ACGSI - Allen County Deed Index
Parties to the Deed | Year | Deed Book Citation | Image Link |
Asa, Peabody | from | Anderson, John | 1863 | 30:479 | | Asenbaugh, Reb. | from | Didier, Joseph | 1869 | 50:183 | | Asendorf, Eleanor | to | Nemeyer, Henry | 1869 | 47:213 | | Asendorf, Elenora | from | Swartz, A. M. | 1872 | 56:513 | | Ash & Starkey | from | Hall, Andrew S. | 1865 | 38:339 | | Ash and Agnew | to | McCartney, P. | 1864 | 32:363 | | Ash and Agnew | to | Morris, John | 1865 | 49:135 | | Ash, Addie W. | from | Fairfield, Asa | 1867 | 44:83 | | Ash, Addie W. | to | Starkey, H. A. | 1868 | 44:448 | | Ash, Addie W. | from | Starkey, H. H. | 1868 | 44:449 | | Ash, H. J. | from | Baker, A. J. | 1882 | 89:282 | | Ash, H. J. | from | Horning, Max | 1893 | 130:302 | | Ash, H. J. | from | Horning, Sarah A. | 1893 | 130:302 | | Ash, H. J. | from | Juergens, Henry A. | 1892 | 124:151 | | Ash, Henry | from | Jemegan, Joseph L. | 1866 | 42:184 | | Ash, Henry | from | Jernegan, Jos. L. | 1866 | 42:184 | | Ash, Henry | to | Leeson, John | 1866 | 42:292 | | Ash, Henry | to | Leison, John | 1866 | 42:292 | | Ash, Henry F. | to | Ash, Margaret | 1882 | 135:236 | | Ash, Henry J. | from | Agnew, Edward | 1865 | 38:180 | | Ash, Henry J. | from | Agnew, Edward | 1865 | 38:180 | | Ash, Henry J. | from | Agnew, Edward | 1865 | 38:180 | | Ash, Henry J. | from | Aldrich, Chas. H. | 1893 | 130:130 | | Ash, Henry J. | to | Barr, Robert | 1893 | 131:72 | | Ash, Henry J. | to | Barr, Robt. | 1893 | 131:280 | | Ash, Henry J. | from | Bond, Stephen D. | 1890 | 116:623 | | Ash, Henry J. | from | Bowen, Danl. W. | 1892 | 123:200 | | Ash, Henry J. | to | Cory, Amos H. (Et ux.) | 1902 | 170:498 | | Ash, Henry J. | from | Dibble, Laura | 1864 | 31:517 | | Ash, Henry J. | from | Fairfield, Charles | 1863 | 31:499 | | Ash, Henry J. | from | Fairfield, Jas. M. | 1869 | 50:128 | | Ash, Henry J. | from | Folsom, Benjamin | 1863 | 30:56 | | Ash, Henry J. | from | Folsom, Dennis J. | 1863 | 30:57 | | Ash, Henry J. | from | French, R. Morgan | 1863 | 31:499 | | Ash, Henry J. | to | Golden, Angie | 1896 | 143:176 | | Ash, Henry J. | from | Gunkler, John | 1892 | 124:508 | | Ash, Henry J. | to | Gunkler, John | 1892 | 125:401 | | Ash, Henry J. | from | Henry, William H. | 1899 | 155:136 | | Ash, Henry J. | to | Henry, Wm. H. | 1894 | 133:150 | | Ash, Henry J. | from | Henry, Wm. H. | 1894 | 133:151 | | Ash, Henry J. | to | Horning, Max. (Et ux.) | 1893 | 130:310 | | Ash, Henry J. | to | Jenisen, Wm. T. | 1867 | 43:234 | | Ash, Henry J. | to | Jenison, William T. | 1867 | 43:234 | | Ash, Henry J. | to | Jnerjens, Henry A. | 1892 | 124:152 | | Ash, Henry J. | to | Landstofer, Geo. Jr. | 1895 | 140:167 | | Ash, Henry J. | from | Lee, Samuel S. | 1899 | 153:279 | | Ash, Henry J. | to | Lew, Matilda | 1897 | 144:497 | | Ash, Henry J. | from | Lew, Matilda | 1897 | 144:495 | | Ash, Henry J. | to | McConnell, Caroline | 1863 | 31:40 | | Ash, Henry