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ACGSI - Allen County Deed Index

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Parties to the Deed                                                YearDeed Book
Cabel, Chas. J.fromSchromen, Ernst188598:618Link to document image
Cabun, Jas. C.toGouty, James186952:281Link to document image
Cachran, M. S.toArcher, Olive E.1892123:500Link to document image
Cachrane & NealfromMcCarty, W. (Et al.)187249:314Link to document image
Cadleman, JosephtoVoiriot, Jule1856S:506Link to document image
Cadleman, RichardtoPernot, 1860Y:562Link to document image
Cadwalcader, Thos.fromBowers, L. H.187977:223Link to document image
Cadwallader, Thos.toBowers, L. H.187977:448Link to document image
Cadwallader, Thos.toHite, Samuel1886102:237Link to document image
Cadwallader, Thos.fromRitter, Ann J.186539:99Link to document image
Cadwallader, Thos.fromRitter, Geo. W.186539:196Link to document image
Cadwallander, M. A.toSnider, Benj.188081:102Link to document image
Caetia, PeterfromHarrington, Edward B.187358:422Link to document image
Caffrey, HamiontoLetchfield, David B.1857U:257Link to document image
Caffrey, HarmontoGeseking, Deiderick1853O:328Link to document image
Caffrey, SamueltoGeseking, Deiderick1853O:328Link to document image
Caffrey, Samuel H.toHood, John1854Q:132Link to document image
Cagle, CatharinefromTrustees H. L. 19 I. O. O. F.186044:142Link to document image
Cagnet, AdamfromCole, Adeline1892124:447Link to document image
Cagnet, AdamtoFavery, Frank A. (Et ux.)1896142:176Link to document image
Cagnet, AdamfromFlack, Phillip187051:429Link to document image
Cagnet, AdamfromJaffray, Adaline188392:526Link to document image
Cagnet, AdamfromKendall, Henry186330:489Link to document image
Cagnet, AdamfromMariott, Louisa188494:284Link to document image
Cagnet, AdamfromMariotte, Horace1890119:73Link to document image
Cagnet, Chas.toCagnet, Paul187463:285Link to document image
Cagnet, PaulfromCagnet, Chas.187463:285Link to document image
Cahill, Jno. M.toLochner, Jno.1886101:77Link to document image
Cahill, John E.fromDougall, E. G.187359:77Link to document image
Cahill, John E.fromDougall, Josephine187359:78Link to document image
Cahill, John E.toLandin, Michall Jr.1890119:175Link to document image
Cahoo, NicholasfromCoughlin, Ellen1852R:418Link to document image
Cahove, NicholastoRandall, Franklin P.1850R:33Link to document image
Cahpman, J. S.fromFonCannon, O.1891122:320Link to document image
Caillier, AugustusfromFairre, Gernain1858V:225Link to document image
Caiman, J. K.fromThain, George186536:479Link to document image
Cain, John C.fromHorstmeyer, Wm.1898149:40Link to document image
Cain, John C.toHorstmeyer, Wm. (Et ux.)1898149:41Link to document image
Cain, John C.toMeyers, Caroline1898151:246Link to document image
Cain, John C.fromMeyers, Frederick C.1898151:245Link to document image
Cain, John C.toMoffett, Ham. (Et ux.)1897145:418Link to document image
Cain, John C.fromMoffett, Hamilton1897145:417Link to document image
Cain, SamuelfromBruns, William1901160:534Link to document image
Cain, SamuelfromHowe, Frances M.1900160:79Link to document image
Cain, SamuelfromWhite, John Hazen (Bishop)1900160:80Link to document image
Cain, WilliamfromBair, Jacob1857X:423Link to document image
Cain, WilliamtoKell, Jacob & Catharine186027:568Link to document image
Cain, WilliamtoWilkenson, Charity186027:141Link to document image
Cain, WilliamtoWilkenson, Thomas186027:141Link to document image
Cairns, JamesfromBrown, Wm. A.186435:129Link to document image
Cairns, JamestoSeabold, John186640:185Link to document image
Cairns, James & MaryfromWebb, Marion A.187463:454Link to document image
Cairns, Jas.toEstry, A. G. & C. A.188185:240Link to document image
Cairns, Jas. (Et al.)fromRemus, Julius1887106:395Link to document image
Cairns, MaryfromSeabold, John186640:186Link to document image
Cairns, Mary & JamestoWebb, Marion A.187463:462Link to document image
Cairns, Mary B.toJolly, Francis186948:456Link to document image
Calaghan, JohntoMcCarty, Julia187468:138Link to document image
Calbert, Wm. A.toArgo, M. E.186746:173Link to document image
Calbetzer, AaronfromEdgerton, Jos. K.188393:595Link to document image
Calbetzer, AaronfromEdgerton, Joseph K.187361:43Link to document image
Caldwell, A. S.fromCochrane, P. M.1886102:349Link to document image
Caldwell, A. S.toHall, Thos. W.1887106:279Link to document image
Caldwell, A. S.toHassler, Sarah1887106:335Link to document image
Caldwell, A. S.toShields, Clarissa1891122:267Link to document image
Caldwell, A. S.toSurft, C. F.1887105:487Link to document image
Caldwell, Albert I.toThompson, H. F.1893131:73Link to document image
Caldwell, D. H.fromCarman, Cath. A.1892125:451Link to document image
Caldwell, D. H.toHeit, Christopher1892125:134Link to document image
Caldwell, D. H.fromWilliams, Mary H.1888109:568Link to document image
Caldwell, D. J.fromOliver, Jas. M.186848:87Link to document image
Caldwell, D. W. (Rec.)toOlcott, F. P. (Et al.)1887105:293Link to document image
Caldwell, DavidtoHartman, Fred K.187361:237Link to document image
Caldwell, DavidfromUnited States183697:310Link to document image
Caldwell, DavidfromUnited States183697:311Link to document image
Caldwell, David B. (Et al.)toCaldwell, Henry E.1900158:362Link to document image
Caldwell, Henry E.fromCaldwell, David B. (Et al.)1900158:362Link to document image
Caldwell, Henry E.toDrekert, Henry1900158:382Link to document image
Caldwell, JamesfromMoore, Mary O.1894134:377Link to document image
Caldwell, John B. (Et al.)toCaldwell, Mary A.1890119:9Link to document image
Caldwell, M. B.toHeach, S. A.187154:63Link to document image
Caldwell, M. B.fromSheriff186948:358Link to document image
Caldwell, M. E.toSiemon, Rudolph1886102:277Link to document image
Caldwell, M. E.fromSpencer, D. J.188598:76Link to document image
Caldwell, Mary A.fromCaldwell, John B. (Et al.)1890119:9Link to document image
Caldwell, Mary A.fromKinerk, Wm.1893130:346Link to document image
Caldwell, Mary A.toKinnerk, William1890119:174Link to document image
Caldwell, R. W.fromBond, Chas. E. (Et al.)1886107:103Link to document image
Caldwell, Robert W.toCudres, Louis F.1902166:145Link to document image
Caldwill, A. S.toSaira, Frank1891122:24Link to document image
Caler, George W.fromHanna, Samuel1852X:46Link to document image
Calhoon, ElizafromCassell, Allen186026:325Link to document image
Calhoon, ElizatoParker, Christian186026:324Link to document image
Calhoun, Jacob A.fromSeelig, Henry1897148:106Link to document image
Calhoun, Jacob A.toSmith, Clarence G. (Et ux.)1897148:183Link to document image
Calhoun, James C.fromWalter, Euphemia C.1898148:549Link to document image
Calidonian SocietytoCalidonian Society1889114:370Link to document image
Calidonian SocietyfromCalidonian Society1889114:370Link to document image
Calidonian SocietyfromLindenwood Cemetery1889114:369Link to document image
Calkins, Charles K.toCrisenbury, Peter S.1859V:617Link to document image
Calkins, Charles K.toHollopeter, Cyrus1859X:68Link to document image
Calkins, Charles K.toMore, William1847M:528Link to document image
Calkins, Charles R.toFalls, Henry H.1845W:278Link to document image
Callaghan, Jno.fromBird, Ochmig186332:114Link to document image
Callaghan, Jno.toRyan, James187256:133Link to document image
Callaghan, Jno.fromSchnelker, H.187463:240Link to document image
Callaghan, JohntoMcCarty, Julia187668:137Link to document image
Callaghan, JohntoScannell, Johnuah186331:267Link to document image
Callaghan, JohnfromStemberg, Ph.187255:280Link to document image
Callahan, JohnfromStemberg, P. A.187254:435Link to document image
Callahan, ThomastoCarroll, Michael1852O:226Link to document image
Callahan, Wm.fromWilliams, J. L. 186544:310Link to document image
Callaway, CyrusfromWhiteley, Thos. K.1894134:278Link to document image
Callaway, CyrustoWolke, Wm. F. (Et al.)1895139:384Link to document image
Callaway, Cyrus (Et ux.)fromBergmann, George D.1901162:11Link to document image
Callen, PatricktoFry, Phillip187051:217Link to document image
Callew, WilliamfromKamm, Jacob J.186639:361Link to document image
Callicotte, Chloa A. (Et al.)toKrumlauf, Almina1900162:104Link to document image
Callier, LeonardfromHell, Jacob185529:182Link to document image
Callilian, JohnfromBurgess, Gideon1858V:277Link to document image
Callis, John B.toGrozen, John B.1855R:677Link to document image
Callison, A.fromHaudyshell, C. B.186432:349Link to document image
Callison, A.fromHowdshell, Jno.186539:146Link to document image
Callison, A.toIrwin, I. W.186432:436Link to document image
Callison, A.toKelsey, Jas. T.186432:436Link to document image
Callison, AbrahamtoWeaver, Isaiah186539:269Link to document image
Callison, H.fromBentz, William186743:39Link to document image
Callison, HannahtoDean, Wm. S.186743:570Link to document image
Callow, Jno. J.fromHoffman, Danl.1892125:301Link to document image
Calman, DanielfromState of Indiana184579:472Link to document image
Calser, Burton T.toKallen, Johanna1891120:138Link to document image
Calser, Burton T.fromKallen, Peter (Et ux.)1891120:137Link to document image
Caltez, JosephfromTaylor, John186641:339Link to document image
Calveert. Burton T.toKallen, Johanna C.1891139:120Link to document image
Calvert, CatharinefromHenry, Joseph1857W:373Link to document image
Calvert, William A.toBerkman, Henry William185926:174Link to document image
Calvert, Wm.fromSwift, Alpheus186654:15Link to document image
Calvert, Wm. A.toEmenhiser, Stephen186643:423Link to document image
Calvert, Wm. A.fromMerriotte, Jos. G.186539:297Link to document image
Calvert, Wm. A.toNill, Geo. C.186643:35Link to document image
Calvert, Wm. A.fromPool, Samuel186536:555Link to document image
Calvert, Wm. A.fromPool, Samuel186539:296Link to document image
Calville, LewisfromHooper, Jacob W.187050:522Link to document image
Calvin, ElbertfromAbbott, Rosetta B.1887103:519Link to document image
Calvin, William W.fromHays, Isaac1850K:221Link to document image
Camaham, W. L. (Et al.)fromPerkens, M. A. (Et al.)188289:558Link to document image
Camahan, C. L.fromStrodel, Anna1886101:631Link to document image
Camahan, H. L. (Admr.)toBailey, John C.187874:46Link to document image
Cambier, MelemetoMartin, Charley Joseph1856S:467Link to document image
Cambier, MelemetoMartin, Constance1856S:467Link to document image
Camders, JosephfromBomteaux, Claude A.1854O:73Link to document image
Camedy, George W.toSchulker, Herman1852M:578Link to document image
Camer, August H.fromSheriff187875:318Link to document image
Camer, August H.fromSheriff187875:321Link to document image
Cameron, AmeliafromOrr, Susan188494:231Link to document image
Cameron, J. & M.fromRico, B. F.188183:403Link to document image
Cameron, JamestoCameron, Malinda1899154:288Link to document image
Cameron, JamestoEhle, Ernst A.1892127:172Link to document image
Cameron, JamesfromFoellinger, Gustav A.1890116:10Link to document image
Cameron, JamesfromGreen, E. W.186947:208Link to document image
Cameron, JamestoJackson, Peter187668:397Link to document image
Cameron, JamesfromLamont, Alphonse1892126:503Link to document image
Cameron, JamestoMcIntosh, Henry H.1900156:367Link to document image
Cameron, JamestoMiller, Isaac J. (Et ux.)1901164:225Link to document image
Cameron, JamesfromRomy, Robert L. (Et.)1891122:212Link to document image
Cameron, JamesfromSchnelker, Mary G. (Et al.)1900157:78Link to document image
Cameron, JamesfromTemmy, Henry187667:266Link to document image
Cameron, Jas.toBodey, Henry H.188596:614Link to document image
Cameron, Jas.fromFleming, Wm.188391:284Link to document image
Cameron, Jas.fromHumphreys, D. Y.187977:257Link to document image
Cameron, Jas.fromSnyder, Daniel188394:8Link to document image
Cameron, MalindafromCameron, James1899154:288Link to document image
Cameron, MalindafromJackson, Peter187668:396Link to document image
Cameron, MalindatoRice, B. F.188183:388Link to document image
Cameron, MalindatoRice, B. F.188183:388Link to document image
Camincavish, F. (Et.)toSchmid, Fredk. S. 1891120:214Link to document image
Camington, E. C.toTrustees Parsonage Property M. E. Church187976:184Link to document image
Camp, PeterfromUnited States183273:462Link to document image
Campbell, AnntoDidier, Thebole187048:447Link to document image
Campbell, AnnfromDidier, Thiebaut187050:508Link to document image
Campbell, AnntoNommar, Phil.1889112:602Link to document image
Campbell, AnntoRose, Henry D.1892124:400Link to document image
Campbell, AnntoRose, Henry D.1892139:405Link to document image
Campbell, AnnfromSmith, Ed.186536:519Link to document image
Campbell, AnnfromSmith, Edward186537:258Link to document image
Campbell, Archy (Et al.)fromBowman, Mary A.1898151:334Link to document image
Campbell, Archy (Et al.)toOber, Isaac1899154:394Link to document image
Campbell, Benj. F.fromRoss, James P.1893129:392Link to document image
Campbell, Chas. C.toEstill, Thos. J.187359:550Link to document image
Campbell, Chas. E.fromLoy, Wm. F.187359:549Link to document image
Campbell, D.fromBrackenridge, R. (Est.)186640:554Link to document image
Campbell, DanieltoCampbell, Dl. A.1894134:452Link to document image
Campbell, Daniel (Et ux.)fromCampbell, Daniel A.1894134:453Link to document image
Campbell, Daniel A.toCampbell, Daniel (Et ux.)1894134:453Link to document image
Campbell, Daniel N.toTrustee Springfield Tp.1856T:61Link to document image
Campbell, Dl. A.fromCampbell, Daniel1894134:452Link to document image
Campbell, E.fromUnited States183584:562Link to document image
Campbell, E. T.toZimmerman, Elias186641:575Link to document image
Campbell, EllisonfromGood, Caroline186642:194Link to document image
Campbell, George S.toStHair, Bart.1898151:452Link to document image
Campbell, George S. (Et al.)fromGrosjean, Julian (Et al.)1893151:336Link to document image
Campbell, HarryfromMayers, Chas.187048:532Link to document image
Campbell, HarrytoZollinger, C. A.187566:141Link to document image
Campbell, I. & Jno.toJackson, Wm. T.186641:127Link to document image
Campbell, I. W.fromCampbell, Jno G.186845:468Link to document image
Campbell, I. W.toDiether, Louis188494:466Link to document image
Campbell, I. W.toDyers, Thomas186641:128Link to document image
Campbell, I. W. & J. W.fromCody, Maurice186641:301Link to document image
Campbell, I. W. (Etu.)toJetmore, Maggie1891121:440Link to document image
Campbell, Isaac W.fromFarmer, Andrew186641:300Link to document image
Campbell, Isaac W.fromTibbles, Jno. H.186334:24Link to document image
Campbell, J. (Et al.)fromMuirhead, Robina1888109:394Link to document image
Campbell, J. W.fromRomy, Robert L. (Et.)1891121:632Link to document image
Campbell, J. W. & J.fromSilver, D. L.186229:480Link to document image
Campbell, JacksonfromHumphrey, George1860Y:342Link to document image
Campbell, JacksonfromHurd, Erin D.1860Y:342Link to document image
Campbell, JamestoHiggins, George H.1899156:233Link to document image
Campbell, JamesfromZeis, Lewis1894134:104Link to document image
Campbell, JasfromWillbur, Geo. W. 188080:549Link to document image
Campbell, Jas. W.toEmerick, Mary J.1894133:553Link to document image
Campbell, Jas. W.fromRomy, Robert L.1891123:3Link to document image
Campbell, Jas. W.fromRomy, Robt. L.1892128:7Link to document image
Campbell, Jas. W.fromSitton, Joseph (Et.)1891121:538Link to document image
Campbell, JeanettefromDouglas, Agnes1897148:382Link to document image
