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ACGSI - Allen County Deed Index

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Parties to the Deed                                                YearDeed Book
Elberson, CharlesfromCorsdale, E. G.186847:100Link to document image
Elberson, S. C.fromBaker, Mahala186846:489Link to document image
Elberson, S. C.toReamschnieder, Henry187153:488Link to document image
Elberson, S. C.fromWiest, William187257:259Link to document image
Elberson, S. L. C.fromMoses, Wm.187257:259Link to document image
Elberson, S. L. C.fromMoses, Wm. (Gdn.)187258:124Link to document image
Elberson, Saml. C.toFoulks, Chas. C.187462:299Link to document image
Elberson, SamueltoOsborn, E. B.187254:346Link to document image
Elberson, Samuel C.fromLinscott, Julia A.187257:259Link to document image
Elberson, Samuel C.fromLinscott, Rosa187257:259Link to document image
Elbert, BenoitfromSchmidt, Jacob & Henry J.187465:587Link to document image
Elbert, BenoittoSchmidt, Mary187465:588Link to document image
Elbert, D.toGroesinger, C. & R.188185:118Link to document image
Elbert, DelfinefromRoss, James P.187249:302Link to document image
Elbert, DelphinetoBandewater, C. (Et al.)187249:336Link to document image
Elbert, DelphinetoGranger, M. J.1889110:619Link to document image
Elbert, DelphinefromRydolph, Wm.187360:187Link to document image
Elbert, DelphinetoThiebold, Sally187249:293Link to document image
Elbert, DelphinsfromRank, G. A.186844:348Link to document image
Elbert, HenrytoStrickland, A. F.186844:368Link to document image
Elder, CynthiafromNoble, Sarah188289:5Link to document image
Elder, CynthiatoSimmons, Ida A.189220:65Link to document image
Elder, CynthiatoSimmons, Ida A.1898150:278Link to document image
Elder, RebeccafromWilhamson, Alex186947:566Link to document image
Elder, Rebeccatoyoungker, Mary187358:316Link to document image
Elder, UritoFinan, Edward187359:104Link to document image
Elder, UriafromLearman, Marian186643:100Link to document image
Elder, Wm. (Trustee)toMoynihan, A. J.188393:509Link to document image
Elders Menouite Congregation of Cedar Crk.toWilks, Henry1892135:87Link to document image
Eldred, D. P. (Et ux.)fromConnair, Wm.1888108:632Link to document image
Eldridge, Alfred I.fromAuditor A. Co.185338:28Link to document image
Eldridge, Alfred J.toKintz, Jacob (Jr.)1857T:699Link to document image
Eldridge, BarbarafromKelsey, Wm.187052:143Link to document image
Eldridge, BarbaratoQuicksell, Peter187565:216Link to document image
Eldridge, BarbarafromQuicksell, Sl. (Et al.)187052:144Link to document image
Eldridge, ErastusfromMilliman, Eliza186845:419Link to document image
Eldridge, JohntoShepherd, Abagail1856T:242Link to document image
Eleanna, FrancistoRasure, Joseph1857U:402Link to document image
Election of @ Trustees of Wayne Street M. E. Church of Fort Wayneto1857U:144Link to document image
Election of Trustee of Evang. Emanuel Churchto1857U:54Link to document image
Election of Trustees of Evang. Lutheran St. Johnsto1857T:491Link to document image
Election of Trustees of Gr. Evangelical Luthern St. John Church to1856T:176Link to document image
Election of Trustees of Gr. Evangelical Luthern St. John Church to1856T:173Link to document image
Election of Trustees of M. E. Church of Spencerville Districtto1857U:297Link to document image
Election of Trustees of the Methodist Protestant Churchto1857T:554Link to document image
Election of Trustees of the Salem Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Churchto1857T:564Link to document image
Election under will of W. G. E. (Sr.)fromEwing, W. G. (JR.)1856T:289Link to document image