J. | to | Robinson, Elijah (Et ux.) | 1899 | 154:364 | | Ash, Henry J. | to | Shannon, Saml. P. | 1895 | 140:144 | | Ash, Henry J. | from | Smith, Mortimore | 1892 | 123:201 | | Ash, Henry J. | to | Starkey, A. L. | 1880 | 49:54 | | Ash, Henry J. | from | Starkey, O. L. | 1868 | 50:129 | | Ash, Henry J. (Etu.) | to | Carles, John | 1891 | 121:446 | | Ash, Henry L | from | Stophlet, Saml. | 1864 | 32:291 | | Ash, James H. | from | Colerick, Walpole G. | 1868 | 170:351 | | Ash, Margaret | from | Ash, Henry F. | 1882 | 135:236 | | Ash, Margaret | to | Stirlen, Alexander | 1882 | 135:238 | | Ash, N. J. | from | Barr, Rpbt. (Et al.) | 1893 | 130:302 | | Ashbrook, Ella F. | from | Hough, Sarah D. | 1891 | 120:135 | | Ashbrook, Ella F. | to | Keyser, Jacob M. | 1892 | 125:190 | | Ashbrook, Ella F. (Et al.) | to | Christ, Otto | 1891 | 120:195 | | Ashbume,Mark | to | Scoles, Jeremiah | 1860 | 26:338 | | Ashburn, Jno. N. | to | Taylor, Susan W. | 1891 | 124:94 | | Ashby, Lavinia | to | Farmer, Wm. | 1878 | 74:456 | | Ashby, Lavinia | to | Former, Wm. | 1878 | 74:456 | | Asher, Lorain | to | Asher, Verner | 1896 | 142:244 | | Asher, Lorain (Et ux.) | from | Smaltz, George | 1887 | 104:39 | | Asher, Lottie D. | from | Michael, Phenie | 1902 | 167:487 | | Asher, Verner | from | Asher, Lorain | 1896 | 142:244 | | Asher, Verner | to | Knepper, Caleb (Et ux.) | 1901 | 162:96 | | Asher, Verner T. | from | Schrader, Henry C. (Comr.) | 1901 | 163:5 | | Ashlen, Amandus E. | to | Grier, Joseph H. | 1891 | 120:305 | | Ashler, E. D. | to | Hood, Henry (Et al.) | 1890 | 117:440 | | Ashley, A. A. | to | Mortiz, Jno. M. | 1892 | 124:211 | | Ashley, Adessa M. | to | Mayhew, James H. (Et ux.) | 1898 | 149:273 | | Ashley, Adessa M. | from | Miller, Wm. Henry S. | 1898 | 149:60 | | Ashley, Adessa M. | to | Miller, Wm. Henry S. | 1902 | 169:461 | | Ashley, Alacthen A. | from | Rundel, Charles | 1875 | 65:330 | | Ashley, Alathea A. | to | Craig, James C. (Et al.) | 1898 | 150:290 | | Ashley, Aleatha A. | from | Sheriff | 1896 | 142:336 | | Ashley, Amandus E. | from | Vesey, William J. (Et.) | 1890 | 120:307 | | Ashley, E. D. | to | Ashley, Lewrendus B. | 1854 | Q:582 | | Ashley, E. D. | from | Barnes, Luther H. | 1853 | O:427 | | Ashley, E. D. | from | Chapman, Geo. W. | 1864 | 45:531 | | Ashley, E. D. | to | Closson, Siam | 1873 | 60:311 | | Ashley, E. D. | to | Cochran, Geo. W. | 1869 | 59:224 | | Ashley, E. D. | to | Cochrana, Geo. W. | 1869 | 59:229 | | Ashley, E. D. | to | Eckles, N. P. | 1875 | 69:212 | | Ashley, E. D. | to | Fink, Jacob | 1875 | 66:232 | | Ashley, E. D. | to | Fink, Mary | 1874 | 66:231 | | Ashley, E. D. | to | Godard, E. A. | 1868 | 44:304 | | Ashley, E. D. | to | Godard, E. A. | 1868 | 48:12 | | Ashley, E. D. | from | Gordard, E. A. | 1868 | 44:437 | | Ashley, E. D. | to | Hood, H. & T. | 1871 | 100:501 | | Ashley, E. D. | from | Manning, Jno. | 1864 | 35:68 | | Ashley, E. D. | from | Manning, Jno. (Heirs) | 