Campbell, JeanettetoHeckmann, Anna L. S.1900157:454Link to document image
Campbell, Jno G.toCampbell, I. W.186845:468Link to document image
Campbell, Jno.toPuterbaugh, David1854S:199Link to document image
Campbell, Jno. C.toNelson, Wm. R.186331:270Link to document image
Campbell, Jno. E.fromBarnhart, John186539:358Link to document image
Campbell, Jno. E.toDague, Jacob186743:516Link to document image
Campbell, Jno. E.toHilton, G. F.186537:191Link to document image
Campbell, Jno. E.toMoran, Thomas186537:313Link to document image
Campbell, Jno. G.toDyers, Thomas186641:128Link to document image
Campbell, Jno. G.fromTibbles, Jno. H.186334:24Link to document image
Campbell, Jno. J.fromMiller, E. A.1886109:566Link to document image
Campbell, JohnfromBass, Sion S.1857U:272Link to document image
Campbell, JohntoBloomhuff, S. H.186333:381Link to document image
Campbell, JohnfromBrowning, Bazalia1855O:637Link to document image
Campbell, JohnfromBrowning, Bazalia1856T:296Link to document image
Campbell, JohnfromFrederick, M. Fellen185730:178Link to document image
Campbell, JohntoGerardens, H.186332:150Link to document image
Campbell, JohnfromJones, Wm. H.1857U:273Link to document image
Campbell, JohntoSander, Wilhelm186333:458Link to document image
Campbell, JohnfromSheriff1860Y:635Link to document image
Campbell, JohnfromSiemon, Aug. F.186127:294Link to document image
Campbell, JohnfromStellhorn, Fred.186126:468Link to document image
Campbell, JohntoStellhorn, Frederick186126:467Link to document image
Campbell, JohntoWaggoner, John1854S:262Link to document image
Campbell, John E.toFellows, Frederick M.1857T:680Link to document image
Campbell, John j.fromCruthers, Mary E. (Et al.)1900158:239Link to document image
Campbell, John J.toHathaway, Philip1890117:104Link to document image
Campbell, JontoMathews, William185928:321Link to document image
Campbell, LavinatoWise, John187572:559Link to document image
Campbell, LouisafromDanforth, Delos A.187049:104Link to document image
Campbell, LouisatoLantz, Ellen187772:315Link to document image
Campbell, LouisatoLister, Ezra188494:232Link to document image
Campbell, LouisatoMcCook, L. J.188495:67Link to document image
Campbell, LouisafromWhittern, Chas.187051:62Link to document image
Campbell, LouisatoWhittern, N. H.188393:327Link to document image
Campbell, LydiatoAlleger, John D.1893132:49Link to document image
Campbell, LydiafromBechman, Frank188495:116Link to document image
Campbell, Nellie M.fromWappes, George1897150:203Link to document image
Campbell, RoberttoMirah, D. E.1856S:487Link to document image
Campbell, Robert C.fromMirick, Dalus E.1856T:414Link to document image
Campbell, Robert P.toHough, John (Jr.)1855T:19Link to document image
Campbell, S. N.toMyers, Wm. H.186546:331Link to document image
Campbell, SamueltoWaggoner, John1855S:420Link to document image
Campbell, William L.toEwing, George W.186330:434Link to document image
Campbell, Wm. L.fromLamb, Robert N.186330:433Link to document image
Campbill, Jas. W.toRomy, Cathr. A.1892128:8Link to document image
Campell, JohntoEmerick, A. J.186432:348Link to document image
Campell, JohntoHumphrey, W. S.186432:348Link to document image
Campion, Mary E.toBauer, Kajetan J.1897147:23Link to document image
Campion, Mary E.fromMcMahon, Thomas1893129:488Link to document image
Campion, Mary E.fromWagenhals, Ellen H.1899154:287Link to document image
Camran, Caleb J.toDonnelly, Ambrose188080:45Link to document image
Canady, AugustusfromGrosjohn, Frank186641:166Link to document image
Canady, H. H.toBlack, Nelson1850O:553Link to document image
Canady, Henry H.fromHanna, Samuel1841Q:684Link to document image
Canady, Henry H.fromHanna, Samuel1859X:204Link to document image
Canady, Henry H.toSharp, Alvis1853P:116Link to document image
Canady, Jno. T.toHedges, Jno. P.185859:112Link to document image
Canady, John F.toGillespie, John186330:266Link to document image
Canady, John F.toMcKinley, Alex186330:266Link to document image
Canady, John T.fromJacoby, Lysander C.1843U:614Link to document image
Canag, Francis J.fromLitot, George A.186537:535Link to document image
Cane, ElizabethtoWhitcomb, Orin J.1853X:336Link to document image
Canel, Alfred A.fromRomy, Robt. L.187360:594Link to document image
Canel, Mary B.toBellinger, Fred D. (Et ux.)1902167:353Link to document image
Canel, Mary B.fromInman, Amelia1902168:361Link to document image
Cannady, AugustustoBaron, Joseph187667:543Link to document image
Cannady, HenryfromBeebe, Richard186027:303Link to document image
Cannady, HenryfromHough, Jno. J. (Com.)184748:204Link to document image
Cannady, HenrytoPilliod, Vicyor186333:45Link to document image
Cannady, Henry & JohnfromCannady, James1854U:146Link to document image
Cannady, Henry C.fromHanna, Samuel1854P:11Link to document image
Cannady, Henry H.toBradway, William N.186230:74Link to document image
Cannady, Henry H.toHartman, George R.1859X:211Link to document image
Cannady, Henry H.toNolan, William1854P:40Link to document image
Cannady, Henry R.fromHarlman, George R.1859Y:122Link to document image
Cannady, JamestoCannady, Henry & John1854U:146Link to document image
Cannady, John T.toBowhen, Michael185929:123Link to document image
Cannady, John T.fromHedges, John P.1858V:150Link to document image
Cannady, John T.toKustner, George & Joseph1858V:53Link to document image
Cannady, John T.toRineheart, Mathius1858W:133Link to document image
Cannady, MaryfromBaron, Jos.187668:272Link to document image
Cannady, MarytoDwenger, Joseph, Rev.187771:64Link to document image
Cannan, A. E.toHosler, John187249:303Link to document image
Cannan, CalebfromSchoene, Jno. R.186950:94Link to document image
Cannandy, Henry H.toJacoby, Lysander C.1857U:143Link to document image
Cannc, Wm. H.toFogel, Delana187257:349Link to document image
Cannon, CaubtoSmith, Eisha (Jr.)186951:90Link to document image
Cannon, Chas. H. (Et ux.)toAbbott, Wm. T.1890122:443Link to document image
Cannon, Greenbury C.toDay, Ezehiel R.186230:52Link to document image
Cannon, GreenherptoCannon, John R.1855S:42Link to document image
Cannon, John K. (Etu.)toWhan, Katharine1891121:445Link to document image
Cannon, John R.fromCannon, Greenherp1855S:42Link to document image
Cannon, John R.toDay, Ezekiel R.1855R:714Link to document image
Canon, Wm. S.toKeefer, David186744:98Link to document image
Canon, Wm. S.toPirrong, John186744:98Link to document image
Canor, Wm. S.fromBowling, Lem R.186644:42Link to document image
Cantwell, O. R.toHorning, Sarah A.1887104:49Link to document image
Cantwell, O. R. & M. C.fromLogan, L. A.188182:259Link to document image
Cantwell, O. R. (Et al.)fromWilliams, Mary H.1887105:525Link to document image
Cantwell, Ozias R.toStonecifer, Benj. F. (Et ux.)1901164:485Link to document image
Cantwell, Ozias R.fromStonecifer, Melissa J.1901164:484Link to document image
Canty, C. G. C.toPiatt, William1855S:444Link to document image
Canty, JamesfromCanty, John1852S:258Link to document image
Canty, JamestoCarson, Wm. W.1855S:260Link to document image
Canty, JohannahtoMeshell, John186745:107Link to document image
Canty, JohntoCanty, James1852S:258Link to document image
Cape, Bertha J.toSleek, Henry1888109:262Link to document image
Capenhaven, David (E.)toReichelderfer, A. M.1891123:90Link to document image
Caps, B. J.toJacquay, Lemuel188597:409Link to document image
Caps, B. J.fromPayne, Jno. H.188598:25Link to document image
Caps, B. J.fromSulzer, Adolph1886101:17Link to document image
Caps, B. J.fromTustison, Oliver188393:455Link to document image
Caps, Bertha J.toHartman, Jos. H. (Et al.)1889112:496Link to document image
Caps, Bertha J.toRomy, Robt. L.1895140:264Link to document image
Caps, Jno. E.fromDriver, Willis M.187667:289Link to document image
Caps, MariefromGilbert, Carl J.1895138:162Link to document image
Caps, MariefromGilbert, Cassie S.1895138:162Link to document image
Captain, SolomontoKretner, Caroline186638:643Link to document image
Capton, JohnfromSweetzer, C. E.187358:249Link to document image
Car, Harriet K.toZorger, John C. (Et al.)1902166:162Link to document image
Carbaugh, C. F.fromKeller, John L.1893130:559Link to document image
Carbaugh, C. F.fromKeller, Mary A.1893130:559Link to document image
Carbaugh, Chas. F.fromKeyser, Otis W.1897144:485Link to document image
Carbaugh, O. C.fromSmith, Mary T.1893129:228Link to document image
Carbaugh, OlivertoKeller, Frederick E.1902166:143Link to document image
Carbaugh, Oliver (Et ux.)fromKeller, Frederick E.1899152:456Link to document image
Carbaugh, Wm.fromEdgerton, Jos, K.187668:382Link to document image
Carbaugh, Wm.toPrice, Maria188599:86Link to document image
Carbaugh, Wm. H.fromWilkerson, L. S.1888106:426Link to document image
Carberry, HenryfromWilson, Ellen J.1901164:46Link to document image
Carbie, Karl K.toSmith, Chas. V.187049:107Link to document image
Carbill, M. A.toJohnson, Catharine1885100:205Link to document image
Carbill, Susanah E.fromCrabill, Andrew J.1898151:383Link to document image
Carbin, GeroleniafromBowser, Jefferson187464:213Link to document image
Carbon, Wm. W.fromMyers, Wm. H.187255:275Link to document image
Cardel, PatrickfromState of Indiana183676:63Link to document image
Cardevey, PaulinefromGray, James187256;165Link to document image
Cardoumer, F.toArgo, M. E.187667:448Link to document image
Cardrey, FrancisfromCardrey, Thos. P.187152:372Link to document image
Cardrey, Thos. P.toCardrey, Francis187152:372Link to document image
Cardrey, Thos. P.fromNeff, Enoch186951:18Link to document image
Care, JohnfromRodabaugh, J. F. (Comn.)1895139:513Link to document image
Carender, Robert C.toZigler, George1185T:153Link to document image
Caret, Rose Ann (Et al.)toRobinson, Jas. N.1896142:285Link to document image
Caret, Wm. R.toMunn, James (Et ux.)1896141:267Link to document image
Carey, C. P.toCarey, Jacob186027:264Link to document image
Carey, Charles G.fromHake, George1902166:442Link to document image
Carey, ElizabethtoAmmon, Sarah E.187471:185Link to document image
Carey, ElizabethtoBass, John H.187249:358Link to document image
Carey, ElizabethtoFollinger, Philllip187359:20Link to document image
Carey, Hiram S.from Brackenridge, R. (Heirs)186640:522Link to document image
Carey, Hiram S.fromBrackenridge, Geo. W.186229:160Link to document image
Carey, Hiram S.fromBrackenridge, H.186229:160Link to document image
Carey, Hiram S.fromBrackenridge, J.186229:160Link to document image
Carey, Hiram S.fromBrooks, Wm. H. (Jr.)186950:158Link to document image
Carey, Ira T.fromBarr, Robert1892127:153Link to document image
Carey, JacobfromAnderson, Alex M.186743:197Link to document image
Carey, JacobfromAnderson, Alexander M.186743:197Link to document image
Carey, JacobfromBeyer, Conrad1853O:270Link to document image
Carey, JacobfromBrown, Ann1852O:219Link to document image
Carey, JacobfromBrown, Margaret1851K:699Link to document image
Carey, JacobfromBrown, Mary1852O:219Link to document image
Carey, JacobfromBrown, Robert1852O:219Link to document image
Carey, JacobfromBrown, William1851K:637Link to document image
Carey, JacobfromBrown, William1852O:219Link to document image
Carey, JacobfromCarey, C. P.186027:264Link to document image
Carey, JacobtoCarey, John William1858V:240Link to document image
Carey, JacobtoCarey, Phobe1858V:240Link to document image
Carey, JacobfromClark, James1853O:219Link to document image
Carey, JacobtoFort Wayne & Chicago R. R. Co.1855R:482Link to document image
Carey, JacobtoFort Wayne & Chicago R. R. Co.1855R:728Link to document image
Carey, JacobtoGeeseking, Diederick186027:267Link to document image
Carey, JacobtoJordon, George187050:516Link to document image
Carey, JacobtoLorent, Victor186330:495Link to document image
Carey, JacobtoMiller, William187052:123Link to document image
Carey, JacobfromSheriff186027:266Link to document image
Carey, JacobfromSheriff187048:430Link to document image
Carey, JacobfromSlagel, George186027:264Link to document image
Carey, JacobfromTrumlo, John186127:265Link to document image
Carey, Jacob (Comr.)toPierce, James S.1852Q:7Link to document image
Carey, Jacob (Comr.)toPierce, James S.1853Q:5Link to document image
Carey, Jacob (Guard)toHenderson, William1856T:285Link to document image
Carey, John WilliamfromCarey, Jacob1858V:240Link to document image
Carey, Linnie M.fromDarby, Amelia1895137:542Link to document image
Carey, M. & Crawford, A. C.fromSheriff (J. D. Hance)187564:322Link to document image
Carey, M. (Assignee)toFuller, Childs & Co.187977:556Link to document image
Carey, M. (Et al.)toCarnahan, W. L.188182:408Link to document image
Carey, MelanethontoRalya & Robertson187050:585Link to document image
Carey, NancyfromBarr, Robert1892127:153Link to document image
Carey, Patience E.toDidier, Emeline1898150:71Link to document image
Carey, Patience E.fromHamilton, Allen (Est.)186538:301Link to document image
Carey, Patience E.fromKriete, Charles F.1900157:231Link to document image
Carey, PhobefromCarey, Jacob1858V:240Link to document image
Carey, Rebecca M.toMiller, John M.187875:340Link to document image
Carey, Robert C.toWells, David186229:568Link to document image
Carey, Robt. C.toJohnston, Perry186539:307Link to document image
Carey, Rose AnntoNeibel, Joseph1896148:142Link to document image
Carey, W. R.fromBabbitt, Thos. S.1887106:5Link to document image
Carey, W. R.fromGrayless, Geo. W.188289:68Link to document image
Carey, W. R.toRichardson, A. H.1888106:602Link to document image
Carey, William R.toStockwell, Franklin I.1897147:380Link to document image
Carey, William R.toStockwell, Mary P.1897147:535Link to document image
Carey, Wm. A.fromBrown, Vallorono1888111:53Link to document image
Carey, Wm. P. (Et ux.)fromHenrick, Alretta C.1895140:270Link to document image
Carey, Wm. R.toArdern, Charles1890117:123Link to document image
Carey, Wm. R.fromDarby, Amelia1895137:542Link to document image
Carey, Wm. R.fromGrayless, Geo.188597:312Link to document image
Carey, Wm. R.toHemrick, Alf. C.1895140:371Link to document image
Carey, Wm. R.toHorn, John L.1895139:176Link to document image
Carey, Wm. R.fromHorn, John L.1895139:351Link to document image
Carey, Wm. R.fromMunn, James1896142:55Link to document image
Carier & BridgetfromSheriff187152:402Link to document image
Carier, A.fromCarier, Albert E.186948:411Link to document image
Carier, A. H.fromAuditor1868A:32Link to document image
Carier, A. H.toBaker, Mahala187358:212Link to document image
Carier, A. H.fromBegue, John186947:489Link to document image
Carier, A. H.toBegue, Mary188182:385Link to document image
Carier, A. H.toBeuret, Justin186743:220Link to document image
Carier, A. H.toBoley, Lucine187979:319Link to document image
Carier, A. H.fromBostick, Jno. w.188290:69Link to document image
Carier, A. H.toBostick, John (Et al.)1882138:276Link to document image
Carier, A. h.toBuehler, W. C.188494:361Link to document image
Carier, A. H.toBuesching, Fred188393:31Link to document image
Carier, A. H.fromColerick, W. G.1888109:13Link to document image
Carier, A. H.toFinan, Edward187255:272Link to document image
Carier, A. H.toGoshorn, J. S.187051:431Link to document image
Carier, A. H.toGoshorn, Wm.187359:422Link to document image
Carier, A. H.fromGuibler, Jeremie187359:350Link to document image
Carier, A. H.toHitzman, Geo.1889111:146Link to document image
Carier, A. H.fromHuestis, A. C. (Et al.)188184:564Link to document image