Elemr, MaximusfromEbener, Lorenzo186332:18Link to document image
Eleng, HenryfromTillman, Jno. L.1887103:564Link to document image
Elett, ChristianfromBahrdt, Christopher1895137:225Link to document image
Elett, ChristianfromElett, Lydia1892127:182Link to document image
Elett, ChristianfromFolmer, Frederick1901161:169Link to document image
Elett, ChristianfromHoke, John A.1899155:71Link to document image
Elett, ChristiantoPrusse, Ernest H.1901160:424Link to document image
Elett, ChristiantoSmith, John1899153:105Link to document image
Elett, ChristiantoVolz, Anna1900158:248Link to document image
Elett, HermanfromRomy, Robert L.1889114:503Link to document image
Elett, HermantoThompson, Hetta F.1896141:171Link to document image
Elett, Herman (Et al.)fromThompson, Henrietta F.1900156:402Link to document image
Elett, Herman (Et ux.)fromCombs, Sarah A.1893131:83Link to document image
Elett, Herman (Et ux.)fromSulfer, Mary1894134:381Link to document image
Elett, Herman (Et.)toFoerster, John1891122:71Link to document image
Elett, JohnfromDrebert, Henry1901162:135Link to document image
Elett, LydiatoElett, Christian1892127:182Link to document image
Elett, LydiafromFoerter, John1891122:72Link to document image
Eley, EdwardfromDucat, F. E. (Et al.)187978:310Link to document image
Eley, EdwardfromMercier, Mary (Et al.)187978:310Link to document image
Eley, Geo. W.fromBowser, J. C.187669:109Link to document image
Eley, Jno. H.toMcCurdy, McLain187876:227Link to document image
Eley, Jno. H.fromRead, Jas. M.186744:169Link to document image
Eley, Jno. H.toSimmons, R. R.187876:227Link to document image
Eley, JohnfromKeesler, Alfred (Et al.)187255:311Link to document image
Eley, JohnfromKesler, Marion P.187360:340Link to document image
Elias, HollingerfromMetzgar, Andrew1856U:149Link to document image
Elick, Alonzo E.toArnold, James H.1892125:22Link to document image
Elick, Alonzo E.fromBoseker, Wm. G. (Et.)1892124:373Link to document image
Eling, AdamtoBrown, Samuel M.1901161:263Link to document image
Eling, AdamtoFortney, Lovina1902167:278Link to document image
Eling, AdamfromHoffman, Christian1898149:5Link to document image
Eling, AdamfromHoward, Anna E. J.1901164:397Link to document image
Eling, ChristiantoEling, John Adam1901161:264Link to document image
Eling, ChristianfromScar, Adam187257:334Link to document image
Eling, John AdamfromEling, Christian1901161:264Link to document image
Elion, CharlestoRockhill, Emily186950:38Link to document image
Elion, CharlestoSandoz, Philip187051:187Link to document image
Elion, M. T.fromWhite, Jas. B.187256:178Link to document image
Elion, Mari T.fromSandez, Phillip187051:98Link to document image
Elion, Marice T.toWhite, Jas. B.187256:166Link to document image
Elion, VictortoConlon, Mary V.186848:15Link to document image
Elion, VictortoLacroix, Xavier1854Q:603Link to document image
Elion, VictorfromMartin, Julie186127:339Link to document image
Eliza, RoyfromMartin, August186127:134Link to document image
Ell, FrederickefromAxt, Moritz188289:697Link to document image
Ell, FredrickefromStegmeier, Catharine188289:396Link to document image
Ell, Geo. F. (Et al.)toKruse, Wm. F.1895140:192Link to document image
Ell, SebastiantoKolb, John A.187050:431Link to document image
Ell, SebastianfromSchrimpf, Henry186640:257Link to document image
Ellegison, HenrytoSchreiber, John187362:137Link to document image
Ellenwood, Ella M.fromFort Wayne L. & Imp. Co.1899155:345Link to document image
Ellenwood, H. D.fromMcLachlan, Neil187153:193Link to document image
Ellenwood, H. D.toWoodword, M. E.187256:331Link to document image
Ellenwood, R. O.fromSpangler, Geo. W.1892124:131Link to document image
Eller, Charles F.fromRomy, Frederick1902168:24Link to document image
