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ACGSI - Allen County Deed Index

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Parties to the Deed                                                YearDeed Book
Enbrey, Lewis S.toKiser, Peter1856S:392Link to document image
Enbry, JosephtoKanges, Diantha187873:282Link to document image
Ench, Pheby A.fromFrance, Jas. E. K.1887106:425Link to document image
Enders, PetertoHeine, Wm.187050:506Link to document image
Enders, PetertoRyan, James186846:561Link to document image
Endinger, Geo.toRimschneider, Fredk.1894133:517Link to document image
Endinger, GeorgefromBeebe, Francis & wife188392:424Link to document image
Endinger, George fromSeeger, Fredk. F.1894133:419Link to document image
Endinger, George fromSeeger, Wilhelmina T.1894133:419Link to document image
Endinger, Mary J.fromSeeger, Fredk. F.1894133:420Link to document image
Endinger, Mary J.fromSeeger, Wilhelmina T.1894133:420Link to document image
Endinger, Mary J.toWessel, Fredk.1897147:449Link to document image
Endinger, Mary J.toWessell, Lena1896143:530Link to document image
Endinger, Saml.toGuigerick, David186537:204Link to document image
Endinger, Saml.toJansen, Minerva186640:448Link to document image
Endinger, Saml.fromSapp, Absalom1859X:458Link to document image
Endinger, SamueltoLarge, Samuel E.186847:166Link to document image
Endinger, SamueltoSnyder, William186847:114Link to document image
Endinges, SamuelfromSnyder, Wm.186847:165Link to document image
Engart, S. M.toWalters, Eli187772:280Link to document image
Engart, Sophia M.fromWait, Thomas187772:279Link to document image
Engel, JacobfromJustus, Louis S.187256:8Link to document image
Engel, Jno.toEngel, Jno. (Wife)188597:530Link to document image
Engel, Jno. (Wife)fromEngel, Jno.188597:530Link to document image
Engel, John (Will of)to188597:530Link to document image
Engelberg, HenryfromBurger, John1851K:735Link to document image
Engelbrecht, Caroline (Adm.)toRichter, F. Ernst1902167:464Link to document image
Engelbrecht, Henry B.toRandall, Winifred J.1897148:243Link to document image
Engelking, AnnafromPfeiffer, Charles F. (Tr.)1901162:369Link to document image
Engelking, Anna ElizatoBrauntmeyer, Chas. H. (Et ux.)1899154:420Link to document image
Engelking, Fred D.fromHilbrecht, Henry (Et al.)1891113:349Link to document image
Engelking, H. D.fromMudge, Ellen B.187875:234Link to document image
Engelking, H. D.toTodd, Lois188392:332Link to document image
Engelking, H. D.fromWamhoff, William188392:473Link to document image
Engelking, HenrytoBrahmiller, Wm.187254:424Link to document image
Engelking, HenrytoEngelking, Sophia1896143:159Link to document image
Engelking, HenryfromEngelking, Wm.1896143:157Link to document image
Engelking, HenryfromTaylor, John187151:579Link to document image
Engelking, Henry D. (Will of)to1889147;374Link to document image
Engelking, SophiafromBrackenridge, Eliza J.1898152:155Link to document image
Engelking, SophiafromEngelking, Henry1896143:159Link to document image
Engelking, W. F. (Et al.)toBeck, Leopold188390:455Link to document image
Engelking, Wm.toEngelking, Henry1896143:157Link to document image
Engelmann, LouisefromNiswonger, Henry W.1898152:307Link to document image
Engelmann, LouisetoNiswonger, Henry W.1901165:110Link to document image
Enger, Niles C.toFelts, Geo. F.1888107:241Link to document image
Enger, Nils C.fromBond, S. B.1887102:634Link to document image
Enger, Nils C.fromFelts, Jno. E.1888107:238Link to document image
Enger, Nils C.toHoush, John E.1888108:230Link to document image
Engie, AlexandertoHofmann, A. G.1886102:319Link to document image
