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ACGSI - Allen County Deed Index

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Parties to the Deed                                                YearDeed Book
Abbott M. M. W. Co.fromMeyer, H. C. Wm.1892124:236Link to document image
Abbott M. M. W. Co.fromMeyer, Louis W.1892123:558Link to document image
Abbott M. M. Well Co.fromSchaden, Peter W. (Admr.)1898149:447Link to document image
Abbott, Frank H.fromAbbott, Rosetta B.1887103:520Link to document image
Abbott, Frank H.toHeustis, C. D. C.1895142:24Link to document image
Abbott, Frank H. (Et al.)toAbbott, Wm. T.1890122:443Link to document image
Abbott, Jno.toSchlosser, John186538:100Link to document image
Abbott, JohntoSchlosser, John186538:100Link to document image
Abbott, JohntoSchlosser, John186538:10Link to document image
Abbott, M. M. W. Co.fromAbbott, Wm. T.1892122:552Link to document image
Abbott, Mantha C.toAbbott, Wm. T.1889112:344Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toAlden, S. R.188183:344Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toAldo, H. G.1886108:234Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toBiewend, A. B. C.1888109:6Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toBiewend, Sophia1888109:5Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.fromBuecker, Fred188187:227Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toBuecker, Fred188290:466Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toBullerman, H. F.1887106:396Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toCarier, H. & C.1887103:495Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toCarrier, A. H.1888108:162Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toCarrier, Ang. H.1887104:353Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toCentlivre, C. L.1888108:395Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toClose, Jno. W. (Et ux.)1887105:321Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.fromClose, John W.1888108:253Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toCooper, M. C.1889114:118Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.fromCrane, Geo. D. (Assignee)1877103:328Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toCrawford, Nelson1887105:115Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toCressler, A. D.1886108:329Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toCrull, August1888109:7Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.fromCutshall, E. (Et al.)188183:397Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.fromCutshall, E. (Et al.)188183:397Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toDiedrich, H. W.1886108:275Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toDiedrich, H. W.1888109:464Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toDriver, D. D.1887104:308Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toEckert, Frederick1888109:355Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toEdgerton, J. & K.187978:334Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.fromEdsall, Simon188082:286Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.fromEdsall, Simon188080:273Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toElliott, M. J.1887105:312Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toElliott, Mary J.1887103:514Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.fromFelt, F. A. (Guard)188183:421Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.fromFelt, Lucretia (Et al.)188183:397Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toFerguson, M. A.188393:293Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.fromFort Wayne Nat. Bank187984:395Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toFox, Jas.188081:138Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toFox, Louis1886108:233Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toGay, Martin1887105:40Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toGoeglein, Geo.1889110:304Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.fromGolden, M. E.188183:397Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toGriffith, Jno. C.1887105:381Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toGriffith, Jno. C.1888107:311Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toHabecker, Alice M.1887104:448Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toHattersley, Alfred1888112:605Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toHeidrick, F.1887105:199Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toHenderson, I.188087:172Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toHoffman, Chas.1888108:163Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toHoffman, W. H.1888108:156Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toHomung, Agnes188086:582Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toHuestis, A. C.187978:341Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toKleint, C. & W.188182:299Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toKranskopf, P.1887105:92Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toKuhne, F. W.188079:167Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.fromKuhne, F. W. (Et al.)188183:37Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toLingenfelser, J.1888109:12Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toLoas, Geo. W.1888108:368Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toLumbard, S. C.187978:351Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toMcCormick, F.1887104:577Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toMcManus, S. B.187979:174Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toMcPhail, J. A.1887104:48Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toMeyer, H. C. Wm.1888111:96Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toMiller, Jno. M.1888108:490Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toMoellering, Wm.187979:10Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toMoore, W. H.1887104:495Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toMoore, Wm. H.1889112:334Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toMorris, Wm. S.188184:456Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toOlds, Henry G.1889114:270Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toO'Rourke, P. S.187978:346Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toO'Rourke, P. S.1888108:405Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.fromOverley, C. (Et