Ellert, Benoit J.fromGraham, James E.1899157:140Link to document image
Ellert, Benoit J.toGraham, James E. (Et ux.)1899157:141Link to document image
Elligsen, HannahfromClark, Anthony186333:104Link to document image
Ellim, TheresafromHuestis, Alex C.186435:20Link to document image
Ellingham, E. A.fromDouglass, David P. (Et.)1892125:119Link to document image
Ellingham, E. A.fromSpect, Mary C.1892132:26Link to document image
Ellingham, Eliz (At.)fromMiller, Jno. A. (E.)1891124:176Link to document image
Ellingham, Eliz (Et al.)toBoyer, Saml. M. (Et ux.)1891124:163Link to document image
Ellingham, Eliz (Et al.)toFlynn, Sarah C.1891124:173Link to document image
Ellingham, Eliz (Et al.)toMiller, Caroline1891124:170Link to document image
Ellingham, Eliz (Et.)fromFlynn, James (Et al.)1891124:176Link to document image
Ellingham, Eliz (Ex.)fromBoyer, Saml. M. (Et al.)1891124:176Link to document image
Ellingham, Elizabeth (Adm.)toDalman, John1902166:227Link to document image
Ellingham, Elizabeth A.toGrenlich, Elizabeth1901161:336Link to document image
Elliot, Loyal D. (Et ux.)fromPfeiffer, Chas. F.1894132:541Link to document image
Elliott, AbrahamtoHyatt, John186851:492Link to document image
Elliott, AbramfromHood, H. G.186646:345Link to document image
Elliott, AlmiratoMays, Joseph187568:175Link to document image
Elliott, AlmirafromReichelderfer, Lewis187463:429Link to document image
Elliott, Chas.fromEssig, Ella M.1895139:11Link to document image
Elliott, Enoch W.toPape & Son William1902166:154Link to document image
Elliott, Enoch W. (Et ux.)fromPape, William1900156:485Link to document image
Elliott, Fred B.fromAuditor1887104:309Link to document image
Elliott, Fred B.toRabus, Gus A.1891122:307Link to document image
Elliott, Fred B.toThompson, H. F.1896142:184Link to document image
Elliott, JosephinefromMeyer, Fred W.1892125:161Link to document image
Elliott, Loyal D.toDreyer, Cael F. H.1901161:201Link to document image
Elliott, Loyal D.toOhneck, Delilah1901161:488Link to document image
Elliott, Loyal D.toWeber, Gustaf A.1900157:465Link to document image
Elliott, Loyal D. (Et ux.)fromMathews, Jane1897144:257Link to document image
Elliott, LuellafromHenry, Samuel B.1896145:77Link to document image
Elliott, M. J.fromAbbott, R. B.1887105:312Link to document image
Elliott, Mary J.fromAbbott, R. B.1887103:514Link to document image
Elliott, RobertfromCassady, Mary I.1892124:273Link to document image
Elliott, SimontoSausotte, John B.186330:558Link to document image
Elliott, WillisfromCarson, Wm. W. (Comr.)1852M:533Link to document image
Elliott, WillistoGraffe, H. C.186846:287Link to document image
Elliott, WillistoHenderson, Wm.186539:127Link to document image
Ellis, CalebfromEllis, Robert1856S:498Link to document image
Ellis, CalebtoRhodes, Joseph1856S:500Link to document image
Ellis, JamesfromEllis, Robert185826:267Link to document image
Ellis, JamestoMeiser, Eli186845:562Link to document image
Ellis, JamestoRhodes, James186330:433Link to document image
Ellis, JamestoVaughn, Martin186126:392Link to document image
Ellis, Jno.fromLehew, M. S.187873:512Link to document image
Ellis, JohntoMcIntire, Oliver. B.188079:466Link to document image
Ellis, John W. (et al.)fromCox, Jacob D. Comr.187671:82Link to document image
Ellis, John W. (et al.)toWabash Railway Co.187771:89Link to document image
Ellis, RichardtoBond, S. B.186743:279Link to document image
Ellis, RichardtoBrown, Jno. H.186538:48Link to document image
Ellis, RoberttoEllis, Caleb1856S:498Link to document image
Ellis, RoberttoEllis, James185826:267Link to document image
Ellis, RoberttoEme, Ferdinand186330:438Link to document image