Carier, A. H.toHuestis, A. C. (Et al.)188185:487Link to document image
Carier, A. H.fromLaurent, John187359:353Link to document image
Carier, A. H.toLordier, August187358:112Link to document image
Carier, A. H.toLumbard, S. C.188185:181Link to document image
Carier, A. H.toLumbard, S. C.188185:486Link to document image
Carier, A. H.fromLumbard, S. C. (Et al.)188184:564Link to document image
Carier, A. H.toMelville, Ida1888108:154Link to document image
Carier, A. H.fromOverly, Martin186952:212Link to document image
Carier, A. H.toPranger, Suzanna188287:559Link to document image
Carier, A. H.toQuinte, Charles1888107:405Link to document image
Carier, A. H.toQuinti, Charles187975:386Link to document image
Carier, A. H.fromSheriff187052:127Link to document image
Carier, A. H.fromSheriff1887103:496Link to document image
Carier, A. H.toSimonier, Jules187255:221Link to document image
Carier, A. H. toTaylor, Jno.1886100:206Link to document image
Carier, A. H.fromTaylor, Jno. (Et al.)188184:564Link to document image
Carier, A. H.toTaylor, Jno. M.188186:500Link to document image
Carier, A. H.fromTaylor, Jno. M. (Et al.)188184:564Link to document image
Carier, A. H.fromTaylor, John1887106:415Link to document image
Carier, A. H.toWolke, F. H.188188:510Link to document image
Carier, A. H.toWolke, F. H.188289:373Link to document image
Carier, A. H.fromWolke, F. H. (Et al.)188184:564Link to document image
Carier, A. H. (admr.)toJuif, Francis187462:515Link to document image
Carier, A. H. (Com.)toOddon, Etienne187052:64Link to document image
Carier, A. H. (Coms.)toTrentman, A. B.1886102:53Link to document image
Carier, A. H. (Coms.)toVeith & Strodel1886101:271Link to document image
Carier, A. H. (Et al.)toAllen, Michael M.1857U:349Link to document image
Carier, A. H. (Et al.)toBalin, Xavier1856T:179Link to document image
Carier, A. H. (Et al.)toLangard, V.187681:216Link to document image
Carier, A. H. (Et al.)toWanerman, Adolph1857U:349Link to document image
Carier, A. H. Comr.toKaough, Wm.187463:137Link to document image
Carier, A. H. Comr.toSchaffer & Rackaway187464:67Link to document image
Carier, A. H. Comr.toWadge, Geo.187463:175Link to document image
Carier, A.H.toPranger, X. E.1886101:197Link to document image
Carier, Albert E.toCarier, A.186948:411Link to document image
Carier, Aug. H.toGerhard, William1890115:266Link to document image
Carier, Aug. H.fromLue, Joseph186950:168Link to document image
Carier, Aug. H.toLumbard, S. C.1888108:467Link to document image
Carier, Aug. H.fromSheriff187152:471Link to document image
Carier, August H.toFinan, Edward1890115:167Link to document image
Carier, Augustus C.fromBague, Jno.187875:294Link to document image
Carier, Augustus H.toBegue, John187262:354Link to document image
Carier, Augustus H.toViard, Victor187565:385Link to document image
Carier, Augustus H.fromViard, Victor187566:543Link to document image
Carier, Augustus H. Comr.toTernet, Francis187565:535Link to document image
Carier, C. M.fromHenderson, E. A.186441:448Link to document image
Carier, Cemence (Adm.)toNindle, Lindley M.1891113:153Link to document image
Carier, Clem M.toNinde, Lindley M.1891120:597Link to document image
Carier, ClemencetoDoell, Anna1892124:332Link to document image
Carier, Clemence & HelenetoBostick, John & wife1895138:407Link to document image
Carier, Clemence (Adm.)toDoell, Anna1892124:404Link to document image
Carier, Clemence (Adm.)toTaylor, John1892124:478Link to document image
Carier, Clemence (Adm.)toTaylor, John1892124:479Link to document image
Carier, H. & C.fromAbbott, R. B.1887103:495Link to document image
Carier, Helene (Et al.)toBoley, Lucine1900160:360Link to document image
Carier, Mary C.fromHudry, N. C.186231:206Link to document image
Cariger, AndrewtoBlessing, Peter1869128:395Link to document image
Carington, MarytoConklin, Mary1887105:356Link to document image
Carington, MaryfromKain, Hugh1897145:207Link to document image
Carl, Jno.fromLawton, Orrilla188287:572Link to document image
Carl, Jno.fromWeber, Fred188079:40Link to document image
Carl, Jno.fromWeber, Frederick188185:77Link to document image
Carl, JohnfromSheriff1894133:497Link to document image
Carl, JohnfromWebar, Frederick187873:516Link to document image
Carland, PatrickfromDehaven, Allen188185:7Link to document image
Carland, PatrickfromMurray, Caroline (Et al.)1890116:347Link to document image
Carland, PatricktoWhitely, Mary E.1890116:390Link to document image
Carle, AbrahamtoTowing, Frederick1855S:300Link to document image
Carle, H. W.fromCharles, E. M. (et al.)187668:207Link to document image
Carler, Janes M. (Et.)toWeitzman, Franz T.1891113:296Link to document image
Carles, E. M. (et al.)toCharles, John187668:177Link to document image
Carles, Emily M.toCarles, Moses G.187668:421Link to document image
Carles, FrancestoFerguson, John1894136:55Link to document image
Carles, H. W.fromChapman, P. (Et al.)188495:186Link to document image
Carles, H. W.fromChapman, P. (Guard)188495:185Link to document image
Carles, H. W.toSomer, L. & S. A.188495:154Link to document image
Carles, H. W.fromSomers, Levi188496:477Link to document image
Carles, H. W.fromSomers, Levi (Et al.)188495:186Link to document image
Carles, Harry C.fromCarles, John1898157:354Link to document image
Carles, Horace W.toFerguson, John1894136:55Link to document image
Carles, Horace W.fromWikel, Saml. A.1890117:632Link to document image
Carles, JohnfromAsh, Henry J. (Etu.)1891121:446Link to document image
Carles, JohntoCarles, Harry C.1898157:354Link to document image
Carles, JohntoComer, Edward186128:162Link to document image
Carles, JohnfromSommers, Noah186128:134Link to document image
Carles, JohnfromStaley, David186128:190Link to document image
Carles, JohntoSummers, Noah186128:134Link to document image
Carles, Julia S. (Et al.)toDalman, Wm. Edwin1901162:374Link to document image
Carles, M. G.toLichtenwalter, S.188286:302Link to document image
Carles, Moses G.fromCarles, Emily M.187668:421Link to document image
Carles, Moses G.toLichtenwalter, Sarah (Et al.)1902168:210Link to document image
Carles, William E. (Et ux.)fromBrown, John O.1901163:170Link to document image
Carll, DinahfromScotton, Jno. J.188391:537Link to document image
Carll, Geo. L.fromBowers, John K.187668:489Link to document image
Carll, Geo. S.toScotton, John J.187771:492Link to document image
Carll, Geo. S.toTrier, Conrad186333:114Link to document image
Carll, George L.fromHartman, George R.1860Y:491Link to document image
Carll, George S.toDorsey, William A.186330:220Link to document image
Carll, George S.toSmith, James N.186330:221Link to document image
Carll, George S. (Tr.)toCarll, Pernilla F.1899155:98Link to document image
Carll, George S. (Tr.)toHosler, Flora1899155:99Link to document image
Carll, H. D.fromPape, William186743:292Link to document image
Carll, HiramtoZimmerman, E.186844:381Link to document image
Carll, Permilla F.fromZollars, Allen1901164:183Link to document image
Carll, Pernilla F.fromCarll, George S. (Tr.)1899155:98Link to document image
Carll, Pernilla F.toFreistroffer, Simon (Et al.)1901165:162Link to document image
Carlor, CharlestoChapman, George W.186331:121Link to document image
Carlton, JohnfromCrippen, Jas. A. (Et al. Extrs.)1889111:578Link to document image
Carmady, Henry H.toCarmady, John T.1855Q:685Link to document image
Carmady, Henry H.toMcLane, Frederick186128:1Link to document image
Carmady, John T.fromCarmady, Henry H.1855Q:685Link to document image
Carmahan, W. L.fromLeonard, Chas. E.1887104:313Link to document image
Carmahan, Wm. L.toNahrwolt, Wm.186743:556Link to document image
Carman, AnnafromStrope, D. B.187153:352Link to document image
Carman, C. A.fromGraham, Jas. E.188496:134Link to document image
Carman, C. J.toGraham, Jas. E.188496:133Link to document image
Carman, C. J.fromHines, Phillip186436:52Link to document image
Carman, C. J.toMadison, E. A.186536:467Link to document image
Carman, C. J. & C. A.fromFairbank, Clark188392:200Link to document image
Carman, C. J. & C. A.fromGodown, Fannie F.188392:201Link to document image
Carman, C. Z.fromAckley, Sarah A.186536:353Link to document image
Carman, Cath. A.toCaldwell, D. H.1892125:451Link to document image
Carman, Cath. A.fromRandall, Julia F.1890117:30Link to document image
Carman, Cath. A.toSummers, James (Et al.)1890116:512Link to document image
Carman, CharlestoMcCrory, James186228:506Link to document image
Carman, Francis H.toAumann, Louis F.1900160:203Link to document image
Carman, Francis H.fromWalda, Henry B.1898150:231Link to document image
Carman, SaleyfromSmitley, John186128:304Link to document image
Carman, Wm. O.toWestenfeld, Conrad187569:282Link to document image
Carman, Wm. O. & B. F.toWestenfeld, Conrad187569:283Link to document image
Carman, Wm. O. (Et al.)toHowey, Wm. C.188080:522Link to document image
Carman, Wm. O. (Et al.)toPotter, P. L.188295:358Link to document image
Carmany, R.fromKing, Chas.186640:170Link to document image
Carmany, RebeccatoShade, Samuel186641:275Link to document image
Carmary, RebeccafromWeaver, Ida E.187566:211Link to document image
Carmedy, C. C.toBaade, Christian1894134:341Link to document image
Carmedy, C. C. (Et ux.)fromBond, L. A.1888107:180Link to document image
Carmen, C. Z.fromAckley, Sarah H.186536:353Link to document image
Carmen, Franklin & Wm.fromGifford, Mary A.187462:366Link to document image
Carmer, O. P.toBainbridge, Wm. C.188187:261Link to document image
Carmer, O. P.fromCity of Fort Wayne by Mayor187669:201Link to document image
Carmer, Thos. J.toBrown, Silva188598:137Link to document image
Carmer, Thos. J.fromBrown, Wm.188597:617Link to document image
Carmike, Jno.fromMcMahon, M. (Et al.)188184:37Link to document image
Carmike, Jno. & W. S.toMcMahon, M.188183:290Link to document image
Carmike, John (Et al.)toCarmike, W. S.188183:283Link to document image
Carmike, M.fromBlood, Reuben188290:41Link to document image
Carmike, M.toCarmike, W. S.188083:282Link to document image
Carmike, M.fromLudlow, Wm.188286:498Link to document image
Carmike, M.toLudlow, Wm.188286:499Link to document image
Carmike, M.toLunz, J. G.188287:99Link to document image
Carmike, W. S.fromCarmike, John (Et al.)188183:283Link to document image
Carmike, W. S.fromCarmike, M.188083:282Link to document image
Carmike, W. S.toDidier, Francis188183:284Link to document image
Carmrike, M.toJohnson, Isaac188699:580Link to document image
Carnaham, C. L.toHanna, Mary E.1892129:511Link to document image
Carnaham, W. L.toBundy, M. E.188183:522Link to document image
Carnaham, Wm. L.toBouller, Louis186846:554Link to document image
Carnaham, Wm. L.fromHanna, Jas. T.1886102:555Link to document image
Carnahan, C. L.toBreed, Francis W.1886102:518Link to document image
Carnahan, C. L.fromBreed, Francis W.1889114:319Link to document image
Carnahan, C. L.toColburn, Geo. D.1886102:514Link to document image
Carnahan, C. L.fromColburn, Geo. D.1889114:220Link to document image
Carnahan, C. L.fromGeiger, Aloysius J. (Et.)1891122:91Link to document image
Carnahan, C. L.fromGeiger, Chas. H. (Et al.)1890122:93Link to document image
Carnahan, C. L.fromGeiger, Joseph J.1892123:521Link to document image
Carnahan, C. L.fromGeiger, Louis F.1891122:94Link to document image
Carnahan, C. L.toHanna, O. S.187051:501Link to document image
Carnahan, C. L.fromHanna, O. S.187051:504Link to document image
Carnahan, C. L.fromHanna, Saml. (Est.)186745:24Link to document image
Carnahan, C. L.toHayden, E. H.188288:520Link to document image
Carnahan, C. L.toLamlin, E. J.1885100:88Link to document image
Carnahan, C. L.toLeonard, Chas. E.1886102:580Link to document image
Carnahan, C. L.toMcNulty, John187052:254Link to document image
Carnahan, C. L.fromProuty, Jennie R.1889114:196Link to document image
Carnahan, C. L.fromRobinson, Lydia S.1891122:254Link to document image
Carnahan, C. L.fromRoelle, Geo. F. (Ex.)1892123:522Link to document image
Carnahan, C. L.toRoelle, Jacob1889114:294Link to document image
Carnahan, C. L.fromRoelle, Jacob1889114:321Link to document image
Carnahan, C. L.toRoelle, Peter1889114:299Link to document image
Carnahan, C. L.fromRoelle, Peter1889114:320Link to document image
Carnahan, C. L.fromRoelle, Peter1891122:313Link to document image
Carnahan, C. L.fromSheriff188390:470Link to document image
Carnahan, C. L.fromSheriff188390:473Link to document image
Carnahan, C. L.fromSkinner, Bj. B.187256:392Link to document image
Carnahan, C. L.toStrodel, A. B.1886101:607Link to document image
Carnahan, C. L.toStrodel, Annie1886101:599Link to document image
Carnahan, Clar L.fromHanna, James T.187461:609Link to document image
Carnahan, Clara L.fromAllgeier, Henry (Et ux.)1892124:65Link to document image
Carnahan, Clara L.fromAllgeier, Henry (Gdn.)1896147:253Link to document image
Carnahan, Clara L.toBass, John H.187464:526Link to document image
Carnahan, Clara L.toBesaneon, Frank A. (Et ux.)1902166:204Link to document image
Carnahan, Clara L.toBrandebery, Geo. W.187462:134Link to document image
Carnahan, Clara L.toCarnahan, Robert H.1897148:272Link to document image
Carnahan, Clara L.fromCarnahan, Wm. L.1890135:545Link to document image
Carnahan, Clara L.toEckart, Fred187875:116Link to document image
Carnahan, Clara L.fromGeiger, Chas. H. (Et al.)1892124:65Link to document image
Carnahan, Clara L.fromGeiger, Chas. H. (Gdn.)1896147:255Link to document image
Carnahan, Clara L.fromGeiger, Chas. J. (Guard)1892124:66Link to document image
Carnahan, Clara L.fromGeiger, Louisa1896147:254Link to document image
Carnahan, Clara L.fromHanna, Hugh T.187461:397Link to document image
Carnahan, Clara L.toHanna, James T.187360:566Link to document image
Carnahan, Clara L.toHanna, James T.187360:567Link to document image
Carnahan, Clara L.fromHanna, O. S. & J. T.187360:499Link to document image
Carnahan, Clara L.toHanna, Oliver S.187360:503Link to document image
Carnahan, Clara L.toHanna, Oliver S.187360:599Link to document image
Carnahan, clara L.fromHanna, Oliver S.187361:27Link to document image
Carnahan, Clara L.toHanna, Oliver S.187564:442Link to document image
Carnahan, Clara L.toHanna, Oliver S.187564:442Link to document image
Carnahan, Clara L.fromHanna, Saml. T.187462:370Link to document image
Carnahan, Clara L.toHanna, Samuel T.187468:375Link to document image
Carnahan, Clara L.fromJenkins, Mary K.187461:381Link to document image
Carnahan, Clara L.fromMaurer, Jacob187565:65Link to document image
Carnahan, clara L.fromPfeiffer, Chas. F.1894136:84Link to document image
Carnahan, Clara L.fromRemmert, Mary C.1896152:493Link to document image
Carnahan, Clara L.fromWhite, John W.1902168:340Link to document image
Carnahan, Clara L.toWilmot, James C.187361:248Link to document image
Carnahan, Clara L.toWolf, Abraham187875:301Link to document image
Carnahan, David R.toBaldwin, Thomas1850O:709Link to document image
Carnahan, Hanna O. S. & J. T.fromHanna, Eliza Sr.187360:400Link to document image
Carnahan, LouisfromMorris, Sarah L. (Et al.)1898150:306Link to document image
Carnahan, LouisefromLanferty, Minnie1898150:305Link to document image
Carnahan, Lucy M. (Et al.)toGerig, Sarah J.1890119:287Link to document image
Carnahan, Lucy M. (Et al.)toSmith, Martha E.1890113:307Link to document image
Carnahan, M. (Et al.)toMcNabb, Fanny187877:399Link to document image
Carnahan, M. A. (Et al.)toBailey, J. C.187875:288Link to document image
Carnahan, M. A. (Et al.)toHoffman, Chas. V.188081:214Link to document image