Enginger, Gertrude C.fromHardestry, Beesnan1898150:368Link to document image
England, FrancistoSchele, August F.1859X:347Link to document image
England, FranktoAlbrick, Maria1855T:600Link to document image
England, FrankfromChipman, William W.1853O:289Link to document image
Engle, A.fromHance, Barbery A.187566:436Link to document image
Engle, A.fromSweet, Nancy J.187566:436Link to document image
Engle, AlextoHassel, George1894135:486Link to document image
Engle, AlexfromMcCulloch, Hugh188494:31Link to document image
Engle, AmieltoEngle, Clinton1899155:290Link to document image
Engle, AmielfromMcMahon, Thos.187259:443Link to document image
Engle, AmieltoTrustee of Flatrock Grange No. 955187976:194Link to document image
Engle, AmmelfromShell, M. J.187257:450Link to document image
Engle, AmmieltoBuchanan, J. H.1889112:233Link to document image
Engle, AmmieltoDoyle, John187051:474Link to document image
Engle, AmmielfromGailey, May187566:436Link to document image
Engle, AmmieltoHaley, Martin187051:474Link to document image
Engle, AmmieltoHall, Minnie E. (Et al.)1889110:430Link to document image
Engle, AmmieltoMuller, Jonathan186950:124Link to document image
Engle, AmmieltoSweet, N. J.187581:258Link to document image
Engle, AmmieltoTrustees Engle Cemetery1890117:551Link to document image
Engle, AmmielfromWilder, C. S.188295:377Link to document image
Engle, AmmiltoHall, Minnie1887107:18Link to document image
Engle, AnniefromBaum, John W.186646:278Link to document image
Engle, ArmedfromMiller, Jonathan186956:258Link to document image
Engle, AumandfromWass, Samuel187051:476Link to document image
Engle, C. F. (Et al.)toRobinson, Wm. S.1888126:530Link to document image
Engle, ClintonfromEngle, Amiel1899155:290Link to document image
Engle, ClintontoEngle, Martha A.1901160:354Link to document image
Engle, David D.toHall, Minnie1887106:262Link to document image
Engle, David W.toMyers, Allie A.1888111:101Link to document image
Engle, Dora (Et al.)toO'Brien, Nancy1899154:205Link to document image
Engle, E. B.toYouce, Christian187873:333Link to document image
Engle, E. T.fromGesinger, David187256:197Link to document image
Engle, E. T.fromSwift, Alpheus187256:198Link to document image
Engle, EdwardfromMelville, Ida1888108:153Link to document image
Engle, EmilliefromHamilton, Allen1858W:392Link to document image
Engle, Fanny (Et al.)toMyers, Allie A.1888111:99Link to document image
Engle, Geo.fromEngle, John187898:342Link to document image
Engle, Geo. toHobrock, J. H.188392:191Link to document image
Engle, Geo.fromLeple, F. (Et al.)188185:286Link to document image
Engle, Geo.fromTraub, Sophia (Et al.)188185:286Link to document image
Engle, J. B.toLongsworth, H.188287:465Link to document image
Engle, J. B.fromMorley, Park B.187360:61Link to document image
Engle, Jacob B.toHall, Minnie1888107:21Link to document image
Engle, Jacob B.toMoreley, Catharine187360:6Link to document image
Engle, Jacob B.toMyers, Allie A.1888111:98Link to document image
Engle, Jacob B.fromSteel, Albert M.187054:589Link to document image
Engle, Jacob B.fromStephison, Jno. D.187054:588Link to document image
Engle, Jno. F. (Et ux.)fromBarrett, Jas. F. (Coms.)1887105:632Link to document image
Engle, JohamestoPaul, Heinrick1855S:57Link to document image
Engle, JohntoDreibelbiss, Anna187249:348Link to document image
Engle, JohntoDreibelbiss, Anna187349:422Link to document image
Engle, JohntoEngle, Geo.187898:342Link to document image
Engle, Martha A.fromEngle, Clinton1901160:354Link to document image
Engle, Martha A.toSprague, Adaline1902168:80Link to document image
Engle, MarytoHassel, George1894135:486Link to document image
