ACGSI - Allen County Deed Index
Parties to the Deed | Year | Deed Book Citation | Image Link |
Ayers, Charles | from | Martin, Jno. T. | 1871 | 53:247 |  | Ayers, Chas. | to | Platter, Lemuel | 1875 | 66:83 |  | Ayers, Eliza K. | from | Babcock, A. M. (Et al.) | 1888 | 107:157 |  | Ayers, Henry | to | Furguson, John | 1866 | 40:271 |  | Ayers, Henry P. | to | Archer, Jno. H. | 1868 | 46:535 |  | Ayers, Louise M. | to | Essinger, John | 1892 | 123:387 |  | Ayers, S. B. | to | Devany, David | 1868 | 45:334 |  | Ayers, S. B. | from | Pickrell, A. J. | 1866 | 39:592 |  | Ayers, S. B. | from | Pickrell, A. J. | 1866 | 39:591 |  | Ayers, S. B. | to | Skinner, Jas. H. | 1868 | 45:462 |  | Ayers, Stephen C. | to | Fisher, Samuel S. (Et al.) | 1900 | 160:173 |  | Ayers, Stephen C. (Ex.) | to | Archer, Olive E. | 1892 | 123:231 |  | Ayers, Susan | from | Jones, E. F. | 1881 | 84:172 |  | Ayers, Susan | to | Jones, Wm. F. | 1881 | 84:173 |  | Ayle, Christian | from | Snider, Henry | 1865 | 37:556 |  | Aylsworth, Charles W. | from | Bowen, William | 1852 | O:219 |  | Aylsworth, N. J. | from | Dille, Jos. H. | 1876 | 67:413 |  | Aynes, H. P. | from | Auditor of Allen County | 1856 | S:350 |  | Aynes, Henry P. | to | Bond, Charles D. | 1859 | V:496 |  | Aynes, Henry P. | to | Jones, William H. | 1857 | U:99 |  | Aynes, Henry P. | to | Strope, Dennis B. | 1858 | V:226 |  | Aynes, William | to | Hawkins, Robert | 1855 | S:603 |  | Ayres, Eliza K. | from | Ayres, S. C. | 1888 | 107:156 |  | Ayres, Emely P. | to | Hoagland, Phiny | 1860 | 26:172 |  | Ayres, Henry B. | to | Ayres, Stephen C. | 1890 | 115:263 |  | Ayres, Henry P. | to | | 1858 | W:99 |  | Ayres, Henry P. | from | Archer, John H. | 1868 | 46:165 |  | Ayres, Henry P. | to | Ayres, S. C. | 1880 | 80:392 |  | Ayres, Henry P. | from | Baldwin, Joshua | 1854 | S:390 |  | Ayres, Henry P. | from | Bond, Charles D. | 1859 | V:490 |  | Ayres, Henry P. | to | Brandriff, Alfred D. | 1858 | V:182 |  | Ayres, Henry P. | from | Brandriff, Alfred D. | 1858 | V:210 |  | Ayres, Henry P. | from | Columbia, Christopher | 1853 | P:196 |  | Ayres, Henry P. | to | Danson, John W. | 1858 | W:45 |  | Ayres, Henry P. | to | Drage, Christian | 1863 | 31:97 |  | Ayres, Henry P. | to | Drage, Henry | 1863 | 31:97 |  | Ayres, Henry P. | from | Dykes, Agnes | 1874 | 63:616 |  | Ayres, Henry P. | to | Freeman, Maklon D. | 1861 | 27:286 |  | Ayres, Henry P. | to | Freeman, Newton B. | 1860 | 27:287 |  | Ayres, Henry P. | to | Johns, Alfred S. | 1859 | X:349 |  | Ayres, Henry P. | to | Koester, Christian | 1861 | 28:45 |  | Ayres, Henry P. | to | Meyer, Christopher | 1861 | 28:39 |  | Ayres, Henry P. | to | Myers, Christopher | 1862 | 28:343 |  | Ayres, Henry P. | to | Saul, William | 1861 | 28:45 |  | Ayres, Henry P. | to | Schurman, H. F. C. | 1860 | Y:390 |  | Ayres, Henry P. | to | Wilt, John M. | 1863 | 35:61 |  | Ayres, Henry P. | to | Woodward & Young | 1861 | 28:132 |  | Ayres, Henry P. | to | Woodward, Marins E. | 1862 | 30:153 |  | Ayres, Henry P. | to | Young, Nathaniel B. | 1862 | 30:153 |  | Ayres, Henry P. (Nent) | to | Drage, Henry | 1861 | 28:000 |  | Ayres, L. B. | from | Mott, Saml. R. | 1865 | 38:113 |  | Ayres, S. C. | to | Ayres, Eliza K. | 1888 | 107:156 |  | Ayres, S. C. | from | Ayres, Henry P. | 1880 | 80:392 |  | Ayres, S. C. | from | Crabbs, Elizabeth | 1883 | 92:71 |  | Ayres, S. C. | to | Herrick, M. E. | 1889 | 111:586 |  | Ayres, S. C. | from | Siemon, Aug. F. | 1868 | 47:184 |  | Ayres, Stephen C. | from | Ayres, Henry B. | 1890 | 115:263 |  | Ayres, Stephen C. | to | Horn, Fredk. W. | 1892 | 123:509 |  | Ayres, Stephen C. | to | Kalbacker, A. | 1889 | 112:33 |  | Ayres, W. D. | from | Jones, H. L. | 1879 | 90:393 |  | Ayres, W. D. | to | Williams, S. M. | 1883 | 90:394 |  | Ayres, Washington | from | Stewart, James W. | 1848 | I:355 |  | Ayses, Henry P. | to | Conrad, Victor L. | 1860 | 26:263 |  |