Carnahan, M. A. (Et al.)toMcNabb, W. J.187877:88Link to document image
Carnahan, Margaret (Et al.)toShippy, Robt. M.187875:214Link to document image
Carnahan, Robert H.fromCarnahan, Clara L.1897148:272Link to document image
Carnahan, U. L.toHaag, Chas.187463:229Link to document image
Carnahan, W. L.fromCarey, M. (Et al.)188182:408Link to document image
Carnahan, W. L.toCarnahan, W. L. (Et al.)188290:206Link to document image
Carnahan, W. L.toCrawford, A. C.1887103:158Link to document image
Carnahan, W. L.toEckart, Frederick187874:448Link to document image
Carnahan, W. L.toProuty, Chas.1886102:514Link to document image
Carnahan, W. L.fromSheriff187978:484Link to document image
Carnahan, W. L. (Et al.)fromCarnahan, W. L.188290:206Link to document image
Carnahan, W. L. (Et al.)fromHolton, J. L. (Et al.)188289:558Link to document image
Carnahan, W. L. (Et al.)fromRoberts, E. (Et al.)188289:558Link to document image
Carnahan, Wm. L.toBandan, Fred187050:487Link to document image
Carnahan, Wm. L.toBoecker, Henry186953:119Link to document image
Carnahan, Wm. L.toCarnahan, Clara L.1890135:545Link to document image
Carnahan, Wm. L.fromCary, M. (Et al.)187978:415Link to document image
Carnahan, Wm. L.toEckart, Fred187875:110Link to document image
Carnahan, Wm. L.fromEvans, J. P.188288:339Link to document image
Carnahan, Wm. L.toFry, Martin188394:110Link to document image
Carnahan, Wm. L.fromHamilton Nat. Bank188289:354Link to document image
Carnahan, Wm. L.fromHanna, Charles187464:370Link to document image
Carnahan, Wm. L.toHattersley, Alfred187462:310Link to document image
Carnahan, Wm. L.toJoslyn, C. E.188188:288Link to document image
Carnahan, Wm. L.fromMack, Frederick187978:378Link to document image
Carnahan, Wm. L.fromMcDonald, R. T. (Et al.)188288:339Link to document image
Carnahan, Wm. L.toSchultz, Henry187050:487Link to document image
Carnahan, Wm. L.toTrustees Feeble Minded1887104:457Link to document image
Carnahan, Wm. L.toWallace, Wm. (Et al.)187048:456Link to document image
Carnahan, Wm. L.fromWallace, Wm. (Et al.)187258:103Link to document image
Carnahan, Wm. L.fromWebb, M. A. (Et al.)188288:339Link to document image
Carnakan, C. L. (Et al.)fromHanna, Wm. W. (Est.)187052:202Link to document image
Carnall, A. E.fromWheelock, E. G.186652:102Link to document image
Carnce, GeorgefromEmerson, Maggy187359:47Link to document image
Carnes, JohntoBair, Jonathan1857U:398Link to document image
Carnes, JohnfromBair, Samuel1854P:301Link to document image
Carnes, JohnfromBleke, H.185729:258Link to document image
Carnian, C. J.fromAckley, Sarah A.186536:353Link to document image
Carnnhan, c. L.toSkinner, B. D.187256:393Link to document image
Carnrike, E. G.toBoltz, F. F. & C. A.188185:455Link to document image
Carnrike, Geo. W.toCarnrike, W. S.187771:535Link to document image
Carnrike, J.toDidier, Francis188184:38Link to document image
Carnrike, Jno.toBraun, H. B. (Etux.)188597:535Link to document image
Carnrike, Jno.fromCarnrike, W. S.188184:37Link to document image
Carnrike, Jno.fromStapleford, Thos.186228:515Link to document image
Carnrike, Jno. & W. S.toMcMahon, M.188183:290Link to document image
Carnrike, Jno. (Et al.)toCarnrike, W. S.188183:283Link to document image
Carnrike, JohntoClick, George W.187872:503Link to document image
Carnrike, M.toBauer, K. J.187977:587Link to document image
Carnrike, M.toCarnrike, W. S.188083:282Link to document image
Carnrike, M.toJohnson, C. E. & B.1886102:82Link to document image
Carnrike, MargaretfromAllen Cir. Court188496:504Link to document image
Carnrike, MargarettoCarnrike, W. (Et al.)186746:83Link to document image
Carnrike, MargarettoCook, Charity & E. W.187978:107Link to document image
Carnrike, MargarettoCook, Charity (Et ux.)1887104:268Link to document image
Carnrike, MargarettoJohnson, Isaac188496:505Link to document image
Carnrike, MargaretfromPhillips, Jno. T.186643:479Link to document image
Carnrike, W. (Et al.)fromCarnrike, Margaret186746:83Link to document image
Carnrike, W. S.toBercot, Claude187977:308Link to document image
Carnrike, W. S.fromCarnrike, Geo. W.187771:535Link to document image
Carnrike, W. S.toCarnrike, Jno.188184:37Link to document image
Carnrike, W. S.fromCarnrike, Jno. (Et al.)188183:283Link to document image
Carnrike, W. S.fromCarnrike, M.188083:282Link to document image
Carnrike, W. S.toDidier, Francois188183:284Link to document image
Carnrike, W. S.fromEmery, Charles187985:106Link to document image
Carnrike, W. S.fromMcMahon, M. (Et al.)188183:283Link to document image
Carnville, Aug. G.fromMooney, Flora187154:164Link to document image
Caroenter, O. C.fromJones, Allen186645:217Link to document image
Carpenter & AndersonfromRobinson, Jonathan187365:271Link to document image
Carpenter, AcenethtoCarpenter, D. L.1892125:120Link to document image
Carpenter, C. (Et al.)toShaffer, V. L.1886102:522Link to document image
Carpenter, C. C. fromAnderson, John187365:272Link to document image
Carpenter, C. C.fromCarpenter, Wesley187357:544Link to document image
Carpenter, C. C.toLehew, Moses S.187571:329Link to document image
Carpenter, C. C.toShaffer, V. L.1887105:346Link to document image
Carpenter, CharlesfromAllen Superior Court1902167:184Link to document image
Carpenter, CorydontoShaffer, Valentine L.187461:500Link to document image
Carpenter, Corydon C.toBowers, John T.187565:369Link to document image
Carpenter, Cryden C.fromHough, John187461:274Link to document image
Carpenter, D. L.fromCarpenter, Aceneth1892125:120Link to document image
Carpenter, Enoch (Et al.)toBaker, Belinda187875:303Link to document image
Carpenter, Francis (Et al.)toBell, John J.1891120:145Link to document image
Carpenter, Francis (Et al.)toBell, Zacariah J.1891113:407Link to document image
Carpenter, Francis (Et al.)toDeney, Mandey M.1891120:299Link to document image
Carpenter, Francis (Et al.)toOrn, Sarah A.1891121:104Link to document image
Carpenter, Francis (Et al.)toVardaman, Rosann1891121:74Link to document image
Carpenter, Franics (Et al.)toEdenfield, Mary Q.1891120:297Link to document image
Carpenter, H.fromBond, Chas. E. (Et al.)1888107:350Link to document image
Carpenter, IdafromBell, John J. (Et al.)1891121:240Link to document image
Carpenter, IdafromDenney, Elizabeth J. (Et al.)1891121:240Link to document image
Carpenter, IdafromEdenfield, Jno. H. (Et al.)1891121:240Link to document image
Carpenter, IdafromOrn, Sarah a. (Et.)1891121:240Link to document image
Carpenter, IdafromVardeman, Rosane (Et al.)1891121:240Link to document image
Carpenter, Ida (Et al.)toBell, William E.1891113:193Link to document image
Carpenter, Ida (Etu.)toCrow, William1891121:247Link to document image
Carpenter, IratoBaker, Valorons1852O:3Link to document image
Carpenter, IrafromHarden, Isiah1857U:89Link to document image
Carpenter, IratoHough, John (Jr.)1856S:708Link to document image
Carpenter, IratoRowe, Adam186333:529Link to document image
Carpenter, J. Mc. F.toVoetter, Marg E.1892125:70Link to document image
Carpenter, Jno. D.fromBurgart, P. F.188287:84Link to document image
Carpenter, M. J.fromRiley, Jesse187051:220Link to document image
Carpenter, M. J. (Et al.)toLewis, Amanda (Et al.)1886102:265Link to document image
Carpenter, Margret (Et al.)fromAllen C. Court1891120:330Link to document image
Carpenter, Margt.toBowman, A. M.189513913Link to document image
Carpenter, MartinfromWilliamson, Alex187154:14Link to document image
Carpenter, Martin J.toDelaran, John H.187461:447Link to document image
Carpenter, Martin J.fromDelaran, John H.187462:330Link to document image
Carpenter, Martin J.toWilliamson, Alex187161:459Link to document image
Carpenter, MaryfromTaylor, R. S. (Comr.)187165:525Link to document image
Carpenter, Mary AnnfromBaker, Belinda187875:486Link to document image
Carpenter, Mrs. Ida (Et al.)toDenny, Elizabeth J.1891120:75Link to document image
Carpenter, Nora J. (Et al.)fromAllen C. Court1891120:330Link to document image
Carpenter, O. C.toBrown, James186745:218Link to document image
Carpenter, O. C.fromJones, Allan186645:217Link to document image
Carpenter, W.fromMagner, Jos.186536:375Link to document image
Carpenter, WesleytoCarpenter, C. C.187357:544Link to document image
Carper, Ella & JacobtoHuffman, Chas. V.187773:292Link to document image
Carper, EmmafromDohrman, Henrich1902167:481Link to document image
Carper, EmmatoDohrmann, Lisette1902167:482Link to document image
Carper, EmmafromWayne B. & L. Assn.1901164:266Link to document image
Carper, EmmatoWayne B. & L. Assn.1901164:282Link to document image
Carpinter, M. J.toShaffer, Valentine188494:315Link to document image
Carptenter, Jas. H. (guard.)toMarshall, Hattie E.187468:374Link to document image
Carr, B.fromCarr, John186438:98Link to document image
Carr, BazeetoGruber, John186539:516Link to document image
Carr, Harriet K.toMossman, John F.1902167:191Link to document image
Carr, Harriet K.toRobinett, Elmer (Et al.)1901161:494Link to document image
Carr, Harriet, K.fromGreen, Daniel W. (Am.)1891123:256Link to document image
Carr, JohntoCarr, B.186438:98Link to document image
Carr, JohnfromSlemmer, Jno. A.186335:66Link to document image
Carr, LucytoReiter, Geo.188287:238Link to document image
Carr, N. L.fromMoser, A. F.188599:270Link to document image
Carr, Nellie L.toLittle, M. V.188599:269Link to document image
Carr, PaultoFoster, Edward (Et al.)1888108:135Link to document image
Carr, S. A.fromNeiman, Theo.188393:456Link to document image
Carr, Sidna A.toAubry, Jno. J.1887105:569Link to document image
Carr, Sidna A.fromNieman, Theo.188496:454Link to document image
Carr, ThomastoChester, Jno. H.1888109:140Link to document image
Carr, ThomastoDard, Chales187149:223Link to document image
Carr, ThomasfromHobbs, Julia A. (Et al.)188081:521Link to document image
Carr, ThomastoHood, Henry G.187668:530Link to document image
Carr, ThomasfromHood, Henry G.187669:112Link to document image
Carr, ThomasfromJohnson, Benjamin (Et al.)188081:521Link to document image
Carr, ThomasfromJohnson, Joseph187873:47Link to document image
Carr, ThomasfromJohnson, W. F.188495:252Link to document image
Carr, ThomasfromMallott, Joseph B. (Et al.)188081:521Link to document image
Carr, ThomasfromPiatt, Henry187255:122Link to document image
Carr, ThomiastoWoebbeking, Henry1886102:421Link to document image
Carr, Thos.fromDawkins, C. M.188289:576Link to document image
Carr, Thos.fromHough, John186641:515Link to document image
Carr, Thos.fromJohnson, C. E.188499:348Link to document image
Carr, Thos.fromJohnson, Mary188082:73Link to document image
Carr, Thos.fromMurphy, A. P. (Adm.)188393:245Link to document image
Carr, Thos.fromSlater, S. T.188391:54Link to document image
Carr, WalterfromKelsey, Eliza J.188599:49Link to document image
Carr, WalterfromKelsey, I. H.188599:48Link to document image
Carr, WilliamtoSheehan, James186539:453Link to document image
Carr, Wm.fromPilgrim, L. L.186432:340Link to document image
Carr, Wm. H.toLyons, S. (Et al.)187052:176Link to document image
Carral, Alfred A.fromFlemimg, William188082:126Link to document image
Carral, David L.toBittinger, Mary H. (Et al.)188496:364Link to document image
Carral, Mary B.toPichon, John A.1896141:526Link to document image
Carray, B. A.fromReed, Hugh B.187367:261Link to document image
Carray, B. A.toVail, Jacob188391:49Link to document image
Carray, Barbara A.toBowser, Syl. F.1894136:169Link to document image
Carray, F. J.toRandall, Perry A.1886100:325Link to document image
Carray, F. J. & B. A.fromBlystone, Isaac188391:95Link to document image
Carray, F. J. & B. A.fromVail, Jacob188391:50Link to document image
Carray, Francis J.toBaker, John1902167:328Link to document image
Carrel, A. A.fromCarrel, B. L.187051:438Link to document image
Carrel, A. A.fromCarrel, D. L.186539:183Link to document image
Carrel, Aime A.toRomy, Chas.186950:403Link to document image
Carrel, AlfredfromMcCullock, H.187153:569Link to document image
Carrel, B. L.toCarrel, A. A.187051:438Link to document image
Carrel, D. L.toCarrel, A. A.186539:183Link to document image
Carrel, D. L.fromMcCullock, H.187153:570Link to document image
Carrel, DavidtoRomy, Bertha1897148:141Link to document image
Carrel, David L.fromBloom, Jno. M.186127:84Link to document image
Carrel, David L.toRomy, Bertha1887105:193Link to document image
Carrel, David LouisfromMathew, George1856S:392Link to document image
Carrel, GeorgetoNicole, Theresa1896143:540Link to document image
Carrel, GeorgefromRoy, John B.1894143:330Link to document image
Carrel, H. H.fromCarrel, Louis D.187153:557Link to document image
Carrel, LewistoBarrand, Peter F.1856S:379Link to document image
Carrel, Louis D.toCarrel, H. H.187153:557Link to document image
Carrel, M. B.toBremer, Henry188391:182Link to document image
Carrel, Mary B.fromHollopeter, M. (Adm.)1896142:51Link to document image
Carrell, A. A.fromCarrell, D. L. (Et al.)188290:93Link to document image
Carrell, A. A.fromHuguenard, P. C.188391:184Link to document image
Carrell, A. A.toMowrer, Isaac188390:526Link to document image
Carrell, A. A.fromRomy, C. (Et al.)188290:93Link to document image
Carrell, A. A.toTrentman, A. B.188390:486Link to document image
Carrell, Alfred A.toHeathman, David187566:103Link to document image
Carrell, Catherine L.fromMcCulloch, Hugh187361:361Link to document image
Carrell, D. L. (Et al.)toCarrell, A. A.188290:93Link to document image
Carrell, David LewistoRenhard, David 186127:608Link to document image
Carrell, LouisfromRomy, Bertha1890118:359Link to document image
Carrell, Mary B.fromRaab, Eliza1902168:514Link to document image
Carrey, Chas. W.fromRhoades, Daniel W.1895137:107Link to document image
Carrey, Chas. W.fromRhoades, Martha E.1895137:107Link to document image
Carrick, DanieltoNickels, Rachel186535:558Link to document image
Carrick, Marg. M.toBrown, Elizabeth186746:297Link to document image
Carrick, Samuel V.fromJones, John R.1901163:336Link to document image
Carrick, Samuel V.toNorden, Henry1902169:227Link to document image
Carrier, A. H.fromAbbott, R. B.1888108:162Link to document image
Carrier, A. H.fromEdgerton, J. K.188184:575Link to document image
Carrier, A. H.toLee & Summers187154:226Link to document image
Carrier, A. H.fromLumbard, S. C.188290:69Link to document image
Carrier, A. H.fromRonel, Alexander186952:212Link to document image
Carrier, A. H.fromTaylor, John187153:137Link to document image
Carrier, Albert E.fromDarges, Adolphus D.186539:268Link to document image
Carrier, Ang. H.fromAbbott, R. B.1887104:353Link to document image
Carrier, Aug. H.fromSheriff1889111:105Link to document image
Carrier, Aug. H.toTrustees Monroeville1889111:108Link to document image
Carrier, AugustustoHutker & Eby187462:391Link to document image
Carrier, C. M.fromTayler, John186641:111Link to document image
Carrier, Clemence (Admr.)toHartiman John H.1891113:238Link to document image
Carrier, Clemence (Et al.)toHartman, John H.1891113:239Link to document image
Carrier, H. G.fromBurgess, Henry187257:59Link to document image
Carrier, Hannah G.toHoke, Mary E.187566:473Link to document image
Carrier, Hannah G.fromHoke, Mary E.187566:542Link to document image
Carrier, PrestonfromCurrier, Henry1896142:311Link to document image
Carrier, Preston, (Et al.)fromMcMahon, Thos.1887103:282Link to document image
Carrier, WilliamtoClevenger, Daniel1868170:492Link to document image
Carrier, William (Et al.)fromShutt, William H.1899154:252Link to document image
Carriger, ElizabethtoKeller, Michael1185O:541Link to document image