1863 | 31:249 | | Ashley, E. D. | to | Maxfield, Orange W. | 1874 | 65:201 | | Ashley, E. D. | to | Schlatter, Benjamin | 1875 | 64:481 | | Ashley, E. D. | from | Schlaughter, C. | 1868 | 44:301 | | Ashley, E. D. | to | Smith, Sarah J. | 1870 | 66:46 | | Ashley, E. D. | from | Timbrook, Jno. | 1874 | 63:311 | | Ashley, E. V. | from | Commissioner in Partition | 1885 | 98:585 | | Ashley, E.D. | to | Henry, George | 1858 | W:499 | | Ashley, Emma V. (Et al.) | to | Thomas, Nancy J. | 1901 | 161:17 | | Ashley, Eramus D. | to | Cathren, George W. | 1863 | 33:440 | | Ashley, Erasmus D. | to | Cathren, Caath S. | 1863 | 33:440 | | Ashley, Erasmus D. | to | Sappnigton, Jacob | 1863 | 30:263 | | Ashley, Erastmust D. | to | Timbrook, John | 1874 | 62:173 | | Ashley, G. L. & T. H. | from | Doctor, N. C. & S. A. | 1879 | 77:415 | | Ashley, Geo. H. | to | Buhre, Henry | 1866 | 40:175 | | Ashley, Geo. H. | from | Hartman, Geo. R. | 1865 | 39:116 | | Ashley, Geo. H. | to | Johnson, Joseph | 1865 | 40:21 | | Ashley, Geo. H. | from | Rudisill, A. L. | 1863 | 44:257 | | Ashley, Geo. H. | from | Rudisill, E. C. | 1863 | 44:257 | | Ashley, Geo. H. | from | Rudisill, Elizabeth | 1863 | 44:257 | | Ashley, Geo. H. | from | State of Indiana | 1846 | 96:101 | | Ashley, Geo. H. (Gard.) | to | Roberts, Franklin | 1867 | 52:100 | | Ashley, Geo. L. | from | Ashley, Theo. H. | 1881 | 84:380 | | Ashley, Geo. L. | to | Ashley, Theo. H. | 1881 | 84:379 | | Ashley, Geo. L. | from | Doctor, N. C. | 1879 | 77:464 | | Ashley, Geo. L. | to | Doctor, N. C. & S. A. | 1879 | 77:539 | | Ashley, Geo. L. (Et al.) | from | Miller, Jeremiah | 1885 | 97:56 | | Ashley, George H. | to | Applegate, Henry | 1861 | 28:312 | | Ashley, George H. | to | Buhn, Henry | 1866 | 40:175 | | Ashley, George H. | to | Buhr, Henry | 1864 | 35:282 | | Ashley, George H. | to | Buhre, Henry | 1866 | 40:175 | | Ashley, George H. | to | Cunningham, David F. | 1864 | 35:301 | | Ashley, George H. | to | Edgerton, Joseph K. | 1863 | 32:131 | | Ashley, George H. | to | Johnson, Joseph | 1865 | 40:21 | | Ashley, George H. | to | Johnson, Joseph | 1865 | 40:21 | | Ashley, George H. | to | Trstee of M. E. Church | 1864 | 35:302 | | Ashley, George L. | to | Doctor, Nathan C. & S. A. | 1876 | 72:379 | | Ashley, Isaac | from | Ashley, Simeon | 1844 | Y:600 | | Ashley, Jno. J. | to | Harris, Samuel | 1864 | 38:186 | | Ashley, Jno. L. (Et al.) | to | Griswould, R. | 1848 | 100:579 | | Ashley, John | to | Griswold, Polly | 1843 | 75:91 | | Ashley, John | to | Griswold, Polly | 1843 | 75:91 | | Ashley, John J. | to | Harris, Samuel | 1864 | 38:186 | | Ashley, John J. | to | Harris, Samuel | 1864 | 38:186 | | Ashley, Joseph | to | Biemer, George | 1870 | 52:60 | | Ashley, Joseph | from | Brown, John | 1870 | 51:47 | | Ashley, Larendus B. | to | Taylor, Arthur M.. | 1856 | X:316 | | Ashley, Larendus, B. | to | Henry, George | 1858 | w:499 | | Ashley, Leurendus B. | from | Parker, Allen J. | 1854 | Q:582 | | Ashley, Lewrendus B. | from | Ashley, E. D. | 1854 | Q:582 | | Ashley, Mary E. (Et al.) | from | Schnelker, H. F. (Et al.) | 1892 | 127:349 | | Ashley, Philo H. | to | Rundel, Charles | 1875 | 65:355 | | Ashley, Simeon | to | Ashley, Isaac | 1844 | Y:600 | | Ashley, Sl. | from | Showers, David | 1872 | 49:324 | | Ashley, Susan L. | to | Eckles, Sam'l M. | 1873 | 67:309 | | Ashley, T. H. | to | Doctor, N. C. & S. A. | 1879 | 77:414 | | Ashley, Theo. H | from | Snyder, E. M. | 1889 | 112:50 | | Ashley, Theo. H. | to | Ashley, Geo. L. | 1881 | 84:380 | | Ashley, Theo. H. | from | Ashley, Geo. L. | 1881 | 84:379 | | Ashlin, William | to | Holmes, A. J. | 1869 | 44:497 | | Ashly, E. D. | from | Chapman, Geo. W. | 1863 | 33:90 | | Ashrlman (Heirs) | to | Kell, Jacob | 1865 | 35:467 | | Ashton, Ambrose | to | Ashton, Geo. F. (Et ux.) | 1890 | 118:313 | | Ashton, Ambrose | to | Ashton, Joseph L. | 1892 | 133:59 | | Ashton, Ambrose | to | Doering, Nellie A. | 1894 | 137:207 | | Ashton, Ambrose | to | Doering, Nellie A. (Et al.) | 1894 | 137:208 | | Ashton, Ambrose | from | Ewing, G. W. & W. G. | 1859 | 27:10 | | Ashton, Ambrose | from | Hood, Amy | 1866 | 45:588 | | Ashton, Ambrose | from | Johnson, Joseph | 1873 | 61:277 | | Ashton, Ambrose | from | Mills, Samuel | 1866 | 47:173 | | Ashton, Ambrose | from | Townley, J. W. (Et al.) | 1881 | 83:314 | | Ashton, Ambrose | from | Williams, A. T. (Et al.) | 1881 | 83:314 | | Ashton, E. J. | from | Cummins, Martha | 1887 | 103:517 | | Ashton, Elizabeth J. | from | Cummings, Martha | 1889 | 114:638 | | Ashton, Geo. F. | to | Griffith, Saml. T. | 1896 | 143:372 | | Ashton, Geo. F. (Et al.) | to | Ashton, Mark | 1896 | 145:321 | | Ashton, Geo. F. (Et ux.) | from | Ashton, Ambrose | 1890 | 118:313 | | Ashton, Huldah | from | Coomer, S. C. | 1863 | 31:558 | | Ashton, Joseph L. | from | Ashton, Ambrose | 1892 | 133:59 | | Ashton, Joseph L. | from | Keefer, Lillie D. | 1901 | 162:467 | | Ashton, M. (Et al.) | to | Hood, Robt. | 1880 | 81:466 | | Ashton, Marinda | from | Skinner, Jonas | 1872 | 75:417 | | Ashton, Marinda | to | Trustees M. E. Church Harlan | 1879 | 77:66 | | Ashton, Mark | from | Ashton, Geo. F. (Et al.) | 1896 | 145:321 | | Ashton, Mark | to | Cummius, Mattie | 1897 | 149:452 | | Ashton, Mark | from | Doering, Nellie A. (Et al.) | 1896 | 145:320 | | Ashton, Mark | from | Keefer, Lillie D. | 1901 | 162:379 | | Ashton, William | from | Dague, E. D. (Et al.) | 1868 | 47:190 | | Ashworth, F. (Et al.) | to | Hemphill, A. M. | 1879 | 81:293 | | Ashworth, Robt. | from | Barnhart, John | 1865 | 36:297 | | Ashworth, Robt. | from | Pool, Samuel | 1865 | 36:298 | | Ashworth, W. S. | to | Baker & Shie | 1886 | 102:60 | | Askew, Harry L. (Et al.) | from | Henry, James M. | 1902 | 167:73 | | Askins, Jos. & Wm. | from | Dennis, Phillip H. (et al.) | 1875 | 67:273 | | Askley, Geo. (Gard) | to | Maine, Jesse | 1867 | 52:348 | | Askren, Jno. J. | from | Jones, Levi M. | 1889 | 112:398 | | Askren, John J. | to | Trentman, A. C. (Et al.) | 1890 | 115:608 | | Askton, Ambrose | to | Jansen, Almira | 1869 | 50:581 | | Askworth, F. (Et al.) | to | Baker, A. (Et al.) | 1882 | 88:377 | | Asseas, Bernard | from | Schenermann, Fredk. | 1898 | 151:407 | | Assendrop, Anthony | from | Allen Circuit Court | 1902 | 167:262 | | Assendrop, Antony (Et al.) | to | Bacon, Mary E. | 1902 | 167:263 | | Assendrop, Antony (Et al.) | to | Eby, Andrew | 1902 | 166:314 | | Assendrup, B. | to | Ankenbrook, B. | 1889 | 111:456 | | Assendrupe, A. (Et al.) | to | Grice, Jesse | 1891 | 121:610 | | Assendrupe, B. | from | Steinbaugh, Mary | 1885 | 98:82 | | Assendrupe, Bernadina (Et al.) | from | Allen Circuit Court | 1897 | 148:456 | | Assignment Pyke Aug. Ford | to | Wells, C. E. | 1881 | 82:470 | | Assn. in Bankruptcy of Devore | to | | 1878 | 75:449 | | Assn. of Franciscan Sisters of Sacred Heart | to | Favery, Frank A. (Et ux.) | 1901 | 164:254 | | Asterlin, Charles A. | from | Henry, James M. | 1902 | 167:63 | | Astor, John Jacob | from | Chapman, George | 1897 | 148:422 | | Astor, John jacob | from | Chapman, George | 1897 | 148:417 | | Astor, John Jacob | from | Chapman, George | 1897 | 148:418 | | Astor, John Jacob | from | Chapman, George | 1899 | 154:58 | | Astry, Chas. A. | to | Zeis, Arminda | 1894 | 134:56 | | Astry, Geo. A. | to | Astry, Isaac S. | 1893 | 128:254 | | Astry, Geo. A. | from | Astry, Joseph | 1891 | 125:277 | | Astry, George A. | to | Astry, Joseph | 1890 | 115:51 | | Astry, Isaac | from | Morrow, Alice (Etu.) | 1892 | 123:309 | | Astry, Isaac | from | Thompson, Mahala | 1889 | 112:623 | | Astry, Isaac S. | from | Astry, Geo. A. | 1893 | 128:254 | | Astry, Isaac S. | from | Astry, Joseph | 1895 | 144:367 | | Astry, Isaac S. | from | Astry, Samantha A. | 1891 | 121:441 | | Astry, Isaac S. | to | Zeis, Arminda | 1900 | 164:195 | | Astry, Isaac S. (Et al.) | to | Astry, Jonas (Et ux.) | 1900 | 158:50 | | Astry, James | from | Funk, Hannah A. | 1892 | 125:7 | | Astry, James | from | Larne, Almira | 1895 | 137:161 | | Astry, James | from | Larne, J. C. | 1895 | 137:161 | | Astry, Jas. | from | Lyon, L. L. | 1884 | 95:125 | | Astry, Jonas | to | Baumgartner, John | 1856 | T:348 | | Astry, Jonas | from | McEwen, Samuel | 1853 | N:355 | | Astry, Jonas (Et ux.) | from | Astry, Isaac S. (Et al.) | 1900 | 158:50 | | Astry, Joseph | to | Astry, Geo. A. | 1891 | 125:277 | | Astry, Joseph | from | Astry, George A. | 1890 | 115:51 | | Astry, Joseph | to | Astry, Isaac S. | 1895 | 144:367 | | Astry, Mary E. | from | Haifley, Martha E. | 1892 | 125:162 | | Astry, Mary E. | to | Haifley, Martha E. | 1892 | 125:164 | | Astry, Mary E. | from | Keefer, Samuel | 1875 | 65:107 | | Astry, Mary E. | from | Parent, John | 1872 | 57:69 | | Astry, Samantha A. | to | Astry, Isaac S. | 1891 | 121:441 | | Aswalt, Julia F. | from | Bush, Sarah | 1893 | 129:519 | |