ACGSI - Allen County Deed Index
Parties to the Deed | Year | Deed Book Citation | Image Link |
Ba*, Jas. M. | to | Ranney, A. C. | 1883 | 91:347 |  | Ba*er, Mary | from | Smith, J. J. | 1876 | 73:580 |  | Baack, Barthold | from | Mangels, Claus | 1874 | 62:210 |  | Baad, Conrad | to | Fricke, Wm. | 1869 | 47:524 |  | Baada, Christian | from | Bartels, Henry | 1883 | 91:245 |  | Baada, Christian | from | Gele, Frederick | 1871 | 53:331 |  | Baada, Christian | to | Horman, George | 1872 | 56:387 |  | Baada, Christian | to | Linrand, Fred | 1872 | 56:388 |  | Baada, Christian | from | Sheriff | 1886 | 100:59 |  | Baade, (Stephen) William | to | Lake Erie W. St. Louis R. R. Co. | 1853 | O:64 |  | Baade, C. F. W. | from | Haiber, C. F. | 1885 | 97:381 |  | Baade, Caroline | to | Schrouder, L. (Et al.) | 1888 | 107:218 |  | Baade, Christian | from | Aurentz, S. A. | 1883 | 93:484 |  | Baade, Christian | from | Baade, Ernest | 1864 | 49:68 |  | Baade, Christian | to | Baade, Fredk. H. | 1900 | 158:145 |  | Baade, Christian | to | Baade, Henry C. | 1891 | 122:530 |  | Baade, Christian | to | Baade, Henry C. | 1900 | 158:143 |  | Baade, Christian | to | Baade, Martha | 1899 | 152:412 |  | Baade, Christian | to | Baade, Sophia | 1899 | 152:411 |  | Baade, Christian | from | Bond, L. A. | 1878 | 107:355 |  | Baade, Christian | from | Carmedy, C. C. | 1894 | 134:341 |  | Baade, Christian | from | Gell, F. | 1865 | 37:293 |  | Baade, Christian | to | Gerke, Frederick | 1865 | 39:5 |  | Baade, Christian | to | Grout, M. A. (Et al.) | 1869 | 50:503 |  | Baade, Christian | to | Kelker, Anthony | 1890 | 117:380 |  | Baade, Christian (Et ux.) | to | Friche, Caroline | 1891 | 119:384 |  | Baade, Christine | to | Benke, Arthur | 1897 | 148:466 |  | Baade, Christine | to | Benke, Arthur | 1897 | 148:467 |  | Baade, Conrad | to | Borgmann, C. | 1867 | 43:10 |  | Baade, Elizabeth | to | Baade, J. F. Christian | 1853 | O:719 |  | Baade, Ernest | to | Baade, Christian | 1864 | 49:68 |  | Baade, Ernst | from | Hanna, James T. | 1890 | 115:526 |  | Baade, Fred C. | from | Baade, Wm. | 1892 | 129:158 |  | Baade, Fred H. | from | Kayser, William | 1894 | 135:559 |  | Baade, Frederick | to | Braming, Hanna | 1855 | T:279 |  | Baade, Frederick | from | Branning, Conrad | 1855 | W:47 |  | Baade, Frederick | to | Meyer, Frederick | 1860 | 26:90 |  | Baade, Frederick C. | from | Schele, John H. | 1899 | 156:139 |  | Baade, Fredk. H. | from | Baade, Christian | 1900 | 158:145 |  | Baade, Henry C. | from | Baade, Christian | 1891 | 122:530 |  | Baade, Henry C. | from | Baade, Christian | 1900 | 158:143 |  | Baade, Henry C. | from | Kirkhoff, Caroline (Et al.) | 1893 | 129:478 |  | Baade, Henry F. | from | Gutermuth, Valentine | 1896 | 141:379 |  | Baade, Henry F. | to | Gutermuth, Valentine | 1896 | 141:380 |  | Baade, Henry F. | to | Gutermuth, Valentine (Et ux.) | 1896 | 141:381 |  | Baade, J. F. Christian | from | Baade, Elizabeth | 1853 | O:719 |  | Baade, J. F. Christian | from | Baade, Louise | 1853 | O:719 |  | Baade, J. F. Christian | from | Baade, Wilhelm | 1853 | O:719 |  | Baade, Jm. Chr. | from | Baade, William | 1897 | 148:477 |  | Baade, Louise | to | Baade, J. F. Christian | 1853 | O:719 |  | Baade, Martha | from | Baade, Christian | 1899 | 152:412 |  | Baade, Sophia | from | Baade, Christian | 1899 | 152:411 |  | Baade, Wilhelm | to | Baade, J. F. Christian | 1853 | O:719 |  | Baade, Wilhelm | from | Bushman, Caroline | 1185 | W:331 |  | Baade, Wilhelm | to | Luhrman, Christian | 1867 | 46:88 |  | Baade, Wilhelm | to | Vail, Thomas | 1855 | S:19 |  | Baade, William | to | Baade, Jm. Chr. | 1897 | 148:477 |  | Baade, William | to | Lake Erie W. St. Louis R. R. Co. | 1853 | O:65 |  | Baade, William | from | Luhman, Anna | 1867 | 43:266 |  | Baade, Wm. | to | Baade, Fred C. | 1892 | 129:158 |  | Baade, Wm. | from | Edwards, J. (Trustee) | 1881 | 83:342 |  | Baade, Wm. | from | Equitable Trust Co. | 1881 | 83:342 |  | Baads, Christian | to | Cin. R. & Ft. W. R. R. Co. | 1871 | 55:371 |  | Baal, Mary | from | Ladig, Elizabeth C. | 1891 | 123:278 |  | Baalls, John | from | Auditor | 1863 | 31:294 |  | Baals, August | to | Baals, Maggie | 1894 | 132:310 |  | Baals, August | to | Draker, John (Et al.) | 1895 | 140:236 |  | Baals, August | to | Fickes, Nancy E. | 1886 | 102:402 |  | Baals, August | to | Harries, Mary | 1895 | 142:355 |  | Baals, August | from | Rossean, Reuben | 1893 | 145:75 |  | Baals, August | from | Rousseau, Rubin | 1889 | 110:577 |  | Baals, August (Et al.) | from | Mergel, Elizabeth | 1888 | 109:437 |  | Baals, August (Et ux.) | from | Fickes, Mary E. | 1886 | 102:552 |  | Baals, Barbara | from | Hernden, John M. | 1859 | 26:436 |  | Baals, Barbara | to | Steger, Johanna | 1880 | 81:420 |  | Baals, G. & B. | from | Hough, John | 187 | 56:507 |  | Baals, George | to | Alter, Nicholas | 1872 | 56:525 |  | Baals, J. L. | to | Bittler, Wm. & Mary | 1882 | 88:397 |  | Baals, John | from | Edward, Daniel | 1898 | 151:254 |  | Baals, John | to | Edwards, Daniel | 1898 | 151:255 |  | Baals, John | to | Edwards, Daniel | 1899 | 155:482 |  | Baals, John | to | Hoagland, Phiny | 1853 | W:49 |  | Baals, John (Et ux.) | from | Schonfeld, William | 1899 | 155:493 |  | Baals, John (Et ux.) | to | Scott, Michael C. | 1893 | 131:52 |  | Baals, John (Et ux.) | to | Scott, Stephen D. | 1893 | 131:52 |  | Baals, M. (Et al.) | to | Wyss, Frank | 1882 | 90:177 |  | Baals, Maggie | from | Baals, August | 1894 | 132:310 |  | Baals, Margaret | from | Draker, John | 1895 | 140:131 |  | Baals, Margaret | to | Draker, John (Et al.) | 1895 | 140:236 |  | Baals, Margaret | from | Israel, Henry | 1884 | 102:215 |  | Baals, Margaret | from | Poinsett, John | 1895 | 140:144 |  | Baals, Margaret | to | Poinsette, John | 1895 | 143:339 |  | Baals, Margaret | to | Steger, Rudolph | 1896 | 143:119 |  | Baals, Margaret | to | Steger, Rudolph | 1896 | 144:47 |  | Baals, Mary | to | Grotrian, Charls A. | 1898 | 152:298 |  | Baardsley, Jos. O. | to | G. R. & I. R. R. Co. | 1869 | 48:528 |  | Baark, Bathold | to | Gallmeier, F. W. | 1879 | 78:293 |  | Baaty, Ernst | from | Schwartz, Christian | 1874 | 63:449 |  | Baatz, H. H. (Et.) | from | Draker, John | 1892 | 124:318 |  | Baatz, Henry H. | from | Brosins, Aaron (E.) | 1892 | 124:318 |  | Baatz, Mary | to | Baatz, Wilhelmina | 1892 | 127:290 |  | Baatz, Theodore | to | Baatz, Wilhelmina | 1892 | 127:290 |  | Baatz, Theodore (Et al.) | to | Fort Wayne D. Chrh. | 1891 | 113:383 |  | Baatz, Wilhelmena (Guar.) | to | Fort Wayne D. Chrh. | 1891 | 113:382 |  | Baatz, Wilhelmina | from | Baatz, Mary | 1892 | 127:290 |  | Baatz, Wilhelmina | from | Baatz, Theodore | 1892 | 127:290 |  | Baatz, William | from | Pfleidner, Adam | 1887 | 106:243 |  | Baatz, Wm. | from | Evans, S. Cary | 1874 | 63:396 |  | Babbite, Thos. S. | from | McPherson, Samuel | 1879 | 79:280 |  | Babbitt, Thos. S. | to | Blessing, Peter | 1882 | 87:319 |  | Babbitt, Thos. S. | to | Butts, B. S. | 1881 | 85:35 |  | Babbitt, Thos. S. | to | Carey, W. R. | 1887 | 106:5 |  | Babbitt, Thos. S. | to | Colbert, Joseph | 1880 | 82:242 |  | Babbitt, W. H. | from | Burgess, Henry | 1883 | 93:64 |  | Babbitt, Wm. F. | to | Tustison, Oliver | 1888 | 108:242 |  | Babcock, A. M. | to | Babcock, Mary | 1880 | 82:365 |  | Babcock, A. M. (Et al.) | to | Ayers, Eliza K. | 1888 | 107:157 |  | Babcock, Alexander M. | to | Babcock, William A. | 1901 | 170:449 |  | Babcock, Alexander M. | from | Babcock, Wm. A. (Ex.) | 1901 | 160:516 |  | Babcock, Anny E. | from | Melsheimer, S. D. | 1892 | 125:466 |  | Babcock, Edwin B. | to | Haugk, August | 1902 | 171:4 |  | Babcock, Edwin B. (Et ux.) | from | Moser, Susanah | 1892 | 126:70 |  | Babcock, F. M. | to | Schmoll, Gottlob | 1862 | 29:66 |  | Babcock, Francis M. | from | Hanna, Saml. | 1860 | Y:305 |  | Babcock, John H. | from | Kelley, Michael M. | 1879 | 76:538 |  | Babcock, M. A. | from | Crouse, Elizabeth (Dec.) | 1878 | 91:498 |  | Babcock, Mary | from | Babcock, A. M. | 1880 | 82:365 |  | Babcock, Mary | from | Babcock, Wm. A. (Et al.) | 1880 | 82:454 |  | Babcock, Mary | from | Randall, P. A. (Adm.) | 1884 | 94:366 |  | Babcock, Thos. Z. | from | Vesey, Wm. J. | 1894 | 132:270 |  | Babcock, William A. | from | Babcock, Alexander M. | 1901 | 170:449 |  | Babcock, Wm. A. (Et al.) | to | Babcock, Mary | 1880 | 82:454 |  | Babcock, Wm. A. (Ex.) | to | Babcock, Alexander M. | 1901 | 160:516 |  | Babcock, Wm. H. | to | Ref. Orphans Home | 1892 | 125:341 |  | Babe, Fred | to | Ft. W. J. & S. R. R. Co. | 1870 | 52:566 |  | Babele, Henry | from | Ewing, George W. | 1860 | 26:192 |  | Babston, Jno. M. | from | Neff, Thos. D. | 1854 | 52:435 |  | Bach, John | from | Brammer, Jos. H. | 1893 | 130:217 |  | Bach, John | to | Tri State B. & L. A. | 1896 | 144:225 |  | Bach, Nelson | to | Giddings, F. S. & Co. | 1879 | 78:44 |  | Bach, Peter | from | Brucker, Michael | 1862 | 29:163 |  | Bach, Peter | from | Dewald, Nicholas | 1865 | 37:178 |  | Bach, Peter | to | Mannweiler, M. A. | 1892 | 126:191 |  | Bachelier, Daniel | from | Beck, William | 1853 | N:776 |  | Bachellier, Peter | to | Dalman, Edwin | 1857 | U:295 |  | Bacher, Theo. J. | from | Rudisill, Jacob (Et al.) | 1887 | 103:280 |  | Bacher, Theo. J. | to | Trustees G. Ref. Ch. | 1869 | 107:336 |  | Bacher, Theo. J. | from | Trustees G. Ref. Church | 1887 | 103:280 |  | Bachilier, Daniel | to | Lake Erie W. St. Louis R. R. Co. | 1853 | O:69 |  | Bachman, Chas. | from | Auditor | 1872 | A:54 |  | Bachman, Chas. | to | Bailey, Wm. M. | 1874 | 63:370 |  | Bachman, Jno. D. | from | Swinney, Rhesa (Et al.) | 1892 | 126:392 |  | Bachman, John D. | to | Rastetter, Louis (Et al.) | 1895 | 138:430 |  | Bachman, Wm. C. | from | Bahret, Christian | 1899 | 153:53 |  | Bachman, Wm. C. | to | Rastetter, Louis (Et al.) | 1895 | 138:430 |  | Bachman, Wm. C. | from | Swinney, Rhesa (Et al.) | 1892 | 127:115 |  | Bachtel, Samuel R. | from | Doughman, Newton D. | 1898 | 149:198 |  | Bachtel, Samuel R. | to | Sherboudy, William H. (Et ux.) | 1902 | 170:335 |  | Bachtle, Geo. | from | Hursh, Jacob | 1873 | 87:320 |  | Bachtold, Louis | from | Leonard, Wm. | 1868 | 46:478 |  | Bachtold, Louis | to | Leonard, Wm. & H. | 1868 | 47:2 |  | Bachtold, Mary | from | Leonard, William | 1868 | 47:557 |  | Back, Peter | from | Englert, George | 1862 | 29:163 |  | Back, Peter | to | Frelech, Chas. | 1864 | 32:197 |  | Backer, Jacob (Et.) | from | Boese, William (Et.) | 1891 | 120:519 |  | Backer, William F. (Et al.) | to | Bait, Joseph | 1891 | 120:188 |  | Backer, Wm. F. | from | Randall, P. A. | 1888 | 108:165 |  | Backes, Anna | to | Backes, Jno. J. | 1886 | 100:347 |  | Backes, Francis | to | Wiebke, Frederick W. | 1902 | 169:178 |  | Backes, Jacob | from | Backes, Johan | 1893 | 131:370 |  | Backes, Jacob (by will) | to | Backes, Jno. J. | 1884 | 95:456 |  | Backes, Jacob (Dec. Will of) | to | | 1884 | 95:456 |  | Backes, Jno. J. | from | Backes, Anna | 1886 | 100:347 |  | Backes, Jno. J. | from | Backes, Jacob (by will) | 1884 | 95:456 |  | Backes, Johan | to | Backes, Jacob | 1893 | 131:370 |  | Backes, John J. | from | Backes, Wm. | 1890 | 116:206 |  | Backes, Susanna | to | Backs, Jno. J. | 1885 | 98:362 |  | Backes, Wm. | to | Backes, John J. | 1890 | 116:206 |  | Backman, Fredk. | from | Olcott, Frederic P. | 1899 | 153:359 |  | Backofen, Anna | to | Schwalm, Philip Jr. | 1895 | 137:20 |  | Backofen, Anna | to | Schwalm, Phillip Jr. | 1895 | 136:255 |  | Backofen, Julius | from | Allen Cir. Court | 1887 | 105:635 |  | Backofen, Julius | from | Paul, Caroline | 1885 | 98:160 |  | Backofen, Julius | from | Paul, Henry C. | 1890 | 117:463 |  | Backofen, Julius | from | Peters, Jno. C. | 1885 | 98:161 |  | Backofen, Julius | to | Schwalm, Philip Jr. | 1895 | 137:20 |  | Backofen, Julius | to | Schwalm, Phillip Jr. | 1895 | 136:255 |  | Backofen, Julius | from | Schwalm, Phillip Jr. | 1895 | 137:19 |  | Backofen, Julius | to | Vesey, Wm. J. | 1896 | 145:191 |  | Backs, Jno. J. | from | Backes, Susanna | 1885 | 98:362 |  | Backstein Mills | to | Backstein, Jno. | 1869 | 105:527 |  | Backstein, Catharine | from | Backstein, John | 1854 | O:197 |  | Backstein, Eliza | from | Backstein, John | 1854 | O:197 |  | Backstein, I. | from | Backstein, John | 1854 | O:197 |  | Backstein, Jno. | from | Backstein Mills | 1869 | 105:527 |  | Backstein, Jno. | from | Backstein, Mary | 1867 | 105:528 |  | Backstein, Jno. | from | Rehling, Mary (Et al.) | 1887 | 106:76 |  | Backstein, John | to | Backstein, Catharine | 1854 | O:197 |  | Backstein, John | to | Backstein, Eliza | 1854 | O:197 |  | Backstein, John | to | Backstein, I. | 1854 | O:197 |  | Backstein, John | to | Backstein, John | 1854 | O:197 |  | Backstein, John | from | Backstein, John | 1854 | O:197 |  | Backstein, John | to | Backstein, Lorain | 1854 | O:197 |  | Backstein, John | from | Backstein, M. J. | 1866 | 40:436 |  | Backstein, John | to | Backstein, Mary | 1854 | O:197 |  | Backstein, John | to | Backstein, Mille | 1854 | O:197 |  | Backstein, Lorain | from | Backstein, John | 1854 | O:197 |  | Backstein, M. J. | to | Backstein, John | 1866 | 40:436 |  | Backstein, Mary | to | Backstein, Jno. | 1867 | 105:528 |  | Backstein, Mary | from | Backstein, John | 1854 | O:197 |  | Backstein, Mille | from | Backstein, John | 1854 | O:197 |  | Backstine, Catherine | to | Backstine, John | 1861 | 27:228 |  | Backstine, John | from | Backstine, Catherine | 1861 | 27:228 |  | Backstine, John | from | Backstine, Mary | 1861 | 7:228 |  | Backstine, John | from | Edzol, Elizabeth | 1861 | 27:228 |  | Backstine, Mary | to | Backstine, John | 1861 | 7:228 |  | Backus, E. H. (Et al.) | from | Cheney, Jas. (Et al. Ex.) | 1885 | 98:31 |  | Backus, E. H. (Et al.) | to | Plenze, Geo. C. | 1885 | 98:517 |  | Backus, Elizabeth H. | to | Hoagland, Mercia (Et al.) | 1890 | 118:21 |  | Bacon, A. E. | from | Bacon, Samuel | 1870 | 53:366 |  | Bacon, A. E. | from | Thompson, Milton M. | 1898 | 151:316 |  | Bacon, Adaline | from | Bacon, S. (heirs) | 1874 | 61:506 |  | Bacon, Adaline (Et al.) | to | Bacon, Josephine M. | 1895 | 150:495 |  | Bacon, Adaline E. | from | Bacon, Ann (est.) | 1867 | 67:487 |  | Bacon, Adaline E. | to | Helworth Directors N. Haven B. & C. Mfg Co. | 1891 | 124:116 |  | Bacon, Adeline E. | to | Brudi, C. L. | 1897 | 166:58 |  | Bacon, Albert S. | from | Bacon, Saml. (Et al.) | 1897 | 145:391 |  | Bacon, Albert S. | from | Dowling, B. | 1897 | 145:391 |  | Bacon, Albert S. | from | Dowling, Barthol. (Adm.) | 1899 | 154:97 |  | Bacon, Albert S. | to | Fluttrow, August | 1902 | 170:373 |  | Bacon, Albert S. | from | Jackson Tp. | 1900 | 168:464 |  | Bacon, Ann | from | Burgess, Henry | 1859 | 30:212 |  | Bacon, Ann (est.) | to | Bacon, Adaline E. | 1867 | 67:487 |  | Bacon, Ann (est.) | to | Bacon, Jno. E. | 1867 | 67:487 |  | Bacon, Ann (est.) | to | Bacon, Lucy Maria | 1867 | 67:487 |  | Bacon, Ann (Will of) | to | | 1867 | 67:487 |  | Bacon, Anna (Et al.) | to | Bacon, Samuel | 1872 | 58:82 |  | Bacon, Cassius F. (Et al.) | from | Bertsche, John | 1902 | 170:329 |  | Bacon, Charles S. | to | Liniger, Sarah A. | 1901 | 163:454 |  | Bacon, Charles S. | from | Meads, Matilda | 1902 | 171:233 |  | Bacon, Charles S. | from | Parham, John M. | 1902 | 171:254 |  | Bacon, Charley | from | Leininger, Jacob | 1901 | 160:511 |  | Bacon, Chas. S. | from | Bacon, Samuel | 1874 | 61:296 |  | Bacon, Chas. S. | to | Nail, Dan'l B. | 1886 | 102:360 |  | Bacon, Chas. W. (Et al.) | to | Adams, Earl | 1883 | 93:435 |  | Bacon, Cinderilla | from | United States | 1839 | W:87 |  | Bacon, Clara (Et al.) | to | Bacon, Josephine M. | 1896 | 150:496 |  | Bacon, D. | from | Bowers Cemetery Assc. | 1872 | 66:162 |  | Bacon, Enoch | from | Heath, Milton | 1852 | M:10 |  | Bacon, Enoch | from | Herrick, Wm. R. | 1869 | 50:254 |  | Bacon, Enoch | from | McLane, Ferdinand | 1864 | 34:315 |  | Bacon, Enoels | to | Lantz, Christian | 1852 | L:662 |  | Bacon, F. B. (adm.) | from | Fogel, Delano | 1875 | 68:103 |  | Bacon, F. C. | to | Beansley, M. J. | 1871 | 49:243 |  | Bacon, F. C. | to | Bittenger, Geo. L. | 1870 | 51:45 |  | Bacon, F. C. | from | Bowser, Henry J. | 1863 | 36:198 |  | Bacon, F. C. | from | Griffin, Lucy A. | 1871 | 53:264 |  | Bacon, F. C. | from | Williams, R. H. | 1870 | 51:483 |  | Bacon, Frances C. | to | Cummings, Joseph | 1857 | U:638 |  | Bacon, Francis B. | to | Jones, Cornelius B. | 1884 | 116:70 |  | Bacon, Francis C. | to | Ballow, James | 1858 | W:178 |  | Bacon, Francis C. | from | Cummings, Joseph | 1857 | W:170 |  | Bacon, Frederick | from | U. C. Life Ins. Co. | 1900 | 157:475 |  | Bacon, Iriah | to | Herrin, Samuel | 1854 | O:300 |  | Bacon, J. E. | to | Thompson, L. M. | 1884 | 109:499 |  | Bacon, Jacob | to | Brinkhart, Samuel | 1854 | O:665 |  | Bacon, Jacob | to | Daniels, William B. | 1853 | O:616 |  | Bacon, Jacob | to | Letcher, William | 1851 | L:475 |  | Bacon, Jacob | to | Prindle, William | 1854 | O:666 |  | Bacon, Jno. E. | to | Adams, Earl | 1883 | 94:53 |  | Bacon, Jno. E. | from | Bacon, Ann (est.) | 1867 | 67:487 |  | Bacon, John & Chas. | to | Bacon, Sam'l | 1872 | 63:102 |  | Bacon, John E. | to | Bacon, Josephine M. | 1896 | 150:497 |  | Bacon, John E. (et al.) | to | Bacon, Samuel | 1872 | 69:72 |  | Bacon, Josephine M. | from | Adams, Earl (Et al.) | 1895 | 150:492 |  | Bacon, Josephine M. | from | Adams, Lewis | 1896 | 150:494 |  | Bacon, Josephine M. | from | Adams, Wyman | 1896 | 150:495 |  | Bacon, Josephine M. | from | Bacon, Adaline (Et al.) | 1895 | 150:495 |  | Bacon, Josephine M. | from | Bacon, Clara (Et al.) | 1896 | 150:496 |  | Bacon, Josephine M. | from | Bacon, John E. | 1896 | 150:497 |  | Bacon, Josephine M. | from | Earp, Amanda | 1896 | 150:492 |  | Bacon, Jospehine M. (Et al.) | to | Coonrod, Henry P. | 1900 | 160:59 |  | Bacon, L. B. | to | Beardsley, Jas. O. | 1863 | 55:48 |  | Bacon, L. B. | from | Beardsley, Jas. O. | 1863 | 36:197 |  | Bacon, L. B. | from | Beardsley, Jas. O. | 1871 | 54:145 |  | Bacon, L. B. | from | Haswell, Sol. P. | 1865 | 40:184 |  | Bacon, L. B. | to | Hippenhamer, C. O. | 1880 | 84:97 |  | Bacon, L. M. | from | Bacon, Samuel | 1870 | 53:366 |  | Bacon, Lavilla | to | Ballow, James | 1856 | W:82 |  | Bacon, Lavilla B. | from | Ballow, James | 1858 | W:320 |  | Bacon, LavillaB. | from | Dunton, Ephraim H. | 1860 | 35:474 |  | Bacon, Lucy Maria | from | Bacon, Ann (est.) | 1867 | 67:487 |  | Bacon, Mary E. | from | Assendrop, Antony (Et al.) | 1902 | 167:263 |  | Bacon, Nancy A. | from | Maysville Cemetery Company | 1894 | 139:83 |  | Bacon, S. (heirs) | to | Adams Bacon, J. E. & C. M. | 1874 | 61:507 |  | Bacon, S. (heirs) | to | Armitage, Wm. | 1874 | 61:507 |  | Bacon, S. (heirs) | to | Bacon, Adaline | 1874 | 61:506 |  | Bacon, S. (heirs) | to | Erp, Wm. | 1874 | 61:505 |  | Bacon, Sam'l | from | Bacon, John & Chas. | 1872 | 63:102 |  | Bacon, Sam'l | from | Bacon, Sam'l (heirs) | 1874 | 63:106 |  | Bacon, Sam'l (heirs) | to | Bacon, Sam'l | 1874 | 63:106 |  | Bacon, Saml. | to | Boivers, D. B. | 1862 | 30:305 |  | Bacon, Saml. | from | Earp, Wm. | 1874 | 63:106 |  | Bacon, Saml. (Et al.) | to | Bacon, Albert S. | 1897 | 145:391 |  | Bacon, Samuel | to | Armitage, Wm. | 1869 | 50:164 |  | Bacon, Samuel | to | Armitage, Wm. | 1879 | 92:320 |  | Bacon, Samuel | to | Bacon, A. E. | 1870 | 53:366 |  | Bacon, Samuel | from | Bacon, Anna (Et al.) | 1872 | 58:82 |  | Bacon, Samuel | to | Bacon, Chas. S. | 1874 | 61:296 |  | Bacon, Samuel | from | Bacon, John E. (et al.) | 1872 | 69:72 |  | Bacon, Samuel | to | Bacon, L. M. | 1870 | 53:366 |  | Bacon, Samuel | from | Bacon, Socrates | 1858 | W:20 |  | Bacon, Samuel | to | Brown, David | 1869 | 47:568 |  | Bacon, Samuel | from | Burgess, Henry | 1867 | 46:397 |  | Bacon, Samuel | to | Butler, Alzina M. | 1899 | 154:297 |  | Bacon, Samuel | to | Dowling, Bartholomew W. | 1877 | 72:340 |  | Bacon, Samuel | to | Gerardot, Edward | 1871 | 55:56 |  | Bacon, Samuel | to | Gerardot, Joseph | 1871 | 55:57 |  | Bacon, Samuel | to | Gift, Sarah E. | 1869 | 47:370 |  | Bacon, Samuel | from | Gift, Sarah E. | 1869 | 47:426 |  | Bacon, Samuel | to | Grabuer, Peter M. | 1872 | 56:94 |  | Bacon, Samuel | to | Ladig, Nicholas | 1859 | X:414 |  | Bacon, Samuel | from | Ladig, Nicholas | 1870 | 55:55 |  | Bacon, Samuel | to | Larwill, Jno. S. | 1870 | 106:239 |  | Bacon, Samuel | from | Mitten, Urias | 1852 | 48:165 |  | Bacon, Samuel | from | Small, John | 1868 | 46:396 |  | Bacon, Samuel (Et ux.) | from | Dowling, Bartholomew (Admr.) | 1896 | 154:232 |  | Bacon, Savilla | to | Hunter, Geraldine | 1882 | 88:183 |  | Bacon, Socrates | to | Armitage, Wm. | 1867 | 43:340 |  | Bacon, Socrates | to | Bacon, Samuel | 1858 | W:20 |  | Bacon, Socrates | from | Green, Elisha W. | 1863 | 30:185 |  | Bacon, Socrates | to | Huth, Edwin | 1867 | 44:123 |  | Bacon, Socrates | to | Huth, Erwin | 1866 | 40:519 |  | Bacon, Socrates | to | Kohlenger, Jno. H. | 1863 | 33:427 |  | Bacon, Socrates | to | McKendry, John | 1865 | 36:508 |  | Bacon, Socrates | from | Merckendorf, D. | 1847 | 30:213 |  | Bacon, Socrates | to | Petitjean, Fremense | 1861 | 28:480 |  | Bacon, Socrates | to | Richu, Peter | 1864 | 34:437 |  | Bacon, Socrates | to | Stocks, William | 1863 | 34:6 |  | Bacon, Socrates | to | Timmey, Henry | 1867 | 43:337 |  | Bacon, Socrates | to | Trustees Jefferson Township | 1857 | U:177 |  | Bacon, Socratis (Heirs) | from | Burgess, Henry | 1869 | 50:77 |  | Bada, Fred | from | Match, Wm. | 1865 | 39:176 |  | Bada, Frederick | from | Geerken, George | 1865 | 39:176 |  | Badde, Christian | from | Brackenridge, Geo. W. | 1862 | 29:510 |  | Badde, Christian | from | Brackenridge, H. | 1862 | 29:510 |  | Badde, Christian | from | Brackenridge, Joseph | 1862 | 29:510 |  | Badde, Ernst | from | Brackenridge, Geo. W. | 1862 | 29:511 |  | Badde, Ernst | from | Brackenridge, Hannah | 1862 | 29:511 |  | Badde, Ernst | from | Brackenridge, Joseph | 1862 | 29:511 |  | Baddemeyer, E. F. | from | Brackenridge, Geo. W. | 1862 | 30:97 |  | Baddemeyer, E. F. | from | Brackenridge, Hannah | 1862 | 30:97 |  | Baddemeyer, E. F. | from | Brackenridge, Joseph | 1862 | 30:97 |  | Badders, Mary E. | from | Richie, Michael | 1897 | 148:43 |  | Bade, Augustus | to | Springer, Sarah | 1892 | 123:207 |  | Bade, Christian | from | Mensing, Earl | 1853 | N:341 |  | Bade, Frederick | to | Bade, Henry | 1865 | 39:231 |  | Bade, Frederick | to | Bonser, Jacob C. | 1859 | X:111 |  | Bade, Frederick | from | Bouser, Jacob C. | 1859 | X:112 |  | Bade, Frederick | from | Bowser, Jacob C. | 1859 | X:110 |  | Bade, Frederick | to | Hottendorf, Wm. | 1864 | 32:196 |  | Bade, Henry | from | Bade, Frederick | 1865 | 39:231 |  | Bade, Henry | to | City of Fort Wayne | 1897 | 149:121 |  | Bade, Henry | to | Jantz, Christian | 1863 | 32:79 |  | Bade, Henry | from | Jauty, Christian | 1863 | 32:78 |  | Bade, I. F. Christian | from | Bade, Louisa | 1853 | O:552 |  | Bade, Louisa | to | Bade, I. F. Christian | 1853 | O:552 |  | Bade, William | from | Beck, William | 1853 | M:733 |  | Bader, Samuel D. | from | Randall, Winifred J. | 1900 | 159:204 |  | Badger, H. L. | to | Phelps, Jane | 1858 | W:134 |  | Badger, H. L. | to | Phelps, Jane | 1858 | W:134 |  | Badger, K. L. | from | Force, William M. | 1878 | 73:116 |  | Badger, Kate L. | to | Swift, Bayless | 1878 | 73:493 |  | Badger, Kate L. | to | Swift, Bayless | 1878 | 73:493 |  | Badh, Charls S. | from | Taylor, Robt. S. (Et al Admr.) | 1899 | 155:394 |  | Badiac, Amelia | from | Allen Sup. Court | 1888 | 108:17 |  | Badiac, Amelia | from | Badiac, Louis | 1891 | 122:284 |  | Badiac, Amelia | to | Beckman, Edward | 1893 | 131:370 |  | Badiac, Amelia | from | Garver, Louisa | 1888 | 108:464 |  | Badiac, Amelia | to | Pratt, Luther | 1891 | 122:554 |  | Badiac, C. I (Et al.) | to | Corson, John | 1881 | 83:159 |  | Badiac, C. I. | from | Waters, Jas. | 1885 | 98:355 |  | Badiac, Charles F. | from | Badiac, Joseph | 1897 | 148:259 |  | Badiac, Charles I. | from | Urbine, Mary | 1901 | 160:422 |  | Badiac, Chas. | from | Allen Sup. Court | 1888 | 108:17 |  | Badiac, Chas. I. | to | Waters, Ed. E. | 1895 | 138:52 |  | Badiac, Chas. I. | from | Waters, Stephen | 1890 | 118:186 |  | Badiac, Chas. I. (Admn.) | to | Badiac, Mary A. | 1894 | 136:67 |  | Badiac, Chas. I. (Et.) | to | Pratt, Luther | 1891 | 121:148 |  | Badiac, Chas. J. (Adm.) | to | Beckman, Ed. | 1892 | 124:475 |  | Badiac, Chas. T. | from | Waters, James | 1887 | 103:274 |  | Badiac, Jane | from | Allen Sup. Court | 1888 | 108:17 |  | Badiac, Jane P. | from | Dunten, Milton | 1880 | 82:75 |  | Badiac, Joseph | from | Allen Sup. Court | 1888 | 108:17 |  | Badiac, Joseph | to | Badiac, Charles F. | 1897 | 148:259 |  | Badiac, Joseph | from | Golden, Samuel | 1888 | 107:312 |  | Badiac, Joseph | to | Leonard, Elmer | 1889 | 110:525 |  | Badiac, Josephine E. | to | Null, Lycurgus S. | 1902 | 167:454 |  | Badiac, Louis | from | Allen Sup. Court | 1888 | 108:17 |  | Badiac, Louis | to | Badiac, Amelia | 1891 | 122:284 |  | Badiac, M. A. | from | Waters, Stephen | 1886 | 99:603 |  | Badiac, M. A. (Et al.) | to | Whitten, Jno. | 1880 | 79:190 |  | Badiac, M. S. | from | Leonard, Elmer | 1889 | 110:526 |  | Badiac, Mary A. | from | Badiac, Chas. I. (Admn.) | 1894 | 136:67 |  | Badiac, Mary A. | from | Coms. in Part. | 1895 | 137:139 |  | Badiac, Mary A. | to | Waters, Ed. E. | 1895 | 138:52 |  | Badiac, Mary A. | from | Waters, Elizabeh | 1894 | 136:59 |  | Badiac, Mary A. (Et al.) | to | Beckman, Edward | 1900 | 158:269 |  | Badiac, Mary S. | to | Beckman, Edward | 1890 | 117:481 |  | Badle, Michael | to | Shannon, Carey | 1853 | O:115 |  | Baehring, W. | to | Potter, Era | 1855 | W:396 |  | Bael, Joseph | from | Dalman, John | 1889 | 112:234 |  | Baeon, A. E. | to | Kuyoth, Lucien | 1886 | 101:127 |  | Baer, Alvin E. | to | Parent, Hiram | 1894 | 134:51 |  | Baer, Alvin E. | from | Wichman, Henry J. | 1902 | 169:371 |  | Baer, August | from | Gibson, Mary J. | 1890 | 115:353 |  | Baer, Emma B. | from | Beyerlein, Susan B. | 1898 | 152:335 |  | Baer, Geo. J. | to | Worthington, W. W. | 1876 | 67:203 |  | Baer, Geo. W. | to | Pfleidner, Adam | 1883 | 91:509 |  | Baer, Geo. W. | from | Trentman, A. B. | 1883 | 90:497 |  | Baering & Koch | from | Schvarz, Joseph | 1955 | R:704 |  | Baese, Conrad | from | Brockmeyer, Henry | 1866 | 41:473 |  | Baese, Wm. | from | Hilt, John | 1870 | 51:241 |  | Bagby, Elisha | to | Clark, Allen | 1854 | X:102 |  | Bagby, Hugh | from | Bond, Chas. D. | 1863 | 30:536 |  | Bagby, Hugh | from | Bond, S. B. | 1863 | 30:536 |  | Bagby, Hugh | from | Fleming, William | 1863 | 30:536 |  | Bagelier, Geo. | to | Felger, Gottlieb | 1867 | 43:428 |  | Bagley, Hugh | to | Brammer, Jos. H. | 1892 | 126:527 |  | Bagley, Hugh | from | Burgess, Henry | 1873 | 60:8 |  | Bague, Jno. | to | Carier, Augustus C. | 1878 | 75:294 |  | Bahde, August | from | Crist, Henry | 1854 | P:674 |  | Bahde, E. F. C. | from | Goeglein, A. L. W. | 1888 | 107:48 |  | Bahde, Emmit | from | Bahde, Hannah | 1860 | 26:551 |  | Bahde, Emst | from | Ewing, George W. | 1863 | 31:349 |  | Bahde, Ernst | to | Bahde, Henry | 1886 | Y:132 |  | Bahde, Ernst | to | Hatsmeyer, H. | 1869 | 50:29 |  | Bahde, Ernst F. C. | to | Goeglein, John | 1899 | 153:17 |  | Bahde, Ernth F. C. | from | Goeglein, John | 1899 | 153:16 |  | Bahde, Frederick | from | Bond, Charles D. | 1857 | U:440 |  | Bahde, Frederick | to | Felger, Peter | 1864 | 32:470 |  | Bahde, Frederick | from | Lankenau, Franz | 1864 | 36:4 |  | Bahde, Hannah | to | Bahde, Emmit | 1860 | 26:551 |  | Bahde, Henry | from | Bahde, Ernst | 1886 | Y:132 |  | Bahlinger, Karl | from | Reid, John J. (Extr.) | 1895 | 139:223 |  | Bahlinger, Karl (Et ux.) | from | Randall, Winifred J. | 1902 | 170:422 |  | Bahner, Johann | to | Krunmiller, Leonard | 1864 | 34:377 |  | Bahoff, Xavier | from | Lordier, August | 1869 | 50:202 |  | Bahrdt, Chris | from | Kuhne, P. F. (Comr.) | 1888 | 107:56 |  | Bahrdt, Chris | from | Kuhne, P. F. (Comr.) | 1888 | 107:57 |  | Bahrdt, Christ | from | Doctor, Charles | 1892 | 126:51 |  | Bahrdt, Christopher | from | Bradford, Jas. J. | 1872 | 55:188 |  | Bahrdt, Christopher | to | Elett, Christian | 1895 | 137:225 |  | Bahrdt, Christopher | from | Griebel, Wm. (Et al.) | 1887 | 106:304 |  | Bahrdt, Christopher | to | Voigt, Margaret | 1879 | 80:192 |  | Bahrdt, Christopher (Guard) | to | Voigt, Margaret | 1879 | 80:193 |  | Bahrdt, Maria | to | Horman, Frederick W. | 1900 | 158:335 |  | Bahrdt, Maria | from | Kuhne, Paul F. | 1900 | 157:538 |  | Bahrdt, Maria (Et al.) | to | Kuhne, Paul F. | 1900 | 157:537 |  | Bahrdt, Phillip G. | to | Disler, Cathern K. | 1899 | 156:394 |  | Bahret, Christian | to | Bachman, Wm. C. | 1899 | 153:53 |  | Bahret, Christian | from | Keltsch, Ada, (Et ux.) | 1891 | 120:174 |  | Baidwin, Timothy | to | Lamb, William | 1892 | 129:538 |  | Baidwin, Timothy (Et al.) | to | Sheehan, Charles | 1893 | 131:428 |  | Baier, C. & M. | to | Gebhart, Cecelia | 1881 | 83:319 |  | Baier, John | to | Beebe, R. B. | 1867 | 40:565 |  | Baier, John | from | Bond, C. D. & S. B. | 1866 | 40:176 |  | Baier, N. & V. | to | Smith, C. S. | 1866 | 40:320 |  | Baier, N. ( Guard) | to | Gebhart, Cecelia | 1881 | 83:320 |  | Baier, Nicholas | to | Baier, Valentine | 1874 | 63:91 |  | Baier, Nicholas (et al.) | to | Boseker, Cornelia | 1874 | 63:82 |  | Baier, Valentine | from | Baier, Nicholas | 1874 | 63:91 |  | Baier, Valentine | from | Brackenridge, Jos. | 1876 | 69:298 |  | Baier, Valentine & Nicholaus | from | Hartman, Henry | 1873 | 60:219 |  | Bail, Jos. | from | Bauer, K. J. | 1886 | 102:92 |  | Bail, Joseph | from | Braun, Emil G. | 1901 | 165:344 |  | Bail, Joseph | from | Harries, Mary | 1892 | 127:73 |  | Bail, Joseph | to | Schellhammer, Robt. | 1895 | 139:218 |  | Bail, Joseph F. | to | Braun, Emil G. (Et ux.) | 1901 | 165:297 |  | Bail, Joseph F. (Et ux.) | from | Rissing, John H. | 1896 | 141:415 |  | Bail, Maria | to | Schellhammer, Robt. | 1895 | 139:218 |  | Bailet, Peter P. | from | Cincinnati & Ft. Wayne R. R. Co. | 1857 | T:542 |  | Bailey, Andrew | from | Amstutz, John M. | 1896 | 141:106 |  | Bailey, Andrew | to | Simison, Samuel | 1900 | 158:11 |  | Bailey, Cordelia J. | to | Baily, Harry (Et al.) | 1898 | 152:420 |  | Bailey, Cordelia J.(Et.) | to | Turner, George | 1891 | 120:201 |  | Bailey, Eli | from | Brodeux, J. B. | 1871 | 55:533 |  | Bailey, Eli | to | Brohls, Wm. | 1872 | 55:534 |  | Bailey, Emily J. | to | Denney, Walter | 1890 | 115:223 |  | Bailey, Fred P. | to | Carson, John | 1892 | 124:441 |  | Bailey, Fred P. | from | Mordhurst, H. M. | 1891 | 122:207 |  | Bailey, Hannah | from | Goss, Joseph P. | 1875 | 65:294 |  | Bailey, Hannah | to | Lehman, Conrad | 1876 | 67:387 |  | Bailey, J. C. | from | Carnahan, M. A. (Et al.) | 1878 | 75:288 |  | Bailey, J. C. | to | Huffman, C. V. | 1880 | 82:500 |  | Bailey, J. C. | from | Shippy, Susan (Et al.) | 1878 | 75:288 |  | Bailey, James A. | from | Baily, H. B. | 1900 | 157:406 |  | Bailey, Jno. C. | from | McNabb, Fanny | 1879 | 78:373 |  | Bailey, John C. | from | Camahan, H. L. (Admr.) | 1878 | 74:46 |  | Bailey, John c. | from | McNabb, Jas. (Et al.) | 1878 | 75:288 |  | Bailey, John C. | to | Trustee Cedar Creek Tp. | 1880 | 152:394 |  | Bailey, M. S. & I. M. | from | Cultter, P. A. | 1881 | 89:35 |  | Bailey, Mary | from | Commissioners by Partition | 1878 | 73:375 |  | Bailey, Mary (Et al.) | to | McNabb, Fanny | 1878 | 77:399 |  | Bailey, Mary (Et al.) | to | McNabb, Wm. J. | 1878 | 77:88 |  | Bailey, Mary (Et al.) | to | Shippy, Robt. M. | 1878 | 75:214 |  | Bailey, Mary E. | to | Lomiller, Elroy | 1902 | 171:201 |  | Bailey, Mary J. | from | Roose, Chas. (Et al.) | 1894 | 143:287 |  | Bailey, Moses | from | Bayles, Eliza | 1872 | 56:175 |  | Bailey, Moses | from | Devilbiss, Allen | 1877 | 71:309 |  | Bailey, Moses | to | Vanhorn, Wn. | 1879 | 86:100 |  | Bailey, Nellie P. | from | Lillie, George L. | 1861 | 29:128 |  | Bailey, Nelson | from | Dennen, Walter | 1890 | 115:224 |  | Bailey, Netta J. | from | Markle, Katy Ann | 1896 | 143:112 |  | Bailey, Nettie J. | from | Indiana Inv. Co. | 1897 | 147:268 |  | Bailey, Nola M. | from | Wagenhals, Ellen Hamilton | 1902 | 167:471 |  | Bailey, P. P. | to | Bond, S. B. (Assignee) | 1862 | 29:270 |  | Bailey, Peter | to | Golden, Honore | 1859 | Y:24 |  | Bailey, Peter | from | Henderson, William | 1852 | M:548 |  | Bailey, Peter B. | to | Dolin, Robert | 1858 | 79:33 |  | Bailey, Peter P. | to | Bond, S. B. (Assnee.) | 1861 | 27:276 |  | Bailey, Peter P. | from | Cincinnati & Ft. Wayne R. R. Co. | 1856 | S:356 |  | Bailey, Peter P. | from | Dawson, Jno. W. | 1860 | Y:300 |  | Bailey, Peter P. | to | Hanna, Samuel | 1860 | 26:186 |  | Bailey, Peter P. | to | Hanna, Samuel | 1862 | 29:114 |  | Bailey, Peter P. | to | Ohio & Indiana R. R. Co. | 1852 | M:580 |  | Bailey, Peter P. | from | Smith, J. M. N. | 1862 | 29:215 |  | Bailey, W. B. | from | Stirlen, Alex | 1881 | 84:549 |  | Bailey, William | to | Occleston, H. S. | 1860 | 27:238 |  | Bailey, William | to | Pierce, Asa W. | 1861 | 27:186 |  | Bailey, William | to | Vandozer, N. | 1860 | Y:385 |  | Bailey, Wm. | to | Bayless, A. H. | 1865 | 36:496 |  | Bailey, Wm. (Assignee) | from | State of Indiana | 1846 | 81:76 |  | Bailey, Wm. (Et al.) | to | Byers, Rossacal | 1898 | 149:179 |  | Bailey, Wm. M. | from | Bachman, Chas. | 1874 | 63:370 |  | Bailey, Wm. M. | to | Martin, L. R. | 1881 | 83:183 |  | Bailing, Henry | from | Porter, Francis | 1860 | Y:317 |  | Baillie, John | from | Jenkins, B. (Et al.) | 1868 | 45:338 |  | Baillie, John W. (Et al.) | from | Brackenridge, Eliza J. | 1898 | 149:413 |  | Bailly, Claude | to | Piepenbrink, Fred | 1862 | 29:518 |  | Bailly, Francis | from | Manuel, Antoinette | 1861 | 29:516 |  | Bailly, Francis | from | Sanssott, Jno. B. | 1865 | 39:571 |  | Bailly, Josephine | from | Sanssott, Jno. B. | 1865 | 39:571 |  | Baily, Ann | from | Auditor Allen County | 1866 | 38:480 |  | Baily, C. F. | from | Sordelot, P. J. | 1862 | 29:517 |  | Baily, Cordelia J. | from | Snider, Lois M. | 1889 | 116:158 |  | Baily, Cordelia J. (Et al.) | from | Baltes & Romy | 1890 | 116:169 |  | Baily, Cordelia J. (Et ux.) | from | Romy, Robert L. | 1890 | 117:582 |  | Baily, Emily I. (Et ux.) | from | Weaver, David L. | 1888 | 110:371 |  | Baily, H. B. | to | Bailey, James A. | 1900 | 157:406 |  | Baily, Harry (Et al.) | from | Bailey, Cordelia J. | 1898 | 152:420 |  | Baily, Henry (Et al.) | from | Allen C. Court | 1891 | 120:330 |  | Baily, Margaret B. | from | Little, George | 1862 | 29:226 |  | Baily, Nelson (Et ux.) | from | Pinyard, Sarah E. (Et al.) | 1894 | 134:246 |  | Bain, John | to | Glock, Conrad F. | 1858 | V:151 |  | Bain, John E. | from | Ft. Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | 1894 | 134:539 |  | Bain, John E. | to | Jones, F. L. (Et al.) | 1896 | 142:125 |  | Bain, M. A. | to | Null, Susan | 1886 | 101:605 |  | Bain, M. A. (Et al.) | to | Coleman, J. S. | 1886 | 101:37 |  | Bain, M. A. (Et al.) | from | Coleman, Jas. | 1883 | 91:193 |  | Bain, Maggie A. | from | Akey, Cassins F. | 1887 | 105:292 |  | Bain, Maggie A. | to | Barrone, Abagail | 1893 | 128:521 |  | Bain, Maggie A. | to | Coleman, J. S. & A. E. | 1883 | 93:223 |  | Bain, Maggie A. | from | Coleman, Jos. S. | 1883 | 93:71 |  | Bain, Maggie A. | to | Ginther, Marietta | 1889 | 112:260 |  | Bain, Maggie A. | from | Schmidt, Geo. | 1887 | 106:78 |  | Bainbridge, W. C. | to | Frazer, Wm. D. | 1889 | 110:379 |  | Bainbridge, W. C. (Et ux.) | from | Frazer, Wm. D. | 1889 | 110:280 |  | Bainbridge, Wm. C. | from | Carmer, O. P. | 1881 | 87:261 |  | Bair, A. J. | from | Hanover, Chris. | 1865 | 35:543 |  | Bair, A. J. | from | Kimmel, John | 1869 | 48:140 |  | Bair, A. J. | to | Lausser,Louis | 1869 | 50:107 |  | Bair, A. j. | to | McCoy, W. C. | 1867 | 42:446 |  | Bair, Adam | from | Bair, Christopher | 1868 | 57:501 |  | Bair, Adam | from | Hogans, John | 1867 | 46:357 |  | Bair, Adam | to | Hursh, Jacob | 1873 | 49:359 |  | Bair, Adam | from | Mowdy, Martin | 1868 | 44:252 |  | Bair, Adam | to | Paff, Geroge W. | 1874 | 66:510 |  | Bair, Adam | to | Sevils, Henry | 1874 | 66:522 |  | Bair, Alvin E. | from | Parent, Hiram | 1892 | 123:134 |  | Bair, Cathr. M. | to | Hitzman, Fred w. | 1895 | 139:203 |  | Bair, Christopher | to | Bair, Adam | 1868 | 57:501 |  | Bair, Christopher | from | Bair, Elizabeth | 1872 | 49:298 |  | Bair, Christopher | to | Bair, Jacob | 1851 | N:727 |  | Bair, Christopher | to | Bair, Jacob | 1853 | P:260 |  | Bair, Christopher | to | Bair, Jacob | 1863 | 31:130 |  | Bair, Christopher | to | Bair, Rudolph | 1851 | N:270 |  | Bair, Christopher | to | Bair, Samuel | 1851 | N:271 |  | Bair, Christopher | to | Bair, Simon | 1872 | 55:331 |  | Bair, Christopher | from | Bair, Simon | 1890 | 119:260 |  | Bair, Christopher | from | Freeman, John | 1861 | 27:262 |  | Bair, Christopher | from | Hagans, John | 1866 | 43:401 |  | Bair, Christopher | from | Hagans, John | 1868 | 49:350 |  | Bair, Christopher | to | Moody, Jno. R. | 1861 | 28:217 |  | Bair, Christopher | from | School Commissioner | 1844 | N:729 |  | Bair, Christopher | to | Shutt, Jacob | 1861 | 65:160 |  | Bair, D. M. | to | Parnin, Adolphe | 1885 | 99:244 |  | Bair, David M. | from | Sickler, E. H. & Jacob (Ex.) | 1877 | 72:144 |  | Bair, Elizabeth | to | Bair, Christopher | 1872 | 49:298 |  | Bair, Elizabeth | from | Bair, Jonathan | 1868 | 46:358 |  | Bair, Frank | to | Smith, Wm. S. | 1892 | 126:337 |  | Bair, Frank (Ex.) | from | Giser, Frank J. | 1892 | 124:314 |  | Bair, Isaac | from | Bayless, Frank L. | 1876 | 69:524 |  | Bair, Isaac | from | Craysley, Adella | 1893 | 131:335 |  | Bair, Isaac | from | Rousseau, Anna B. | 1902 | 166:169 |  | Bair, Isaac | to | Rousseau, Anna B. | 1902 | 166:347 |  | Bair, Jacob | to | Anderson, Theron M. | 1853 | N:730 |  | Bair, Jacob | from | Bair, Christopher | 1851 | N:727 |  | Bair, Jacob | from | Bair, Christopher | 1853 | P:260 |  | Bair, Jacob | from | Bair, Christopher | 1863 | 31:130 |  | Bair, Jacob | to | Cain, William | 1857 | X:423 |  | Bair, Jacob | to | Dterlin, Jas. C. | 1863 | 32:22 |  | Bair, Jacob | to | Hillegan, Joseph | 1853 | N:730 |  | Bair, Jacob | to | Parper, Benjamin | 1853 | N:730 |  | Bair, Jacob | to | Rhodes, Samuel | 1853 | N:730 |  | Bair, Jacob | to | Wheelock, Elbrige G. | 1853 | N:730 |  | Bair, Jacob J. | to | Hitzman, Fred W. | 1895 | 139:203 |  | Bair, Jno. | to | Taylor, Jno. M. | 1885 | 99:190 |  | Bair, John | from | Bair, Simons | 1890 | 116:443 |  | Bair, John | to | Fort Wayne & Detroit R. R. Co. | 1901 | 163:139 |  | Bair, John (Et.) | to | Liechty, John | 1892 | 124:117 |  | Bair, Johnathan | from | Bair, Rudolph | 1858 | 34:545 |  | Bair, Jonathan | to | Bair, Elizabeth | 1868 | 46:358 |  | Bair, Jonathan | to | Bair, Rudolph | 1863 | 33:12 |  | Bair, Jonathan | from | Carnes, John | 1857 | U:398 |  | Bair, Jonathan | to | Livensburger, E. | 1863 | 33:13 |  | Bair, Nicholas | from | Brackenridge, Geo. W. | 1862 | 28:227 |  | Bair, Nicholas | from | Brackenridge, H. | 1862 | 28:227 |  | Bair, Nicholas | from | Brackenridge, Joseph | 1862 | 28:227 |  | Bair, Nicholas | from | Brackenridge, R. (Heirs) | 1866 | 40:505 |  | Bair, Polly (Et al.) | to | Schwartz, Jacob | 1892 | 123:406 |  | Bair, Rudolph | from | Bair, Christopher | 1851 | N:270 |  | Bair, Rudolph | to | Bair, Johnathan | 1858 | 34:545 |  | Bair, Rudolph | from | Bair, Jonathan | 1863 | 33:12 |  | Bair, Rudolph | from | Cook, Jerome | 1901 | 164:540 |  | Bair, Rudolph | to | County Commissioners | 1901 | 164:268 |  | Bair, Rudolph | to | Fort Wayne & Detroit R. R. Co. | 1901 | 163:138 |  | Bair, S. J. & Jno. | from | Bear, Levi | 1882 | 99:189 |  | Bair, Samuel | from | Bair, Christopher | 1851 | N:271 |  | Bair, Samuel | to | Carnes, John | 1854 | P:301 |  | Bair, Simon | from | Bair, Christopher | 1872 | 55:331 |  | Bair, Simon | to | Bair, Christopher | 1890 | 119:260 |  | Bair, Simons | to | Bair, John | 1890 | 116:443 |  | Bair, Valentine | from | Brackenridge, Geo. W. | 1862 | 28:227 |  | Bair, Valentine | from | Brackenridge, H. | 1862 | 28:227 |  | Bair, Valentine | from | Brackenridge, Joseph | 1862 | 28:227 |  | Bair, Valentine | from | Brackenridge, R. (Heirs) | 1866 | 40:505 |  | Bair, William M. | from | Crawford, John T. | 1890 | 118:426 |  | Bair, William M. | to | Everett, Charles E. (Et al.) | 1893 | 147:347 |  | Baird, Agnes | to | Biearline, Jno. G. | 1863 | 33:181 |  | Baird, Agnes | to | Biearline, John | 1863 | 33:181 |  | Baird, Agness | to | Biearline, Jno. G. | 1862 | 28:389 |  | Baird, Agness | to | Bierline, John | 1862 | 28:389 |  | Baird, George | to | Bear, George, Jr. | 1876 | 67:533 |  | Baird, J. W. | to | Moore, Frank | 1880 | 86:415 |  | Baird, J. W. (Guard) | to | Opdyke, W. A. & D. F. | 1883 | 93:151 |  | Baird, J. W. (Guard) | to | Opdyke, W. A. & D. F. | 1883 | 93:152 |  | Baird, Jno. | to | Fitzgerald, Ellen | 1881 | 84:464 |  | Baird, Jno. | to | McCormick, A. H. | 1880 | 88:349 |  | Baird, Jno. | to | Muller, Francis | 1876 | 68:301 |  | Baird, Jno. | to | Muller, V. H. | 1883 | 91:344 |  | Baird, John | from | Baird, Julius W. | 1878 | 76:207 |  | Baird, John | from | Berry, Archimedes | 1852 | N:1 |  | Baird, John | to | Hasler, Rachel | 1864 | 36:79 |  | Baird, John | to | Mayers, Gabriel P. | 1870 | 50:587 |  | Baird, John | from | Means, John | 1853 | Q:421 |  | Baird, John | to | Schlatten, Benj. | 1869 | 48:388 |  | Baird, John | to | Wyatt, Henry | 1869 | 57:462 |  | Baird, Joseph | from | Gump, Jeremiah | 1864 | 32:324 |  | Baird, Julius W. | to | Baird, John | 1878 | 76:207 |  | Baird, Julius W. | from | Disler, Ira W. | 1874 | 65:205 |  | Baird, Julius W. | from | Fletter, Charity | 1876 | 71:476 |  | Baird, Julius W. | from | Martin, Phebe & Jacob | 1874 | 65:197 |  | Baird, Julius W. | from | Vananda, Peter W. | 1875 | 66:241 |  | Baird, M. C. | from | Shannon, Boyd | 1864 | 36:139 |  | Baird, Maketable (Et al.) | from | Commissioners by Partition | 1879 | 76:140 |  | Baird, Marg (Et al.) | from | Carter, Wilson | 1870 | 54:491 |  | Baird, O. G. | from | Conrady, John G. | 1868 | 170:459 |  | Baird, R. D. | from | Auditor | 1875 | A:74 |  | Baird, Robert | to | Arnold, John | 1852 | M:4 |  | Baird, Robt. D. | to | Hartman, Homer C. | 1875 | 67:450 |  | Baird, W. H. | to | Nuttman, J. D. Jr. | 1882 | 90:87 |  | Baird, W. H. (Coms.) | to | Dice, Henry | 1886 | 100:577 |  | Baird, Wm. H. | from | Heffelfinger, Joseph W. | 1898 | 151:67 |  | Baird, Wm. H. | from | Hillegass, J. D. | 1873 | 60:595 |  | Baird, Wm. H. (Et al.) | from | Heffelfinger, Alex. (Et al.) | 1898 | 149:392 |  | Baird, Wm. H. (Et al.) | from | Heffelfinger, Joseph W. | 1898 | 149:509 |  | Baise, Frederick | from | Hamilton, Allen | 1853 | N:309 |  | Baisene, David | to | Magginis, T. I. | 1851 | K:776 |  | Baisene, Thomas | to | Magginis, T. I. | 1851 | K:776 |  | Baisore, Sarah | to | Magginnis, Thomas | 1851 | L:108 |  | Baisore, Thomas | to | Mayer, John | 1852 | M:132 |  | Baissenet, Chas. | to | Boissenet, Peter | 1862 | 29:241 |  | Bait, Joseph | from | Backer, William F. (Et al.) | 1891 | 120:188 |  | Baites, Michael | to | Liebeg, Elizabeth | 1885 | 99:146 |  | Baites, Michael (Et al.) | to | Keever, Samuel | 1890 | 115:626 |  | Baites, Michael (Et al.) | to | LaMay, David (Guard) | 1888 | 109:207 |  | Bake, H. (Et al.) | to | Mygrant, I. & J. | 1882 | 88:399 |  | Bake, Hendrika | from | Stout, Mary A. | 1881 | 83:254 |  | Baker & Shie | from | Ashworth, W. S. | 1886 | 102:60 |  | Baker, | to | | 1865 | 37:345 |  | Baker, A. (Et al.) | from | Applegate, M. C. | 1882 | 88:377 |  | Baker, A. (Et al.) | from | Askworth, F. (Et al.) | 1882 | 88:377 |  | Baker, A. (Et al.) | to | Begue, Mary | 1883 | 92:271 |  | Baker, A. A. | to | Baker, D. A. | 1868 | 47:95 |  | Baker, A. A. | from | Baker, Delos A. | 1866 | 39:392 |  | Baker, A. A. | from | Baker, P. L. | 1867 | 43:482 |  | Baker, A. A. | from | Barnhart, John | 1867 | 46:92 |  | Baker, A. A. | to | Boyles, William | 1865 | 37:299 |  | Baker, A. A. | to | Bradley, Joseph | 1865 | 39:178 |  | Baker, A. A. | from | Bright, D. A. | 1867 | 43:482 |  | Baker, A. A. | to | Debow, Wm. | 1864 | 32:466 |  | Baker, A. A. | from | Dibon, William | 1865 | 37:169 |  | Baker, A. A. | to | Draper, David | 1867 | 46:321 |  | Baker, A. A. | from | Fleming, William | 1866 | 40:220 |  | Baker, A. A. | to | Fogleson, David | 1867 | 46:93 |  | Baker, A. A. | to | Fogleson, David | 1870 | 51:344 |  | Baker, A. A. | to | Leurs, J. H. | 1865 | 37:422 |  | Baker, A. A. | from | McGovern, S. | 1865 | 36:369 |  | Baker, A. A. | from | McGovern, Stephen | 1866 | 41:243 |  | Baker, A. A. | from | Pilgrim, L. L. | 1864 | 35:342 |  | Baker, A. A. | from | Pilgrim, L. L. | 1865 | 35:492 |  | Baker, A. A. | from | Rowland, W. E. | 1864 | 35:342 |  | Baker, A. A. | to | Shafer, Amasa | 1867 | 50:474 |  | Baker, A. A. | from | Swift, Jno. F. | 1860 | 26:356 |  | Baker, A. A. | from | Turner, Milton C. | 1866 | 42:163 |  | Baker, A. A. (Et al.) | to | Swift, Alpheus | 1870 | 50:558 |  | Baker, A. C. | to | Orr, Gertrude | 1894 | 133:524 |  | Baker, A. C. (Et al.) | to | Bostick, Emanuel | 1887 | 103:598 |  | Baker, A. J. | to | Ash, H. J. | 1882 | 89:282 |  | Baker, A. J. | to | Baker, Barbara | 1871 | 49:219 |  | Baker, A. J. | from | Baker, James | 1870 | 53:401 |  | Baker, A. J. | from | Benoit, Julian | 1882 | 89:13 |  | Baker, A. J. | from | Commissioners by Partition | 1880 | 81:180 |  | Baker, A. J. | from | Kuhne, F. W. (Et al.) | 1885 | 99:200 |  | Baker, A. J. | to | Spencer, M. V. B. | 1881 | 85:389 |  | Baker, Adam | from | Baker, Belinda | 1878 | 75:487 |  | Baker, Adam | from | Baker, Jacob H. | 1901 | 161:303 |  | Baker, Adam | to | Britzins, Jacob | 1874 | 65:53 |  | Baker, Adam | to | Fenton, Franklin | 1876 | 67:314 |  | Baker, Adam | from | Haley, Jacob | 1871 | 54:468 |  | Baker, Adam | from | Haley, Jacob | 1873 | 59:144 |  | Baker, Adam | to | Humsicker, G. | 1871 | 52:482 |  | Baker, Adam | from | Johnston, Huldah | 1872 | 56:137 |  | Baker, Adam | to | McClellen, Rachel | 1866 | 41:94 |  | Baker, Adam | to | Miller, John M. | 1875 | 66:550 |  | Baker, Adam | from | Miller, John M. | 1875 | 67:136 |  | Baker, Adam | to | Scarr, Margaret | 1889 | 114:500 |  | Baker, Adam | to | Shi, Peter | 1882 | 89:390 |  | Baker, Adam | from | Shi, Peter | 1882 | 89:389 |  | Baker, Adam | from | Shi, Peter | 1889 | 115:542 |  | Baker, Adam | to | Shi, Peter | 1889 | 115:543 |  | Baker, Adam | to | Shi, Peter | 1893 | 131:182 |  | Baker, Adam | from | Shi, Peter | 1893 | 131:183 |  | Baker, Adam | to | Stephenson, Theodore L. (Et ux.) | 1901 | 161:187 |  | Baker, Adam | from | Strangham, J. R. | 1865 | 38:581 |  | Baker, Adam | to | Wickliffe, Geo. J. | 1882 | 87:98 |  | Baker, Alex | from | Edgerton, J. K. | 1873 | 60:333 |  | Baker, Alex | from | Morris, Jno. W. (Et al.) | 1870 | 51:50 |  | Baker, Alex J. | to | Klett, Jacob | 1893 | 127:442 |  | Baker, Alexander | to | Hosler, George | 1877 | 72:46 |  | Baker, Alexander | from | Yoder, David | 1899 | 154:20 |  | Baker, Almon | to | Blynn, Harriet A. | 1889 | 114:52 |  | Baker, Almon | from | Eckles, Elizabeth E. | 1889 | 111:632 |  | Baker, Alonzo | from | Barnhart, John | 1858 | V:521 |  | Baker, Alonzo | from | Cully, Joseph | 1857 | W:592 |  | Baker, Alonzo | to | Fogleson, David | 1868 | 46:209 |  | Baker, Alonzo A. | from | Rowland, Wm. E. | 1865 | 35:492 |  | Baker, Alonzo A. | to | Swift, Jno. F. | 1860 | 26:314 |  | Baker, Alphies E. | to | Robinson, Adam C. | 1899 | 153:481 |  | Baker, Ambrose | from | Equitable Trust Co. | 1885 | 96:615 |  | Baker, Ambrose C. | to | Baker, Andrew J. | 1894 | 133:364 |  | Baker, Ambrose C. | to | Baker, Andrew J. | 1899 | 153:241 |  | Baker, Ambrose C. | from | Baker, Andrew J. (Et al.) | 1899 | 152:534 |  | Baker, Ambrose C. | to | Baker, Jacob | 1885 | 96:618 |  | Baker, Ambrose C. | to | Baker, Nellie A. | 1894 | 139:514 |  | Baker, Ambrose C. | to | Baker, Nellie A. | 1899 | 153:242 |  | Baker, Ambrose C. | to | Boershinges, H. L. | 1885 | 96:620 |  | Baker, Ambrose C. | to | Gebhart, Valentine | 1885 | 96:617 |  | Baker, Ambrose C. | to | Orr, Gertrude | 1899 | 153:243 |  | Baker, Ambrose C. | to | Stapleford, Julia M. | 1894 | 133:268 |  | Baker, Ambrose C. | to | Stapleford, Julia M. | 1899 | 153:243 |  | Baker, Amelia | from | Begue, Mary (Et al.) | 1889 | 112:388 |  | Baker, Amelia | to | Messerschmidt, Wm. | 1900 | 157:261 |  | Baker, Andrew I. | to | Bartlett, William M. | 1852 | L:559 |  | Baker, Andrew I. | to | Shepler, James | 1852 | L:557 |  | Baker, Andrew J. | from | Baker, Ambrose C. | 1894 | 133:364 |  | Baker, Andrew J. | from | Baker, Ambrose C. | 1899 | 153:241 |  | Baker, Andrew J. | to | Middaugh, Sidney R. | 1875 | 65:475 |  | Baker, Andrew J. | to | Stapleford, Julia M. | 1887 | 106:177 |  | Baker, Andrew J. (Et al.) | to | Baker, Ambrose C. | 1899 | 152:534 |  | Baker, Andrew J. (Et al.) | to | Boershinger, Henry L. | 1884 | 161:281 |  | Baker, Andrew J. (Et ux.) | from | Fleming, William | 1900 | 158:111 |  | Baker, Andrew J. (Et ux.) | from | Nelson, William R. | 1900 | 158:110 |  | Baker, Ann (Et al.) | to | Boeuf, Octave | 1882 | 87:541 |  | Baker, Anna | from | Baker, Frank | 1894 | 141:36 |  | Baker, Anna | to | Condon, Mary | 1896 | 141:56 |  | Baker, B. A. | to | Baker, John S. | 1874 | 67:520 |  | Baker, B. H. | from | Williams, Mary H. | 1888 | 111:279 |  | Baker, Barbara | from | Baker, A. J. | 1871 | 49:219 |  | Baker, Belinda | to | Baker, Adam | 1878 | 75:487 |  | Baker, Belinda | to | Baker, F. M. | 1878 | 76:558 |  | Baker, Belinda | from | Baker, F. M. (Et al.) | 1878 | 75:303 |  | Baker, Belinda | from | Carpenter, Enoch (Et al.) | 1878 | 75:303 |  | Baker, Belinda | to | Carpenter, Mary Ann | 1878 | 75:486 |  | Baker, Belinda | from | Lawrence, Milo (Et al.) | 1878 | 75:303 |  | Baker, Belinda | to | Stephen, Margery | 1879 | 76:448 |  | Baker, Belinda | from | Taylor, R. S. (com.) | 1868 | 48:229 |  | Baker, Belinda | to | Wickliffe, Geo. J. | 1882 | 86:557 |  | Baker, Belinda | from | Wickliffe, Geo. J. | 1885 | 96:572 |  | Baker, Benj. A. | from | Smith, Peter | 1863 | 33:102 |  | Baker, Benj. F. | from | Bowser, J. C. | 1866 | 42:152 |  | Baker, Benj. T. | to | Bemsen, Ulrich | 1866 | 42:255 |  | Baker, Benjamin | from | Comparet, Joseph J. | 1860 | Y:580 |  | Baker, Bernard H. | from | Sheriff | 1902 | 167:118 |  | Baker, Blinda | from | Keyser, Jacob F. (Adm.) | 1890 | 119:159 |  | Baker, Bridget | to | Jones, G. M. (Et al.) | 1884 | 96:483 |  | Baker, C. & A. | from | Edwards, J. (Trustee) | 1880 | 81:399 |  | Baker, C. C. (Et al.) | to | Baker, Killian | 1880 | 81:365 |  | Baker, C. E. | from | Baker, H. J. | 1882 | 88:60 |  | Baker, C. E. | to | Bolinger, Jacob J. | 1882 | 89:543 |  | Baker, C. H. | from | VanVoorhis, Philip | 1883 | 95:236 |  | Baker, C. H. (Et ux.) | to | Favret, F. E. | 1887 | 105:344 |  | Baker, Cain | to | Bunting, Elijah | 1874 | 71:520 |  | Baker, Cain | from | Edgerton, J. K. | 1873 | 60:281 |  | Baker, Cain | from | Edgerton, Jos. K. | 1872 | 59:71 |  | Baker, Cain | to | Yaggy, Henry | 1900 | 158:203 |  | Baker, Catharine | from | Krueger, A. C. | 1880 | 81:403 |  | Baker, Catharine | from | Kuhne, F. W. (Et al.) | 1880 | 81:403 |  | Baker, Catherine | to | Benort, Julian | 1881 | 93:185 |  | Baker, Catherine | from | Commissioners by Partition | 1879 | 75:445 |  | Baker, Catherine | to | Fleming, O. E. | 1880 | 81:404 |  | Baker, Catherine A. | to | Shunk, Rev. John A. D. | 1901 | 163:337 |  | Baker, Catherine E. | to | Flemmer, George | 1878 | 136:215 |  | Baker, Celos A. | from | Dennis, Phillip H. | 1862 | 30:228 |  | Baker, Charles | from | Baker, Leis (Estate) | 1858 | U:603 |  | Baker, Charles | from | Bellfontains Indiana R. R. Co. | 1851 | O:234 |  | Baker, Chas. | to | Vogel, A. E. W. | 1863 | 34:587 |  | Baker, Chas. A. | to | Klett, Jacob | 1893 | 127:442 |  | Baker, Conrad | to | Baker, Jacob | 1880 | 81:182 |  | Baker, Conrad | from | Baker, John | 1872 | 57:293 |  | Baker, Conrad | to | Baker, John | 1874 | 63:629 |  | Baker, Conrad | to | Baker, John | 1874 | 63:630 |  | Baker, Conrad | from | Hamilton, A. (Est.) | 1867 | 48:214 |  | Baker, Conrad | to | Rahe, J. H. & M. S. | 1883 | 91:389 |  | Baker, Conrad | from | Waite, Thomas | 1874 | 61:293 |  | Baker, Conrad | to | Welch, Hortense | 1872 | 57:294 |  | Baker, Conrad | from | Welch, John H. | 1872 | 57:293 |  | Baker, Cora | to | Vogely, Andrew | 1889 | 111:591 |  | Baker, D. A. | from | Baker, A. A. | 1868 | 47:95 |  | Baker, D. A. | from | Barnhart, John | 1863 | 32:153 |  | Baker, D. A. | from | Pilgrim & Rowland | 1864 | 36:257 |  | Baker, D. A. | from | Pool, Samuel | 1866 | 40:291 |  | Baker, D. A. | to | Shade, Samuel | 1866 | 41:274 |  | Baker, D. A. | from | Waggoner, L. S. | 1867 | 43:481 |  | Baker, D. H. | to | Swiftand, Slack | 1868 | 47:96 |  | Baker, David | from | Baker, Sarah E. | 1887 | 103:628 |  | Baker, David | from | Short, Emma F. | 1890 | 118:332 |  | Baker, Deliah (Et al.) | to | Rosswurm, Charles | 1901 | 163:448 |  | Baker, Delila (et al.) | to | Crabill, Jacob | 1877 | 71:422 |  | Baker, Delos A. | to | Baker, A. A. | 1866 | 39:392 |  | Baker, Delos A. | from | Ott, John | 1867 | 43:481 |  | Baker, Delos A. | to | Whittern, Chas. | 1868 | 46:153 |  | Baker, Deloso A. | to | O'Rourke, J. C. | 1864 | 32:423 |  | Baker, Deloso A. | to | O'Rourke, P. S | 1864 | 32:423 |  | Baker, Deloss A. | from | Brown, Jno. H. | 1866 | 46:73 |  | Baker, Dora | from | Stunn, Joseph | 1894 | 135:361 |  | Baker, E. & E. | from | Howell, Lydia (Adm.) | 1885 | 98:568 |  | Baker, Editha | from | Baker, W. D. | 1880 | 85:161 |  | Baker, Editha | to | Dwinger, Jos. Rev. | 1881 | 85:162 |  | Baker, Editha | from | Fisher, Jno. | 1884 | 96:586 |  | Baker, Editha | from | Fisher, John | 1877 | 96:2 |  | Baker, Editha | to | Lewis, Lotta D. | 1889 | 112:140 |  | Baker, Editha | from | McDonnough, H. (Et al.) | 1886 | 102:167 |  | Baker, Editha | from | Slagle, Jno. H. | 1889 | 110:608 |  | Baker, Editha | to | Taylor, Isaac W. | 1899 | 155:280 |  | Baker, Editha | to | Taylor, Isaac Z. | 1885 | 96:587 |  | Baker, Edward J. | from | Dawson, John W. | 1862 | 28:515 |  | Baker, Edward J. | to | Novnon, David | 1864 | 34:223 |  | Baker, Edwin | to | Baker, Mary E. | 1875 | 66:265 |  | Baker, Edwin | from | Sloane, Wm. D. (Assg.) | 1874 | 64:174 |  | Baker, Ella J. | to | Ruppert, Charle W. | 1897 | 147:397 |  | Baker, Ella J. | to | Ruppert, Isaac | 1897 | 147:398 |  | Baker, Ett | from | Auditor | 1881 | 83:243 |  | Baker, Etta | to | Baker, Mahala | 1882 | 89:368 |  | Baker, F. M. | from | Baker, Belinda | 1878 | 76:558 |  | Baker, F. M. | from | Carson, Ambrose | 1874 | 64:3 |  | Baker, F. M. | from | Swift, Alphuis | 1871 | 54:398 |  | Baker, F. M. | to | Wolfe, O. C. | 1876 | 68:91 |  | Baker, F. M. (Est.) | to | Baker, Sarah J. | 1890 | 126:129 |  | Baker, F. M. (Et al.) | to | Baker, Belinda | 1878 | 75:303 |  | Baker, Fayetta | from | Dratt, Mahala (Et al.) | 1877 | 109:436 |  | Baker, Fayetta | from | Dratt, Mahala (Et al.) | 1877 | 110:575 |  | Baker, Fayetta | from | Funk, Samantha A. | 1889 | 112:534 |  | Baker, Fayette | to | Rousseau, Emma | 1889 | 112:402 |  | Baker, Francis C. | from | Welch, Hortense | 1877 | 71:153 |  | Baker, Francis M. | from | Daily, Margerrs | 1880 | 112:494 |  | Baker, Francis M. | to | Parker, Nathaniel | 1874 | 67:203 |  | Baker, Frank | to | Baker, Anna | 1894 | 141:36 |  | Baker, Frank J. | to | Ferguson, John (Et al.) | 1895 | 140:454 |  | Baker, Frank J. | from | Higgins, C. R. | 1892 | 126:6 |  | Baker, Frank J. | from | Hogg, Nath. B. (Et ux.) | 1891 | 121:387 |  | Baker, Frank J. | to | Simmers, Dl. W. | 1893 | 130:277 |  | Baker, Frank J. (Et al.) | from | Hogg, Nathaniel B. | 1894 | 140:452 |  | Baker, Frederick | from | Hanna, Samuel | 1850 | K:632 |  | Baker, Frederick | from | Hoagland & Wmis | 1865 | 37:166 |  | Baker, Geo. (Et ux.) | from | Moore, Lavinia (Heirs) | 1888 | 110:208 |  | Baker, Geo. J. | to | Kriete, C. F. | 1884 | 94:416 |  | Baker, Geo. W. | to | Sreel, David | 1864 | 36:189 |  | Baker, Geo. W. | to | Weichselfelder, Geo. & M. | 1872 | 56:4 |  | Baker, George | to | Baker, Henry | 1852 | L:509 |  | Baker, George | from | Baker, John | 1851 | L:295 |  | Baker, George | from | Heighton, Jacob | 1851 | L:295 |  | Baker, George | from | Stager, Jacob | 1851 | L:295 |  | Baker, George (Et ux.) | from | Moore, Daniel W. | 1890 | 119:38 |  | Baker, George (Et ux.) | from | Moore, William H. | 1895 | 154:299 |  | Baker, George Jacob | from | Skinner, Thomasetta H. & B. D. | 1875 | 65:98 |  | Baker, George W. | to | Howey, William | 1853 | P:109 |  | Baker, H. I. & K. | to | Kruse, Henry | 1857 | U:230 |  | Baker, H. J. | to | Baker, C. E. | 1882 | 88:60 |  | Baker, H. J. | to | N. Y. C. & St. L. Rw Co. | 1881 | 86:392 |  | Baker, H. J. (Et al.) | to | Donohoo, Leeson | 1868 | 51:85 |  | Baker, H. S. | from | Miller, H. H. | 1888 | 109:475 |  | Baker, Hannah | from | McKinley, Alex | 1883 | 93:443 |  | Baker, Hannah | to | McKinley, alex | 1883 | 93:444 |  | Baker, Hannah | from | Schryock, Samuel | 1878 | 73:455 |  | Baker, Hattie A. | to | Miller, William H. | 1895 | 153:383 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Auditor Allen County | 1857 | T:680 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Auditor of Allen County | 1853 | S:62 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Auffery, Wm. | 1863 | 31:24 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Baker, George | 1852 | L:509 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Baker, J. & K. | 1867 | 43:28 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Baker, Jacob | 1852 | L:507 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Baker, Jacob | 1858 | V:112 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Baker, Jacob | 1862 | 29:169 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Baker, Jacob | 1862 | 29:171 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Baker, Jacob | 1868 | 46:170 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Baker, Jacob (Et al.) | 1870 | 52:123 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Baker, John | 1854 | T:538 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Baker, John | 1867 | 43:319 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Baker, Kilian | 1852 | L:506 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Baker, Killian | 1862 | 29:171 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Baker, Killian | 1868 | 46:170 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Bashinger, H. L. | 1862 | 29:170 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Bayless, Lot L. | 1857 | T:644 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Bayless, Lot S. | 1863 | 33:24 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Bennigin, Hugh | 1867 | 45:15 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Bennigin, Hugh | 1867 | 45:16 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Bequette, Johnn(Et al.) | 1867 | 57:348 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Bequette, Theresa | 1863 | 30:571 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Bolinger, Catharine | 1854 | O:213 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Bracken, Mary | 1864 | 34:229 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Bracken, P. B. | 1864 | 34:228 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Bracken, P. B. | 1867 | 43:80 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Brandegee, Augustus | 1859 | X:215 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Brandegee, John J. | 1859 | X:215 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Brandegee, Sarah C. | 1859 | X:215 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Brase, Frederick | 1861 | 27:59 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Brink, Jacob | 1863 | 33:166 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Brunmer, John | 1860 | Y:186 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Bullard, W. | 1853 | N:506 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Burt, John | 1864 | 34:49 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Cartwright, Chas. | 1867 | 47:129 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Cartwright, J. F. | 1867 | 43:196 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Cartwright, John | 1867 | 46:144 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Christie, Euphemia | 1863 | 31:395 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Christie, Euphemia W. | 1863 | 31:395 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Cody, Morris | 1863 | 37:141 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Colerick, Jno. A. | 1869 | 52:199 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Cotter, Edmund | 1867 | 43:405 |  | Baker, Henry | to | County of Allen | 1860 | Y:572 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Crow, James | 1867 | 43:307 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Crow, Mary A. | 1867 | 43:308 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Donahoo, Susan | 1867 | 44:152 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Driscoll, Edward | 1865 | 39:164 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Farnan, Mary | 1872 | 62:18 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Farnan, Owen | 1867 | 43:233 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Farnan, Owen | 1867 | 43:233 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Fitzgerald, Michael | 1866 | 41:121 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Fitzgibbons, M. | 1863 | 33:522 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Fleming, H. F. | 1860 | Y:363 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Gebhar, A. William | 1857 | W:277 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Geller, Geo. C. | 1860 | 26:275 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Gers, Philip | 1863 | 30:519 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Gimpee, Henry | 1861 | 28:258 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Gouty, Thomas A. | 1859 | X:280 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Hamilton, Allen | 1862 | 28:281 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Hamilton, Allen | 1862 | 29:542 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Hamilton, F. M. | 1861 | 31:622 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Hanna, Samuel | 1858 | V:298 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Hanna, Samuel | 1864 | 41:264 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Hartnett, James | 1864 | 34:298 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Hartnett, Richard | 1863 | 34:76 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Hilt, John | 1863 | 33:159 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Hoolikan, Bridget | 1863 | 50:164 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Ihrig, A. J. | 1866 | 41:516 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Jarvis, Noah | 1860 | Y:330 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Keifhaber, Geo. | 1859 | Y:45 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Kelley, John | 1863 | 37:397 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Kelly, Timothy | 1867 | 46:17 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Klug, Martin | 1864 | 34:407 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Kruse, Ernst Henry | 1858 | V:304 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Kruse, Wm. (Et al.) | 1867 | 46:175 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Laidlaw, Walter | 1863 | 34:305 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Lasselle, Francis j. | 1865 | 37:563 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Leonard, Wm. | 1863 | 33:118 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Luers, John H. | 1868 | 56:22 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Main, George | 1858 | V:299 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Manghan, Anthony | 1863 | 39:487 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Martin, Bernard | 1867 | 43:450 |  | Baker, Henry | to | McDermott, Mary | 1867 | 43:291 |  | Baker, Henry | to | McDonnel, Johanna | 1869 | 44:544 |  | Baker, Henry | to | McDonnell, Johanna | 1863 | 30:526 |  | Baker, Henry | to | McDonnell, P. | 1863 | 31:24 |  | Baker, Henry | to | McDonnell, P. | 1863 | 33:4 |  | Baker, Henry | from | McElfatrick, Wm. D. | 1861 | 28:1193 |  | Baker, Henry | to | McManus, Thos. | 1864 | 34:531 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Miller, Jno. A. | 1868 | 46:280 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Miller, John A. | 1868 | 46:265 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Moran, John | 1865 | 37:322 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Moran, Patrick | 1867 | 43:327 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Murray, Kerr | 1872 | 54:628 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Myres, Wm. H. | 1867 | 43:199 |  | Baker, Henry | to | O'Connor, Jeremiah | 1866 | 41:394 |  | Baker, Henry | from | P. Ft. W. & C. R. R. Co. | 1859 | X:114 |  | Baker, Henry | from | P. Ft. W. & C. R. R. Co. | 1859 | X:125 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Peckham, Wm. S. (Trustee) | 1867 | 45:116 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Plat of Ot Lots laid out by | 1862 | 29:162 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Powers, Bridget | 1865 | 39:35 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Printz, Ellen | 1866 | 41:114 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Read, Jas. M. | 1866 | 41:175 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Reed, George | 1854 | O:285 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Roche, James (Et al.) | 1869 | 50:603 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Rockhill, William | 1858 | V:168 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Rockhill, William | 1858 | V:253 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Ryan, P. O. | 1867 | 43:9 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Schmucker, Tiber | 1863 | 60:322 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Schneider, B. | 1860 | 26:352 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Schwartz, Geo. | 1859 | Y:44 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Sheriff | 1859 | X:374 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Sheriff | 1860 | Y:194 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Sheriff | 1868 | 45:265 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Sheriff | 1871 | 55:83 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Sheriff | 1872 | 55:491 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Singleton, John | 1864 | 39:370 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Singleton, Michael | 1864 | 39:369 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Skeehan, Edmond | 1864 | 34:539 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Smith, G. A. | 1860 | 26:352 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Spencer, Ann M. | 1861 | 26:372 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Stiltz, William | 1866 | 41:104 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Stiltz, Wm. | 1868 | 45:319 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Stokes, John | 1863 | 46:147 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Stophlet, Samuel | 1860 | Y:533 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Summers, C. | 1863 | 31:51 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Summers, Jas. | 1863 | 33:4 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Tenchtgenhagen, Charles | 1858 | V:435 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Tenchtgenhagen, Charles | 1858 | V:444 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Thaen, John | 1860 | 26:241 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Thrall, Willis | 1861 | 27:535 |  | Baker, Henry | from | Turner, Levi | 1863 | 32:45 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Wadington, Wm. | 1863 | 33:219 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Wate, Watson | 1863 | 31:23 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Wheeler, Mary R. | 1872 | 55:433 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Woodward, M. E. | 1860 | Y:88 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Young, N. B. | 1860 | Y:88 |  | Baker, Henry | to | Zehendener, John | 1859 | X:353 |  | Baker, Henry (est.) | to | Baker, Henry (minor heirs) | 1875 | 65:580 |  | Baker, Henry (est.) | to | Baker, Jacob Kilian | 1875 | 65:580 |  | Baker, Henry (est.) | to | Baker, Mary J. | 1875 | 65:580 |  | Baker, Henry (est.) | to | Benoit, Julian | 1875 | 65:580 |  | Baker, Henry (est.) | to | Stapleford, Mary J. | 1875 | 65:580 |  | Baker, Henry (minor heirs) | from | Baker, Henry (est.) | 1875 | 65:580 |  | Baker, Henry A. | to | Stutzman, Elizabeth | 1892 | 129:93 |  | Baker, Henry J. | from | Commissioners by Partition | 1879 | 75:445 |  | Baker, Henry J. | to | Hartnett, Jas. | 1867 | 46:16 |  | Baker, Henry J. | to | Schmueker, S. | 1863 | 33:113 |  | Baker, Henry J. | to | White, Jas. B. | 1879 | 75:389 |  | Baker, Henry J. | from | White, Jas. B. | 1879 | 75:387 |  | Baker, Isaac W. | from | Brown, Amanda L. (Et al.) | 1901 | 169:30 |  | Baker, Isaac W. | from | Vesey, Wm. J. | 1892 | 125:144 |  | Baker, J. & K. | from | Baker, Henry | 1867 | 43:28 |  | Baker, J. & K. | from | Miller, Jno. M. | 1878 | 74:233 |  | Baker, J. C. | to | Rabbitt, Jos. | 1860 | 38:25 |  | Baker, J. C. M. (Et al.) | from | Ross, John E. | 1892 | 126:329 |  | Baker, J. H. & K. | from | Bayless, Lott S. | 1857 | 96:245 |  | Baker, J. H. & K. | from | Tawney, Abraham | 1857 | W:90 |  | Baker, J. H. K. | from | Shults, Fred. | 1857 | U:411 |  | Baker, J. m. C. (Et ux.) | from | Felts, Geo. F. | 1898 | 155:537 |  | Baker, Jacob | from | Baker, Ambrose C. | 1885 | 96:618 |  | Baker, Jacob | from | Baker, Conrad | 1880 | 81:182 |  | Baker, Jacob | from | Baker, Henry | 1852 | L:507 |  | Baker, Jacob | from | Baker, Henry | 1858 | V:112 |  | Baker, Jacob | from | Baker, Henry | 1862 | 29:169 |  | Baker, Jacob | from | Baker, Henry | 1862 | 29:171 |  | Baker, Jacob | from | Baker, Henry | 1868 | 46:170 |  | Baker, Jacob | from | Baker, K. & Jno. | 1880 | 81:373 |  | Baker, Jacob | from | Baker, Kilian | 1875 | 64:287 |  | Baker, Jacob | to | Baker, Kilian | 1875 | 64:280 |  | Baker, Jacob | to | Baker, Kilian | 1878 | 74:62 |  | Baker, Jacob | to | Baker, Kilian | 1878 | 74:62 |  | Baker, Jacob | to | Baker, Kilian | 1878 | 74:63 |  | Baker, Jacob | to | Baker, Kilian | 1878 | 74:63 |  | Baker, Jacob | from | Baker, Kilian | 1878 | 74:57 |  | Baker, Jacob | from | Baker, Kilian | 1878 | 74:57 |  | Baker, Jacob | from | Bayless, Lot L. | 1857 | T:644 |  | Baker, Jacob | from | Bayless, Lot S. | 1863 | 33:24 |  | Baker, Jacob | to | Becker, Geo. W. | 1871 | 55:271 |  | Baker, Jacob | from | Christie, Euphemia | 1863 | 31:395 |  | Baker, Jacob | from | Christie, Euphemia W. | 1863 | 31:395 |  | Baker, Jacob | to | County of Allen | 1860 | Y:572 |  | Baker, Jacob | from | Edgerton, Jos. K. | 1875 | 72:429 |  | Baker, Jacob | from | Edgerton, Jos. K. | 1882 | 87:437 |  | Baker, Jacob | from | Edgerton, Jos. K. | 1883 | 93:250 |  | Baker, Jacob | to | Edgerton, Jos. K. | 1883 | 93:90 |  | Baker, Jacob | from | Edgerton, Joseph K. | 1874 | 67:19 |  | Baker, Jacob | from | Fleming, Wm. | 1888 | 107:352 |  | Baker, Jacob | to | Flemmer, George | 1878 | 136:215 |  | Baker, Jacob | to | Gebhar, A. William | 1857 | W:277 |  | Baker, Jacob | from | Hamilton, Allen | 1862 | 28:280 |  | Baker, Jacob | from | Hamilton, Allen | 1862 | 29:542 |  | Baker, Jacob | to | Ihrig, A. J. | 1866 | 41:516 |  | Baker, Jacob | to | Kruse, Ernst Henry | 1858 | V:304 |  | Baker, Jacob | from | Lasselle, Francis J. | 1865 | 37:563 |  | Baker, Jacob | from | Main, George | 1858 | V:299 |  | Baker, Jacob | from | Paine, Cyrus F. (Et al.) | 1900 | 157:88 |  | Baker, Jacob | from | Randall, Julia F. | 1900 | 157:87 |  | Baker, Jacob | to | Read, Jas. M. | 1866 | 41:175 |  | Baker, Jacob | to | Rose, Wm. | 1882 | 86:482 |  | Baker, Jacob | from | Small, Jno. | 1883 | 91:311 |  | Baker, Jacob | to | Stophlet, Samuel | 1860 | Y:533 |  | Baker, Jacob | from | Stout, George | 1869 | 50:390 |  | Baker, Jacob | from | Wagner, Peter | 1884 | 94:415 |  | Baker, Jacob & Killian | from | Archer, John H. | 1875 | 66:377 |  | Baker, Jacob & Killian | from | Becquette, Elizabeth | 1880 | 81:366 |  | Baker, Jacob & Killian | from | Sheriff | 1878 | 74:154 |  | Baker, Jacob (Admr.) | to | Becker, Henry | 1871 | 55:278 |  | Baker, Jacob (Et al.) | to | Baker, Henry | 1870 | 52:123 |  | Baker, Jacob (Et al.) | from | Ihrig, A. J. | 1870 | 51:508 |  | Baker, Jacob H. | to | Baker, Adam | 1901 | 161:303 |  | Baker, Jacob H. | from | Howard, William P. | 1894 | 161:302 |  | Baker, Jacob Henry | from | Rudisill, Henry | 1857 | T:668 |  | Baker, Jacob Kilian | from | Baker, Henry (est.) | 1875 | 65:580 |  | Baker, James | to | Baker, A. J. | 1870 | 53:401 |  | Baker, James L. | from | Graham, James | 1862 | 29:400 |  | Baker, Jas. S. | to | Boling, L. R. | 1864 | 36:1 |  | Baker, Jas. S. | to | Brandenburgh, E. | 1864 | 36:185 |  | Baker, Jas. S. | from | Ewing, Geo. W. | 1864 | 34:313 |  | Baker, Jas. S. | to | Hall, Israel | 1866 | 40:171 |  | Baker, Jas. S. | to | Hartnett, Jas. | 1863 | 30:541 |  | Baker, Jas. S. | to | Miller, Jno. A. | 1866 | 40:126 |  | Baker, Jas. S. | to | Phillips, Geo. | 1866 | 44:37 |  | Baker, Jas. S. | to | Racht, Joseph | 1864 | 36:129 |  | Baker, Jas. S. | to | Ruhl, Jesse F. | 1864 | 32:478 |  | Baker, Jno. | from | Baker, K. & Jacob | 1880 | 81:372 |  | Baker, Jno. | from | Bealer, Lazens | 1885 | 98:411 |  | Baker, Jno. | from | Hamilton, M. V. | 1881 | 86:430 |  | Baker, Jno. | from | Wagner, P. & M. M. | 1880 | 81:371 |  | Baker, Jno. | from | Wagner, Peter | 1884 | 94:414 |  | Baker, Jno. & Jacob | to | Baker, Killian | 1880 | 81:374 |  | Baker, Jno. (Et al.) | to | Bohen, Cecilia | 1880 | 81:152 |  | Baker, Jno. Adam | to | Schryock, Samuel | 1878 | 72:469 |  | Baker, Jno. S. | to | Pinkerton, Lucinda | 1880 | 80:376 |  | Baker, Jno. S. (Et al.) | to | Benninghoof, Jno. | 1883 | 93:323 |  | Baker, Joachim | to | Baker, Joseph J. | 1902 | 166:81 |  | Baker, Joachim | from | Baker, Joseph J. (Et al.) | 1899 | 154:349 |  | Baker, Joachim | from | Baker, Mary E. (Et al.) | 1899 | 155:22 |  | Baker, Joachim | to | Ferguson, John | 1901 | 166:78 |  | Baker, Joachim | to | Kohrmann, Hanna B. | 1902 | 169:368 |  | Baker, Joachim | from | Kohrmann, Henry W. | 1902 | 169:365 |  | Baker, Joachim | from | Kohrmann, Henry W. | 1902 | 169:367 |  | Baker, Joachim (Et al.) | to | Baker, Joseph J. | 1899 | 154:357 |  | Baker, Joachin | to | Kohrmann, Hanna B. | 1902 | 169:366 |  | Baker, John | to | Baker, Conrad | 1872 | 57:293 |  | Baker, John | from | Baker, Conrad | 1874 | 63:629 |  | Baker, John | from | Baker, Conrad | 1874 | 63:630 |  | Baker, John | to | Baker, George | 1851 | L:295 |  | Baker, John | from | Baker, Henry | 1854 | T:538 |  | Baker, John | from | Baker, Henry | 1867 | 43:319 |  | Baker, John | to | Baker, Kilian | 1852 | L:508 |  | Baker, John | to | Baker, M. L. | 1872 | 58:64 |  | Baker, John | from | Berry, David | 1852 | N:244 |  | Baker, John | from | Byall, William | 1866 | 40:395 |  | Baker, John | from | Carray, Francis J. | 1902 | 167:328 |  | Baker, John | to | Colerick, Edward | 1852 | M:224 |  | Baker, John | from | Colerick, Henry R. | 1852 | M:775 |  | Baker, John | from | Cour, Eugene | 1894 | 136:59 |  | Baker, John | to | Cutshall, Theodore M. (Et ux.) | 1902 | 167:328 |  | Baker, John | to | Farrell, Austin | 1889 | 112:6 |  | Baker, John | to | Farrell, Edward | 1853 | O:480 |  | Baker, John | from | Fleming, William | 1864 | 34:540 |  | Baker, John | to | Forbush, Joel F. | 1853 | N:376 |  | Baker, John | to | Haifley, George | 1864 | 34:611 |  | Baker, John | to | Haifley, Simon | 1864 | 34:610 |  | Baker, John | from | Hamilton, Allen | 1862 | 28:281 |  | Baker, John | from | Hanna, Samuel | 1852 | M:492 |  | Baker, John | from | Hanna, Samuel | 1855 | S:51 |  | Baker, John | from | Hoagland, Phiny | 1855 | S:51 |  | Baker, John | from | Kalbacher, Anton | 1902 | 167:117 |  | Baker, John | to | McCrary, James M. | 1852 | N:101 |  | Baker, John | to | McLain, Nelson | 1850 | P:452 |  | Baker, John | to | Rich, Edwin & Wm. | 1887 | 105:623 |  | Baker, John | to | Spereison, Alex | 1887 | 105:22 |  | Baker, John | from | Spereison, Alex. | 1887 | 105:24 |  | Baker, John | from | Taylor, R. S. (Comr.) | 1871 | 55:236 |  | Baker, John | to | Weil, Isaac | 1887 | 19:424 |  | Baker, John | to | Welch, Hortense | 1877 | 71:151 |  | Baker, John | to | Welch, Hortense | 1877 | 71:152 |  | Baker, John | to | Werkman, Philip | 1902 | 167:245 |  | Baker, John | to | Wilson, May H. | 1890 | 114:639 |  | Baker, John | to | Withers, Warren | 1852 | M:224 |  | Baker, John & Catharine | from | Baker, Michael L. | 1873 | 65:140 |  | Baker, John (Et al.) | from | Leggott, Elizabeth | 1890 | 114:621 |  | Baker, John (Et ux.) | from | Hamilton, M. C. | 1887 | 103:457 |  | Baker, John (Will) | to | | 1882 | 134:537 |  | Baker, John Comr. | to | Blee, Bridget & Baker, Ann | 1875 | 65:299 |  | Baker, John G. | from | Meyers, Emely V. | 1853 | O:532 |  | Baker, John G. | to | Meyers, Emily V. | 1853 | O:531 |  | Baker, John G. | to | Monning, Jno. B. (Et al.) | 1890 | 118:165 |  | Baker, John G. | from | Sessman, William | 1853 | O:400 |  | Baker, John J. | to | Klett, Jacob | 1893 | 127:442 |  | Baker, John S. | from | Baker, B. A. | 1874 | 67:520 |  | Baker, John S. | to | Edwards, Daniel | 1894 | 132:414 |  | Baker, John S. | from | Keesler, Mary M. | 1868 | 67:521 |  | Baker, John S. | from | Wood, Milton (Et ux.) | 1890 | 119:326 |  | Baker, John T. | to | Ahlersmeyer, William | 1901 | 164:58 |  | Baker, John T. | from | Muldoon, Alber J. | 1897 | 148:251 |  | Baker, Jonas E. | to | Muldoon, Albert J. | 1897 | 148:236 |  | baker, Jonas E.