Carrington, E.fromCarrington, E. C.188080:557Link to document image
Carrington, E. C.fromAnderson, Richard187153:130Link to document image
Carrington, E. C.toCarrington, E.188080:557Link to document image
Carrington, E. C.fromHenderson, Mary J.187976:182Link to document image
Carrington, E. C.toRitcha, Elizabeth188083:174Link to document image
Carrington, E. C.toShutt, Jno. M.1886103:297Link to document image
Carrington, E. C.fromTrustees of M. E. Church187976:183Link to document image
Carrington, MaryfromAdams, Ella1887105:355Link to document image
Carrington, MarytoKain, Hugh (Et ux.)1897147:198Link to document image
Carrington, MaryfromZimmerman, Abram L.1893145:132Link to document image
Carrington, Mary (Et ux.)fromHosler, Henry1902170:152Link to document image
Carrington, Seth W.toStemen, William T. (Et ux.)1901163:333Link to document image
Carrington, Seth W. (Et ux.)fromMayheiw, James H.1899155:272Link to document image
Carrol, AlfredfromArcher, John H.187360:76Link to document image
Carrol, David L.fromBittinger, Mary H. (Et al.)188496:329Link to document image
Carrol, EmmetfromShoup, Jacob186235:432Link to document image
Carrol, LewisfromBaughman, Stephen1853O:335Link to document image
Carrol, MaryfromChute, Richard186229:374Link to document image
Carrol, Mary B.toDeventer, Fred. (Et ux.)1896145:189Link to document image
Carroll, A.toBarnhouse, Wm.188599:485Link to document image
Carroll, A.fromBlauser, Masthia188599:222Link to document image
Carroll, A. A.fromAllen Cir. Court1888106:451Link to document image
Carroll, A. A.fromStapleton, Joshua1888107:351Link to document image
Carroll, A. A.toStapleton, Joshua 1888107:353Link to document image
Carroll, A. A. (Et al.)toMartin, Aug. J.1888106:467Link to document image
Carroll, AlfredfromBowser, J. C.1887106:450Link to document image
Carroll, Alfred A.toDriver, Willis M.187567:77Link to document image
Carroll, AngelinefromSchoonover, Wm.188499:26Link to document image
Carroll, AugelinetoBlauser, Martha188599:222Link to document image
Carroll, C. C.fromDeaner, Jacob186435:294Link to document image
Carroll, CatharinefromCarroll, Mary (Et al.)186331:211Link to document image
Carroll, Catharine C.fromHoulihan, Bridget A. (Et al.)1898150:451Link to document image
Carroll, CharlesfromCarroll, Mary (Et al.)186331:211Link to document image
Carroll, DomineckfromCarroll, Mary (Et al.)186331:211Link to document image
Carroll, EliasfromGreene, Mary M.187360:42Link to document image
Carroll, EliastoSnyder, Rowena188391:418Link to document image
Carroll, ElizatoHartman, Jacob1899154:416Link to document image
Carroll, ElizafromMcLane, Hannah188084:95Link to document image
Carroll, eliza (Et al.)fromWilding, Charles A.1899154:419Link to document image
Carroll, ElizabethfromCarroll, Mary (Et al.)186331:211Link to document image
Carroll, EllentoCarroll, Thomas J.1898153:553Link to document image
Carroll, GeorgefromRoy, John B. (Et.)1890113:208Link to document image
Carroll, HannahfromCarroll, Mary (Et al.)186331:211Link to document image
Carroll, JamesfromHunter, Wm. T.184571:24Link to document image
Carroll, JamesfromKelly, Sarah (Gdn.)187052:43Link to document image
Carroll, JamesfromMcBride, Strawder187567:80Link to document image
Carroll, JnotoMcLane, Hanniah188084:95Link to document image
Carroll, Jno.toPranger, J. H.188080:485Link to document image
Carroll, Jno. (Et al.)toWeaver, Alonzo187982:9Link to document image
Carroll, JohnfromCarroll, Mary (Et al.)186331:211Link to document image
Carroll, JohnfromChamberlain, James1843Q:465Link to document image
Carroll, JohnfromHanna, Saml.186229:186Link to document image
Carroll, JohntoKeplinger, Charles O.1900157:327Link to document image
Carroll, JohnfromWeaver, Jon C.1890116:335Link to document image
Carroll, Jos. C. (Guard)toBeatty, John186638:548Link to document image
Carroll, JuliafromHickman, H. N.1886114:467Link to document image
Carroll, M. C.fromVail, Mary1886100:459Link to document image
Carroll, M. E.fromSkinner, T. H.188184:495Link to document image
Carroll, MachaelfromCody, Jno. H.187051:237Link to document image
Carroll, MargaretfromLeonard, Wm.187049:55Link to document image
Carroll, MargarettoMiles, Chas.188495:2Link to document image
Carroll, MargarettoTagtmeyer, Christian1895141:98Link to document image
Carroll, MaryfromFleming, Stephen B.1901162:318Link to document image
Carroll, Mary (Et al.)toCarroll, Catharine186331:211Link to document image
Carroll, Mary (Et al.)toCarroll, Charles186331:211Link to document image
Carroll, Mary (Et al.)toCarroll, Domineck186331:211Link to document image
Carroll, Mary (Et al.)toCarroll, Elizabeth186331:211Link to document image
Carroll, Mary (Et al.)toCarroll, Hannah186331:211Link to document image
Carroll, Mary (Et al.)toCarroll, John186331:211Link to document image
Carroll, Mary (Et al.)toCarroll, May J.186331:211Link to document image
Carroll, Mary (Et al.)toCarroll, Sarah186331:211Link to document image
Carroll, Mary (Et al.)toCarroll, Sarah E.186331:211Link to document image
Carroll, Mary (Et al.)toCarroll, William186331:211Link to document image
Carroll, Mary C.fromBrocius, Aaron187979:71Link to document image
Carroll, Mary C.toUlrich, Jno. (Et ux.)1887105:87Link to document image
Carroll, Mary E.toBecker, John L.1899154:408Link to document image
Carroll, Mary E.toBecker, John L.1899154:408Link to document image
Carroll, May J.fromCarroll, Mary (Et al.)186331:211Link to document image
Carroll, MichaeltoBoland, Mary J.187770:400Link to document image
Carroll, MichaelfromCallahan, Thomas1852O:226Link to document image
Carroll, MichaeltoFt. W. J. & S. R. R. Co.187052:549Link to document image
Carroll, MichaelfromLange, Wm. (Et al.)187052:546Link to document image
Carroll, MichaeltoPepe, Louis186641:361Link to document image
Carroll, Pat J.toMick, Abe C.1890118:304Link to document image
Carroll, Pat. J.fromHeckman, Alice H.1887106:219Link to document image
Carroll, PatricktoLeonard, Wm.186744:376Link to document image
Carroll, SarahfromCarroll, Mary (Et al.)186331:211Link to document image
Carroll, SarahtoKelley, Daniel186333:321Link to document image
Carroll, Sarah E.fromCarroll, Mary (Et al.)186331:211Link to document image
Carroll, SusanfromAvels, Mary1898162:268Link to document image
Carroll, Thomas J.fromCarroll, Ellen1898153:553Link to document image
Carroll, Thos. J.fromKelley, Sarah187048:481Link to document image
Carroll, Thos. J.toRpy, Felix187254:572Link to document image
Carroll, Thos. J.fromSairazin, O.187254:569Link to document image
Carroll, WilliamfromCarroll, Mary (Et al.)186331:211Link to document image
Carroll, WilliamtoRinehardt, John1857U:309Link to document image
Carroll, Wm.fromScidmore, Geo. B.185229:383Link to document image
Carry & ZollarsfromKomp, Daniel187051:239Link to document image
Carry, fromRomy, Cath. A.1893130:556Link to document image
Carry, Charles W.fromRomy, Robt. L.1893130:556Link to document image
Carry, Chas. W.toRhoades, Dl. W.1895138:23Link to document image
Carry, Chas. W.toRhoades, Martha E.1895138:23Link to document image
Carry, E. F.fromEwing, M. C. (Et al.)188289:506Link to document image
Carry, E. F.toRoot, C. E. (Et al.)188289:506Link to document image
Carry, E. F.fromRoot, C. E. (Et al.)188289:506Link to document image
Carry, E. F.toRurode, E. C.1886101:401Link to document image
Carry, E. F.fromSweetser, F. C. (Et al.)188289:506Link to document image
Carry, E. F. (Et al.)toRoot, L. B.188287:176Link to document image
Carry, Edward F.fromRoot, L. B.188287:174Link to document image
Carry, Frances J.toWelch & Baker187360:198Link to document image
Carry, Francis J.toFalls, Joseph187565:249Link to document image
Carry, Frank J. (Et ux.)fromRandall, P. A.1887105:283Link to document image
Carry, JohnfromCarry, Michael187466:482Link to document image
Carry, JohntoCarry, Michael187566:481Link to document image
Carry, LavinafromFritz, Michael187771:391Link to document image
Carry, Louis (Et ux.)fromRandall, P. A.1887103:149Link to document image
Carry, MichaeltoCarry, John187466:482Link to document image
Carry, MichaelfromCarry, John187566:481Link to document image
Carson, AmbrosetoBaker, F. M.187464:3Link to document image
Carson, AmbrosetoCarson, William N.1857U:426Link to document image
Carson, AmbrosefromCarson, William N.1857U:428Link to document image
Carson, AmbrosefromSmith, John W.187361:76Link to document image
Carson, C. E.toKeller, Jno.188086:444Link to document image
Carson, CatharinetoAndrews, Elizabeth186129:135Link to document image
Carson, CatharinetoCarson, William185929:96Link to document image
Carson, CatharinefromCarson, Wm. W.1857U:367Link to document image
Carson, CatharinetoReinish, John B.1858V:360Link to document image
Carson, CatharinetoTheime, Frederick 1858V:381Link to document image
Carson, CatharinetoTheime, JohntGottleib1858V:381Link to document image
Carson, Chas. A.fromSmith, E. S.187986:443Link to document image
Carson, HattietoGumpper, J. D.1886102:453Link to document image
Carson, HattiefromPompey, Mary E.188494:578Link to document image
Carson, JanefromHanna, Henry C.188495:605Link to document image
Carson, JohntoAllen Co. L. & S. A.1893129:325Link to document image
Carson, JohnfromBailey, Fred P.1892124:441Link to document image
Carson, JohnfromHooker, Mary J.186949:397Link to document image
Carson, JonahtoDavis, Abraham1901161:74Link to document image
Carson, Jonah (Et al.)fromRobinson, Amasa S.1900159:252Link to document image
Carson, JosephfromKomp, Daniel1889114:84Link to document image
Carson, Joseph (Etu.)toMonroe, Elizabeth1891121:267Link to document image
Carson, W. W.fromAllen County188393:297Link to document image
Carson, W. W.toBrosius, Henry188081:213Link to document image
Carson, W. W.fromCounty Commissioners 188393:297Link to document image
Carson, W. W.toFuelber, Anselm1898149:455Link to document image
Carson, W. W.toGeismas, E. L.188392:352Link to document image
Carson, W. W.toHanna, J. T.187873:566Link to document image
Carson, W. W.fromHanna, Jos. T.187891:127Link to document image
Carson, W. W.fromHutchinson, C. W. (Et al.)1885101:40Link to document image
Carson, W. W.fromHutchinson, Jas.1881101:39Link to document image
Carson, W. W.toJackson, Silas A.188393:561Link to document image
Carson, W. W.toJunk, Catharine188495:77Link to document image
Carson, W. W.fromProbasco, A. C.186330:246Link to document image
Carson, W. W.toRandall, P. A. (Et al.)188081:213Link to document image
Carson, W. W.toSprankel, J. C. F.188288:589Link to document image
Carson, W. W.toWoodworth, Emily188288:237Link to document image
Carson, W. W.fromYoungker, David1854Q:24Link to document image
Carson, W. W. (Com.)toBard, Samuel186845:452Link to document image
Carson, W. W. (Comr.)toOrr, James1853N:285Link to document image
Carson, W. W. (Comr.)toUrbain, John186642:279Link to document image
Carson, WilliamfromCarson, Catharine185929:96Link to document image
Carson, WilliamtoHudry, Nicholas186228:589Link to document image
Carson, William N.fromCarson, Ambrose1857U:426Link to document image
Carson, William N.toCarson, Ambrose1857U:428Link to document image
Carson, William W.fromAndrews, Elizabeth186229:519Link to document image
Carson, william W.toBrackenridge, Geo. W.186228:000Link to document image
Carson, William W.toColerick, Maria A.1855R:589Link to document image
Carson, William W.toColierman, Samuel1856T:233Link to document image
Carson, William W.toConresent, C. F. Mary1858W:308Link to document image
Carson, William W.fromConresst, Claude F.1858W:307Link to document image
Carson, William W.toEdgerton, Joseph K.1854P:229Link to document image
Carson, William W.fromEhlert, Frederick1856S:332Link to document image
Carson, William W.toGeoffroy, Claude1854P:458Link to document image
Carson, William W.toGrage, Henry F.1898149:211Link to document image
Carson, William W.fromHaight, W. S.1853N:704Link to document image
Carson, William W.fromHanna, Samuel1856S:396Link to document image
Carson, William W.fromHanna, Samuel1856S:434Link to document image
Carson, William W.fromHenderson, James B.1858W:551Link to document image
Carson, William W.toHill, John H.1853N:333Link to document image
Carson, William W.fromHoutz, Henry1854P:524Link to document image
Carson, William W.fromJones, William H.1856S:543Link to document image
Carson, William W.toLewis, Maria1856S:429Link to document image
Carson, William W.toLichauf, John186229:520Link to document image
Carson, William W.fromMangeot, John1859X:489Link to document image
Carson, William W.toMangeot, Julia1859X:489Link to document image
Carson, William W.toMcGrath, Thomas1855Q:659Link to document image
Carson, William W.toNelson, Isaac D. G.1857U:335Link to document image
Carson, William W.toNuttman, Joseph1859X:502Link to document image
Carson, William W.toRiegel, Alois L. (Et al.)1897148:479Link to document image
Carson, William W.toSprankle, John C. F.1896157:123Link to document image
Carson, William W.toSwaidner, John1854P:69Link to document image
Carson, William W.toTaylor, Andrew J.1855R:412Link to document image
Carson, William W.toTisron, Lewis1855R:411Link to document image
Carson, William W. (Comr.)toCook, Samuel1853P:522Link to document image
Carson, Wm W. (Comr.)toBickhart, Jacob186658:477Link to document image
Carson, Wm. H.fromComparet, D. F.186641:294Link to document image
Carson, Wm. H.toJohnson, Archibald186638:581Link to document image