Ellis, RoberttoParnin, Gabriel186330:438Link to document image
Ellis, RoberttoVanghn, Martin1854Q:473Link to document image
Ellis, RoberttoVaughn, Martin186230:404Link to document image
Ellison, AndrewfromEllison, Thos. E. (Et ux.)1891113:346Link to document image
Ellison, DeanfromDavidson, Savanah1894135:330Link to document image
Ellison, DeanfromDugan, David1902166:453Link to document image
Ellison, DeanfromEllison, P. E.1886100:196Link to document image
Ellison, DeanfromHowell, Corder1891122:184Link to document image
Ellison, DeantoManweiler, Jas. C.1887103:405Link to document image
Ellison, DeantoSuter, Edward1887106:48Link to document image
Ellison, Elizabeth C.fromMohr, Louis1891126:115Link to document image
Ellison, Elizabeth C.toSiebold, Julia1895139:287Link to document image
Ellison, F. E. (Coms.)toRobison, Jas. B.188183:509Link to document image
Ellison, F. E. (Coms.)toRobison, W. S.188183:508Link to document image
Ellison, F. E. (Et al.)toRandall, Perry A.1890119:239Link to document image
Ellison, Hannah H.fromViberg, Geo.1894133:547Link to document image
Ellison, J. L.fromBryson, Jos. B.188495:13Link to document image
Ellison, J. S.fromBauer, K. J.187876:67Link to document image
Ellison, JamesfromMason, J. S.1886100:229Link to document image
Ellison, JamestoMason, Josephus S.1890117:154Link to document image
Ellison, JamesfromMiller, Chas. C.1890116:524Link to document image
Ellison, JanetoSuter, Edward187771:527Link to document image
Ellison, Jas. (Et al.)toBash, Flora O.1886101:247Link to document image
Ellison, Jas. E.toKeller, Henry1893129:416Link to document image
Ellison, Jno. L.toFigel, Margaret A.188494:394Link to document image
Ellison, John T.fromHays, Wm.187462:442Link to document image
Ellison, John T.toMickels, Jonathan187566:489Link to document image
Ellison, John T.toSuter, Edward187771:527Link to document image
Ellison, LeRoytoSuter, Edward187771:527Link to document image
Ellison, P. E.toEllison, Dean1886100:196Link to document image
Ellison, P. E.toMcKaken, J. H.1886100:199Link to document image
Ellison, PhoebetoSuter, Edward187771:527Link to document image
Ellison, Phoebe E.fromLumbard, S. c.1893127:536Link to document image
Ellison, Phoebe E.toUnion Cent. Life Ins. Co.1893130:464Link to document image
Ellison, Phoeby E.fromBullard, Geo.188494:395Link to document image
Ellison, RallinfromNorton, Geo. E.1889116:42Link to document image
Ellison, RallinfromNorton, Henry P.1890116:40Link to document image
Ellison, RichardtoSuter, Edward187771:527Link to document image
Ellison, RollinfromBrockway, Asajek N.1889116:45Link to document image
Ellison, RollintoEllison, Thomas E.1897155:512Link to document image
Ellison, RollintoEllison, Thos. E.1890117:294Link to document image
Ellison, RollinfromPomeroy, Mary1889116:47Link to document image
Ellison, Rollin (Et al.)toClark, William e. (Et ux.)1889120:432Link to document image
Ellison, Rollin (Et al.)toLuce, John1889120:432Link to document image
Ellison, Rollin (Et al.)toWallace, Wm. C. (Et al.)1889120:432Link to document image
Ellison, Rollins (Et.)toEllison, Thos. E.1892124:536Link to document image
Ellison, SarahfromHunziker, Daniel186229:555Link to document image
Ellison, T. E.fromAuditor1890118:435Link to document image
Ellison, T. E.fromAuditor1890116:447Link to document image
Ellison, T. E.fromPaul, Henry C. (Et.)1891120:359Link to document image
Ellison, T. E.fromReiter, Frederick188392:231Link to document image
Ellison, T. E. (Et al.)toGross, Wm. F.188185:354Link to document image
Ellison, T. E. (Et ux.)toPaul, Henry C.1891120:260Link to document image
Ellison, Thomas E.fromAllen Superior Court1901163:235Link to document image