(Et ux.) | from | Pollison, Samuel | 1893 | 128:541 |  | Baker, Jos. | to | Wagner, Peter | 1881 | 85:412 |  | Baker, Jos. J. | from | Edsall, Simon | 1880 | 81:345 |  | Baker, Jos. J. | from | Favret, Francis E. | 1887 | 105:340 |  | Baker, Jos. J. | to | Van Voorhis, Phillip | 1881 | 86:57 |  | Baker, Joseph | to | Bequett, Elizabeth | 1888 | 114:619 |  | Baker, Joseph | from | Biquett, John E | 1888 | 114:617 |  | Baker, Joseph J. | from | Baker, Joachim | 1902 | 166:81 |  | Baker, Joseph J. | from | Baker, Joachim (Et al.) | 1899 | 154:357 |  | Baker, Joseph J. | from | Baker, Mary A. (Et al.) | 1899 | 155:44 |  | Baker, Joseph J. | to | Fouinier, Frank E. | 1900 | 171:121 |  | Baker, Joseph J. | to | Freistroffer, Simon (Et al.) | 1901 | 162:293 |  | Baker, Joseph J. | from | Fremion, Joseph | 1898 | 149:29 |  | Baker, Joseph J. | from | Kohrmann, Hannah C. | 1899 | 154:356 |  | Baker, Joseph J. | to | Renille, Elizabeth | 1902 | 169:533 |  | Baker, Joseph J. | from | Sheriff | 1899 | 154:158 |  | Baker, Joseph J. | from | Sheriff A. Co. | 1891 | 120:65 |  | Baker, Joseph J. | from | Sheriff A. Co. | 1891 | 120:67 |  | Baker, Joseph J. | to | Tomkinson, Albert | 1900 | 160:250 |  | Baker, Joseph J. (Et al.) | to | Baker, Joachim | 1899 | 154:349 |  | Baker, Joseph J. (Et al.) | to | Baker, Kilian | 1899 | 155:58 |  | Baker, Joseph J. (Et al.) | from | Baker, Mary E. (Et al.) | 1899 | 158:140 |  | Baker, Joseph J. (Et al.) | to | Kohrmann, Hannah B. | 1899 | 154:351 |  | Baker, Joseph J. (Et al.) | to | Kohrmann, Henry W. | 1899 | 154:350 |  | Baker, Joseph W. | to | Barthold, Alexander H. | 1853 | O:394 |  | Baker, Josiah C. M. | from | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | 1891 | 120:403 |  | Baker, Josiah C. M. | to | Felts, Geo. F. (Et ux.) | 1899 | 154:418 |  | Baker, Josiah C. M. | from | Humphrey, Sarah F. | 1890 | 115:406 |  | Baker, Josiah C. M. | to | Parry, Joseph W. | 1898 | 152:145 |  | Baker, Josiah C. M. | to | Singrey, Franklin E. (Et ux.) | 1890 | 115:420 |  | Baker, Julia (Et al.) | to | Swift, Alphens | 1895 | 140:329 |  | Baker, K. & J. | from | Baker, M. J. (Et al.) | 1877 | 81:363 |  | Baker, K. & Jacob | to | Baker, Jno. | 1880 | 81:372 |  | Baker, K. & Jno. | to | Baker, Jacob | 1880 | 81:373 |  | Baker, Katie E. | to | White, Jas. B. | 1879 | 75:388 |  | Baker, Kilean | from | Stenp, Henry | 1891 | 113:563 |  | Baker, Kilian | from | Baker, Henry | 1852 | L:506 |  | Baker, Kilian | from | Baker, Jacob | 1875 | 64:280 |  | Baker, Kilian | to | Baker, Jacob | 1875 | 64:287 |  | Baker, Kilian | to | Baker, Jacob | 1878 | 74:57 |  | Baker, Kilian | to | Baker, Jacob | 1878 | 74:57 |  | Baker, Kilian | from | Baker, Jacob | 1878 | 74:62 |  | Baker, Kilian | from | Baker, Jacob | 1878 | 74:62 |  | Baker, Kilian | from | Baker, Jacob | 1878 | 74:63 |  | Baker, Kilian | from | Baker, Jacob | 1878 | 74:63 |  | Baker, Kilian | from | Baker, John | 1852 | L:508 |  | Baker, Kilian | from | Baker, Joseph J. (Et al.) | 1899 | 155:58 |  | Baker, Kilian | from | Baker, Mary E. | 1899 | 155:59 |  | Baker, Kilian | from | Bayless, Leonora B. | 1891 | 113:499 |  | Baker, Kilian | from | Bayless, Lot S. | 1863 | 33:24 |  | Baker, Kilian | to | Bischoff, Wm. | 1890 | 115:507 |  | Baker, Kilian | to | Blee, Wm. | 1879 | 87:531 |  | Baker, Kilian | to | Bursley, E. R. | 1886 | 100:18 |  | Baker, Kilian | to | County of Allen | 1860 | Y:572 |  | Baker, Kilian | from | Deck, Jno. | 1882 | 91:478 |  | Baker, Kilian | to | Frantman, Jacob | 1883 | 91:305 |  | Baker, Kilian | from | Jeffries, Adam | 1881 | 82:324 |  | Baker, Kilian | to | Kruse, Ernst Henry | 1858 | V:304 |  | Baker, Kilian | to | Maines, C. C. | 1882 | 90:172 |  | Baker, Kilian | from | McCulloch, Hugh (Et ux.) | 1891 | 113:500 |  | Baker, Kilian | to | Miller, Jno. M. | 1878 | 74:231 |  | Baker, Kilian | to | Miller, Jno. M. | 1880 | 79:474 |  | Baker, Kilian | to | Pfleidner, Mary | 1883 | 91:478 |  | Baker, Kilian | to | Ranke, Wm. (Et al.) | 1883 | 93:260 |  | Baker, Kilian | to | Schmidt, Catherine | 1884 | 94:631 |  | Baker, Kilian | to | Stophlet, Samuel | 1860 | Y:533 |  | Baker, Kilian | from | Trautman, Jacob | 1883 | 91:306 |  | Baker, Kilian | to | Trick, Geo. M. (Et al.) | 1890 | 116:96 |  | Baker, Kilian | to | Yergens, Wm. | 1883 | 93:260 |  | Baker, Killiah | to | Ihrig, A. J. | 1866 | 41:516 |  | Baker, Killian | from | Allen Cir. Court | 1887 | 105:385 |  | Baker, Killian | from | Auditor | 1879 | 100:25 |  | Baker, Killian | from | Auditor | 1879 | 100:27 |  | Baker, Killian | from | Baker, C. C. (Et al.) | 1880 | 81:365 |  | Baker, Killian | from | Baker, Henry | 1862 | 29:171 |  | Baker, Killian | from | Baker, Henry | 1868 | 46:170 |  | Baker, Killian | from | Baker, Jno. & Jacob | 1880 | 81:374 |  | Baker, Killian | from | Bayless, Lot L. | 1857 | T:644 |  | Baker, Killian | from | Blee, Charles A. | 1878 | 76:68 |  | Baker, Killian | from | Blee, William | 1886 | 102:351 |  | Baker, Killian | from | Blee, Wm. | 1874 | 62:521 |  | Baker, Killian | from | Christie, Euphemia | 1863 | 31:395 |  | Baker, Killian | from | Christie, Euphemia W. | 1863 | 31:395 |  | Baker, Killian | from | Cody, John H. | 1876 | 68:453 |  | Baker, Killian | from | Ellison, Thomas E. (Et ux.) | 1891 | 113:623 |  | Baker, Killian | to | Foster, David N. | 1887 | 106:161 |  | Baker, Killian | to | Gebhar, A. William | 1857 | W:277 |  | Baker, Killian | from | Hamilton, Allen | 1862 | 28:281 |  | Baker, Killian | from | Hamilton, Allen | 1862 | 29:542 |  | Baker, Killian | to | Hoffman, A. E. & W. H. | 1879 | 77:112 |  | Baker, Killian | to | Knode, L. B. | 1889 | 92:269 |  | Baker, Killian | from | Lasselle, Francis J. | 1865 | 37:563 |  | Baker, Killian | from | Main, George | 1858 | V:299 |  | Baker, Killian | from | Ninde, Levi J. | 1898 | 150:184 |  | Baker, Killian | from | Peckham, Wm. S. | 1875 | 67:51 |  | Baker, Killian | to | Read, Jas. M. | 1866 | 41:175 |  | Baker, Killian | from | Sheriff | 1878 | 74:214 |  | Baker, Killian | from | Stapleford, C. E. (Guard) | 1880 | 81:366 |  | Baker, Killian | from | Stapleford, C. E. (Guard) | 1880 | 81:368 |  | Baker, Killian | from | Trick, Benj. F. | 1887 | 105:57 |  | Baker, Killian | from | Wagner, P. & M. M. | 1880 | 81:367 |  | Baker, Killian | from | Wagnerm Peter | 1883 | 90:517 |  | Baker, Killian | from | Zahn, Catherine | 1880 | 81:364 |  | Baker, Killian & Jacob | from | O'Rourke, Edward (comr.) | 1875 | 64:250 |  | Baker, Killian (Et al.) | from | Auditor | 1873 | A:55 |  | Baker, Leis (Estate) | to | Baker, Charles | 1858 | U:603 |  | Baker, Lewis (Et ux.) | from | Randall, Perry A. | 1897 | 148:176 |  | Baker, Lillie M. | to | Pfeiffer. Charles F. | 1897 | 148:7 |  | Baker, Lillie M. | from | Randall, Perry A. | 1897 | 148:3 |  | Baker, Lillie M. | from | Robinson, Jas. M. | 1893 | 131:110 |  | Baker, Lucy | to | Pratt, Salem | 1871 | 52:501 |  | Baker, M. | to | Coverdale & Row | 1865 | 39:594 |  | Baker, M. A. | from | Commissioner in Partition | 1885 | 99:50 |  | Baker, M. A. | to | Coms. in Partition | 1885 | 99:50 |  | Baker, M. E. | from | Jamison, Clarkson | 1883 | 91:256 |  | Baker, M. E. G. L. & A. C. | from | Kuhne, F. W. (Et al.) | 1885 | 97:512 |  | Baker, M. J. (Et al.) | to | Baker, K. & J. | 1877 | 81:363 |  | Baker, M. L. | from | Baker, John | 1872 | 58:64 |  | Baker, M. L. | from | Baker, W. D. | 1874 | 63:113 |  | Baker, M. L. | from | Baker, Wm. D. | 1870 | 53:84 |  | Baker, M. L. | from | Devore, David G. | 1875 | 67:168 |  | Baker, M. L. | to | Knouse, M. B. | 1875 | 67:457 |  | Baker, M. L. | to | Knowse, M. B. | 1875 | 67:546 |  | Baker, M. L. | from | Row, Daniel A. | 1865 | 39:451 |  | Baker, M. L. | from | Schaphorst, H. | 1872 | 58:63 |  | Baker, M. L. | from | Shafer, Jacob | 1868 | 56:13 |  | Baker, M. L. (Et al.) | from | Shell, Jacob H. | 1869 | 50:93 |  | Baker, M. L. (Et al.) | from | Shell, Jacob H. | 1871 | 56:31 |  | Baker, M. L. (Et al.) | from | Shell, Jacob H. | 1871 | 56:32 |  | Baker, Mahala | from | Baker, Etta | 1882 | 89:368 |  | Baker, Mahala | from | Carier, A. H. | 1873 | 58:212 |  | Baker, Mahala | to | Doctor, George | 1887 | 105:390 |  | Baker, Mahala | to | Elberson, S. C. | 1868 | 46:489 |  | Baker, Mahala | from | Fogleson, David | 1868 | 46:487 |  | Baker, Mahala | from | Fogleson, David | 1871 | 54:167 |  | Baker, Mahala | from | Stranfhan, C. J. | 1873 | 59:84 |  | Baker, Mahala | to | Whittern, Chas. | 1871 | 54:193 |  | Baker, Margaret | from | Cary, Lewis M. | 1864 | 35:379 |  | Baker, Margaret | to | Sander, Phillip | 1866 | 40:256 |  | Baker, Margaret | to | Sauser, Louis | 1866 | 41:235 |  | Baker, Margaret | to | Shell, J. H. | 1866 | 40:303 |  | Baker, Margaret | to | Shell, M. Jane | 1867 | 43:102 |  | Baker, Mary | to | Becker, Geo. W. | 1868 | 55:270 |  | Baker, Mary | from | Crow, Michael | 1866 | 41:306 |  | Baker, Mary | to | Felts, E. J. | 1884 | 98:356 |  | Baker, Mary | from | Ormsby, John H. | 1875 | 49:410 |  | Baker, Mary | from | Schoonover, Wm. | 1873 | 49:410 |  | Baker, Mary | to | Weaver, Alonzo | 1881 | 84:324 |  | Baker, Mary A. (Et al.) | to | Baker, Joseph J. | 1899 | 155:44 |  | Baker, Mary A. (Et al.) | to | Kohrmann, Hannah B. | 1899 | 155:24 |  | Baker, Mary A. (Et al.) | to | Kohrmann, Henry W. | 1899 | 155:23 |  | Baker, Mary A. (Et al.) | to | Rademacher, Joseph | 1899 | 152:515 |  | Baker, Mary E (Et al.) | to | Fleming, Helen | 1891 | 125:324 |  | Baker, Mary E. | from | Auditor | 1876 | 68:497 |  | Baker, Mary E. | from | Baker, Edwin | 1875 | 66:265 |  | Baker, Mary E. | to | Baker, Kilian | 1899 | 155:59 |  | Baker, Mary E. (Et al.) | to | Baker, Joachim | 1899 | 155:22 |  | Baker, Mary E. (Et al.) | to | Baker, Joseph J. (Et al.) | 1899 | 158:140 |  | Baker, Mary E. (Et al.) | to | Howe Machine Co. | 1878 | 75:275 |  | Baker, Mary J. | from | Baker, Henry (est.) | 1875 | 65:580 |  | Baker, Mary J. | to | Powers, Volney | 1875 | 66:121d |  | Baker, Mary J. | from | Stapleford, Chas E. | 1875 | 67:189 |  | Baker, Mary J. | to | Stapleford, Julia M. | 1875 | 67:190 |  | Baker, Mary J. | from | Stapleford, Julia M. | 1877 | 70:53 |  | Baker, Mary J. (Et al.) | to | American Wheel Co. | 1890 | 117:302 |  | Baker, Mary M. | from | Smith, Peter | 1863 | 33:102 |  | Baker, Mathias F. | to | Klett, Jacob | 1892 | 127:443 |  | Baker, Mattie F. | from | Newhouse, Mary L. | 1901 | 162:420 |  | Baker, Michael L. | to | Baker, John & Catharine | 1873 | 65:140 |  | Baker, Michael L. | to | Baker, Wm. D. | 1874 | 62:483 |  | Baker, Michael L. | to | Baker, Wm. D. | 1874 | 62:484 |  | Baker, Michael L. | to | Grant, James J. | 1868 | 56:14 |  | Baker, Michael L. | from | Lambert, Henry | 1861 | 29:239 |  | Baker, Michael L. | to | Notestine, Daniel | 1862 | 29:240 |  | Baker, Michael L. | from | Row, Daniel A. | 1865 | 39:451 |  | Baker, Michael L. | to | Schmiett, August | 1875 | 67:169 |  | Baker, Michael L. | to | Shell, Jacob H. | 1871 | 69:11 |  | Baker, Nalirons | to | Hough, John (Jr.) | 1853 | O:4 |  | Baker, Nellie A. | from | Baker, Ambrose C. | 1894 | 139:514 |  | Baker, Nellie A. | from | Baker, Ambrose C. | 1899 | 153:242 |  | Baker, Noah A. | from | Fuhrman, Wm. | 1892 | 123:237 |  | Baker, Noah A. | from | Repine, John | 1897 | 149:537 |  | Baker, O. J. | from | Smith, Peter | 1863 | 33:102 |  | Baker, O. M. | from | Neff, Daniel W. | 1869 | 50:552 |  | Baker, O. W. | to | Baker, Samuel L. | 1872 | 67:444 |  | Baker, Oliver | from | Stall, Wm. L. | 1873 | 61:201 |  | Baker, Oliver & M. E. | to | Lentz, Jacob | 1883 | 91:251 |  | Baker, Oswell W. | to | Hart, Jonathan | 1870 | 51:597 |  | Baker, P. L. | to | Baker, A. A. | 1867 | 43:482 |  | Baker, P. L. | from | Belleman, Enoch | 1874 | 72:143 |  | Baker, P. L. | from | Waggoner, L. S. | 1867 | 43:481 |  | Baker, Perry L. | to | Bell, Perry | 1878 | 73:103 |  | Baker, Perry L. | from | Fogleson, David | 1868 | 47:238 |  | Baker, Perry L. | from | Ott, John | 1867 | 43:481 |  | Baker, Peter | from | McCord, John F. | 1859 | X:566 |  | Baker, Peter | to | McDonnell, Jas. | 1860 | Y:317 |  | Baker, Peter | from | McLachlan, William | 1860 | Y:138 |  | Baker, Peter | to | McLaunghlin, Wm. | 1859 | Y:139 |  | Baker, Peter | to | Rosenthal, E. | 1860 | Y:352 |  | Baker, Rebecca | from | Pinkerton, Lucinda | 1883 | 91:114 |  | Baker, S. E. | from | Commissioner in Partition | 1885 | 99:50 |  | Baker, S. E. | to | Coms. in Partition | 1885 | 99:50 |  | Baker, S. F. | from | Akins, Albert | 1889 | 111:103 |  | Baker, S. F. | from | Bottenberg, Daniel (Com.) | 1888 | 106:582 |  | Baker, S. F. | from | Gill, Joshua S. | 1874 | 62:290 |  | Baker, S. F. | from | Hough, John | 1864 | 34:487 |  | Baker, S. F. | from | Pancake, Geo. | 1877 | 71:306 |  | Baker, S. F. | from | Trustee O. F. Cem. of Mon. | 1897 | 147:504 |  | Baker, S. F. (Admr.) | to | Bower, J. T. & H. | 1881 | 83:454 |  | Baker, S. S. | to | Lainley, M. (Et al.) | 1885 | 97:455 |  | Baker, S. S. | from | Neff, Daniel W. | 1869 | 50:551 |  | Baker, Samuel | from | Grice, Jesse | 1901 | 163:445 |  | Baker, Samuel | to | Nickey, David W. | 1878 | 73:62 |  | Baker, Samuel | from | Orndorf, Geo. W. | 1875 | 66:477 |  | Baker, Samuel L. | from | Baker, O. W. | 1872 | 67:444 |  | Baker, Samuel L. | to | Krick, Emanuel | 1876 | 67:443 |  | Baker, Sarah E. | to | Baker, David | 1887 | 103:628 |  | Baker, Sarah E. (Et al.) | to | Leininger, Jacob | 1891 | 121:539 |  | Baker, Sarah J. | from | Baker, F. M. (Est.) | 1890 | 126:129 |  | Baker, Sarah J. | from | Keyser, Jacob F. (Admr.) | 1890 | 126:129 |  | Baker, Silvanus F. (Will of) | to | | 1899 | 161:9 |  | Baker, Simon & Joseph | to | Wagner, Peter | 1880 | 80:78 |  | Baker, Simon S. | from | Falk, L. (Et al.) | 1885 | 97:459 |  | Baker, Sophia | to | Edwards, Daniel | 1894 | 132:414 |  | Baker, Sylvanus F. | from | Slattery, Michael | 1879 | 77:437 |  | Baker, Thos. J. | from | Robinson, Jas. M. | 1893 | 131:105 |  | Baker, Thos. J. | to | Robinson, Jas. M. | 1893 | 131:104 |  | Baker, Thos. J. & L. M. | from | Evans, Edwin | 1885 | 97:437 |  | Baker, Valorons | from | Carpenter, Ira | 1852 | O:3 |  | Baker, Vincent J. | to | Klett, Jacob | 1893 | 127:442 |  | Baker, W. D. | from | Auditor | 1885 | 99:491 |  | Baker, W. D. | to | Baker, Editha | 1880 | 85:161 |  | Baker, W. D. | to | Baker, M. L. | 1874 | 63:113 |  | Baker, W. D. | from | Higley, M. R. | 1883 | 91:434 |  | Baker, W. D. | from | Long, F. A. | 1881 | 82:279 |  | Baker, W. D. | from | Mumma, Geo. W. | 1892 | 124:375 |  | Baker, W. D. | to | Mumma, Geo. W. | 1892 | 124:376 |  | Baker, W. D. | to | Scherer, F. | 1881 | 83:415 |  | Baker, W. D. | from | Sheriff | 1879 | 85:159 |  | Baker, W. D. | to | Stephenson, T. L. | 1883 | 92:183 |  | Baker, W. H. | from | Cox, James D. | 1888 | 109:252 |  | Baker, Warren H. | to | McInturff, R. H. | 1888 | 109:251 |  | Baker, Warren H. | to | McInturff, Robt. H. | 1889 | 115:90 |  | Baker, William D. | from | Byers, D. M. | 1902 | 166:349 |  | Baker, Wm. D. | to | Baker, M. L. | 1870 | 53:84 |  | Baker, Wm. D. | from | Baker, Michael L. | 1874 | 62:483 |  | Baker, Wm. D. | from | Baker, Michael L. | 1874 | 62:484 |  | Baker, Wm. D. | to | Eyanson, Thomas | 1869 | 47:365 |  | Baker, Wm. D. | from | Miller, H. J. | 1870 | 51:160 |  | Baker, Wm. D. | from | Powers, John A. | 1873 | 60:204 |  | Baker, Wm. D. | from | Schaphorst, H. | 1872 | 58:64 |  | Baker, Wm. D. | to | Sprague, Wm. R. | 1890 | 115:177 |  | Bakerm Wm. D. | from | Mariotte, Celestin | 1868 | 112:407 |  | Bakes, John | from | Bond, C. D. & S. B. | 1864 | 34:540 |  | Bakes, John | from | Jones, William H. | 1864 | 34:540 |  | Bakey, Henry | to | Connair, Wm. | 1870 | 51:519 |  | Bakkes, Peter | to | Busse, August | 1893 | 128:342 |  | Balch, Nathaniel | to | Martinew, George R. | 1853 | O:205 |  | Baldock, Eliza | to | Townley, Jonas W. | 1853 | N:735 |  | Baldock, Eliza | to | Townley, Robert W. | 1853 | N:735 |  | Baldock, George | to | Edsall, Samuel | 1847 | L:544 |  | Baldock, Thomas | to | Hill, John E. | 1854 | R:7 |  | Baldock, Thomas | to | Irbison, Alexander M. | 1854 | R:7 |  | Baldock, Thomas | to | Miller, George | 1852 | L:384 |  | Baldridge, Elizabeth | to | Dreibelbiss, John (Et ux.) | 1893 | 131:209 |  | Baldridge, Elizabeth | from | Hamlin, D. W. | 1882 | 90:216 |  | Baldridge, Elizabeth | from | Locke, Josiah | 1884 | 94:85 |  | Baldun, Hannah | to | Johnson, Wm. H. | 1865 | 37:402 |  | Baldun, Phebe E. | to | Johnson, Wm. H. | 1865 | 37:402 |  | Baldwin, A. | to | | 1875 | |  | Baldwin, A. | to | Axe, Catharine | 1880 | 81:84 |  | Baldwin, A. | to | Wilson, Geo. H. | 1874 | 67:479 |  | Baldwin, A. S. & E. A. | to | Smith & Ward, Treas. & Trustees | 1875 | 66:406 |  | Baldwin, Abel | to | Catton, Maria | 1895 | 139:462 |  | Baldwin, Abel | from | Coms. in Part. | 1895 | 139:443 |  | Baldwin, Abel | from | Hobson, Jacob | 1879 | 75:485 |  | Baldwin, Abel | to | Hobson, Jose K. | 1869 | 63:159 |  | Baldwin, Abel | to | Ninde, L. M. | 1865 | 42:444 |  | Baldwin, Abel | from | Ninde, L. M. | 1866 | 46:200 |  | Baldwin, Abel | from | Rockey, Henry | 1883 | 93:74 |  | Baldwin, Abel | to | Romy, R. L. | 1886 | 100:80 |  | Baldwin, Abel | to | Tilbery, Jasper | 1892 | 126:144 |  | Baldwin, Abel (Guard) | to | Hepner, Chas. & Caroline | 1883 | 93:85 |  | Baldwin, Abel (Guard) | to | Ninde, Jas. W. | 1883 | 91:596 |  | Baldwin, Agnes | from | Schell, Edward | 1880 | 79:344 |  | Baldwin, Albert | from | Axe, Catharine | 1880 | 81:85 |  | Baldwin, Alva J. | from | Baldwin, Timothy (Et al.) | 1891 | 120:417 |  | Baldwin, Alva J. | to | Blem, Josiah S. | 1890 | 118:151 |  | Baldwin, Alva J. | from | Blem, Mary A. | 1890 | 118:150 |  | Baldwin, Alva J. & wife | to | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | 1894 | 134:199 |  | Baldwin, Alva J. (Et al.) | to | Noble Hoop & L. Co. | 1894 | 134:22 |  | Baldwin, Ava J. (Et al.) | to | Hider, Charles C. | 1896 | 147:346 |  | Baldwin, Benj. | to | Baldwin, Timothy | 1864 | 42:465 |  | Baldwin, Betsy & Evaline C. | to | Smith & Ward, Treas. & Trustees | 1875 | 66:404 |  | Baldwin, Betsy & Evaline C. | to | Waul & Smith, Treas. & Trustee | 1875 | |  | Baldwin, D. H. & Co. | from | Slataper, D. Lee | 1886 | 101:356 |  | Baldwin, D. H. (Et al.) | to | Dickinson, H. C. | 1887 | 105:489 |  | Baldwin, D. P. | to | Foote, Jos. G. | 1878 | 75:84 |  | Baldwin, D. P. | from | Graves, Christ R. | 1870 | 52:383 |  | Baldwin, D. P. | to | Killion, I. | 1877 | 82:576 |  | Baldwin, Daniel P. | to | Shafer, Washington | 1871 | 60:113 |  | Baldwin, David | from | Stogdill, George | 1854 | S:352 |  | Baldwin, Elihu | from | Waterman, Melissa | 1873 | 61:64 |  | Baldwin, Elihu | to | Zollenger, Chas. H. | 1874 | 64:316 |  | Baldwin, Elmina J. (Et al.) | from | Coms. in Part. | 1895 | 139:443 |  | Baldwin, Evaline & Betsy | from | Baldwin, Lemuel N. | 1875 | 66:423 |  | Baldwin, F. C. (Et al.) | to | Huxford, Saml. H | 1879 | 78:530 |  | Baldwin, Franklin | from | Gillett, Edward A. | 1890 | 117:566 |  | Baldwin, Hannah | from | Baldwin, Phebe E. (et al.) | 1865 | 67:356 |  | Baldwin, Hannah | to | Ball, John | 1865 | 38:380 |  | Baldwin, Harvey | to | Parker, Lucy | 1861 | 27:564 |  | Baldwin, Harvey | from | Parker, Lucy | 1861 | 26:509 |  | Baldwin, Isaac F. | to | Rice, Hiram S. | 1870 | 49:49 |  | Baldwin, J. F. | from | Bayless, Jas. H. | 1865 | 39:102 |  | Baldwin, Jos. | to | Baldwin, Timothy | 1863 | 42:467 |  | Baldwin, Joseph | to | Ball, John | 1865 | 38:380 |  | Baldwin, Joseph | to | Sheehaw, James | 1872 | 55:557 |  | Baldwin, Joseph (Et al.) | to | Baldwin, Joseph E. | 1900 | 160:7 |  | Baldwin, Joseph E. | from | Baldwin, Joseph (Et al.) | 1900 | 160:7 |  | Baldwin, Joseph E. | from | Morse, Laura A. (Gdn.) | 1900 | 160:26 |  | Baldwin, Joseph E. | from | Whiteman, Harman | 1900 | 159:418 |  | Baldwin, Joseph N. | from | Baldwin, Maria E. | 1899 | 154:307 |  | Baldwin, Joseph N. | to | Wamm, Wallace | 1902 | 166:63 |  | Baldwin, Joshua | to | Ayres, Henry P. | 1854 | S:390 |  | Baldwin, Joshway | from | Hill, John E. | 1849 | J:607 |  | Baldwin, Julia P. | to | Baldwin, Juliette | 1873 | 58:373 |  | Baldwin, Julia P. | from | Talbot, E. M. | 1861 | 33:231 |  | Baldwin, Juliette | from | Baldwin, Julia P. | 1873 | 58:373 |  | Baldwin, L. N. & A. D. | to | Smith & Ward, Treas. & Trustees | 1875 | 66:403 |  | Baldwin, L. N. & A. D. | to | Waul & Smith, Treas. & Trustee | 1875 | |  | Baldwin, L. N. (et al.) | to | Nuttman, J. D. & J. D., Jr. | 1877 | 70:316 |  | Baldwin, Lemuel N. | to | Baldwin, Evaline & Betsy | 1875 | 66:423 |  | Baldwin, Loren | from | Hall, Alex | 1850 | K:435 |  | Baldwin, Lydia E. | to | Baldwin, Timothy | 1863 | 42:468 |  | Baldwin, M. E. | to | Baldwin, Timothy | 1864 | 42:464 |  | Baldwin, M. E. | from | Foote, Wm. | 1889 | 110:494 |  | Baldwin, Maria E. | to | Baldwin, Joseph N. | 1899 | 154:307 |  | Baldwin, Maria E. | to | Foote, Oliver M. | 1890 | 118:525 |  | Baldwin, Maria E. | to | Ringgenberg, Peter | 1902 | 166:523 |  | Baldwin, Mariah E. | from | Killian, John W. | 1890 | 119:43 |  | Baldwin, O. P. | from | Warner, Geo. | 1871 | 55:62 |  | Baldwin, Phebe E. | to | Ball, John | 1865 | 38:380 |  | Baldwin, Phebe E. (et al.) | to | Baldwin, Hannah | 1865 | 67:356 |  | Baldwin, Thomas | from | Carnahan, David R. | 1850 | O:709 |  | Baldwin, Thomas I. | to | Sisson, Abner M. | 1853 | O:456 |  | Baldwin, Thomas J. | to | Linebaugh, Samuel | 1853 | O:573 |  | Baldwin, Timonthy | to | Culver, John | 1890 | 116:496 |  | Baldwin, Timonthy | to | Hider, Charles | 1892 | 135:297 |  | Baldwin, Timothy | from | Baldwin, Benj. | 1864 | 42:465 |  | Baldwin, Timothy | from | Baldwin, Jos. | 1863 | 42:467 |  | Baldwin, Timothy | from | Baldwin, Lydia E. | 1863 | 42:468 |  | Baldwin, Timothy | from | Baldwin, M. E. | 1864 | 42:464 |  | Baldwin, Timothy | to | Ball, John | 1865 | 38:380 |  | Baldwin, Timothy | to | Freese, August | 1895 | 139:239 |  | Baldwin, Timothy | to | Freese, Lizzie | 1898 | 150:213 |  | Baldwin, Timothy | to | Garver, Richard N. | 1892 | 130:137 |  | Baldwin, Timothy | to | Gibson, John (Et al.) | 1897 | 148:53 |  | Baldwin, Timothy | to | Hollopeter, Henry J. | 1888 | 115:503 |  | Baldwin, Timothy | to | Jackson Tp. | 1892 | 134:252 |  | Baldwin, Timothy | to | Kimmel, John | 1869 | 48:138 |  | Baldwin, Timothy | from | Kreighbarm, Eli | 1864 | 42:464 |  | Baldwin, Timothy | to | Oswego Tribe 201, I. O. R. M. | 1897 | 147:242 |  | Baldwin, Timothy | from | Sellars, Elias | 1864 | 42:461 |  | Baldwin, Timothy | to | Shoemaker, John | 1873 | 61:232 |  | Baldwin, Timothy | to | Tillman, Lucinda A. | 1897 | 148:372 |  | Baldwin, Timothy | to | Tilman, John L. | 1893 | 128:420 |  | Baldwin, Timothy | to | Walters, John | 1896 | 168:61 |  | Baldwin, Timothy | to | Walters, Josie Pearl | 1898 | 168:50 |  | Baldwin, Timothy (Et al.) | to | Baldwin, Alva J. | 1891 | 120:417 |  | Baldwin, Timothy (Et al.) | to | Bell, Mary | 1892 | 141:37 |  | Baldwin, Timothy (Et al.) | to | Couples, Joseph | 1892 | 161:541 |  | Baldwin, Timothy (Et al.) | to | Earhardt, Geo. | 1895 | 142:77 |  | Baldwin, Timothy (Et al.) | to | Heckler, John | 1892 | 142:402 |  | Baldwin, Timothy (Et al.) | to | Henry, James | 1895 | 147:82 |  | Baldwin, Timothy (Et al.) | to | Mobley, John | 1893 | 132:38 |  | Baldwin, Timothy (Et al.) | to | Myton, Sarah | 1893 | 142:418 |  | Baldwin, Timothy (Et al.) | to | Myton, Sarah E. | 1893 | 142:419 |  | Baldwin, Timothy (Et al.) | to | Ohio R. Rd. Co. | 1894 | 134:545 |  | Baldwin, Timothy (Et al.) | to | Pence, Ulisses | 1895 | 148:79 |  | Baldwin, Timothy (Et al.) | to | Redelshermer & Co. | 1894 | 141:13 |  | Baldwin, Timothy (Et al.) | to | Rutledge, Florence M. | 1895 | 137:382 |  | Baldwin, Timothy (Et al.) | to | Tillman, Lucinda A. | 1895 | 140:534 |  | Baldwin, Tomithy | to | Foutz, Chas. C. (Et ux.) | 1894 | 134:421 |  | Balenger, F. D. | from | Hollopeter, M. | 1884 | 97:48 |  | Baler, Belinda | from | Wickliffe, A. | 1882 | 87:97 |  | Baler, Jacob H. | from | Fetters, David | 1892 | 124:360 |  | Baler, Kilian | to | Howe, C. D. | 1887 | 105:216 |  | Bales, James | from | Dungan, John | 1876 | 54:261 |  | Baley, Emely I. | to | Weaver, Jacob A. | 1891 | 119:311 |  | Baley, P. P. (Et al.) | to | Warring, Ansom | 1872 | 55:424 |  | Baley, Samuel | to | Haifligh, Sarah | 1854 | P:626 |  | Baley, Samuel | from | Skinner, William | 1847 | O:597 |  | Balin, Havier | to | Chassee, Amedee | 1857 | U:32 |  | Balin, Xavier | from | Carier, A. H. (Et al.) | 1856 | T:179 |  | Balin, Xavier | from | Chaussee, Amedee | 1857 | U:32 |  | Balin, Xavier | to | Flandrin, Peter | 1858 | V:78 |  | Balin, Xavier | from | Jeanloz, Frederick Louis | 1858 | V:218 |  | Balin, Xavier | to | Jeomloz, Emellie | 1858 | V:225 |  | Ball, Barbary Ann (Et al.) | to | Minerd, James (Et ux.) | 1898 | 151:491 |  | Ball, David | to | Ball, George | 1853 | 35:417 |  | Ball, David | to | Ball, John | 1865 | 38:380 |  | Ball, David | from | Ball, John | 1866 | 45:293 |  | Ball, David | from | Hanna, Samuel | 1842 | T:18 |  | Ball, David | to | Johnson, Wm. H. | 1865 | 37:402 |  | Ball, David | to | Wagner, Thomas | 1867 | 45:294 |  | Ball, David (Et al.) | to | Sheehan, Louisa | 1892 | 126:503 |  | Ball, E. | from | Muller, J. H. | 1862 | 28:623 |  | Ball, Eleanor | from | Bowser, Jacob C. | 1860 | Y:446 |  | Ball, Eleanor | to | McMally, Catherine | 1862 | 29:282 |  | Ball, Geo. | from | United States | 1848 | 95:582 |  | Ball, George | from | Ball, David | 1853 | 35:417 |  | Ball, George | from | Ball, Hannah | 1858 | 35:418 |  | Ball, George | to | Ball, William | 1853 | O:479 |  | Ball, George | to | Ball, William | 1857 | U:447 |  | Ball, George | from | Ball, William | 1857 | 37:134 |  | Ball, George | from | Ball, William | 1858 | 37:133 |  | Ball, George | from | Davis, Alvah C. | 1862 | 35:419 |  | Ball, George | from | Davis, James Willard | 1862 | 35:419 |  | Ball, George | to | Frisbee, Caudan | 1862 | 136:247 |  | Ball, George | to | Johnson, Cynthia | 1862 | 136:247 |  | Ball, George | to | Linden, Geo. W. | 1862 | 136:247 |  | Ball, George | to | Pearson, Benj. S. | 1862 | 136:247 |  | Ball, George | to | Pearson, Enoch A. | 1862 | 136:247 |  | Ball, George | to | Pearson, Lavina | 1862 | 136:247 |  | Ball, George | to | Pearson, Nancy A. | 1862 | 136:247 |  | Ball, George | to | Pearson, R. R. | 1862 | 136:247 |  | Ball, George | to | Pearson, Simon | 1862 | 136:247 |  | Ball, George | to | Pitty, Almira | 1862 | 136:247 |  | Ball, George | to | Sweet, Rachael | 1862 | 136:247 |  | Ball, Hannah | to | Ball, George | 1858 | 35:418 |  | Ball, Hannah | from | Ball, Wm. | 1857 | 68:305 |  | Ball, John | from | Baldwin, Hannah | 1865 | 38:380 |  | Ball, John | from | Baldwin, Joseph | 1865 | 38:380 |  | Ball, John | from | Baldwin, Phebe E. | 1865 | 38:380 |  | Ball, John | from | Baldwin, Timothy | 1865 | 38:380 |  | Ball, John | from | Ball, David | 1865 | 38:380 |  | Ball, John | to | Ball, David | 1866 | 45:293 |  | Ball, John | from | Ball, Mary | 1865 | 38:380 |  | Ball, John | from | Johnson, Mary | 1865 | 38:380 |  | Ball, John | from | Johnson, Mary | 1865 | 38:80 |  | Ball, John | from | Johnson, William | 1865 | 38:380 |  | Ball, John | from | Johnson, Wm. | 1865 | 38:80 |  | Ball, John | to | Johnson, Wm. H. | 1865 | 37:402 |  | Ball, John | from | Malott, D. (Guard) | 1865 | 38:380 |  | Ball, John | to | Vanzile, Daniel | 1862 | 30:476 |  | Ball, Lillian M. | to | Deatsman, W. G. | 1894 | 136:408 |  | Ball, Louis | to | Johnson, Wm. H. | 1865 | 37:402 |  | Ball, Magdelina | from | Blyler, Sarah | 1883 | 91:383 |  | Ball, Malissa | from | Redelsheimer, D. S. | 1891 | 122:259 |  | Ball, Mary | to | Ball, John | 1865 | 38:380 |  | Ball, Mary | to | Johnson, Wm. H. | 1865 | 37:402 |  | Ball, Owen | to | Holmes, William | 1853 | N:80 |  | Ball, Peter | to | Holmes, William | 1853 | N:80 |  | Ball, Rudolph | to | Bergel, Joseph | 1870 | 48:480 |  | Ball, Rudolph | from | Bergel, Joseph | 1870 | 50:610 |  | Ball, Rudolph | from | Hamilton, A. H. | 1863 | 32:181 |  | Ball, Rudolph | to | Jacoby, George | 1866 | 41:208 |  | Ball, S. F. | to | Deatsman, W. G. | 1894 | 136:408 |  | Ball, Saml. B. | to | Epler, Benj. C. | 1862 | 35:194 |  | Ball, Saml. B. | to | Epler, Jacob | 1862 | 35:194 |  | Ball, Saml. L. | to | Mariotte, Louisa | 1880 | 79:497 |  | Ball, Saml. L. | to | Redelshimer, D. S. | 1883 | 91:313 |  | Ball, Samuel L. (et ux.) | from | Halls Safe & Lock Co. | 1874 | 64:328 |  | Ball, William | from | Ball, George | 1853 | O:479 |  | Ball, William | from | Ball, George | 1857 | U:447 |  | Ball, William | to | Ball, George | 1857 | 37:134 |  | Ball, William | to | Ball, George | 1858 | 37:133 |  | Ball, William | from | Bonser, Jacob C. | 1857 | V:88 |  | Ball, William | from | Bonser, Jacob C. | 1859 | X:432 |  | Ball, William | to | Bowser, J. C. | 1860 | Y:464 |  | Ball, William | from | Bowser, Jacob C. | 1860 | 26:347 |  | Ball, William | to | Dillen, Jno. Q. A. | 1857 | 30:312 |  | Ball, William | to | Emerick, Chas. S. | 1860 | 26:347 |  | Ball, William | to | Gilliland, Robert | 1851 | L:134 |  | Ball, William | from | McCulloch, Hugh | 1857 | U:448 |  | Ball, William | from | P. Ft. W. & C. R. R. Co. | 1857 | U:448 |  | Ball, William | to | Runnels, Jno. G. | 1858 | Y:57 |  | Ball, William | from | Stephenson, John D. | 1956 | T:703 |  | Ball, William P. | from | Hilt, Samuel | 1845 | L:17 |  | Ball, William P. | to | Kinder, George | 1846 | L:21 |  | Ball, Wm. | to | Ball, Hannah | 1857 | 68:305 |  | Ball. Eleanor | to | Muller, J. H. | 1862 | 28:622 |  | Ballard, Jennie M. | from | Commissioners by Partition | 1875 | 72:438 |  | Ballard, Lucy | from | State of Indiana | 1846 | 80:306 |  | Ballard, Lucy | from | State of Indiana | 1846 | 80:307 |  | Ballard, Lucy | from | State of Indiana | 1846 | 80:308 |  | Ballard, Nettie R. | to | Wyneken, Warren Withers | 1902 | 168:355 |  | Balles, Cycargus | from | Chenevet, Chas. | 1873 | 57:554 |  | Ballinger, C. H. | to | Jones, A. W. | 1883 | 95:525 |  | Ballinger, C. H. | to | Pool, H. D. & M. J. | 1879 | 80:168 |  | Ballinger, C. H. | from | Sheriff | 1883 | 90:506 |  | Ballinger, C. H. | from | Sheriff | 1883 | 90:506 |  | Ballinger, Lucy H. | to | Smith & Ward, Treas. & Trustees | 1875 | 66:405 |  | Ballinger, Lucy T. | to | Waul & Smith, Treas. & Trustee | 1875 | |  | Ballis, L. K. (Et al.) | to | Franke, Ed. G. | 1889 | 110:441 |  | Ballis, L. K. (Et al.) | to | Kierman, H. G. | 1889 | 110:443 |  | Ballis, L. K. (Et al.) | to | Kierman, Julia A. | 1889 | 110:439 |  | Ballman, Jos. | from | Wilnington, Thos. | 1867 | 44:185 |  | Ballon, J. E. | from | Chappell, P. | 1879 | 76:235 |  | Ballon, J. E. | from | Chappell, P. | 1879 | 77:589 |  | Ballon, J. E. | to | Chappell, P. | 1879 | 77:588 |  | Ballon, J. E. | to | Dunten, Geo. W. | 1868 | 89:349 |  | Ballon, J. E. | from | Thornton, S. A. | 1887 | 103:563 |  | Ballon, James | from | Dunten, Daniel I. | 1859 | 74:387 |  | Ballon, James | to | Farrand, D. | 1861 | 31:182 |  | Ballon, James E. | to | Clutter, Clara M. | 1890 | 116:497 |  | Ballon, James E. | from | Greenwell, Franklin | 1890 | 116:166 |  | Ballon, Jas. (Et al.) | to | Dunten, P. G. | 1860 | 74:388 |  | Ballon, Jas. E. | to | Gay, M. E. | 1883 | 95:9 |  | Ballon, Jas. E. | to | Ketchum, M. M. | 1867 | 44:202 |  | Ballon, Jas. E. | to | Rinehold, Henry | 1879 | 77:309 |  | Ballon, Jas. E. | from | Thornton, Ellen | 1888 | 107:332 |  | Ballon, Jose E. | to | G. R. & I. R. R. Co. | 1869 | 48:522 |  | Ballon, O. (Et al.) | to | Jackson, Theo. | 1886 | 103:227 |  | Ballon, Olive | to | Jackson, Theodore | 1889 | 114:151 |  | Ballot, Ferdinand | to | Courdovy, Geneumun | 1854 | P:460 |  | Ballot, Ferdinand | to | Courdovy, Jean Claude | 1854 | P:459 |  | Ballot, Jaques | to | Courdovy, Geneumun | 1854 | P:460 |  | Ballot, Jaques | to | Courdovy, Jean Claude | 1854 | P:459 |  | Ballow, James | from | Bacon, Francis C. | 1858 | W:178 |  | Ballow, James | from | Bacon, Lavilla | 1856 | W:82 |  | Ballow, James | to | Bacon, Lavilla B. | 1858 | W:320 |  | Ballow, James | from | Bentley, D. B. | 1856 | W:82 |  | Ballow, James | from | Bentley, Leonard | 1856 | W:82 |  | Ballow, James | to | Kruss, Samuel | 1848 | O:308 |  | Ballow, James | to | Pulver, Louisa | 1856 | T:328 |  | Ballow, James | to | Rhoalle, Jacob | 1853 | N:389 |  | Ballow, Marie Theresa | to | Jones, Paul | 1858 | U:596 |  | Ballow, Olive | from | Jackson, Theo. (Et al.) | 1886 | 103:226 |  | Balls, J. W. | to | Bruseman, Chas. | 1866 | 40:19 |  | Ballzell, A. M. | to | Scoles, G. W. | 1862 | 28:537 |  | Balman, Edwin | from | U. S. | 1849 | 48:293 |  | Balman, Thos. | from | Pugt, Mary (Et al.) | 1869 | 50:53 |  | Balmot, Ferdinand | to | Saviot, Frederick | 1859 | 162:214 |  | Balot, Jacob F. | from | Trease, Henry | 1863 | 33:453 |  | Balow, Jno. | to | Putz, Jacob | 1882 | 88:445 |  | Bals, Leonard | from | Mollering, Carl | 1859 | V:646 |  | Balseger, Albert | to | Ammeter, John | 1899 | 153:312 |  | Balseger, Albert | from | Gernhardt, William | 1899 | 154:5 |  | Balseger, Albert | from | Sprunger, Christian J. | 1896 | 142:245 |  | Balsiger, Albert | to | Baumgartner, Saml. S. | 1899 | 156:39 |  | Balsiger, Albert | from | Klopfenstein, Henry | 1898 | 154:6 |  | Balsiger, Albert | from | Klopfenstein, Levi M. | 1899 | 154:6 |  | Balsiger, Albert | to | Minder, Gottfried | 1901 | 165:187 |  | Balsiger, Albert | from | Trustees of the Defenseless Mennonite Church | 1899 | 153:542 |  | Balsiger, Albert | to | Zweracher, John | 1901 | 165:102 |  | Balsiger, Gottfried | from | Paff, Geo. W. | 1896 | 142:409 |  | Balsigger, Albert | from | Lichte, Peter | 1901 | 163:452 |  | Balter, Michael | to | Lillie, John | 1867 | 46:216 |  | Baltes & Lilly | from | Taylor, R. S. (Comr.) | 1866 | 42:498 |  | Baltes & Link | from | Hart, John R. | 1875 | 65:599 |  | Baltes & Romy | to | Baily, Cordelia J. (Et al.) | 1890 | 116:169 |  | Baltes & Schele | from | Bass, John H. | 1873 | 57:378 |  | Baltes & Sink | from | Hartnett, Jas. | 1871 | 54:616 |  | Baltes, | to | | 1866 | 41:358 |  | Baltes, A. M. | to | Michael, Herman (Et al.) | 1899 | 154:274 |  | Baltes, Caroline (Et al.) | to | Doughman, N. D. | 1892 | 127:332 |  | Baltes, Catherine | from | DeVault, Charles L. | 1901 | 165:152 |  | Baltes, Edward M. | to | Banus, Josephine | 1901 | 168:36 |  | Baltes, Edward M. | to | Berghoff Brewing Co. | 1899 | 156:129 |  | Baltes, Edward M. | from | Stotz, Ulrich | 1897 | 156:128 |  | Baltes, Edward M. | from | Yobst, Henry | 1901 | 165:353 |  | Baltes, Jacob | from | Auger, Charles | 1890 | 117:146 |  | Baltes, Jacob | to | Baltes, L. J. M. (Et al.) | 1893 | 131:129 |  | Baltes, Jacob | from | Baltes, M. (Et al.) | 1882 | 94:347 |  | Baltes, Jacob | to | Baltes, Michael | 1893 | 143:91 |  | Baltes, Jacob | to | Bond, Stephen B. | 1890 | 118:383 |  | Baltes, Jacob | to | Haiber, Lovenz | 1891 | 122:597 |  | Baltes, Jacob | from | Jones, L. M. | 1883 | 94:348 |  | Baltes, Jacob | from | Jones, L. M. & E. | 1877 | 73:573 |  | Baltes, Jacob | from | Koenig, Edward (Et al.) | 1882 | 94:347 |  | Baltes, Jacob | to | Meriam, Ann J. | 1888 | 109:124 |  | Baltes, Jacob | from | Paine, L. C. | 1888 | 107:483 |  | Baltes, Jacob | from | Randall, P. A. | 1888 | 107:484 |  | Baltes, Jacob | from | Wagner, H. G. (Et al.) | 1882 | 94:347 |  | Baltes, Jacob (Etu.) | to | Conras, William | 1891 | 121:274 |  | Baltes, L. J. M. (Et al.) | from | Baltes, Jacob | 1893 | 131:129 |  | Baltes, L. K. | from | Nierman, Julia A. (Et al.) | 1889 | 110:444 |  | Baltes, Louisa K. | from | Haiber, Lorenz | 1891 | 122:595 |  | Baltes, Louisa K. | from | Nierman, Julia T. | 1884 | 94:349 |  | Baltes, Louisa K. | to | Schele, Henry | 1892 | 125:261 |  | Baltes, Louisa K. (Et.) | to | Lange, Julia A. | 1891 | 122:456 |  | Baltes, M. | from | Morel, Rose | 1864 | 37:315 |  | Baltes, M. (Et al.) | to | Baltes, Jacob | 1882 | 94:347 |  | Baltes, M. (Et al.) | to | Meiser, Benj. | 1888 | 107:582 |  | Baltes, M. (Et al.) | to | Randall, P. A. | 1881 | 83:588 |  | Baltes, Micgael (Et al.) | to | Mettey, Elizabeth | 1890 | 117:42 |  | Baltes, Michael | from | Baltes, Jacob | 1893 | 143:91 |  | Baltes, Michael | to | Bercot, Emeline | 1877 | 72:435 |  | Baltes, Michael | to | Bobilya, Louis J. | 1899 | 154:300 |  | Baltes, Michael | from | Bobilya, Louis J. | 1899 | 154:335 |  | Baltes, Michael | from | Casanave, F. D. | 1893 | 130:36 |  | Baltes, Michael | from | Coms. in Partition | 1890 | 117:78 |  | Baltes, Michael | from | Hamilton, M. V. | 1882 | 86:435 |  | Baltes, Michael | from | Hanna, Elizabeth C. | 1902 | 167:486 |  | Baltes, Michael | to | Hart, Jno. R. | 1875 | 65:622 |  | Baltes, Michael | to | Jenkinson, Hattie M. | 1897 | 145:467 |  | Baltes, Michael | to | Kahlback, Minnie (Et al.) | 1892 | 129:158 |  | Baltes, Michael | to | Kasten, Louis C. | 1894 | 134:422 |  | Baltes, Michael | to | Keller & Roch | 1873 | 61:152 |  | Baltes, Michael | to | Keyser, Jacob M. (Et ux.) | 1902 | 170:212 |  | Baltes, Michael | to | Knecht, Anna (Et al.) | 1902 | 166:65 |  | Baltes, Michael | to | Legras, August | 1877 | 71:524 |  | Baltes, Michael | to | Leman, Conrad | 1892 | 127:363 |  | Baltes, Michael | from | Liebeg, Carl | 1885 | 96:597 |  | Baltes, Michael | to | Lillie, John Jr. &Shoemaker, Jas. S. | 1879 | 76:313 |  | Baltes, Michael | to | Lillie, John Jr. &Shoemaker, Jas. S. | 1879 | 76:315 |  | Baltes, Michael | to | Martin, August J. | 1896 | 144:96 |  | Baltes, Michael | to | Meier, Diedrich | 1867 | 45:363 |  | Baltes, Michael | to | Potter, F. J. (Et ux.) | 1889 | 112:90 |  | Baltes, Michael | to | Robacker, Mattie | 1895 | 138:551 |  | Baltes, Michael | to | Robacker, Saml. | 1895 | 138:551 |  | Baltes, Michael | to | Romy, Cathr. A. | 1895 | 137:26 |  | Baltes, Michael | to | Romy, Cathr. A. | 1895 | 138:539 |  | Baltes, Michael | from | Romy, Cathr. A. | 1895 | 136:379 |  | Baltes, Michael | to | Romy, R. L. | 1895 | 137:26 |  | Baltes, Michael | from | Romy, Robert L. | 1890 | 117:422 |  | Baltes, Michael | from | Romy, Robert L. | 1901 | 165:261 |  | Baltes, Michael | to | Romy, Robert L. | 1901 | 165:246 |  | Baltes, Michael | to | Romy, Robt. L. | 1895 | 138:539 |  | Baltes, Michael | from | Romy, Robt. L. | 1895 | 136:379 |  | Baltes, Michael | from | Scott, Moses H. | 1873 | 59:361 |  | Baltes, Michael | to | Shoemaker, J. S. & Lillie Jno. Jr. | 1879 | 76:312 |  | Baltes, Michael | to | Shoemaker, J. S. & Lillie Jno. Jr. | 1879 | 76:314 |  | Baltes, Michael | to | Slocum, C. E. | 1875 | 65:622 |  | Baltes, Michael | from | Stock, Paul H. | 1900 | 156:516 |  | Baltes, Michael | to | Sweet, Warren | 1892 | 125:374 |  | Baltes, Michael | from | Thain, Jno. & wife | 1876 | 68:97 |  | Baltes, Michael | to | Thain, Rosina | 1876 | 68:99 |  | Baltes, Michael | from | Trinity Church | 1864 | 35:422 |  | Baltes, Michael | to | Viberg, Augusta | 1882 | 102:287 |  | Baltes, Michael | to | Wehnert, Carl | 1889 | 112:83 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Armel, Milton | 1890 | 117:394 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Armel, Milton (Et al.) | 1891 | 113:582 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Baker, Josiah C. M. | 1891 | 120:403 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Bobilya, Louis J. | 1898 | 150:523 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Brammer, Jos. H. | 1878 | 75:351 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Brown, Mary | 1890 | 116:61 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Colvin, Joseph | 1888 | 107:170 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Coolman, Adam (Et al.) | 1888 | 107:168 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Coolman, Geo. W. | 1888 | 107:171 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Coolman, John H. | 1888 | 107:172 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Doughman, N. D. | 1892 | 127:332 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Farre, Joseph | 1888 | 109:11 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Gaffney, Matilda | 1891 | 142:79 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Gebert, Frank | 1890 | 118:385 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Grotholtman, H. A. (Et al.) | 1891 | 119:523 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Harnish, Jacob | 1891 | 120:511 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Janorschke, Frank | 1889 | 112:84 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Meiser, Fiatta | 1886 | 102:294 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Meyer, John | 1891 | 122:116 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | from | Pfeiffer, John C. | 1898 | 149:89 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Pfeiffer, John C. | 1899 | 154:484 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Poirson, Peter F. | 1890 | 119:118 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Ryan, C. M. (Et ux.) | 1890 | 116:474 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Seidel, C. Wm. (Et al.) | 1890 | 118:472 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Seidel, Edward | 1885 | 120:460 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Shoudel, Mathias | 1890 | 118:440 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Sithen, Richard G. | 1896 | 144:77 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Sult, Josephine | 1890 | 120:349 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Waterhouse, E. | 1880 | 80:418 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Weberrusz, Jno. J. (Et ux.) | 1888 | 109:26 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Weigand, Henry | 1895 | 140:182 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Yerkes, John F. (Et ux.) | 1896 | 148:357 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Youngker, Hannah | 1888 | 111:78 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Youngker, Hannah | 1889 | 121:91 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Ziemendorff, A. M. | 1889 | 114:212 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Ziemendorff, A. M. | 1891 | 121:329 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et al.) | to | Zuber, Philip | 1890 | 118:368 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et ux.) | to | Barrus, Timothy | 1891 | 121:487 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et ux.) | to | Lehman, Conrod | 1891 | 119:524 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et ux.) | to | Tagtmeter, Annie | 1890 | 119:414 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et ux.) | from | Tagtmeyer, Anna | 1890 | 119:414 |  | Baltes, Michael (Et.) | to | Frye, Jerome B. | 1891 | 121:391 |  | Baltes, Michael (Etu.) | to | Hayden, Frank M. | 1891 | 122:420 |  | Baltes, Michael (Etu.) | to | Ziemendorff, A. M. | 1891 | 123:572 |  | Baltes, Michael (Ex.) | to | Hayden, Susie E. | 1891 | 122:540 |  | Baltes, Michael (Ex.) | to | Miller, August (Ex.) | 1892 | 123:269 |  | Baltes, Michal (Et al.) | to | Tegtmeyer, Anna (Et al.) | 1887 | 105:53 |  | Baltes, Michel | from | Romy, Robert L. | 1898 | 152:169 |  | Baltes, Mrs. A. M. (Et al.) | from | Bohn, Wm. A. (Et al.) | 1892 | 126:110 |  | Baltes, Mrs. A. M. (Et al.) | from | Romy, Robt. L. | 1892 | 126:110 |  | Baltes, Peter & Anna | from | Michael, Herman | 1899 | 154:364 |  | Baltez, Jacob | from | Haifley, Aaron | 1863 | 31:608 |  | Baltremeyer, Ernst | from | Swinney, Rhesa (Et ux.) | 1889 | 115:318 |  | Baltz, Alex | to | Barrett, Geo. W. | 1879 | 75:507 |  | Baltz, Alex | to | Beber, Geo. W. & E. | 1885 | 98:440 |  | Baltz, Alex | to | Houck, Jno. | 1885 | 97:52 |  | Baltz, Alex | from | Shryock, Ann E. | 1885 | 97:213 |  | Baltz, Alexander | from | Clark (Heirs) | 1888 | 108:465 |  | Baltz, Alexander | from | Draker, Emilia | 1888 | 108:89 |  | Baltz, Alexander | from | Garretson, Andrew | 1877 | 72:170 |  | Baltz, Alexander | from | Spencer, Leeovit | 1878 | 72:565 |  | Baltz, Jacob | from | Baltz, Jacob F. | 1887 | 104:312 |  | Baltz, Jacob | to | Beninghoff, Benj. | 1876 | 68:197 |  | Baltz, Jacob | from | Flitchcraft, Levi | 1863 | 31:347 |  | Baltz, Jacob | from | Haifley, Abe. | 1863 | 31:347 |  | Baltz, Jacob | from | Haifley, Daniel | 1863 | 31:347 |  | Baltz, Jacob | from | Haifley, Danl. (Est.) | 1865 | 42:410 |  | Baltz, Jacob | from | Haifley, Esther | 1863 | 31:347 |  | Baltz, Jacob | from | Haifley, May | 1863 | 31:347 |  | Baltz, Jacob | from | Haifley, R. (Heirs) | 1862 | 31:89 |  | Baltz, Jacob | from | Hamm, Geo. | 1871 | 57:61 |  | Baltz, Jacob | from | Keefer, John | 1863 | 31:347 |  | Baltz, Jacob F. | to | Baltz, Jacob | 1887 | 104:312 |  | Baltz, Jacob Sr. | to | Culbertson, Jas. R. (Et al.) | 1887 | 105:317 |  | Baltz, Leonard | to | Meyer, Jno. H. | 1863 | 30:218 |  | Baltzell, Henry | to | Mitter, Henry | 1851 | K:633 |  | Baltzell, Henry | from | Trustees W. & E. Canal | 1847 | 26:345 |  | Baltzell, Henry | from | Trustees W. & E. Canal | 1848 | 26:365 |  | Baltzell, P. & M. F. | from | Swayne, S. F. | 1880 | 81:232 |  | Baltzell, P. & M. F. | from | Swayne, S. F. | 1882 | 87:481 |  | Baltzell, Peter | to | Garta, Emma | 1882 | 90:144 |  | Baltzell, Peter | to | Swayne, S. F. | 1882 | 87:288 |  | Balz, John Leonhart | from | Schonell, Wilhelm | 1857 | T:476 |  | Balzer, Barbara | to | Grenzebach, August | 1893 | 132:438 |  | Balzer, Flora E. | from | Balzer, Louis | 1899 | 155:45 |  | Balzer, Katie | from | Hayden, Eliza H. | 1892 | 137:391 |  | Balzer, Louis | to | Balzer, Flora E. | 1899 | 155:45 |  | Balzer, Louis | from | Heller, John C. | 1892 | 126:183 |  | Balzer, Louis | from | Reed, Hugh B. | 1888 | 110:78 |  | Balzer, Valentine | to | Grenzebach, August | 1893 | 132:438 |  | Balzer, Valentine (Et al.) | from | Bernhardt, F. F. | 1889 | 114:496 |  | Bamber, W. W. | to | Hofmann, N. | 1862 | 28:521 |  | Bames, Joshua B. | to | Shryock, William W. | 1902 | 169:465 |  | Bamhart, Harriet | to | Biddlecome, L. L. | 1895 | 138:134 |  | Bamjoi, Louis | from | Williams, John | 1892 | 124:20 |  | Bamler, Wm. W. | from | Sloey, James | 1861 | 28:591 |  | Banand, Jno. B. | from | Adgerton, J. K. | 1871 | 53:341 |  | Banatt, John | from | Rundles, J. J. (Et al.) | 1872 | 57:332 |  | Banda, Frederick | to | Snyder, Christian | 1876 | 69:18 |  | Bandalier, Charles | to | Bandalier, Louis A. (et al.) | 1876 | 69:207 |  | Bandalier, Charles | to | Bandalier, Louis A. (et al.) | 1876 | 69:209 |  | Bandalier, Chas. | to | Bandalier, Paul (Et al.) | 1890 | 117:127 |  | Bandalier, Ferdimand | from | Bandalier, Louis A. | 1890 | 117:128 |  | Bandalier, Louis A. | to | Bandalier, Ferdimand | 1890 | 117:128 |  | Bandalier, Louis A. (et al.) | from | Bandalier, Charles | 1876 | 69:207 |  | Bandalier, Louis A. (et al.) | from | Bandalier, Charles | 1876 | 69:209 |  | Bandalier, Paul (Et al.) | from | Bandalier, Chas. | 1890 | 117:127 |  | Bandan, Fred | from | Carnahan, Wm. L. | 1870 | 50:487 |  | Bandan, Fred | from | Wiehe, August | 1872 | 57:227 |  | Bandan, Frederdik | from | Shacks, Wm. | 1864 | 34:35 |  | Bandan, Frederick | from | Fisher, Isaac | 1876 | 67:504 |  | Bandan, Fredk. | to | Schultz, Henry | 1871 | 58:162 |  | Bandau, Fred | to | Fort Wayne | 1875 | 66:371 |  | Bandau, Frederick | from | Rockhill, Wm. | 1856 | 28:136 |  | Bandelier, August | to | Bandelier, Fred | 1876 | 67:436 |  | Bandelier, August | from | Bandelier, Fred | 1885 | 97:344 |  | Bandelier, August | to | Lomont, Alphonse | 1902 | 166:329 |  | Bandelier, August | from | Lucy, Jeremiah | 1874 | 62:599 |  | Bandelier, August | to | Wolf, August | 1890 | 117:242 |  | Bandelier, August (Et al.) | from | Alden, Saml. | 1892 | 126:39 |  | Bandelier, Charles | from | Allen Superior Court | 1899 | 153:51 |  | Bandelier, Charles | from | Dager, Frederick (et al.) | 1875 | 66:82 |  | Bandelier, Charles | from | Dager, Peter | 1875 | 66:83 |  | Bandelier, Charles | to | Ft. W. VanWert & L. Traction Co. | 1902 | 170:87 |  | Bandelier, Chas. | from | Bell, Wilson S. | 1870 | 52:8 |  | Bandelier, Chas. | from | Dager, Peter, Sr. | 1873 | 59:399 |  | Bandelier, E. L. | from | Bandelier, F. L. | 1889 | 110:533 |  | Bandelier, E. L. | to | Shambaugh, W. H. | 1896 | 142:104 |  | Bandelier, E. L. (Et ux.) | from | Shambaugh, W. H. | 1896 | 142:105 |  | Bandelier, Emmet (Et al.) | to | Lomont, Francis A. | 1899 | 153:224 |  | Bandelier, Emmet (Et ux.) | from | Furthmiller, Henry | 1899 | 153:460 |  | Bandelier, Emmet (Et ux.) | from | Jackson, Henry W. | 1894 | 135:463 |  | Bandelier, Emmet L. | to | Adams, Seth J. | 1898 | 152:181 |  | Bandelier, F. L. | to | Bandelier, E. L. | 1889 | 110:533 |  | Bandelier, F. L. | to | Bandelier, H. L. | 1889 | 110:535 |  | Bandelier, F. L. | from | Bandelier, P. L. | 1889 | 110:532 |  | Bandelier, F. L. (Et al.) | to | Bandelier, P. L. | 1889 | 110:531 |  | Bandelier, Fred | from | Bandelier, August | 1876 | 67:436 |  | Bandelier, Fred | to | Bandelier, August | 1885 | 97:344 |  | Bandelier, H. L. | from | Bandelier, F. L. | 1889 | 110:535 |  | Bandelier, H. L. (Et al.) | from | Bass, John H. | 1888 | 107:269 |  | Bandelier, Henry (Et al.) | from | Alden, Saml. R. | 1890 | 118:344 |  | Bandelier, L. August (Et ux.) | from | Reuss, Amelia M. | 1902 | 168:209 |  | Bandelier, Laura A. | to | Adams, Seth J. (Et ux.) | 1900 | 156:288 |  | Bandelier, Laura A. (Et al.) | from | Adams, Seth J. (Et al.) | 1894 | 131:572 |  | Bandelier, Louis F. (Et al.) | from | Rogers, Lamort M. (Et al.) | 1902 | 165:436 |  | Bandelier, Mary A. (Et al.) | from | Adams, Seth J. (Et al.) | 1894 | 131:571 |  | Bandelier, P. L. | to | Bandelier, F. L. | 1889 | 110:532 |  | Bandelier, P. L. | from | Bandelier, F. L. (Et al.) | 1889 | 110:531 |  | Bandelier, Paul (Et al.) | from | Allen Superior Court | 1899 | 153:51 |  | Bandelin, Laura A. (Et al.) | to | Adams, Seth. J. (Et ux.) | 1894 | 131:570 |  | Bandewater, C. (Et al.) | from | Elbert, Delphine | 1872 | 49:336 |  | Bandistel, Wm. | from | Nussman, John | 1876 | 69:147 |  | Bandt, F. (Et al.) | to | Warmuth, Chas. | 1881 | 85:355 |  | Bandt, Fred | from | Williams, J. L. | 1881 | 83:341 |  | Bandt, Fred W. | from | Olds, Henry G.