Carson, Wm. H.fromYoung, Geo. J.1856T:261Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toBarbier, Pierre186434:9Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toBloomhuff, S. H.1856T:646Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toButler, Elizabeth1856T:262Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.fromCanty, James1855S:260Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toCarson, Catharine1857U:367Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toCarter, Wm.187257:62Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toCoguet, Charles1854P:677Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.fromDeable, Samuel186538:58Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toDorr, John1858V:334Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toEvans, Ames S.186330:349Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toFoster, David N.1887105:586Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.fromHanna, Chas.187357:516Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toHanna, E. C.187257:90Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.fromHanna, H. C.187257:97Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toHanna, H. C.188495:605Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.fromHanna, Henry C.187462:445Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toHuguenard, Jean Pierre1854P:405Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W. toHugurnard, Feliciene1854P:405Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.fromHutchinson, James187566:110Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.fromJones, Wm. H.1853Q:27Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toKikley, Francis186844:370Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toLegres, Joseph186238:125Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toMaxfield, Thomas1854Q:620Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.fromMeier, Frederick1855R:512Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toMeyer, Jno. F. W.1886102:581Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toNelson, Isaac D. G.1853S:354Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toNelson, Isaac D. G.1856S:353Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toParsons, Thomas1860Y:290Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toPurden, Ellen1860Y:407Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toRousseau, Francis M.187565:366Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toRousseau, M. J.188297:237Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toSchiefer, Christian1863132:104Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.fromSheriff1856W:204Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toSinclear, Joseph1853N:706Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.fromSkinner, Thomasetta H.187360:558Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toStrunz, Christian188392:517Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toSugnet, Louis1854P:606Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toValeroff, Xavier F.1854Q:227Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toWalsefield, Sarah1856T:521Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toWells, Geo.188496:176Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toYoung, Amia Mary1856T:262Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toYoung, Anna1856T:262Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toYoung, Christian1856T:262Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toYoung, George Jacob1856T:261Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toYoung, Henry856T:262Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toYoung, Henry Jacob1856T:262Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toYoung, Sophia1856T:262Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W.toYoung, William1856T:262Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W. (Comr.)toBenninghoof, George1854Q:433Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W. (Comr.)toElliott, Willis1852M:533Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W. (Comr.)toMcDonald, William H.1849P:89Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W. (Comr.)toMcQuiston, John1185O:717Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W. (Comr.)toRandall, Franklin P.1853O:302Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W. (Comr.)toRandall, Franklin P.1853O:561Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W. (Comr.)toStapleford, M. M.186538:514Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W. (Coms.)toShomp, David187873:485Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W. (Coms.)toUrbine, John185935:333Link to document image
Carson, Wm. W. (Coms.)toUrbine, Magdaline185935:440Link to document image
Cartbough, Wm.toJohnson, Josiah186751:498Link to document image
Carteaux, Felicien (Et al.)toChapman, Solomon C.1884150:336Link to document image
Carter & BairdfromRipple, Lewis186745:328Link to document image
Carter, Benj. F. (Et ux.)fromCox, Patrick E.1898151:281Link to document image
Carter, BenjamintoHarper, Charls E.1897149:116Link to document image
Carter, BenjaminfromRicker, A. J.1896142:46Link to document image
Carter, CharlesfromFort Wayne & Southern R. R. Co.1856T:472Link to document image
Carter, CharlesfromHaines, David T.1855T:473Link to document image
Carter, Charles (Ex.)toAnderson, Cornelia (Et ux.)1902168:319Link to document image
Carter, Charles (Exr.)toEvans, John Henry (Et ux.)1902168:128Link to document image
Carter, Chas. L.fromJones, Levi M.1884105:250Link to document image
Carter, Chas. L.toMiller, Frank1893130:370Link to document image
Carter, Chas. L.fromMiller, Frank1893130:371Link to document image
Carter, Edward C.fromOdd Fellows Cemetery1892131:516Link to document image
Carter, FrankfromHartnett, Richard1898153:407Link to document image
Carter, FranktoHartnett, Richard (Et ux.)1898153:408Link to document image
Carter, Geo. H.toHildebrand, Henry W.187361:154Link to document image
Carter, Geo. H.fromHildebrand, Wm. H.187358:415Link to document image
Carter, GeorgetoBuskirk, Daniel1854S:575Link to document image
Carter, J. W.fromHaines, Joel187255:223Link to document image
Carter, James M.toSchmoe, Louis H.1890116:549Link to document image
Carter, Jas. M.fromBond, L. A.1887104:502Link to document image
Carter, Jas. M.fromBond, L. A.1888108:34Link to document image
Carter, Jas. M.toBond, L. A.1888110:75Link to document image
Carter, Jas. W.fromBrunner, Jno.188183:463Link to document image
Carter, Jno. W.toPotwin, Chas. W.187255:226Link to document image
Carter, Johanna C.fromBoone, John L. (Et ux.)1892127:98Link to document image
Carter, Johanna C.fromCrow, Mary A.1890117:57Link to document image
Carter, Johanna C. (Et al.)toBoone, John S.1892127:98Link to document image
Carter, Johanna C. (Et al.)toBoone, Wm. N.1892127:98Link to document image
Carter, M. L.fromSweet, H. (Et al.)187052:333Link to document image
Carter, M. N.toSweet, Joshau187049:191Link to document image
Carter, Mary V.toButler, Ira J.1901163:422Link to document image
Carter, Mary V.fromMonahan, Ellen C.1894133:7Link to document image
Carter, Peter (Et ux.)fromSuelzer, John1893130:276Link to document image
Carter, R. A.fromSeavey, G. W.188080:472Link to document image
Carter, Rebecca A.toKern, William F. (Et ux.)1902166:469Link to document image
Carter, VictoriafromGutermuth, Val.1890117:542Link to document image
Carter, VictoriatoHiggins, Sarah Ellen1901163:57Link to document image
Carter, W. C.toSchlatter, Benj.186948:388Link to document image
Carter, WilliamfromHull, L. O.187566:217Link to document image
Carter, WilliamtoPolhamus, Wm. H.1888108:246Link to document image
Carter, WilsontoBaird, Marg (Et al.)187054:491Link to document image
Carter, WilsontoWyatt, Henry186957:462Link to document image
Carter, Wilson C.toMayers, G. P.187050:587Link to document image
Carter, Wm.toBarrett, Jas. M.188289:432Link to document image
Carter, Wm.fromCarson, Wm. W.187257:62Link to document image
Carter, Wm. errorfromAlliger, Sarah M.187565:185Link to document image
Cartin, Iva M. (Et al.)toDougherty, Saml. W.1891122:476Link to document image
Cartmell, G. E.toCartmell, S. E.187978:61Link to document image
Cartmell, S. E.fromCartmell, G. E.187978:61Link to document image
Cartmell, S. E. (Et al.)toWass, Jno.187978:60Link to document image
Carto, Edward A.toRomy, Robert L.1900159:432Link to document image
Carto, Edward A.fromRomy, Robert L. (Ex.)1900159:432Link to document image
Cartwell, Edward W. (Est.)toGeorge, Joseph186128:158Link to document image
Cartwright, toCartwright, J. M.186035:39Link to document image
Cartwright, A. J.fromChristman, N.186537:320Link to document image
Cartwright, A. J.fromClark, David1859X:104Link to document image
Cartwright, A. J. (heirs)toHarber, John187565:191Link to document image
Cartwright, A. L. (Et al.)fromAllen Sup. Court1887103:54Link to document image
Cartwright, A. W.toCartwright, Mary P.188598:127Link to document image
Cartwright, A. W. & C. M.fromCommissioners by Partition187875:29Link to document image
Cartwright, AlexfromDolin, S. E.188288:503Link to document image
Cartwright, AlexfromGreen, E. W.187149:203Link to document image
Cartwright, AlexandertoHedges, Thos. J.187881:563Link to document image
Cartwright, Alfred W.fromWoodworth, D. A. & E.188392:461Link to document image
Cartwright, Allie E.fromCartwright, Jno. F.1890117:134Link to document image
Cartwright, Arthur J.fromMüller, Hermann1901164:425Link to document image
Cartwright, C.toHaudenschild, Jno.188599:62Link to document image
Cartwright, C. A.fromCrawford, Jno. T.1893129:161Link to document image
Cartwright, C. M.fromCartwright, M. P.188599:463Link to document image
Cartwright, C. R.fromCartwright, J. D.188391:53Link to document image
Cartwright, C. R.toCartwright, M. M.188391:54Link to document image
Cartwright, Charles R. (Et al.)fromUmber, Emma E. (Et al.)1901164:234Link to document image
Cartwright, Charlotte (Et al.)toKillworth, George1902169:231Link to document image
Cartwright, Chas.fromBaker, Henry186747:129Link to document image
Cartwright, Chas.toCartwright, J. L.188080:66Link to document image
Cartwright, Chas.fromLillie, M. E.187890:150Link to document image
Cartwright, Chas.toOlds, Jno. D.188185:497Link to document image
Cartwright, Chas.toSutton, W. S. (assignee)188599:64Link to document image
Cartwright, ClaratoBourie, Mary E.1889112:218Link to document image
Cartwright, ClarafromKinder, Paul P.1899153:388Link to document image
Cartwright, ClarafromKucher, John1889111:29Link to document image
Cartwright, ClaratoPfeiffer, Charles F.1899153:249Link to document image
Cartwright, David P.fromCartwright, John F.1898150:156Link to document image
Cartwright, E. C.fromRichie, Silas187153:377Link to document image
Cartwright, E. M.fromBrosius, Aaron188294:114Link to document image
Cartwright, E. M.toCornelius, Jno.188494:115Link to document image
Cartwright, E. M.fromDanoch, A. M.187876:250Link to document image
Cartwright, E. M.toGillett, D. D.188290:72Link to document image
Cartwright, E. M.fromGillett, D. D.188297:618Link to document image
Cartwright, E. M.fromHamilton, J. A.188081:142Link to document image
Cartwright, E. M.toHarvey, John S.187976:531Link to document image
Cartwright, E. M.toKnepper, Margaret187976:251Link to document image
Cartwright, E. M.fromSchultz, Mary S. E.187772:6Link to document image
Cartwright, E. S.fromMcQuarrie, Annie R.1896142:159Link to document image
Cartwright, E.M.fromErdel, Valentine187772:81Link to document image
Cartwright, ElizabethtoKreibaum, Frederick1899155:435Link to document image
Cartwright, EmmafromAustin, Theresa W.1899154:410Link to document image
Cartwright, EmmafromDubois, Sarah F.1902167:380Link to document image
Cartwright, Emma S.fromDrebert, Frank1902165:464Link to document image
Cartwright, Emma S.toHachmann, Henry1902171:71Link to document image
Cartwright, F.toCartwright, Jas. M.186846:575Link to document image
Cartwright, G. W.fromNey, Patrick186641:457Link to document image
Cartwright, Geo. S.fromDidier, Thiebout187668:203Link to document image
Cartwright, Geo. S.fromRandall, P. A.188090:513Link to document image
Cartwright, Geo. W.toCavalier, Victor187259:423Link to document image
Cartwright, George S.fromCartwright, John F.1898150:157Link to document image
Cartwright, George S.toJones, Charles E.1902167:299Link to document image
Cartwright, George S.toJump, Edwin D.1902167:300Link to document image
Cartwright, J. D.toCartwright, C. R.188391:53Link to document image
Cartwright, J. F.fromBaker, Henry186743:196Link to document image
Cartwright, J. F.toNYC & St. L. Ry. Co.188186:37Link to document image
Cartwright, J. L.fromCartwright, Chas.188080:66Link to document image
Cartwright, J. L.toSutton, W. S.188598:77Link to document image
Cartwright, J. M.toBrosins, H. (Et al.)187357:481Link to document image
Cartwright, J. M.fromCartwright, 186035:39Link to document image
Cartwright, J. M.toCartwright, Jno. F. (Sr.)187057:524Link to document image
Cartwright, J. M.fromCartwright, L. F.187977:65Link to document image
Cartwright, J. M.toCartwright, Mary P.187979:355Link to document image
Cartwright, J. M.toCatwright, L. F.187977:67Link to document image
Cartwright, J. M.toDanoch, A. M.188080:520Link to document image
Cartwright, J. M.toDarroch, A. M.187772:231Link to document image
Cartwright, J. M.toHattersley, S. A.187149:228Link to document image
Cartwright, J. M.toHolmes, Jno. W.1888109:182Link to document image
Cartwright, J. M.fromHolmes, Jno. W.1888110:13Link to document image
Cartwright, J. M.toHolmes, Jno. W.1889110:296Link to document image
Cartwright, J. M.toStark, Erasmus186846:226Link to document image
Cartwright, J. M.fromTaylor, R. S. (Comr.)186950:131Link to document image
Cartwright, J. M. L. F. & W. M.fromCommissioners by Partition187875:29Link to document image
Cartwright, J. S.toFarrell, J. W.188185:578Link to document image
Cartwright, J. W.toBrosius, A. & M.188290:96Link to document image
Cartwright, J. W.fromBurt, J. A.188081:143Link to document image
Cartwright, J. W.fromBurt, J. A.188081:144Link to document image
Cartwright, J. W.toSmith, A.188090:478Link to document image
Cartwright, J. WesleytoFelts, Geo. F.1898151:506Link to document image
Cartwright, JamestoHurt, John E.1896144:194Link to document image
Cartwright, JamestoRandall, Perry A.187872:529Link to document image
Cartwright, JamesfromRandall, Perry A.187872:540Link to document image
Cartwright, JamesfromSheriff1894134:525Link to document image
Cartwright, James (Et ux.)fromHunt, John E.1899153:394Link to document image
Cartwright, James M.toCastle, Daniel W.187565:438Link to document image
Cartwright, James M.toCrawford, Ellnet186229:359Link to document image
Cartwright, James M.toHedges, Thos. J.187681:561Link to document image
Cartwright, James M.fromHoffman, Sebastian187564:547Link to document image
Cartwright, James M.toKennedy, Sophia187463:538Link to document image
Cartwright, James M.toScott, John187464:12Link to document image
Cartwright, James M.fromSheriff187462:43Link to document image
Cartwright, James M.fromSheriff187567:107Link to document image
Cartwright, James M.fromSmitley, Enos187360:488Link to document image
Cartwright, James W.fromCartwright, Lewis A.1897154:339Link to document image
Cartwright, James W.toCartwright, Lewis A.1897154:340Link to document image
Cartwright, Jas.fromBowman, Geo. N.186337:142Link to document image
Cartwright, Jas.toCartwright, W.187152:367Link to document image
Cartwright, Jas.toNeebner, John1888109:299Link to document image
Cartwright, Jas. toWilkens, Christian187153:493Link to document image
Cartwright, Jas. (Et al.)fromCartwright, M.187152:399Link to document image
Cartwright, Jas. M.fromCartwright, F.186846:575Link to document image
Cartwright, Jas. M.fromCartwright, Jno. m.186743:321Link to document image
Cartwright, Jas. M.toCartwright, M. P.1887103:66Link to document image
Cartwright, Jas. M.fromDidier, Francis187154:183Link to document image
Cartwright, Jas. M.toDidier, Francis187154;185Link to document image
Cartwright, Jas. M.toErdel, Valentine187772:119Link to document image
Cartwright, Jas. M.fromHolmes, George186950:361Link to document image
Cartwright, Jas. M.toKreeper, Jonathan186846:318Link to document image
Cartwright, Jas. M.fromMahurin, Isaac186851:587Link to document image
Cartwright, Jas. M.toMcCreary, Jos.187977:322Link to document image
Cartwright, Jas. M.fromNinde, L. M.186950:131Link to document image
Cartwright, Jas. M.toSchultz, Mary S. E.187772:7Link to document image
Cartwright, Jas. M.fromStark, Erasmus186846:227Link to document image
Cartwright, Jas. N.fromWelch, John186846:421Link to document image
Cartwright, Jas. S.fromOssian Building Loan & S. A.188079:567Link to document image
Cartwright, Jas. W.fromCartwright, Lavina1897146:165Link to document image
Cartwright, Jas. W. (Et al.)toJoker, John S. (Et ux.)1891120:55Link to document image
Cartwright, Jno M.fromNelson, H. C.187050:488Link to document image
Cartwright, Jno.fromCartwright, Saml.1886111:171Link to document image
Cartwright, Jno.toHanschen, Fred187050:546Link to document image
Cartwright, Jno.toHenschen, Fred188184:555Link to document image
Cartwright, Jno.fromIrwin, Isaac W.186238:460Link to document image
Cartwright, Jno. FfromMcCumsey, Cath.187156:231Link to document image