Ellison, Thomas E.fromBeahler, John E.1897148:21Link to document image
Ellison, Thomas E.toBlack, Wm. A. (Et ux.)1902165:505Link to document image
Ellison, Thomas E.fromEllison, Rollin1897155:512Link to document image
Ellison, Thomas E.toFisher, Elizabeth1898151:539Link to document image
Ellison, Thomas E.toHowe, Frances M.1899152:454Link to document image
Ellison, Thomas E.toHowe, Frances M.1899154:240Link to document image
Ellison, Thomas E.fromKalbus, John1898151:521Link to document image
Ellison, Thomas E.toSchmidt, Caroline C.1900157:337Link to document image
Ellison, Thomas E.fromSheriff1889155:513Link to document image
Ellison, Thomas E.fromSheriff1897148:536Link to document image
Ellison, Thomas E.fromSheriff1897148:533Link to document image
Ellison, Thomas E. (Et ux.)toBaker, Killian1891113:623Link to document image
Ellison, Thomas E. (Et.)toBashs, Charles S.1891120:396Link to document image
Ellison, Thomas E. (Et.)toHolmes, John W.1891120:605Link to document image
Ellison, Thoms E.fromMuhler, Mary A.1900157:336Link to document image
Ellison, Thos E.fromNicodemus, C. W.1895137:406Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.fromAllen, C. W.187977:548Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.fromArmel, Milton1890142:71Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.toBash, Solomon1891124:418Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.fromBohn, Wm. A.1888106:464Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.toCressler, Alf. D.1892125:399Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.toCressler, Alf. D.1892125:400Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.toCressler, Alf. D.1892125:398Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.fromEllison, Rollin1890117:294Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.fromEllison, Rollins (Et.)1892124:536Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.toFerguson, John (Et al.)1894135:534Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.fromMcWhinney, Frank1889125:400Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.toMoore, David H.1888108:631Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.fromNinde, N. W. (Comr.)1894135:173Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.toNorton, Chester K.1890118:9Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.fromOtis, Eugene V.1896143:303Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.toPalmer, Earl1894135:634Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.fromPaul, H. C.1886102:96Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.toPaul, Henry C.1892124:535Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.fromPaul, Henry C. (Et al.)1889112:158Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.toReiter, Frederick188392:231Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.fromRobinson, Amanda (Et al.)1887106:619Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.fromSheriff1889114:22Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.fromSheriff1889114:11Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.fromSheriff1889114:13Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.fromSheriff1889114:17Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.fromSheriff1889114:15Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.fromSheriff1889114:19Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.fromSheriff