(Et al.) | 1890 | 119:243 |  | Bandt, Frederick | from | Benke, F. | 1876 | 67:476 |  | Bandt, Fredk. W. | to | Gilmartin, Edward | 1892 | 128:38 |  | Bandt, Fredk. W. | to | Gilmartin, M. J. | 1892 | 128:38 |  | Bandt, Fredrick | from | Barnes, J. B. | 1883 | 92:76 |  | Bandt, William | from | Fuchshuber, Philip G. | 1900 | 156:492 |  | Bandt, William | to | Huser, Louie P. | 1901 | 163:400 |  | Bandtel, Geo. F. | from | Lewis, Fred W. | 1891 | 120:289 |  | Bandtel, George F. (Et ux.) | from | Hamilton, Montgomery | 1902 | 167:443 |  | Bandtel, George F. (Et ux.) | to | Lomont, Louisa J. | 1891 | 113:621 |  | Bandtell, Geo. F. | from | Schlatter, C. C. | 1889 | 111:243 |  | Bandtell, Geo. F. (Et ux.) | from | Schlatter, C. C. | 1887 | 104:271 |  | Banen, Frances | from | Crance, Richard | 1866 | 42:148 |  | Baner, B. J. | from | Junk, Wm. | 1894 | 135:214 |  | Baner, K. J. | from | Buchhert, A. J. | 1893 | 132:382 |  | Baner, K. J. | from | Griebel, Geo. H. | 1894 | 135:340 |  | Baner, K. J. | from | Griebel, Mary R. | 1894 | 135:340 |  | Baner, K. J. | from | Nick, Elizabeth | 1888 | 108:69 |  | Baner, K. J. | from | Raines, Sol. M. | 1891 | 122:348 |  | Baner, K. J. | to | Weitzman, Franz L. | 1894 | 132:106 |  | Baner, Kajetan J. | to | Bowser, Augustus | 1891 | 113:108 |  | Baner, Kajetan J. | to | Nigsch, Francis | 1898 | 149:492 |  | Baneshot, Caroline | from | Scar, Margaret N. | 1889 | 111:73 |  | Baneshot, Louis | to | Baneshot, Peter | 1885 | 98:96 |  | Baneshot, Louis | from | Fischer, Wm. B. | 1885 | 98:95 |  | Baneshot, Louis | from | Krick, Adema J. | 1893 | 131:80 |  | Baneshot, Louis | from | Krick, Henry | 1893 | 131:80 |  | Baneshot, Peter | from | Baneshot, Louis | 1885 | 98:96 |  | Baneshot, Peter | from | Krick, Adema J. | 1893 | 131:81 |  | Baneshot, Peter | from | Krick, Henry | 1893 | 131:81 |  | Banet, Alex | to | Banet, Jos. | 1885 | 99:320 |  | Banet, Alex | to | Centliore, L. A. | 1884 | 95:54 |  | Banet, Alex | from | Shutt, Saml. S. | 1885 | 99:399 |  | Banet, Alex. | from | Cour, A. G. E. | 1883 | 92:198 |  | Banet, Alex. | from | Cour, A. G. E. | 1883 | 92:199 |  | Banet, Alexander (Et.) | to | Erick, G. & G. B. | 1891 | 120:571 |  | Banet, Bell | to | Poirson, Peter F. | 1895 | 139:161 |  | Banet, Belle F. | from | Poirson, Peter F. | 1896 | 143:524 |  | Banet, Belle F. | to | Rooselot, Julia | 1897 | 144:492 |  | Banet, C. | from | Commissioner in Partition | 1882 | 89:59 |  | Banet, Clarice | to | Couladot, H. | 1882 | 88:386 |  | Banet, Clarice (Et al.) | to | Ternet, Ernie | 1896 | 141:129 |  | Banet, J. & A. | to | Banet, Mary | 1882 | 88:310 |  | Banet, J. & Alex | from | Banet, Justin (Et al.) | 1882 | 89:92 |  | Banet, J. & Alex | from | Banet, Mary | 1882 | 88:309 |  | Banet, J. & Alex | from | Urbine, L. M. | 1882 | 88:309 |  | Banet, Jos. | from | Banet, Alex | 1885 | 99:320 |  | Banet, Joseph | to | Roy, Ferdinand | 1864 | 51:44 |  | Banet, Joseph | to | Roy, Florentine | 1868 | 52:8 |  | Banet, Joseph | from | Thompson, James M. | 1859 | X:304 |  | Banet, Justin | from | Gladieux, Celestin | 1882 | 90:237 |  | Banet, Justin | to | Gladieux, Claude F. | 1896 | 141:133 |  | Banet, Justin (Et al.) | to | Banet, J. & Alex | 1882 | 89:92 |  | Banet, L. E. | from | Jones, Levi M. | 1889 | 111:584 |  | Banet, Louis C. | from | Goodfellow, Peter | 1895 | 139:415 |  | Banet, Louis E. | to | Bobilya, Louis J. | 1896 | 143:524 |  | Banet, Louis E. | from | Bullard, Jennie M. | 1890 | 118:545 |  | Banet, Louis E. | to | Markey, Frank L. | 1895 | 140:61 |  | Banet, Louis E. | from | Poirson, Peter F. | 1896 | 143:522 |  | Banet, Louis E. | to | Poison, Peter F. | 1895 | 139:161 |  | Banet, Louis E. | to | Poison, Peter F. | 1896 | 144:31 |  | Banet, Louis E. (Et ux.) | from | Markey, Frank L. | 1895 | 140:62 |  | Banet, Louise | to | Bowers, David L. | 1896 | 142:533 |  | Banet, Louise | from | Freistroffer, Mary T. | 1895 | 139:272 |  | Banet, Louise | from | Freistroffer, Simon | 1895 | 139:272 |  | Banet, Louise | to | Turner, Geo. (Et ux.) | 1896 | 142:531 |  | Banet, Louise | from | Turner, George | 1896 | 142:532 |  | Banet, Mary | from | Banet, J. & A. | 1882 | 88:310 |  | Banet, Mary | to | Banet, J. & Alex | 1882 | 88:309 |  | Banett, Fred | to | Kraft, Fred | 1885 | 98:354 |  | Banett, Fred C. | to | Waters, Oliver P. | 1868 | 50:89 |  | Banett, Martha A. | from | Beavers, N. & D. A. | 1868 | 45:479 |  | Banett, Martha A. | from | Beavers, N. W. | 1869 | 47:270 |  | Banett, Wm. H. | from | Brandriff, A. D. | 1868 | 44:344 |  | Banfiel, John | from | Smith, Joseph | 1186 | 42:3711 |  | Banfield, John | from | Cole, Hiram | 1866 | 40:298 |  | Banfield, John | to | Cole, Hiram D. | 1867 | 43:435 |  | Banfield, John | to | Cry, Hugh | 1867 | 44:124 |  | Banfield, John | to | Dollarhite, Emsley | 1868 | 46:579 |  | Banfield, John | from | Edgerton, J. K. | 1865 | 36:367 |  | Banfield, John | from | Luce, Henry | 1866 | 40:298 |  | Banfield, John | to | Taylor, Pannela | 1867 | 43:250 |  | Banforth, D. A. | from | France, Wm. H. | 1866 | 46:417 |  | Bangar, Bonefazius | from | Nichter, Otto | 1873 | 60:276 |  | Bangert, Bonfacius | from | Bond, Chas. D. | 1873 | 60:64 |  | Bangert, Boni. | to | Hilliker, Henry | 1887 | 106:213 |  | Bangert, Bonifacius | to | Nichter, Mary O. | 1899 | 154:404 |  | Bangert, Bonifacius | to | Scherer, Louis P. | 1895 | 139:504 |  | Bangert, Bonifacius | to | Seidel, Edward | 1897 | 153:234 |  | Bangert, Bonifacius | from | Watt, Wm. H. | 1887 | 103:513 |  | Bangert, Bonifazius | to | Noha, Joseph | 1873 | 60:377 |  | Bangert, Joseph | to | Nichter, Mary O. (Et al.) | 1900 | 157:154 |  | Bangert, Mary M. | from | Allen Superior Court | 1898 | 150:472 |  | Bangert, Mary M. | to | Curdes, Louis F. | 1898 | 149:292 |  | Bangert, Mary M. | to | Rieg, Antone | 1899 | 154:1 |  | Bangert, Mary M. | to | Scherer, Louis P. | 1895 | 139:504 |  | Bangert, Mary M. | from | Seidel, Edward | 1897 | 149:50 |  | Bangert, Mary M. | from | Seidel, Otto | 1897 | 149:50 |  | Bangert, Mary M. | to | Vesey, W. J. | 1898 | 150:39 |  | Bangert, Mary M. | from | Vesey, William J. | 1898 | 150:44 |  | Bangert, Mary M. | from | White, Jas. B. | 1895 | 139:50 |  | Bangher, Geo. W. (Et ux.) | from | Pfleidner, Mary | 1900 | 158:294 |  | Banghman, E. L. (Etu.) | to | Trustees E. L. St. P. C. | 1891 | 121:130 |  | Banghman, Mary | from | MacDougel, John | 1879 | 79:588 |  | Banghman, Stephen | to | Iogelet, Abraham Ewand | 1853 | N:688 |  | Banier, Henry | to | Herbst, Otto | 1888 | 107:624 |  | Banigan, Mary C. | to | Fledderman, J. G. (et ux.) | 1877 | 72:152 |  | Banister, Ella | from | Whiting, Ira C. | 1894 | 138:284 |  | Banister, L. C. | to | Devender, Fred | 1879 | 85:27 |  | Banister, Lucy C. | to | Wheelock, E. G. | 1881 | 96:241 |  | Bank of State | to | Ft. Wayne Nat. Bk. | 1865 | 38:422 |  | Bank of State | from | Taylor, Royal W. | 1861 | 27:377 |  | Bank of the State | to | Abbott, Wm. T. | 1863 | 30:363 |  | Bank of the State | to | Burgess, Hery | 1864 | 35:136 |  | Bank of the State | to | Chittenden, M. E. | 1862 | 29:143 |  | Bank of the State | to | Donahoe, John | 1861 | 30:392 |  | Bank of the State | to | Hedekin, Michael | 1864 | 35:153 |  | Bank of the State | to | Hedekin, Thos. B. | 1864 | 35:155 |  | Bank of the State | from | Hubbell, M. W. | 1863 | 30:98 |  | Bank of the State | from | Hubbell, Melactho W. | 1858 | U:605 |  | Bank of the State | to | Irwin, M. C. | 1863 | 31:131 |  | Bank of the State | to | Jones, Joseph | 1862 | 28:594 |  | Bank of the State | to | McClarin, Hugh | 1861 | 28;40 |  | Bank of the State | to | Sappington, Jacob | 1861 | 28:35 |  | Bank of the State | from | Sheriff | 1862 | 30:45 |  | Bank of the State | to | Swain, Jackson | 1861 | 28;41 |  | Bank of the State | to | Underhill, P. S. | 1863 | 30:370 |  | Bank of Toledo | from | Brackenridge, Robert (Jr.) | 1854 | P:539 |  | Bank of Toledo | to | Paige, Amos | 1854 | O:431 |  | Bank of Toledo | from | Sheriff | 1857 | U:12 |  | Bank of Toledo | to | Whicker, Stephen | 1858 | Y:24 |  | Banker, Clare | to | Gailey, Nancy A. | 1893 | 129:147 |  | Bankere, Michael | from | Burgal, Joseph | 1858 | V:6 |  | Bankert, Michael | to | Hoxstetter, Wm. | 1861 | 27:300 |  | Banknofnthe State | from | Plat of Subdivision | 1861 | 27:552 |  | Banks of State of Indiana | from | Bond, Charles D. | 1858 | W:132 |  | Banks, Alonzo T. | to | Geubb, Charles M. | 1875 | 66:576 |  | Banks, Alonzo T. | from | Nirdlinger, Samuel F. | 1875 | 65:379 |  | Banks, C. T. | to | Ft. W. Cin. & Cin. R. R. Co. | 1870 | 53:435 |  | Banks, C. T. | from | Wenger, N. R. | 1886 | 100:33 |  | Banks, Creed T. | from | Rockhill, William | 1859 | X:395 |  | Banks, Elmer | from | Ft. Wayne Land & Imp. Co. | 1894 | 134:247 |  | Banks, Elmer E. | to | Neumeyer, W. H. (Et ux.) | 1901 | 161:431 |  | Banks, Elmer E. (Et al.) | from | Hough, Sarah D. | 1895 | 139:419 |  | Banks, Elmer E. (Et ux.) | from | Von Behrens, Ferdinand | 1901 | 162:225 |  | Banks, Harriet A. | from | Banks, Jeddeghiah C. | 1858 | W:458 |  | Banks, Harriet A. | from | Banks, John M. | 1858 | W:458 |  | Banks, Harriet A. | from | Banks, Richard S. | 1858 | W:458 |  | Banks, Harriet A. | from | Banks, Shemas C. | 1858 | W:458 |  | Banks, Harriet A. | to | Evans, Jno. K. | 1860 | 26:5 |  | Banks, Harriet A. | from | Murphy, Ernstine | 1858 | W:458 |  | Banks, Jeddeghiah C. | to | Banks, Harriet A. | 1858 | W:458 |  | Banks, John M. | to | Banks, Harriet A. | 1858 | W:458 |  | Banks, Richard S. | to | Banks, Harriet A. | 1858 | W:458 |  | Banks, Shemas C. | to | Banks, Harriet A. | 1858 | W:458 |  | Banks, William H. | to | Ohneck, Peter | 1851 | L:65 |  | Banks, Wm. R. | to | Burk, Samuel | 1872 | 54:411 |  | Banks, Wm. R. | to | Godfrey, Henrietta | 1874 | 61:394 |  | Banks, Wm. R. | to | Hawk, Catharine | 1875 | 67:240 |  | Banks, Wm. R. | from | Hazlett, Thomas | 1871 | 53:346 |  | Banks, Wm. R. (Et al.) | from | Keffer, Nicholas | 1870 | 51:339 |  | Banline, Sarah | from | Grannamann, Mary M. (admr.) | 1877 | 72:495 |  | Banline, Sarah | to | Luhrs, Henry | 1884 | 94:292 |  | Banline, Sarah | to | Ryan, Patrick | 1881 | 85:337 |  | Banman, Margt. A. | from | Hess, Philip J. | 1893 | 130:192 |  | Banman, Margt. A. | from | Hess, Veroline | 1893 | 130:192 |  | Banman, Sophia (Et al.) | from | Allen Cir. Court | 1894 | 133:292 |  | Banmann, Dav | from | Krahn, Frank | 1890 | 117:175 |  | Banmann, David | to | Fritz, Michael | 1892 | 125:385 |  | Banmann, Hermine | from | Hollenbeck, Sarah | 1890 | 118:537 |  | Banmann, John | to | Klotz, Anna | 1893 | 129:440 |  | Banmann, John | to | Klotz, Daniel | 1893 | 129:440 |  | Banmann, Minnie | from | Fritz, Michael | 1892 | 126:55 |  | Banmert, Anna | from | Lalonde, Joseph | 1893 | 130:38 |  | Banmert, Charles | to | Heine, Frederick C. | 1899 | 152:549 |  | Banmert, Charles | from | Roose, Chas. (Et al.) | 1890 | 117:270 |  | Banmert, Chas. | from | Lalonde, Joseph | 1893 | 130:38 |  | Banmert, Chas. (Et ux.) | from | Heine, Frederick C. | 1899 | 152:550 |  | Banmert, William | from | Collier, C. T. | 1898 | 152:386 |  | Banmgardner, Saml. | to | Denner, Eda | 1894 | 135:459 |  | Banmgardner, Saml. | from | Dinner, Mathias | 1894 | 135:443 |  | Banmgarten, R. (Et al.) | from | Null, L. S. | 1882 | 86:231 |  | Banmgarten, R. (Et al.) | to | Null, L. S. | 1884 | 106:505 |  | Banmgratz, Chas. | from | Boltz, Fredk. C. | 1892 | 126:414 |  | Bann, Pearl | from | Fleming, OLiver E. | 1893 | 130:184 |  | Bannett, Beavers | to | Frederickson, J. M. | 1868 | 50:76 |  | Bannister, Albert | from | Auditor | 1884 | 96:428 |  | Bannister, Albert | to | Wessell, Jno. Jr. (Et ux.) | 1888 | 107:387 |  | Banntige, David | to | McQuiston, A. P. | 1894 | 133:369 |  | Bans, Adam (Et ux.) | from | Buck, Delitha | 1890 | 117:320 |  | Banserman, Eli | to | Harshman, Rebecca | 1855 | S:244 |  | Banserman, Geo. W. | to | Hodle, Philip F. | 1892 | 132:439 |  | Banserman, Geo. W. | to | Trautman, Edward | 1895 | 137:49 |  | Banserman, I. | to | McGovern, Stephan | 1971 | 55:294 |  | Banserman, Jacob | from | Fyock, Daniel | 1851 | U:622 |  | Banserman, Sarah E. | to | Hodle, Philip F. | 1892 | 132:439 |  | Banserman, Sarah E. | to | Trautman, Edward | 1895 | 137:49 |  | Banta, Harman | from | Miner, B. D. | 1865 | 39:21 |  | Banta, Herman | to | Gilbert, James B. | 1867 | 44:371 |  | Banta, Herman | from | Miller, Michael | 1860 | Y:114 |  | Banus, Josephine | from | Baltes, Edward M. | 1901 | 168:36 |  | Baohelier, Hannetta | to | Wiemeyer, W. F. | 1878 | 73:113 |  | Bappit, Amond | from | Comparet, D. F. | 1964 | 32:217 |  | Bappit, Armand | to | Rupple, Paul | 1884 | 95:389 |  | Barand, Hubert | to | Rockhill, Edward W. | 1899 | 154:90 |  | Barass, Joseph | to | Millard, Jno. B. | 1872 | 57:183 |  | Barba, Bernard R. | to | Barrett, James L. | 1902 | 169:8 |  | Barbar, Myron F. | from | Chute, Richard | 1857 | U:151 |  | Barbaum, Fred | from | Beals, M. M. | 1885 | 97:341 |  | Barbel, William | to | Daniels, Eli H. | 1854 | P:686 |  | Barber, Ann G. | to | Stonehumer, C. | 1859 | 31:296 |  | Barber, Ann G. | to | Stonehumer, C. | 1861 | 31:297 |  | Barber, Dryden | from | Youse, Christian | 1857 | U:137 |  | Barber, Edward | from | Schiefer, Christian | 1894 | 132:104 |  | Barber, Edwin L. | to | Ream, Emanuel | 1899 | 156:461 |  | Barber, Edwin L. | from | Souder, Franklin | 1877 | 70:269 |  | Barber, H. E. | from | Hamilton, Mont. | 1892 | 125:10 |  | Barber, Hiram | from | Harrod, Eli | 1851 | S:61 |  | Barber, Hiram | to | Woodworth, Charles | 1855 | S:254 |  | Barber, Jane | from | Hanna, Samuel | 1853 | O:94 |  | Barber, Jose | from | Wagenhals, Ellen H. | 1899 | 155:310 |  | Barber, K. J. | to | Seidel, Conrad | 1888 | 108:438 |  | Barber, Mary | from | Reed, Hugh B. | 1874 | 71:342 |  | Barber, Mary | to | Wass, Saml. L. | 1889 | 110:399 |  | Barber, Myron F. | to | Freeman, John | 1859 | V:507 |  | Barber, Myron F. | from | Hanna, Samuel | 1853 | O:93 |  | Barber, Myron F. | to | Swop, Charles | 1843 | 155:40 |  | Barbier, Alfred | from | Blondoit, Wm. | 1890 | 115:123 |  | Barbier, Alfred | to | Conrad, Peter G. | 1898 | 161:239 |  | Barbier, Alfred | to | Fisher, Abel | 1890 | 118:87 |  | Barbier, Alfred | from | Fisher, Abel | 1890 | 118:86 |  | Barbier, Alfred | from | Fisher, Abel | 1892 | 125:88 |  | Barbier, Alfred (Et ux.) | from | Richmonds, John | 1899 | 154:327 |  | Barbier, Pierre | from | Carson, Wm. W. | 1864 | 34:9 |  | Barborn & Pratt | from | Goebel, Frank A. | 1869 | 48:319 |  | Barbour, Dryden | to | Leffingwell, Artemus | 1858 | W:453 |  | Barbour, Drydon | to | Youse, Christian | 1861 | 26:396 |  | Barbour, Jno. H. (Et ux.) | from | Kendrick, Chas. H. | 1888 | 107:256 |  | Barbour, M. F. | from | Ainsworth, J. H. (Et al.) | 1883 | 93:554 |  | Barbour, M. F. | from | Ainsworth, Jos. H. (Et al.) | 1883 | 93:480 |  | Barbour, M. F. | to | Alderman, Frank | 1892 | 125:300 |  | Barbour, M. F. | to | Barbour, Margt. S. | 1894 | 137:546 |  | Barbour, M. F. | to | Berghoff, H. C. | 1879 | 76:521 |  | Barbour, M. F. | to | Bond, Stephen | 1862 | 30:59 |  | Barbour, M. F. | from | Bondie, Anthony | 1868 | 48:4 |  | Barbour, M. F. | from | Bower, Florence M. | 1895 | 137:290 |  | Barbour, M. F. | from | Bower, Geo. B. M. | 1895 | 137:290 |  | Barbour, M. F. | from | Childs, F. W. (Et al.) | 1883 | 93:480 |  | Barbour, M. F. | from | Childs, F. W. (Et al.) | 1883 | 93:554 |  | Barbour, M. F. | to | Cour, Eugene | 1870 | 51:374 |  | Barbour, M. F. | from | DeGraff, H. (Et al.) | 1883 | 93:480 |  | Barbour, M. F. | from | DeGraff, H. (Et al.) | 1883 | 93:554 |  | Barbour, M. F. | to | Draker, Jno. & Anthony | 1874 | 63:109 |  | Barbour, M. F. | from | Fuller, Jno. W. (Et al.) | 1883 | 93:480 |  | Barbour, M. F. | from | Fuller, Jno. W. (Et al.) | 1883 | 93:554 |  | Barbour, M. F. | to | Garman, Enoch | 1862 | 29:525 |  | Barbour, M. F. | from | Hanna, C. L. | 1881 | 86:123 |  | Barbour, M. F. | from | Henderson, Wm. D. | 1862 | 29:446 |  | Barbour, M. F. | to | Hengsteler, J. M. | 1882 | 86:199 |  | Barbour, M. F. | to | Lerch, Anna | 1893 | 127:405 |  | Barbour, M. F. | from | Lerch, Anna | 1893 | 128:204 |  | Barbour, M. F. | to | McCulloch, Chas. | 1879 | 76:529 |  | Barbour, M. F. | to | Meeks, Alice A. | 1883 | 94:36 |  | Barbour, M. F. | to | Meyers, Nancy J. | 1863 | 33:192 |  | Barbour, M. F. | to | Moon, Michael | 1863 | 33:128 |  | Barbour, M. F. | to | Oakley, Harriet | 1877 | 70:66 |  | Barbour, M. F. | to | Oakly, Benj. W. | 1863 | 33:432 |  | Barbour, M. F. | from | Potwin, Anson C. | 1862 | 31:446 |  | Barbour, M. F. | from | Scotten, Saml. C. | 1866 | 44:122 |  | Barbour, M. F. | from | Scotten, Saml. C. | 1866 | 46:41 |  | Barbour, M. F. | to | Stahl, Barbara | 1885 | 104:389 |  | Barbour, M. F. | to | Trustees Ch. of Christ | 1872 | 58:29 |  | Barbour, M. F. | from | Wagenhals, E. H. | 1885 | 99:377 |  | Barbour, M. F. Sub. Div.(Plat of) | to | | 1881 | 86:127 |  | Barbour, M. T. | to | Kleckner, Daniel | 1861 | 27:230 |  | Barbour, Marg. S. | to | Miller, Richard | 1892 | 125:90 |  | Barbour, Margaret S. | to | Barbour, Myron F. | 1895 | 151:217 |  | Barbour, Margaret S. | from | Barbour, Myron F. | 1898 | 151:218 |  | Barbour, Margaret S. | to | Johnson, Sarah C. (Et al.) | 1898 | 152:86 |  | Barbour, Margt. S. | from | Barbour, M. F. | 1894 | 137:546 |  | Barbour, Margt. S. | to | Lerch, Anna | 1893 | 127:405 |  | Barbour, Margt. S. (Et al.) | from | Johnson, Sarah C. (Et al.) | 1898 | 152:85 |  | Barbour, Myron | from | Erwin, Jeremiah | 1862 | 29:275 |  | Barbour, Myron | from | Parsons, Ludlium M. | 1858 | W:478 |  | Barbour, Myron F. | from | Barbour, Margaret S. | 1895 | 151:217 |  | Barbour, Myron F. | to | Barbour, Margaret S. | 1898 | 151:218 |  | Barbour, Myron F. | to | Bower, Geo. B. M. | 1895 | 137:291 |  | Barbour, Myron F. | to | City | 1893 | 128:204 |  | Barbour, Myron F. | to | Embry, Joseph | 1874 | 64:204 |  | barbour, Myron F. | from | Fairfield, Oliver | 1863 | 33:424 |  | Barbour, Myron F. | from | Freeman, John | 1862 | 29:524 |  | Barbour, Myron F. | from | Freeman, Newton B. | 1865 | 39:174 |  | Barbour, Myron F. | from | Hoecker, William | 1896 | 144:163 |  | Barbour, Myron F. | to | Myers, Nancy Jane | 1859 | X:236 |  | Barbour, Myron F. | from | Myers, W. H. | 1859 | V:556 |  | Barbour, Myron F. | from | Myers, Wm. h. | 1860 | Y:502 |  | Barbour, Myron F. | from | Reese, Fred C. (Etu.) | 1891 | 122:234 |  | Barbour, Myron F. | from | Taylor, Robert S. (Ex.) | 1902 | 168:277 |  | Barbour, Myron F. | from | Winch, Mildred | 1897 | 147:69 |  | Barbour, Myron F. | to | Yearian, Moses | 1857 | U:151 |  | Barbour, Myron F. (Et.) | to | Subkowski, H. | 1891 | 113:344 |  | Barbour, Wm. (Et al.) | to | Goshom, W. H. | 1885 | 99:69 |  | Barchalier, Daniel | from | Trustees W. & E. Canal | 1855 | W:408 |  | Barcns, Emerilis | to | Foster, Samuel M. | 1898 | 150:337 |  | Barcus, B. P. | to | Barcus, H. H. | 1881 | 82:427 |  | Barcus, B. P. | to | Ruffner, J. L. | 1868 | 47:152 |  | Barcus, B. P. | from | Ruffner, J. L. | 1868 | 45:582 |  | Barcus, Beulah | from | Farnon, Owen | 1864 | 34:330 |  | Barcus, Beulah | from | Kelsey, James T. | 1873 | 60:602 |  | Barcus, Beulah P. | from | Cartwright, John M. | 1875 | 65:186 |  | Barcus, Beulah P. | from | Haskell, Washington | 1861 | 27:104 |  | Barcus, Beulah P. | to | Jones, L. M. | 1877 | 70:181 |  | Barcus, Beulah P. | from | McClaren, Henry & Eliza | 1860 | 26:117 |  | Barcus, Beulah P. | to | Rogers, May M. | 1861 | 27:330 |  | Barcus, Beulah, P. | from | Harrold, M. | 1877 | 70:487 |  | Barcus, Beulah, P. | from | Hops, Elizabeth A. | 1875 | 64:554 |  | Barcus, Bulah P. | to | Cartwright, John M. | 1875 | 65:186 |  | Barcus, Daniel | to | Hops, Elizabeth A. | 1875 | 64:556 |  | Barcus, Daniel | to | Kaler, Michael | 1864 | 38:201 |  | Barcus, Daniel | to | Kelsey, James T. | 1873 | 60:603 |  | Barcus, Daniel | to | OGrady, Daniel | 1854 | P:411 |  | Barcus, Daniel | to | Randall, Franklin | 1854 | P:623 |  | Barcus, Emerilis | from | Ft. Wayne Land & Imp. Co. | 1894 | 133:86 |  | Barcus, Emerilis | to | McFarren, George F. | 1898 | 149:468 |  | Barcus, Emerilis (Et al.) | from | Foster, Samuel M. | 1898 | 150:346 |  | Barcus, H. H. | from | Barcus, B. P. | 1881 | 82:427 |  | Barcus, H. H. | from | Breese, Mary E. | 1888 | 106:509 |  | Barcus, H. H. | from | Kamm, Hannah (Adm.) | 1883 | 94:69 |  | Barcus, H. H. | to | Pollock, Maude | 1890 | 115:574 |  | Barcus, H. H. & E. | from | Manth, J. G. | 1886 | 100:458 |  | Barcus, Hezek, H. (Et al.) | to | McLauchlin, E. F. | 1891 | 121:5 |  | Barcus, Hezekiah H. (Et ux.) | from | Ferguson, John | 1890 | 115:108 |  | Bard, M. N. C. | from | Hamilton, Mont. | 1888 | 107:174 |  | Bard, Mary | to | Ackerman, Frank E. | 1900 | 169:41 |  | Bard, Mary | to | Bauer, Kajetan J. | 1902 | 168:191 |  | Bard, Mary | to | Coleman, Lizzie (Et al.) | 1900 | 157:253 |  | Bard, Mary | to | Kover, Edward W. | 1899 | 156:373 |  | Bard, Mary | from | Lindenwood Cemetery | 1897 | 147:173 |  | Bard, Mary | to | Niswonger, Henry W. | 1901 | 165:108 |  | Bard, Mary | to | Pape, Charles | 1895 | 138:281 |  | Bard, Mary | to | Ranner, Jane A. | 1899 | 153:260 |  | Bard, Mary A. (Et al.) | from | Comrs. in Part. | 1901 | 165:287 |  | Bard, Saml. | from | Albert, Ohvs. B. | 1865 | 38:294 |  | Bard, Saml. | to | Shaffer, Henry | 1880 | 80:606 |  | Bard, Saml. | from | Tons, Rebecca (Et al.) | 1883 | 91:578 |  | Bard, Saml. | from | Tons, Wilhelmena | 1883 | 91:577 |  | Bard, Saml. | to | Wheeler, M. E. | 1880 | 80:587 |  | Bard, Saml. | to | Williams, J. L. | 1886 | 101:614 |  | Bard, Saml.W. | from | Malline, A. A. | 1864 | 35:288 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | Albert, Thomas B. | 1865 | 38:294 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | Albert, Thomas B. | 1865 | 38:294 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | Archer, Jno. H. | 1871 | 53:388 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | Barnett, Abe G. | 1868 | 46:462 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | Barnett, Jno. H. | 1870 | 51:319 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | Bitzinger, John | 1887 | 106:33 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | Carson, W. W. (Com.) | 1868 | 45:452 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Collins, Nora | 1893 | 129:555 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | Conner, J. A. (Et al.) | 1885 | 100:215 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | Coomis, Jno. M. (Et al.) | 1885 | 100:217 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Craig, Mary E. | 1881 | 84:442 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Craig, Mary E. | 1895 | 139:59 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | Cutschall, S. L. H. | 1868 | 45:452 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Edgerton, Jos. K. | 1870 | 49:87 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Haffner, Mary | 1883 | 93:454 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Hanna, Chas. | 1873 | 59:473 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | Hanna, Chas. | 1873 | 59:466 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | Hemrick, Alfaretta C. | 1896 | 143:99 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Hemrick, Alfaretta C. | 1896 | 144:170 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Hentzell, B. F. | 1866 | 38:564 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Hough, John | 187 | 56:88 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | Hough, John | 1864 | 34:541 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Huron, Alice G. | 1896 | 147:167 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | James, R. G. | 1864 | 37:515 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | James, R. G. | 1864 | 37:515 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | James, R. G. | 1866 | 42:8 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | James, R. G. | 1866 | 42:8 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Kaufman, Christ | 1872 | 57:171 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Kaufman, Christ | 1872 | 57:171 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | Kaufmann, Christian | 1872 | 62:4 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | Lancaster, John | 1868 | 47:141 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Maloney, Margaret | 1883 | 94:513 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | McDonald, R. T. (Et ux.) | 1886 | 102:14 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | McKinnie, Geogia F. | 1895 | 138:140 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | McKinnie, George F. | 1895 | 138:281 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | McKinnie, George F. | 1895 | 138:281 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | McKinnie, George F. | 1895 | 138:368 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | McNamara, Robt. | 1886 | 102:263 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Meyers, Daniel | 1865 | 37:516 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | Meyers, Daniel | 1865 | 37:514 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Miller, Ed. C. (Et ux.) | 1894 | 133:266 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | Naffner, Christian | 1883 | 93:317 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Niesz, Barbara | 1873 | 59:467 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Niesz, Barbara E. | 1875 | 68:363 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Niswonger, H. W. | 1896 | 143:279 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Niswonger, R. C. | 1896 | 143:278 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | Pallison, Samuel | 1896 | 144:69 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Pallison, Samuel (Et al.) | 1896 | 143:333 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Pape, Charles | 1895 | 138:281 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Paulus, Mary C. | 1896 | 143:127 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | Pens, Conrad | 1869 | 50:340 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Pens, Maria E. | 1869 | 47:436 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | Randall, P. A. | 1886 | 102:238 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | Rice, Henry (Est .) | 1864 | 35:490 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Rich, Edwin | 1886 | 100:269 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | Rudisill, Elizabeth | 1866 | 39:390 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | Rudisill, Elizabeth | 1866 | 39:390 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Shaffer, Harry | 1894 | 134:54 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | Sheriff | 1886 | 100:371 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Siemon, Katt. W. | 1896 | 143:412 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Soliday, Geo. W. (Et al.) | 1888 | 109:623 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Stewart, Wm. H. (Et al.) | 1893 | 131:151 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | Thompson, Byron S. | 1895 | 139:505 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | Thompson, H. F. | 1895 | 139:505 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Thompson, H. F. | 1895 | 140:41 |  | Bard, Samuel | from | Tinkham, John P. | 1891 | 133:40 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Tons, Wilhelmina | 1883 | 91:578 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Wilkinson, Francis (Et al.) | 1896 | 142:220 |  | Bard, Samuel | to | Wright, M. C. & S. A. | 1882 | 90:361 |  | Bard, Samuel (Et ux.) | to | Wery, Henry | 1891 | 119:408 |  | Bard, Samuel (Et.) | to | Seacrist, Sophie | 1890 | 113:233 |  | Bard, Samuel (Ex.) | to | Matott, Chas.F. | 1892 | 124:104 |  | Bard, Samuel (Sr.) | from | Rutzel, Peter N. | 1864 | 35:288 |  | Bard, William A. | from | Woodworth, E. J. | 1892 | 124:22 |  | Bard, William A. (Et.) | to | Wordworth, E. J. | 1892 | 123:560 |  | Bard, Wm. A. (Et al.) | to | McCune, Wm. C. (Trustee) | 1890 | 116:423 |  | Bard, Wm. A. (Et al.) | from | McCune, Wm. C. (Trustee) | 1890 | 116:420 |  | Bardelmaer, Henry | from | Hanna, Samuel | 1855 | S:70 |  | Bardelmaer, Henry | to | Kramer, Wm. | 1861 | 27:561 |  | Barden, Wm. N. | from | Williams, Ed. P. (Et.) | 1892 | 124:578 |  | Bardt, Christopher | to | Doctor, Charles | 1889 | 112:398 |  | Bardy, Francis | from | Reuille, J. C. | 1873 | 59:160 |  | Bare, George | from | O'Rourke, Ed | 1871 | 56:445 |  | Barens, B. P. | to | Trentman, Bernard | 1861 | 27:455 |  | Barens, Beulah | to | Thornton, S. A. | 1860 | 26:51 |  | Barens, Daniel | to | Ninde, L. M. | 1860 | Y:142 |  | Barens, Daniel | to | Wait, Thomas | 1862 | 30:377 |  | Barens, H. H. | to | Kannes, Hannah | 1885 | 98:118 |  | Barens, H. H. | from | Randall, Perry A. | 1884 | 94:612 |  | Barens, Martin | to | Dahman, Rosina | 1860 | Y:114 |  | Bareus, B. P. | to | Farnan, Owen | 1864 | 35:132 |  | Bareus, H. H. | to | Mantte, Johannettie | 1885 | 99:95 |  | Barfell | from | Youse, Charles W. | 1902 | 168:149 |  | Barfell, A. E. | from | Tillman, Lucinda A. | 1901 | 162:173 |  | Barfell, Benj. F. | from | Van Horn, Isaac | 1897 | 145:109 |  | Barfell, Benjamin F. | to | Neiriter, George | 1901 | 162:253 |  | Barger, William | to | Youse, Christian | 1850 | L:57 |  | Bargess, Henry (Et al.) | to | Schroeder, C. L. & E. | 1882 | 89:315 |  | Bargns, D. (nee Yalis) | to | Potter, Elizabeth | 1867 | 42:369 |  | Bargns, D. (nee Yalis) | to | Wilding, Ann | 1867 | 42:369 |  | Bargus, Martin | to | Greaser, John | 1852 | M:466 |  | Bargus, Martin | to | Greaser, John | 1852 | M:582 |  | Bargus, Martin (Will of) | to | | 1887 | 106:163 |  | Bargus, Mathilde | to | Gerke, J. H. L. | 1880 | 80:279 |  | Barhour, M. F. | from | Scotten, Harriet | 1869 | 48:195 |  | Barjour, Louis | to | McSorley, Henry | 1898 | 153:223 |  | Bark, Elizabeth | from | Gillet, Hollis | 1878 | 74:199 |  | Barkdakk, H. C. | from | Kenedy, James | 1879 | 76:149 |  | Barkdall, C. | to | Click, Geo. W. | 1886 | 100:7 |  | Barkdall, Charlotte | from | Wagerman, Jno. | 1879 | 77:225 |  | Barkdall, Henry | to | Kenedy, James | 1876 | 67:304 |  | Barkdall, Henry | from | Knepper, Louis | 1875 | 65:83 |  | Barkdall, Henry | to | Rousseau, J. H. | 1877 | 70:449 |  | Barkdall, Henry | to | Rousseau, R. D. | 1877 | 70:449 |  | Barkdall, Henry | to | Rousseau, R. D. & James H. | 1875 | 65:153 |  | Barkdall, Henry | to | Simerman, Lydia | 1875 | 66:32 |  | Barkdall, Henry | to | Simmerman, Lydia | 1877 | 73:457 |  | Barkdall, Henry | to | Summerman, Lydia | 1877 | 73:457 |  | Barkdall, Henry | to | Wagerman, Jno. | 1879 | 77:224 |  | Barkdell, Henry | from | McCormick, James | 1874 | 62:220 |  | Barkdoll, C. | from | Merriman, Freeman | 1887 | 103:484 |  | Barke, J. A. | from | Gay, J. C. | 1882 | 88:60 |  | Barker, D. (et al.) | from | Crabill, Jacob (et al.) | 1874 | 63:300 |  | Barker, W. & E. B. | from | Forbes, J. H. | 1881 | 84:53 |  | Barker, Wm. | to | Gorrell, S. R. | 1882 | 90:103 |  | Barkey, Jacob | from | Grube, Daniel | 1863 | 33:446 |  | Barkhart, Thos. | from | Bond, C. D. | 1864 | 34:511 |  | Barkhart, Thos. | from | Bond, S. B. | 1864 | 34:511 |  | Barkley, Abe. | from | Pilgrim & Rowland | 1864 | 38:470 |  | Barkley, Abraham | to | Krick, Phillip | 1867 | 43:453 |  | Barkley, Abraham | to | Scheick, Jno. S. | 1866 | 41:240 |  | Barkley, Abram | from | Edwards, Frank | 1885 | 98:419 |  | Barkley, Edward | to | Massey, T. T. | 1850 | L:335 |  | Barkley, Elias | to | Barkley, Jeremiah | 1887 | 125:226 |  | Barkley, Elias | to | Barkley, Jno. A. | 1887 | 114:202 |  | Barkley, Elias | to | Barkley, Jos. D. | 1887 | 106:339 |  | Barkley, Elias | from | Crabill, Jacob | 1879 | 79:453 |  | Barkley, Elias | from | Need, Jno. | 1883 | 93:542 |  | Barkley, Elias | from | Peckham, C. T. | 1887 | 103:204 |  | Barkley, Elias & Mary | from | Crabill, Jacob | 1874 | 64:276 |  | Barkley, Ira L. | to | Allen County L. & S. A. | 1901 | 162:233 |  | Barkley, Ira L. | to | Altekruse, E. A. | 1895 | 137:180 |  | Barkley, Ira L. | from | Altekruse, Ernest A. | 1895 | 137:183 |  | Barkley, Ira L. | to | Altekruse, Mary | 1895 | 137:180 |  | Barkley, Ira L. | from | Grube, D. L. | 1885 | 97:452 |  | Barkley, Ira L. | from | Jacobs, John H. | 1898 | 150:10 |  | Barkley, Ira L. | to | Jacobs, John H. | 1899 | 153:531 |  | Barkley, Ira L. | to | Landre, Ernst | 1891 | 119:503 |  | Barkley, Ira L. | to | Stolte, Frederick | 1898 | 149:144 |  | Barkley, Ira L. (Et ux.) | from | Stolte, Frederick | 1898 | 149:180 |  | Barkley, Jacob | from | Grube, Daniel L. | 1865 | 39:184 |  | Barkley, Jacob | from | Grube, Daniel L. | 1879 | 77:453 |  | Barkley, Jacob | to | Grube, Daniel L. | 1879 | 77:452 |  | Barkley, Jacob | to | Hirbler, Henry | 1865 | 39:396 |  | Barkley, Jacob | to | Hubler, Henry | 1882 | 87:336 |  | Barkley, Jacob | from | Hubler, Henry | 1882 | 90:276 |  | Barkley, Jacob | from | Lipes, Calvin | 1902 | 169:69 |  | Barkley, Jacob | to | Shookman, George | 1902 | 166:390 |  | Barkley, Jeremiah | from | Barkley, Elias | 1887 | 125:226 |  | Barkley, Jno. | from | Wickwire, Geo. W. | 1881 | 85:185 |  | Barkley, Jno. A. | from | Barkley, Elias | 1887 | 114:202 |  | Barkley, John A. | to | Clem, Joseph | 1888 | 114:465 |  | Barkley, Jos. D. | from | Barkley, Elias | 1887 | 106:339 |  | Barkley, Levi | to | Beucher, Jno. H. | 1871 | 53:260 |  | Barkley, Levi | from | Edington, James | 1875 | 69:120 |  | Barkley, Levi | to | Stites, Elmira | 1878 | 74:335 |  | Barkley, Mary A. | from | Goddard, Elizabeth N. | 1901 | 164:405 |  | Barkley, Minnie E. | from | Hayden, Eliza H. | 1890 | 115:325 |  | Barkley, Saraah A. | to | Miller, Joseph D. | 1896 | 143:362 |  | Barkley, Sarah | to | Crabill, Jacob | 1877 | 71:422 |  | Barkley, Sarah A. (Et al.) | to | Miller, Wm. C. | 1896 | 144:29 |  | Barkley, Simon | from | Argo, M. E. | 1864 | 36:531 |  | Barkley, Simon | from | Argo, M. E. | 1864 | 36:531 |  | Barkley, Simon | from | Argo, Martin E. | 1864 | 36:531 |  | Barkley, Simon | to | Steel, Albert N. | 1865 | 36:532 |  | Barktall, H. | to | Welker, Daniel | 1881 | 82:538 |  | Barktall, Henry | from | Wageman, A. B. | 1881 | 82:538 |  | Barkus, Daniel | from | Culler, Alonzo R. | 1861 | 28:138 |  | Barlett, Silas H. | to | Zeis, Jacob | 1860 | 26:173 |  | Barlett, William M. | from | shepler, James | 1856 | S:420 |  | Barley, Peter P. | to | Edsall, Wm. S. | 1864 | 36:25 |  | Barley, Peter P. | to | Orff, Christian | 1864 | 36:25 |  | Barlo, Milton | from | Alleger, David | 1873 | 61:599 |  | Barlo, Samuel H. | to | Smith, Jos. L. | 1882 | 89:206 |  | Barlow, Geo. W. | from | Pugh, Sara A. | 1868 | 47:122 |  | Barlow, Geo. W. | from | Pugh, Sara A. | 1868 | 47:123 |  | Barlow, Geo. W. | to | Weisser, Emanuel | 1870 | 52:253 |  | Barlow, Jennie | from | Orr, Susan | 1884 | 94:454 |  | Barlow, Jennie | to | Orr, Susan | 1887 | 105:549 |  | Barlow, Jno. H. | to | Kendrick, Chas. H. | 1888 | 107:255 |  | Barlow, Jno. H. (Et ux.) | from | Kendrick, C. H. (Et al.) | 1887 | 105:423 |  | Barmann, Wm. | from | Liscum, John R. | 1898 | 150:121 |  | Barmgardner, Leander S. | from | Sheriff | 1902 | 171:226 |  | Barnard, John | from | Hilton, Geo. T. | 1867 | 46:198 |  | Barnard, L. C. | from | Bell, R. C. (Guard) | 1883 | 92:174 |  | Barnard, L. C. | to | Debold, Benj. | 1883 | 92:175 |  | Barnard, Lazane | from | Juif, Victor | 1859 | Y:39 |  | Barnard, Margaret | from | Thompson, John | 1900 | 159:412 |  | Barnarden, Jno. D. | from | Ewing, Esther | 1865 | 36:303 |  | Barnards, Francis | from | Hillger, Charles T. | 1848 | J:450 |  | Barner, C. F. | to | Kliene, Fred | 1884 | 96:78 |  | Barner, Charles | from | Rahorst, Frederick | 1864 | 32:236 |  | Barner, Chas. | from | Hanna, Saml. | 1861 | 28:160 |  | Barner, Chas. & Philobine | from | Beaver, Augustus C. | 1872 | 60:370 |  | Barner, Chas. F. | from | Kliene, Fred | 1885 | 100:474 |  | Barner, Chas. F. | from | McDale, John | 1870 | 51:338 |  | Barner, Henry C. | to | Drukenbrod, Rufus | 1902 | 168:325 |  | Barnes & Dille | from | Williamson, Alex | 1868 | 46:510 |  | Barnes, Anna (Gdn.) | to | Mettert, Levi | 1900 | 157:102 |  | Barnes, Anna E. | from | Skryock, Wm. W. | 1887 | 105:629 |  | Barnes, Chas. E. (Et ux.) | from | Fox, George (Et ux.) | 1890 | 120:399 |  | Barnes, E. A. | to | Barnes, J. B. | 1883 | 99:606 |  | Barnes, E. A. | from | Beverforden, S. | 1883 | 91:469 |  | Barnes, E. A. | from | Houston, J. N. | 1883 | 92:471 |  | Barnes, E. A. | from | Paine, Jas. D. | 1883 | 92:590 |  | Barnes, E. A. | from | Wasserbach, Jno. | 1885 | 99:406 |  | Barnes, E. H. | from | Burgess, Henry | 1883 | 93:62 |  | Barnes, E. H. | from | Burgess, Henry | 1885 | 98:436 |  | Barnes, Edwin H. | to | Ft. W. VanWert & L. Traction Co. | 1902 | 170:92 |  | Barnes, Emma A. (Will of ) | to | | 1886 | 99:606 |  | Barnes, Gamaliee | to | Barnes, Sagidhamel | 1889 | 112:629 |  | Barnes, Harry L. (Et al.) | to | Mettert, Levi | 1900 | 157:72 |  | Barnes, Hattie | to | Wentworth, A. A. | 1892 | 125:228 |  | Barnes, Henry C. | from | Gusching, Joseph | 1896 | 141:168 |  | Barnes, Horatior N. | to | Round, George H. | 857 | W:195 |  | Barnes, J. B. | to | Bandt, Fredrick | 1883 | 92:76 |  | Barnes, J. B. | from | Barnes, E. A. | 1883 | 99:606 |  | Barnes, J. B. | to | Brownlee, C. A. (Et al.) | 1887 | 106:249 |  | Barnes, J. B. | to | Fairfield, Anna S. | 1875 | 66:121b |  | Barnes, J. B. | to | Flemimg, Wm. | 1881 | 84:229 |  | Barnes, J. B. | from | Graffe, Frederick | 1886 | 102:194 |  | Barnes, J. B. | to | Kraft, Fredrick | 1883 | 92:77 |  | Barnes, J. B. | from | Lindenwood Cemetery | 1886 | 99:601 |  | Barnes, J. B. | from | Locke, Josiah | 1883 | 91:521 |  | Barnes, J. B. | from | Ray, Sarah H. | 1883 | 91:524 |  | Barnes, J. B. | from | Shryock, Wm. W. | 1887 | 105:289 |  | Barnes, James | from | Miller, J. F. W. | 1875 | 65:430 |  | Barnes, James L. | from | Leonard, Elmer (Comr.) | 1902 | 169:410 |  | Barnes, James W. | to | Barnes, Sophia | 1901 | 160:502 |  | Barnes, James W. | to | Mueller, Rudolph A. A. | 1897 | 147:65 |  | Barnes, Jas. W. | from | Daugharty, Alfred | 1894 | 133:549 |  | Barnes, Jas. W. (Et al.) | from | Woodburn Lumber Co. | 1896 | 141:530 |  | Barnes, Joseph | to | Forbing, Harry | 1897 | 147:148 |  | Barnes, Joseph | from | Middleton, Geo. A. | 1896 | 143:209 |  | Barnes, Josh B. | to | Shryock, Josh B. | 1887 | 105:288 |  | Barnes, Joshua B. | from | Beard, Chas. F. | 1872 | 57:127 |  | Barnes, Joshua B. | from | Brackenridge, Joseph | 1880 | 79:289 |  | Barnes, Joshua B. | from | Fairfield, Anna S. | 1875 | 66:121a |  | Barnes, Joshua B. | from | Harding, Danl. L. | 1887 | 104:242 |  | Barnes, Joshua B. | to | Harding, Mary A. | 1887 | 104:241 |  | Barnes, Joshua B. | to | Ross, John E. | 1887 | 105:622 |  | Barnes, Joshua B. | from | Shoaff, Susan R. | 1892 | 127:241 |  | Barnes, Joshua B. | to | Shryock, Wm. W. | 1887 | 105:631 |  | Barnes, Joshua B. (Et ux.) | from | Shryock, William W. | 1902 | 169:466 |  | Barnes, Louisa A. | from | Brown, John O. | 1899 | 152:487 |  | Barnes, Louisa A. | to | Titus, Charles H. | 1902 | 166:68 |  | Barnes, Luther H. | to | Ashley, E. D. | 1853 | O:427 |  | Barnes, Nelson | to | Chitcote, H. | 1850 | 83:559 |  | Barnes, Sagidhamel | from | Barnes, Gamaliee | 1889 | 112:629 |  | Barnes, Sagishinael | to | Lichty, Matilda | 1883 | 92:65 |  | Barnes, Sagishmael | to | Earnst, Andrew | 1889 | 114:187 |  | Barnes, Sagishmeal | from | Poole, Florence | 1874 | 62:503 |  | Barnes, Sophia | from | Barnes, James W. | 1901 | 160:502 |  | Barnes, Sophia | to | Rauh, Gustave | 1902 | 171:252 |  | Barnes, Timothy | to | Moorman, John (Et ux.) | 1901 | 166:65 |  | Barnes, Turner | to | Ray, W. F. | 1867 | 46:542 |  | Barnet, A. G. | to | McKean, Eliza W. | 1889 | 114:383 |  | Barnet, Louson | from | Lindenwood Cemetery | 1874 | 62:525 |  | Barneth, Susan | from | Lewis, Ira | 1866 | 44:86 |  | Barnett, A. B. | from | Barnett, Jas. (Est. of) | 