Engle, MaryfromHattendorf, Wilk.1894135:37Link to document image
Engle, Mary A.toMyers, Allie A.1888111:100Link to document image
Engle, Seldon D.toKuhne, H. R.1897147:383Link to document image
Engle, Seldon D.fromLonergan, Marg. J.1891120:237Link to document image
Engle, Seldon D.toRoberts, Hiram H.1897147:321Link to document image
Engle, Seldon D.fromTaylor, chas. E.1894135:184Link to document image
Engle, Seldon D. (Et ux.)fromKuhne, H. R.1897147:385Link to document image
Engle, Seldon D. (Et ux.)fromRoberts, Hiram H.1897147:322Link to document image
Engle, Seldon, D.toTaylor, Chas. E.1894135:182Link to document image
Engle, WilliamfromKomp, Daniel187154:125Link to document image
Engle, WilliamtoMyers, Emma M. (Et al.)1901166:396Link to document image
Engle, WilliamfromSherer, Christian186846:387Link to document image
Engle, Wm.toCull, Cornelius187154:465Link to document image
Engle, Wm. (Et al.)toWiest, Sarah Ann1900157:264Link to document image
Englebrecht, H. B.fromRandall, P. A.1896142:118Link to document image
Engleking, Frederick D.toPape & Son, William900158:466Link to document image
Engleking, Fredk. D.fromSwinneym Rhesa1900158:439Link to document image
Engleman, A. & C.toEwert, Samuel186538:316Link to document image
Engleman, ArchigeltoKirk, William186332:130Link to document image
Engleman, ArchigeltoMcClare, William186332:130Link to document image
Engleman, C.toEwert, Samuel186432:351Link to document image
Englen, GertrudetoJoquel, Jno. J.186434:89Link to document image
Englert, FranktoJohn, Nicholas187359:547Link to document image
Englert, FranktoWolf, Doretha187770:444Link to document image
Englert, GeorgetoBack, Peter186229:163Link to document image
Englert, GeorgetoBrocker, Michael186229:237Link to document image
English E. L. ChurchfromHarrod, Isaac1855W:240Link to document image
English, AlicefromEnglish, Thos.187249:288Link to document image
English, Electa S.fromWadge, Manda Amalia1901163:289Link to document image
English, Elisha G.toHam, Jason1856S:652Link to document image
English, Elisha G.toHam, Jason1856S:654Link to document image
English, Elisha G.toHam, Jason1856S:653Link to document image
English, Elisha G.toHohnan, Joseph1856S:654Link to document image
English, Elisha G.toHolman, Joseph1856S:653Link to document image
English, Elisha G.toHolman, Joseph1856S:652Link to document image
English, Elisha G.toRue, Richard1856S:652Link to document image
English, Elisha G.toRue, Richard1856S:653Link to document image
English, Elisha G.toRue, Richard1856S:654Link to document image
English, Elisha G.toScarce, David1856S:654Link to document image
English, Elisha G.toScarce, David1856S:653Link to document image
English, Elisha G.toScarce, David1856S:652Link to document image
English, JamesfromBey, Harriet E.186435:205Link to document image
English, JamesfromBowser, Jacob C.1863153:68Link to document image
English, JamestoCin. Rich. & Ft. W. R. R.187155:390Link to document image
English, JamesfromClay, Samuel E.1881118:279Link to document image
English, JamestoColter, Jacob (Et al.)188496:593Link to document image
English, JamesfromCox, Patrick E.1901164:375Link to document image
English, JamesfromCrowl, Joseph C.1875118:277Link to document image
English, JamesfromCrowl, Saml. L.1879118:278Link to document image
English, JamestoEmerick, Jos.186436:173Link to document image
English, JamesfromEvans, S. B. (Et al.)188081:546Link to document image
English, JamesfromFlickinger, Miranda1900160:244Link to document image
English, JamesfromGillette, Edwin A.1899156:67Link to document image
English, JamestoHenry, Andrew M.1889115:512Link to document image
English, JamesfromHitzman, Cath.187254:413Link to document image
