163:79 |  | Forbing, John | from | Pequignot, F. | 1871 | 53:392 |  | Forbing, John | to | Poehler, Charles | 1878 | 72:456 |  | Forbing, John | to | Reichardt, John | 1889 | 112:592 |  | Forbing, John | to | Rodewald, Jno. H. | 1887 | 106:377 |  | Forbing, John | to | Rodewald, Jno. H. | 1889 | 112:293 |  | Forbing, John | to | Schafer, Fred. W. | 1865 | 36:324 |  | Forbing, John | to | Schmid, Lorenz | 1873 | 60:207 |  | Forbing, John | from | Schr--m, Frank | 1895 | 137:252 |  | Forbing, John | to | Schulz, Henry (Et ux.) | 1890 | 117:439 |  | Forbing, John | from | Skinner, Thos. N. | 1889 | 111:271 |  | Forbing, John | to | Sonnenberg, Fred | 1887 | 104:128 |  | Forbing, John | to | Sonnenburg, Dl. (Et ux.) | 1890 | 116:296 |  | Forbing, John | to | Todd, Anna L. | 1890 | 115:198 |  | Forbing, John | to | Tuerschmann, P. | 1888 | 109:199 |  | Forbing, John | from | Wagenhals, Ellen H. | 1901 | 160:462 |  | Forbing, John | to | Wasserbeck, John | 1890 | 118:305 |  | Forbing, John | to | Wehrmister, Aug. (Et ux.) | 1889 | 112:453 |  | Forbing, John | from | Wilson, Geo. (Ex.) | 1888 | 110:39 |  | Forbing, John | to | Zollinger, Chas. E. | 1889 | 112:591 |  | Forbing, John | to | Zollinger, Fredk. | 1889 | 114:8 |  | Forbing, John | to | Zollinger, Henry L. | 1889 | 112:590 |  | Forbing, John & J. H. | from | Bird, Ochmig Jr. | 1879 | 75:583 |  | Forbing, John & J. Sd. | from | Forbing, Gertrude (et al.) | 1877 | 72:35 |  | Forbing, John & J. Sd. | from | Franke, Catharine | 1877 | 72:35 |  | Forbing, John (et al.) | to | Forbing, Gertrude | 1877 | 72:47 |  | Forbing, John (Et al.) | to | Hamm, A. & B. | 1882 | 89:446 |  | Forbing, John M. | from | Trustees W. & E. Canal | 1846 | 71:372 |  | Forbing, Jos. (Et al.) | to | Downing, J. B. | 1884 | 94:372 |  | Forbing, Joseph | from | Forbing, Gertrude (Et al.) | 1877 | 75:26 |  | Forbing, Joseph | to | Pohler, Carl | 1864 | 34:179 |  | Forbing, Joseph | from | Wells, Judson W. | 1884 | 94:258 |  | Forbing, Martha | to | Forbing, Harry | 1895 | 142:238 |  | Forbing, Michael | from | Spencer, John | 1851 | L:329 |  | Forbing, Peter | from | Forbing, Jacob | 1877 | 72:332 |  | Forbing, Peter | from | Forbing, Jacob | 1878 | 72:459 |  | Forbing, Peter | to | Poehler, Charles | 1878 | 72:523 |  | Forbing, Peter | to | Tomalia, John | 1868 | 44:403 |  | Forbing, Peter & Jacob | from | Forbing, Gertrude (et al.) | 1877 | 72:37 |  | Forbing, Peter & Jacob | from | Franke, Catharine | 1877 | 72:37 |  | Forbing, Teter | from | Raab, John | 1868 | 46:449 |  | Forbish, Joel F. | from | Edsall, Samuel | 1863 | 33:50 |  | Forbuch, Joel F. | from | Loper, S. M. | 1876 | 68:436 |  | Forbusg, Joel F. | from | Smith, F. S. | 1868 | 44:338 |  | Forbush, A. B. (Et al.) | to | Fuchshuber, J. L. (Et al.) | 1882 | 90:202 |  | Forbush, E. B. (Et al.) | to | Fuchshuber, J. L. (Et al.) | 1882 | 88:393 |  | Forbush, E. B. (Et al.) | to | Vonderan, Jacob | 1882 | 86:528 |  | Forbush, E. B. (Et al.) | to | Woodworth, Emily | 1882 | 87:335 |  | Forbush, J. F. | from | Cartwright, L. F. (Et al.) | 1879 | 77:64 |  | Forbush, J. T. | from | Mathews, F. | 1862 | 28:613 |  | Forbush, Joel | from | Claxton, Isaac | 1854 | P:613 |  | Forbush, Joel | to | Dolin, Michael | 1853 | 132:407 |  | Forbush, Joel | to | Roebel, Gustave | 1860 | Y:268 |  | Forbush, Joel F. | from | Baker, John | 1853 | N:376 |  | Forbush, Joel F. | to | Bohne, Henry | 1857 | U:384 |  | Forbush, Joel F. | to | Brandt, Frederick | 1863 | 33:14 |  | Forbush, Joel F. | from | Cartwright, Jno. M. | 1870 | 50:416 |  | Forbush, Joel F. | from | Hanna, Samuel | 1859 | X:500 |  | Forbush, Joel F. | to | Hathaway, John | 1865 | 39:136 |  | Forbush, Joel F. | to | Hershmeyer, Gottleib | 1863 | 30:508 |  | Forbush, Joel F. | to | Knothe, Julius | 1863 | 33:14 |  | Forbush, Joel F. | to | Kurdop, John B. | 1863 | 33:14 |  | Forbush, Joel F. | from | Lalone, Charles | 1877 | 71:257 |  | Forbush, Joel F. | to | Mathews, Frederick & E. W. | 1857 | U:37 |  | Forbush, Joel F. | to | Meyer, Christian F. G. | 1857 | U:384 |  | Forbush, Joel F. | to | Schmieder, H. F. | 1879 | 77:202 |  | Forbush, Joel F. | to | Scott, Mary A. | 1879 | 77:202 |  | Forbush, Joel F. | from | Shank, Jno. P. C. | 1859 | Y:208 |  | Forbush, Joel F. | to | Smith, Franklin | 1866 | 39:397 |  | Forbush, Joel F. | to | Swayne, Samuel F. | 1877 | 71:259 |  | Forbush, Joes F. | from | Meyer, C. F. G. | 1857 | U:385 |  | Forbush, Josel F. | to | Williams, Robt. H. | 1868 | 51:482 |  | Force, William M. | to | Badger, K. L. | 1878 | 73:116 |  | Force, William M. | to | Fisher, David C. | 1891 | 122:183 |  | Force, Wm. M. | to | Biehl, U. M. | 1869 | 44:584 |  | Force, Wm. M. | from | Comparet, B. F. | 1868 | 45:444 |  | Force, Wm. M. | from | Comparet, Jas. J. | 1868 | 47:82 |  | Force, Wm. M. | from | Comparet, S. H. (Et al.) | 1873 | 58:300 |  | Force, Wm. M. | to | Comparet, Sarah H. | 1873 | 61:513 |  | Force, Wm. M. | to | Crouse, Chas. F. | 1874 | 62:144 |  | Force, Wm. M. | to | Dawkins,Harriet | 1873 | 59:44 |  | Force, Wm. M. | to | Decker, John | 1871 | 55;59 |  | Force, Wm. M. | to | Diehl, H. M. (Et al.) | 1887 | 107:236 |  | Force, Wm. M. | to | Fisher, David C. | 1873 | 60:192 |  | Force, Wm. M. | from | Fisher, W. B. | 1885 | 98:201 |  | Force, Wm. M. | to | Gick, Louis | 1889 | 114:121 |  | Force, Wm. M. | to | Girardot, Jules | 1873 | 60:272 |  | Force, Wm. M. | to | Hough, Sarah D. | 1873 | 60:191 |  | Force, Wm. M. | to | Keysir, Mary H. | 1870 | 50:431 |  | Force, Wm. M. | to | Maurer, Jacob | 1871 | 61:369 |  | Force, Wm. M. | from | Metzger, H. M. (Comr.) | 1889 | 112:574 |  | Force, Wm. M. | to | Miller, Louisa M. | 1889 | 114:129 |  | Force, Wm. M. | to | Swift, Alpheus | 1871 | 52:612 |  | Force, Wm. M. (Et al.) | to | Crume, Plimy M. | 1891 | 121:280 |  | Force, Wm. N. | to | Stemler, Philipena | 1872 | 57:114 |  | Force, Wm. N. | from | Swift, Florence | 1872 | 56:187 |  | Force, Wm. W. | to | White, John W. | 1890 | 115:561 |  | Forche, August | from | Williams, J. L. | 1872 | 57:344 |  | Ford, Aug. Pyke | to | Wells, C. E. | 1881 | 82:470 |  | Ford, C. D. | to | Randall, P. A. (Et al.) | 1883 | 94:40 |  | Ford, Charles | from | Donahue, Mary A. | 1897 | 150:379 |  | Ford, Charles | to | Donahue, thomas F. | 1897 | 150:380 |  | Ford, Chas. | from | Ely, Tharesa R. | 1873 | 59:502 |  | Ford, Chas. | to | Rockhill, Wm. W. | 1874 | 62:578 |  | Ford, George | from | Cole, Emily | 1879 | 75:546 |  | Ford, George | to | Drew, Elizabeth | 1881 | 83:561 |  | Ford, James | to | Hoffman, Nicholas & John | 1873 | 60:383 |  | Ford, James | to | Mennier, John P. | 1860 | 26:370 |  | Ford, John | from | Tilman, Noah H. | 1866 | 38:603 |  | Ford, John | to | Zeller, David Milton | 1866 | 42:124 |  | Ford, Mary | to | Cummins, Luenis | 1878 | 73:394 |  | Ford, Mary | from | Shirley, Susan | 1869 | 49:246 |  | Ford, Mary | to | Shitley, Susan | 1868 | 47:6 |  | Ford, Mary | from | Widdifield, M. | 1879 | 78:189 |  | Ford, Mary (Et al.) | to | Clawson, M. A. | 1882 | 93:512 |  | Ford, Nancy | from | Bass, Jno. H. | 1867 | 44:233 |  | Ford, Nancy | from | Hanna, Saml. F. & H. | 1867 | 44:233 |  | Ford, Nancy | to | Quichell, M. E. | 1870 | 51:162 |  | Ford, Sarah F. | to | Kirby, Michael | 1896 | 143:103 |  | Ford, Sarah F. | from | Williams, Mary H. | 1892 | 126:165 |  | Ford, Warner C. | from | Mccurdy, Henry | 1860 | 29:315 |  | Ford, Warner C. | to | Yergens, William | 1865 | 35:476 |  | Ford, William | from | Argo, M. E. | 1865 | 37:490 |  | Ford, William | from | Argo, M. E. | 1865 | 37:490 |  | Ford, William | from | Argo, Martin E. | 1865 | 37:490 |  | Ford, William | to | Beal, Marion | 1868 | 51:6 |  | Fordney, Geo. M. | to | Spencer, Martin | 1867 | 43:36 |  | Fordney, Geo. M. | to | Whedon, D. P. | 1867 | 43:36 |  | Fordney, George M. | from | Durrie, Horace | 1866 | 39:472 |  | Fordney, George M. | to | Spencer, Martin | 1867 | 43:36 |  | Fordney, George M. | to | Whedon, D. P. | 1867 | 43:36 |  | Foreman, James G. | from | Cox, Robert U. | 1862 | 29:210 |  | Foreman, James G. | to | Lopshire, William | 1866 | 41:523 |  | Foreman, James G. | to | Meyers, Daniel | 1865 | 36:286 |  | Foreman, Jas. G. | from | Heathman, B. | 1863 | 37:436 |  | Foreman, Jas. G. | from | Meyers, Daniel | 1865 | 36:584 |  | Foreman, Jas. G. | from | Sites, Jno. B. | 1866 | 41:8 |  | Foreman, Jas. G. | to | Sites, John B. | 1866 | 46:303 |  | Foreman, Jas. G. | to | Sites, Malchi | 1868 | 46:531 |  | Forest, E. D. E. | to | Alderman, Frannk | 1893 | 129:219 |  | Former, William | to | Lipes, David | 1858 | W:213 |  | Former, Wm. | from | Ashby, Lavinia | 1878 | 74:456 |  | Forney, Catherine | from | Hawkins, John | 1872 | 56:432 |  | Forney, Jeremiah | to | Perkins, Geo. W. | 1876 | 68:424 |  | Fornier, Josephine (Et ux.) | from | Jones, L. M. | 1887 | 105:34 |  | Fornier, Josephine (Et ux.) | from | Jones, Levi M. | 1887 | 105:420 |  | Forrand, Richard | to | Fogel, Delana | 1875 | 67:346 |  | Forsithe, Jno. | from | Vanhoozan, N. | 1853 | 90:246 |  | Forst, Anna | to | Eggermann, John W. | 1897 | 144:296 |  | Forst, Joseph | from | Eggemann, Jno. W. | 1897 | 144:297 |  | Forst, Joseph | to | Kuhne, H. Richard | 1897 | 144:298 |  | Forster, Frank | to | Oglesby, W. B. (Et al.) | 1883 | 96:430 |  | Forster, Frederick (Et ux.) | from | Sieling, Diederick F. | 1902 | 167:99 |  | Forster, George | from | Burgess, Henry | 1862 | 29:137 |  | Forster, George | from | Edgerton, Joseph K. | 1860 | 26:104 |  | Forster, George | from | McKannon, Barney | 1862 | 29:137 |  | Forsyth, Andrew | to | Meiser, Benjamin | 1865 | 42:17 |  | Forsyth, Charlotte | to | Meiser, Benjamin | 1866 | 42:16 |  | Forsyth, Charlotte (Et al.) | to | Meiser, Benj. | 1880 | 79:592 |  | Forsyth, Eliza | to | Ammer, Daniel | 1875 | 65:305 |  | Forsyth, Eliza | from | Borden, James W. | 1872 | 58:394 |  | Forsyth, Eliza | from | Brackenridge, Robert | 1852 | M:690 |  | Forsyth, Eliza | from | Colerick, Henry R. (est.) | 1875 | 66:329 |  | Forsyth, Eliza | from | Fleming, William | 1862 | 28:457 |  | Forsyth, Eliza | to | Hoagland, Phiny | 1854 | T:265 |  | Forsyth, Eliza | from | McCulloch, Hugh | 1852 | M:690 |  | Forsyth, Eliza | from | Scott, Joseph | 1839 | M:553 |  | Forsyth, Eliza | from | Scott, Moses (Est.) | 1863 | 31:561 |  | Forsyth, Eliza | from | Scott, Moses C. | 1853 | M:766 |  | Forsyth, Eliza | from | Scott, Samuel | 1846 | M:556 |  | Forsyth, Eliza | from | Scott, Samuel | 1852 | L:629 |  | Forsyth, Eliza | from | Scott, Samuel | 1854 | P:653 |  | Forsyth, Eliza | to | Seidel, Edward | 1867 | 43:202 |  | Forsyth, Eliza | to | Seidel, Edward | 1867 | 43:202 |  | Forsyth, Eliza | to | Ubelhoer, Philip | 1874 | 63:152 |  | Forsyth, Jno. | to | Forsyth, Jos. | 1854 | 90:248 |  | Forsyth, Jos. | from | Forsyth, Jno. | 1854 | 90:248 |  | Forsyth, Joseph | to | Vanhoosen, George | 1874 | 70:375 |  | Forsyth, Robert | to | Parnin, Gebriel | 1864 | 34:564 |  | Forsyth, Sarah A. | from | Perkins, James A. | 1884 | 94:540 |  | Forsyth, W. H. | from | Bowman, Geo. N. | 1866 | 40:521 |  | Forsyth, Wesley H. | to | Jeffries, Martha | 1900 | 157:465 |  | Forsythe, Andrew | to | Cavalier, Victor | 1864 | 37:60 |  | Forsythe, Andrew | to | Forsythe, Robert | 1858 | V:66 |  | Forsythe, Andrew | from | United States | 1844 | 100:187 |  | Forsythe, D. H. | from | Kelsay, Ambrose B. (Et al.) | 1893 | 128:298 |  | Forsythe, D. H. | to | Occleston, John S. | 1901 | 161:291 |  | Forsythe, David H. (Et ux.) | from | Parnin, Frank P. | 1901 | 161:510 |  | Forsythe, Eliza | to | Schnelker, Henry | 1875 | 66:339 |  | Forsythe, Eliza | from | Sheriff | 1874 | 63:150 |  | Forsythe, J. E. | from | Rousseau, Reuben | 1878 | 74:464 |  | Forsythe, Jane E. | to | Hafner, John Geo. | 1871 | 69:441 |  | Forsythe, Jno. E. | from | Meyer, Benj. | 1867 | 51:422 |  | Forsythe, Robert | from | Forsythe, Andrew | 1858 | V:66 |  | Forsythe, Thomas | from | Scott, R. | 1830 | L:254 |  | Forsythe, Wesley H. | from | Allen Superior Court | 1899 | 154:347 |  | Fort W. & C. R. R. Co. | to | Gorrelle, John | 1856 | 31:528 |  | Fort W. & C. R. R. Co. | from | Lawrence, E. E. | 1864 | 51:212 |  | Fort W. Academy | to | Hoagland, P. (Trustee) | 1867 | 42:602 |  | Fort Watne Electric Railway Company | from | Fort Wayne Street Railway Co. | 1892 | 126:111 |  | Fort Wayne | from | Adams, Israel B. | 1867 | 43:419 |  | Fort Wayne | from | Adams, Istael B. | 1867 | 43:419 |  | Fort Wayne | from | Bandau, Fred | 1875 | 66:371 |  | Fort Wayne | to | Borden, Jas. W. | 1871 | 52:414 |  | Fort Wayne | to | Bowser, J. C. | 1868 | 52:315 |  | Fort Wayne | to | Connell, R. W. | 1876 | 68:250 |  | Fort Wayne | from | McMakins Addition | 1860 | Y:504 |  | Fort Wayne | from | Plat of Hamilton 2nd Add. | 1860 | 26:328 |  | Fort Wayne | from | Plat of Lasselles Add. | 1859 | X:537 |  | Fort Wayne | from | Plat of McMakins Add | 1860 | Y:504 |  | Fort Wayne | from | Platmof Johnsons Add. | 1859 | X:538 |  | Fort Wayne | from | Schultz, Christian | 1875 | 66:371 |  | Fort Wayne & C. R. R. co. | from | Anderson, John | 1853 | 31:12 |  | Fort Wayne & C. R. R. Co. | to | Dughman, Abraham | 1855 | 28:477 |  | Fort Wayne & C. R. R. Co. | from | Edgerton, Joseph K. | 1853 | R:431 |  | Fort Wayne & C. R. R. Co. | from | Edgerton, Joseph K. | 1854 | R:468 |  | Fort Wayne & C. R. R. Co. | from | Edgerton, Joseph K. | 1854 | R:478 |  | Fort Wayne & C. R. R. Co. | from | Edgerton, Joseph K. | 1854 | R:479 |  | Fort Wayne & C. R. R. Co. | from | Taylor, Horace B. | 1853 | R:447 |  | Fort Wayne & C. R. R. Co. | from | Taylor, R. W. | 1854 | R:466 |  | Fort Wayne & C. R. R. Co. | from | Townley, Jonas W. | 1854 | R:476 |  | Fort Wayne & C. R. R. Co. | from | Townley, Robert W. | 1854 | R:476 |  | Fort Wayne & Chicago R. R. Co. | from | Bond, Stephen B. | 1853 | O:631 |  | Fort Wayne & Chicago R. R. Co. | from | Boshab, John | 1854 | R:471 |  | Fort Wayne & Chicago R. R. Co. | from | Brackenridge, R. (Jr.) | 1854 | R:469 |  | Fort Wayne & Chicago R. R. Co. | from | Brackenridge, T. K. | 1853 | S:659 |  | Fort Wayne & Chicago R. R. Co. | from | Carey, Jacob | 1855 | R:482 |  | Fort Wayne & Chicago R. R. Co. | from | Carey, Jacob | 1855 | R:728 |  | Fort Wayne & Chicago R. R. Co. | from | Cody, Morris | 1853 | N:520 |  | Fort Wayne & Chicago R. R. Co. | from | Colerick, David H. | 1853 | Q:626 |  | Fort Wayne & Chicago R. R. Co. | from | Colerick, Edward F. | 1853 | Q:627 |  | Fort Wayne & Chicago R. R. Co. | from | Colerick, Edward F. | 1853 | Q:628 |  | Fort Wayne & Chicago R. R. Co. | from | Colerick, Edward F. | 1853 | Q:630 |  | Fort Wayne & Chicago R. R. Co. | from | Comstock, Aaron | 1853 | N:538 |  | Fort Wayne & Chicago R. R. Co. | from | Edgerton, Joseph K. | 1854 | R:478 |  | Fort Wayne & Chicago R. R. Co. | from | Edsall, Samuel | 1855 | R:598 |  | Fort Wayne & Chicago R. R. Co. | to | Goodfellow, John | 1855 | T:192 |  | Fort Wayne & Chicago R. R. Co. | to | Herrick, Daniel W. | 1856 | Y:324 |  | Fort Wayne & Chicago R. R. Co. | to | Kirk, Lewis | 1858 | W:125 |  | Fort Wayne & Decatur Gravel Rd. Co. | to | Allen County | 1896 | 143:527 |  | Fort Wayne & Detroit R. R. Co. | from | Amstutz, Peter W. (Gdn.) | 1901 | 164:398 |  | Fort Wayne & Detroit R. R. Co. | from | Amstutz, Peter W. (Gdn.) | 1901 | 164:399 |  | Fort Wayne & Detroit R. R. Co. | from | Amstutz, Peter W. (Gdn.) | 1901 | 164:400 |  | Fort Wayne & Detroit R. R. Co. | from | Amstutz, Sophia | 1901 | 163:105 |  | Fort Wayne & Detroit R. R. Co. | from | Bair, John | 1901 | 163:139 |  | Fort Wayne & Detroit R. R. Co. | from | Bair, Rudolph | 1901 | 163:138 |  | Fort Wayne & Detroit R. R. Co. | from | Bertsch, John | 1901 | 163:110 |  | Fort Wayne & Detroit R. R. Co. | from | Bishop, Melvin T. | 1901 | 163:145 |  | Fort Wayne & Detroit R. R. Co. | from | Black, Joseph | 1901 | 163:247 |  | Fort Wayne & Detroit R. R. Co. | from | Blaising, J. August | 1901 | 162:482 |  | Fort Wayne & Detroit R. R. Co. | from | Bolyard, Charles W. (Et al.) | 1901 | 162:485 |  | Fort Wayne & Detroit R. R. Co. | from | Brudi, Gustav G. (Et al.) | 1901 | 162:493 |  | Fort Wayne & Detroit R. R. Co. | from | Burkholder, Maryan | 1901 | 163:201 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | Baldwin, Alva J. & wife | 1894 | 134:199 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | Bass, Jno. H. | 1894 | 134:239 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | Becker, Wm. T. A. | 1894 | 134:264 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | Bowers, David B. | 1894 | 134:243 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | Bowers, Henry C. & wife | 1894 | 134:187 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | Boyce, Elizabeth | 1894 | 135:1 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | Chausse, Amedee | 1894 | 133:555 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | Chausse, Charles | 1894 | 135:2 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | Cochoit, Joseph & wife | 1894 | 134:202 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | Dawkins, William | 1894 | 134:236 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | Mahoney, James | 1894 | 134:161 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | Mahoney, Margaret | 1894 | 134:161 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | McCarthy, Julia (Et al.) | 1894 | 134:161 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | McConnell, John (Trustee) | 1894 | 135:18 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | Meyer, Frederick W. & Wife | 1894 | 134:207 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | Monahan, Mary A. | 1894 | 134:161 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | Monnot, Celina | 1894 | 135:38 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | Monnot, Eugene | 1894 | 135:38 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | Monnot, Francis | 1894 | 135:38 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | Monnot, Jule | 1894 | 135:38 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | Monnot, Laura | 1894 | 135:38 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | Monnot, Lester E. | 1894 | 135:38 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | Monnot, Maggie | 1894 | 135:38 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | Monnot, Mary A. (Et al.) | 1894 | 135:38 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | Monnot, Tillie | 1894 | 135:38 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | Nail, Caroline R. | 1894 | 134:219 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | Nail, Danl. B. | 1894 | 134:219 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | Nesbit, Mary A. | 1894 | 134:99 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | Rebber, Gerhardt H. T. | 1894 | 134:205 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | Rodenbeck, Christina | 1894 | 134:240 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | Rodenbeck, Diedh. | 1894 | 134:240 |  | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | from | Rose, Morris (Et ux.) | 1894 | 134:158 |  | Fort Wayne & Eastern R. Rd. Co. | from | Ladig, Sarah M. | 1894 | 136:245 |  | Fort Wayne & Jackson R. R. Co. | from | Clark, B. G. (Et al.) | 