1858 | 26:165 |  | Barnett, A. G. | from | Barnett, Jno. H. | 1865 | 38:166 |  | Barnett, A. G. | to | Barnett, Jno. H. | 1865 | 38:168 |  | Barnett, A. G. | to | Barnett, Jno.H. | 1868 | 46:484 |  | Barnett, A. G. | to | Barnett, Susan R. | 1865 | 38:167 |  | Barnett, A. G. | from | Barnett, Susan R. | 1865 | 38:166 |  | Barnett, A. G. | to | Day, Henry | 1861 | 28:495 |  | Barnett, A. G. | to | Derelin, John | 1862 | 29:307 |  | Barnett, A. G. | to | Figel, William | 1860 | 29:197 |  | Barnett, A. G. | to | Ft. W. J. & S. R. R. Co. | 1870 | 52:561 |  | Barnett, A. G. | to | Ft. W. J. & S. R. R. Co. | 1871 | 53:402 |  | Barnett, A. G. | to | Ft. W. J. & S. R. R. Co. | 1871 | 53:405 |  | Barnett, A. G. | to | Grey, Henry C. | 1860 | 29:197 |  | Barnett, A. G. | to | Hanna, Horace H. | 1868 | 47:89 |  | Barnett, A. G. | to | Heaton, Joseph | 1864 | 32:198 |  | Barnett, A. G. | from | Mayer, Christoph | 1862 | 30:7 |  | Barnett, A. G. | to | Ranney, A. C. | 1865 | 39:11 |  | Barnett, A. G. | to | Reuss, Jno. B. | 1892 | 126:139 |  | Barnett, Abe G. | to | Bard, Samuel | 1868 | 46:462 |  | Barnett, Abe. G. | to | Barnett, John H. | 1868 | 46:484 |  | Barnett, Abe. G. | to | Fegel, Charles | 1862 | 28:359 |  | Barnett, Abe. G. | to | Irwin, Mary | 1861 | 28:172 |  | Barnett, Abe. G. | to | Lewis, Ira | 1861 | 30:172 |  | Barnett, Abe. G. | to | Rayhouser, M. J. | 1862 | 30:71 |  | Barnett, Abe. G. | to | Townly, Wm. D. | 1861 | 27:290 |  | Barnett, Abraham G. | from | Barnett, Jas. (Est. of) | 1858 | 26:165 |  | Barnett, Abraham G. | to | Barnett, Sue M. | 1901 | 164:70 |  | Barnett, Abraham G. | to | Buckley, Henry S. | 1859 | V:542 |  | Barnett, Abraham G. | to | Darrow, Ralph H. | 1859 | V:541 |  | Barnett, Abraham G. | to | Mayer, Chas. F. | 1873 | 59:503 |  | Barnett, Abraham G. | to | Rudisill, E. E. & H. J. | 1874 | 63:478 |  | Barnett, Abraham G. (Et ux.) | from | Barnett, Sue M. | 1901 | 164:71 |  | Barnett, Abraham G. (Gdn.) | to | Powers, Emmett M. | 1883 | 151:229 |  | Barnett, Abram G. | to | Garver, Sarah E. | 1898 | 150:220 |  | Barnett, Albertie M. | to | Wagner, Lillie Bowen | 1901 | 164:111 |  | Barnett, B. H. | from | Coms. in Partition | 1886 | 100:223 |  | Barnett, Caroline | to | Clark, Charles | 1902 | 168:419 |  | Barnett, Catharine | from | Coms. in Partition | 1886 | 100:223 |  | Barnett, Elizabeth | from | Coms. in Partition | 1886 | 100:223 |  | Barnett, Elizabeth (Et al.) | to | Lawton Place L. & I. Co. | 1902 | 169:54 |  | Barnett, J. H. | to | Bracken, P. B. | 1861 | 27:549 |  | Barnett, J. H. | to | Braeken, Patrick | 1860 | 26:106 |  | Barnett, J. H. | to | Fegel, Charles | 1860 | 8:356 |  | Barnett, J. H. | to | Gilligan, James | 1861 | 28:153 |  | Barnett, J. H. | to | Marshall, John | 1862 | 28:442 |  | Barnett, J. H. | to | Stier, Henry | 1860 | 26:105 |  | Barnett, J. H. | to | Stier, John | 1860 | 26:105 |  | Barnett, Jacob F. | from | Falls, Elishaj | 1869 | 50:12 |  | Barnett, James | from | Barr, John | 1837 | S:192 |  | Barnett, James | to | Fisher, Michael | 1851 | O:526 |  | Barnett, James | to | Gump, Daniel | 1817 | W:554 |  | Barnett, James | from | Hanna, Samuel | 1841 | L:381 |  | Barnett, James | from | Hanna, Samuel | 1855 | S:678 |  | Barnett, James | to | Kistter, Michael | 1853 | P:331 |  | Barnett, James | from | Plat of O. L. being Part of the Est. of | 1855 | R:395 |  | Barnett, James | to | Wuersten, David | 1849 | K:697 |  | Barnett, James (Estate) | to | | 1855 | R:395 |  | Barnett, James (Estate) | to | Norel, Elenore | 1858 | W:221 |  | Barnett, Jas. (Est. of) | to | Barnett, A. B. | 1858 | 26:165 |  | Barnett, Jas. (Est. of) | to | Barnett, Abraham G. | 1858 | 26:165 |  | Barnett, Jas. (Est. of) | to | Barnett, Jno. H. | 1858 | 26:165 |  | Barnett, Jas. (Est. of) | to | Barnett, Susan | 1858 | 26:165 |  | Barnett, Jas. (Est. of) | to | Wall, Mary A. | 1858 | 26:165 |  | Barnett, Jas. W. | from | Coms. in Partition | 1886 | 100:223 |  | Barnett, Jno. H. | to | Bard, Samuel | 1870 | 51:319 |  | Barnett, Jno. H. | to | Barnett, A. G. | 1865 | 38:166 |  | Barnett, Jno. H. | from | Barnett, A. G. | 1865 | 38:168 |  | Barnett, Jno. H. | from | Barnett, Jas. (Est. of) | 1858 | 26:165 |  | Barnett, Jno. H. | from | Barnett, Susan R. | 1865 | 38:168 |  | Barnett, Jno. H. | to | Barnett, Susan R. | 1865 | 38:167 |  | Barnett, Jno. H. | to | Irwin, Mary | 1861 | 28:172 |  | Barnett, Jno. H. | to | Marshall, John | 1864 | 36:148 |  | Barnett, Jno. H. | to | Wilson, Geo. H. | 1867 | 46:553 |  | Barnett, Jno. M. | to | Marshall, Wm. | 1864 | 34:459 |  | Barnett, Jno.H. | from | Barnett, A. G. | 1868 | 46:484 |  | Barnett, John H. | from | Barnett, Abe. G. | 1868 | 46:484 |  | Barnett, John H. | to | Barnett, S. E. | 1868 | 46:485 |  | Barnett, John H. | to | Hanna, Horace H. | 1868 | 47:89 |  | Barnett, John H. | to | Wall, Watson | 1854 | O:280 |  | Barnett, John Hustin | to | Kintz, Alaxguder | 1859 | V:586 |  | Barnett, Jonathan | from | Wirepaugh, Wm. | 1869 | 46:583 |  | Barnett, Nancy | to | Wall, Watson | 1854 | O:280 |  | Barnett, S. E. | from | Angell, B. D. | 1882 | 88:116 |  | Barnett, S. E. | from | Barnett, John H. | 1868 | 46:485 |  | Barnett, S. E. | to | Bond, Jared D. | 1888 | 109:161 |  | Barnett, S. E. | to | Powers, E. M. | 1882 | 88:117 |  | Barnett, S. E. | to | Powers, E. M. | 1883 | 90:499 |  | Barnett, S. Elizabeth | from | Crane, George D. | 1897 | 149:113 |  | Barnett, S. Elizabeth | from | Powers, Emma M. | 1901 | 164:69 |  | Barnett, S. Elizabeth | from | Powers, Emmet M. (Tr.) | 1898 | 159:360 |  | Barnett, S. Elizabeth | from | Powers, Emmet M. (Tr.) | 1898 | 159:361 |  | Barnett, S. Elizabeth | from | Powers, Ernest M. | 1898 | 151:273 |  | Barnett, S. Elizabeth | from | Powers, Ernest M. | 1898 | 151:275 |  | Barnett, S. Elizabeth | to | Reidel, John M. E. | 1902 | 169:153 |  | Barnett, S. Elizabeth | from | Shoaff, Susan R. | 1898 | 151:231 |  | Barnett, S. Elizabeth | from | Wall, Mary A. | 1896 | 151:230 |  | Barnett, S. Elizabeth (Et al.) | to | Shoaff, Susan B. | 1898 | 151:76 |  | Barnett, S. R. | to | Cour, C. J. A. | 1863 | 31:138 |  | Barnett, S. R. | to | Smith, Jno. W. | 1864 | 36:93 |  | Barnett, S. R. | to | Taylor, R. S. | 1863 | 33:109 |  | Barnett, Sue M. | from | Barnett, Abraham G. | 1901 | 164:70 |  | Barnett, Sue M. | to | Barnett, Abraham G. (Et ux.) | 1901 | 164:71 |  | Barnett, Susan | from | Barnett, Jas. (Est. of) | 1858 | 26:165 |  | Barnett, Susan | from | Coms. in Partition | 1886 | 100:223 |  | Barnett, Susan B. | to | Irwin, Mary | 1861 | 28:172 |  | Barnett, Susan R. | to | Barnett, A. G. | 1865 | 38:166 |  | Barnett, Susan R. | from | Barnett, A. G. | 1865 | 38:167 |  | Barnett, Susan R. | from | Barnett, Jno. H. | 1865 | 38:167 |  | Barnett, Susan R. | to | Barnett, Jno. H. | 1865 | 38:168 |  | Barnett, Susan R. | to | Bracken, P. R. | 1864 | 34:227 |  | Barnett, Susan R. | to | Knedop, Jno. B. | 1861 | 28:109 |  | Barnett, Susan R. | to | Lewis, Ira | 1866 | 63:90 |  | Barnett, Susan R. | to | McCune, R. L. | 1861 | 28:506 |  | Barnett, William B | to | Underhill, P. S. | 1858 | U:598 |  | Barnett, William B. | from | Beers, Hawley B. | 1858 | U:598 |  | Barney & Erick | from | Hunter, Grant | 1886 | 101:309 |  | Barney, A. A. | from | Rugg, Samuel L. | 1865 | 36:354 |  | Barney, A. H. | to | Agres, L. M. | 1882 | 87:417 |  | Barney, A. H. | from | Schele, August | 1881 | 83:417 |  | Barney, A. H. | to | Schele, Theresea | 1881 | 83:416 |  | Barney, A. H. | to | Schoene, John R. | 1865 | 35:518 |  | Barney, Carrie E. | from | Edgerton, J. K. | 1865 | 36:388 |  | Barney, Evert W. | to | Felt, Warren B. | 1856 | V:269 |  | Barney, Evert W. | from | Pettit, Peter | 1855 | S:12 |  | Barney, Frank | from | Barney, Lucius M. | 1899 | 155:46 |  | Barney, Frank | from | Barney, Marquis L. | 1897 | 148:446 |  | Barney, Frank | to | McNabb, William C. | 1899 | 155:47 |  | Barney, Frank | to | U. C. Life Ins. Co. | 1895 | 138:438 |  | Barney, G. & S. | from | Sheriff | 1878 | 74:354 |  | Barney, Geo. | to | Martin, Phebe | 1871 | 65:204 |  | Barney, Geo. & Sol. | to | Folyz, A. E. | 1880 | 98:571 |  | Barney, Geo. (Sr.) | to | Walters, Joseph | 1870 | 55:513 |  | Barney, Lucius M. | to | Barney, Frank | 1899 | 155:46 |  | Barney, Lucius M. (Et al.) | from | Gugerli, Adeline | 1897 | 148:446 |  | Barney, M. S. (Et al.) | to | Zigler, Mattie M. | 1888 | 107:374 |  | Barney, Marquis L. | to | Barney, Frank | 1897 | 148:446 |  | Barney, Marquis L. | to | Nonthrop, A. J. | 1893 | 131:125 |  | Barney, Mollie J. | to | Kelley, Robt. E. (Et ux.) | 1894 | 133:186 |  | Barney, Mollie J. | from | Richardson, Thos. A. | 1890 | 119:179 |  | Barney, S. & F. | from | Auditor | 1885 | 97:244 |  | Barney, S. & F. | from | Howey, Mary | 1892 | 124:516 |  | Barney, S. & F. | from | Konse, Mary E. | 1892 | 124:150 |  | Barney, S. F. | to | Harrod, Andrew C. | 1892 | 126:258 |  | Barney, Sol. (Et al.) | to | Vandrean, Peter | 1887 | 104:142 |  | Barney, Solomon | from | Emanuel, Jonas | 1875 | 65:47 |  | Barney, Solomon | to | Gillett, Delilah | 1892 | 125:272 |  | Barney, Solomon | to | Shutt, Samuel S. | 1875 | 65:337 |  | barney, Solomon | from | Walter, B. F. | 1892 | 124:302 |  | Barney, Solomon (Et al.) | to | U. C. Life Ins. Co. | 1895 | 138:438 |  | Barnhard, John | from | Hall, Sarah A. | 1860 | 26:248 |  | Barnhardt, C. | to | Strodel, Mathias | 1864 | 32:191 |  | Barnhardt, Christian | from | Fleming, William | 1863 | 31:202 |  | Barnhardt, Christian | to | Wingate, John | 1876 | 69:460 |  | Barnhardt, Elizabeth | from | Hecker, John | 1896 | 144:42 |  | Barnhardt, John | from | Sheriff | 1860 | 26:175 |  | Barnhardt, Julia | from | Snilker, Hannah W. | 1892 | 125:281 |  | Barnhardt, Peter | from | Gernhardt, Wm. | 1897 | 147:38 |  | Barnhardt, Peter | from | Greim, Jacob | 1880 | 79:249 |  | Barnhardt, Peter | to | Nagel, Minna | 1898 | 157:342 |  | Barnhart, A. C. | from | Barnhart, John | 1865 | 40:54 |  | Barnhart, A. C. | to | Barnhart, John | 1866 | 40:53 |  | Barnhart, A. C. | to | Barnhart, John | 1867 | 44:276 |  | Barnhart, A. C. | from | Craven, Geo. | 1865 | 40:276 |  | Barnhart, A. C. | to | Hilton, Geo. F. | 1865 | 40:66 |  | Barnhart, A. C. | from | Jones, Thomas | 1865 | 41:250 |  | Barnhart, A. C. | to | Meeks, Jas. F. | 1865 | 40:42 |  | Barnhart, A. C. | to | Rout, Jno. W. | 1865 | 37:513 |  | Barnhart, Arnold C. | from | Jones, Thomas | 1865 | 41:250 |  | Barnhart, C. | from | Bond, Chas. D. | 1863 | 31:202 |  | Barnhart, C. | from | Bond, S. B. | 1863 | 31:202 |  | Barnhart, Capitola | to | Scar, Adam | 1881 | 84:101 |  | Barnhart, Capitota | to | Webster, Mary | 1883 | 93:248 |  | Barnhart, Capitota | from | Webster, Mary | 1883 | 93:249 |  | Barnhart, Christian | from | Jones, William H. | 1863 | 31:202 |  | Barnhart, Cyrus & Enoch R. | from | Brock, John P. | 1874 | 63:507 |  | Barnhart, Elizabeth | to | Taylor, Charles W. | 1898 | 155:476 |  | Barnhart, Enoch R. | from | Barnhart, Harriet | 1893 | 159:373 |  | Barnhart, H. | from | Lima Bk. O. 1st. N. | 1884 | 105:506 |  | Barnhart, Harriet | from | Allen Cir. Court | 1892 | 127:199 |  | Barnhart, Harriet | to | Barnhart, Enoch R. | 1893 | 159:373 |  | Barnhart, Harriet | from | Baxter, Ellen | 1889 | 117:24 |  | Barnhart, Harriet | from | Dague, Minnie F. (Et al.) | 1890 | 120:348 |  | Barnhart, Harriet | from | First Nat. Bank Lima, O. | 1879 | 77:353 |  | Barnhart, Harriet | to | Jones, Geo. W. | 1891 | 122:332 |  | Barnhart, Harriet | from | Jones, Hattie L. | 1890 | 120:348 |  | Barnhart, Harriet | from | Meeks, John W. | 1899 | 152:450 |  | Barnhart, Harriet | from | Murfield, Emanuel | 1893 | 128:336 |  | Barnhart, Harriet | to | Murfield, Emanuel | 1893 | 131:179 |  | Barnhart, Harriet | from | Swift, I. B. | 1877 | 71:478 |  | Barnhart, Harriet | to | Taylor, I. Z. | 1898 | 152:24 |  | Barnhart, Harriet | to | Taylor, Isaac L. | 1893 | 130:415 |  | Barnhart, J. W. | from | Argo, Martin E. | 1859 | Y:599 |  | Barnhart, J. W. | to | Ohio & Ind. R. R. Co. | 1851 | 31:7 |  | Barnhart, Jacob W. | from | Barnhart, John | 1851 | O:760 |  | Barnhart, Jacob W. | to | Barnhart, John | 1854 | R:35 |  | Barnhart, Jacob W. | from | Barnhart, John | 1858 | V:147 |  | Barnhart, Jas. W. | from | Barnhart, John | 1870 | 52:290 |  | Barnhart, Jas. W. | to | Barnhart, John | 1872 | 49:334 |  | Barnhart, Jas. W. | to | Barnhart, John | 1872 | 49:334 |  | Barnhart, Jno | to | Lovelace, H. L. (Et al.) | 1871 | 49:307 |  | Barnhart, Jno. | to | 1st. Nat. Bank Lima, O. | 1878 | 77:351 |  | Barnhart, Jno. | to | Brown, Sarah F. | 1869 | 47:352 |  | Barnhart, Jno. | to | Craven, Hiram | 1871 | 55:109 |  | Barnhart, Jno. | to | Dratt, John | 1871 | 49:380 |  | Barnhart, Jno. | to | Krewson, Jane R. | 1872 | 54:613 |  | Barnhart, Jno. | to | Lovelace, H. & M. | 1875 | 67:167 |  | Barnhart, Jno. | to | Magner, Susan | 1875 | 67:406 |  | Barnhart, Jno. | to | Meese, Elizabeth | 1876 | 67:250 |  | Barnhart, Jno. | to | Reiley, Jesse | 1869 | 50:164 |  | Barnhart, Jno. | to | Whittern, Charles | 1876 | 67:176 |  | Barnhart, Jno. | to | Whittern, Chas. | 1879 | 77:402 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Argo, Alex S. | 1865 | 36:239 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Argo, John E. | 1856 | V:139 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Argo, M. E. | 1863 | 31:284 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Argo, Martin E. | 1858 | V:104 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Ashworth, Robt. | 1865 | 36:297 |  | Barnhart, John | from | Auditor | 1862 | 29:313 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Baker, A. A. | 1867 | 46:92 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Baker, Alonzo | 1858 | V:521 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Baker, D. A. | 1863 | 32:153 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Barnhart, A. C. | 1865 | 40:54 |  | Barnhart, John | from | Barnhart, A. C. | 1866 | 40:53 |  | Barnhart, John | from | Barnhart, A. C. | 1867 | 44:276 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Barnhart, Jacob W. | 1851 | O:760 |  | Barnhart, John | from | Barnhart, Jacob W. | 1854 | R:35 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Barnhart, Jacob W. | 1858 | V:147 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Barnhart, Jas. W. | 1870 | 52:290 |  | Barnhart, John | from | Barnhart, Jas. W. | 1872 | 49:334 |  | Barnhart, John | from | Barnhart, Jas. W. | 1872 | 49:334 |  | Barnhart, John | from | Barnhart, Jos. W. | 1875 | 66:62 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Barnhart, Lavina | 1876 | 68:202 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Barnhart, M. J. | 1864 | 33:541 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Beebelhamer, D. C. | 1859 | Y:113 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Bevilheimer, Estabela | 1867 | 44:104 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Bonter, Peter | 1864 | 34:237 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Bonter, Petr | 1864 | 34:237 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Bushong, Elizabeth | 1864 | 36:223 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Campbell, Jno. E. | 1865 | 39:358 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Cassady, Jacob | 1864 | 36:16 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Clark, Mary J. | 1888 | 109:630 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Conrad, William | 1869 | 50:351 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Cully, Joseph | 1857 | W:590 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Dague, E. D. & M. E. | 1878 | 75:297 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Eagy, George | 1868 | 46:326 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Graham, Thos. | 1866 | 43:274 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Grant, Jas. J. | 1868 | 47:412 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Harvey, Rosezillah | 1889 | 112:626 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Hemphill, J. W. | 1865 | 36:297 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Hilton, Geo. F. | 1865 | 40:40 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Jones, Harrie L. (Et al.) | 1890 | 118:215 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Krick, Emanuel | 1865 | 36:221 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Laughin, James | 1868 | 46:493 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Lenhart, John | 1865 | 40:72 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Magner, Isaac | 1862 | 29:218 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Magner, Joseph | 1862 | 29:217 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Magner, William | 1857 | 31:541 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Mariott, Joseph G. | 1861 | 27:450 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Mariotte, Joseph G. | 1889 | 114:418 |  | Barnhart, John | to | McDonald, John | 1856 | V:139 |  | Barnhart, John | to | McDonald, John G. | 1858 | V:140 |  | Barnhart, John | to | McDonald, William | 1856 | S:381 |  | Barnhart, John | to | McDonld, Jno. G. | 1859 | Y:36 |  | Barnhart, John | to | McEwan, John | 1871 | 56:19 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Memotte, Joseph G. | 1858 | U:573 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Memotte, Joseph G. | 1858 | U:574 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Monroe Tp. | 1860 | 34:409 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Monroe Tp. | 1861 | 28:375 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Nail, S. S. | 1867 | 44:229 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Ohio & Indiana R. R. co. | 1851 | R:81 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Pilgrim, L. L. | 1864 | 32:256 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Pool, Samuel | 1864 | 32:467 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Ratledge, William | 1853 | O:391 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Ritter, George W. | 1855 | R:732 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Roberts, E. A. | 1868 | 67:506 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Roberts, Robert S. | 1855 | T:568 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Rout, Jno. W. | 1865 | 36:370 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Rowland, Wm. E. | 1864 | 32:256 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Scheech, C. H. | 1864 | 35:47 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Shaffer, John | 1859 | X:407 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Shaffer, William | 1856 | U:479 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Sheahan, William | 1869 | 72:299 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Sheehan, James | 1863 | 39:446 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Shell, Jacob H. | 1866 | 40:60 |  | Barnhart, John | from | Smith, Livingston H. | 1849 | I:688 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Studybaker, David | 1854 | O:755 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Trustees M. E. C. Monroeville | 1863 | 33:23 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Trustees M.E. Ch. Parsonage | 1874 | 62:439 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Vanstinder, M. A. | 1871 | 54:359 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Wheeler, Harrison | 1849 | M:753 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Whitney and VonVolkenburg | 1867 | 40:573 |  | Barnhart, John | to | William, Saml. M. | 1883 | 104:237 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Williamson, Alex | 1871 | 52:622 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Williamson, Alex | 1871 | 54:331 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Williamson, Alex | 1872 | 61:456 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Williamson, Alex | 1873 | 57:458 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Williamson, Alex | 1873 | 61:456 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Wilson, John | 1856 | W:27 |  | Barnhart, John | to | Wilson, Mary | 1867 | 44:491 |  | Barnhart, John (Trustee) | to | Trustee Ft. Wayne College | 1866 | 44:292 |  | Barnhart, Jos. W. | to | Barnhart, John | 1875 | 66:62 |  | Barnhart, Lavina | from | Barnhart, John | 1876 | 68:202 |  | Barnhart, Lavina | to | Lovelace, H. L. | 1877 | 77:544 |  | Barnhart, M. J. | from | Barnhart, John | 1864 | 33:541 |  | Barnhart, Peter | from | Quandt, Anna | 1887 | 106:437 |  | Barnhart, Peter J. | from | Barnhart, Sarah | 1897 | 149:48 |  | Barnhart, Sarah | to | Barnhart, Peter J. | 1897 | 149:48 |  | Barnhart, Sophia | from | Wingate, John | 1876 | 69:461 |  | Barnhart, William H. | from | Watterson, Samuel K. | 1901 | 161:219 |  | Barnhart, Wm. H. | from | Dawson, Emma (Et.) | 1891 | 122:508 |  | Barnhart, Wm. H. | from | Hough, Chas. (Et al.) | 1891 | 122:508 |  | Barnhart, Wm. h. | from | Larimore, Levi B. (Et al.) | 1891 | 122:508 |  | Barnhart, Wm. H. | from | Schilling, Elizabeth (Et al.) | 1891 | 122:508 |  | Barnhart, Wm. H. | from | Taylor, John M. (Guard) | 1891 | 122:394 |  | Barnhert, Jno. | to | Eimcox, Ab** | 1885 | 97:367 |  | Barnhold, John | to | Vanhorne, Andrew | 1857 | U:286 |  | Barnhouse, Wm. | to | Blanser, Martha | 1893 | 129:412 |  | Barnhouse, Wm. | from | Carroll, A. | 1885 | 99:485 |  | Barnis, Joshua B. | from | Beard, Chas. F. | 1872 | 57:127 |  | Barnreiter, John | to | Plater, Geo. W. | 1875 | 67:270 |  | Barnreiter, Joseph (Comm.) | to | Hellworth, Michael | 1891 | 113:535 |  | Barnrister, Cath. | to | Grice, Jesse | 1891 | 121:610 |  | Barns, Joshua B. | from | McMillen, James | 1876 | 67:271 |  | Barns, Wm. A. (Et al.) | to | Earnst, Andrew | 1889 | 114:385 |  | Barnum, G. P. & S. | from | Jones, L. M. | 1882 | 89:16 |  | Barnum, G. P. & S. | from | Jones, Levi M. | 1884 | 95:265 |  | Barnum, Geo. P. | from | McKendry, John | 1873 | 57:399 |  | Barnum, Geo. P. | from | Sheriff | 1875 | 65:563 |  | Barnum, Isabel | from | Quicksell, Mary E. | 1878 | 73:544 |  | Barnum, Isabelle | to | Rahe, August | 1880 | 79:498 |  | Barnum, Selina | from | Sheriff | 1901 | 164:208 |  | Barnum, Selina R. | to | Romy, Robt. L. (Et ux.) | 1896 | 142:222 |  | Barnus, Josephine | to | Woods, James | 1892 | 127:267 |  | Barnus, Timothy | to | Woods, James | 1892 | 127:267 |  | Barom, F. c. | from | Beardsley, J. C. | 1867 | 44:468 |  | Baron, Jos. | to | Cannady, Mary | 1876 | 68:272 |  | Baron, Joseph | from | Cannady, Augustus | 1876 | 67:543 |  | Barone, Irene | from | Heller, Thomas | 1874 | 64:82 |  | Barone, Isaac [Barrone] | from | Dague, E. D. | 1874 | 64:82 |  | Barone, Isaac [Barrone] | from | Dustman, Henry C. | 1874 | 64:83 |  | Barone, Levi (Et al.) | to | Noyer, Margaret | 1887 | 104:487 |  | Barr, Amos | to | Miller, Jeremiah | 1874 | 63:447 |  | Barr, Cordelia | from | Allen Co. L. & S. Assn. | 1902 | 167:541 |  | Barr, Cordelia | from | Malone, Peter | 1883 | 92:413 |  | Barr, Cordelia | to | Winget, Susan | 1890 | 118:139 |  | Barr, Cordelia | to | Winget, Susan | 1890 | 118:140 |  | Barr, Cordelia | to | Winget, Susan | 1890 | 132:367 |  | Barr, Cordelia | from | Winget, William | 1890 | 118:137 |  | Barr, Cordelia | from | Winget, William | 1890 | 118:138 |  | Barr, Cordelia | from | Winget, William | 1890 | 132:366 |  | Barr, Cordelia | from | Winget, Wm. | 1888 | 109:277 |  | Barr, Cordelia | to | Wuigent, Wm. | 1886 | 100:569 |  | Barr, J. S. | to | Zimmer, Wm. | 1879 | 77:269 |  | Barr, James S. | to | Breimeier, L. C. | 1889 | 114:107 |  | Barr, James S. | to | Fox, Melcena | 1890 | 116:298 |  | Barr, James S. | from | Hogae, John | 1864 | 36:180 |  | Barr, James S. | to | Holt, John | 1872 | 57:30 |  | Barr, Jas. S. | to | Cummings, W. | 1867 | 43:475 |  | Barr, Jas. S. | from | Ewing, Geo. W. (Est.) | 1873 | 58:223 |  | Barr, Jas. S. | from | Garey, Wm. | 1872 | 57:35 |  | Barr, Jas. S. | to | Henderson, Alex (Et al.) | 1889 | 111:391 |  | Barr, Jas. S. | to | Housh, E. T. | 1865 | 40:458 |  | Barr, Jas. S. | to | Murray, David (Et ux.) | 1889 | 111:390 |  | Barr, Jas. S. | from | Snively, Jno. M. | 1861 | 27:546 |  | Barr, Jno. T. | to | Colerick, David H. | 1837 | 50:164 |  | Barr, John | to | Barnett, James | 1837 | S:192 |  | Barr, John T. | from | McCorcle, John | 1829 | R:284 |  | Barr, John T. | from | McCorcle, John | 1829 | R:286 |  | Barr, John T. | from | McCorkle, John | 1859 | R:284 |  | Barr, John T. (Et al.) | from | United States | 1823 | 115:288 |  | Barr, L. L. | from | Fairfield, Asa | 1867 | 49:360 |  | Barr, Lucinda L. | from | Bossler, H. H. | 1867 | 44:5 |  | Barr, Lucinda L. | from | Emrick, William | 1866 | 39:523 |  | Barr, Mary A. | to | Bobilya, Louis J. | 1895 | 139:248 |  | Barr, Mary A. | to | Kleber, Christian | 1894 | 133:548 |  | Barr, Mary A. | from | Sheriff | 1895 | 139:243 |  | Barr, Robert | from | Ash, Henry J. | 1893 | 131:72 |  | Barr, Robert | to | Carey, Ira T. | 1892 | 127:153 |  | Barr, Robert | to | Carey, Nancy | 1892 | 127:153 |  | Barr, Robert | to | Davis, Alex. M. | 1894 | 135:154 |  | Barr, Robert | to | Griffin, Alanson C. | 1894 | 135:62 |  | Barr, Robert | to | Kleber, Christian | 1894 | 133:548 |  | Barr, Robert | from | Schwieters, Mary E. | 1893 | 127:471 |  | Barr, Robert | to | Wikee, Cynthia C. | 1893 | 138:42 |  | Barr, Robert | to | Wikee, Levi | 1893 | 138:42 |  | Barr, Robert M. | from | Hite, Eliza (Etu.) | 1891 | 122:418 |  | Barr, Robt. | from | Ash, Henry J. | 1893 | 131:280 |  | Barr, Robt. | to | McGoogan, Geo. B. | 1894 | 134:555 |  | Barr, Rpbt. (Et al.) | to | Ash, N. J. | 1893 | 130:302 |  | Barr, Saml. F. | from | Hufferd, Emanuel | 1877 | 71:21 |  | Barr, Samuel F. | to | Bloom, Michael | 1900 | 158:93 |  | Barr, Samuel F. | to | Ditmars, Henry A. | 1890 | 116:304 |  | Barr, Samuel F. | from | Ditmars, Henry R. | 1890 | 116:303 |  | Barr, Samuel F. | from | Jennings, David W. (Et al.) | 1900 | 157:305 |  | Barr, William J. | from | Courdeway, Francis S. | 1900 | 160:307 |  | Barr, William J. | to | Courdeway, Francis S. | 1900 | 160:202 |  | Barr, William J. | to | Thompson, Henrietta F. | 1897 | 148:63 |  | Barr, William J. | from | Thompson, Henrietta F. | 1897 | 147:462 |  | Barr, William J. (Et ux.) | from | Shaw, Sarah E. | 1897 | 144:381 |  | Barr, William J. (Et ux.) | from | Smith, Albert P. | 1897 | 144:382 |  | Barr, Wm. J. | from | Williams, Jesse S. | 1884 | 96:368 |  | Barr, Wm. J. | to | Winget, Susan | 1890 | 132:367 |  | Barr, Wm. J. | to | Winget, Wm. | 1888 | 109:83 |  | Barral, Jacob | from | Black, John T. | 1877 | 70:407 |  | Barram, Francoise | from | Barrand, Frances | 1857 | U:195 |  | Barran, Frank | to | Barran, Joseph | 1862 | 29:511 |  | Barran, Joseph | from | Barran, Frank | 1862 | 29:511 |  | Barrand, Ann J. | to | Barrand, Francis E. (Et al.) | 1892 | 125:547 |  | Barrand, Ann Justine (Will) | to | | 1892 | 125:547 |  | Barrand, Anna | from | Coms. in Part. | 1898 | 152:251 |  | Barrand, Anna R. | to | Fox, Valentine | 1899 | 153:98 |  | Barrand, Anna R. | from | Hanna, Samuel D. | 1899 | 153:158 |  | Barrand, C. S. (Et al.) | to | Hare, Alva | 1879 | 77:164 |  | Barrand, F. | to | Bradtmiller, Fred. | 1860 | 26:245 |  | Barrand, Frances | to | Barram, Francoise | 1857 | U:195 |  | Barrand, Frances | from | Brick, Maurice | 1854 | P:179 |  | Barrand, Frances & Francis | from | Martin, Nicholas | 1855 | T:92 |  | Barrand, Francis | to | Begue, John | 1857 | U:451 |  | Barrand, Francis | to | Besancon, Francis | 1864 | 34:592 |  | Barrand, Francis | to | Gombert, John | 1985 | P:178 |  | Barrand, Francis | to | Martin, N. | 1855 | R:266 |  | Barrand, Francis | from | Urbine, Casemir | 1854 | Q:447 |  | Barrand, Francis | to | Urbine, Cassimir | 1854 | O:446 |  | Barrand, Francis (Et al.) | to | Barrand, Julian S. | 1899 | 156:506 |  | Barrand, Francis C. | from | Barrand, John B. | 1893 | 130:177 |  | Barrand, Francis E. | from | Barrand, Hubert | 1900 | 157:238 |  | Barrand, Francis E. | from | Humbert, Augusta | 1895 | 137:455 |  | Barrand, Francis E. (Et al.) | from | Barrand, Ann J. | 1892 | 125:547 |  | Barrand, Frank | to | Bowser, Saml. | 1880 | 81:555 |  | Barrand, Frank | from | McElfatrick, Francis A. | 1862 | 28:547 |  | Barrand, H. (Et al.) | from | Sweet, Hannah | 1885 | 97:463 |  | Barrand, Hubert | to | Arcola Elevator Co. | 1900 | 160:23 |  | Barrand, Hubert | to | Barrand, Francis E. | 1900 | 157:238 |  | Barrand, Hubert | to | Cook, Arthur P. | 1888 | 107:302 |  | Barrand, Hubert | to | Cook, Arthur P. | 1893 | 128:538 |  | Barrand, Hubert | from | Grosjean, Jno. B. | 1888 | 107:303 |  | Barrand, Hubert | to | Grosjean, John | 1889 | 114:518 |  | Barrand, Hubert | to | Grosjean, John | 1896 | 141:560 |  | Barrand, Hubert | from | Poirson, Peter F. | 1886 | 103:72 |  | Barrand, Hubert | to | Poirson, Peter F. | 1888 | 107:440 |  | Barrand, Hubert | from | Pranger, H. E. | 1900 | 159:351 |  | Barrand, Hubert | to | Rockhill, Henry A. | 1902 | 170:266 |  | Barrand, Hubert | from | Rockhill, William | 1897 | 148:246 |  | Barrand, Hubert | from | Rockhill, Wm. | 1895 | 137:65 |  | Barrand, Hubert (Et al.) | from | Linton, David L. | 1900 | 157:334 |  | Barrand, Hubert (Et al.) | to | Rapp, Harry H. | 1901 | 160:285 |  | Barrand, J. B. | to | Grosjean, Jno. Jr. | 1882 | 87:542 |  | Barrand, Jno. | from | Wilmot, J. C. | 1882 | 89:265 |  | Barrand, Jno. B. (Et al.) | from | Immel, Louisa | 1889 | 111:429 |  | Barrand, John B. | to | Barrand, Francis C. | 1893 | 130:177 |  | Barrand, John B. (Et ux.) | from | Miller, John H. | 1892 | 126:368 |  | Barrand, John B. (Et ux.) | from | Seelig, Henry | 1899 | 153:346 |  | Barrand, Julian S. | from | Barrand, Francis (Et al.) | 1899 | 156:506 |  | Barrand, Julian S. | from | Pequignot, Hubert A. | 1901 | 163:350 |  | Barrand, Lazar | from | Land & Security Co. | 1898 | 152:300 |  | Barrand, P. T. (Et al.) | from | McCuce, James | 1870 | 51:258 |  | Barrand, Peter F. | from | Carrel, Lewis | 1856 | S:379 |  | Barrand, Peter F. | to | McCue, James | 1866 | 41:576 |  | Barrand, Peter F. | to | Poirson, John B. | 1874 | 62:428 |  | Barrand, Peter F. | to | Poirson, John B. | 1874 | 62:429 |  | Barrand, Peter F. | from | Poirson, John B. | 1874 | 62:429 |  | Barrand, Peter F. | from | Poirson, John B. | 1874 | 62:430 |  | Barrand, Pierre F. (Will) | to | | 1891 | 121:404 |  | Barrand, Pollina | from | Hough, John | 1864 | 37:113 |  | Barrass, Joseph | to | Millard, Jno. B. | 1872 | 57:183 |  | Barren, Frances | to | Crance, Elizabeth | 1866 | 40:340 |  | Barren, Joseph | to | Barren, Pauline | 1862 | 30:4 |  | Barren, Pauline | from | Barren, Joseph | 1862 | 30:4 |  | Barret, J. M. | to | Bond, C. E. & G. W. | 1882 | 88:524 |  | Barret, John | to | Kistter, Mikel | 1853 | O:131 |  | Barret, John | to | Warner, Joseph | 1851 | L:49 |  | Barret, M. E. (Et. al.) | to | Miracle, Geo. K. | 1880 | 81:369 |  | Barrett, A. G. | to | Powers, E. M. | 1883 | 91:102 |  | Barrett, C. M. (Coms.) | to | Rodenbeck, D. | 1889 | 111:571 |  | Barrett, F. C. | to | Bileer, Jacob | 1885 | 99:268 |  | Barrett, Florence | from | Barrett, Fred C. | 1895 | 136:345 |  | Barrett, Florence | from | Barrett, Martha A. | 1895 | 136:345 |  | Barrett, Florence | from | Barrett, Martha A. | 1895 | 137:210 |  | Barrett, Florence | to | Barrett, Martha A. | 1895 | 137:211 |  | Barrett, Florence | to | Barrett, Martha A. | 1895 | 137:267 |  | Barrett, Fred C. | to | Barrett, Florence | 1895 | 136:345 |  | Barrett, Fred C. | to | Poinsett, Jno. S. | 1885 | 103:414 |  | Barrett, Fred C. (Et al.) | to | Myers, William H. | 1889 | 122:446 |  | Barrett, Fred. C. (Et al.) | to | Barrett, Geo. W. | 1889 | 117:328 |  | Barrett, Fredk. C. | to | Peters Box & L. Co. | 1889 | 114:232 |  | Barrett, Geo. W. | from | Baltz, Alex | 1879 | 75:507 |  | Barrett, Geo. W. | from | Barrett, Fred. C. (Et al.) | 1889 | 117:328 |  | Barrett, Geo. W. | from | Barrett, John Jr. | 1889 | 112:118 |  | Barrett, Geo. W. | from | Bigelow, A. | 1880 | 85:425 |  | Barrett, Geo. W. | from | Bigelow, A. | 1882 | 100:425 |  | Barrett, Geo. W. | from | Laurance, A. (Et al.) | 1880 | 85:425 |  | Barrett, Geo. W. | from | Lugar, Ira V. | 1882 | 100:426 |  | Barrett, Geo. W. | from | Picker, J. A. (Et al.) | 1880 | 85:425 |  | Barrett, Geo. W. | from | Snyder, Mariette | 1878 | 73:437 |  | Barrett, Geo. W. | to | Surfus, Geo. | 1880 | 79:511 |  | Barrett, Geo. W. | to | Surfus, George | 1897 | 144:331 |  | Barrett, Geo. W. | from | Wyatt, M. (Et al.) | 1880 | 85:425 |  | Barrett, J. L. | to | Barrett, W. H. | 1881 | 82:436 |  | Barrett, J. M. | from | Aldrich, C. H. | 1886 | 100:270 |  | Barrett, J. M. | to | Bond & Lumbard | 1886 | 100:544 |  | Barrett, J. M. | from | Bond, C. E. | 1882 | 88:524 |  | Barrett, J. M. | to | Coverdale, A. S. & F. M. | 1884 | 96:188 |  | Barrett, J. M. | to | Muson, Chas. A. | 1884 | 97:87 |  | Barrett, J. M. | to | Reiter, Fred | 1886 | 100:530 |  | Barrett, J. M. | from | Sheriff | 1881 | 82:488 |  | Barrett, J. M. | from | Sheriff | 1881 | 83:11 |  | Barrett, J. M. | to | Thieme, Geo. & E. W. | 1883 | 92:336 |  | Barrett, J. M. | to | Upmeyer, Fred | 1884 | 96:171 |  | Barrett, J. M. ( Et al.) | to | Sowers, Benjamin | 1879 | 75:463 |  | Barrett, J. M. (Coms.) | to | Bitner, J. R. | 1881 | 84:143 |  | Barrett, J. M. (Coms.) | to | Robinson, A. (Et al.) | 1887 | 106:445 |  | Barrett, J. M. (Coms.) | to | Wallies, G. F. | 1882 | 86:577 |  | Barrett, J. M. (Et al.) | from | Commissioner in Partition | 1882 | 88:522 |  | Barrett, J. M. (Et al.) | to | Lichtsian, Wm. | 1883 | 91:506 |  | Barrett, J. M. (Et al.) | from | McClure, M. E. | 1882 | 87:339 |  | Barrett, J. m. (Et al.) | from | Monning, Henry | 1881 | 102:363 |  | Barrett, J. M. (Et al.) | to | Nahrwold, C. | 1883 | 91:16 |  | Barrett, J. m. (Et al.) | from | Paul, H. C. (Et al.) | 1883 | 98:196 |  | Barrett, J. M. (Et al.) | to | Polsin, Martin | 1882 | 88:440 |  | Barrett, J. M. (Et al.) | from | Sheriff | 1882 | 87:399 |  | Barrett, J. M. (Et al.) | to | Sumbard & Bond | 1881 | 82:511 |  | Barrett, J. M. (Et al.) | from | Woodworth, Ed. J. | 1894 | 131:559 |  | Barrett, J. M.(Et al.) | from | Sheriff | 1882 | 87:403 |  | Barrett, James | to | Shank, George | 1852 | M:62 |  | Barrett, James (heirs) | to | Richart & Dalman | 1869 | 62:505 |  | Barrett, James L. | from | Barba, Bernard R. | 1902 | 169:8 |  | Barrett, James L. | from | Barrett, Wm. H. | 1890 | 117:120 |  | Barrett, James L. | to | Hursh, Hiram J. | 1902 | 171:31 |  | Barrett, James L. | to | Hursh, John W. | 1902 | 167:269 |  | Barrett, james L. | from | Hursh, John W. | 1902 | 168:243 |  | Barrett, James L. | to | Williams, H. M. | 1890 | 119:117 |  | Barrett, James M. | to | Bond, Johanne Ida | 1901 | 161:172 |  | Barrett, James M. | to | Cook, Ernest W. | 1901 | 160:292 |  | Barrett, James M. | to | Hadley, Arthur L. (Et ux.) | 1901 | 164:77 |  | Barrett, James M. | from | Mason, John F. | 1876 | 68:504 |  | Barrett, James M. | to | Mason, Nancy | 1876 | 68:507 |  | Barrett, James M. | to | Nuttman, Jos, D. Jr. | 1879 | 78:501 |  | Barrett, James M. | from | Sharp, Lewis P. | 1897 | 144:498 |  | Barrett, James M. | to | Vesey, Wm. J. (Et al.) | 1890 | 116:372 |  | Barrett, James M. (Coms.) | to | Schmiemann, Gustave | 1883 | 92:436 |  | Barrett, James M. (Et al.) | to | Bence, Sarah A. | 1891 | 120:394 |  | Barrett, James M. (et ux.) | from | Bond, Lavinia A. | 1877 | 71:322 |  | Barrett, Jas M. (Et al.) | to | Brosius, Henry | 1881 | 84:177 |  | Barrett, Jas. F. (Coms.) | to | Engle, Jno. F. (Et ux.) | 1887 | 105:632 |  | Barrett, Jas. K. (Et al.) | to | Paul, H. C. (Et al.) | 1883 | 98:183 |  | Barrett, Jas. L. | from | Barrett, Wm. H. | 1879 | 77:477 |  | Barrett, Jas. L. | from | First Nat. Bank | 1880 | 82:36 |  | Barrett, Jas. L. | from | Nuttman, J. D. | 1880 | 82:35 |  | Barrett, Jas. L. | from | Smith, Manning (Et.) | 1891 | 121:383 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. | from | Aldrich, Chas. H. | 1877 | 71:419 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. | from | Bond, Chas. E. | 1884 | 96:513 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. | to | Bond, Chas. E. | 1884 | 96:512 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. | from | Bond, L. A. | 1895 | 138:526 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. | from | Bullard, George | 1893 | 130:378 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. | from | Carter, Wm. | 1882 | 89:432 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. | from | Darrow, D. C. | 1882 | 87:534 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. | to | Fleming, Helen F. | 1894 | 133:375 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. | to | Harkenrider, M. | 1888 | 109:255 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. | to | Jurbuch, Xavier | 1890 | 116:29 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. | to | Kaade, Ferd. | 1886 | 101:32 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. | to | Kaade, Wm. | 1886 | 101:33 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. | to | Kirbach, Emil | 1890 | 118:20 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. | to | Miller, Albert F. | 1888 | 109:128 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. | from | Miller, Julia A. | 1882 | 89:433 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. | to | Reimold, Regina | 1888 | 108:470 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. | to | Rowe, Nicholas B. | 1887 | 104:277 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. | to | Sanders, Chas. W. | 1884 | 95:541 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. | from | Sheriff | 1886 | 100:365 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. | to | Templar, E. A. | 1887 | 104:613 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. | to | Thayer, Fannie | 1884 | 97:332 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. | to | Whitaker, J. W. & S. D. | 1883 | 92:281 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. | to | Woodworth, Ed. J. | 1894 | 131:558 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. (Com.) | to | Harber, Nicholas | 1891 | 121:412 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. (Com.) | to | Tresch, Michael A. | 1888 | 115:391 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. (Coms.) | to | Meyer, J. F. W. | 1888 | 108:229 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. (Coms.) | to | Roy, Florentine | 1883 | 94:66 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. (Et al.) | to | Gross, Wm. F. | 1881 | 85:304 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. (Et al.) | to | Hyman, Cassie | 1883 | 92:514 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. (Et al.) | to | Parry, Isaac | 1891 | 122:470 |  | Barrett, Jas. M. (Et.) | to | Wagner, Jacob | 1890 | 121:290 |  | Barrett, Jas. W. (Et al.) | to | Hoff, Chas. H. | 1885 | 98:567 |  | Barrett, Jno. M. | to | Allgeier, Anton | 1888 | 107:510 |  | Barrett, John Jr. | to | Barrett, Geo. W. | 1889 | 112:118 |  | Barrett, John Jr. | to | Meyers, Wm. H. | 1889 | 112:117 |  | Barrett, Jos. M. | from | Schele, Julius | 1881 | 84:167 |  | Barrett, M. (Et al.) | to | Hankers, Bernard | 1882 | 89:463 |  | Barrett, M. A. | from | Ehrman, Mathias | 1871 | 54:212 |  | Barrett, M. M. | to | Hill, David | 1871 | 53:494 |  | Barrett, Marian A. | from | Bond, Grace G. | 1895 | 138:527 |  | Barrett, Marian A. | from | Bond, L. A. | 1895 | 138:524 |  | Barrett, Marian A. | from | Bond, Lavinia A. | 1880 | 79:77 |  | Barrett, Marian A. | from | Bond, Stephen D. | 1895 | 138:527 |  | Barrett, Marian A. | from | Bond, Stephen D. | 1899 | 154:331 |  | Barrett, Marian A. | from | Bond, Stephen D. | 1901 | 163:73 |  | Barrett, Marian A. | from | Commissioners by Partition | 1880 | 79:551 |  | Barrett, Marian A. | to | Keegan, Hugh G. | 1900 | 156:538 |  | Barrett, Marian A. | to | Meehan, Theresa (Et al.) | 1901 | 164:303 |  | Barrett, Marian A. | from | Sheriff | 1899 | 154:50 |  | Barrett, Marian A. | from | Woodworth, Edw. J. | 1897 | 147:147 |  | Barrett, Marian A. | to | Younge, Jewell F. | 1902 | 169:239 |  | Barrett, Marian A. (Et al.) | to | Fleming, Helen F. | 1894 | 133:375 |  | Barrett, Martha A. | to | Barrett, Florence | 1895 | 136:345 |  | Barrett, Martha A. | to | Barrett, Florence | 1895 | 137:210 |  | Barrett, Martha A. | from | Barrett, Florence | 1895 | 137:211 |  | Barrett, Martha A. | from | Barrett, Florence | 1895 | 137:267 |  | Barrett, Martha A. | to | Berry, C. Wesley | 1890 | 117:11 |  | Barrett, Martha A. | to | Brinkroeger, Fred | 1887 | 104:56 |  | Barrett, Martha A. | to | Coeurdevey, Henry C. | 1901 | 163:478 |  | Barrett, Martha A. | to | Krahn, Frank (Et ux.) | 1896 | 141:515 |  | Barrett, Martha A. | from | Zimmermann, Louisa (Et al.) | 1895 | 138:208 |  | Barrett, Martha A. (Et al.) | from | Short, Henry A. | 1896 | 144:314 |  | Barrett, W. (Et al.) | to | Messler, Thos. D. | 1883 | 90:456 |  | Barrett, W. H. | from | Barrett, J. L. | 1881 | 82:436 |  | Barrett, Wm. H. | to | Barrett, James L. | 1890 | 117:120 |  | Barrett, Wm. H. | to | Barrett, Jas. L. | 1879 | 77:477 |  | Barrett, Wm. H. | from | Long, Alex M. | 1863 | 49:363 |  | Barrett, Wm. H. | to | Pierce, John E. | 1873 | 57:489 |  | Barrett, Wm. H. | from | Sipe, Solomon | 1861 | 27:383 |  | Barrett, Wm. H. | to | Vesey, Allen J. | 1888 | 114:455 |  | Barrett, Wm. H. (Et al.) | from | Vesey, Allen J. | 1889 | 114:453 |  | Barris, Joseph | from | Hake, John | 1853 | N:310 |  | Barrns, Timothy | from | Curtice, John F. (Et ux.) | 1891 | 121:77 |  | Barrns, Timothy | from | Doughman, N. D. | 1893 | 129:88 |  | Barrns, Timothy | from | Hoover, David E. | 1891 | 120:361 |  | Barrns, Timothy | to | O'Connell, James | 1893 | 129:411 |  | Barrns, Timothy | to | Pingry, Chester G. | 1892 | 126:356 |  | Barrns, Timothy | from | Pressler, John | 1893 | 129:195 |  | Barron, Frances (Est.) | to | Bradmiller, Fred | 1862 | 28:486 |  | Barron, John | to | Barron, Michael | 1850 | N:459 |  | Barron, Justus | to | Ewing, WilliamG. | 1853 | O:84 |  | Barron, Lagar | from | Chapelet, Frances | 1863 | 32:108 |  | Barron, Lazar | from | Sheriff | 1875 | 66:351 |  | Barron, Michael | from | Barron, John | 1850 | N:459 |  | Barron, Michael | from | Burger, John | 1848 | N:458 |  | Barron, Richard | from | Trustees W. & E. Canal | 1852 | 79:556 |  | Barrone, A. & I. F. | to | Galloway, M. | 1883 | 90:334 |  | Barrone, A. & I. F. | from | Galloway, M. | 1881 | 90:333 |  | Barrone, Abagail | from | Bain, Maggie A. | 1893 | 128:521 |  | Barrone, Abigail | to | Null, Daniel E. | 1896 | 142:535 |  | Barrone, Abigal | from | Hanson, Harriet N. | 1898 | 153:533 |  | Barrone, Elizabeth | from | Savio, Rosania (Et al.) | 1895 | 149:454 |  | Barrone, H. R. | to | Heller, Dague | 1871 | 54:155 |  | Barrone, Henry S. (Et ux.) | from | Rose, Chas. M. | 1895 | 141:446 |  | Barrone, Isaac | to | Beauchot, Louis | 1889 | 114:166 |  | Barrone, Isaac | to | Graham, Harvey | 1862 | 29:348 |  | Barrone, Isaac | to | Walter, Frank D. | 1900 | 157:402 |  | Barrone, Isaac (Et ux.) | from | Heller, Carrie M. | 1899 | 153:503 |  | Barrone, Isaac F. (Et ux.) | to | Tremble, John B. | 1877 | 120:10 |  | Barrone, Levi | from | Barrone, Michael | 1860 | 26:45 |  | Barrone, Levi | to | Barrone, Michael | 1864 | 35:291 |  | Barrone, Levi | to | Bowers, Mary | 1864 | 36:71 |  | Barrone, Michael | to | Anderson, Hugh | 1850 | 30:310 |  | Barrone, Michael | to | Barrone, Levi | 1860 | 26:45 |  | Barrone, Michael | from | Barrone, Levi | 1864 | 35:291 |  | Barrone, Michael | to | Boorom, John | 1850 | 143:438 |  | Barrone, Michael | to | Brown, Wm. R. | 1889 | 114:386 |  | Barrone, N. E. | from | Tanner, Aquilla | 1884 | 95:176 |  | Barrone, Nancy E. | from | Auditor | 1902 | 166:286 |  | Barrone, Polley | to | Veit, Philip J. | 1896 | 141:464 |  | Barrone, Polly | from | Brown, Wm. R. | 1889 | 114:386 |  | Barrone, Polly | from | Geyer, Charles | 1902 | 169:363 |  | Barrone, Polly | from | Stuck, Levi A. | 1900 | 156:286 |  | Barrone, W. J. | from | Roose, Charles (Et al.) | 1890 | 116:178 |  | Barrone, Wm. J. | to | Young, Geo. W. | 1890 | 118:209 |  | Barrons, Thomas | from | Sheriff | 1876 | 69:271 |  | Barrot, John | to | Barthold, Alexander H. | 1850 | L:437 |  | Barrow, Henry | from | Barrows, Richard (est.) | 1872 | 60:534 |  | Barrow, Henry | from | Peace, Adam | 1872 | 58:71 |  | Barrow, Henry C. | from | Allen Cir. Court | 1894 | 133:25 |  | Barrow, Henry C. | from | Olcott, Fredric P. | 1899 | 153:276 |  | Barrow, Henry C. | from | Robertson, R. S. (Comr.) | 1894 | 132:108 |  | Barrow, Henry C. | from | Robertson, R. S. (Comr.) | 1894 | 132:109 |  | Barrow, John | from | Barrows, Richard (est.) | 1872 | 60:534 |  | Barrow, Maria M. | from | Romy, Robt. L. | 1895 | 136:240 |  | Barrows, Abbi H. | to | Morris, John Jr. | 1894 | 135:286 |  | Barrows, Abbie | from | Wilding, Charles A. | 1897 | 147:463 |  | Barrows, Abbie H. | from | Morris, John Jr. | 1894 | 135:287 |  | Barrows, Abbie H. | to | Wilding, Charles A. (Et ux.) | 1897 | 155:43 |  | Barrows, F. R. | from | Diether, Louis | 1892 | 127:368 |  | Barrows, F. R. | to | Stewart, Thos. | 1885 | 96:584 |  | Barrows, F. R. | from | Storm, J. A. M. | 1884 | 96:564 |  | Barrows, F. R. | to | Storm, Jos. A. M. | 1885 | 96:582 |  | Barrows, F. R. | from | Sutermeister, Arnold | 1882 | 90:301 |  | Barrows, F. R. & A. | from | Evans, B. B. (Et al.) | 1884 | 94:473 |  | Barrows, F. R. & A. | from | Henderson, E. C. (Et al.) | 1884 | 94:473 |  | Barrows, Frank R. | to | Morris, John Jr. | 1894 | 135:286 |  | Barrows, Jno. S. | from | Allen Cir. Court | 1894 | 133:25 |  | Barrows, R. (Est.) | to | Miller, Levi H. | 1865 | 38:171 |  | Barrows, Richard (est.) | to | Barrow, Henry | 1872 | 60:534 |  | Barrows, Richard (est.) | to | Barrow, John | 1872 | 60:534 |  | Barrows, Richard (est.) | to | Boseker, Catharin | 1872 | 60:534 |  | Barrows, Richard (est.) | to | Harper, Malisse | 1872 | 60:534 |  | Barrtt, Marian A. | to | Parry, Gale T. | 1899 | 155:114 |  | Barrus, Joseph | from | Exner, Robert | 1892 | 127:210 |  | Barrus, Josephine | to | Besancon, Henry | 1899 | 152:529 |  | Barrus, Josephine | to | Bobilya, Louis J. | 1899 | 153:208 |  | Barrus, Josephine | to | Cook, E. W. (Tr.) | 1899 | 153:288 |  | Barrus, Josephine | from | Indiana Inv. Co. | 1898 | 151:187 |  | Barrus, Josephine | from | Industrial Park Land Company | 1898 | 151:251 |  | Barrus, Josephine | from | Industrial Park Land Company | 1899 | 153;62 |  | Barrus, Josephine | to | Knepper, Joseph | 1891 | 19:54 |  | Barrus, Josephine | from | Latta, Chas. S. (Etu.) | 1891 | 121:259 |  | Barrus, Josephine | to | Poirson, Peter F. | 1895 | 138:191 |  | Barrus, Josephine | from | Randall, P. A. | 1895 | 136:139 |  | Barrus, Josephine | to | Romy, Robt. L. | 1893 | 130:335 |  | Barrus, Josephine | to | Scheffler, Gustav | 1898 | 150:424 |  | Barrus, Josephine | from | Scheffler, Gustave | 1898 | 152:528 |  | Barrus, Josephine | from | Winch, Fanny M. | 1892 | 126:210 |  | Barrus, Josephine | to | Winchester, W. C. | 1893 | 129:482 |  | Barrus, Timothy | from | Baltes, Michael (Et ux.) | 1891 | 121:487 |  | Barrus, Timothy | to | Brase, Dora | 1893 | 128:131 |  | Barrus, Timothy | to | Brase, William | 1893 | 128:131 |  | Barrus, Timothy | from | Grier, Ellen B. (Et al.) | 1891 | 120:423 |  | Barrus, Timothy | from | Latta, charles s. (Et ux.) | 1891 | 120:424 |  | Barrus, Timothy | from | Nomay, Philomena | 1891 | 113:340 |  | Barrus, Timothy | to | Pingry, Chester G. | 1892 | 135:59 |  | Barrus, Timothy | from | Rice, Mary (Et al.) | 1891 | 120:423 |  | Barrus, Timothy | from | Romy, Robert L. (Et al.) | 1891 | 121:487 |  | Barrus, Timothy | from | Romy, Robt. L. | 1892 | 127:209 |  | Barrus, Timothy | to | Smith, Henry | 1893 | 131:36 |  | Barrus, Timothy | to | Swayne, Mary C. | 1897 | 152:13 |  | Barrus, Timothy | to | Sweet, Warren | 1892 | 124:413 |  | Barrus, Timothy | from | Winch, C. J. | 1889 | 112:120 |  | Barrus, Timothy | to | Winchester, W. C. | 1893 | 129:482 |  | Barrus, Timothy (Et ux.) | from | Bobilya, Louis J. | 1899 | 166:34 |  | Barrus, Timothy (Et ux.) | to | Rice, Mary (Et al.) | 1891 | 120:41 |  | Barrus, Timothy (Et.) | to | Eix, Ernst | 1891 | 113:413 |  | Barrus, Timothy (Et.) | to | Latta, Chas. S. | 1891 | 121:78 |  | Barrus, Timothy (Etu.) | to | Curtice, John F. | 1891 | 124:71 |  | Barry, E. & J. | from | State of Indiana | 1839 | 79:202 |  | Barry, E. & J. | from | State of Indiana | 1839 | 79:536 |  | Barry, Owen | from | Bauer, Kajetan J. | 1890 | 118:93 |  | Barshop, Barbara | to | Abner, Maximus | 1864 | 32:421 |  | Barsko- | to | | 1864 | 32:421 |  | Barskop, Francis | from | Sack, Henry | 1864 | 32:420 |  | Bart, Daniel | to | Bensinger, John | 1859 | X:421 |  | Bart, Daniel | to | Buchfink, John M. | 1858 | W:289 |  | Bart, Daniel | from | Buchfink, John Martin | 1859 | X:256 |  | Bart, Daniel | to | Stonebrook, George | 1857 | U:16 |  | Bart, N. O. | from | Robinson, Amanda | 1888 | 106:449 |  | Bart, N. O. | from | Smith, Nathan | 1883 | 90:437 |  | Bart, N. O. | to | Smith, Nathan | 1883 | 92:527 |  | Bart, Nelson O. | to | Robinson, A. (Et al.) | 1888 | 106:449 |  | Bart, Nelson O. | from | Robinson, Amanda | 1893 | 131:396 |  | Bart, Nelson O. | from | Wade, George G. | 1877 | 72:423 |  | Bart, Nelson O. | to | Witzgall, Wm. | 1879 | 78:85 |  | Bart, William Edw. | from | Messler, Israel | 1899 | 152:540 |  | Bartel, Henry (Et ux.) | to | Hartman, Nancy A. | 1891 | 120:7 |  | Bartel, Wilhelm | from | Alderman, Frank | 1891 | 121:328 |  | Bartells, Henry | from | Allen Co. L. & S. Assn. | 1902 | 168:161 |  | Bartelmeyer, H. | to | Kolhost, Henry | 1861 | 29:93 |  | Bartels, Fred | from | Major, Orinthy | 1881 | 85:184 |  | Bartels, Fred | from | Major, Orinthy | 1883 | 93:91 |  | Bartels, Fred | to | Taylor, Ruth E. | 1883 | 93:95 |  | Bartels, Frederick | from | Enright, John | 1875 | 66:53 |  | Bartels, Frederick | to | Gerke, Frederick | 1879 | 77:253 |  | Bartels, Fredk. | from | Enright, Johanna | 1875 | 65:297 |  | Bartels, Heinrich | from | Kolkmann, Friedk. | 1890 | 117:617 |  | Bartels, Henry | to | Baada, Christian | 1883 | 91:245 |  | Bartels, Henry | from | Bruns, William | 1890 | 117:606 |  | Bartels, Henry | from | Ewing, Geo. W. | 1865 | 43:151 |  | Bartels, Henry | from | Miracle, Geo. K. | 1880 | 80:552 |  | Bartels, Jno. | from | Tschannen, Christ | 1883 | 94:12 |  | Bartels, Jno. (Et al.) | from | Meyer, John | 1883 | 93:545 |  | Bartels, John | from | Sheriff | 1895 | 138:481 |  | Bartels, John | from | Sheriff | 1895 | 138:484 |  | Bartels, John | from | Sheriff | 1895 | 138:487 |  | Bartels, John | from | Sheriff | 1895 | 138:490 |  | Bartels, John | from | Sheriff | 1895 | 138:494 |  | Bartels, John | from | Sheriff | 1895 | 138:497 |  | Bartels, John | from | Sheriff | 1895 | 138:501 |  | Bartels, John | from | Sheriff | 1895 | 138:504 |  | Bartels, John | from | Sheriff | 1895 | 138:507 |  | Bartels, John | from | Sheriff | 1895 | 138:510 |  | Bartels, John | from | Sheriff | 1895 | 138:514 |  | Bartels, Marie | from | Mangels, Anna (Et al.) | 1897 | 147:519 |  | Bartels, Marie | to | Mangels, Anna (Et al.) | 1897 | 147:519 |  | Bartels, Wilhelm | to | Krah, Henry W. | 1898 | 152:148 |  | Bartels, Wilhelm (Et al.) | from | Krah, Henry W. | 1898 | 152:149 |  | Bartels, Wm. | from | Potter, Mary F. | 1888 | 108:400 |  | Bartemeyer, E. | from | Fox, C. J. (Et al.) | 1880 | 80:541 |  | Bartemeyer, E. | from | Trentman, M. E. (Et al.) | 1880 | 80:547 |  | Bartemeyer, E. (Et al.) | to | Fox, J. V. & C. J. | 1880 | 80:538 |  | Bartemeyer, E. (Et al.) | to | Trentman, A. C. | 1880 | 80:542 |  | Bartemeyer, E. (Et al.) | to | Trentman, J. A. | 1880 | 80:539 |  | Bartemeyer, E. (Et al.) | to | Trentman, Mary E. | 1880 | 80:540 |  | Bartemeyer, E. M. | to | Clausmeier, Ed. F. (Et ux.) | 1896 | 140:519 |  | Bartemeyer, F. N. | to | Melching, Albert (Et ux.) | 1893 | 128:479 |  | Bartemyer, E. M. | to | Nierman, J. T. | 1881 | 84:52 |  | Bartenick, Elisa | from | Borkenstein, Bernhard | 1900 | 158:130 |  | Barter, Jas. H. | from | Bower, Jno. W. | 1873 | 103:426 |  | Barter, Lot | from | Cooper, Hannah | 1893 | 128:150 |  | Barter, Lot | to | Gomoll, Julius | 1893 | 128:172 |  | Barter, Lot | from | Newton, Anna | 1892 | 123:276 |  | Barter, Lott | to | Copper, Hannah | 1892 | 127:83 |  | Barter, Sarah V. | to | Newton, Anna | 1892 | 123:275 |  | Barter, Sarah V. | from | Noll, Anna M. | 1890 | 119:81 |  | Barthel, Johan George | to | Vonderan, Jacob | 1854 | O:619 |  | Barthel, John George | to | Hartman, Heinrick | 1858 | V:46 |  | Barthel, John George | from | Hasted, Catharine | 1855 | T:51 |  | Bartholamen, H. B. | to | Dupey, Celestine | 1864 | 37:175 |  | Barthold, A. E. (Jr.) | from | Doveh, Patrick | 1865 | 39:354 |  | Barthold, A. H. | to | Barthold, F. H. | 1870 | 51:325 |  | Barthold, A. H. | to | Ernesting, Charles | 1856 | T:546 |  | Barthold, A. H. | from | Ewing, Geo. W. | 1859 | 42:251 |  | Barthold, A. H. | from | Ewing, Geo. W. (Jr.) | 1860 | 42:252 |  | Barthold, A. H. | from | Ewing, Geo. W. (Jr.) | 1862 | 42:251 |  | Barthold, A. H. | from | Ewing, Wm. G. (Heirs) | 1859 | 42:249 |  | Barthold, A. H. | to | Henscel, Laure | 1864 | 91:94 |  | Barthold, A. H. | from | Jamey, Francis | 1870 | 51:71 |  | Barthold, A. H. | from | Johnson, John | 1856 | T:87 |  | Barthold, A. H. | to | Joseph, Wortman | 1857 | U:509 |  | Barthold, A. H. | from | Moser, Joseph | 1855 | S:243 |  | Barthold, A. H. | to | Moshemer, Jno. L. | 1863 | 32:5 |  | Barthold, A. H. | to | Schrrapie, Antony | 1853 | O:325 |  | Barthold, A. H. | to | Widekind, Joseph | 1857 | U:283 |  | Barthold, A. H. | to | Wursten, Samuel | 1853 | O:326 |  | Barthold, A. H. (Et al.) | to | Soome, Mary Ann | 1880 | 79:25 |  | Barthold, A. H. (Heirs) | to | Barthold, A. H. (Jr.) | 1866 | 45:48 |  | Barthold, A. H. (Heirs) | to | Barthold, F. S. | 1866 | 40:475 |  | Barthold, A. H. (Heirs) | to | Johnston, Elizabeth | 1866 | 48:54 |  | Barthold, A. H. (Heirs) | to | Shilling, C. | 1866 | 42:297 |  | Barthold, A. H. (Jr.) | from | Barthold, A. H. (Heirs) | 1866 | 45:48 |  | Barthold, A. K. | to | Blair, Carmilla | 1885 | 97:405 |  | Barthold, Alex H. | from | Barthold, Fredk. L. | 1870 | 52:151 |  | Barthold, Alex H. | to | Bloomhuff, C. | 1860 | Y:251 |  | Barthold, Alex H. | from | Bloomhuff, S. C. | 1860 | Y:250 |  | Barthold, Alex H. | to | Danezes, Christian | 1860 | Y:638 |  | Barthold, Alex H. | to | Good, Henry | 1860 | Y:639 |  | Barthold, Alex H. | from | Jenkinson, Isaac | 1865 | 42:159 |  | Barthold, Alex H. | to | King, Paul F. | 1862 | 28:468 |  | Barthold, Alex N. | from | Jenkinson, Isaac | 1865 | 42:159 |  | Barthold, Alex. (Et al.) | to | Schilling, Chas. F. (Et al.) | 1899 | 153:544 |  | Barthold, Alex. H. | to | Mapes, R. S. | 1864 | 34:247 |  | Barthold, Alex. H. | from | Slater, John | 1864 | 32:458 |  | Barthold, Alexander | to | Waltz, Mathias | 1854 | P:537 |  | Barthold, Alexander A. | from | Hobbs, Elias | 1857 | T:543 |  | Barthold, Alexander H. | from | Baker, Joseph W. | 1853 | O:394 |  | Barthold, Alexander H. | from | Barrot, John | 1850 | L:437 |  | Barthold, Alexander H. | to | Bucher, George | 1853 | O:259 |  | Barthold, Alexander H. | to | Clark, Anthony | 1854 | S:366 |  | Barthold, Alexander H. | to | Doerkas, Augustus | 1853 | O:472 |  | Barthold, Alexander H. | to | Failour, Jacob | 1853 | O:380 |  | Barthold, Alexander H. | from | Holmes, William H. | 1853 | N:330 |  | Barthold, Alexander H. | to | Peters, Frederick | 1853 | O:278 |  | Barthold, Alexander H. | to | Reiners, Richard | 1853 | O:789 |  | Barthold, Alexander H. | to | Sarwine, Ann | 1853 | O:24 |  | Barthold, Alexander H. | to | VanHorn, Mary | 1857 | V:17 |  | Barthold, Alexander H. | to | Wedekind, Joseph | 1856 | S:655 |  | Barthold, Alexander H. | to | Wilcox, LesterP. | 1853 | P:234 |  | Barthold, Alexander H. | to | Windling, Jacob | 1854 | P:489 |  | Barthold, Emma | from | Cook, Ernest W. | 1901 | 163:408 |  | Barthold, Emma | from | Curdes, Louis F. | 1901 | 166:359 |  | Barthold, Emma | to | Rump, Ernest H. | 1901 | 165:373 |  | Barthold, Emma | from | Schilling, Chas. F. | 1893 | 128:99 |  | Barthold, Emma | to | VanMeter, Homer L. | 1902 | 170:540 |  | Barthold, F. H. | from | Barthold, A. H. | 1870 | 51:325 |  | Barthold, F. L. | from | Auditor | 1879 | A:158 |  | Barthold, F. L. | from | Blair, Camilla | 1876 | 67:479 |  | Barthold, F. L. | from | Critzer, John H. | 1871 | 54:224 |  | Barthold, F. L. | to | Greer, James | 1872 | 54:553 |  | Barthold, F. L. | from | Holtzworth, A. (et al.) | 1876 | 67:191 |  | Barthold, F. L. | from | Holzworth, Jno. A. | 1876 | 68:266 |  | Barthold, F. S. | from | Barthold, A. H. (Heirs) | 1866 | 40:475 |  | Barthold, Fred L. | from | Auditor | 1877 | 72:295 |  | Barthold, Fred L. | to | Halzworth, Jno. A. (Et ux.) | 1893 | 132:36 |  | Barthold, Fred L. | to | Malone, Rosa E. | 1895 | 140:136 |  | Barthold, Fred L. (Adm.) | from | Sheriff | 1867 | 48:25 |  | Barthold, Fred L. (Adm.) | from | Sheriff | 1869 | 48:26 |  | Barthold, Fred L. (Et.) | to | Smith, Joseph L. | 1891 | 121:137 |  | Barthold, Fred. L. | from | Malone, Rosa E. | 1895 | 140:134 |  | Barthold, Fred. W. (Et.) | to | Johnson, R. M. | 1891 | 122:128 |  | Barthold, Frederick | from | Barthold, Sarah A. | 1868 | 120:592 |  | Barthold, Frederick | to | Cochrane, Charlotte | 1879 | 78:186 |  | Barthold, Frederick L. | to | Cook, Ernest W. (Et al.) | 1901 | 163:408 |  | Barthold, Frederick L. | to | Kritzer, Frank (Et al.) | 1899 | 153:118 |  | Barthold, Frederick L. | to | Wickliffe, Daisy D. | 1899 | 156:202 |  | Barthold, Fredk. L. | to | Barthold, Alex H. | 1870 | 52:151 |  | Barthold, Fredk. L. | to | Bischoff, Sharlott | 1898 | 150:262 |  | Barthold, Fredk. L. | from | Doctor, Nathan C. | 1873 | 60:282 |  | Barthold, Fredk. L. | from | Johnson, Elizabeth B. | 1875 | 66:442 |  | Barthold, Fredk. L. | to | Kalbacher, Anton | 1897 | 148:550 |  | Barthold, Fredk. L. | to | Romy, Robt. L. | 1894 | 134:542 |  | Barthold, Fredk. L. | from | Romy, Robt. L. | 1894 | 134:544 |  | Barthold, Fredk. L. | from | Schilling, Camilla | 1893 | 127:522 |  | Barthold, Fredk. L. | to | Schilling, Canilla | 1893 | 127:523 |  | Barthold, Fredk. L. (Et ux.) | from | Bischoff, William | 1898 | 150:261 |  | Barthold, Fredk. L. (Et ux.) | from | Wickliffe, Daisy D. | 1899 | 156:203 |  | Barthold, J. G. | from | Hutchinson, C. W. | 1887 | 105:213 |  | Barthold, S. D. | from | Cartwright, Lydia | 1880 | 97:596 |  | Barthold, S. D. | to | Kover, Emeline | 1889 | 114:115 |  | Barthold, S. D. | from | Rockhill, H. C. | 1885 | 97:494 |  | Barthold, Sarah (Et al.) | to | Fox, George | 1886 | 100:361 |  | Barthold, Sarah A. | to | Barthold, Frederick | 1868 | 120:592 |  | Barthold's Addition to Fort Wayne | to | | 1853 | P:334 |  | Bartholemew, A. S. | to | Dehaven, Alrake | 1856 | T:22 |  | Bartholemew, Harriet E. | to | Foster, David P. (Et ux.) | 1899 | 170:204 |  | Bartholemew, Hiram B. | to | Keeler, Mary F. | 1902 | 170:222 |  | Bartholemew, J. H. & J. E. | from | Bartholemew, Jno. S. | 1882 | 89:254 |  | Bartholemew, Jno. S. | to | Bartholemew, J. H. & J. E. | 1882 | 89:254 |  | Bartholemew, S. A. | from | Killian, Jahn | 1879 | 81:172 |  | Bartholemew, S. A. | from | More, Wm. A. | 1875 | 93:537 |  | Bartholemew, S. A. | to | Wann, Chas. T. | 1878 | 93:539 |  | Bartholemey, Sallot | from | Cutshall, Eli | 1854 | P:320 |  | Bartholmew, Jno. H. | to | Shull, Wm. C. | 1893 | 128:166 |  | Bartholoemew, Hiram B. | from | Dupeyson, Jean B. | 1864 | 37:30 |  | Bartholoew, Harriet E. | from | Trustees W. & E. Canal | 1860 | Y:583 |  | Bartholomew, Alexander S. | from | Brenton, Samuel | 1855 | R:120 |  | Bartholomew, Bracy Y. W. | from | Bartholomew, Harriet E. | 1898 | 152:239 |  | Bartholomew, Chlo K. | from | Bartholomew, Harriet E. | 1898 | 152:240 |  | Bartholomew, Chloe K (Will of) | to | | 1899 | 155:231 |  | Bartholomew, H. B. | to | Begue, John | 1868 | 46:596 |  | Bartholomew, H. B. | from | Bengue, John | 1868 | 47:5 |  | Bartholomew, H. B. | to | Gothe, Geo. C. | 1872 | 55:481 |  | Bartholomew, H. B. | from | Saussotte, Francis | 1866 | 39:420 |  | Bartholomew, Harriet E. | to | Bartholomew, Bracy Y. W. | 1898 | 152:239 |  | Bartholomew, Harriet E. | to | Bartholomew, Chlo K. | 1898 | 152:240 |  | Bartholomew, Harriet E. | to | Bartholomew, Samuel H. | 1898 | 152:240 |  | Bartholomew, Harriet E. | to | Driver, Almena S. | 1899 | 155:102 |  | Bartholomew, Harriet E. | to | Foster, David P. (Et ux.) | 1898 | 152:242 |  | Bartholomew, Harriet E. | to | Gorrell, Rachel H. | 1898 | 152:271 |  | Bartholomew, Harriet E. | to | McCray, Jurusha O. | 1899 | 155:455 |  | Bartholomew, Harriet E. | to | Mettert, Harriet P. | 1898 | 152:241 |  | Bartholomew, Hiram B. | to | Rulo, John | 1874 | 62:494 |  | Bartholomew, J. H. | from | Hough, John | 1863 | 33:33 |  | Bartholomew, J. S. | from | Bartholomew, Jno. H. | 1864 | 35:327 |  | Bartholomew, J. S. | from | Hough, John | 1863 | 33:34 |  | Bartholomew, Jas. S. | to | Gustin, Marion | 1866 | 47:200 |  | Bartholomew, Jno. H. | to | Bartholomew, J. S. | 1864 | 35:327 |  | Bartholomew, Jno. H. | from | Bartholomew, Jno. S. | 1888 | 107:415 |  | Bartholomew, Jno. S. | to | Bartholomew, Jno. H. | 1888 | 107:415 |  | Bartholomew, Samuel H. | from | Bartholomew, Harriet E. | 1898 | 152:240 |  | Bartholomew, Thos. D. | to | Harber, Nicholas | 1861 | 27:73 |  | Bartholomew, Wm. | from | Hood, H. G. | 1865 | 39:158 |  | Bartholomew, Wm. | to | Stephens, Thos. M. | 1866 | 43:225 |  | Bartin, Chas. M. | from | Glessner, Hester | 1873 | 59:90 |  | Bartits, John (Et al.) | from | Gerke, John F. | 1889 | 111:158 |  | Bartlet, Frazier | to | Bartlet, Silas H. | 1849 | P:108 |  | Bartlet, N. N. | from | Bartlett, Simon | 1861 | 28:413 |  | Bartlet, Silas | from | Palmer, Nathan | 1853 | R:175 |  | Bartlet, Silas H. | from | Bartlet, Frazier | 1849 | P:108 |  | Bartlet, William M. | to | Fletcher, James M. | 1853 | O:80 |  | Bartlett, A. A. | from | Blair, Wright (Et al.) | 1882 | 88:464 |  | Bartlett, A. A. | from | Brunkhart, Mary | 1881 | 89:387 |  | Bartlett, A. A. | from | Derby, Arolina | 1882 | 89:388 |  | Bartlett, A. A. | to | Roberts. C. F. | 1881 | 86:232 |  | Bartlett, A. A. | from | Weeks, Geo. W. | 1880 | 86:196 |  | Bartlett, C. C. | from | Dalman, John | 1888 | 108:529 |  | Bartlett, C. C. | to | French, Brooks | 1889 | 112:246 |  | Bartlett, Chas. C. | to | Bushing, Henry | 1890 | 115:213 |  | Bartlett, Chas. C. | from | French, Brooks | 1889 | 115:101 |  | Bartlett, Emily M. (Et al.) | to | Linnemeier, Wm. | 1891 | 122:504 |  | Bartlett, James | from | Hartsborn, G. | 1871 | 54:8 |  | Bartlett, James | to | Hartshom, Luther | 1872 | 58:70 |  | Bartlett, N. N. | to | Bartlett, S. H. | 1862 | 50:164 |  | Bartlett, S. H. | from | Bartlett, N. N. | 1862 | 50:164 |  | Bartlett, S. H. | from | Derby, Arolina | 1869 | 48:260 |  | Bartlett, S. H. | to | Howe, Susan | 1882 | 89:312 |  | Bartlett, S. H. | from | Prindle, Amos | 1882 | 89:311 |  | Bartlett, S. H. | from | Prindle, Wm. | 1882 | 89:310 |  | Bartlett, S. H. | to | Wakefield, A. S. | 1858 | W:211 |  | Bartlett, S. H. | from | Withers, W. H. (Comr.) | 1870 | 52:116 |  | Bartlett, S. N. | to | Prouse, Michael | 1856 | T:106 |  | Bartlett, S. U. | to | Palmer, Nathan | 1856 | T:16 |  | Bartlett, Silas H. | to | Teiss, Lewis | 1869 | 50:164 |  | Bartlett, Simon | to | Bartlet, N. N. | 1861 | 28:413 |  | Bartlett, Simon | to | Pattee, David | 1863 | 33:67 |  | Bartlett, Simon | to | Wilson, James | 1859 | Y:326 |  | Bartlett, William M. | from | Baker, Andrew I. | 1852 | L:559 |  | Bartlett, William M. | from | Hatfield, Owen | 1852 | L:559 |  | Bartlett, William M. | to | John, Weaver | 1857 | U:410 |  | Bartlett, Wm. M. | from | Snigget, John A. C. | 1852 | L:559 |  | Bartley, Alice A. | to | Hermeler, E. F. | 1891 | 124:189 |  | Bartley, Jno. S. | from | mason, Jos. A. | 1891 | 121:620 |  | Bartley, Jno. S. (Et ux.) | from | Wilkinson, Charity | 1889 | 114:47 |  | Bartley, John S. | to | Wilkinson, Charity | 1890 | 117:486 |  | Bartley, William P. | to | Behler, George | 1902 | 167:538 |  | Bartley, William P. | to | Black, Herbert G. (Et ux.) | 1901 | 162:98 |  | Bartley, Wm. P. | from | Pflidner, Mary | 1899 | 154:358 |  | Bartley, Wm. P. (Et ux.) | from | Hannam, Hiram A. | 1899 | 155:307 |  | Bartmess, Jos. | to | Phillips, Jno. T. | 1866 | 40:440 |  | Bartmess, Joseph | from | Tresselt, Christian | 1866 | 41:242 |  | Barto, Milton | to | Devilbiss, Lydia M. | 1879 | 78:355 |  | Barto, Milton (Et al.) | to | Baston, Saml. H. | 1895 | 140:459 |  | Barto, Milton (Et al.) | to | Brown, James A. | 1871 | 163:546 |  | Barto, Saml. H. | from | Emenhiser, Jos. A. | 1896 | 142:216 |  | Barto, Saml. H. | to | Emenhiser, Jos. A. (Et ux.) | 1896 | 142:217 |  | Barto, Saml. H. | to | Emmhiser, Jos. A. (Et ux.) | 1896 | 144:175 |  | Barto, Willetty | from | Whittern, N. H. | 1888 | 109:76 |  | Barton, C. M. | from | Bicknese, F. (Et al.) | 1878 | 75:536 |  | Barton, C. M. | to | Bickness, Frederick | 1878 | 75:265 |  | Barton, C. M. | from | Dowie, John R. | 1878 | 75:242 |  | Barton, C. M. | to | Gillett, D. D. | 1879 | 83:19 |  | Barton, C. M. | to | Michael, Herman | 1879 | 76:400 |  | Barton, C. M. | to | Orr, Chas. W. | 1886 | 101:29 |  | Barton, C. M. | to | Stringer, Ellen R. | 1877 | 72:406 |  | Barton, C. M. | to | Waltemath, Henry | 1878 | 82:110 |  | Barton, C. M. | from | Watermuth, H. C. (Et al.) | 1878 | 75:536 |  | Barton, Charles | from | Sheriff | 1875 | 65:44 |  | Barton, Charles M. | from | Auditor | 1879 | A:141 |  | Barton, Charles M. | from | Gillett, Dwight D. | 1879 | 76:255 |  | Barton, Charles W. | from | Auditor | 1879 | A:141 |  | Barton, Chas. M. | to | Lauferty, Isaac | 1877 | 72:386 |  | Barton, Mary J. | from | Anspach, J. P. (Et al.) | 1891 | 122:463 |  | Barton, Mary J. | to | Nuttle, William | 1895 | 138:163 |  | Barton, Mary J. | from | Roose, Chas. (Et al.) | 1891 | 122:463 |  | Barton, Mary J. | from | Roose, Chas. (Et al.) | 1897 | 147:199 |  | Barton, Mary Jane | from | Roose, Charles (Et al.) | 1902 | 169:529 |  | Bartow, Betsy | from | Squire, C. B. | 1837 | J:678 |  | Barts, Clara L. (Et al.) | to | Todd, Mary | 1896 | 142:32 |  | Barts, Mamie | from | Crim, George W. (Et.) | 1891 | 121:376 |  | Barts, S. H. | from | Rigdon, M. O. | 1886 | 101:137 |  | Barumn, Selina | from | Allen County L. & S. A. | 1899 | 156:232 |  | Barus, Henry | from | Curtis, Allen | 1859 | X:40 |  | Barva, B. J. | from | Leahy, P.J. | 1882 | 89:214 |  | Barva, B. J. | to | Leinninger, Jno. | 1882 | 89:262 |  | Barva, Barnard R. | to | Altekruse, Ernest A. (Et ux.) | 1898 | 149:456 |  | Barva, Barnard R. | to | Emrick, August (Et ux.) | 1899 | 154:494 |  | Barva, Barnard R. | to | Nahrwold, Ernest F. (Et ux.) | 1899 | 152:357 |  | Barva, Barnard R. | from | Paul, Henry C. | 1895 | 136:298 |  | Barva, Barnard R. | to | Stole, Fredk. | 1898 | 149:445 |  | Barva, Barnard R. (Et al.) | from | Strausbaugh, Jacob L. | 1899 | 156:205 |  | Barva, Barnard R. (Et ux.) | from | Nahrwold, Ernest | 1899 | 152:356 |  | Barva, Barnard R. (Et ux.) | from | Paul, Henry C. | 1899 | 155:66 |  | Barva, Barnard R. (Et ux.) | from | Stolte, Frederick | 1898 | 150:104 |  | Barva, Ber | to | Freistroffer, Simon | 1902 | 166:184 |  | Barva, Bernaard R. | from | Dyche, Alvena L. | 1902 | 167:498 |  | Barva, Bernard | from | VanZile, Abraham (Com.) | 1886 | 102:171 |  | Barva, Bernard R. | to | Allen County L. & S. A. | 1901 | 166:85 |  | Barva, Bernard R. | from | Brinsley, Herbert G. (Et al.) | 1902 | 167:497 |  | Barva, Bernard R. | to | Coarding, J. E. | 1901 | 163:85 |  | Barva, Bernard R. | from | Cody, Bridget | 1902 | 168:272 |  | Barva, Bernard R. | to | Darby, George H. | 1901 | 164:104 |  | Barva, Bernard R. | to | DeLaGange, Julian J. (Et ux.) | 1900 | 160:164 |  | Barva, Bernard R. | to | Dyche, Alvena | 1902 | 167:540 |  | Barva, Bernard R. | from | Dyche, Alvens L. (Gdn.) | 1902 | 167:517 |  | Barva, Bernard R. | to | Huff, Udney | 1900 | 158:102 |  | Barva, Bernard R. | from | Hunt, Sarah J. | 1901 | 163:442 |  | Barva, Bernard R. | from | Kariger, Samuel | 1900 | 160:265 |  | Barva, Bernard R. | from | Kruekeberg, August J. | 1901 | 162:27 |  | Barva, Bernard R. | to | Kruekeberg, August J. (Et ux.) | 1901 | 162:28 |  | Barva, Bernard R. | from | McCulloch, Charles | 1900 | 159:260 |  | Barva, Bernard R. | from | Palmer, John (Et al.) | 1901 | 161:423 |  | Barva, Bernard R. | from | Payton, Alford B. (Adm.) | 1902 | 167:295 |  | Barva, Bernard R. | to | Romy, Robert L. | 1902 | 166:206 |  | Barva, Bernard R. | from | Sack, Veronica | 1901 | 164:104 |  | Barva, Bernard R. | from | Sack, Veronica (Adnix.) | 1901 | 164:82 |  | Barva, Bernard R. | from | Sage, Arthur E. | 1900 | 160:165 |  | Barva, Bernard R. | to | Vaughn, James M. | 1901 | 163:3 |  | Barva, Bernard R. | from | Wells, John W. | 1900 | 159:522 |  | Barva, Bernard R. | to | Wells, John W. (Et ux.) | 1900 | 159:520 |  | Barva, Bernard R. | to | Woodworth, Ed. J. (Admr.) | 1900 | 157:375 |  | Barva, Bernard R. (Et al.) | from | Anderson, William W. | 1899 | 156:206 |  | Barva, Bernard R. (Et al.) | from | Belling, Mary M. | 1902 | 168:244 |  | Barva, Bernard R. (Et al.) | from | Love, William | 1900 | 156:450 |  | Barva, Bernard R. (Et ux.) | from | Bashara, Salem | 1902 | 165:544 |  | Barva, Bernard R. (Et ux.) | from | Cary, Harry E. | 1902 | 167:46 |  | Barva, Bernard R. (Et ux.) | from | Hammond, Arthur K. | 1901 | 161:140 |  | Barva, Bernard R. (Et ux.) | from | Huff, Udney | 1900 | 158:103 |  | Barva, Bernerd R. | from | Belling, Mary M. | 1901 | 160:373 |  | Barva, Bernerd R. | to | Belling, Nicholas A. (Et ux.) | 1901 | 160:316 |  | Barva, Bernerd R. | to | Bieker, Daniel (Et al.) | 1901 | 162:304 |  | Barva, Bernerd R. | from | Evans, Bennett B. | 1901 | 162:352 |  | Barva, Bernerd R. | to | Foss, Fred H. (Et al.) | 1901 | 161:504 |  | Barva, Bernerd R. | to | Hollmann, Martin | 1901 | 163:459 |  | Barva, Bernerd R. | from | Romy, Robert L. (Ex.) | 1900 | 162:74 |  | Barva, Bernerd R. | to | Schmider, Henry F. (Et al.) | 1901 | 160:545 |  | Barva, Edward (Et ux.) | from | Weichselfelder, Louis (Et al.) | 1900 | 157:182 |  | Barva, Julia R. | to | Rosselot, Julia | 1896 | 142:449 |  | Barva, Philomene | to | Cressler, Alfred D. | 1889 | 112:439 |  | Barva, Philomene | from | Ryan, Matilda | 1885 | 98:538 |  | Barva, Sarnard R. (Et ux.) | from | Altekruse, Ernest A. | 1898 | 150:103 |  | Barve, Alverretta O. | from | Rudolph, Mary I. | 1901 | 160:395 |  | Barve, Barrand | to | Shippey, Robt. | 1848 | 30:454 |  | Barve, Bernard | from | Ellsworth, H. L. (Heirs) | 1866 | 42:136 |  | Barve, Bernard | from | Lininger, John | 1878 | 73:1 |  | Barve, Bernard | to | Vanzile, A. (Adm.) | 1884 | 94:632 |  | Barve, Bernard | to | Vanzile, Jno. | 1866 | 94:409 |  | Barve, Bernard | to | Vesey, Allen J. | 1889 | 114:76 |  | Barvee, Barnard | from | Vanzile, John | 1866 | 94:541 |  | Barwiler, Joseph | to | Robinson, Eliza A. | 1902 | 167:521 |  | Barwiler, Joseph (Et ux.) | from | Romy, Robert L. | 1900 | 159:498 |  | Barwiler, Mathias | from | Corning, Erastus | 1876 | 67:371 |  | Basa, Frederick | from | Seabold, Adam | 1851 | L:345 |  | Basch, Charles | to | Bleuch, Henry S. | 1902 | 168:20 |  | Baschaber, Daniel | to | Schneider, Henrietta | 1855 | W:119 |  | Baschal, R. C. | from | Sampson, H. | 1870 | 51:402 |  | Bascher, Christian | to | Hinton, Jno. C. | 1879 | 78:195 |  | Baschet, Jno. M. | from | Pierce, Howard | 1864 | 31:571 |  | Baschler, Ludwig | from | Withers, W. H. (Comr.) | 1862 | 42:447 |  | Base, Fred Wm. | from | Herne, Fredk. | 1888 | 109:129 |  | Base, Frederick | from | Conger, John J. (Comr.) | 1853 | O:441 |  | Base, Frederick | to | Gebele, Mathias | 1860 | Y:61 |  | Base, Frederick | to | Kettler, Conrad | 1853 | N:438 |  | Base, Frederick | to | Koester, Christian | 1855 | R:297 |  | Base, Frederick | to | Marshall, Peter | 1875 | 64:567 |  | Base, Frederick | to | Rockewig, Carl | 1853 | O:428 |  | Base, Frederick | to | Walda, Henry | 1864 | 34:51 |  | Base, Jos. H. | from | Komp, Sarah D. | 1885 | 98:238 |  | Base, Joseph (Et al.) | to | Nonamaker, J. P. | 1889 | 111:424 |  | Base, Lydia | to | Felts, E. F. | 188 | 98:43 |  | Base, Lydia | from | Felts, Emma F. | 1885 | 111:480 |  | Base, Lydia | from | Felts, Jno. E. | 1885 | 111:425 |  | Base, Lydia (Et al.) | to | Feichter, J. H. | 1883 | 91:591 |  | Base, Lydia J. | from | Clausmeier, Margt. | 1897 | 148:406 |  | Base, Lydia J. | to | Felts, Harman W. | 1897 | 153:382 |  | Base, Wilhelm | from | Coleman, Thomas | 1855 | R:298 |  | Base, William | to | Hunter, Jas. L. | 1861 | 27:187 |  | Baseker, Christian | to | White, Jas. B. | 1883 | 93:506 |  | Bash Packing Co. | from | Bash, Charles S. | 1898 | 152:416 |  | Bash Packing Co. | from | Bash, Charles S. | 1900 | 157:429 |  | Bash Packing Co. | from | Bash, Willis B. | 1898 | 151:42 |  | Bash, A. W. & Paul | from | Sheriff | 1886 | 101:293 |  | Bash, Barrett & Aldrich | from | McKinley, John | 1881 | 82:378 |  | Bash, C. L. | from | McKee, Thos. L. | 1879 | 77:523 |  | Bash, C. S. | from | Auditor | 1882 | 86:472 |  | Bash, C. S. | to | Bash, W. S. | 1886 | 101:113 |  | Bash, C. S. | from | Bash, W. S. (Et ux.) | 1886 | 101:112 |  | Bash, C. S. | to | Hughes, E. J. | 1882 | 86:334 |  | Bash, C. S. | from | Robinson, R. D. | 1882 | 86:313 |  | Bash, C. S. | from | Taylor, R. S. | 1881 | 86:38 |  | Bash, C. S. | from | Tons, Wm. | 1881 | 84:252 |  | Bash, C. S. & F. O. | from | Bash, Solomon | 1883 | 92:404 |  | Bash, C. S. (Et al.) | from | Kull, D. m. C. | 1889 | 111:497 |  | Bash, Charles S. | to | Allen County L. & S. Assn. | 1902 | 169:61 |  | Bash, Charles S. | to | Antrup, Frederick W. | 1899 | 153:506 |  | Bash, Charles S. | from | Aubry, Emelie | 1898 | 150:282 |  | Bash, Charles S. | to | Bash Packing Co. | 1898 | 152:416 |  | Bash, Charles S. | to | Bash Packing Co. | 1900 | 157:429 |  | Bash, Charles S. | to | Bash, Charles Solomon | 1902 | 166:209 |  | Bash, Charles S. | from | Bash, Willis B. | 1899 | 155:372 |  | Bash, Charles S. | to | Bayer, Frederick | 1902 | 170:185 |  | Bash, Charles S. | to | College Place Imp. Co. | 1899 | 155:395 |  | Bash, Charles S. | from | College Place Imp. Co. | 1901 | 165:235 |  | Bash, Charles S. | from | College Place Imp. Co. | 1902 | 171:63 |  | Bash, Charles S. | to | College Place Imp. Co. | 1902 | 171:61 |  | Bash, Charles S. | from | Howard, William B. | 1895 | 149:352 |  | Bash, Charles S. | to | Kirkpatrick, Addie | 1890 | 118:347 |  | Bash, Charles S. | to | Laurent, August C. | 1901 | 163:34 |  | Bash, Charles S. | to | Laurent, August C. | 1902 | 167:236 |  | Bash, Charles S. | from | Paul, Henry C. | 1890 | 116:265 |  | Bash, Charles S. | to | Ridley, Selina | 1898 | 152:298 |  | Bash, Charles S. | from | Rothschild, Benj. | 1897 | 147:279 |  | Bash, Charles S. | from | Skelton, Nancy M. | 1898 | 149:351 |  | Bash, Charles S. | from | Tri State B. & L. Assn. | 1902 | 171:245 |  | Bash, Charles S. (Adm,) | to | Brown Trucking Co. | 1899 | 154:496 |  | Bash, Charles s. (E.) | to | Blynn, Harriet A. | 1892 | 125:59 |  | Bash, Charles S. (Et al.) | to | Ft. Wayne Smelting & Refining Works | 1900 | 159:549 |  | Bash, Charles Solomon | from | Bash, Charles S. | 1902 | 166:209 |  | Bash, Chas. H. | from | Paul, Henry C. | 1888 | 108:179 |  | Bash, Chas. S (Et al.) | to | Hyman, Cassie | 1883 | 92:514 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | from | Aidrich, C. H. | 1886 | 99:559 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | from | Aldrich, Chas. H. | 1884 | 95:568 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | from | Archer, Anna M. | 1890 | 117:561 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | to | Archer, Mary L. | 1892 | 127:197 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | from | Archer, Olive E. | 1890 | 117:569 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | to | Bash, H. E. | 1883 | 92:403 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | to | Bash, Harry E. | 1890 | 116:383 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | to | Bash, Solomon | 1883 | 92:405 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | to | Bash, Solomon | 1886 | 102:65 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | to | Bash, Solomon | 1889 | 112:381 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | to | Bash, Solomon | 1894 | 134:442 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | from | Bash, Solomon | 1895 | 139:290 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | from | Bash, Solomon | 1896 | 140:513 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | to | Bash, Solomon | 1896 | 143:226 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | from | Bash, Willis B. | 1887 | 104:51 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | to | Bash, Willis B. | 1895 | 138:357 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | to | Birely, Luther (Et ux.) | 1896 | 143:151 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | to | City of Fort Wayne | 1891 | 123:168 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | from | Edsall, E. F. | 1881 | 85:549 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | from | Faiefield, C. W. | 1885 | 97:195 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | from | Feder, Louis | 1892 | 126:560 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | to | Geller, C. C. | 1882 | 86:203 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | to | Greisemer, P. W. | 1885 | 97:570 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | to | Hill, C. A. | 1882 | 86:266 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | to | Mason, J. S. | 1886 | 101:246 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | to | Mayflower, Mills | 1892 | 128:20 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | to | McDonald, R. T. | 1894 | 142:187 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | from | Moellering, Wm. L. | 1880 | 80:16 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | to | Moore, Geo. W. | 1889 | 112:146 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | from | N. Y. C. & St. L. R. R. co. | 1895 | 139:279 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | to | Paul, H. C. | 1886 | 99:594 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | to | Paul, H. C. | 1888 | 108:219 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | from | Purman, A. A. (Recr.) | 1895 | 138:355 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | from | Sheriff | 1893 | 131:523 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | to | Sites, Malachi | 1886 | 102:150 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | to | Smyser, Sarah E. | 1894 | 141:32 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | to | Sullivan, Mary A. (Et al.) | 1893 | 128:209 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | from | Swain, Charlotte | 1881 | 86:119 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | from | Tancey, Michael | 1885 | 99:593 |  | Bash, Chas. S. | from | Taylor University | 1893 | 136:386 |  | Bash, Chas. S. (Et al.) | to | Baughman, Mary E. | 1898 | 151:101 |  | Bash, Chas. S. (Et al.) | from | Case, Willis W. | 1895 | 140:141 |  | Bash, Chas. S. (Et al.) | from | Hathaway, S. (Et al.) | 1889 | 111:460 |  | Bash, Chas. S. (Et al.) | from | Hathaway, S. (Et al.) | 1889 | 138:471 |  | Bash, Chas. S. (Et al.) | from | Lawrence, George B. | 1883 | 92:428 |  | Bash, Chas. S. (Ex.) | from | Rockhill, H. C. (Et al.) | 1892 | 124:356 |  | Bash, Chrles S. | from | Antrup, Fredeick W. | 1899 | 153:409 |  | Bash, Daniel F. | from | Bash, Solomon (Et al.) | 1895 | 140:80 |  | Bash, David H. (Et al.) | from | Manville, David H. | 1890 | 116:540 |  | Bash, Flora O. | from | Archer, Jno. | 1884 | 95:287 |  | Bash, Flora O. | from | Bash, Solomon | 1883 | 92:402 |  | Bash, Flora O. | from | Bash, Solomon | 1895 | 139:290 |  | Bash, Flora O. | from | Bash, Solomon | 1896 | 143:228 |  | Bash, Flora O. | from | Ellison, Jas. (Et al.) | 1886 | 101:247 |  | Bash, Flora O. | to | Mason, J. S. | 1886 | 101:246 |  | Bash, Flora O. | from | Mason, J. S. (Et al.) | 1886 | 101:247 |  | Bash, Flora O. | to | McDonald, Anna | 1889 | 114:367 |  | Bash, Flora O. (Etu.) | to | McDonald, Emma | 1891 | 122:398 |  | Bash, H. E. | from | Bash, Chas. S. | 1883 | 92:403 |  | Bash, Harry E. | from | Bash, Chas. S. | 1890 | 116:383 |  | Bash, Henry | to | Naylor, Enos T. | 1870 | 52:525 |  | Bash, Henry | from | Stump, Samuel | 1870 | 52:524 |  | Bash, Lillian M. | from | Bell, Joseph W. | 1890 | 117:273 |  | Bash, Lillian M. (Et al.) | to | Palmer, Earl | 1891 | 120:534 |  | Bash, Lillian M. (Et ux.) | to | Pardee, Wm. McK. | 1891 | 120:162 |  | Bash, R. K. | from | Talbot, M. V. | 1863 | 31:323 |  | Bash, S. | from | Auditor | 1891 | 113:177 |  | Bash, S. & Co. | from | Bash, Solomon | 1902 | 168:357 |  | Bash, S. (Et al.) | from | Bash, Willis B. | 1886 | 100:622 |  | Bash, Sol. | from | Paul, H. C. | 1886 | 101:572 |  | Bash, Soloman | from | Dodez, Helen | 1880 | 81:356 |  | Bash, Soloman | from | Nuttman, C. L. | 1882 | 86:370 |  | Bash, Soloman | from | Sheriff A. Co. | 1891 | 113:220 |  | Bash, Soloman | from | Sheriff A. Co. | 1891 | 113:223 |  | Bash, Soloman | from | Skinner, B. D. | 1879 | 78:239 |  | Bash, Solomon | from | Allen Circuit Court | 1898 | 152:230 |  | Bash, Solomon | to | Bash, C. S. & F. O. | 1883 | 92:404 |  | Bash, Solomon | from | Bash, Chas. S. | 1883 | 92:405 |  | Bash, Solomon | from | Bash, Chas. S. | 1886 | 102:65 |  | Bash, Solomon | from | Bash, Chas. S. | 1889 | 112:381 |  | Bash, Solomon | from | Bash, Chas. S. | 1894 | 134:442 |  | Bash, Solomon | to | Bash, Chas. S. | 1895 | 139:290 |  | Bash, Solomon | to | Bash, Chas. S. | 1896 | 140:513 |  | Bash, Solomon | from | Bash, Chas. S. | 1896 | 143:226 |  | Bash, Solomon | to | Bash, Flora O. | 1883 | 92:402 |  | Bash, Solomon | to | Bash, Flora O. | 1895 | 139:290 |  | Bash, Solomon | to | Bash, Flora O. | 1896 | 143:228 |  | Bash, Solomon | to | Bash, S. & Co. | 1902 | 168:357 |  | Bash, Solomon | to | Bash, W. S. & L. M. | 1882 | 90:195 |  | Bash, Solomon | from | Bash, Willis B. | 1890 | 114:610 |  | Bash, Solomon | from | Bash, Willis B. | 1890 | 114:611 |  | Bash, Solomon | from | Bissell, Geo. P. | 1879 | 78:447 |  | Bash, Solomon | from | Branstrator, Wm. | 1894 | 147:439 |  | Bash, Solomon | to | Branstrator, Wm. | 1894 | 147:439 |  | Bash, Solomon | from | Collins, George (E.) | 1891 | 124:417 |  | Bash, Solomon | from | Ellison, Thos. E. | 1891 | 124:418 |  | Bash, Solomon | from | Fleming, Helen F. (Et al.) | 1898 | 152:280 |  | Bash, Solomon | from | Fleming, Helen F. (Gdn.) | 1898 | 152:282 |  | Bash, Solomon | from | Fleming, M. Josephine | 1898 | 152:328 |  | Bash, Solomon | from | Fleming, Wm. | 1877 | 71:175 |  | Bash, Solomon | from | Fleming, Wm. | 1884 | 95:203 |  | Bash, Solomon | to | Ft. Wayne & S. W. Tr. Co. | 1901 | 161:452 |  | Bash, Solomon | from | Graff, Fanny | 1883 | 92:588 |  | Bash, Solomon | from | Hill, C. A. | 1882 | 86:267 |  | Bash, Solomon | to | Hughes, Jos. & Co. | 1883 | 94:531 |  | Bash, Solomon | from | Hughes, Jos. & Co. | 1887 | 106:154 |  | Bash, Solomon | from | King, C. A. (et al.) | 1882 | 86:460 |  | Bash, Solomon | from | Mayflower, Mills | 1899 | 153:449 |  | Bash, Solomon | from | McCulloch, Charles (Tr.) | 1898 | 151:4 |  | Bash, Solomon | from | Paul, Henry C. (Et al.) | 1890 | 117:588 |  | Bash, Solomon | from | Sheriff | 1892 | 124:227 |  | Bash, Solomon | from | Wiebke, Henry | 1877 | 71:176 |  | Bash, Solomon (Et al.) | to | Bash, Daniel F. | 1895 | 140:80 |  | Bash, Solomon (Et al.) | to | Home Telephone & Telegraph Company | 1901 | 162:350 |  | Bash, Solomon (Et al.) | from | Old National Bank B. S. A. (Trus.) | 1891 | 120:312 |  | Bash, W. B. | from | Aoer, David J. | 1885 | 98:101 |  | Bash, W. B. | from | Archer, Jno. | 1884 | 95:286 |  | Bash, W. B. | from | Burgers, C. H. | 1885 | 98:583 |  | Bash, W. B. | to | Goleeka, Josephine | 1885 | 98:468 |  | Bash, W. B. | from | Greismer, P. M. | 1885 | 98:384 |  | Bash, W. B. | from | Milligan, H. J. (Trustee) | 1888 | 109:185 |  | Bash, W. B. | from | Sites, Jos. B. | 1886 | 102:65 |  | Bash, W. B. (Et al.) | from | Leikauf, John Jr. | 1893 | 132:65 |  | Bash, W. D. | from | Robinson, R. D. | 1887 | 103:553 |  | Bash, W. S. | from | Bash, C. S. | 1886 | 101:113 |  | Bash, W. S. & L. M. | from | Bash, Solomon | 1882 | 90:195 |  | Bash, W. S. (Et ux.) | to | Bash, C. S. | 1886 | 101:112 |  | Bash, Willis B. | to | Bash Packing Co. | 1898 | 151:42 |  | Bash, Willis B. | to | Bash, Charles S. | 1899 | 155:372 |  | Bash, Willis B. | to | Bash, Chas. S. | 1887 | 104:51 |  | Bash, Willis B. | from | Bash, Chas. S. | 1895 | 138:357 |  | Bash, Willis B. | to | Bash, S. (Et al.) | 1886 | 100:622 |  | Bash, Willis B. | to | Bash, Solomon | 1890 | 114:610 |  | Bash, Willis B. | to | Bash, Solomon | 1890 | 114:611 |  | Bash, Willis B. | to | Bohn, Wm. A. | 1895 | 139:357 |  | Bash, Willis B. | from | Evans, Della E. | 1887 | 106:315 |  | Bash, Willis B. | to | Fiercks, Ferd. F. (Et al.) | 1893 | 143:254 |  | Bash, Willis B. | from | Hettler, Christopher F. | 1897 | 148:323 |  | Bash, Willis B. | from | Meyer, Henry W. | 1890 | 117:92 |  | Bash, Willis B. | to | Thiele, Diedh. H. | 1890 | 117:94 |  | Bash, Winfield S. | to | Wood, Jas. J. (Et ux.) | 1890 | 117:486 |  | Bashair, David | to | Ronsklop, Samuel | 1845 | O:712 |  | Bashalear, L. | to | Fleming Mftg. Co. | 1886 | 101:230 |  | Bashalier, Daniel | to | Kelley, Timothy | 1862 | 29:506 |  | Bashalier, Daniel | to | Rapp, George | 1861 | 26:545 |  | Bashalier, Daniel | to | Toger, Louisa | 1869 | 50:164 |  | Bashalier, Dl. | from | Tiger, P. C. | 1869 | 44:470 |  | Bashalier, Eliza | from | Hayden, Eliza H. | 1900 | 156:434 |  | Bashalier, Henry | from | Bashalier, Lewis | 1894 | 134:505 |  | Bashalier, Lewis | to | Bashalier, Henry | 1894 | 134:505 |  | Bashalier, Louis | to | Gomoll, Julius | 1883 | 93:598 |  | Bashalier, Louis | to | Maurrer, Jacob (Et ux.) | 1890 | 115:93 |  | Bashalier, Louis | from | Sheriff | 1879 | 76:304 |  | Bashalier, Louis | from | Zimmerman, Stephen (Et al.) | 1880 | 79:116 |  | Bashara, Salem | to | Barva, Bernard R. (Et ux.) | 1902 | 165:544 |  | Bashara, Salem (Et al.) | from | McDonald, William F. | 1902 | 165:556 |  | Bashara, Salem (Et al.) | from | Spitz, Michael | 1899 | 152:494 |  | Bashelier, Daniel | from | Brown, John | 1862 | 29:505 |  | Bashelier, Edward | from | Bashelier, Hennetta | 1878 | 73:206 |  | Bashelier, Fred. H. | from | Kehnert, August | 1895 | 139:297 |  | Bashelier, Frederick | from | Bashelier, Louis | 1895 | 138:458 |  | Bashelier, Fredk. H. (Et ux.) | from | Fox, Joseph V. (Et al.) | 1893 | 130:165 |  | Bashelier, H. | to | Tyger, Louisa | 1881 | 83:309 |  | Bashelier, Hanetta | to | Meech, Wm. A. | 1876 | 69:103 |  | Bashelier, Hanetta | to | Meech, Wm. H. | 1876 | 69:102 |  | Bashelier, Hannetta | to | Rentschler, Harriet | 1878 | 75:183 |  | Bashelier, Hannetta | from | Schaich, Martin (et al.) | 1875 | 67:531 |  | Bashelier, Hannetta | from | White, Jas. B. | 1877 | 74:281 |  | Bashelier, Hennetta | to | Bashelier, Edward | 1878 | 73:206 |  | Bashelier, Hennetta | from | Rentschler, David | 1878 | 73:208 |  | Bashelier, Henry | from | Bashelier, Louis | 1895 | 138:456 |  | Bashelier, Henry | to | Hornmeyer, Louis | 1897 | 148:72 |  | Bashelier, Henry (Et ux.) | from | Harmeyer, Louis | 1897 | 148:73 |  | Bashelier, Lewis | to | Fremion, Jos. | 1883 | 90:290 |  | Bashelier, Lewis | from | Martin, Susannah | 1880 | 79:309 |  | Bashelier, Louis | to | Bashelier, Frederick | 1895 | 138:458 |  | Bashelier, Louis | to | Bashelier, Henry | 1895 | 138:456 |  | Bashelier, Louis | to | Kull, John | 1882 | 86:585 |  | Bashelier, Louis | from | Miller, Jos. | 1880 | 79:290 |  | Bashelier, Louis | to | Rahdert, F. C. | 1885 | 97:142 |  | Bashelier, Louis | from | Rahdert, Fred | 1881 | 85:87 |  | Bashet, John | from | Potter, Jos. L. | 1867 | 40:594 |  | Bashinger, H. L. | from | Baker, Henry | 1862 | 29:170 |  | Bashop, Henry | from | Kinder, Nicholas | 1891 | 121:154 |  | Bashs, Charles S. | from | Ellison, Thomas E. (Et.) | 1891 | 120:396 |  | Bask, Frederick | to | Dickerson, William | 1853 | O:438 |  | Basler, Henry | to | Hillegas, Samuel | 1845 | P:574 |  | Basley, Hugh | from | Jones, W. H. | 1863 | 30:536 |  | Basom, Nina | from | Chamberlain, Channay | 1895 | 139:134 |  | Bason, Abraham | to | Perry, James | 1850 | L:273 |  | Bason, Ezra | to | Perry, James | 1850 | L:273 |  | Basore, Jacob | to | Maginnis, Thomas | 1851 | L:164 |  | Bass & Hanna | from | Hough, John | 1867 | 45:617 |  | Bass & Hanna | from | Hough, John | 1868 | 47:215 |  | Bass & Hanna | from | Sheriff | 1868 | 45:617 |  | Bass and Bond | to | Ft. Wayne Street R. R. Co. | 1887 | 105:566 |  | Bass F. & M. Co. | from | Bass F. & M. Works | 1898 | 151:204 |  | Bass F. & M. Works | to | Bass F. & M. Co. | 1898 | 151:204 |  | Bass F. & M. Works | from | Bass, John H. | 1898 | 151:142 |  | Bass F. & M. Works | from | Robertson, Robert S. | 1898 | 151:55 |  | Bass Foundry & Machine Works | from | Bass, John H. | 1897 | 147:291 |  | Bass Foundry & Machine Works | from | Kruse, Wm. | 1879 | 77:170 |  | Bass Foundry & McH. Wks. | from | Bond, Stephen B. | 1890 | 117:633 |  | Bass, Abraham | to | Wingard, Nancy Ann | 1854 | P:338 |  | Bass, Alfred | from | Taylor, John | 1889 | 112:245 |  | Bass, Amant | from | McElfatrick, F. D. | 1862 | 34:91 |  | Bass, Beverly C. | to | Bass, Eliza M. | 1877 | 73:109 |  | Bass, E. M. | to | Randell, P. A. | 1885 | 98:243 |  | Bass, Eliza M. | from | Bass, Beverly C. | 1877 | 73:109 |  | Bass, Eliza M. | from | Bass, Georgie B. | 1880 | 80:275 |  | Bass, Eliza M. | from | Hough, John | 1861 | 27:604 |  | Bass, Eliza M. | to | Keegan, R. H. | 1878 | 75:117 |  | Bass, F. & M. Works | from | Fisher, David C. | 1898 | 151:54 |  | Bass, F. & M. Works | from | Goshorn, Jacob S. | 1898 | 151:55 |  | Bass, F. M. Works | from | Hough, Sarah D. | 1898 | 151:71 |  | Bass, Frederick (Et al.) | from | Schmitz, Charles | 1861 | 116:611 |  | Bass, Georgie B. | to | Bass, Eliza M. | 1880 | 80:275 |  | Bass, Georgie B. | from | Keegan, P. H. | 1878 | 75:115 |  | Bass, Georgie B. | to | Keegan, R. H. | 1878 | 75:117 |  | Bass, Hno. H. | to | Shaw, David J. | 1888 | 108:349 |  | Bass, J. H. | from | Beach, Fred | 1880 | 81:108 |  | Bass, J. H. | to | Flaherty, Patrick | 1872 | 55:320 |  | Bass, J. H. | to | Laidlow, Walter | 1864 | 36:59 |  | Bass, J. H. | to | McDennott, J. J. | 1872 | 55:293 |  | Bass, J. H. | to | Orance, L. A. | 1864 | 36:240 |  | Bass, J. H. & Bowser, J. C. | to | Hartnett, James | 1875 | 65:617 |  | Bass, J. H. & wife | to | Maples, L. B. | 1885 | 97:366 |  | Bass, J. H. (Trustee) | to | Lipes, D. D. | 1886 | 101:70 |  | Bass, Jno. A. | to | Hense, William | 1863 | 32:157 |  | Bass, Jno. H | from | Sheriff | 1881 | 82:308 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Adams Township | 1876 | 69:154 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Anderson, Thos. P. | 1883 | 90:453 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Auditor | 1881 | 83:380 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Auditor | 1881 | 85:10 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Auditor | 1881 | 85:556 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Auditor | 1881 | A:181 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Auditor | 1883 | 93:424 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Auditor | 1883 | 93:426 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Auditor | 1883 | 93:428 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Auditor | 1883 | 93:429 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Auditor | 1883 | 93:431 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Auditor | 1883 | 93:433 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Auditor | 1886 | 100:392 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Auditor | 1886 | 100:394 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Auditor | 1886 | 100:396 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Auditor | 1886 | 100:399 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Auditor | 1886 | 100:401 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Auditor | 1886 | 100:403 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Auditor | 1886 | 100:405 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Auditor | 1886 | 100:407 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Auditor | 1886 | 100:409 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Auditor | 1886 | 100:411 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Beeler, S. J. | 1871 | 53:206 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Bird, Jas. O. | 1886 | 103:295 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Brooks, C. E. | 1867 | 46:21 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Brooks, Wm. H. | 1867 | 46:22 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Brossard, Geo. | 1881 | 85:96 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Bulger, E. J. | 1881 | 84:119 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Chottenden, E. L. | 1868 | 46:350 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | City Treasure (Ft. Wayne) | 1882 | 87:357 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Coms. in Partition | 1885 | 99:355 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Evans, Edwin | 1880 | 81:109 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Evans, Henry (Jr.) | 1870 | 52:114 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Evans, Henry (Trustee) | 1880 | 81:361 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Ewing, Mary C. | 1883 | 91:41 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Ewing, Mary C. | 1883 | 94:529 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | First Nat. Bank (Fort Wayne) | 1882 | 13:528 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | First Nat. Bank (Fort Wayne) | 1882 | 88:367 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | First Nat. Bank (Fort Wayne) | 1882 | 88:368 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Fisher, D. C. (Exr.) | 1880 | 82:64 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Fisher, D. C. (Exr.) | 1880 | 82:66 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Fleming, William | 1887 | 104:410 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Forbing, J. & J. H. | 1879 | 77:218 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Ford, Nancy | 1867 | 44:233 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Fort Wayne & E. R. R. Co. | 1894 | 134:239 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Geojhon, Julius | 1865 | 39:77 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Godown, Jno. N. (Et al.) | 1872 | 49:262 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Grojhon, Augustus | 1865 | 39:78 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Grojhon, Frank | 1865 | 39:76 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Hanna, Saml. | 1863 | 33:298 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Harliman, H. C. (Assignee) | 1874 | 75:335 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Hartman, H. C. (Assignee) | 1883 | 91:85 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Hartman, H. C. (Assignee) | 1883 | 91:87 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Hough, S. D. | 1879 | 77:299 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Immel, Henry (Et al.) | 1886 | 101:495 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Immel, Louisa | 1886 | 101:494 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Kiser, Peter | 1885 | 98:549 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Koenig, Edward | 1880 | 80:333 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Kumler, C. J. S. | 1885 | 98:294 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Langohr, Jno. W. | 1878 | 85:12 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Laugher, Jno. W. | 1876 | 74:538 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Lepper, Margaret | 1880 | 81:103 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Lillie, Mary E. | 1878 | 74:97 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Lillie, Mary E. | 1878 | 74:97 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Linden, Geo. W. | 1881 | 84:539 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Lindenwood Cemetery | 1881 | 85:509 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Lumbard, S. C. (Adm.) | 1882 | 89:460 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Maples, L. S. | 1884 | 95:283 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Maples, L. S. | 1884 | 95:284 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Maples, L. S. | 1884 | 95:166 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Maples, L. S. | 1884 | 95:166 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Maples, L. S. | 1894 | 134:370 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | McLachlan, Neil | 1878 | 73:529 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | McLachlan, Neil | 1878 | 73:529 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | McLachlan, Neil (Et al.) | 1878 | 73:528 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Messler, Thos. D. | 1882 | 90:242 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Meyer, Conrad | 1880 | 80:410 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Miller, Michael | 1882 | 87:356 |  | Bass, Jno. h. | to | Miller, Wm. | 1882 | 86:254 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Morel, Edward | 1866 | 40:50 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Morell, Jas. | 1880 | 80:404 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Munson, Chas. A. | 1879 | 75:477 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | N. Y. C. & St. L. Rw Co. | 1881 | 86:404 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Ninde, F. F. (Trustee) | 1886 | 101:330 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Olds, Chas. L. | 1878 | 73:530 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Olds, Chas. L. | 1878 | 73:530 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Olds, L. (Et al.) | 1878 | 73:528 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Palmer, C. | 1872 | 55:535 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Rhodes, Mary | 1880 | 80:333 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Romy, Robt. L. | 1887 | 106:426 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Ross, John | 1875 | 74:536 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Roy, Florentine | 1865 | 36:431 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Ruelle, Joseph | 1870 | 51:236 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Schevier, Chas. | 1880 | 80:399 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Sheriff | 1875 | 74:533 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Sheriff | 1879 | 78:316 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Sheriff | 1881 | 82:306 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Sheriff | 1881 | 82:310 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Sheriff | 1881 | 82:312 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Sheriff | 1881 | 82:315 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Sheriff | 1883 | 93:301 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Sheriff | 1883 | 93:303 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Sheriff | 1883 | 93:305 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Sheriff | 1883 | 93:307 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Sheriff | 1883 | 93:310 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Sheriff | 1883 | 93:312 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Sheriff | 1883 | 93:314 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Sheriff | 1883 | 93:318 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Sheriff | 1884 | 95:486 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Steup, Henry A. | 1884 | 95:165 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Sturgis, Louisa E. | 1876 | 68:480 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Watson, Sarah A. | 1874 | 63:312 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Welshimer, E. H. | 1884 | 94:381 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Welshimer, W. T. | 1884 | 94:212 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Whiting, A. W. | 1880 | 80:553 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Wilson, Geo. H. (Assignee) | 1885 | 99:141 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | from | Wilson, Geo. H. (Assignee) | 1885 | 99:141 |  | Bass, Jno. H. | to | Wyss, Theodore | 1895 | 137:177 |  | Bass, Jno. H. (Et al.) | to | Brokeing, M. S. | 1877 | 86:273 |  | Bass, Jno. H. (Et al.) | to | Howard, W. B. (Trustee) | 1881 | 88:430 |  | Bass, Jno. H. (Et al.) | to | Howard, W. B. (Trustee) | 1881 | 88:431 |  | Bass, Jno. H. (Et al.) | from | Kramer, Chas. (Et ux.) | 1887 | 103:418 |  | Bass, Jno. H. (Et al.) | to | N. Y. C. & St. L. R. R. Co. | 1895 | 139:385 |  | Bass, Jno. H. (Et ux.) | from | Dedication of Grace St. | 1891 | 19:420 |  | Bass, Jno. H. (Ex.) | to | Brenneke, Henry | 1891 | 122:364 |  | Bass, Jno. W. | to | Heine, Wm. | 1872 | 56:366 |  | Bass, Jno. X. | to | Lomont, Afphonse | 1870 | 51:430 |  | Bass, Jno.H. | from | Evans, Edwin | 1881 | 85:222 |  | Bass, John | from | Hopkins, Enoch | 1862 | 29:27 |  | Bass, John | from | Sheriff | 1887 | 103:634 |  | Bass, John | from | Sheriff | 1887 | 104:1 |  | Bass, John H | to | Shott, Geo. J | 1873 | 59:133 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Ahner, Caroline | 1892 | 125:27 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Allen Sup. Court | 1894 | 132:178 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Arter, Anna | 1896 | 143:276 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Arter, Anna | 1899 | 155:486 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Auditor | 1877 | 70:514 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Auditor | 1878 | A:132 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Auditor | 1878 | A:132 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Auditor | 1879 | 76:197 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Auditor | 1879 | 76:197 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Auditor | 1879 | 76:199 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Auditor | 1879 | 76:199 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Auditor | 1879 | 76:201 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Auditor | 1879 | 76:201 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Aumann, William | 1890 | 116:270 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Baltes & Schele | 1873 | 57:378 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Bandelier, H. L. (Et al.) | 1888 | 107:269 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Bass F. & M. Works | 1898 | 151:142 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Bass Foundry & Machine Works | 1897 | 147:291 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Baxter, Jas. K. (Et ux.) | 1896 | 142:20 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Berning, Henry | 1893 | 131:275 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Bird, Ochmig | 1869 | 48:240 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Bird, Ochmig (guard.) | 1873 | 65:322 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Bisselt, Geo. P. | 1877 | 77:22 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Bowser, Deliah | 1888 | 110:26 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Bradmiller, Charles | 1875 | 65:128 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Brobst, Louisa | 1869 | 51:22 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Brundage, H. | 1888 | 109:639 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Carey, Elizabeth | 1872 | 49:358 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Carnahan, Clara L. | 1874 | 64:526 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Cattez, Joseph | 1873 | 59:586 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Chittenden, E. L. | 1868 | 46:349 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Clark, A. W. | 1893 | 128:397 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Cody, Mary R. | 1896 | 142:536 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Colter, Jacob (Et al.) | 1896 | 148:321 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Colter, Jacob (Et al.) | 1897 | 148:320 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Comrs. in Part. | 1901 | 165:287 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Corcoran & Schrim | 1873 | 59:380 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Coverdale, Asahel S. | 1901 | 162:509 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Crozier, Mary J. (Et al.) | 1897 | 145:341 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Daut, Adam | 1869 | 47:469 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Digman, John C. | 1902 | 167:216 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Edgerton, Jos. K. | 1873 | 58:502 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Edsall, Peter | 1873 | 59:589 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Edsall, Simon | 1873 | 59:590 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Edsall, Wm. | 1873 | 59:588 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Fahlsing, Conrad | 1889 | 114:175 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Fahlsing, Fred W. | 1893 | 128:396 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Fisher, Robt. J. | 1894 | 135:179 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Fleming, William | 1866 | 41:272 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Fleming, William | 1883 | 143:459 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Fleming, Wm. | 1889 | 111:4 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Fleming, Wm. | 1889 | 111:5 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Fort Wayne Machine Works | 1863 | 31:227 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Frederick, Gust. | 1897 | 124:245 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Frederking, C. W. R. | 1866 | 41:442 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Fry, Frederick | 1892 | 129:114 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Ft. Wayne Foundry & Machine Company | 1897 | 147:290 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Gerardot, Mary | 1893 | 127:541 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Gerding, Wm. E. (Et al.) | 1894 | 134:90 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Gerig,Benjamin P. | 1896 | 153:385 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Goeglein, Abraham | 1902 | 169:428 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Hanna, E. E. (Guard) | 1871 | 52:472 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Hanna, E. E. (Guard) | 1871 | 52:473 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Hardendorf, Ira | 1893 | 129:515 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Heinzelmann, Andreas | 1898 | 151:270 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Hough, John | 1871 | 53:561 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Huber, Charles (Et ux.) | 1899 | 154:377 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Hunt, Edward | 1866 | 43:378 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Hurman, Jno. M. | 1872 | 49:313 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Hutchinson, Jas. | 1871 | 53:141 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Indiana Furniture Co. | 1899 | 154:101 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Indiana Inv. Co. | 1897 | 145:326 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Jobs, J. M. | 1890 | 117:639 |  | Bass, John H. | from | King, Anna (Et al.) | 1901 | 163:181 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Kiser, John R. | 1893 | 128:348 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Kiser, John R. | 1893 | 129:290 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Laidlan, Walter | 1872 | 57:240 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Lamb, Charles | 1867 | 43:236 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Lightfoot, Frank S. | 1897 | 147:293 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Lightfoot, Frank S. | 1897 | 147:295 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Lightfoot, Frank S. | 1897 | 147:297 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Lightfoot, Frank S. | 1897 | 147:299 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Ling, Anna E. | 1872 | 55:327 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Maples, Lewis S. | 1900 | 158:520 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Maxwell, George W. | 1901 | 162:448 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Maxwell, George W. | 1902 | 167:469 |  | Bass, John H. | from | McCulloch, Hugh | 1873 | 58:503 |  | Bass, John H. | from | McDonald, Lillian | 1901 | 168:548 |  | Bass, John H. | to | McGuyre, Tence | 1866 | 44:27 |  | Bass, John H. | from | McLaughlin, Neil | 1867 | 43:206 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Mervin, Ellen | 1895 | 137:201 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Mervin, John | 1893 | 130:256 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Meyer, D. H. | 1895 | 137:266 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Middleton, Margaret | 1898 | 151:513 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Milmine, George | 1889 | 117:2 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Mission Boards German Baptist Brother Church | 1898 | 151:236 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Moellering, Wm. H. F. | 1895 | 136:142 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Mooney, Mary | 1895 | 139:388 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Morel, John | 1863 | 40:18 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Myers, I. N. | 1901 | 164:68 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Nolan, Johanna | 1869 | 50:164 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Olds, Henry G. | 1885 | 106:621 |  | Bass, John H. | to | P. Ft. W. & C. R.R. Co. | 1873 | 59:582 |  | Bass, John H. | to | P. Ft. W. & C. R.R. Co. | 1873 | 59:583 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Parks, Volney | 1873 | 59:587 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Phillips, Frank B. | 1894 | 132:472 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Pien, Jacob | 1869 | 47:515 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Quandt, Henry | 1900 | 158:400 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Reed, Hugh B. | 1873 | 64:369 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Reehling, Wm. J. | 1895 | 138:531 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Roberts, Wm. S. | 1889 | 112:277 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Schultz, William | 1867 | 46:65 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Sheriff | 1877 | 70:164 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Sheriff | 1878 | 73:500 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Sheriff | 1878 | 74:10 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Sheriff | 1878 | 74:12 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Sheriff | 1878 | 74:14 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Sheriff | 1878 | 74:16 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Sheriff | 1878 | 74:19 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Sheriff | 1879 | 76:126 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Sheriff | 1879 | 76:156 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Sheriff | 1879 | 76:158 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Sheriff | 1879 | 76:160 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Sheriff | 1898 | 149:339 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Shroyer, Elizabeth | 1892 | 125:28 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Smith, Jas. S. (Et.) | 1885 | 120:454 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Sovine, Charles R. | 1897 | 148:443 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Stewart, Joseph H. (Et al.) | 1902 | 169:49 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Strebig, Cleora F. | 1900 | 158:438 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Sunderland, Joseph, R. | 1875 | 64:527 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Taylor, John | 1890 | 117:504 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Taylor, Robert S. | 1884 | 149:525 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Taylor, Robert S. (Et al. Admir.) | 1900 | 168:549 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Terry, Geo. H. | 1872 | 60:604 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Trentman, A. B. | 1889 | 115:275 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Trentman, A. B. | 1890 | 115:290 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Trentman, A. C. | 1894 | 132:471 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Trentman, Jennie A. | 1894 | 132:471 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Trustee Jefferson Twp. | 1900 | 158:410 |  | Bass, John H. | to | Turner, Wm. | 1894 | 133:552 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Underhill, Phineas S. | 1863 | 33:455 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Walke, Louis | 1872 | 57:58 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Whalen, Mary M. (Et al.) | 1894 | 134:371 |  | Bass, John H. | from | Whitney, Jas. B. (Guard) | 1894 | 134:372 |  | Bass, John H. (Et al. Trustee) | from | Simons, Millard W. | 1896 | 143:475 |  | Bass, John H. (Et al. Trustee) | from | Simons, Millard W. | 1896 | 143:476 |  | Bass, John H. (Et al.) | to | Hofer, Thiebolo | 1891 | 121:325 |  | Bass, John H. (Et al.) | to | Keegan, Hugh G. | 1902 | 170:312 |  | Bass, John H. (Et al.) | to | Rademacher, JOseph | 1898 | 150:111 |  | Bass, John H. (Et al.) | from | Simons, Millard W. | 1896 | 142:471 |  | Bass, John H. (Et al.) | from | Simons, Millard W. | 1896 | 142:474 |  | Bass, John H. (Et al.) | from | Simons, Millard W. | 1896 | 143:50 |  | Bass, John H. (Et ux.) | to | City of Fort Wayne | 1891 | 122:627 |  | Bass, John H. (Etu.) | to | Fredericks, Gus. | 1891 | 122:460 |  | Bass, John H. (Etu.) | to | Golden, Bridget | 1891 | 121:507 |  | Bass, John H. (Etu.) | to | Krauskopf, Jacob | 1891 | 121:317 |  | Bass, John H. (Etu.) | to | Krauskopf, Peter | 1891 | 121:310 |  | Bass, John H. (Etu.) | to | Yantz, Conrad | 1891 | 122:567 |  | Bass, John H. (Rec.) | from | Harper, Benj. F. (Comr.) | 1899 | 155:476 |  | Bass, John H. (Trustee) | to | Blanchard, Jos. (Et al.) | 1889 | 114:107 |  | Bass, John H. (Trustee) | to | Dalman, John | 1893 | 130:269 |  | Bass, John K. | to | Bulger, E. J. | 1887 | 108:575 |  | Bass, John K. | to | Hyde, Chas. L. | 1887 | 108:321 |  | Bass, John N. | to | McDonald, R. T. | 1893 | 130:416 |  | Bass, Jos. H. | to | Feilts, Geo. F. | 1889 | 111:455 |  | Bass, Laura H. | from | Fleming, O. E. (Et al.) | 1886 | 102:170 |  | Bass, Laura H. | to | Gerding, Wm. E. (Et al.) | 1894 | 134:90 |  | Bass, Laura H. | from | Lightfoot, Frank S. | 1897 | 147:294 |  | Bass, Laura H. | from | Lightfoot, Frank S. | 1897 | 147:296 |  | Bass, Laura H. | from | Lightfoot, Frank S. | 1897 | 147:298 |  | Bass, Laura H. | from | Lightfoot, Frank S. | 1897 | 147:299 |  | Bass, Laura H. | to | Mervin, Ellen | 1895 | 137:201 |  | Bass, Laura H. | to | Meyer, D. H. | 1895 | 137:266 |  | Bass, Laura H. | to | Moellering, Wm. | 1895 | 136:142 |  | Bass, Laura H. | to | Reehling, Wm. J. | 1895 | 138:531 |  | Bass, Laura H. | from | Taylor, John | 1889 | 111:276 |  | Bass, Laura H. | from | Taylor, John | 1889 | 111:277 |  | Bass, Laura H. | to | Turner, Wm. | 1894 | 133:552 |  | Bass, Laura H. | to | Wyss, Theodore | 1895 | 137:177 |  | Bass, M. E. | to | Hough, John | 1862 | 29:260 |  | Bass, Marie | to | Driftmeyer, H. W. (Et ux.) | 1893 | 129:537 |  | Bass, Sion S. | from | Brackenridge, Robert | 1854 | O:84 |  | Bass, Sion S. | to | Campbell, John | 1857 | U:272 |  | Bass, Sion S. | to | Chute, Richard | 1856 | T:459 |  | Bass, Sion S. | from | Chute, Richard | 1856 | T:524 |  | Bass, Sion S. | from | Ewing, C. W. | 1856 | T:141 |  | Bass, Sion S. | to | Gaylord, Thomas G. (Senior) | 1857 | T:542 |  | Bass, Sion S. | to | Harter, Phillip | 1855 | R:671 |  | Bass, Sion S. | to | Jerus, William H. | 1854 | T:310 |  | Bass, Sion S. | to | Jones, William H. | 1856 | T:310 |  | Bass, Sion S. | to | Keffer, Joseph | 1855 | R:601 |  | Bass, Sion S. | from | McDonald, William | 1856 | T:209 |  | Bass, Sion S. | to | McLachlan, Neil | 1855 | R:15 |  | Bass, Sion S. | to | McLachlan, Neil | 1856 | T:498 |  | Bass, Sion S. | from | McLachlin, Niel | 1855 | S:111 |  | Bass, Sion S. | to | Miner, Byrum D. | 1853 | N:626 |  | Bass, Sion S. | to | Miner, Byrum D. | 1857 | U:6 |  | Bass, Sion S. | from | Phillips, Jane | 1854 | R:11 |  | Bass, Willis B. | from | Ross, Richard C. | 1889 | 111:71 |  | Bassalia, Daniel | from | Hinton, Samuel | 1850 | W:409 |  | Bassallia, Daniel | to | Hinton, Samuel | 1850 | M:607 |  | Basse, Martha | from | Boyce, Henry | 1860 | Y:373 |  | Basse, William | from | Bright, Wm. J. | 1868 | 46:246 |  | Bassenet, Pierre | to | Tate, William | 1861 | 27:409 |  | Basser, K. J. | to | Young, Wm. G. | 1889 | 114:81 |  | Bassett, Amelia (Et al.) | to | Miller, Charles | 1899 | 152:551 |  | Bassett, Amelia A. | to | Whitlock, Mary S. | 1900 | 157:30 |  | Bassett, Amelia S. | from | Tri State Building and Loan Astn. | 1895 | 139:254 |  | Bassett, Amelia S. | from | Tri State Building and Loan Astn. | 1895 | 139;254 |  | Bassler, Eliza R. | from | Cook, Margaret M. | 1874 | 77:228 |  | Bassler, Henry H. | to | Edwads, J. (Trustee) | 1879 | 77:228 |  | Basso, A and A. B. | from | Moran, Peter A. | 1883 | 93:195 |  | Basso, Antonio | to | Moran, Peter A. | 1883 | 93:342 |  | Basste, Christian | from | Herdebe, William | 1852 | M:636 |  | Basstol. A. P. | from | Sarazen, Jos. (Et al.) | 1872 | 57:297 |  | Bastain, Jacob | from | Hanna, Chas. | 1873 | 57:358 |  | Bastens, Christina | from | Ft. Wayne G. B. & S. A. No. 7 | 1879 | 82:215 |  | Bastian, Jacob | from | Gebhart, Wm. | 1881 | 85:295 |  | Bastian, Jacob | to | Gethart, A. M. | 1881 | 85:294 |  | Bastian, Jacob | from | Locke, Josiah | 1882 | 86:357 |  | Bastian, Jacob | to | Meyer, Ernst | 1874 | 62:302 |  | Bastian, Jacob | to | Scherer, Louis Sr. | 1894 | 131:554 |  | Bastick, John & wife | from | Lengenfelson, Julieth & husb. | 1895 | 138:408 |  | Bastlett, A. A. | from | Prindle, A. (Et al.) | 1882 | 88:464 |  | Bastnes, Jno. M. | from | Taylor, John | 1888 | 108:565 |  | Baston, Saml. H. | from | Barto, Milton (Et al.) | 1895 | 140:459 |  | Bastues, Catharine | from | Bastues, George Martin | 1901 | 163:457 |  | Bastues, Catherine | to | Bastues, John Marton (Et ux.) | 1902 | 166:216 |  | Bastues, Catherine | from | Bastues, Martin | 1900 | 163:406 |  | Bastues, George Martin | to | Bastues, Catharine | 1901 | 163:457 |  | Bastues, John Martin | from | Bastues, Mary A. (Et al.) | 1901 | 163:492 |  | Bastues, John Martin | from | Gregor, Christian Bastues | 1901 | 164:526 |  | Bastues, John Marton (Et ux.) | from | Bastues, Catherine | 1902 | 166:216 |  | Bastues, Martin | to | Bastues, Catherine | 1900 | 163:406 |  | Bastues, Mary A. (Et al.) | to | Bastues, John Martin | 1901 | 163:492 |  | Bastues, Mary A. (Et al.) | to | Freistroffer, Simon | 1901 | 163:470 |  | Bastues, Mary A. (Et al.) | to | Gregor, Christine B. | 1901 | 164:284 |  | Bastues, Mary A. (Et al.) | to | Sorg, Catharine | 1901 | 163:519 |  | Bastus, Christ | to | Cramer, S. & T. | 1886 | 100:568 |  | Bastus, Christina | from | Sorg, John M. | 1873 | 60:141 |  | Bastus, Michael | from | Bowser, J. C. | 1869 | 55:238 |  | Bastus, Michael | to | Crotty, Margaret | 1867 | 44:144 |  | Bastus, Michael | from | Hanna, Saml. | 1864 | 37:218 |  | Bastus, Michael | to | Sorg, John M. | 1873 | 57:536 |  | Basure, Ezra | from | Smothers, John | 1847 | K:181 |  | Batchelder, A. S. | to | Christen, Jno. | 1884 | 95:293 |  | Batchelder, A. S. | from | Greene, Mary M. | 1873 | 60:432 |  | Batchelder, Frank H. | from | Edgerton, Jos. K. | 1877 | 72:354 |  | Batchelder, Frank H. | to | Lucas, Thomas L. | 1879 | 76:145 |  | Batchelder, J. R. | to | Dollarhite, Alex | 1881 | 85:417 |  | Batchelder, J. S. | from | Ninde, G. M. (Admr.) | 1871 | 52:514 |  | Batchelder, L. J. R. | from | Lucas, T. L. | 1879 | 78:30 |  | Bateman, Elizabeth | to | Bilderback, N. M. | 1889 | 112:59 |  | Bateman, Jeremiah | to | Hartzell, Levi | 1864 | 34:157 |  | Bateman, Jeremiah | to | Ponuler, Harriet | 1862 | 28:535 |  | Bateman, S. E. (Et al.) | from | Burgess, Henry | 1870 | 51:210 |  | Bates, A. H. | from | Bates, Luey | 1873 | 81:89 |  | Bates, A. H. | from | Cavalier, Victor | 1886 | 100:188 |  | Bates, Alfred H. | to | Eme, Frank M. | 1893 | 130:279 |  | Bates, Charles S. | to | Hazelet, William | 1901 | 162:406 |  | Bates, Chrles S. | from | Eveland, Mary (Et al.) | 1899 | 161:411 |  | Bates, Garie S. | to | Souders, Samuel | 1901 | 164:106 |  | Bates, Jennie (Et al.) | to | Clark, William E. (Etal.) | 1889 | 120:432 |  | Bates, Jennie (Et al.) | to | Luce, John | 1889 | 120:432 |  | Bates, Jennie (Et al.) | to | Wallace, Wm. C. (Et al.) | 1889 | 120:432 |  | Bates, Jno. F. (Et al.) | to | Patterson, Thos. R. | 1881 | 82:509 |  | Bates, John | to | Odden, Stephen | 1857 | W:280 |  | Bates, John | to | Sthair, Mary A. | 1896 | 144:227 |  | Bates, L. A. (Et al.) | to | Higgens, Wm. | 1883 | 90:407 |  | Bates, Lucy N. | from | Reed, John N. | 1858 | X:7 |  | Bates, Luey | to | Bates, A. H. | 1873 | 81:89 |  | Bates, Lycurgus | to | Crall, Milton | 1875 | 65:343 |  | Bates, Lycurgus (Et ux.) | from | Gilmartin, Michael J. | 1900 | 160:279 |  | Bates, W. G. | from | Ft. Wayne L. & Imp. Co. | 1893 | 130:247 |  | Bates, Will C. | from | Plasterer, Purl C. | 1894 | 132:217 |  | Bates, Will G. | to | Foster, David N. | 1899 | 154:112 |  | Bates, William | to | Wiggins, Williamn | 1847 | O:599 |  | Bathelder, Jesse L. | to | Cattez, Joseph | 1873 | 59:566 |  | Batles, Michael | to | Smead, Catharine | 1897 | 124:243 |  | Bats, Garie S. | from | Schlatter, Benjamin B. | 1899 | 153:45 |  | Batt, Mary | from | Harper, Edward | 1889 | 111:283 |  | Battenberg, Andrew J. | to | Cory, Alvira (Et al.) | 1898 | 151:260 |  | Battenberg, Andrew J. | from | Randall, Winifred J. | 1902 | 170:370 |  | Battenberg, B. C. | from | Battenberg, Jacob | 1894 | 135:35 |  | Battenberg, B. C. | to | Romy, Robt. L. (Et ux.) | 1896 | 143:121 |  | Battenberg, Bernardine | to | Kruse, Fredrick W. | 1898 | 149:108 |  | Battenberg, Daniel | to | Battenberg, John P. | 1896 | 148:378 |  | Battenberg, Jacob | to | Battenberg, B. C. | 1894 | 135:35 |  | Battenberg, Jacob | to | Baulmann, Francis | 1878 | 74:289 |  | Battenberg, Jacob | from | Baulmann, Francis | 1879 | 76:117 |  | Battenberg, Jacob | from | Bornemann, Charles | 1894 | 134:174 |  | Battenberg, Jacob | from | Bornemann, Charles | 1894 | 134:175 |  | Battenberg, Jacob | to | Bornemann, Chas. | 1894 | 134:115 |  | Battenberg, Jacob | to | Bornemann, Chas. | 1894 | 134:116 |  | Battenberg, Jacob | from | Ewing, Geo. W. (Est.) | 1867 | 42:576 |  | Battenberg, Jacob | to | Klebe, Hannah | 1886 | 102:310 |  | Battenberg, Jacob | from | Klebe, Henry | 1886 | 102:309 |  | Battenberg, Jacob | to | Seidel, Edward | 1884 | 95:4 |  | Battenberg, Jacob | from | Seidel, Edward | 1885 | 97:413 |  | Battenberg, John P. | from | Battenberg, Daniel | 1896 | 148:378 |  | Battenberg, P. C. | from | Romy, Robt. L. | 1894 | 135:36 |  | Battenburg, Jacob | to | Muldoon, Charles | 1851 | K:607 |  | Battenburg, Jacob | to | Schroeder, Henry H. | 1894 | 140:165 |  | Batteron, F. L. & S. | from | Trustee St. Joe Tp. | 1884 | 94:484 |  | Batteron, Fred | to | Sauers, Elvina | 1879 | 79:353 |  | Battershall, Emma | to | Hostmeyer, Bettie | 1875 | 70:430 |  | Battershall, Emma | from | Hostmyer, Charles M. | 1875 | 64:421 |  | Battershall, Jennie | to | Industrial Park Land Co. | 1901 | 162:403 |  | Battershall, Jennie | from | Industrial Park Land Company | 1901 | 162:524 |  | Battes, Michael | from | Brooks, Wm. H. | 1865 | 37:147 |  | Battes, Michael | from | Uplegger, Chas. | 1966 | 41:358 |  | Batteshall, Jennie | from | Alderman, Frank | 1892 | 129:130 |  | Battey, David | to | Coon, Elisha | 1857 | U:336 |  | Battie, C. W. | to | Lincoln, Edwind | 1879 | 78:225 |  | Battlee, Ernest | from | Lewis, Samuel | 1864 | 36:17 |  | Battles, Ernst | to | Alter, Nicholas | 1865 | 36:565 |  | Battliner, Johanna | from | Haller, Gottlieb | 1896 | 141:455 |  | Batty, Anna C.