al.)188183:397Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toPage, Wm. D. (Et al.)1887105:322Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toPaul, H. C.1888108:425Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toReuss, Jno. B.1887104:496Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toReuss, Jno. B.1888108:406Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toRichardson, Hannah1887103:492Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toRichardson, Jas. A.1887104:281Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toRichardson, Jas. A.1887103:491Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toSarnighausen, J. D.1887105:71Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toSchafer, L. C.1888109:465Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.fromSchneider, John188183:39Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toSchneider, John1887104:300Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.fromShultz, P. C. (Et al.)188183:397Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.fromSiemon, R. (Et al.)188183:37Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toSnider, John187978:324Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toSnider, John187978:302Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toSnyder, Jno.188183:38Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toStirk, S. W.188082:138Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toStrodel, Jno. G.1888108:168Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toTaylor, J. M. & M. F. Schmetzer187978:331Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toTaylor, John187978:474Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toVernon1887107:561Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toVernon, Ed. E.1888108:380Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toWinegart, Jno. A.1887105:564Link to document image
Abbott, R. B.toWolke, F. H.187978:377Link to document image
Abbott, R. b. (Et ux.)toYoung, Mary M.1887103:331Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.toAbbott, Frank H.1887103:520Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.toBostick, Jno. W.188080:492Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.toCalvin, Elbert1887103:519Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.toCentlivre, L. A.1888122:449Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.toCentlivre, L. A. 1888122:450Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.toCressler, Alfred D.1889114:457Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.fromDuemling, Herman1888156:470Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.fromEdsall, Simon187978:300Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.fromEdsall, Simon1887103:470Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.toFisher, Abel1890115:508Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.toGoshorn, Laura1887103:580Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.toHarding, Fredk.1888115:59Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.toKline, Jacob1890118:398Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.toKlinger, Pauline1890116:323Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.toKranskopf, Philip1888115:277Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.toMcNally, John188080:368Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.toMcNally, John188080:369Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.toMoellering, Wm.1888135:232Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.toOverly, Sarah J.1890117:333Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.toPape, Chas.1888142:247Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.toRastetter, Louis1888118:452Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.toRastetter, Louis1890118:453Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.toRockhill, Emily188080:287Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.toSchroeder, Eliza188080:314Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.toSchroeder, Eliza188080:315Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.toTracey, Jacob W. (Et ux.)1890118:423Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.toTrentman, Jennie A.1890116:260Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.toVanMeter, Eugene1887103:539Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.toVogely, Andrew1888115:181Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.toWebber, Milton M.188080:283Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.toWillard, R. A.188080:393Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B.toWoodworth, C. B. (Et ux.)1888123:493Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B. (Et ux.)toHoffman, Chas. A.1888119:458Link to document image
Abbott, Rosetta B. (Et ux.)toTuseler, Fredk. (Et ux.)1890119:437Link to document image
Abbott, W. J. (Et al.)toBranwer, George1890119:470Link to document image
Abbott, WilliamtoIrwin, Jno. S.186435:140Link to document image
Abbott, William B.toPressler, John1891123:523Link to document image
Abbott, William I. toSchlosser, John186538:109Link to document image
Abbott, William I.toSchlosser, John186538:10Link to document image
Abbott, William T.toCentlivre, Chas. L.1891145:471Link to document image
Abbott, William T.toHough, Sarah D.187976:170Link to document image
Abbott, William T.toHough, Sarah D.187976:172Link to document image
Abbott, William T.fromLindenwood Cemetery186027:403Link to document image
Abbott, William T.toWheeloch, Kent K.1891120:231Link to document image
Abbott, William T.toWood, Oscar D.1893165:369Link to document image