English, JamestoHobrock, John H.1899155:80Link to document image
English, JamesfromLem, Steven W.186435:204Link to document image
English, JamestoMcKeenan, David186432:434Link to document image
English, JamestoMerriam, Rhoda1890118:600Link to document image
English, JamestoMunch, Jacob186436:2Link to document image
English, JamestoPoland, Anna M.1901164:387Link to document image
English, JamesfromScoles, G. W.186330:616Link to document image
English, JamesfromShookman, Geo. (Est.)186435:24Link to document image
English, JamestoShookman, Jacob186438:18Link to document image
English, JamesfromSparling, Jno. M.186435:202Link to document image
English, JamesfromTrenell, Jephtha186435:205Link to document image
English, JamestoWadge, Manda Amalia1901163:228Link to document image
English, James (Guard)toRanninger, Frederick187676:309Link to document image
English, Jas.fromMcIntosh, Benj.188080:491Link to document image
English, Jas.toMcIntosh, Benj.188392:210Link to document image
English, Jas.toMeyer, Deidrich188079:328Link to document image
English, Jas.fromTwadell, E. (Et al.)188081:546Link to document image
English, Jas. (Trustee)fromMerriam, Edward1890118:598Link to document image
English, JohntoEnglish, William186128:163Link to document image
English, John & ThomastoFletter, Samuel1857U:346Link to document image
English, MichaeltoShappell, David1848Q:88Link to document image
English, ThomasfromChute, Richard185767:285Link to document image
English, ThomastoEnglish, William186128:163Link to document image
English, ThomastoEnglish, Wm. H. (Et ux.)1892126:233Link to document image
English, ThomasfromGreene, Mary M.187257:177Link to document image
English, ThomasfromPrince, Jno. S.185767:285Link to document image
English, ThomasfromSnyder, Jennie1893131:79Link to document image
English, Thomas HenryfromFlatt, Samuel S.1857U:357Link to document image
English, Thos.fromCurry, Frances186333:215Link to document image
English, Thos.toEnglish, Alice187249:288Link to document image
English, Thos.fromHobbs, F. H.1885100:562Link to document image
English, Thos.toHobbs, F. H. & F. E.1886100:234Link to document image
English, Thos.toMarshall, John186641:22Link to document image
English, W. H.fromKohler, Daniel M.1898150:38Link to document image
English, W. J. (Et ux.)fromHuguenard, Victor A.1900160:229Link to document image
English, WilliamfromEnglish, John186128:163Link to document image
English, WilliamfromEnglish, Thomas186128:163Link to document image
English, William H.toKranter, John (Et ux.)1899154:89Link to document image
English, William H.toMuldoon, Albert J.1898152:52Link to document image
English, William J.fromDrew, Elizabeth (Et al.)1891113:613Link to document image
English, William J.toHuguenard, Victor A.1900160:228Link to document image
English, Wm. H.toGnau, Martin1895137:449Link to document image
English, Wm. H.fromMoran, Julia T.1895137:483Link to document image
English, Wm. H.toMuldoon, A. J.1896143:239Link to document image
English, Wm. H. (Et ux.)fromEnglish, Thomas1892126:233Link to document image
English, Wm. H. (Et ux.)fromHamilton, Margt. V.1892126:234Link to document image
English, Wm. J.fromTri State B. & L. A.1900160:228Link to document image
English, Wm. J. (Et ux.)toTri. State B. & L.1891121:374Link to document image
Engmann, AugustfromRomy, Robert L.1898150:445Link to document image
Engmann, AugusttoRomy, Robert L.1900158:9Link to document image
Engmann, CatherinefromBobilya, Louis J.1900157:412Link to document image
Eninger, A. C. (Et al.)fromKerns, Clara E. (Et al.)1889110:219Link to document image