A. Co.1889120:357Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.toShordan, Danl.188287:386Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.fromShordon, Daniel1887104:491Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.toTryon, Jno. M.1896142:114Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.toTurner, Asa1890117:293Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.toViberg, Geo.1894133:547Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.fromViberg, Geo.1894133:547Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E.toWilliams, H. M.1893129:49Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E. (comr.)toLee, Geo. D.187772:158Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E. (Coms.)toClark, Wm. E.1889114:44Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E. (Coms.)toLuce, John1889114:26Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E. (Coms.)toPotts, Wm.1888110:232Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E. (Coms.)toWallace, Wm. C.1889114:43Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E. (Et al.)toHankers, Bernard188289:463Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E. (Et al.)toNahrwold, C.188391:16Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E. (Et al.)toNahrwold, Conrad188495:69Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E. (Et ux.)toEllison, Andrew1891113:346Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E. (Trustee)toBeach, H. L.188290:193Link to document image
Ellison, Thos. E. (Trustee)fromBloomhuff, Catharine188286:525Link to document image
Ellizsen, HenryfromAriekruse, Frederick1855R:314Link to document image
Ellson, Wm.fromDaniels, S. D. H.186846:377Link to document image
Ellson, Wm.fromSmith, Wm. W.186743:262Link to document image
Ellson, Wm. H.fromWait, Welthy186745:124Link to document image
Ellsworth, AlberttoNotestine, Peter1858123:467Link to document image
Ellsworth, H. G.toHollopeter, John W.186026:355Link to document image
Ellsworth, H. L.toDovens, William185827:410Link to document image
Ellsworth, H. L.toHorn, Henry1855S:5Link to document image
Ellsworth, H. L.fromPeckham, W. S.186229:396Link to document image
Ellsworth, H. L.toSwift, Philetus1855S:122Link to document image
Ellsworth, H. L. (Estate)toAllen, Lyman186330:226Link to document image
Ellsworth, H. L. (Heirs of)toPeckham, William S.186330:190Link to document image
Ellsworth, H. L. (Heirs)toBarve, Bernard186642:136Link to document image
Ellsworth, H. W.toHollopeter John W.186026:355Link to document image
Ellsworth, HenrytoMeyers, John F.1855S:299Link to document image
Ellsworth, HenrytoTrease, HenryA.1856T:507Link to document image
Ellsworth, Henry C.toPeckham, Wm. S. (Trustee)186229:344Link to document image
Ellsworth, Henry G.fromAllyn, Lyman186127:174Link to document image
Ellsworth, Henry G.toAllyn, Lyman186127:173Link to document image
Ellsworth, Henry G.toHerrick, Edward C.186026:69Link to document image
Ellsworth, Henry G.toKrebs, Daries186128:223Link to document image
Ellsworth, Henry G.toPeckham, William S. (Trustee)186229:344Link to document image
Ellsworth, Henry G.toPeikham, William S.186228:492Link to document image
Ellsworth, Henry G.toSmith, Annie G.186127:209Link to document image
Ellsworth, Henry L.fromBull, Buckland, W. (Comr.)1852N:345Link to document image
Ellsworth, Henry L.toByers, Andrew1856T:455Link to document image
Ellsworth, Henry L.toDepew, Lemuel185829:238Link to document image
Ellsworth, Henry L. toFulk, Frederick1855Q:575Link to document image
Ellsworth, Henry L.toLuke, John1854S:596Link to document image
Ellsworth, Henry L.toTindall, William A.1854S:435Link to document image
Ellsworth, Henry L.fromUnited States1837165:368Link to document image
Ellsworth, Henry L. (Truatee)toDavis, Walter1858W:535Link to document image
Ellsworth, Henry W.fromAllyn, Lyman186127:174Link to document image
Ellsworth, Henry W.toAllyn, Lyman186127:173Link to document image
Ellsworth, Henry W.toHerrick, Edward C.186026:69Link to document image