Cartwright, Jno. F.toCartwright, Allie E.1890117:134Link to document image
Cartwright, Jno. F.toCorbat, Alphonse (Et al.)1889111:181Link to document image
Cartwright, Jno. F.toPhillips, Jno. F.1890116:54Link to document image
Cartwright, Jno. F. (Et ux.)fromMcClure, John H.1890118:220Link to document image
Cartwright, Jno. F. (Sr.)fromCartwright, J. M.187057:524Link to document image
Cartwright, Jno. M.fromBealy, Robert186228:403Link to document image
Cartwright, Jno. M.fromBoerger, Rudolph187256:153Link to document image
Cartwright, Jno. M.fromBowers, Marge186947:369Link to document image
Cartwright, Jno. M.toBurt, Jno. A.186640:387Link to document image
Cartwright, Jno. M.fromBurt, John Alex186640:391Link to document image
Cartwright, Jno. M.fromBurt, Silas186746:566Link to document image
Cartwright, Jno. m.toCartwright, Jas. M.186743:321Link to document image
Cartwright, Jno. M.fromDidier, Francis187050:536Link to document image
Cartwright, Jno. M.toDidier, Francis187050:567Link to document image
Cartwright, Jno. M.toEberly, Daniel186746:76Link to document image
Cartwright, Jno. M.toForbush, Joel F.187050:416Link to document image
Cartwright, Jno. M.toMarchal, Jno. C.186743:24Link to document image
Cartwright, Jno. M.toMcKay & Goshorn187254:397Link to document image
Cartwright, Jno. M.fromNelson, H. C.187254:296Link to document image
Cartwright, Jno. M.toRow, John A.187258:265Link to document image
Cartwright, Jno. M.fromWheeler, Mary R.187153:449Link to document image
Cartwright, Jno. M.fromYoung, Levi1857U:526Link to document image
Cartwright, Jno. M.fromYoung, Levi1859X:96Link to document image
Cartwright, JohnfromBaker, Henry186746:144Link to document image
Cartwright, JohnfromHaswell, Solomon P.185826:391Link to document image
Cartwright, JohnfromIrwin, Isaac W.186238:460Link to document image
Cartwright, John D.toMoshammer, John L.187565:345Link to document image
Cartwright, John D.fromWhitmeyer, George187565:561Link to document image
Cartwright, John F.toCartwright, David P.1898150:156Link to document image
Cartwright, John F.toCartwright, George S.1898150:157Link to document image
Cartwright, John F.toNew York Chicago St. Louis R. W. Co.188184:127Link to document image
Cartwright, John J.fromDrivelbec, Mary187463:168Link to document image
Cartwright, John M.toBarcus, Beulah P.187565:186Link to document image
Cartwright, John M.fromBarcus, Bulah P.187565:186Link to document image
Cartwright, John M.toDierka, Frederick W.1859X:123Link to document image
Cartwright, John M.fromEdsall, Samuel186229:531Link to document image
Cartwright, John M.fromEdsall, Samuel186330:366Link to document image
Cartwright, John M.fromEdsall, Samuel186331:39Link to document image
Cartwright, John M.toEdsall, Simon S.187361:132Link to document image
Cartwright, John M.fromFrance, Ingram186641:70Link to document image
Cartwright, John M.toHedges, Thos. J.187681:562Link to document image
Cartwright, John M.fromLeard, David M.186743:518Link to document image
Cartwright, John M.fromLeard, David M.186743:541Link to document image
Cartwright, John M.toMcCormick, Charles186331:30Link to document image
Cartwright, John M.toMoellering, William187566:282Link to document image
Cartwright, John M.fromMollering, Wm.187566:281Link to document image
Cartwright, John M.fromMollering, Wm.187566:282Link to document image
Cartwright, John M.fromPaul, Henry C.187566:282Link to document image
Cartwright, John M.fromPeters, John C.187566:439Link to document image
Cartwright, John M.toReffle, Jane186330:359Link to document image
Cartwright, John M.toTreeth, Frederick186330:541Link to document image
Cartwright, John M.toYoung, Levi1857U:527Link to document image
Cartwright, L. F.toBickness, Fred188081:341Link to document image
Cartwright, L. F.toCartwright, J. M.187977:65Link to document image
Cartwright, L. F.fromCartwright, Wm. M.187874:460Link to document image
Cartwright, L. F.toKowiansky, H.188597:398Link to document image
Cartwright, L. F.toSwayne, S. F.188082:140Link to document image
Cartwright, L. F. (Et al.)toForbush, J. F.187977:64Link to document image
Cartwright, L. M.fromCartwright, M. J.1891122:367Link to document image
Cartwright, LavinatoCartwright, Jas. W.1897146:165Link to document image
Cartwright, LavinatoCartwright, Lewis A.1897146:166Link to document image
Cartwright, Lewis A.toCartwright, James W.1897154:339Link to document image
Cartwright, Lewis A.fromCartwright, James W.1897154:340Link to document image
Cartwright, Lewis A.fromCartwright, Lavina1897146:166Link to document image
Cartwright, Lucy M.toWhitney, Mary J.1900157:184Link to document image
Cartwright, LydiatoBarthold, S. D.188097:596Link to document image
Cartwright, LydiafromDidier, Thiebout187668:202Link to document image
Cartwright, M.toCartwright, Jas. (Et al.)187152:399Link to document image
Cartwright, M. J.toCartwright, L. M.1891122:367Link to document image
Cartwright, M. J.fromSnyder, Harry1890122:368Link to document image
Cartwright, M. M.fromCartwright, C. R.188391:54Link to document image
Cartwright, M. P.fromAllen Sup. Court1887103:54Link to document image
Cartwright, M. P.toCartwright, C. M.188599:463Link to document image
Cartwright, M. P.fromCartwright, Jas. M.1887103:66Link to document image
Cartwright, M. P.toClick, Geo. W.188599:555Link to document image
Cartwright, M. P.toKowiansky, Hannah1887103:65Link to document image
Cartwright, M. P.toO'Rourke, P. S.1886102:63Link to document image
Cartwright, M. P.toO'Rourke, P. S.1886102:83Link to document image
Cartwright, M. P.toRomy, Robt. L.1887103:57Link to document image
Cartwright, M. P. (Et al.)toMason, J. S.188497:208Link to document image
Cartwright, Marg.toHickman, Wm.1887106:142Link to document image
Cartwright, MaryfromCommissioners by Partition187875:29Link to document image
Cartwright, Mary J.fromTuomey, Patrick187274:549Link to document image
Cartwright, Mary P.fromCartwright, A. W.188598:127Link to document image
Cartwright, Mary P.fromCartwright, J. M.187979:355Link to document image
Cartwright, Mary P.toSwayne, S. F.188082:141Link to document image
Cartwright, MinniefromKoehler, Mary1898151:152Link to document image
Cartwright, Nancy E.toEbright, Joseph H.187771:217Link to document image
Cartwright, Nancy E.toEbright, Mary187771:217Link to document image
Cartwright, Nancy E.fromStapleford, Chas. R.187779:550Link to document image
Cartwright, Sam.toCorbat, A. & F.1886100:52Link to document image
Cartwright, Saml.toCartwright, Jno.1886111:171Link to document image
Cartwright, Saml.toHoward, W. B. (Trustee)188186:29Link to document image
Cartwright, Saml.toMcCumsey, Catherine186437:114Link to document image
Cartwright, Saml.toSchlup, Frederick1890116:331Link to document image
Cartwright, SamuelfromBullard, George1851M:142Link to document image
Cartwright, SamuelfromCrossan, L.186844:307Link to document image
Cartwright, SamuelfromJohns, Alfred S.186644:145Link to document image
Cartwright, SamuelfromKennedy, Sophia187668:417Link to document image
Cartwright, SamueltoKennedy, Sophia187771:25Link to document image
Cartwright, SamueltoNew York Chicago & St. Louis R. W. Co.188184:126Link to document image
Cartwright, SamueltoPierce, James S.186028:297Link to document image
Cartwright, Sl.fromJohns, Alfred S.186644:145Link to document image
Cartwright, W.fromCartwright, Jas.187152:367Link to document image
Cartwright, Wm. M.toCartwright, L. F.187874:460Link to document image
Cartwtight, J. Wesley (Et us.)fromFelts, Geo. F.1898151:507Link to document image
Caruth, Cormelia C.fromLockwood, Rosemond (Et al.)1886104:355Link to document image
Caruth, CorneliafromAllen Cir. Court1889112:259Link to document image
Carver, A. H.toHuestis, A. C.188189:488Link to document image
Carver, IratoWeaver, John1854Q:79Link to document image
Carver, J. F.fromLukens, M. M. (Et al.)188599:55Link to document image
Carver, Jno. F.fromBrandriff, A. D.188598:596Link to document image
Carver, Jno. F.toRabus, G. A.1888108:640Link to document image
Carver, Jno. F.fromRabus, G. A.1888109:2Link to document image
Carver, John F.toMiller, Chas. C.1890115:581Link to document image
Carver, John T.toReade, Thadden C.1891122:555Link to document image
Carver, K. K.fromJohnson, Mary E.186744:29Link to document image
Carver, K. K.fromPayne, H. (Et al.)187049:117Link to document image
Carver, K. K.toSimes & Richey187257:210Link to document image
Carver, Kahn K.fromJohnson, Mary E.186744:29Link to document image
Carver, Kahn K.toPolhamus, Albert H.187359:505Link to document image
Carver, Mary E.toSchwartz, Benawell1887104:203Link to document image
Carver, W. D. & Haines, E. D.fromDepus, William188182:434Link to document image
Carver, Weir D. (Will of)to1885104:204Link to document image
Carvin, AmandafromMay, Anna186434:52Link to document image
Carvin, Jno. B.toKeisler, Henry185633:318Link to document image
Carvin, JoshuatoTestison, Sebastian1860Y:397Link to document image
Cary & CroffordfromWire, Matilda (et al.)187668:265Link to document image
Cary, A. M.fromCary, M.188084:574Link to document image
Cary, A. M.toCary, Nancy E.188084:575Link to document image
Cary, ElizabethfromLatham, Mary E.187360:116Link to document image
Cary, EllentoSchoenlein, A. F.187152:499Link to document image
Cary, EllenfromStiner, Jas. M.186749:208Link to document image
Cary, H. S.toMason, Josephus S.187567:522Link to document image
Cary, Harry E.toBarva, Bernard R. (Et ux.)1902167:46Link to document image
Cary, Harry E.toBrackenridge, E. J.1895138:171Link to document image
Cary, Harry E. (Et al.)toHaak, Theodore1902168:353Link to document image
Cary, Hiram S.toKrimmel, Chris.186641:222Link to document image
Cary, Hiram S.toSweet, S. B.187668:284Link to document image
Cary, Hiram S.toWhitehead, Arther & H. D.187772:284Link to document image
Cary, Hiram S.toZim, Xavir187360:35Link to document image
Cary, Ida B.toKeck, John (Et ux.)1901164:90Link to document image
Cary, Ida B.toMayhew, Caroline (Et al.)1901164:40Link to document image
Cary, Ida B. (Et al.)fromMayhew, James H.1899155:536Link to document image
Cary, JacobtoHoxtater, Wm.187056:351Link to document image
Cary, James D.fromBrackenridge, Robt. (heirs)186258:446Link to document image
Cary, Jas. D.toSt. Clair, Jas. A.186744:141Link to document image
Cary, Jas. D.toSteiner, James186536:466Link to document image
Cary, Jno. Wm.toShoaff, Wm. W.188081:434Link to document image
Cary, L. M.toArgo, M. E.186535:539Link to document image
Cary, L. M.fromKoenig, Edward187463:536Link to document image
Cary, L. M.fromMeegan, Caroline E.187463:535Link to document image
Cary, L. M.fromMeegan, Caroline E. & Thos. J.187567:23Link to document image
Cary, LavinatoJones, Levi M.1888109:89Link to document image
Cary, LavinatoWhite, Jas. B.188079:186Link to document image
Cary, Lewis M.fromArgo, Martin E.186432:216Link to document image
Cary, Lewis M.toBaker, Margaret186435:379Link to document image
Cary, LovinafromJones, Levi M.1887105:219Link to document image
Cary, M.toCary, A. M.188084:574Link to document image
Cary, M.toFt. Wayne Lodge No. 14 I.O.O.F.187978:434Link to document image
Cary, M.toHiser, Jacob186947:404Link to document image
Cary, M.fromHIser, Jacob186951:332Link to document image
Cary, M.fromLindenwood Cemetery187155:126Link to document image
Cary, M.fromMariotte, Jos. G.186847:29Link to document image
Cary, M.toNiezer, S. T.187154:442Link to document image
Cary, M.toSausser, Lewis186844:566Link to document image
Cary, M.fromSausser, Lewis186847:212Link to document image
Cary, M. & Crawford, A.fromWilson, John187462:195Link to document image
Cary, M. & Crawford, A. C.toWire, Matilda (Et al.)187979:34Link to document image
Cary, M. (Et al.)toCarnahan, Wm. L.187978:415Link to document image
Cary, MelancthanfromHudson, Chas. A.187462:340Link to document image
Cary, MelancthonfromGilman, Freeman187153:393Link to document image
Cary, MelancthonfromMiddleton, Ambrose E.187462:340Link to document image
Cary, MelanthontoMcQuiston, John187461:185Link to document image
Cary, MelunethontoReed, Jennie188191:19Link to document image
Cary, N.fromWebster, Mary 187050:528Link to document image
Cary, Nancy E.fromCary, A. M.188084:575Link to document image
Cary, Patience E.toBoerger, Simon J. (Et al.)1902168:472Link to document image
Cary, Patience E.fromFisher, David C.1895138:54Link to document image
Cary, Patience E.fromFisher, Dora C.1895138:54Link to document image
Cary, Rebecca M.fromSweet, S. B.187668:278Link to document image
Cary, Robert C.fromHyatt, William G.1857T:620Link to document image
Casanave, F. D.toBaltes, Michael1893130:36Link to document image
Casanave, F. D.fromPhillips, C. W.1887103:2Link to document image
Case, AbagailfromConnett, Caroline187357:538Link to document image
Case, AbagailtoMiller, W.187357:539Link to document image
Case, AbigialfromSwayne, Saml. F.1888128:163Link to document image
Case, Angie M.fromKeyser, Jacob M. (Et ux.)1891119:517Link to document image
Case, Charles toBird, Mary A.1855S:276Link to document image
Case, CharlesfromBird, Samuel1855S:276Link to document image
Case, CharlestoBird, Samuel1855S:276Link to document image
Case, CharlestoCase, Willis W.187674:187Link to document image
Case, CharlestoCon. Imp. Co.187051:582Link to document image
Case, CharlestoEdgerton, Joseph K.1853O:110Link to document image
Case, CharlestoFairfield, Asa1853N:518Link to document image
Case, CharlestoMcCulloch, Hugh186745:97Link to document image
Case, CharlestoMorris, John186128:624Link to document image
Case, CharlestoOhio & Indiana R. R. Co.1854Q:341Link to document image
Case, CharlesfromYoung, N. B.186230:393Link to document image
Case, Charles (Commissioner)toMeyers, Deidrick1185T:130Link to document image
Case, Charles (Comr.)toMcLean, David1853N:700Link to document image
Case, Charles (Comr.)toWaggoner, John1856T:716Link to document image
Case, Chas. (Coms.)toMiner, B. D.185674:379Link to document image
Case, Chas. (Et al.)toCase, W. W.188184:241Link to document image
Case, Chas. (Et al.)toCase, W. W.188184:340Link to document image
Case, DavidfromCrawford, Jno. T. (Et ux.)1891120:183Link to document image
Case, EmillusfromSheriff1897145:31Link to document image
Case, Emillus (Admr.)toMason, George E.1898152:56Link to document image
Case, Louisa (Et al.)fromAlden, S. R. (Comr.)1886127:427Link to document image
Case, ReedtoLake Erie W. St. Louis R. R. Co.1853O:182Link to document image
Case, W. W.fromCase, Chas. (Et al.)188184:241Link to document image
Case, W. W.fromCase, Chas. (Et al.)188184:340Link to document image
Case, W. W.fromClark, O. M.186846:210Link to document image
Case, W. W.fromHumphreys, W. S.188184:258Link to document image
Case, W. W.toOlds, J. D. & A. C.188391:394Link to document image
Case, W. W.toSale, J. W.188184:309Link to document image
Case, W. W.fromStoner, John186846:210Link to document image
Case, WilliamtoSwayne, S. F.1894134:310Link to document image
Case, Willis W.toBash, Chas. S. (Et al.)1895140:141Link to document image
Case, Willis W.fromCase, Charles187674:187Link to document image
Case, Willis W.fromEdsall, E. P. (Et al.)1895137:72Link to document image
Casebeer, B. F. (Et al.)fromKegelman, J. & K.1886100:452Link to document image
Casebeer, Benj. F.fromSnyder, Frank T.1887103:571Link to document image
Casebeer, Sarah (Et al.)toFunk, Jacob188184:150Link to document image
Caseber, Benj. F.toPatterson, Jno. G.1887106:207Link to document image