Eninger, A. C. (Et al.)fromKerns, Clara E. (Et al.)1889110:222Link to document image
Eninger, A. C. (Et al.)fromKerns, Clara E. (Et al.)1889110:220Link to document image
Eninger, Anna C. (Et al.)toReichelderfer, A. M. (Et al.)1895137:347Link to document image
Eninger, Anna C. (Et.)toCummins, Chas. E.1891113:461Link to document image
Eninger, Anna C. (Et.)toWiddifield, Mordecai1891113:461Link to document image
Eninger, Annie C.toReichelderfer, A. M.1894132:535Link to document image
Eninger, Charles W. (Et al.)toMinick, Oliver1901162:170Link to document image
Eninger, Chas. W.fromHood, Henry G.1894135:455Link to document image
Eninger, Chas. W.toMinick, Oliver1895136:406Link to document image
Eninger, Gertrude C.fromHood, Henry G.1894135:455Link to document image
Eninger, Gertrude C.toPalmer, Harriet C.1895136:191Link to document image
Eninger, Saml.fromDennis, Jno. A.1882108:310Link to document image
Eninger, Saml.fromFlowers, Saml.1888109:523Link to document image
Eninger, Saml.fromThomas, Elizabeth1886108:309Link to document image
Eninger, SamueltoPattee, Mary C.1888114:341Link to document image
Eninger, SamuelfromWells, Joseph C.187671:114Link to document image
Ennick, Franklin A.fromPfleiger, Joseph1902169:151Link to document image
Enninger, Anna C. (Et al.)fromAllen C. Court1891113:367Link to document image
Enninger, Gertude C.fromPalmer, Lucius1895136:189Link to document image
Enninger, Josie S.fromAllen C. Court1891113:367Link to document image
Enninger, SamuelfromHaifley, George (Et al.)187979:433Link to document image
Enright, EllenfromEnright, Michael186434:530Link to document image
Enright, Jay M.fromEnright, Jno.188079:323Link to document image
Enright, Jno.toEnright, Jay M.188079:323Link to document image
Enright, JohannatoBartels, Fredk.187565:297Link to document image
Enright, Johanna & MaryfromEnright, John187462:291Link to document image
Enright, JohntoBartels, Frederick187566:53Link to document image
Enright, JohntoBreen, James186641:312Link to document image
Enright, JohntoEnright, Johanna & Mary187462:291Link to document image
Enright, JohnfromSmith, Cornelius S.188079:285Link to document image
Enright, MarytoMonahan, John (Et ux.)1893131:128Link to document image
Enright, MichaeltoBrackenridge, Jo.186536:417Link to document image
Enright, MichaeltoEnright, Ellen186434:530Link to document image
Ensch, MargarethafromDeWald, George (Et ux.)1891121:83Link to document image
Ensch, Pheby A.toThompson, Hen. F.1896145:180Link to document image
Ensch, Pheby A.fromThompson, Hetta F.1896144:288Link to document image
Enshin, John (Jr.)toCecil, John B.1856T:400Link to document image
Enslen, Clara V.fromHamilton, Phoebe A. (Et al.)1902170:471Link to document image
Enslen, EvafromDaley, Mary1900157:168Link to document image
Enslen, William M.fromChapman, Clara G.1902167:109Link to document image
Ensley, George (guard)toKell, Jacob1857U:429Link to document image
Ensminger, DavidtoOlds, Wm. E.186745:98Link to document image
Ensminger, Laura H.fromWinch, Willard E. (Et al.)1901160:554Link to document image
Enteman, HenriettetoCoulardot, Nercis1895140:416Link to document image
Entemann, C. (Et al. Trustee)toWasserbach, Jno.188392:347Link to document image
Entrodacher, Seb.fromBradway, Orlando E.1897148:499Link to document image
Entrodacher, Seb.fromEckart, Frederick1888106:546Link to document image
Entrodasher, Seb.fromSeidel, Conrad1888106:581Link to document image
Enyard, M. L.toMason, Nancy188286:489Link to document image
Enyart, M. L.fromWalters, Eli188186:429Link to document image
Enz, CatherinefromKranter, Gottlieb1892124:47Link to document image

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