1880 | 79:207 |  | Fort Wayne & Jackson R. R. Co. | from | McCulloch, Hugh | 1883 | 91:503 |  | Fort Wayne & L. R. T. Co. | to | Allen County | 1898 | 150:191 |  | Fort Wayne & Leo Gravel Road Co. | to | Allen County | 1895 | 140:32 |  | Fort Wayne & Maysville Gravel Road Co. | to | Allen County | 1895 | 140:162 |  | Fort Wayne & Southern R. R. Co. | from | Bond, Charles | 1853 | O:17 |  | Fort Wayne & Southern R. R. Co. | from | Brenton, Samuel | 1853 | O:18 |  | Fort Wayne & Southern R. R. Co. | to | Carter, Charles | 1856 | T:472 |  | Fort Wayne & Southern R. R. Co. | from | Colerick, Edward F. | 1853 | O:692 |  | Fort Wayne & Southern R. R. Co. | to | Haines, David T. | 1856 | T:472 |  | Fort Wayne & Southern R. R. Co. | to | Jenkinson, Moses | 1856 | T:178 |  | Fort Wayne & St. Joe Turnpike Co. | to | Board of Commissioners of Allen Co. | 1895 | 140:412 |  | Fort Wayne (City) | to | Michael, F. | 1880 | 80:412 |  | Fort Wayne (Plat of) | from | Sturgis Addition | 1854 | Q:169 |  | Fort Wayne Agr. Works | from | Fleming, Jones & Bonds | 1864 | 34:279 |  | Fort Wayne Art. Ice Co. | from | Ryan Trucking Co. | 1897 | 148:328 |  | Fort Wayne Artfl. Ice Co. | from | Berghoff, Henry C. (Et al.) | 1890 | 119:163 |  | Fort Wayne Chicago R. R. Co. | from | Bird, Ochmig | 1853 | N:522 |  | Fort Wayne Chicago R. R. Co. | from | Bird, Ochmig | 1853 | N:524 |  | Fort Wayne Chicago R. R. Co. | from | Burt, John | 1853 | N:525 |  | Fort Wayne Chicago R. R. Co. | from | Lot, Bayless Lot S. | 1853 | N:523 |  | Fort Wayne City | from | Bond, Chas. D. | 1866 | 42:31 |  | Fort Wayne City | from | Bond, S. B. | 1866 | 42:26 |  | Fort Wayne City | from | Dawson, John W. | 1866 | 42:28 |  | Fort Wayne City | from | Dean, Thomas F. | 1867 | 44:110 |  | Fort Wayne City | from | Fleming, William | 1866 | 42:30 |  | Fort Wayne City | to | Gaebel, Frank A. | 1867 | 42:511 |  | Fort Wayne City | to | Gaebel, Frank A. | 1867 | 42:511 |  | Fort Wayne City | from | Hanna, S. D. | 1886 | 102:74 |  | Fort Wayne City | from | Hayden, E. H. | 1886 | 102:73 |  | Fort Wayne City | from | Hayden, F. J. (Guard) | 1886 | 102:75 |  | Fort Wayne City | from | Hoagland, Pliny (trustee) | 1873 | 58:404 |  | Fort Wayne City | to | Langhour, John W. | 1874 | 62:399 |  | Fort Wayne City | to | Langhour, John W. | 1874 | 62:402 |  | Fort Wayne City | to | Langhour, John W. | 1874 | 62:405 |  | Fort Wayne City | to | Langhour, John W. | 1874 | 62:407 |  | Fort Wayne City | to | Langhour, John W. | 1874 | 62:410 |  | Fort Wayne City | to | Langhour, John W. | 1874 | 62:413 |  | Fort Wayne City | to | Langhour, John W. | 1874 | 62:416 |  | Fort Wayne City | to | Laughour, John W. | 1874 | 64:235 |  | Fort Wayne City | to | Laughour, John W. | 1874 | 64:237 |  | Fort Wayne City | from | McCulloch, H. | 1886 | 100:300 |  | Fort Wayne City | from | White, James B. | 1873 | 59:433 |  | Fort Wayne City | from | White, James B. | 1873 | 59:556 |  | Fort Wayne City (by Clerk) | to | Hough, S. D. | 1882 | 88:373 |  | Fort Wayne City Hospital | from | Hanna, O. S. | 1883 | 91:527 |  | Fort Wayne City of | from | Tyler, Frederick H. | 1855 | R:530 |  | Fort Wayne Com. Ry. Co. | from | Robison, Martin S. | 1897 | 148:526 |  | Fort Wayne Con. Ry. | from | Rose, Theodore W. | 1896 | 142:146 |  | Fort Wayne Con. Ry. | from | Rossington, Malinda | 1896 | 141:433 |  | Fort Wayne Con. Ry. | from | Rossington, Malinda | 1896 | 142:146 |  | Fort Wayne Con. Ry. Co. | from | Hayden, Eliza H. | 1896 | 142:145 |  | Fort Wayne Con. Ry. Co. | from | Rose, Henry D. | 1896 | 142:281 |  | Fort Wayne Con. Ry. Co. | from | Rossington, Malinda | 1896 | 145:294 |  | Fort Wayne Consolidated Ry Co. | from | Fort Wayne Electric Railway Company | 1895 | 140:228 |  | Fort Wayne D. Chrh. | from | Baatz, Theodore (Et al.) | 1891 | 113:383 |  | Fort Wayne D. Chrh. | from | Baatz, Wilhelmena (Guar.) | 1891 | 113:382 |  | Fort Wayne Driving Clib | from | Hayden, Eliza H. | 1894 | 136:220 |  | Fort Wayne Driving Club | from | Hayden, Eliza H. | 1892 | 127:236 |  | Fort Wayne Driving Club | to | Hayden, Eliza Hanna | 1894 | 136:224 |  | Fort Wayne Driving Club | from | Hayden, Fredk. J. | 1892 | 127:236 |  | Fort Wayne Driving Club | to | Hayden, Fredk. J. | 1894 | 136:224 |  | Fort Wayne Elec. Corp. | from | Fort Wayne Elec. L. Co. | 1897 | 148:355 |  | Fort Wayne Elec. L. Co. | to | Fort Wayne Elec. Corp. | 1897 | 148:355 |  | Fort Wayne Electric Co. | to | General Electric Co. | 1899 | 154:64 |  | Fort Wayne Electric Mfg. Co. | to | Kanning, Henry | 1897 | 148:389 |  | Fort Wayne Electric Railway Co. | from | Fort Wayne Water Power Co. | 1895 | 140:383 |  | Fort Wayne Electric Railway Company | to | Fort Wayne Consolidated Ry Co. | 1895 | 140:228 |  | Fort Wayne Electric Works | from | General Electic Co. | 1899 | 154:148 |  | Fort Wayne Furniture Co. | to | Foster, Samuel M. | 1897 | 148:397 |  | Fort Wayne G. B. L. & S. A. No. 4 | to | Jacob, Geo. & Wm. Bittler | 1878 | 82:569 |  | Fort Wayne Gas Co. | from | Salimonie M. & Gas Co. | 1895 | 136:159 |  | Fort Wayne Gas Light co. | from | Fleming, Robert E. | 1860 | Y:197 |  | Fort Wayne Gas Light Co. | to | French, Hanna & Co. | 1865 | 37:538 |  | Fort Wayne Gas Light co. | from | French, Hanna & Co. | 1865 | 37:558 |  | Fort Wayne Gas. Co. | from | Ft. W. Gas Light Co. | 1894 | 136:155 |  | Fort Wayne Gaslight Co. | from | Cody, Morris (Guard) | 1855 | S:216 |  | Fort Wayne Ger. B. L. & S. A. | to | Lauer, Mary | 1878 | 152:438 |  | Fort Wayne H. L. & T. Co. | to | Durnell, Chester (Et ux.) | 1898 | 154:428 |  | Fort Wayne H. L. & T. Co. | to | Gould, Theodore H. | 1898 | 154:429 |  | Fort Wayne H. L. & Tr. Co. | to | Downing, Myron S. | 1898 | 154:514 |  | Fort Wayne H. L. & Tr. Co. | to | Erickson, John | 1898 | 154:521 |  | Fort Wayne H. L. & Tr. Co. | to | Glenn, Thomas M. (Et ux.) | 1898 | 155:416 |  | Fort Wayne H. L. & Tr. Co. | to | Johns, Alfred L. | 1899 | 155:291 |  | Fort Wayne H. L. & Tr. Co. | to | Shepard, Abram L. (Et ux.) | 1898 | 154:542 |  | Fort Wayne H. L. & Trust Co. | to | Dwenger, Joseph | 1890 | 115:553 |  | Fort Wayne H. L. & Trust Co. | from | Erickson, John | 1890 | 117:249 |  | Fort Wayne Homestead Loan & Trust Company | from | Trustees Railroad Young Mens Christian Association | 1889 | 112:275 |  | Fort Wayne Homestead Loan and Trust Co. | from | Railroad Department Young Men's Christion Association | 1889 | 112:275 |  | Fort Wayne Hstd. L. & T. Co. | to | Howenstem, e. s. | 1897 | 145:66 |  | Fort Wayne Hstd. L. & T. Co. | to | Mannix, Margaret | 1898 | 150:268 |  | Fort Wayne Hstd. L. & T. Co. | to | Mensch, Rebecca L. | 1898 | 149:361 |  | Fort Wayne Hstd. L. & Tr. Co. | to | Arnold, Emma | 1898 | 154:285 |  | Fort Wayne Hstd. L. & Tr. Co. | to | Shorey, Wm. H. (Et ux.) | 1899 | 153:210 |  | Fort Wayne Hstd. L. & Tr. Co. | to | Winch, Bertha A. | 1900 | 156:482 |  | Fort Wayne L. & I. Co. | to | Rhine, Calvin | 1902 | 167:122 |  | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | to | Allen Co. L. & S. A. | 1896 | 144:111 |  | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | to | Alter, Barbara | 1896 | 143:73 |  | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | from | Antrup, Fred. W. | 1894 | 132:162 |  | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | to | Behler, Rosemary | 1896 | 143:354 |  | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | to | Bourie, George W. (Et al.) | 1900 | 157:368 |  | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | to | Bullard, H. F. | 1891 | 120:482 |  | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | to | Burnett, Emma (Et.) | 1891 | 121:364 |  | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | to | Christen, Anna M. | 1896 | 143:76 |  | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | to | Crawford, S. M. | 1892 | 157:112 |  | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | to | Ellenwood, Ella M. | 1899 | 155:345 |  | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | to | Foster, David N. | 1891 | 119:461 |  | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | to | Heth, William C. | 1891 | 119:400 |  | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | to | Houser, John A. | 1893 | 144:444 |  | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | to | Hughes, Sarah J. | 1896 | 143:245 |  | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | to | Leedy, Wm. M. (Et al.) | 1898 | 150:165 |  | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | to | Litot, Edward L. | 1891 | 119:319 |  | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | to | Logan, Ellen J. | 1900 | 158:222 |  | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | to | Long, Mason | 1891 | 142:514 |  | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | to | Meyer, Henry | 1891 | 121:371 |  | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | to | Misner, Clarence E. (Et al.) | 1896 | 143:456 |  | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | to | Orr, Clark (Et ux.) | 1900 | 157:161 |  | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | to | Pfeiffer, J. N. | 1891 | 113:132 |  | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | to | Ross, Lewin E. A. | 1891 | 122:122 |  | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | to | Ross, sidney F. | 1897 | 144:282 |  | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | to | Ross, Wilbert A. | 1898 | 151:35 |  | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | to | Sharp, Lewis P. | 1893 | 144:443 |  | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | to | Sites, N. C. | 1896 | 143:220 |  | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | to | Staples, Bertha E. | 1899 | 157:94 |  | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | to | Swain, Carl P. (Et al.) | 1896 | 143:514 |  | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | to | Weiler, Katie A. | 1891 | 120:375 |  | Fort Wayne Land & I. Co. | to | Braschler, Charles | 1897 | 145:199 |  | Fort Wayne Land & I. Co. | to | Busch, Nicholas | 1897 | 145:414 |  | Fort Wayne Land & I. Co. | to | Geake, William | 1897 | 148:377 |  | Fort Wayne Land & I. Co. | to | Hench, Lilla M. (Et al.) | 1898 | 149:243 |  | Fort Wayne Land & I. Co. | to | Martin, Joseph C. | 1897 | 148:324 |  | Fort Wayne Land & I. Co. | to | Miller, Hattie K. | 1897 | 148:114 |  | Fort Wayne Land & I. Co. | to | Minnick, Jas. W. | 1897 | 149:280 |  | Fort Wayne Land & I. Co. | to | Moseman, Wm. E. | 1898 | 149:83 |  | Fort Wayne Land & I. Co. | to | Riverview, Farm Co. | 1896 | 148:26 |  | Fort Wayne Land & I. Co. | to | Roussean, Benj. F. (Et al.) | 1897 | 148:239 |  | Fort Wayne Land & I. Co. | to | Smith, Kate P. | 1897 | 145:589 |  | Fort Wayne Land & I. Co. | to | Wisehart, John W. | 1898 | 151:450 |  | Fort Wayne Land & Imp. Co. | to | Logan, Thomas J. | 1893 | 130:102 |  | Fort Wayne Land & Imp. Co. | to | McKay, Jas. M. | 1895 | 137:384 |  | Fort Wayne Land and Imp. Co. | to | Beaver, Emma C. | 1898 | 152:79 |  | Fort Wayne Land and Imp. Co. | to | Beckstein, Geo. J. | 1896 | 142:217 |  | Fort Wayne Land and Imp. Co. | to | Donnewwirth, Geo. | 1897 | 145:479 |  | Fort Wayne Land and Imp. Co. | to | Foster, David H. | 1896 | 142:221 |  | Fort Wayne Land and Imp. Co. | to | Hinton, John C. | 1895 | 136:351 |  | Fort Wayne Land and Imp. Co. | to | Jocquel, Louis | 1895 | 139:72 |  | Fort Wayne Land and Imp. Co. | to | Lepper, N. W. | 1895 | 136:343 |  | Fort Wayne Land and Imp. Co. | to | Lyons, Robt. J. | 1895 | 138:117 |  | Fort Wayne Land and Imp. Co. | to | Marshall, Mary A. | 1892 | 143:132 |  | Fort Wayne Land and Imp. Co. | to | Martin, Allen G. | 1896 | 142:76 |  | Fort Wayne Land and Imp. Co. | to | Morgan, Jos. P. | 1895 | 139:358 |  | Fort Wayne Land and Imp. Co. | to | Niehoff, Annie L. | 1895 | 140:451 |  | Fort Wayne Land and Imp. Co. | to | Reed, Geo. W. | 1895 | 139:295 |  | Fort Wayne Land and Imp. Co. | to | Traxler, Mary H. | 1896 | 151:176 |  | Fort Wayne Land and Imp. Co. | to | Tri State B. & L. A. | 1896 | 141:518 |  | Fort Wayne Land and Imp. Co. | to | Welty, Joel | 1896 | 144:74 |  | Fort Wayne Land and Imp. Co. | to | Wilding, Jas. W. | 1895 | 136:315 |  | Fort Wayne Land and Imp. Company | to | Heaton, Chas. E. | 1896 | 143:20 |  | Fort Wayne Land and Imp. Company | to | Rogers, James | 1896 | 142:399 |  | Fort Wayne Land and Imp. Company | to | Siver, E. L. (Et ux.) | 1896 | 141:524 |  | Fort Wayne Land and Improvement Co. | to | Archer, Perry J. (Et al.) | 1895 | 137:429 |  | Fort Wayne Land and Improvement Co. | to | Long, Mason (Et al.) | 895 | 136:539 |  | Fort Wayne Land and Improvement Co. | to | Romy, Robt. L. | 1894 | 137:52 |  | Fort Wayne Land and Improvement Co. | to | Ross, Ed. C. | 1895 | 137:9 |  | Fort Wayne Land and Improvement Co. | to | Wells, Judson W. | 1895 | 140:116 |  | Fort Wayne Lodge 14 I.O.O.F. | to | Knoder, Geo. W. | 1879 | 77:569 |  | Fort Wayne Lodge 14 I.O.O.F. | to | Newell, Agnes | 1883 | 94:334 |  | Fort Wayne Lodge 14 I.O.O.F. | to | Tyler, Clara R. | 1877 | 74:138 |  | Fort Wayne Lodge I. O. O. F. | to | Halstein, Phillip | 1858 | V:1 |  | Fort Wayne Lodge No. 14 I. O. O. F. | from | Sheriff | 1878 | 74:133 |  | Fort Wayne Lodge No. 16 I. O. O. F. | to | Renn, A. J. | 1863 | 32:52 |  | Fort Wayne Lodge No. 16 I. O. O. F. | to | Wily, Alexander | 1863 | 32:52 |  | Fort Wayne Machine Works | to | Bass, John H. | 1863 | 31:227 |  | Fort Wayne Machine Works | to | Hanna, Horace H. | 1863 | 31:227 |  | Fort Wayne Nat. Bank | to | Abbott, R. B. | 1879 | 84:395 |  | Fort Wayne Nat. Bank | to | Altekruse, E. F. W. | 1881 | 84:162 |  | Fort Wayne Nat. Bank | to | Cashman, Jno. | 1882 | 88:141 |  | Fort Wayne Nat. Bank | to | Coolican, E. B. | 1880 | 90:212 |  | Fort Wayne Nat. Bank | to | Esmond, Geo. (Trustee) | 1885 | 97:96 |  | Fort Wayne Nat. Bank | to | Griebel, E. S. | 1883 | 91:428 |  | Fort Wayne Nat. Bank | to | Hackett, Mary A. | 1882 | 88:459 |  | Fort Wayne Nat. Bank | to | Hamilton Nat. Bank | 1882 | 90:112 |  | Fort Wayne Nat. Bank | to | Kaiser, Mary | 1881 | 85:72 |  | Fort Wayne Nat. Bank | to | Redelsheimer, D. S. | 1882 | 86:555 |  | Fort Wayne Nat. Bank | to | Stockman, Mary | 1884 | 96:84 |  | Fort Wayne Nat. Bank | to | Thompson, H. F. | 1884 | 98:157 |  | Fort Wayne Nat. Bank | to | Williams, E. L. | 1882 | 89:27 |  | Fort Wayne Nat. Bank | to | Yohey, Maggie R. | 1883 | 93:347 |  | Fort Wayne Organ Co. | to | Conroy, J. & M. | 1881 | 85:22 |  | Fort Wayne Saengerbund | from | Aufrecht, Chas. | 1893 | 131:301 |  | Fort Wayne Saengerbund | from | Miller, Jos. A. | 1893 | 20:246 |  | Fort Wayne Saengerbund | to | Saengerbund Hall Astn. | 1896 | 144:279 |  | Fort Wayne Saengerbund a corporation | from | Trustee Fort Wayne Saengerbund | 1893 | 131:277 |  | Fort Wayne Saengerbund Society | from | Brann, Chas. G. (Et al. Trustee) | 1893 | 131:277 |  | Fort Wayne Street Railway Co. | to | Fort Watne Electric Railway Company | 1892 | 126:111 |  | Fort Wayne Traction Co. | from | Haiber, Charles F. | 1900 | 156:270 |  | Fort Wayne Traction Company | from | Rockhill, Howell C. | 1899 | 156:1 |  | Fort Wayne Trust Co. (Admr.) | to | Bauer, Kajetan J. | 1899 | 152:385 |  | Fort Wayne Water Power Co. | to | Fort Wayne Electric Railway Co. | 1895 | 140:383 |  | Fort Wayne Y. M. C. A. | from | Bond, Henry R. (Trus.) | 1891 | 122:351 |  | Fort Wayne Y. M. C. A. | from | Equitable Trust Co. | 1891 | 122:351 |  | Fort Waynr Gas Light Co. | from | Bonfield, K. | 1855 | S:215 |  | Forte, Abraham | from | Jackson, Abraham | 1865 | 38:318 |  | Forte, Harvey B. | from | Hough, John | 1864 | 34:472 |  | Forthmiler, Jno. | to | Forthmiller, Henry | 1869 | 50:490 |  | Forthmiller, Alice | from | Commissioners by Partition | 1878 | 73:509 |  | Forthmiller, Catharine | from | Commissioners by Partition | 1878 | 73:509 |  | Forthmiller, D. A. | from | Forthmiller, Jno. J. | 1869 | 50:344 |  | Forthmiller, David | from | Forthmiller, Jno. J. | 1869 | 50:491 |  | Forthmiller, H.& Hellwarth, M. | from | Hettler, Christopher | 1878 | 73:359 |  | Forthmiller, Henry | from | Commissioners by Partition | 1878 | 73:509 |  | Forthmiller, Henry | from | Forthmiler, Jno. | 1869 | 50:490 |  | Forthmiller, J.& Hellwarth, M. | from | Miller, Joseph | 1878 | 73:358 |  | Forthmiller, Jacob | from | Commissioners by Partition | 1878 | 73:509 |  | Forthmiller, Jacob | from | Forthmiller, Jno. J. | 1869 | 50:570 |  | Forthmiller, Jacob | from | Gallbracth, William | 1866 | 40:2 |  | Forthmiller, Jacob (et al.) | from | Forthmiller, Nancy | 1878 | 73:85 |  | Forthmiller, Jacob (Et ux.) | from | Hanna, Jas. T. | 1890 | 118:259 |  | Forthmiller, Jno. J. | from | Bird, Ochmig | 1860 | Y:92 |  | Forthmiller, Jno. J. | to | Forthmiller, D. A. | 1869 | 50:344 |  | Forthmiller, Jno. J. | to | Forthmiller, David | 1869 | 50:491 |  | Forthmiller, Jno. J. | to | Forthmiller, Jacob | 1869 | 50:570 |  | Forthmiller, Jno. J. | to | Hellmeck, C. (Et al.) | 1869 | 50:300 |  | Forthmiller, Jno. J. | from | Kintz, Phebe | 1871 | 53:383 |  | Forthmiller, Jno. J. | from | Trustees W. & E. Canal | 1861 | 27:217 |  | Forthmiller, John | to | Dodane, Joseph | 1866 | 39:391 |  | Forthmiller, John Jacob | from | Auditor | 1857 | U:391 |  | Forthmiller, John Jacob | from | Auditor of Allen County | 1857 | T:606 |  | Forthmiller, John Jacob | to | Randenbush, Adam | 1851 | U:43 |  | Forthmiller, Nancy | to | Forthmiller, Jacob (et al.) | 1878 | 73:85 |  | Fortieve, Louis | from | Kennark, Wm. | 1874 | 62:493 |  | Fortmeier, Henry | from | Geeseking, F. W. | 1892 | 127:179 |  | Fortmeyer, F. H. | from | Giesskins, F. W. | 1888 | 108:596 |  | Fortmeyer, Henry | from | Kull, Louisa W. | 1902 | 166:249 |  | Fortmeyer, Mary | from | Durbrow, Lydia (Et al.) | 1893 | 129:393 |  | Fortmeyer, Mary (Et al.) | from | Cunnison, James | 1898 | 153:282 |  | Fortmiller, John Jacob | from | Auditor A. C. | 1856 | T:379 |  | Fortney, Christian (Et al.) | from | Fortney, Frank G. | 1901 | 161:422 |  | Fortney, Frank G. | to | Fortney, Christian (Et al.) | 1901 | 161:422 |  | Fortney, Frank G. | from | Puriman, James N. | 1896 | 156:541 |  | Fortney, Frank G. | from | Trustee English Luth. Church of Monroeville | 1900 | 159:376 |  | Fortney, Lovina | from | Eling, Adam | 1902 | 167:278 |  | Fortreide, Louis | to | Germain, R. M. | 1885 | 98:336 |  | Fortreide, Louis | from | Rockhill, Howell | 1878 | 73:574 |  | Fortried, Louis | to | Boester, Henry | 1874 | 62:634 |  | Fortriede, Lew | from | Mower, H. J. | 1873 | 49:376 |  | Fortriede, Louis | from | Bushey, Chas. | 1897 | 145:459 |  | Fortriede, Louis | from | Harding, Fred | 1877 | 72:53 |  | Fortriede, Louis | from | Kanes, James M. (Et al. Ex.) | 1899 | 154:150 |  | Fosdick, Ed. W. | from | Sheriff, D. A. | 1869 | 52:526 |  | Fosh, Andrew | from | Conger (Et al.) | 1868 | 55:40 |  | Fosler, Alexander | to | Lee, J. E. | 1853 | 31:446 |  | Fosmght, Solomon | to | Shirey, Jacob C. | 1892 | 124:573 |  | Fosnaugh, Lucinda B. | from | Greer, Thomas (Comr.) | 1901 | 160:364 |  | Fosnight, Hiram L. | from | Higgins, George | 1893 | 131:151 |  | Fosnight, Hiram L. | from | Higgins, Matilda C. | 1893 | 131:151 |  | Fosnight, S. | from | Bickhart, Isaac | 1882 | 86:282 |  | Fosnight, Sarah | to | Brown, S. J. | 1879 | 85:121 |  | Fosnight, Sarah | from | Herrick, Horace | 1877 | 74:482 |  | Fosnight, Sarah | from | Omo, Jos. H. | 1879 | 80:21 |  | Fosnight, Sarah | to | Reichelderfer, A. M. | 1899 | 154:201 |  | Fosnight, Sol | to | Graves, Christ R. | 1868 | 53:120 |  | Fosnight, Solomon | from | Getrost, George | 1865 | 39:10 |  | Fosnight, Solomon | from | Herrick, Horace | 1877 | 74:481 |  | Fosnight, Solomon | to | Herrick, Horrace | 1877 | 71:16 |  | Fosnight, Solomon | to | Higgins, Geo. | 1882 | 88:86 |  | Fosnight, Solomon | to | Higgins, George | 1893 | 127:498 |  | Fosnight, Solomon | to | Killion, Simon | 1880 | 82:551 |  | Fosnight, Solomon | from | Mitchell, Geo. W. | 1892 | 127:497 |  | Fosnight, Solomon | from | Mitchell, J. t. | 1876 | 74:479 |  | Fosnight, Solomon | to | Shafer, Washington | 1873 | 65:73 |  | Fosnight, Solomon | to | Stopher, Joseph D. | 1880 | 80:136 |  | Fosnite, Solomon | from | Stopher, Jos. D. | 1882 | 88:87 |  | Foss, Fred H. (Et al.) | from | Barva, Bernerd R. | 1901 | 161:504 |  | Foss, Frederick H. | to | Tri State B. & L. A. | 1900 | 160:154 |  | Foss, Fredk. H. | from | Egle, Warren | 1893 | 128:426 |  | Foss, William | from | Bogear, Mathias | 1847 | O:542 |  | Fosseight, Emma | from | Brown, C. H. | 1885 | 98:183 |  | Fost, Aaron | from | Comparet, J. J. & D. F. | 1858 | Y:107 |  | Fost, Aaron | from | Hubbell, Melancthon | 1858 | Y:107 |  | Foster & Childs | from | Richards, Jno. M. | 1871 | 59:64 |  | Foster & Franch | to | Bunck, Fredk. | 1873 | 59:140 |  | Foster, A. W. | to | Gage, Robert | 1875 | 66:21 |  | Foster, Adaline C. | to | Clem, Christiana | 1899 | 153:287 |  | Foster, Adline | from | Cowell, John W. | 1899 | 154:39 |  | Foster, Adline | to | Filler, Adam | 1900 | 156:204 |  | Foster, Andrew | from | Allen Sup. Court | 1895 | 140:350 |  | Foster, Andrew | from | Jones, L. M. | 1876 | 69:168 |  | Foster, Andrew | to | Kopp, Henry | 1888 | 108:196 |  | Foster, Andrew | to | Kopp, John H. | 1893 | 129:132 |  | Foster, Andrew | from | Locke, Josiah | 1883 | 94:47 |  | Foster, Andrew | to | Ryan, Susan | 1898 | 155:554 |  | Foster, Andrew | from | Sheriff | 1881 | 84:337 |  | Foster, Andrew | from | Stine, Daniel | 1868 | 46:562 |  | Foster, Andrew | to | Stine, Daniel (Et al.) | 1868 | 46:563 |  | Foster, Anna | to | Foster, John T. | 1895 | 136:336 |  | Foster, Annie L. | from | Foster, David N. | 1894 | 133:520 |  | Foster, Asher | from | Dreier, Henry & Wm. | 1874 | 64:425 |  | Foster, Asher W. | to | Grayless, Geo. W. | 1873 | 60:73 |  | Foster, Asher W. | from | Phillips, Mary E. | 1867 | 45:4 |  | Foster, Charles | from | Fremont & Indiana R. R. | 1863 | 30:580 |  | Foster, Charles H. (Et ux.) | from | Hafner, John | 1900 | 157:315 |  | Foster, Charles H. (Et ux.) | from | Rawley, Ann | 1902 | 167:542 |  | Foster, Chas. | to | Ehrhardt, Magdalena | 1885 | 99:148 |  | Foster, Chas. | to | Jackson Tp. | 1880 | 81:325 |  | Foster, Chas. G. | to | Foster, John T. | 1895 | 136:336 |  | Foster, D. N. | to | Foster, Fredk. R. | 1888 | 109:386 |  | Foster, D. N. | to | Foster, Scott | 1882 | 88:164 |  | Foster, D. N. | from | Foster, Wm. W. Jr. | 1894 | 134:76 |  | Foster, D. N. | from | Ft. Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | 1893 | 131:509 |  | Foster, D. N. | from | Ft. Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | 1893 | 131:510 |  | Foster, D. N. | from | Ft. Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | 1893 | 131:512 |  | Foster, D. N. | from | Ft. Wayne Land & Imp. Co. | 1890 | 118:46 |  | Foster, D. N. | from | Hayden, E. H. | 1888 | 109:581 |  | Foster, D. N. | to | Reinheimer, Anna | 1889 | 112:495 |  | Foster, David H. | from | Fort Wayne Land and Imp. Co. | 1896 | 142:221 |  | Foster, David n. | to | Alder, Saml. R. T. | 1898 | 153:273 |  | Foster, David N. | to | Andrews, Edith Cath. | 1901 | 162:534 |  | Foster, David N. | from | Baker, Killian | 1887 | 106:161 |  | Foster, David N. | from | Bates, Will G. | 1899 | 154:112 |  | Foster, David N. | from | Carson, Wm. W. | 1887 | 105:586 |  | Foster, David N. | from | College Place Imp. Co. | 1901 | 165:272 |  | Foster, David N. | to | Fishering, Geo. W. | 1892 | 123:261 |  | Foster, David N. | from | Fort Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | 1891 | 119:461 |  | Foster, David N. | to | Foster, Annie L. | 1894 | 133:520 |  | Foster, David N. | from | Foster, Fred R. | 1896 | 143:315 |  | Foster, David N. | from | Foster, Samuel M. | 1898 | 152:440 |  | Foster, David N. | to | Foster, Samuel M. | 1901 | 161:62 |  | Foster, David N. | to | Foster, Samuel M. | 1902 | 166:453 |  | Foster, David N. | from | Foster, Scott | 1887 | 104:361 |  | Foster, David N. | to | Foster, Wm. W. Jr. | 1894 | 133:520 |  | Foster, David N. | to | Ft. W. Furniture Co. | 1888 | 107:4 |  | Foster, David N. | from | Ft. Wayne Land & Imp. Co. | 1890 | 119:244 |  | Foster, David N. | from | Ft. Wayne Land & Imp. Co. | 1891 | 119:328 |  | Foster, David N. | to | Gerke, Henry C. | 1895 | 139:311 |  | Foster, David N. | from | Hall, Israel | 1878 | 73:277 |  | Foster, David N. | to | Kettler, Wm. J. (Et al.) | 1897 | 145:217 |  | Foster, David N. | to | Kettler, Wm. J. (Et ux.) | 1897 | 145:218 |  | Foster, David N. | to | Mitchell, William | 1890 | 118:393 |  | Foster, David N. | to | Perfect, Arthur H. (Et ux.) | 1902 | 168:510 |  | Foster, David N. | from | Pixley, George W. (Et al.) | 1902 | 170:356 |  | Foster, David N. | from | Randall, P. a. (Admr.) | 1894 | 135:257 |  | Foster, David N. | from | Randall, Perry A. | 1897 | 147:538 |  | Foster, David N. | from | Shoaff, Thos. B. | 1889 | 112:271 |  | Foster, David N. | from | Smick, Manford M. | 1894 | 133:479 |  | Foster, David N. | from | Smick, Sophie M. | 1894 | 133:479 |  | Foster, David N. | to | Willey, George B. | 1891 | 122:73 |  | Foster, David N. (Et al.) | from | Shaffer, Christian | 1889 | 112:513 |  | Foster, David N. (Et ux.) | from | Bond, Lavinia A. | 1899 | 153:258 |  | Foster, David P. | to | Friend, Samuel | 1902 | 171:205 |  | Foster, David P. (Et ux.) | from | Bartholemew, Harriet E. | 1899 | 170:204 |  | Foster, David P. (Et ux.) | from | Bartholomew, Harriet E. | 1898 | 152:242 |  | Foster, E. (Admr.) | to | Sherman, John | 1872 | 55:298 |  | Foster, E. E. | from | Commissioner in Partition | 1885 | 98:585 |  | Foster, Edward | from | McCulloch, Hugh | 1858 | 26:36 |  | Foster, Edward | from | P. Ft. W. & C. R. R. Co. | 1858 | 26:36 |  | Foster, Edward (Et al.) | to | Butt, Jas. F. | 1888 | 108:136 |  | Foster, Edward (Et al.) | from | Carr, Paul | 1888 | 108:135 |  | Foster, Elizabeth | to | Hannond, Ann M. | 1895 | 137:274 |  | Foster, Elizabeth (Et al.) | to | Foster, John T. | 1895 | 136:336 |  | Foster, Elizabeth (Et al.) | to | Foster, John V. | 1895 | 138:60 |  | Foster, F. J. | to | Whitaker, Jos. W. | 1881 | 85:371 |  | Foster, Fred | to | Cin. Rich. & Ft. W. R. R. | 1871 | 55:376 |  | Foster, Fred C. | to | Foster, John T. | 1895 | 136:336 |  | Foster, Fred R. | to | Foster, David N. | 1896 | 143:315 |  | Foster, Frederick | from | Koenemann, Martin | 1900 | 160:268 |  | Foster, Frederick | to | Lepper, John G. | 1900 | 160:267 |  | Foster, Fredk. R. | from | Foster, D. N. | 1888 | 109:386 |  | Foster, George | to | Bopp, Henry | 1862 | 29:243 |  | Foster, George | from | Burgess, Henry | 1854 | R:405 |  | Foster, George | from | Burgess, Henry | 1858 | V:90 |  | Foster, George | from | Culler, David W. | 1861 | 28:264 |  | Foster, George | to | Hanly, Patrick | 1865 | 36:544 |  | Foster, George | to | Tisron, Lewis | 1866 | 42:336 |  | Foster, Gottleib | to | Zuber, Paulaleon | 1860 | 26:97 |  | Foster, Henry L. (Et ux.) | from | Hamilton, Joel W. | 1901 | 164:59 |  | Foster, James | to | Keclsance, David | 1865 | 35:525 |  | Foster, James A. | to | Foster, Wm. M. | 1893 | 130:312 |  | Foster, James A. | from | Ft. Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | 1893 | 130:309 |  | Foster, Jesse | to | Foster, Jesse B. | 1894 | 135:544 |  | Foster, Jesse | to | Foster, Levi | 1875 | 74:483 |  | Foster, Jesse | to | Ft. W. Van. W. & Lima Tr. Co. | 1902 | 170:23 |  | Foster, Jesse | from | Howard, Anna E. J. | 1894 | 137:166 |  | Foster, Jesse | to | Monroe Township | 1862 | 34:412 |  | Foster, Jesse B. | from | Foster, Jesse | 1894 | 135:544 |  | Foster, Jesse B. | to | Ft. W. Van W. & Lima Trac. Co. | 1902 | 170:106 |  | Foster, Jesse Sr. | from | Foster, Levi | 1885 | 97:343 |  | Foster, Jessie B. | from | Trustee Monroe Twp. | 1893 | 164:428 |  | Foster, Jno. G. | from | Allen County | 1872 | 58:27 |  | Foster, Jno. G. | to | Delirman, Jacob | 1881 | 83:172 |  | Foster, Jno. G. | to | Foster, Scott | 1872 | 57:369 |  | Foster, Jno. G. | to | Gick, John | 1872 | 54:505 |  | Foster, Jno. G. | from | Whitmeyer, B. | 1872 | 54:514 |  | Foster, Joel D. | from | Brackenridge, Jos. | 1889 | 112:25 |  | Foster, Joel D. | to | Butt, James F. | 1890 | 117:404 |  | Foster, Joel D. | from | Foster, Rachel | 1889 | 110:390 |  | Foster, John g. | to | Foster, Scott | 1872 | 80:247 |  | Foster, John George | to | Akrens, Henrick | 1864 | 35:24 |  | Foster, John George | from | Ritter, Geo. W. | 862 | 29:495 |  | Foster, John L. | to | Hammond, Ann M. | 1895 | 137:274 |  | Foster, John T. | from | Foster, Anna | 1895 | 136:336 |  | Foster, John T. | from | Foster, Chas. G. | 1895 | 136:336 |  | Foster, John T. | from | Foster, Elizabeth (Et al.) | 1895 | 136:336 |  | Foster, John T. | from | Foster, Fred C. | 1895 | 136:336 |  | Foster, John T. | from | Foster, Laura | 1895 | 136:336 |  | Foster, John T. | to | Heine, Lydia D. | 1895 | 138:435 |  | Foster, John V. | from | Foster, Elizabeth (Et al.) | 1895 | 138:60 |  | Foster, L. & Wm. Brown | from | Bower, Jno | 1871 | 93:566 |  | Foster, Lambert | to | Foster, Scott | 1888 | 108:396 |  | Foster, Lambert | to | Foster, Scott | 1890 | 117:226 |  | Foster, Laura | to | Foster, John T. | 1895 | 136:336 |  | Foster, Levi | from | Foster, Jesse | 1875 | 74:483 |  | Foster, Levi | to | Foster, Jesse Sr. | 1885 | 97:343 |  | Foster, Levi | to | Keefer, Henry | 1873 | 61:152 |  | Foster, Lydia T. | from | Burgess, Henry | 1863 | 60:336 |  | Foster, Margaret H. | to | Gouty, Thos. A. | 1895 | 138:271 |  | Foster, Margaret H. | to | Kelly, Anna E. | 1894 | 134:444 |  | Foster, Mary E. | to | Stone, Solon | 1882 | 87:546 |  | Foster, Polly | from | Crawford, H. A. | 1885 | 99:413 |  | Foster, Polly | to | Ley, Martin | 1889 | 111:395 |  | Foster, R. S. (Sp. Coms.) | to | Jacoby, Elizabeth | 1881 | 86:147 |  | Foster, Rachel | to | Foster, Joel D. | 1889 | 110:390 |  | Foster, S. & D. N. | from | Hamilton, Mont. | 1881 | 85:273 |  | Foster, S. C. | from | Childs, E. P. | 1874 | 63:292 |  | Foster, S. C. | to | Rose, Sarah M. | 1885 | 99:572 |  | Foster, S. M. (Trustee) | from | Young, Jesse H. | 1889 | 111:392 |  | Foster, Saml. G. | from | Kelley, Anna E. | 1894 | 134:418 |  | Foster, Saml. M. | from | Cressler, Alfred D. | 1893 | 131:161 |  | Foster, Saml. M. | from | Ft. Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | 1894 | 135:13 |  | Foster, Saml. M. | to | Gouty, Thos. A. | 1895 | 138:271 |  | Foster, Saml. M. | to | Kelly, Anna E. | 1894 | 134:444 |  | Foster, Saml. M. & wife | to | Smith, James F. | 1895 | 138:418 |  | Foster, Samuel M. | from | Barcns, Emerilis | 1898 | 150:337 |  | Foster, Samuel M. | to | Barcus, Emerilis (Et al.) | 1898 | 150:346 |  | Foster, Samuel M. | from | Comincavisch, Felix | 1901 | 165:185 |  | Foster, Samuel M. | from | Fort Wayne Furniture Co. | 1897 | 148:397 |  | Foster, Samuel M. | to | Foster, David N. | 1898 | 152:440 |  | Foster, Samuel M. | from | Foster, David N. | 1901 | 161:62 |  | Foster, Samuel M. | from | Foster, David N. | 1902 | 166:453 |  | Foster, Samuel M. | from | Hamlet, Jesse | 1902 | 167:112 |  | Foster, Samuel M. | from | Harrison, William | 1897 | 147:8 |  | Foster, Samuel M. | to | Lackey, Alzenous (Et ux.) | 1898 | 151:477 |  | Foster, Samuel M. | from | Smith, James F. | 1895 | 138:416 |  | Foster, Samuel M. | from | Souder, Daniel W. | 1898 | 151:147 |  | Foster, Samuel M. | from | Trentman, Jennie A. | 1898 | 151:148 |  | Foster, Sara P. | to | Gerke, Henry C. | 1895 | 139:311 |  | Foster, Sarah J. | to | Ginther, George E. | 1897 | 147:116 |  | Foster, Sarah J. | from | Howard, Anna E. J. | 1894 | 137:166 |  | Foster, Sarah J. | to | Howard, Anna E. J. (Etr.) | 1189 | 136:68 |  | Foster, Sarah J. | from | Murphy, James | 1896 | 140:543 |  | Foster, Sarah J. | to | Young, Elizabeth A. | 1896 | 142:522 |  | Foster, Sarah J. | from | Young, Elizabeth A. | 1896 | 142:523 |  | Foster, Sarah J. (Et ux.) | from | Doughman, N. D. | 1892 | 125:346 |  | Foster, Scott | from | Foster, D. N. | 1882 | 88:164 |  | Foster, Scott | to | Foster, David N. | 1887 | 104:361 |  | Foster, Scott | from | Foster, Jno. G. | 1872 | 57:369 |  | Foster, Scott | from | Foster, John g. | 1872 | 80:247 |  | Foster, Scott | from | Foster, Lambert | 1888 | 108:396 |  | Foster, Scott | from | Foster, Lambert | 1890 | 117:226 |  | Foster, Scott (Et ux.) | to | Reese, Frederick C. | 1891 | 113:574 |  | Foster, Sl. M. | from | Ft. W. Furniture Co. | 1889 | 110:516 |  | Foster, Thomas J. | from | Burgess, Henry | 1875 | 66:218 |  | Foster, Thomas J. | from | Williamson, Marion F. | 1875 | 65:614 |  | Foster, Thos. J. | to | ORourke, Wm. S. | 1879 | 78:168 |  | Foster, Thos. J. | from | Swift, Alpheus | 1871 | 54:476 |  | Foster, Thos. J. | to | Swift, Alpheus | 1873 | 60:592 |  | Foster, William M. | to | Mason, Thomas E. | 1897 | 150:347 |  | Foster, William W. (Jr.) | from | Siebold, John (Ex.) | 1892 | 152:512 |  | Foster, Wm. M. | from | Foster, James A. | 1893 | 130:312 |  | Foster, Wm. T. | from | Hamilton, A. (Est.) | 1869 | 48:109 |  | Foster, Wm. W. | to | Gebhart, Charles (Et ux.) | 1894 | 132:414 |  | Foster, Wm. W. Jr. | to | Foster, D. N. | 1894 | 134:76 |  | Foster, Wm. W. Jr. | from | Foster, David N. | 1894 | 133:520 |  | Foster,Jesse | from | Colbert, John | 1852 | N:226 |  | Fostick, Ed. W. | to | D. L. & S. T. L. R. R. Co. | 1869 | 52:528 |  | Fostwarth & Meyer | from | Bird, Ochmig | 1847 | 48:20 |  | Fotte, Joseph G. (Adm.) | to | Worden, Ezra | 1899 | 153:319 |  | Fotte, Mathew F. | from | Nuttman, Caroline L. | 1900 | 161:344 |  | Fought, Amos | from | Roose, Chas. (Et al.) | 1894 | 132:77 |  | Fought, Amos | from | Roose, Chas. (Et al.) | 1894 | 132:77 |  | Fought, Amos | to | Roose, Chas. (Et al.) | 1894 | 132:80 |  | Fought, Amos | from | Roose, Chas. Jr. (Et al.) | 1894 | 132:77 |  | Fouinier, Frank E. | from | Baker, Joseph J. | 1900 | 171:121 |  | Foulk, Frederick | from | Roe, Joseph | 1844 | W:245 |  | Foulk, M. J. | to | Fritcha, Henry | 1883 | 90:303 |  | Foulke, Lucy J. G. | from | Whitaker, Joseph W. | 1895 | 138:383 |  | Foulke, Lucy J. G. | from | Whitaker, Susan D. | 1895 | 138:383 |  | Foulke, Martha J. (Et al.) | to | Fritcha, Henry | 1890 | 118:315 |  | Foulke, T. J. G. | from | Ort, Matilda | 1888 | 108:420 |  | Foulks, A. G. | from | Woods, George | 1883 | 93:101 |  | Foulks, A. G. | to | Woods, L. J. | 1883 | 93:102 |  | Foulks, Albert G. | to | Dalman, Charles J. | 1900 | 158:126 |  | Foulks, Albert G. | to | Foulks, James M. | 1901 | 162:540 |  | Foulks, Albert G. | from | Indiana Inv. Co. | 1897 | 148:339 |  | Foulks, Albert G. | from | Lauer, Margt. Theresa | 1901 | 163:436 |  | Foulks, Albert G. | from | Randall, P. A. | 1897 | 148:339 |  | Foulks, Albert G. | from | Roberts, Charles | 1899 | 154:7 |  | Foulks, Albert G. | to | Weaver, Mary J. | 1900 | 158:127 |  | Foulks, Albert G. | from | Woods, Letitia J. | 1895 | 139:420 |  | Foulks, Chas. C. | from | Elberson, Saml. C. | 1874 | 62:299 |  | Foulks, Chas. S. | from | Edwards, Daniel | 1878 | 75:183 |  | Foulks, Chas. S. | to | Edwards, Danl. | 1883 | 93:401 |  | Foulks, Chas. S. | to | Lantz, Jno. F. | 1876 | 68:406 |  | Foulks, Harriet | from | Edwards, Daniel | 1885 | 98:94 |  | Foulks, Harriet | to | Foulks, James M. | 1901 | 162:539 |  | Foulks, Harriet | to | Foulks, Nancy | 1893 | 129:127 |  | Foulks, Harriet | from | Johnson, Catharine | 1893 | 128:325 |  | Foulks, Harriet | from | Woods, L. J. | 1887 | 106:294 |  | Foulks, Harriet | to | Woods, Milton | 1889 | 111:22 |  | Foulks, James M. | from | Foulks, Albert G. | 1901 | 162:540 |  | Foulks, James M. | from | Foulks, Harriet | 1901 | 162:539 |  | Foulks, M. C. | from | Johnson, Harvey | 1872 | 57:10 |  | Foulks, Milton C. | to | Reed, Sylvanus D. | 1873 | 65:55 |  | Foulks, Nancy | from | Foulks, Harriet | 1893 | 129:127 |  | Foulton, Juliann | from | Burgess, Henry | 1865 | 38:313 |  | Foultz, Mary | to | Kelsey, I. H. | 1881 | 85:137 |  | Foumer, Frances | from | Mantague, Auguste | 1855 | U:298 |  | Foundry, R. W. & J. W. | from | Devaux, Isaac | 1873 | 61:163 |  | Founer, Jno. B. (Et ux.) | from | Gillette, Edwin A. | 1893 | 129:413 |  | Founner, Francoise | to | Chapoulot, Augustus | 1862 | 28:293 |  | Fountain, Eugene | to | Bricker, Lydia | 1873 | 58:335 |  | Fountaine, Peter | to | Hedekin, Michael | 1861 | 26:421 |  | Fountaine, Peter | to | Lasselle, Francis C. | 1861 | 27:361 |  | Fountaine, Peter | to | Morris, John | 1863 | 31:119 |  | Fountaine, Peter | to | Urbain, Casemir | 1861 | 27:118 |  | Fountaine, Peter | to | Withers, Warren H. | 1863 | 31:119 |  | Fourney, August | to | Bobay, Calina (Et al.) | 1887 | 103:599 |  | Fournier, Francis | to | Crawford, Andrew | 1857 | U:299 |  | Fournier, Francis | to | Larselle, Francis D. | 1859 | Y:15 |  | Fournier, Frank (Gdn.) | to | Wilson, John (Et ux.) | 1900 | 158:45 |  | Fournier, Frank E. | to | Mellott, Muason | 1902 | 171:122 |  | Fouses, Susan (Et al.) | to | Golden, Wm. | 1881 | 83:455 |  | Fousley, A. B. | to | Reed, Marguerite | 1886 | 101:489 |  | Foust, Aaron | to | Van Camp, Harlow | 1860 | Y:623 |  | Foust, George | to | Foust, Jacob (Et al.) | 1865 | 45:613 |  | Foust, George W. | from | Sites, Malachi | 1902 | 169:196 |  | Foust, Henry | from | Lang, John F. | 1893 | 128:78 |  | Foust, Jacob (Et al.) | from | Foust, George | 1865 | 45:613 |  | Foust, Jno. | from | Smith, Jno. W. | 1881 | 85:567 |  | Foust, Jno. W. | to | Sowers, C. & A. M. | 1883 | 93:465 |  | Foust, John | to | Covault, Wm. M. | 1889 | 114:102 |  | Foust, Martha E. | from | Covault, Wm. M. | 1889 | 114:147 |  | Foutain, Peter | from | Mayer, Catharine | 1861 | 27:130 |  | Foutaine, Mary | from | Emonrgeon, Felix | 1861 | 27:124 |  | Foutaine, Peter | from | Hedekin, Michael | 1861 | 26:405 |  | Foutaine, Peter | from | Juif, Victor | 1860 | 26:44 |  | Foutaine, Peter | from | Revet, Joseph | 1860 | 26:75 |  | Fouts, Israel | from | Glenn, Wm. | 1869 | 48:96 |  | Fouts, Israel | to | Glenn, Wm. | 1872 | 55:516 |  | Foutz, Chas. C. (Et ux.) | from | Baldwin, Tomithy | 1894 | 134:421 |  | Fovoret, Francis | from | Rose, Mary | 1902 | 166:545 |  | Fowing, John | to | Nahrwald, Charles | 1890 | 118:69 |  | Fowler, B. B. & Jennie | from | Connett, Isaac | 1876 | 73:256 |  | Fowler, E. M. | to | Harman, David | 1845 | W:74 |  | Fowler, Margret | to | Blythe, Mary L. (Et al.) | 1898 | 157:352 |  | Fowler, Msrgaret | from | Blythe, Samuel W. | 1898 | 151:463 |  | Fowley, Patrick | from | McNulty, N. A. | 1865 | 37:176 |  | Fowlks, Harriet | to | Johnson, Josiah | 1870 | 48:393 |  | Fowzer, R. B. | from | Sykes, Wm. C. | 1881 | 86:99 |  | Fox St. as opened by City Commissioners | to | | 1891 | 113:63 |  | Fox, A. M. | to | Bent, Peter | 1885 | 98:67 |  | Fox, A. M. | from | Bloomhuff, C. | 1883 | 91:409 |  | Fox, A. M. | to | Kelley, J. M. & C. M. | 1882 | 87:296 |  | Fox, A. M. | from | Thompson, A. M. | 1885 | 98:59 |  | Fox, A. W. | from | Connett, Marin | 1881 | 84:117 |  | Fox, Adolph | from | Hough, John (Jr.) | 1850 | K:297 |  | Fox, Alexander | from | Fox, Catharine (Et al.) | 1893 | 129:485 |  | Fox, Alice M. | from | Bent, Peter | 1885 | 98:60 |  | Fox, Alice M. | to | Edsall, J & A. | 1884 | 94:402 |  | Fox, Alice M. | to | Everett, Julia M. | 1897 | 148:35 |  | Fox, Alice M. | from | Seabrease, Eliza H. | 1896 | 142:248 |  | Fox, Amelia | from | Coms. in Partition | 1893 | 127:392 |  | Fox, Amelia | to | Cunningham, Wm. J. | 1902 | 166:432 |  | Fox, Amelia | from | Hamilton, Margt. V. | 1897 | 148:426 |  | Fox, Ammon | from | Cochrane, John | 1851 | M:526 |  | Fox, Ammon | to | Daniels, Wm. N. | 1870 | 52:178 |  | Fox, Ammon | to | Gearington, Mary | 1862 | 31:577 |  | Fox, Ammon | from | George, Lorenzo D. | 1866 | 41:479 |  | Fox, Ammon | from | Hood, Robert | 1864 | 41:477 |  | Fox, Ammon | from | Houseworth, C. | 1864 | 41:454 |  | Fox, Ammon | from | Humphrey, James | 1847 | I:477 |  | Fox, Ammon | to | Marquet, Alfred | 1866 | 41:598 |  | Fox, Ammon | from | Mitchell, Mary A. | 1866 | 41:478 |  | Fox, Ammon | to | Perkins, Wash'tg. | 1862 | 45:526 |  | Fox, Ammon | to | Rockhill, William | 1846 | W:61 |  | Fox, Ammon | to | Trustees Springfield Tp. | 1861 | 27:298 |  | Fox, Ammon (Adm.) | to | Farmer, Jno. W. | 1868 | 48:461 |  | Fox, Anmon | to | Hood, Robert | 1868 | 56:317 |  | Fox, Aug. L. (Et al.) | to | Fox, Cos. V. | 1893 | 129:229 |  | Fox, Aug. L. (Et al.) | to | Hilton, Chas. S. (Et ux.) | 1893 | 129:248 |  | Fox, August | to | Hosler, John | 1875 | 65:180 |  | Fox, August | from | Hosler, John | 1875 | 68:173 |  | Fox, August | to | Hosler, John | 1881 | 85:329 |  | Fox, August L. | to | Fox, George T. | 1897 | 145:356 |  | Fox, August L. | to | Fox, Louis | 1896 | 140:552 |  | Fox, August L. | from | Fox, Louis (Et al.) | 1896 | 142:212 |  | Fox, August L. | to | Parham, Fredk. C. | 1895 | 137:292 |  | Fox, August L. | to | Seabold, George | 1898 | 154:358 |  | Fox, August L. (Et al.) | to | Brandenburger, Gustave (Et al.) | 1893 | 129:535 |  | Fox, Augustus | to | Dunn, Elizabeth | 1893 | 131:298 |  | Fox, Augustus | to | Hill, David | 1896 | 140:541 |  | Fox, Augustus | from | Hursh, Anna C. (Adm.) | 1891 | 121:252 |  | Fox, Augustus | to | Hursh, Catherine | 1895 | 137:540 |  | Fox, Augustus | from | Hursh, Catherine | 1895 | 141:6 |  | Fox, Augustus | to | Klopfenstine, Jacob | 1893 | 131:96 |  | Fox, Augustus | from | Luther, Rachel (Admx.) | 1893 | 130:3 |  | Fox, Augustus | from | Romy, Robt. L. | 1894 | 135:318 |  | Fox, Augustus | to | Vanzile, Zariah | 1895 | 142:202 |  | Fox, Augustus (Admr.) | to | Müller, E. W. W. | 1894 | 135:334 |  | Fox, Augustus (Admr.) | to | Müller, Marianna | 1894 | 135:333 |  | Fox, Augustus (Et ux.) | to | Hursh, Catharine | 1892 | 124:28 |  | Fox, Augustus (Will of) | to | | 1899 | 157:158 |  | Fox, Bernard | from | Sturgis, Chas. E. | 1857 | U:404 |  | Fox, Bernhard | to | Chorpening, May M. | 1859 | V:536 |  | Fox, C. J. (Et al.) | to | Bartemeyer, E. | 1880 | 80:541 |  | Fox, C. J. (Et al.) | to | Nierman, J. T. | 1881 | 84:51 |  | Fox, C. J. (Et al.) | to | Trentman, J. A. | 1880 | 80:539 |  | Fox, C. J. (Et al.) | to | Trentman, M. E. | 1880 | 80:540 |  | Fox, Carrie J. | to | Fox, Louis | 1896 | 140:552 |  | Fox, Carrie J. | to | Parham, Fredk. C. | 1895 | 137:292 |  | Fox, Catharine | from | Nelson, W. R. | 1873 | 69:395 |  | Fox, Catharine (Et al.) | to | Fox, Alexander | 1893 | 129:485 |  | Fox, Catharine (Et al.) | to | Fox, Henry | 1893 | 129:486 |  | Fox, Cecelia | to | Fox, Louis | 1896 | 140:552 |  | Fox, Celia | from | Buchheit, Alois J. | 1895 | 138:32 |  | Fox, Celia | to | Parham, Fredk. C. | 1895 | 137:292 |  | Fox, Charles I. | from | Dignan, Jane C. | 1892 | 127:564 |  | Fox, Chas. I. | to | Dignan, Jane C. | 1893 | 136:66 |  | Fox, Cos. V. | from | Fox, Aug. L. (Et al.) | 1893 | 129:229 |  | Fox, Elizabeth | to | Smith, John | 1865 | 38:288 |  | Fox, Ellen | to | Wilson, John (Et al.) | 1890 | 116:402 |  | Fox, Ellen (Et al.) | to | Breen, Wm. P. | 1881 | 84:479 |  | Fox, Emanuel | to | Eginger, Michael | 1861 | 29:228 |  | Fox, Emanuel | to | Rupert, Jacob | 1859 | 28:353 |  | Fox, Emanuel | to | Wolf, Adolphus | 1861 | 28:197 |  | Fox, Eva J. | from | Crowell, James B. | 1901 | 162:473 |  | Fox, F. C. | from | Young, N. B. | 1861 | 32:205 |  | Fox, F. J. | from | Hough, John | 1869 | 50:7 |  | Fox, Frances J. | to | Gnau, Mary A. | 1895 | 138:212 |  | Fox, Frances J. | to | Gnau, Peter | 1895 | 138:212 |  | Fox, Francis | to | Hayden, J. W. | 1882 | 89:100 |  | Fox, Francis | from | Hayden, J. W. | 1882 | 89:101 |  | Fox, Francis | from | Hough, John | 1866 | 41:296 |  | Fox, G. & L. | from | Rastetter, Louis | 1884 | 96:123 |  | Fox, Geo. | to | Bechman, Frank | 1882 | 90:192 |  | Fox, Geo. | to | Fox, Louis | 1886 | 102:466 |  | Fox, Geo. | to | Lehrman, Geo. | 1886 | 100:423 |  | Fox, Geo. | from | Ninde, L. M. (Et al.) | 1882 | 90:241 |  | Fox, Geo. | from | Sheriff | 1873 | 58:426 |  | Fox, Geo. | from | Swayne, S. F. (Et al.) | 1882 | 90:241 |  | Fox, Geo. & Louis | from | Rastetter, Elizabeth | 1884 | 95:6 |  | Fox, George | from | Barthold, Sarah (Et al.) | 1886 | 100:361 |  | Fox, George | from | Bearer, Agnes C. | 1856 | S:635 |  | Fox, George | from | Brownell, A. C. | 1865 | 39:79 |  | Fox, George | to | Brownsberger, C. E. | 1888 | 111:303 |  | Fox, George | to | Buehler, Saml. E. | 1888 | 106:45 |  | Fox, George | from | Colerick, Ed. F. | 1864 | 39:54 |  | Fox, George | from | Colerick, Edward F. | 1858 | V:582 |  | Fox, George | to | Ehle, Ernst A. | 1889 | 114:350 |  | Fox, George | to | Fox, Richard | 1867 | 43:376 |  | Fox, George | to | Fox, Rinehard | 1867 | 43:376 |  | Fox, George | to | Ft. W. H. L. & Trust Co. | 1888 | 107:414 |  | Fox, George | from | Geary, William | 1867 | 43:490 |  | Fox, George | to | Gruber, August | 1888 | 106:479 |  | Fox, George | from | Herndon, John M. | 1859 | X:387 |  | Fox, George | to | Huhn, Henry | 1888 | 106:459 |  | Fox, George | to | Hundheinn, Michael | 1888 | 108:452 |  | Fox, George | to | Kirn, John M. | 1890 | 116:503 |  | Fox, George | to | Kresse, Emelys B. | 1890 | 116:476 |  | Fox, George | to | Laner, Benedict | 1858 | U:627 |  | Fox, George | to | Lehman, Mary | 1889 | 111:593 |  | Fox, George | to | Magers, Frank X. (Et ux.) | 1889 | 115:630 |  | Fox, George | to | Maher, James V. | 1890 | 116:9 |  | Fox, George | to | McKering, Dannis L. | 1890 | 116:249 |  | Fox, George | to | Mollett, Henry L. | 1888 | 106:542 |  | Fox, George | to | Mollett, Henry L. | 1890 | 115:582 |  | Fox, George | to | Muldoon, Margt. | 1890 | 116:132 |  | Fox, George | to | Nebb, John (Et al.) | 1888 | 106:481 |  | Fox, George | to | Nichter, Jno. J. | 1888 | 106:478 |  | Fox, George | from | Philips, Jno. T. | 1863 | 30:248 |  | Fox, George | to | Rippe, Fred W. | 1890 | 124:125 |  | Fox, George | to | Schroeder, H. C. | 1890 | 118:514 |  | Fox, George | to | Spereisen, Adolf | 1859 | Y:550 |  | Fox, George | to | Spereisen, Alexander | 1859 | Y:550 |  | Fox, George | to | Spereisen, Caroline | 1859 | Y:550 |  | Fox, George | to | Stetter, Mary | 1888 | 106:447 |  | Fox, George | from | Stratton, Jos. | 1858 | 27:625 |  | Fox, George | from | Sturgis, Chas. E. | 1857 | V:581 |  | Fox, George | from | Trentman, B. H. | 1881 | 87:88 |  | Fox, George | from | Trustees W. & E. Canal | 1852 | W:325 |  | Fox, George | to | Wheeler, Olive A. | 1890 | 116:291 |  | Fox, George (Et ux.) | to | Barnes, Chas. E. (Et ux.) | 1890 | 120:399 |  | Fox, George (Et.) | to | Holzwarth, C. E. | 1892 | 123:438 |  | Fox, George (guard.) | to | Kramer, Charles | 1873 | 64:500 |  | Fox, George T. | from | Fox, August L. | 1897 | 145:356 |  | Fox, George T. | to | Phelps, Clara | 1901 | 162:425 |  | Fox, H. & A. | from | Fox, Jos. (Dec.) | 1881 | 85:246 |  | Fox, H. A. | to | Ehrmann, Geo. | 1883 | 90:422 |  | Fox, H. A. | from | Ehrmann, Geo. | 1883 | 90:423 |  | Fox, H. C. | from | Trinity Church | 1866 | 42:273 |  | Fox, Helen | from | Ryan, O. F. | 1886 | 101:148 |  | Fox, Helen | to | Wilding, Ella E. | 1901 | 163:357 |  | Fox, Henry | from | Eddy, Walton A. | 1855 | S:24 |  | Fox, Henry | from | Fox, Catharine (Et al.) | 1893 | 129:486 |  | Fox, Henry | from | Notestine, Daniel | 1887 | 102:596 |  | Fox, Henry | to | Richter, Emil | 1893 | 131:41 |  | Fox, Henry | from | Zuber, Pautteon | 1881 | 82:159 |  | Fox, Henry (Et al.) | to | Fox, J. (Et al.) | 1882 | 91:161 |  | Fox, Henry A. | to | Crawford, Jno. T. (Et ux.) | 1893 | 130:341 |  | Fox, Henry A. | from | Dick, John S. | 1902 | 168:250 |  | Fox, Henry A. | to | Koch, Sophie | 1888 | 109:342 |  | Fox, Henry A. | to | Moran, Frank | 1902 | 168:318 |  | Fox, Henry A. | from | Taylor, R. S. | 1881 | 85:1 |  | Fox, Henry A. (Et ux.) | from | Crawford, Jno. T. | 1893 | 130:420 |  | Fox, Henry A. (Et.) | from | Crawford, John T. (Et.) | 1891 | 122:526 |  | Fox, Henry C. | to | Read, A. J. | 1865 | 37:574 |  | Fox, Henry C. | to | Wiley, Alex | 1865 | 37:574 |  | Fox, Hiram | to | Evard, Jno. A. | 1867 | 46:86 |  | Fox, Hiram | to | Evard, John A. | 