Ellsworth, Henry W.toKrebs, Daries186128:223Link to document image
Ellsworth, Henry W.toPeckham, William S. (Trustee)186229:344Link to document image
Ellsworth, Henry w.toPeikham, William S.186228:492Link to document image
Ellsworth, Henry W.toSmith, Annie G.186127:209Link to document image
Ellsworth, MarindafromGreen, E. W.1893131:356Link to document image
Ellsworth, MarindafromGreen, Julia A.1893131:356Link to document image
Ellsworth, Mary E.fromHatfield, Thomas1859X:490Link to document image
Ellsworth, Mry E.toLuther, Laura1859X;491Link to document image
Ellyson, M. J. (Et al.)toLartie, Domminick1887106:279Link to document image
Elmendorf, Jacob A.toWatterson, Jas. A.186435:33Link to document image
Eloner, LorenzofromMayer, Andrew186332:20Link to document image
Eloph, ElizabethfromKuhne, Paul F.1897145:585Link to document image
Eloph, Elizabeth (Et al.)toSmith & Randall Lumber Company1900157:51Link to document image
Eloph, H. & M.fromClark, Jos. (et al.)187772:289Link to document image
Eloph, H. & M.fromEloph, Jos. (et al.)187772:289Link to document image
Eloph, HenrytoNew York Chicago & St. Louis Rw. Co.188184:134Link to document image
Eloph, Henry (et al.)toEloph, Jos. & Elizabeth187772:268Link to document image
Eloph, Jos. & ElizabethfromClark, Thomas (et al.)187772:268Link to document image
Eloph, Jos. & ElizabethfromEloph, Henry (et al.)187772:268Link to document image
Eloph, Jos. (et al.)toClark, Thomas187772:317Link to document image
Eloph, Jos. (et al.)toClark, Thomas187772:324Link to document image
Eloph, Jos. (et al.)toClark, Victoria187772:318Link to document image
Eloph, Jos. (et al.)toEloph, H. & M.187772:289Link to document image
Elophe, HenryfromElophe, Joseph187975:538Link to document image
Elophe, JosephtoElophe, Henry187975:538Link to document image
Elophe, NicholasfromTrustees W. & E. Canal185879:93Link to document image
Elrick, Jacob W.toHenscil, Albert G.186435:54Link to document image
Elsner, TillietoHattersley, Sarah Ann1901162:522Link to document image
Elson, JuliatoLadig, Nicolas186538:449Link to document image
Elson, Wm. H.toBickhart, I. S.187051:501Link to document image
Elson, Wm. H.toCummins, Moses187254:559Link to document image
Elson, Wm. H.fromCurtney, Benj. F.186847:459Link to document image
Elson, Wm. H.fromHenderson, Jas. A.186447:12Link to document image
Elson, Wm. H.toHettinger, Henry186847:11Link to document image
Elson, Wm. H.toHood, Henry G.187053:37Link to document image
Elson, Wm. H.toLuce, Wm.187254:552Link to document image
Elson, Wm. H.fromLuce, Wm.187254:551Link to document image
Elson, Wm. H.toMarquit, Alfred187254:548Link to document image
Elson, Wm. H.fromNewland, Isaac187359:201Link to document image
Elson, Wm. H.toReichelderfer, John D.187461:548Link to document image
Elson, Wm. H.toWebb, Crayton187359:581Link to document image
Elson, Wm. H.toWiddifield, M.187667:548Link to document image
Elson, Wm. H.toWidney, H. S. (Et al.)186853:559Link to document image
Elson, Wm. H.toWidney, M. J.186853:560Link to document image
Elsworth, May E.fromColerick, N. A.186847:347Link to document image
Ely, A. F.fromEly, Nancy (Et al.)187978:326Link to document image
Ely, A. F.fromGrubaugh, M. A. (Et al.)187978:326Link to document image
Ely, A. F. (Et al.)toEly, Nancy187978:275Link to document image
Ely, Adam F.fromBecks, Jas. C. (Comr.)187977:30Link to document image
Ely, Adam F.fromBurkholder, J. S. (Et al.)187256:100Link to document image
Ely, Adam F.fromGrubaugh, Margaret188496:178Link to document image
Ely, C. D. & S. H.fromDudley, Wm. W. (Comr.)188080:592Link to document image
Ely, Caroline D. (Et Al.)toGillette, D. D.188290:197Link to document image