Casee, DinahfromOburn, B. E.188079:375Link to document image
Casey, ChristopherfromDeVilbiss, Thos. D.1892125:511Link to document image
Casey, J. & E.fromTravis, Patrick188391:325Link to document image
Casey, Jno. (Et ux.)fromHyman, Phillip H.1887103:510Link to document image
Casey, JohntoFlaharty, John H. (Et ux.)1902167:323Link to document image
Casey, JohnfromHamilton, Mont.1892125:54Link to document image
Casey, JohntoSegur, Charles A. (Et ux.)1899156:222Link to document image
Casey, W. R.toKelly, Geo. W. & V.188599:157Link to document image
Casgrove, F. K.toEckles, N. P.187777:334Link to document image
Cashman, AnntoCull, Cornelius186846:310Link to document image
Cashman, Jno.fromFort Wayne Nat. Bank188288:141Link to document image
Cashman, Marg. M.toCull, Cornelius186845:339Link to document image
Casi, Angie M.toKelly, Mary E.1894132:555Link to document image
Caskey, Marquis D.fromHodge, Chester P.187669:10Link to document image
Caskey, William A.toBush, Marie1902168:504Link to document image
Caskey, William A. (Et ux.)fromBush, Marie1902168:504Link to document image
Caskey, Wm. A.fromDiebold, Catherine (Et al.)1896142:478Link to document image
Caskey, Wm. A.fromDiebold, Henry A. (Gdm.)1896142:477Link to document image
Casll, Geo. S.toFletcher, Jennie187976:506Link to document image
Caslleman, HenryfromJenkinson, Moses186539:445Link to document image
Caslleman, RichardtoJackson Township186228:455Link to document image
Caslo, DavidfromTownsend, John186846:471Link to document image
Caslo, DavidtoZacher, Robert187052:256Link to document image
Casper, GeorgetoMartin, Jacob1843N:747Link to document image
Cass, Bennett A.fromStump, C. H.186743:387Link to document image
Cass, Louisa (Et al.)fromBenoit, Julian187052:164Link to document image
Cass, MatildafromFair, Christian N.187873:15Link to document image
Cass, WilhamtoColerick, W. G.186748:555Link to document image
Cass, WilliamtoGreider, David186638:625Link to document image
Cass, Wm.toFleming, Wm.186743:179Link to document image
Cassa, FrancesfromTaylor, John186950:378Link to document image
Cassaday, JacobtoWhittern, Chas.188288:308Link to document image
Cassady (Et al.)fromSwift, Alpheus187154:33Link to document image
Cassady, J.toKenedy, T.187363:314Link to document image
Cassady, JacobfromBarnhart, John186436:16Link to document image
Cassady, JacobfromCully, Martha186128:104Link to document image
Cassady, JacobtoCuly, Martha186128:553Link to document image
Cassady, JacobtoDillon, Asa186436:125Link to document image
Cassady, JacobfromFinan, Edward187462:540Link to document image
Cassady, JacobtoHandle, Jacob186336:244Link to document image
Cassady, JacobtoO'Brine, Mary187462:450Link to document image
Cassady, JacobtoRoberts, Wm.186951:606Link to document image
Cassady, JacobtoRout, Jno. W.186436:49Link to document image
Cassady, JacobtoSprague, Andrew M.187361:48Link to document image
Cassady, JacobfromSwift, Alpheus187154:34Link to document image
Cassady, JacobtoWhitern, Charles187669:379Link to document image
Cassady, M. J. toTillman, Jno. L.1889111:244Link to document image
Cassady, Mary I.toElliott, Robert1892124:273Link to document image
Cassady, Mary J.toHarvey, A. H. (Et ux.)1893133:72Link to document image
Cassady, Mary J.fromSprague, Andrew M.187669:136Link to document image
Cassady, Mary J.fromWhittern, Charles187772:227Link to document image
Cassady, MinervatoSchlatter, Christian186435:300Link to document image
Cassady, Samuel & MinervafromJenkinson, Moses1856T:100Link to document image
Cassahman, DwightfromThompson, Earnest L.1896141:62Link to document image
Cassehman, DwightfromThompson, Elizabeth A.1896141:62Link to document image
Cassel, HenryfromUnited States183269:472Link to document image
Cassell, AllentoCalhoon, Eliza186026:325Link to document image
Cassell, AllentoCassell, Phoby Ann186026:325Link to document image
Cassell, AllentoCassell, Samuel C.186026:325Link to document image
Cassell, AllentoKlinger, Catharine186026:325Link to document image
Cassell, AllentoKlinger, Sarah Ann186026:325Link to document image
Cassell, AllentoParker, Racheal186026:325Link to document image
Cassell, G. C.toKlinger, Isaac186026:281Link to document image
Cassell, Phoby AnnfromCassell, Allen186026:325Link to document image
Cassell, PhodatoParker, Christian186330:522Link to document image
Cassell, Samuel C.fromCassell, Allen186026:325Link to document image
Casselman, DavidtoJohnson, John A.1856T:168Link to document image
Casselman, HairamtoHays & McManhan186539:360Link to document image
Casselman, Jno.fromShaffer, Mary188288:458Link to document image
Casselman, JohntoBrown, Wm. R.1893131:521Link to document image
Casselman, JohnfromCoverdale, E. G.1890131:481Link to document image
Casselman, JohnfromDeHaven, Martha A. (Et al.)1893131:482Link to document image
Casselman, JohntoFleming, Jonathan187668:298Link to document image
Casselman, JohnfromRollins, Chas. W.1893131:479Link to document image
Casselman, JohnfromThatcjer, Abigail1893131:478Link to document image
Casselman, JohnfromTodd, James L. (Et al.)1893131:478Link to document image
Casselman, JohnfromTodd, Martin1893131:478Link to document image
Casselman, JohnfromTodd, Martin V.1893131:478Link to document image
Casselman, JohnfromTodd, Samuel1893131:480Link to document image
Cassemen, H.fromMerriotte, Jos. G.186539:59Link to document image
Cassida, JacobfromMariotte, Jos. G.186537:410Link to document image
Cassiday, MinervatoKnight, E. L. & Dever, Jno.186374:368Link to document image
Cassidy, JacobfromBonter, Peter186330:318Link to document image
Cassidy, M.fromManning, William1854Q:31Link to document image
Cassleman, JohnfromGifford, Wm. E.1890130:397Link to document image
Casso, EugenefromLaugard, Victorine1886101:485Link to document image
Casso, FrancisfromTaylor, John186950:82Link to document image
Casso, FranktoAuger, Chas.187462:497Link to document image
Casso, FranktoRubin, Eliza188494:316Link to document image
Casteel, HenryfromChristman, Nich186646:121Link to document image
Casteel, HenrytoTrustees Pleasant Township1857U:300Link to document image
Castello, Geo.fromKendrick, C. N.1888109:231Link to document image
Castello, GeorgetoKendrick, Jennie1888109:535Link to document image
Castello, GeorgetoKendrick, Jennie1889114:24Link to document image
Castello, John (Et al.)toColerick, Walpole G.1872119:302Link to document image
Caster, NeheniahfromYoung, Hiram1838C:261Link to document image
Castiel, HenrytoRead, Henry186639:433Link to document image
Castle, CalvinfromReehling, John J.1902169:180Link to document image
Castle, D.toSpencer, M. B. V.187566:183Link to document image
Castle, Daniel W.fromCartwright, James M.187565:438Link to document image
Castle, George J.fromLahmeyer, Fred C.1902167:531Link to document image
Castle, JacobfromEdgerton, Jos. K.187771:546Link to document image
Castle, JacobtoRandall, P. A.188291:30Link to document image
Castle, Jacob (Et al.)toBurrier, Isaac188081:233Link to document image
Castle, JamesfromStone, Anson185639:437Link to document image
Castle, James W.fromBrobst, Nathaniel A.187464:576Link to document image
Castle, James W.toCastle, Samuel L.187564:574Link to document image
Castle, JohnfromDix, P. A.1882103:302Link to document image
Castle, John (Adm.)toSullemburger, Clinton1899154:403Link to document image
Castle, John W. (Et ux.)toCastle, Mary A.1891121:53Link to document image
Castle, Mary A.fromCastle, John W. (Et ux.)1891121:53Link to document image
Castle, RobertfromBurgess, Gideon1858W:200Link to document image
Castle, RobertfromSeinfort, Barbara1858W:326Link to document image
Castle, RoberttoTarr, Pabli S.1858V:241Link to document image
Castle, Samuel L.fromCastle, James W.187564:574Link to document image
Castle, Samuel L.toMerriman, Freeman1901165:406Link to document image
Castle, SusanfromGreen, E. W.186985:102Link to document image
Castle, SusantoKnode, R. S.188185:103Link to document image
Castle, ThomastoCochran, Geo. G.187462:162Link to document image
Castle, Thos.toHough, John187057:381Link to document image
Castleman, DeblatoRenish, John B.1852T:669Link to document image
Castleman, DwighttoCummins, Nathan1901165:135Link to document image
Castleman, HenryfromJenkinson, Moses186539:445Link to document image
Castleman, HenrytoJenkinson, Moses186539:53Link to document image
Castleman, HenrytoLesh, Isaac187159:286Link to document image
Castleman, JohnfromDougherty, O. S.187249:391Link to document image
Castleman, JosephinefromMonnot, Nancy1818123:344Link to document image
Castleman, JosephinefromTillman, John E.1893131:267Link to document image
Castleman, JosephinefromTillman, Lucinda A.1893131:267Link to document image
Castleman, JosephinetoTownsend, Geo. W.1893131:180Link to document image
Castleman, Mary (Et al.)toMyers, John H.1890118:271Link to document image
Castleman, RichardtoGrenonillet, P. F. I.1853N:617Link to document image
Castleman, RichardtoJacquey, John B.186026:224Link to document image
Castleman, RichardtoRerelle, John C.186330:266Link to document image
Castleman, WilliamtoVoisol, Louis1853Q:52Link to document image
Castlo, ThomasfromHough, Jno.187057:381Link to document image
Caston, AbrahamtoSesson, Jonathan1851N:246Link to document image
Caston, HarveytoLogan, Thos. J. (Et ux.)1897144:315Link to document image
Caston, HarveyfromScheuman, E. Deidk.1892123:14Link to document image
Caston, John (Et ux.)toLehman, George1891113:258Link to document image
Caston, MartintoOssian, B. L. & S. A.187979:439Link to document image
Caston, MartinfromWhite, James B.187669:152Link to document image
Castor, ClarissatoWeber, Frederick1855Q:782Link to document image
Castor, CrawfordfromBoyonton, Jonathan (Estate)1850L:340Link to document image
Castor, CrawfordtoNickey, Samuel1855S:198Link to document image
Castor, HarveyfromSnider, Solomon1887103:489Link to document image
Castor, JamestoCrabill, William H.1851Q:716Link to document image
Castor, NancyfromBrackenridge, Joseph (Comr.)1852M:189Link to document image
Castor, WilliamtoSnurr, Ann1855R:666Link to document image
Castor, WilliamtoTaylor, Joseph1855R:125Link to document image
Casummerer, ElizabethfromNenneier, Adam1897148:175Link to document image
Caswell, Ann MariatoMcKean, William T.1858V:67Link to document image
Caswell, Jerome O.toCaswell, Mary E.1899155:35Link to document image
Caswell, Jerome O.fromSchwartz, August L.1898150:244Link to document image
Caswell, Mary E.fromCaswell, Jerome O.1899155:35Link to document image
Caswell, Mary E.toVanMeter, Homer L.1899155:84Link to document image
Cathrell, Ann (Et al.)fromVanalstine, Wm.186948:213Link to document image
Cathren, Caath S.fromAshley, Erasmus D.186333:440Link to document image
Cathren, George W.fromAshley, Eramus D.186333:440Link to document image
Catle, JohnfromFleming, Wm.187257:281Link to document image
Catler, JosephfromPerriquay, Peter186538:395Link to document image
Catlett, HannahtoMuller, Francis187667:548Link to document image
Catlett, HannahfromSnyder, Mary187667:495Link to document image
Caton, S. L.toPettit, Wm. L.187977:584Link to document image
Caton, Saml. L.fromHelsel, Edward187875:75Link to document image
Catten, Betsey A.fromDewitt, Daniel W.1888114:577Link to document image
Catten, Betsey, A.fromDewitt, Daniel W.1888114:577Link to document image
Cattez, JosephtoBass, John H.187359:586Link to document image
Cattez, JosephfromBathelder, Jesse L.187359:566Link to document image
Cattez, JosephfromColerick, Chas. F.187360:252Link to document image
Cattez, JosephtoEvard, Bertha187465:41Link to document image
Cattez, JosephtoSallier, J. C.187566:124Link to document image
Cattez, JosephtoSallier, Jean C.186539:309Link to document image
Cattez, JosephtoSallier, John C.187772:259Link to document image
Cattez, JosephfromSchnorberger, Christian187360:58Link to document image
Cattez, JosephtoSmith, John187153:320Link to document image
Cattez, JuliafromLand & Security Co.1897145:350Link to document image
Cattez, JuliafromRhinesmith, J. (Et al.)1886101:403Link to document image
Cattez, JuliafromSallier, Justin188497:89Link to document image
Cattez, JuliatoSallier, Justin188497:90Link to document image
Cattiz, JosephfromDelevan, B.186330:126Link to document image
Cattiz, JosephfromDignon, Thomas186330:126Link to document image
Catton, MariafromBaldwin, Abel1895139:462Link to document image
Catttin, Elizabeth A.fromMcCulloch, Fred H.1895139:369Link to document image
Cattz, JosephfromColerick, H. R.186333:333Link to document image
Catwright, L. F.fromCartwright, J. M.187977:67Link to document image
Cavalier, VictortoBates, A. H.1886100:188Link to document image
Cavalier, VictorfromCartwright, Geo. W.187259:423Link to document image
Cavalier, VictorfromDiffenderfer, Cath.1893131:419Link to document image
Cavalier, VictorfromForsythe, Andrew186437:60Link to document image
Cavalier, VictortoFox, Philander1887110:402Link to document image
Cavalier, VictortoHagan, Thomas W.1896142:234Link to document image
Cavalier, VictorfromHagan, Thos. W.1895137:536Link to document image
Cavalier, VictorfromHagan, Thos. W.1896142:230Link to document image
Cavalier, VictortoHenschen, Wm.188183:440Link to document image
Cavalier, VictortoHenschen, Wm.188183:440Link to document image
Cavalier, VictorfromHerrold, Israel W.1893131:418Link to document image
Cavalier, VictortoHogan, Thos. W.1896141:514Link to document image
Cavalier, VictortoKeller, Sebastian1886101:616Link to document image
Cavalier, VictorfromMeiser, Benj.188290:183Link to document image
Cavalier, VictorfromNey, Patrick186947:562Link to document image
Cavalier, Victor & wifetoManier, Joseph186229:242Link to document image
Cavalry U. B. Ch.fromJacobs, John H.1894135:186Link to document image
Cavanagh, PatrickfromUnited States184185:415Link to document image
Cavanaugh, J. (Et al.)toMahoney, Eliza1897145:566Link to document image
Caven, DavidtoCorey, John N.1856T:426Link to document image
Caves, Sarah A.toFitch, Amos (Et ux.)1896141:26Link to document image
Caviler, VictorfromNey, Patrick187360:380Link to document image
Cavillier, AugusttoPierie, Germain186537:244Link to document image
Cavins, John W. (Et al.)fromGandy, Oscae1893129:407Link to document image
cavins, John W. (Et al.)toLong, Chas. H.1893129:407Link to document image
Caynot, AdamfromBowser, M. N.187358:157Link to document image
Cayot, Jos.fromGroumow, Francis188183:192Link to document image
Cayot, Louie J. (Et al.)toGiant, Joseph1901163:477Link to document image
Cayot, LouisafromCayot, Peter1891123:96Link to document image
Cayot, M. C.fromPernot, Constant (Adm.)188496:64Link to document image
Cayot, Mary C.toCayot, Peter188496:294Link to document image
Cayot, Mary C. toOberley, Frank188496:295Link to document image
Cayot, P. F.fromDupont, L.187668:74Link to document image
Cayot, PetertoCayot, Louisa1891123:96Link to document image
Cayot, PeterfromCayot, Mary C.188496:294Link to document image
Cayot, PetertoOberley, Frank1888106:421Link to document image
Cayot, Peter (Will of)to1891164:351Link to document image
Cayot, Peter (Will)to1891123:98Link to document image
Cayot, Peter F.fromSeibert, Barney1860Y:622Link to document image
Cayot, Peter Francis (Will of)to1888164:352Link to document image
Cayoti, Pierre FrancoisetoSeibert, Barney1859V:607Link to document image
Cazot, Pierre FrancistoSeibert, Barney1860Y:364Link to document image

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