1867 | 46:23 |  | Fox, Hiram | to | Grice, Jesse | 1886 | 102:68 |  | Fox, Hiram | from | Smith, Jacob | 1864 | 32:220 |  | Fox, Hiram | from | Stoddard, Charles | 1848 | I:623 |  | Fox, Hiram | to | Swann, Z. W. S. | 1865 | 39:130 |  | Fox, Hiriam | to | Fox, Minnie K. | 1896 | 145:447 |  | Fox, Hiriam (Et ux.) | from | Eckles, James M. | 1889 | 145:446 |  | Fox, Isabella | from | Fox, Jahrel (Et al.) | 1900 | 160:216 |  | Fox, J. (Et al.) | from | Fox, Henry (Et al.) | 1882 | 91:161 |  | Fox, J. V. & C. J. | from | Bartemeyer, E. (Et al.) | 1880 | 80:538 |  | Fox, J. V. C. J. | from | Trentman, M. E. (Et al.) | 1880 | 80:538 |  | Fox, Jacob | to | Felker, Christopher | 1858 | W:596 |  | Fox, Jahrel (Et al.) | to | Fox, Isabella | 1900 | 160:216 |  | Fox, James | from | Brackenridge, Geo. W. & Jos. | 1863 | 65:219 |  | Fox, James | from | Brackenridge, Hannah | 1863 | 65:219 |  | Fox, James | from | Brackenridge, Joseph | 1863 | 65:219 |  | Fox, James | from | Breen, Wm. P. | 1881 | 84:479 |  | Fox, James | to | Fox, Mary | 1883 | 91:294 |  | Fox, James | to | Gamble, Mary | 1883 | 91:293 |  | Fox, James | from | Richards, Catharine | 1882 | 89:86 |  | Fox, Jas. | from | Abbott, R. B. | 1880 | 81:138 |  | Fox, Jas. | to | Mommer, Jos. Jr. | 1882 | 88:462 |  | Fox, Jas. | from | Williams, M. H. | 1881 | 85:341 |  | Fox, Jehial | from | Commincavish, Felix | 1877 | 71:62 |  | Fox, Jehial | to | Sink, A. M. | 1879 | 77:89 |  | Fox, Jehial (Et ux.) | from | Seabrease, Agnes A. | 1901 | 162:384 |  | Fox, Jehial (Et ux.) | from | Trahin, Francis | 1888 | 109:152 |  | Fox, Jehiel (Et ux.) | from | Mannwieter, Mary | 1895 | 140:298 |  | Fox, Jehill (Et ux.) | from | Heidrich, Anthony | 1895 | 140:308 |  | Fox, Jehill (Et ux.) | from | Heidrich, Charles | 1895 | 140:449 |  | Fox, John C. (Et al.) | from | Allen Circuit Court | 1891 | 120:559 |  | Fox, John J. | to | Conway, Ed. D. (Et ux.) | 1890 | 118:243 |  | Fox, John J. | from | Devilbiss, Allen | 1885 | 106:493 |  | Fox, Jos. (Dec.) | to | Fox, H. & A. | 1881 | 85:246 |  | Fox, Jos. (Dec.) | to | Fox, Josephena | 1881 | 85:246 |  | Fox, Joseph | from | Coleman, James | 1858 | V:48 |  | Fox, Joseph | to | Lydolph, Frederick | 1858 | V:14 |  | Fox, Joseph | from | Wessel, Frederick H. | 1897 | 144:533 |  | Fox, Joseph | to | Wessel, Lina & Fred | 1897 | 144:534 |  | Fox, Joseph (Dec. Will of) | to | | 1881 | 85:246 |  | Fox, Joseph V. | to | Allen County L. & S. A. | 1899 | 154:222 |  | Fox, Joseph V. | to | Dunn, William H. | 1898 | 149:319 |  | Fox, Joseph V. | from | Fox, Louis (Et al.) | 1896 | 141:184 |  | Fox, Joseph V. | to | Lease, John B. (Et ux.) | 1897 | 148:123 |  | Fox, Joseph V. | to | Palmer, John (et ux.) | 1897 | 145:407 |  | Fox, Joseph V. | to | Parham, Fredk. C. | 1895 | 137:292 |  | Fox, Joseph V. | to | Strasser, Henry (Et al.) | 1899 | 154:220 |  | Fox, Joseph V. | to | Tri State B. & L. A. | 1896 | 143:299 |  | Fox, Joseph V. (Et al.) | to | Bashelier, Fredk. H. (Et ux.) | 1893 | 130:165 |  | Fox, Joseph V. (Et al.) | to | Fox, Louis | 1896 | 140:552 |  | Fox, Joseph V. (Et al.) | to | Grimm, Maria | 1895 | 137:480 |  | Fox, Joseph V. (Et al.) | to | Lane, John W. (Et ux.) | 1897 | 147:389 |  | Fox, Joseph V. (Et al.) | to | Schaefer, Christian F. | 1893 | 129:475 |  | Fox, Joseph V. (Et al.) | to | Simonton, Emma F. | 1897 | 148:123 |  | Fox, Joseph V. (Et al.) | to | Williams, Nettie | 1897 | 145:510 |  | Fox, Joseph V. (Et ux.) | from | Palmer, John | 1899 | 152:548 |  | Fox, Josephena | from | Fox, Jos. (Dec.) | 1881 | 85:246 |  | Fox, Katie | from | Schiefer, Caroline S. | 1894 | 135:382 |  | Fox, Louie | from | Trentman, Anthony B. | 1899 | 154:290 |  | Fox, Louis | from | Abbott, R. B. | 1886 | 108:233 |  | Fox, Louis | from | Beers, George W. (Rec.) | 1898 | 151:359 |  | Fox, Louis | to | City | 1890 | 19 |  | Fox, Louis | from | City Treasurer Ft. Wayne | 1878 | 73:533 |  | Fox, Louis | from | Esmond, Geo. | 1884 | 98:222 |  | Fox, Louis | to | Fleming, Wm. | 1889 | 112:296 |  | Fox, Louis | from | Fleming, Wm. | 1889 | 112:296 |  | Fox, Louis | from | Fox, August L. | 1896 | 140:552 |  | Fox, Louis | from | Fox, Carrie J. | 1896 | 140:552 |  | Fox, Louis | from | Fox, Cecelia | 1896 | 140:552 |  | Fox, Louis | from | Fox, Geo. | 1886 | 102:466 |  | Fox, Louis | from | Fox, Joseph V. (Et al.) | 1896 | 140:552 |  | Fox, Louis | from | Glutting, Andrew F. | 1902 | 167:85 |  | Fox, Louis | from | Hilton, Chas. S. | 1893 | 129:245 |  | Fox, Louis | to | Hilton, Chas. S. | 1895 | 140:198 |  | Fox, Louis | from | Land & Security Co. | 1898 | 151:456 |  | Fox, Louis | to | Logue, Frank H. | 1897 | 148:1 |  | Fox, Louis | to | Manom, H. A. | 1878 | 74:526 |  | Fox, Louis | from | Meyer, Wm. L. (Et al.) | 1899 | 153:313 |  | Fox, Louis | to | Parham, Fredk. C. | 1895 | 137:292 |  | Fox, Louis | to | Pettit, Bertha L. | 1897 | 147:144 |  | Fox, Louis | to | Saviers, George B. | 1898 | 151:534 |  | Fox, Louis | from | Sheriff | 1897 | 145:111 |  | Fox, Louis | from | Sheriff | 1897 | 145:115 |  | Fox, Louis | from | Siemon, Rudolph | 1902 | 169:201 |  | Fox, Louis | to | Stapleford, Aug. A. | 1890 | 119:80 |  | Fox, Louis | to | Tri State B. & L. A. | 1896 | 143:434 |  | Fox, Louis | to | Tri State B. & L. A. | 1897 | 145:179 |  | Fox, Louis | from | White, Jas. B. | 1888 | 109:597 |  | Fox, Louis | from | Williams, H. M. | 1892 | 124:315 |  | Fox, Louis | to | Williams, Hattie W. | 1898 | 151:534 |  | Fox, Louis (Adm.) | to | Bierbaum, H. | 1880 | 80:422 |  | Fox, Louis (Et al.) | from | Aldrich, Charles H. | 1903 | 172:251 |  | Fox, Louis (Et al.) | from | Auditor | 1897 | 146:207 |  | Fox, Louis (Et al.) | to | Fox, August L. | 1896 | 142:212 |  | Fox, Louis (Et al.) | to | Fox, Joseph V. | 1896 | 141:184 |  | Fox, Louis (Et al.) | to | Mansur, Hannah A. | 1902 | 168:102 |  | Fox, Louis (Et al.) | to | Treece, James (Et ux.) | 1901 | 164:93 |  | Fox, Louis (Et al.) | to | Tri State B. & L. A. | 1894 | 134:130 |  | Fox, Louis (Et al.) | to | Walda, Louise M. | 1898 | 152:193 |  | Fox, Margaret | from | Edwards, James (Estate) | 1862 | 29:334 |  | Fox, Margaret A. | to | Dresback, Isaac | 1875 | 65:411 |  | Fox, Margaret Ann | from | Cummins, Moses | 1873 | 63:606 |  | Fox, Marquart A. | to | Marquit, Alfred | 1872 | 58:110 |  | Fox, Martin L. | from | Crawford, Jno. F. | 1891 | 121:636 |  | Fox, Martin S. | to | Crawford, Jno. T. | 1892 | 126:533 |  | Fox, Mary | from | Deveny, John | 1871 | 51:462 |  | Fox, Mary | from | Fox, James | 1883 | 91:294 |  | Fox, Mary | from | Hunter, L. C. | 1888 | 107:277 |  | Fox, Mary (Et al.) | to | Boyd, Jas. | 1886 | 101:248 |  | Fox, Mary A. | to | Keyser, Jacob M. | 1894 | 136:82 |  | Fox, Mary Ann | to | Hill, David | 1896 | 140:541 |  | Fox, Mary Ann | to | Hursh, Catherine | 1895 | 137:540 |  | Fox, Melcena | from | Barr, James S. | 1890 | 116:298 |  | Fox, Melcena | to | Schroeder, Anne | 1888 | 107:470 |  | Fox, Melsena | from | Tayler, John | 1866 | 43:49 |  | Fox, Minnie K. | from | Fox, Hiriam | 1896 | 145:447 |  | Fox, Minnie K. | to | Simon, Lesta | 1897 | 145:457 |  | Fox, Phebe A. | from | Lintz, Delia | 1867 | 40:537 |  | Fox, Phebe A. | from | Lintz, John K | 1867 | 42:523 |  | Fox, Philander | from | Cavalier, Victor | 1887 | 110:402 |  | Fox, Philander | from | Coolman, Adam L. | 1874 | 62:550 |  | Fox, Philander | from | Hildebrand, Samuel | 1854 | P:414 |  | Fox, Philander | from | Peabody, Asa | 1862 | 30:480 |  | Fox, Philander | from | Sweet, H. (Et al.) | 1871 | 55:169 |  | Fox, Philander | to | Waugh, Hannah | 1875 | 67:111 |  | Fox, Philander | to | Waugh, Wm. T. | 1874 | 63:133 |  | Fox, Phobe A. | to | Williams, H. M. | 1892 | 129:48 |  | Fox, Rachel G. | from | Levan, Saml. K. | 1893 | |  | Fox, Rhinard | from | jensen, E. F. | 1869 | 48:14 |  | Fox, Richard | from | Fox, George | 1867 | 43:376 |  | Fox, Rinehard | from | Fox, George | 1867 | 43:376 |  | Fox, S. J. | to | Peckham, Peter | 1865 | 42:429 |  | Fox, S. J. | to | Peckman, Peter | 1865 | 42429 |  | Fox, Sophia | from | Coms. in Part. | 1898 | 152:251 |  | Fox, Sophia | to | Smith, John | 1865 | 38:288 |  | Fox, Sophie | from | Buchheit, Alois J. | 1895 | 138:32 |  | Fox, Sophie | to | Hilton, Chas. S. | 1895 | 140:198 |  | Fox, Sophie | to | Parham, Fredk. C. | 1895 | 137:292 |  | Fox, Susan | to | Zimmerman, Jno. (Heirs.) | 1870 | 52:270 |  | Fox, Valentine | from | Barrand, Anna R. | 1899 | 153:98 |  | Fox, Valentine | from | Brackenridge, Jos. | 1883 | 91:484 |  | Fox, Valentine | from | Connett, Caroline | 1876 | 68:163 |  | Fox, Valentine | to | Ft. W. Muncie & Cin. R. Co. | 1870 | 52:581 |  | Fox, Valentine | from | Schoepf, John | 1899 | 153:504 |  | Fox, valentine | from | Schoeph, George J. | 1901 | 160:294 |  | Fox, Valentine | from | Smith, Valentine | 1890 | 114:620 |  | Fox, William | to | Deveny, John | 1870 | 51:458 |  | Fox, William | from | Young, Wm. | 1863 | 32:80 |  | Fox, William W. | to | Clifford, Joseph | 1902 | 167:397 |  | Fox, William W. | from | Thompson, Henrietta F. | 1902 | 167:403 |  | Foxbing, Gertrude | from | Franke, Catharine | 1884 | 95:346 |  | Foy, Jos. B. | from | Laemmle, David | 1874 | 76:104 |  | Foye, A. H. | from | Belve, Albert | 1870 | 52:196 |  | Foye, Andrew J. C. | from | Foye, Elizabeth | 1895 | 139:531 |  | Foye, Andrew J. C. | from | Foye, John D. | 1895 | 139:531 |  | Foye, Andrew J. C. | from | Story, Harriet | 1895 | 139:362 |  | Foye, Elizabeth | to | Foye, Andrew J. C. | 1895 | 139:531 |  | Foye, John D. | from | Auditor | 1895 | 139:364 |  | Foye, John D. | to | Foye, Andrew J. C. | 1895 | 139:531 |  |