(Will of) | to | | 1854 | R:65 |  | Batty, Jacob | from | Lutz, Emanuel (Et al.) | 1863 | 158:137 |  | Baty, Mary | from | Gorham, Adosha A. | 1892 | 126:470 |  | Baty, Wm. E. | from | Reed, Chas. A. (Trustee) | 1890 | 117:392 |  | Bau, Amos | from | Summers, Jas. | 1872 | 56:483 |  | Baudelier, F. (Et al.) | from | Howard, W. B. | 1885 | 99:566 |  | Bauer, Charles | to | Challenger, Jos. | 1866 | 41:549 |  | Bauer, E. (Et al.) | to | Spereisen, Jos. | 1880 | 82:62 |  | Bauer, Edward | from | Bauer, Kajenton J. | 1878 | 75:128 |  | Bauer, Edward | to | Bauer, Kajerton J. | 1878 | 74:152 |  | Bauer, Edward | to | Hogan, Hugh T. (Et ux.) | 1889 | 114:149 |  | Bauer, Edward | from | Scott, Jfferson C. | 1873 | 60:434 |  | Bauer, Edward | to | Uihlern, August | 1901 | 161:375 |  | Bauer, Edward (Et ux.) | from | Cressner, Theodore | 1893 | 130:5 |  | Bauer, Henry | to | Ft. W. H. L. & T. Co. | 1888 | 108:272 |  | Bauer, Henry | from | Ft. Wayne Homestead & Ernsy Co. | 1895 | 139:429 |  | Bauer, Henry | from | Heinlein, Frederick | 1873 | 60:83 |  | Bauer, Henry | from | Heinlen, Emanuel | 1886 | 101:58 |  | Bauer, Henry | to | Hoch, Christina | 1888 | 108:127 |  | Bauer, Henry | from | Hoke, Christina | 1886 | 101:66 |  | Bauer, Henry | from | Sheriff | 1879 | 77:150 |  | Bauer, Henry | from | Stoll, Elizabeth | 1886 | 101:292 |  | Bauer, Henry | to | Waltemuth, C. H. | 1887 | 105:91 |  | Bauer, John j. (Et ux.) | from | Tri State B. & L. Assn. | 1902 | 171:102 |  | Bauer, Joseph a. (Et al.) | to | Martin, Elizabeth M. (Et al.) | 1901 | 164:5 |  | Bauer, K, J. | to | Herr, Alois | 1885 | 98:455 |  | Bauer, K. | to | Comrike, Margaret | 1879 | 78:106 |  | Bauer, K. J | to | Yobst, Gottlieb | 1888 | 108:422 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Adelmann, Mary E. | 1893 | 130:471 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Auditor | 1902 | 166:344 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Bail, Jos. | 1886 | 102:92 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Becker, Elizabeth | 1888 | 109:30 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Becker, Elizabeth (Et al.) | 1888 | 108:174 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Becker, Elizabeth (Et al.) | 1888 | 108:175 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Bell, R. C. | 1882 | 87:305 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Bolman, F. A. (Et al.) | 1881 | 86:335 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Bond, H. R. (Et al.) | 1886 | 101:445 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Bond, Wm. J. | 1887 | 106:241 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Bond, Wm. J. | 1887 | 106:242 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Bothner, Jno. | 1883 | 93:239 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Bullard, Sherman L. | 1876 | 70:274 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Burgel, M. V. | 1883 | 91:70 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Carnrike, M. | 1879 | 77:587 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Centlion, M. A. | 1882 | 90:261 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Christen, John | 1894 | 134:151 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Christen, John (Et ux.) | 1894 | 134:152 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Dehart, L. (Et al.) | 1881 | 86:335 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Denis, Albert | 1893 | 130:252 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Denner, Margaretha | 1894 | 133:114 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Denner, Margaretha (Et al.) | 1894 | 133:122 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Duerr, Jacob (Et ux.) | 1894 | 135:81 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Eggeman, Peter | 1882 | 88:160 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Einsiedel, Andrew | 1886 | 102:327 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Ellison, J. S. | 1878 | 76:67 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Eq. Trust Co. | 1887 | 104:232 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Fairfield, C. W. | 1881 | 86:111 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Flinn, Chas. M. | 1881 | 84:373 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Garrett, J. W. (Et al.) | 1882 | 90:115 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Gocke, I. C. | 1882 | 89:474 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Gordon, Wm. D. | 1893 | 130:347 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Hanna, H. W. | 1889 | 110:396 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Hanna, H. W. | 1889 | 111:610 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Hanna, H. W. | 1889 | 112:348 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Heidenrich, A. | 1881 | 84:301 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Heidenrich, A. M. | 1881 | 93:54 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Hibbelen, Theo. | 1883 | 92:562 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Hunting, Wm. H. | 1872 | 57:255 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Innes, Tielie | 1894 | 134:549 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Jacob, Augusta | 1887 | 105:391 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Jacob, augusta (Et ux.) | 1887 | 105:391 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Junk, John P. (Et ux.) | 1894 | 135:216 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Kammeier, Henry | 1883 | 91:531 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Kaough, Wm. | 1881 | 85:110 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Karkhoff, C. | 1880 | 81:178 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Karkhoff, Jos. | 1877 | 74:129 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Karkhoff, Jos. F. | 1880 | 81:106 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Keegan, J. E. | 1883 | 91:569 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Krueger, A. C. | 1883 | 91:552 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Krummelbein, Adam | 1877 | 71:200 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Krummelbein, Adam | 1877 | 70:472 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Kuhne, F. W. (Et al.) | 1883 | 91:552 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Kyle, A. P. | 1879 | 75:521 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Kyle, A. P. | 1879 | 75:522 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Lauer, Mary | 1897 | 147:261 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Lauer, Mary | 1897 | 147:286 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Leffes, Johann | 1892 | 126:103 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Leuthner, Barbara | 1883 | 93:238 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Leykauf, N. (Et al.) | 1881 | 86:335 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Locke, Josiah | 1882 | 88:409 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Luxenberger, P. | 1876 | 69:26 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Martin, Alice | 1897 | 145:496 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | McCreary, Jos. | 1880 | 80:495 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | McCulloch, Chas. | 1890 | 117:365 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Michael, H. | 1882 | 90:32 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Michael, H. | 1885 | 99:427 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Miller, Geo. A. | 1894 | 133:120 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Mollet, P. & C. | 1881 | 85:345 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Mollet, Peter | 1882 | 87:493 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Murch, Richard H. | 1877 | 71:256 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Nick, E. & J. | 1882 | 88:495 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Nick, Elizabeth | 1882 | 88:496 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Nickell, Jno. F. | 1878 | 75:182 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Nickett, J. F. & H. A. | 1878 | 75:147 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Oestermeier, Charles | 1897 | 147:326 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Ogden, Emma H. | 1892 | 125:487 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | ORourke, Jno. C. | 1882 | 88:129 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Orth, Christian | 1893 | 130:369 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Ostermeier, Chas. | 1894 | 134:326 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Playfair, Jas. | 1879 | 78:128 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Playfair, Jas. | 1879 | 78:126 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Prill, August | 1888 | 108:439 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Rapp, Gottleib | 1883 | 91:458 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Robinson, Jas. (Com.) | 1886 | 102:175 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Rosenberger, Chas. | 1894 | 132:424 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Rosenberger, Mary | 1894 | 142:329 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Russell, Peter | 1884 | 95:561 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Schafer, John | 1886 | 102:205 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Schearer, A. (Guard) | 1881 | 85:323 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Schlabach, Josiah | 1883 | 93:30 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Schmidt, Martin | 1886 | 102:266 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Schu, John | 1887 | 104:221 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Schultz, D. & Wm. | 1879 | 77:167 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Schultz, Wm. | 1878 | 74:457 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Seabold, L. A. | 1888 | 108:423 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Seibold, Jacob | 1973 | 57:455 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Sheldon, Chas. H. | 1894 | 1134:25 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Sheldon, Fredka M. | 1894 | 134:26 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Sheriff | 1876 | 69:23 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Sheriff | 1880 | 80:265 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Sheriff | 1880 | 80:265 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Sinclair, F. C. | 1881 | 82:212 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Spencer, M. O. B. | 1882 | 88:506 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Spencer, M. U. B. | 1880 | 80:469 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Spencer, M. V. B. | 1882 | 88:507 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Spencer, M. V. B. | 1884 | 95:75 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Spencer, M. V. B. | 1884 | 96:327 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Stauffer, Gottlieb | 1894 | 132:100 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Stilts, Adelaide | 1882 | 88:216 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Thewis, B. (Et al.) | 1881 | 86:335 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Trentman, A. B. | 1883 | 91:339 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Tri State B. & L. A. | 1896 | 142:548 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Vizard, Anthony | 1878 | 74:162 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Vordermark, Matic | 1886 | 101:528 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Weidman, Geo. J. | 1884 | 95:292 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Wells, Geo. | 1882 | 88:121 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Whitesides, E. G. (Et al.) | 1882 | 90:115 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Wiedman, Geo. J. | 1888 | 112:362 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Wilkinson, Francis | 1889 | 112:391 |  | Bauer, K. J. | to | Young, J. B. | 1882 | 86:475 |  | Bauer, K. J. | from | Young, Mary M. | 1887 | 103:343 |  | Bauer, K. J. (Admn.) | to | Hirschfelder, Cathr. | 1895 | 138:21 |  | Bauer, K. J. (Admr.) | to | Friend, John T. (Et ux.) | 1897 | 145;134 |  | Bauer, K. J. (Et al.) | to | Bohue, Carl | 1882 | 90:124 |  | Bauer, K. J. (Et al.) | to | Diebold, M. | 1882 | 90:1 |  | Bauer, K. J. (Et al.) | to | Heche, C. S. | 1881 | 85:422 |  | Bauer, K. J. (Et al.) | from | Higgins, E. S. | 1882 | 88:324 |  | Bauer, K. J. (Et al.) | from | Sweet, Saml. B. (Et al.) | 1895 | 138:537 |  | Bauer, Kagerton J. | from | Karkhoff, Joseph F. (et al.) | 1877 | 72:301 |  | Bauer, Kagerton J. | from | Schnurr, Stephen (et al.) | 1877 | 72:301 |  | Bauer, Kajenton J. | to | Bauer, Edward | 1878 | 75:128 |  | Bauer, Kajerton J. | from | Bauer, Edward | 1878 | 74:152 |  | Bauer, Kajerton J. | from | Murch, Richard H. | 1878 | 73:72 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | from | Alerding, Herman J. | 1901 | 162:17 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | to | Alerding, Hermn J. | 1901 | 162:13 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | from | Bard, Mary | 1902 | 168:191 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | to | Barry, Owen | 1890 | 118:93 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | to | Bayer, Frederick | 1900 | 159:500 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | from | Bayer, Frederick | 1900 | 159:499 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | from | Boltz, Frederick C. | 1901 | 161:174 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | from | Brokam, S. J. | 1891 | 122:327 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | to | Brokam, Sarah J. | 1891 | 124:9 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | from | Campion, Mary E. | 1897 | 147:23 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | from | Cummins, Margaret | 1874 | 61:549 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | from | Falahee, Patrick | 1890 | 115:443 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | from | Fort Wayne Trust Co. (Admr.) | 1899 | 152:385 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | to | Glutting, Andrew F. | 1896 | 156:404 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | to | Glutting, Andrew F. | 1900 | 156:405 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | from | Hamilton Nat. Bank | 1890 | 117:364 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | to | Heine, Henry | 1890 | 118:294 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | to | Keller, Edmund W. | 1892 | 123:352 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | to | Kelley, Sarah | 1894 | 135:16 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | to | Loechner, Fredk. | 1892 | 124:428 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | to | Martin, Elizabeth M. (Et al.) | 1901 | 161:40 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | from | Mastbaum, Bernhard | 1902 | 169:531 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | from | McBennett, Francis | 1877 | 72:305 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | to | McBennett, Francis | 1877 | 72:305 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | to | McNamara, John | 1891 | 113:388 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | from | Melching, Albert | 1890 | 117:405 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | from | Michael, Herman (Adm.) | 1902 | 168:56 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | to | Moore, William H. | 1890 | 121:110 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | from | Nigsch, Francis | 1898 | 149:493 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | to | Ogden, Emma H. | 1892 | 125:488 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | from | Ohuhaus, Scholastika (Et.) | 1891 | 113:455 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | to | O'Meara, Clara | 1901 | 163:401 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | to | Ortlieb, George | 1896 | 156:403 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | to | Pegnignot, Anna | 1897 | 148:23 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | from | Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ | 1898 | 151:303 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | from | Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ | 1901 | 163:312 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | to | Price, Emma | 1902 | 166:495 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | to | Raines, Sol. M. | 1891 | 122:324 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | from | Randall, P. a. (Tr. Et al.) | 1897 | 148:336 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | from | Riegel, Alois | 1889 | 114:224 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | from | Sheriff | 1891 | 123:138 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | from | Simpson, Hiram M. | 1897 | 145:38 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | to | Simpson, Hiram M. | 1897 | 144:419 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | from | Simpson, Hiram M. | 1902 | 167:30 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | to | Smith, Carrie A. | 1892 | 123:431 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | from | Smith, Comelius S. | 1892 | 123:298 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | from | Society of Precious Blood | 1901 | 161:536 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | to | Society of Precious Blood | 1901 | 161:537 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | to | Tri State B. & L. Assn. | 1902 | 170:199 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | from | Wagner, John T. | 1897 | 147:188 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | to | Wastbaum, Bernhard | 1902 | 169:532 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | from | Zickgraf, Charles G. | 1902 | 167:178 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. | to | Zickgraf, Charles G. (Et al.) | 1902 | 167:192 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. (Et al.) | to | Smith, George | 1901 | 164:512 |  | Bauer, Kajetan J. (Ex.) | to | Seiler, Peter | 1899 | 155:438 |  | Bauer, Kajetan, J. | to | Melching, Albert | 1890 | 117:398 |  | Bauer, Kajetan, J. | to | Rhein, Frederick | 1890 | 117:415 |  | Bauer, Kajetan, J. | to | Wyss, Philip H. | 1890 | 117:536 |  | Bauer, Kajeton J. | to | Bisancon, Alex F. Jr. | 1890 | 116:133 |  | Bauer, Kajeton J. | from | Hanna, Horace W. | 1889 | 114:516 |  | Bauer, Kajeton J. | to | Wilkinson, Francis (Et ux.) | 1889 | 112:392 |  | Bauer, Kajeton, J. | to | Hunter, Mary E. | 1889 | 114:574 |  | Bauer, Kaptan J. | to | Brehm, Charles | 1890 | 115:222 |  | Bauer, Kayetan J. | from | Glutting, Andrew F. | 1901 | 163:44 |  | Bauer, Lusette | to | Yockey, John | 1865 | 38:345 |  | Bauer, Mary Jane | to | Kuhm, Paul F. | 1894 | 134:186 |  | Bauer, Mary M. | from | Sheriff | 1880 | 80:267 |  | Bauer, Mary M. | from | Sheriff | 1880 | 80:267 |  | Bauer, Peter | from | Reynolds, Thos. B. | 1878 | 75:353 |  | Bauer, Peter (Etu.) | to | Dougherty, Saml. W. | 1891 | 122:473 |  | Bauer, Peter (Ex.) | to | Johnson, M. | 1886 | 101:318 |  | Bauerman, Christ | from | Hough, John | 1872 | 54:535 |  | Bauermeister, Karl | to | Marshall, Emily | 1900 | 160:183 |  | Bauermeister, Karl | from | Marshall, George | 1900 | 159:316 |  | Bauers, Mary M. | from | Spencer, M. V. B. | 1883 | 91:482 |  | Baueshot, Louis | to | Baueshot, Peter | 1885 | 98:482 |  | Baueshot, Peter | from | Baueshot, Louis | 1885 | 98:482 |  | Baugher, George | to | Freistroffer, Simon (Et ux.) | 1900 | 159:431 |  | Baughman, Eva M. | from | Dickinson, Martha A. (Et al) | 1902 | 170:254 |  | Baughman, Jeremiah | from | Farnan, Owen | 1855 | V:138 |  | Baughman, Jerimiah | to | Mac Dougal, Jno. | 1879 | 76:587 |  | Baughman, John H. | to | Chapin, Augustus A. | 1877 | 70:533 |  | Baughman, John W. | from | Stoops, Samuel W. | 1875 | 65:446 |  | Baughman, Mary | from | MacDougal, John | 1879 | 79:588 |  | Baughman, Mary E. | from | Bash, Chas. S. (Et al.) | 1898 | 151:101 |  | Baughman, Mary E. | to | Tri State B. & L. Assn. | 1902 | 169:19 |  | Baughman, Stephen | to | Carrol, Lewis | 1853 | O:335 |  | Baughman, Stephen | to | Schielg, John | 1855 | O:803 |  | Baughnan, John C. | to | Gerich, Joseph | 1859 | X:561 |  | Baughton, Jno. S. | to | Durgin, G. W. (Jr.) | 1871 | 53:446 |  | Bauline, Sarah | from | Ryan, Patrick Jr. | 1881 | 94:250 |  | Baulmann, Francis | from | Battenberg, Jacob | 1878 | 74:289 |  | Baulmann, Francis | to | Battenberg, Jacob | 1879 | 76:117 |  | Baum, Jm. W. | from | Worh, Silas | 1870 | 51:320 |  | Baum, Jno. W. | to | Bottenberg, Andrew J. | 1880 | 80:120 |  | Baum, Jno. W. | to | Bottenberg, Elizabeth | 1880 | 80:119 |  | Baum, Jno. W. | from | Eagy, Geo. | 1864 | 34:414 |  | Baum, John W. | to | Engle, Annie | 1866 | 46:278 |  | Baum, Joseph | from | Herber, John F. | 1896 | 143:442 |  | Baum, Joseph | to | Herber, John F. (Et al.) | 1896 | 143:443 |  | Bauman, Herminie | from | Trentman, Henry J. | 1890 | 119:104 |  | Bauman, Jno. | from | Conrad, Chas. L. | 1872 | 56:622 |  | Bauman, John | to | Klotz, Anna | 1871 | 53:386 |  | Bauman, John | from | Klotz, Anna | 1872 | 57:63 |  | Bauman, John | from | Siemon, A. L. | 1872 | 54:283 |  | Bauman, John | to | Zoeller, Roman | 1876 | 68:416 |  | Bauman, S. | from | Spencer, Ann M. | 1863 | 33:303 |  | Bauman, Sophia | to | Klotz, Anna | 1895 | 138:365 |  | Bauman, Sophia | to | Zoeller, Roman (Et ux.) | 1895 | 138:68 |  | Bauman, William | from | McLean, Eliza C. | 1864 | 34:584 |  | Bauman, William | from | Rex, George | 1859 | V:576 |  | Bauman, Wm. | to | Sowers, Susan | 1897 | 145:393 |  | Baumann, Jno. | to | Baumann, Sophia | 1878 | 75:88 |  | Baumann, Jno. | from | Baumann, Sophie | 1879 | 77:454 |  | Baumann, Jno. | to | Holmes, Joshua | 1872 | 56:221 |  | Baumann, Jno. | to | Holmes, Mary M. | 1872 | 56:222 |  | Baumann, John | from | Herndon, John M. | 1860 | Y:89 |  | Baumann, John | to | Klotz, Daniel | 1880 | 132:120 |  | Baumann, John | from | Williams, Jesse L. | 1873 | 59:432 |  | Baumann, Minnie | to | Baumann, Paulina | 1894 | 133:534 |  | Baumann, Paulina | from | Baumann, Minnie | 1894 | 133:534 |  | Baumann, Paulina | to | Schoenherr, Paulina | 1895 | 137:356 |  | Baumann, Sophia | from | Baumann, Jno. | 1878 | 75:88 |  | Baumann, Sophia A. | from | Klotz, Daniel | 1880 | 80:317 |  | Baumann, Sophie | to | Baumann, Jno. | 1879 | 77:454 |  | Baumert, Charles | from | Page, Samuel | 1898 | 152:548 |  | Baumert, Chas. | to | Morrison, Thomas | 1895 | 137:392 |  | Baumert, Wm. (Et ux.) | from | Klett, William | 1900 | 159:345 |  | Baumgardner, Saml. H. | from | Kimball, Louise E (Et al.) | 1900 | 156:435 |  | Baumgardner, Stewart | to | Doron, W. S. (Et al.) | 1900 | 159:110 |  | Baumgardner, Stewart (Et al.) | from | Updike, Jacob V. | 1900 | 158:351 |  | Baumgartner, John | from | Astry, Jonas | 1856 | T:348 |  | Baumgartner, John | to | Yoder, John R. | 1874 | 61:358 |  | Baumgartner, S. H. | from | Furthmiller, Catherine | 1896 | 141:195 |  | Baumgartner, S. H. | from | Furthmiller, Catherine | 1896 | 141:196 |  | Baumgartner, S. H. | from | Furthmiller, Henry | 1896 | 141:195 |  | Baumgartner, S. H. | to | Furthmiller, Henry (Et ux.) | 1896 | 141:198 |  | Baumgartner, S. H. | to | Furthmiller, Henry (Et ux.) | 1896 | 141:199 |  | Baumgartner, Saml. S. | from | Balsiger, Albert | 1899 | 156:39 |  | Baumgartner, Saml. S. | to | Lehman, Godfrey | 1900 | 157:365 |  | Baun, M. A. | from | Coleman, C. B. | 1886 | 101:26 |  | Baunister, Albert | from | Paine, Jas. D. | 1883 | 93:173 |  | Baur, Fredk. (Et ux.) | from | Emsting, Carl | 1895 | 137:506 |  | Baur, Jacob | from | Hanna, S. D. | 1886 | 101:346 |  | Bauseman, Henry | to | Noyer, Charles | 1879 | 77:192 |  | Bauseman, Mary | to | Conway, D. M. | 1878 | 77:465 |  | Bauserman, A. S. | to | Bauserman, I. & E. D. | 1881 | 86:145 |  | Bauserman, Abraham | to | Bauserman, I. & E. D. | 1881 | 86:142 |  | Bauserman, E. D. | to | Miller, L. D. | 1883 | 94:639 |  | Bauserman, F. M. | to | Bauserman, I. & E. D. | 1881 | 86:144 |  | Bauserman, G. W. | from | Witte, Julius | 1892 | 125:57 |  | Bauserman, Geo. W. | from | Bauserman, Hettie A. | 1887 | 115:373 |  | Bauserman, Geo. W. | to | Miller, Edward D. | 1890 | 115:625 |  | Bauserman, H. A. | from | Bauserman, W. H. | 1881 | 85:196 |  | Bauserman, Helen W. | from | Bauserman, Nancy W. | 1901 | 161:507 |  | Bauserman, Helen W. | to | Bauserman, Nancy W. | 1901 | 161:508 |  | Bauserman, Henry | from | United States | 1841 | 67:71 |  | Bauserman, Hettie A. | to | Bauserman, Geo. W. | 1887 | 115:373 |  | Bauserman, Hetty | from | Allen Cir. Court | 1890 | 117:622 |  | Bauserman, I. & E. D. | from | Bauserman, A. S. | 1881 | 86:145 |  | Bauserman, I. & E. D. | from | Bauserman, Abraham | 1881 | 86:142 |  | Bauserman, I. & E. D. | from | Bauserman, F. M. | 1881 | 86:144 |  | Bauserman, I. & E. D. | from | Bauserman, P. A. | 1881 | 86:146 |  | Bauserman, I. & E. D. | from | Owens, Daniel | 1881 | 86:143 |  | Bauserman, Isaac | from | Bauserman, N. | 1868 | 45:398 |  | Bauserman, Isaiah (Et al.) | to | Willeke, Christopher W. | 1900 | 158:125 |  | Bauserman, Ivan Rolfe | from | Boals, Mary | 1902 | 171:175 |  | Bauserman, Leah | from | Cochran, R. P. | 1879 | 77:535 |  | Bauserman, Mary | from | Conway, David M. | 1878 | 150:205 |  | Bauserman, N. | to | Bauserman, Isaac | 1868 | 45:398 |  | Bauserman, Nancy W. | to | Bauserman, Helen W. | 1901 | 161:507 |  | Bauserman, Nancy W. | from | Bauserman, Helen W. | 1901 | 161:508 |  | Bauserman, P. A. | to | Bauserman, I. & E. D. | 1881 | 86:146 |  | Bauserman, S. A. | to | Miner, James | 1863 | 31:181 |  | Bauserman, S. A. | from | Miner, James | 1871 | 55:77 |  | Bauserman, Samuel | to | Harden, Wm. | 1874 | 63:588 |  | Bauserman, Sl. | from | Bowser, J. C. | 1865 | 42:161 |  | Bauserman, Sml. | to | Turner, Milton C. | 1866 | 42:162 |  | Bauserman, W. H. | to | Bauserman, H. A. | 1881 | 85:196 |  | Bauserman, W. H. | from | Ely, D. (Receiver) | 1881 | 85:194 |  | Bauserman, W. H. | from | Marquardt, Jacob | 1884 | 96:475 |  | Bauserman, W. H. | to | Noyer, Elizabeth | 1891 | 123:71 |  | Bauserman, W. h. (Adm.) | to | Proffet, Abraham | 1891 | 123:26 |  | Bauserman, W. H. (Et al.) | to | Marquardt, Jacob | 1884 | 96:352 |  | Bauserman, Wm. H. | from | Williamson, Alex | 1872 | 56:504 |  | Bauss, Catharina N. | to | Schilling, Carl | 1897 | 147:388 |  | Bauss, Catherine M. | from | Subkowski, Herman | 1893 | 129:261 |  | Bausserman, B. E. | to | Wychoff, Nancy | 1881 | 82:375 |  | Bausserman, S. A. | to | Frederickson, C. | 1863 | 30:598 |  | Baustrator, Chas. W. | to | Bobilya, L. J. | 1896 | 141:136 |  | Baven, Marvin L. | to | Earl, Washington | 1854 | T:514 |  | Bawer, Jacob | to | Bush, Marie | 1902 | 169:209 |  | Bawer, Jacob J. (Et ux.) | from | Bush, Marie | 1902 | 169:210 |  | Baxter, Alex M. | from | Boltz, Rachael M. | 1893 | 128:408 |  | Baxter, Alexander M. | to | Keyser, J. M. | 1902 | 168:405 |  | Baxter, Alexander M. | from | Litt, Geo. O. & wife | 1895 | 138:406 |  | Baxter, Allen | to | Baxter, Elizabeth | 1882 | 108:285 |  | Baxter, Allen | from | Baxter, Jno. | 1882 | 88:480 |  | Baxter, Carrandra A. | from | Diskman, Henry W. | 1891 | 113:457 |  | Baxter, D. D. | to | Wass, Josephine | 1886 | 102:127 |  | Baxter, D. D. | from | Wass, Wm. E. | 1886 | 102:126 |  | Baxter, D. J. | from | McArdle, Peter | 1885 | 100:31 |  | Baxter, David D. | from | Bond, H. R. (Et al.) | 1881 | 83:576 |  | Baxter, David D. | from | Equitable Trust co. (Et al.) | 1881 | 83:576 |  | Baxter, David J. | to | Redelshimer, D. S. | 1894 | 132:504 |  | Baxter, David J. | to | Rieder, Nancy J. | 1892 | 123:485 |  | Baxter, David J. | from | Smith, Willard P. | 1890 | 118:532 |  | Baxter, Davis J. (Et al.) | to | Shie, Peter | 1890 | 120:355 |  | Baxter, Elizabeth | from | Baxter, Allen | 1882 | 108:285 |  | Baxter, Elizabeth | to | Owens, Alice | 1888 | 108:481 |  | Baxter, Elizabeth | to | Rockhill, Amanda | 1894 | 136:111 |  | Baxter, Ellen | to | Barnhart, Harriet | 1889 | 117:24 |  | Baxter, Ellen | from | Sheehan, John (Et al.) | 1889 | 111: |  | Baxter, Ellen | from | Trustees M. E. Church Monroeville | 1889 | 111:468 |  | Baxter, Geo. T. & Emmet H. | to | Baxter, Lavinia | 1875 | 65:514 |  | Baxter, James | from | Aitker, John | 1859 | X:315 |  | Baxter, James | from | Andrews, Dexter B. | 1859 | X:201 |  | Baxter, James | from | Andrews, Theron M. | 1859 | X:201 |  | Baxter, James | to | Colter, Jacob (Et al.) | 1897 | 148:356 |  | Baxter, James | from | Dunfee, Emmet | 1900 | 156:340 |  | Baxter, James | from | Edsall, Wm. E. (Et al.) | 1899 | 160:382 |  | Baxter, James | to | Hood, Alfred | 1865 | 39:153 |  | Baxter, James | to | Hood, Geo. | 1867 | 43:365 |  | Baxter, James | from | Hood, George | 1871 | 57:87 |  | Baxter, James | from | Hood, Joseph | 1884 | 95:110 |  | Baxter, James | from | Hull, Peter | 1858 | V:580 |  | Baxter, James | to | Rockhill, Amanda | 1894 | 136:111 |  | Baxter, James | from | Rudisill, Henry J. | 1875 | 70:158 |  | Baxter, James | to | Slater, John | 1874 | 62:221 |  | Baxter, James | to | Slater, John | 1877 | 70:159 |  | Baxter, James | to | Strauss, Simon J. (Et al.) | 1902 | 166:383 |  | Baxter, James | to | Taylor, Jno. m. | 1883 | 93:286 |  | Baxter, James | from | Taylor, John M. | 1883 | 93:496 |  | Baxter, James K. | to | Adams, Henry | 1899 | 153:223 |  | Baxter, Jas. | from | Diffenderfer, H. C. | 1880 | 84:529 |  | Baxter, Jas. | to | Hood, Jos. & M. A. | 1884 | 95:115 |  | Baxter, Jas. | to | Slater, John | 1879 | 77:147 |  | Baxter, Jas. & E. | from | Slater, John | 1879 | 77:148 |  | Baxter, Jas. (Et us.) | from | Shaff, C. W. | 1888 | 109:377 |  | Baxter, Jas. K. | to | Kever, Isabell | 1877 | 103:424 |  | Baxter, Jas. K. (Et ux.) | from | Bass, John H. | 1896 | 142:20 |  | Baxter, Jno. | to | Baxter, Allen | 1882 | 88:480 |  | Baxter, John | from | Fay, James A. | 1868 | 44:286 |  | Baxter, Lavina | from | Mills, James | 1875 | 65:512 |  | Baxter, Lavina | to | Zehner, Samuel | 1875 | 65:513 |  | Baxter, Lavinia | from | Baxter, Geo. T. & Emmet H. | 1875 | 65:514 |  | Baxter, Phoebe | from | Rudisill, E. E. & H. J. | 1874 | 65:231 |  | Baxter, Thomas | from | Borden, David F. | 1853 | O:519 |  | Baxter, Thos. | from | Vanderan, Peter | 1881 | 83:27 |  | Baxter, W. J. | from | Sommers, Eliza B. | 1863 | 31:292 |  | Baxter, W. J. | to | Tons, Henry | 1863 | 31:297 |  | Baxton, David J. | to | Friedline, John D. | 1891 | 125:182 |  | Bay, Milkah | to | Mason, J. S. | 1866 | 43:25 |  | Bayer, Anna M. | from | Bayer, Dorothea | 1894 | 132:462 |  | Bayer, Anna M. | from | Bayer, John | 1894 | 132:462 |  | Bayer, Aug. Wm. | from | Bayer, Dorothea | 1894 | 132:461 |  | Bayer, Aug. Wm. | from | Bayer, John | 1894 | 132:461 |  | Bayer, Conrad | from | Bayer, Dorothea | 1892 | 127:275 |  | Bayer, Conrad | to | Bayer, John | 1901 | 163:496 |  | Bayer, Conrad | from | Bayer, John M. | 1894 | 132:463 |  | Bayer, Conrad | from | Bayer, John W. | 1892 | 127:275 |  | Bayer, Conrad | from | Birks, John G. | 1889 | 112:103 |  | Bayer, Conrad | to | City of Fort Wayne | 1897 | 149:118 |  | Bayer, Conrad | from | Weller, Louise | 1900 | 156:436 |  | Bayer, Dorothea | to | Bayer, Anna M. | 1894 | 132:462 |  | Bayer, Dorothea | to | Bayer, Aug. Wm. | 1894 | 132:461 |  | Bayer, Dorothea | to | Bayer, Conrad | 1892 | 127:275 |  | Bayer, Fred | to | Frederick, Emma N. | 1901 | 165:346 |  | Bayer, Fred. | from | Glutting, A. F. (Et al.) | 1896 | 142:534 |  | Bayer, Frederick | from | Bash, Charles S. | 1902 | 170:185 |  | Bayer, Frederick | from | Bauer, Kajetan J. | 1900 | 159:500 |  | Bayer, Frederick | to | Bauer, Kajetan J. | 1900 | 159:499 |  | Bayer, Frederick | to | Bayer, John | 1895 | 139:37 |  | Bayer, Frederick | from | Bayer, John | 1895 | 139:37 |  | Bayer, Frederick | to | City of Fort Wayne | 1899 | 157:57 |  | Bayer, Frederick | from | Frederick, John | 1902 | 171:139 |  | Bayer, Frederick | to | Fruth, Lottie | 1900 | 160:37 |  | Bayer, Frederick | from | Michael, Carrie | 1902 | 167:438 |  | Bayer, Fredk. | from | Bayer, John M. | 1894 | 132:464 |  | Bayer, Jacob | from | Miller, William E. | 1900 | 159:547 |  | Bayer, Jno. M. | from | Hartman, M. M. | 1884 | 95:627 |  | Bayer, Jno. M. | from | McCulloch, Chas. (Guard) | 1884 | 96:87 |  | Bayer, Jno. M. | from | McCulloch, Chas. (Guard) | 1885 | 98:326 |  | Bayer, John | to | Bayer, Anna M. | 1894 | 132:462 |  | Bayer, John | to | Bayer, Aug. Wm. | 1894 | 132:461 |  | Bayer, John | from | Bayer, Conrad | 1901 | 163:496 |  | Bayer, John | from | Bayer, Frederick | 1895 | 139:37 |  | Bayer, John | to | Bayer, Frederick | 1895 | 139:37 |  | Bayer, John | from | Bayer, John M. | 1894 | 132:464 |  | Bayer, John | from | Schoenherr, Pauline | 1900 | 157:416 |  | Bayer, John M. | to | Bayer, Conrad | 1894 | 132:463 |  | Bayer, John M. | to | Bayer, Fredk. | 1894 | 132:464 |  | Bayer, John M. | to | Bayer, John | 1894 | 132:464 |  | Bayer, John M. | to | Manthe, Christina | 1894 | 132:465 |  | Bayer, John M. (Et ux.) | to | Mauthe, Christina | 1891 | 119:570 |  | Bayer, John W. | to | Bayer, Conrad | 1892 | 127:275 |  | Bayer, Joseph (Et ux.) | from | Freistroffer, Simon | 1898 | 154:473 |  | Bayer, K. J. | to | Becker, Elizabeth | 1888 | 109:576 |  | Bayerlein, Dorethea (Et al.) | to | Ohneck, Lizzie (Et al.) | 1893 | 131:281 |  | Bayles, Eliza | to | Bailey, Moses | 1872 | 56:175 |  | Bayles, Lott L. | from | Brackenridge, R. (Jr.) | 1853 | T:643 |  | Bayles, Moses | to | McGrager, S. J. | 1872 | 56:357 |  | Bayless, A. H. | from | Bailey, Wm. | 1865 | 36:496 |  | Bayless, A. H. | to | Holmes, Wm. | 1865 | 36:166 |  | Bayless, A. H. (Et al.) | to | Orr, Wm. | 1882 | 88:322 |  | Bayless, Absolime | from | Noble, James | 1890 | 118:43 |  | Bayless, Addie | to | Bayless, S. D. | 1867 | 45:146 |  | Bayless, Alex | to | Shoaff, Jno. P. | 1874 | 67:197 |  | Bayless, Alex H. | from | Bayless, Lott S. | 1866 | 41:323 |  | Bayless, Alex H. | to | Miller, Julia | 1876 | 68:521 |  | Bayless, Alex H. | from | Miller, Wm. H. | 1876 | 68:518 |  | Bayless, Alex. H. | from | Holmes, Alexander | 1862 | 28:341 |  | Bayless, Eliza | from | Pool & Weiler | 1871 | 56:176 |  | Bayless, F. W. | from | Brandriff, A. D. | 1860 | Y:353 |  | Bayless, F. W. | to | Hamm, J. J. | 1863 | 32:26 |  | Bayless, Frances S. | from | Meredith, Letitia | 1857 | U:10 |  | Bayless, Francis L. | to | Bayless, H. D. & W. C. | 1877 | 72:174 |  | Bayless, Frank L. | to | Bair, Isaac | 1876 | 69:524 |  | Bayless, G. A. | to | Kelsey, Jas. F. | 1865 | 44:392 |  | Bayless, G. S. | from | Archer, John H. | 1873 | 59:506 |  | Bayless, G. S. | from | Bayless, Sol. D. | 1868 | 57:425 |  | Bayless, G. S. | from | Gouty, Jas. M. | 1870 | 51:539 |  | Bayless, G. S. | from | Hickman, Wm. | 1889 | 111:399 |  | Bayless, G. S. | to | Hickman, Wm. | 1889 | 111:272 |  | Bayless, G. S. | to | Hine, Elizabeth | 1870 | 51:576 |  | Bayless, G. S. | from | Romy, Robt. L. | 1888 | 108:474 |  | Bayless, Gustavens S. (Assn. in Bankruptcy of) | to | | 1878 | 75:496 |  | Bayless, Gustavus S. (Bankryptcy to G. W. Seavey Assignee) | to | | 1878 | 75:496 |  | Bayless, H. D. | to | Bayless, W. C. | 1879 | 83:314 |  | Bayless, H. D. & W. C. | from | Bayless, Francis L. | 1877 | 72:174 |  | Bayless, J. T. (Adm.) | to | Harter, Phillip | 1866 | 38:634 |  | Bayless, Jas. H. | to | Baldwin, J. F. | 1865 | 39:102 |  | Bayless, Jas. H. | from | Bayless, L. S. | 1865 | 36:453 |  | Bayless, Jas. H. | from | Bayless, Lott S. | 1866 | 41:324 |  | Bayless, Jas. H. | from | Ewing, Geo. W. | 1865 | 39:103 |  | Bayless, Jas. T. | to | Gonty, Jas. M. | 1861 | 28:176 |  | Bayless, Jas. T. (Adm.) | to | Bond, S. B. | 1867 | 42:578 |  | Bayless, L. E. | to | Prior, R. L. | 1883 | 91:71 |  | Bayless, L. S. | to | Bayless, Jas. H. | 1865 | 36:453 |  | Bayless, L. S. | to | Busse, Wm. | 1863 | 30:585 |  | Bayless, L. S. | from | Hawes, J. P. (Ex.) | 1864 | 35:186 |  | Bayless, L. S. | from | Hunt, Caleb S. | 1864 | 35:183 |  | Bayless, L. S. | from | Hunt, Caleb S. | 1864 | 35:184 |  | Bayless, L. S. | to | Tagtmier, Danl. | 1863 | 30:585 |  | Bayless, L. S. | to | Yergens, Wm. | 1863 | 30:585 |  | Bayless, L. S. (Assignee) | from | State of Indiana | 1845 | 81:77 |  | Bayless, Leah E. | from | Schele, John H. | 1890 | 118:175 |  | Bayless, Leah E. | from | State | 1886 | 102:231 |  | Bayless, Leah E. (Et al.) | to | Meyers, William | 1895 | 141:177 |  | Bayless, Leah Ett | to | Chase, Augusta (Et al.) | 1902 | 170:240 |  | Bayless, Leah Ett. | to | White, James B. | 1877 | 70:560 |  | Bayless, Leah Ette | from | Chase, Reuben C. (Et al.) | 1902 | 170:239 |  | Bayless, Leah Ette | from | Sheriff | 1878 | 74:364 |  | Bayless, Leah Ette | from | White, James B. | 1874 | 64:318 |  | Bayless, Leahette | from | Archer, John H. | 1873 | 61:554 |  | Bayless, Leahette | from | White, James B. | 1877 | 70:556 |  | Bayless, Leonora B. | to | Baker, Kilian | 1891 | 113:499 |  | Bayless, Lot L. | to | Baker, Henry | 1857 | T:644 |  | Bayless, Lot L. | to | Baker, Jacob | 1857 | T:644 |  | Bayless, Lot L. | to | Baker, Killian | 1857 | T:644 |  | Bayless, Lot S. | to | Baker, Henry | 1863 | 33:24 |  | Bayless, Lot S. | to | Baker, Jacob | 1863 | 33:24 |  | Bayless, Lot S. | to | Baker, Kilian | 1863 | 33:24 |  | Bayless, Lot S. | from | Bellamy, Caroline | 1854 | P:604 |  | Bayless, Lot S. | to | Bouman, Alfred N. | 1854 | O:373 |  | Bayless, Lot S. | to | Hough, John | 1864 | 34:404 |  | Bayless, Lot S. | to | Moore, Edwin | 1853 | O:271 |  | Bayless, Lot S. | to | Nutman, C. L. | 1864 | 32:452 |  | Bayless, Lot S. | to | Riossean, William | 1855 | R:351 |  | Bayless, Lot S. | to | Robinson, R. D. | 1864 | 32:195 |  | Bayless, Lot S. | from | Trus. Wabash & Erie Canal | 1852 | 113:566 |  | Bayless, Lot S. | from | Trus. Wabash & Erie Canal | 1853 | 113:564 |  | Bayless, Lot S. | from | Trus. Wabash & Erie Canal | 1853 | 113:568 |  | Bayless, Lot S. | to | Trustees Aboit Tp. | 1864 | 42:595 |  | Bayless, Lott | from | Rockhill, William | 1860 | 26:197 |  | Bayless, Lott L. | from | Bowman, Alfred N. | 1854 | O:484 |  | Bayless, Lott S. | to | Baker, J. H. & K. | 1857 | 96:245 |  | Bayless, Lott S. | to | Bayless, Alex H. | 1866 | 41:323 |  | Bayless, Lott S. | to | Bayless, Jas. H. | 1866 | 41:324 |  | Bayless, Lott S. | to | Bayless, S. D. | 1867 | 45:146 |  | Bayless, Lott S. | to | Bayless, S. D. | 1867 | 46:74 |  | Bayless, Lott S. | from | Bellamy, Caroline H. | 1850 | L:610 |  | Bayless, Lott S. | from | Gray, Thomas | 1864 | 35:186 |  | Bayless, Lott S. | to | Holmes, Alexander | 1867 | 46:56 |  | Bayless, Lott S. | from | State of Indiana | 1845 | 98:443 |  | Bayless, Lott S. | from | State of Indiana | 1845 | 98:443 |  | Bayless, Lott S. | from | State of Indiana | 1845 | 98:444 |  | Bayless, Lott S. | from | State of Indiana | 1845 | 98:444 |  | Bayless, Lott S. | from | Trustees W. & E. Canal | 1855 | 31:502 |  | Bayless, Lott S. | from | Wabash & Erie Canal | 1845 | 117:512 |  | Bayless, Lott S. | from | Wabash & Erie Canal | 1853 | 117:552 |  | Bayless, Lott S. | from | Wabash & Erie Canal | 1856 | 117:515 |  | Bayless, Lott S. | from | Wabash & Erie Canal | 1862 | 117:514 |  | Bayless, Lott. S. | to | Blee, Thos. | 1863 | 83:85 |  | Bayless, Lucy C. | from | Deel, F. m. | 1870 | 51:42 |  | Bayless, Lucy C. | to | Williamson, Alex | 1871 | 61:461 |  | Bayless, M. J. | from | Hoover, Wm. | 1872 | 54:646 |  | Bayless, M. J. | to | Mohr, Lewis | 1887 | 105:323 |  | Bayless, M. J. | to | Shoaff, S. W. | 1879 | 80:534 |  | Bayless, M. J. | from | Shoup, Wm. H. | 1879 | 80:533 |  | Bayless, M. W. | to | Miner, Byrum D. | 1857 | U:217 |  | Bayless, M. W. | to | Wagner, H. G. | 1862 | 29:39 |  | Bayless, Marquis W. | from | Shoaff, Samuel H. | 1852 | R:219 |  | Bayless, Matilda J. | from | Shoaff, Jno. P. | 1874 | 67:197 |  | Bayless, S. D. | from | Bayless, Addie | 1867 | 45:146 |  | Bayless, S. D. | from | Bayless, Lott S. | 1867 | 45:146 |  | Bayless, S. D. | from | Bayless, Lott S. | 1867 | 46:74 |  | Bayless, S. D. | to | Irwin, Isaac W. | 1864 | 32:271 |  | Bayless, S. D. | to | Krick, Emanuel | 1860 | 26:271 |  | Bayless, S. D. | to | Riedmiller, John | 1862 | 28:549 |  | Bayless, S. D. | to | Strong, Harriet E. | 1863 | 30:185 |  | Bayless, S. D. | to | Turner, Levi | 1863 | 32:62 |  | Bayless, S. D. (Grdn.) | to | Hanna, Samuel T. | 1870 | 52:596 |  | Bayless, S. S. | to | Bayless, T. L. | 1876 | 69:302 |  | Bayless, Scott S. | to | Crouse, Jesse | 1882 | 166:549 |  | Bayless, Sol D. | from | Dickerson, Henry | 1862 | 28:384 |  | Bayless, Sol D. | to | Ft. W. Rink. Assctn. | 1869 | 50:398 |  | Bayless, Sol D. | to | W. & V. Good S. Ch. | 1869 | 50:130 |  | Bayless, Sol. (Et al.) | from | Bayless, Sol. D. | 1873 | 59:32 |  | Bayless, Sol. D. | to | Bayless, G. S. | 1868 | 57:425 |  | Bayless, Sol. D. | to | Bayless, Sol. (Et al.) | 1873 | 59:32 |  | Bayless, Sol. D. | to | Ganty, James M. | 1869 | 50:389 |  | Bayless, Sol. D. | to | Geislen, Wm. | 1863 | 30:406 |  | Bayless, Sol. D. | from | Hamilton, Allen | 1863 | 33:256 |  | Bayless, Sol. D. | from | Hanna, Samuel | 1862 | 28:248 |  | Bayless, Sol. D. | from | Rayhouser, R. C. F. | 1862 | 29:129 |  | Bayless, Sol. D. | to | Rudolph, Wm. | 1863 | 30:406 |  | Bayless, Sol. D. | from | Sheriff | 1860 | 26:269 |  | Bayless, Sol. D. | from | Turner, Levi | 1863 | 32:61 |  | Bayless, Solomon | from | Morris, John S. | 1857 | U:302 |  | Bayless, Solomon D. | from | Brackenridge, Robert J. | 1853 | O:571 |  | Bayless, Solomon D. | from | Dolan, Edward M. | 1862 | 28:204 |  | Bayless, Solomon D. | from | Ewing, George W. | 1863 | 31:197 |  | Bayless, Solomon D. | from | Pelky, James | 1857 | U:302 |  | Bayless, T. L. | from | Bayless, S. S. | 1876 | 69:302 |  | Bayless, T. W. | to | Byall, William | 1863 | 33:54 |  | Bayless, T. W. | from | Donahoo, William | 1864 | 34:284 |  | Bayless, T. W. | to | Lunaford, Abigail | 1864 | 32:22 |  | Bayless, T. W. | from | Sprankle, Geo. | 1863 | 33:53 |  | Bayless, T. W. | to | Young, H. J. | 1864 | 32:276 |  | Bayless, Thaddeus W. | to | McCurdy, Henry | 1859 | X:43 |  | Bayless, Thaddeus W. | from | Trustees W. & E. Canal | 1853 | X:38 |  | Bayless, Thadeas W. | from | Kamm, Jacob | 1863 | 32:27 |  | Bayless, Thadeus | from | Riker, Jacob J. | 1863 | 30:592 |  | Bayless, W. C. | from | Bayless, H. D. | 1879 | 83:314 |  | Bayless, W. C. | to | Perrin, Ella | 1881 | 85:1 |  | Bayley, Hugh | to | Wehler, Louisa | 1881 | 84:308 |  | Baylis, Harry (Et al.) | to | Edgerton, Jos. K. | 1884 | 95:507 |  | Bayonlon, Jonathan (Estate) | to | Poinset, Samuel | 1858 | W:12 |  | Baysinger, James (Et ux.) | from | McColough, James | 1901 | 165:234 |  | Baysinger, James A. (Et ux.) | from | Miller, John H. | 1901 | 165:456 |  | Bazin, Jno. S. | to | Purcell, Jno. B. | 1848 | 45:60 |  | Bazin, John S. | from | Dela, Harlandiere C. | 1847 | 45:58 |  | Bazire, Jean Jaques | from | Mangeot, John | 1854 | P:448 |  | Bazire, Jean Jaques | to | Mangeot, John | 1855 | R:211 |  | Bazire, Jno. J. | from | Taylor, John | 1865 | 36:410 |  | Bazire, John | to | Taylor, John | 1867 | 43:277 |  |