Ely, D. (Receiver)toBauserman, W. H.188185:194Link to document image
Ely, DavidfromBurkholder, J. S. (Et al.)187256:101Link to document image
Ely, EdwardtoAnderson, Wm. W. (Et ux.)1898151:210Link to document image
Ely, EdwardfromEvard, Julius1892126:198Link to document image
Ely, EdwardtoEvard, Julius1892126:197Link to document image
Ely, EdwardtoFulkerson, Saml. (Et ux.)1895139:327Link to document image
Ely, EdwardtoFulkerson, Samuel (Et ux.)1896141:407Link to document image
Ely, EdwardtoGrubaugh, M A. & M.187976:370Link to document image
Ely, EdwardfromHowrand, Mary (Et ux.)1891121:57Link to document image
Ely, EdwardfromMoering, Mary S.1889114:532Link to document image
Ely, EdwardfromRandall, P. A.188597:151Link to document image
Ely, EdwardfromStirlen, Alex (Guard)187978:372Link to document image
Ely, EdwardfromTrease, Geo. W.187976:383Link to document image
Ely, EdwardfromWaters, Almira (Et al.)1891121:51Link to document image
Ely, EdwardfromWatson, Jas. M.187254:284Link to document image
Ely, Edward (Et ux.)fromDuly, Cath. Trease1900158:155Link to document image
Ely, Edward (Et ux.)fromNotestine, Jane Trease1900158:287Link to document image
Ely, Geo. W.fromAnderson, Calvin187256:151Link to document image
Ely, Geo. W.fromAnderson, E. G. 188381:445Link to document image
Ely, Geo. W.toBell, R. C. & C. E.188286:540Link to document image
Ely, Geo. W.fromBittinger, A. H.187050:577Link to document image
Ely, Geo. W.toCromwell, J. C. & M. C.188391:432Link to document image
Ely, Geo. W.fromHafleigh, Ruben186740:538Link to document image
Ely, Geo. W.fromHartman, H. C.187566:19Link to document image
Ely, Geo. W.toJohnson, F. A.188082:67Link to document image
Ely, Geo. W.toModerwell, H. C. (Et ux.)1889111:345Link to document image
Ely, Geo. W.toQuinn, Edward187669:132Link to document image
Ely, Geo. W.fromSheriff187668:442Link to document image
Ely, Geo. W.fromSheriff187978:258Link to document image
Ely, Geo. W.fromSheriff187978:256Link to document image
Ely, George H.toEly, Solomon1900159:292Link to document image
Ely, George W.toSaunders, Mary E.188182:388Link to document image
Ely, HenryfromClark, James1860Y:289Link to document image
Ely, HenryfromSheriff186031:272Link to document image
Ely, HenrytoWelk, Austin F.185926:163Link to document image
Ely, J. D. & A.fromBodine, F. A.188184:142Link to document image
Ely, JohntoPorter, James187254:583Link to document image
Ely, John H.fromHall. N. B. (guard.)187358:425Link to document image
Ely, NancyfromEly, A. F. (Et al.)187978:275Link to document image
Ely, NancytoGrubaugh, M. A.188090:318Link to document image
Ely, NancytoGrubaugh, Margaret188090:317Link to document image
Ely, NancyfromGrubaugh, Margaret (Et al.)187978:275Link to document image
Ely, Nancy (Et al.)toEly, A. F.187978:326Link to document image
Ely, Nancy (Et al.)toGrubaugh, M. A.187978:274Link to document image
Ely, Nancy (Et al.)toGrugaugh, Margaret187978:276Link to document image
Ely, SolomonfromEly, George H.1900159:292Link to document image
Ely, SolomonfromEly, William Otis1900170:419Link to document image
Ely, SolomontoPapp, Freederick1855S:389Link to document image
Ely, SolomontoZehencler, James1855S:388Link to document image
Ely, Tharesa R.toFord, Chas.187359:502Link to document image
Ely, TheresafromZollars, Enoch186950:415Link to document image
Ely, Theresa R. (Ex.)toOppenheim, Wm. S.1898150:235Link to document image
Ely, William OtistoEly, Solomon1900170:419Link to document image
Elzold, John Henry (Et al.)toHouck, Amelia M.1902167:71Link to document image
Elzry, Jno. F.fromDarwin, Wm. R.187049:152Link to document image

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