Abbott, William T. (Et ux.)toKeyset, J. M.1890122:309Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. F.fromCochrane, John187770:86Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. F.fromCochrane, John187770:67Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. F.toGaetje, John1891122:48Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. F.fromWilliams, Blin F. (Et.)1890122:443Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. I.toKaough, Wm.1893130:317Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. L.fromKlein, Charles1893128:173Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.fromAbbott, Frank H. (Et al.)1890122:443Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.toAbbott, M. M. W. Co.1892122:552Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.fromAbbott, Mantha C.1889112:344Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.toAlderman, Frank1895142:319Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.fromAuditor1879A:139Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.fromAuditor1879A:139Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.fromBank of the State186330:363Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.toBushor, William1891123:474Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.fromCannon, Chas. H. (Et ux.)1890122:443Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.toDuodik, August1894140:542Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.toEme, Claude F.1892145:543Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.toEme, Clude F.1893145:544Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.toEme, Clude F.1893145:545Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.toEme, Clude F.1893145:546Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.toEme, Clude F.1897144:313Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.toFelton, Josiah188183:196Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.toGaitje, John1891122:379Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.fromHumphrey, George187770:67Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.fromHumphrey, George187770:86Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.toJaap, George1891122:171Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.toKeyser, Jacob M.1891124:400Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.toKlein, Charles1893128:143Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.toKromm, Moses (Et.)1891122:490Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.toMoellering, Wm.1891135:233Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.toPape, Charles1893129:480Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.fromRowan, Mary E.187873:257Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.toSchlosser, John186538:100Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.toSchlosser, John186538:100Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.fromSchnorr, Tobias (Adm.)1893128:143Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.toStoner, Mrs. Rhoda1890117:279Link to document image
Abbott, Wm. T.toTreistroffer, Simeon1894132:273Link to document image
Abbotts, R. B.toGaetje, John1888108:143Link to document image
Abbotts, R. B.toKuhne, F. W. (Et al.)1888108:130Link to document image
Abbotts, R. B.toMcPhail, M. M.1887104:209Link to document image
Abbotts, R. B.toTrentman, A. C.1888108:126Link to document image
Abbotts, R. B.toWebber, M. N.1888108:112Link to document image
Abel, George W.toPfeiffer, Chr. Frank1898149:247Link to document image
Abel, John C.toFigel, Catharine1895137:320Link to document image
Abel, John C.fromFigel, Henry1895137:318Link to document image
Abel, John C.fromJunk, Lena1891113:95Link to document image
Abel, John C.toKennedy, Char. A.1891121:21Link to document image
Abel, John C.fromKennedy, Ranson (Et ux.)1891113:635Link to document image
Abel, John C.fromMcKenzie, John W.1897147:438Link to document image
Abel, John C.toMichael, Herman1897148:502Link to document image
Abel, John C.fromWoods, Alexander1898152:192Link to document image
Abel, John C.toWoods, Alexander (Et ux.)1898152:193Link to document image
Abel, John C. (Et al.)toAlbe, George W.1896149:246Link to document image
Abele, PeterfromGernhardt, William1900157:69Link to document image
Abele, PetertoGernhardt, William1900157:67Link to document image
Abele, PetertoReichhardt, Henry (Et ux.)1903171:332Link to document image
Abele, PeterfromRoberts, Geo. F.1897147:122Link to document image
Abener, MaximusfromBrackenridge, R. (JR.)1853R:509Link to document image
Aber, B. J.fromTaylor, A. J.187051:477Link to document image
Aber, D. C.toPresuhn, Francis188289:255Link to document image
Aber, D. J.fromBittinger, G. L.188392:566Link to document image
Aber, D. J.fromGailey, B. A.188082:107Link to document image
Aber, D. J.toJustus, L. S.187257:148Link to document image
Aber, D. J.toShaffer, Amasa J.187772:434Link to document image
Aber, D. J. & S.fromGibson, H. I. (Et al.)188289:215Link to document image
Aber, D. J. & S.fromMerillat, A. (Et al.)188289:215Link to document image
Aber, D. J. & S.fromMerrillat, August (Guard)188289:293Link to document image
Aber, D. J. & S.fromPerry, E. J. (Et al.)188289:215Link to document image
Aber, D. J. & SusanafromBittinger, G. L.188392:565Link to document image
Aber, D. J. & SusanafromMitten, E. J.188392:566Link to document image
Aber, Davidto1867Link to document image
Aber, DavidtoRollins, C. W.186951:235Link to document image
Aber, DavidtoSheahan, James1867Link to document image
Aber, DavidfromSheehan, Jas.186743:363Link to document image
Aber, David J.fromGailey, Mary187771:502Link to document image
Aber, David J.fromHance, Barbary A.187771:502Link to document image
Aber, David J.toONeil, D. J. (Et ux.)1885103:214Link to document image
Aber, David J.fromShaffer, John186846:237Link to document image
Aber, David J.fromSweet, Nancy Jane187771:502Link to document image
Aber, David J.fromSweet, Winfield S.187771:502Link to document image
Aber, David J.fromTaylor, A. J.187153:418Link to document image
Aber, David J.toWorden, Jno. B.187053:13Link to document image
Aber, David Jas.fromGesinger, David186846:238Link to document image
Aber, SamueltoGorrell, Jesse O. G.187061:41Link to document image
Abgell, Mary C.fromAngell, Byron D.186745:93Link to document image
Abier, ManniefromAllgier, Stephen186432:421Link to document image
Able, A. R.toAble, Mary187670:403Link to document image
Able, Geo. W.fromAble, Mary188597:506Link to document image
Able, Geo. W.fromSheriff187875:246Link to document image
Able, MaryfromAble, A. R.187670:403Link to document image
Able, MarytoAble, Geo. W.188597:506Link to document image
Able, PeterfromMiller, Jacob (Trustee)1897145:241Link to document image
Abner, MaximusfromBarshop, Barbara186432:421Link to document image
Aboit TownshipfromSprankel, John (Et ux.)1887119:593Link to document image
Aboite Tp.fromSwineheart, David186127:579Link to document image
Abrams, Grace H. (Et al.)toWoodworth, Jas. (Et al.)1896141:161Link to document image
Abrams, Sylvia E.toJustus, Sophia A.1898161:66Link to document image

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